#mercury the lizard archer
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merwynpersonalhub · 4 months ago
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@jojo-schmo hey uh a dedede and a mercury found a bubble! Dedede is making sure hes not going to get hurt rghjvh
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chibifox2002 · 1 year ago
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(the thing on his back is a bag)
i feel like he will be a troublemaker for manny...dunno i feel like he would do some pranks on him- (idk if im doing this right if im doing it wrong please forgive me vdjn) DO THIS IF YOU WANT DONT FEEL FORCED OR ANYTHING/GEN
A troublemaker you say?
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Mercury better not mess around, otherwise he'll get the mop handle of wrath!
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merwynpersonalhub · 1 year ago
was looking through your acc and saw this and wanted to do a crack at it.. I DUNNO IF ITS OK TO DO THIS SINCE ITS DECEMBER BUT I WANTED TO TRY IT
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I wanna try something with the kirby fandom
try and make your ocs into different kirby medias
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(teehee, went ahead and done so for mine)
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ssssshhhhh they gossipinnnn
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aryamistwood · 19 days ago
This morning, SSO releases a bunch of new options for first and second horse names. I've tried to sort through and pull which are new.
Did I find out when I was 70% done that SSO had already made the list public and that all of my time was wasted? Yes, but I refuse admit my efforts were in vain.
All Amaryllis Any Arcane Archer Ardent Arrow Aster August Aura Banana Bard Baron Baroness Bell Bill Bolt Boogie Box Bravado Briar Brittle Bulwark Captain Carousel Challenger Champion Charger Chivalry Cinnabar Circus Clash Conqueror Corporal Count Countess Covenant Cow Coyote Creed Crucible Daffodil Dahlia Dauntless Dear Destiny Dino Dryad Earl Element Emperor Empress Enchanted Enigma Epic Errant Eternal Euphoria Even Expedition Express Fabulous Fawn Fear Forest Foxglove Frenzy Frozen Gallant Gargoyle General Genie Glacier Glimmer Goblin Golden Grace Harmony Hazelnut Heart Heliodor Herald Hermit Hill Honor Hope Hyacinth I Impress Inferno Ink Innocent Iris Ivy Jadeite Jasmine Jester Jinx Jolly Joust Justice Karma Knightly Lace Lance Laurel Leaf Lizard Loyalty Mac Mad Maiden Malachite Mandrake Maple Marigold Mars Max Mc Memory Mercury Merry Minstrel Mocha Moose Muffin Musing Nephrite Newt Niccolite Nimbus Nixie Nougat O Oath Olde Oracle Oz Pancake Pandoria Papaya Paradise Patch Peanut Pegasus Peony Pineapple Pixie Pledge Pluto Polo Pony Precious Pretty Puff Puffin Queen Questing Radiant Reindeer Ring Rising Risk Rite Rover Sacred Safe Saffron Sage Shield Sire Slow Smoky Snap Snowball Soda Solar Sorcerer Sorceress Sour Space Sparrow Sprinkles Steed Stellar Super Swan Sword Tango Tanzanite Teak Techno Teddy Tektite Tempest The Tie Torch Tourmaline Tower Trick U Valiant Valor Venus Verdant Virtue Vow Wanderer Warm Watcher Wraith Wyvern Y Yoga Youth Yule Zeppelin Zircon Zoisite Zoom
Able Abyss al ala Alarm ana Arrow ax ay ba Badger Bard Baron Baroness Bearer Blight bo Bravado Brooke by ca Captain ce cha Challenger Charger Chivalry cie Circus City Claw co Coast Cone Conqueror Count Countess Covenant Creed Crucible cy da Dauntless Day Dear Delight Dinosaur do Doria Double Dryad Dutchess dy e Earl ed el Element Elf elle ember en energy enigma er es ess est et ette Euphoria eus Expedition Express ey Fable Flare Flip Forest ful Gallant Gargoyle Genie Giant Goblin Heliodor Herald Hermit ia ian ic ica id ille im ing Innocent ios is ist ite ive ix ja Jadeite jar Jarl Jester Jinx Jolly Joust Justice Karma Kelpie ko la Lace Lance Laurel let ley Lizard lot Loyalty Maiden Malachite Max Minstrel mir mo Moose mor Musing my n na Nephrite ness Newt Nimbus Nixie no Noble nom Nougat ny Oath on one or Oracle ox oz Papaya Paradise Pegasus Pixie Pledge Polo Pony Potato Puff Puffin Questing ra Radiant Reindeer rey ria Rite ro ros Rover Ruler ry s sa Sacred Sage Serpent Shield Soda Sorcerer Sorceress Squire Steed Stellar Sword ta Tale Talon Tango Tanzanite Teak Tech Teddy Thunder tie to ton Tower Trick Trot Trotter ty u us ute Valiant Vixen Vow Wanderer Warlock Well West Wraith Wyrm Wyvern ya yo yx za Zircon zo Zoisite Zoom zy
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horsegamergirl · 19 days ago
Game master Jess shared lists of all First and Second options for names, that were added to the game, total of 439!
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Written down under the cut ↓
First options (total: 211)
A - All, Amaryllis, Any, Arcane, Archer, Ardent, Arrow, Aster, August, Aura B - Banshee, Bard, Baron, Baroness, Bell, Bill, Bolt, Boogie, Boots, Bravado, Briar, Brittle, Buddy, Bulwark C - Captain, Carousel, Challenger, Champion, Charger, Chivalry, Cinnabar, Circus, Conqueror, Corporal, Count, Countess, Covenant, Cow, Creed, Crucible D - Daffodil, Dahlia, Dauntless, Dear, Destiny, Dino, Dryad, Duck E - E, Early, Eld, Element, Emperor, Empress, Enchanted, Enigma, Errant, Eternal, Euphoria, Even, Expedition, Express F - Fabulous, Fawn, Fear, Foxglove, Frozen G - Gallant, Gargoyle, General, Genie, Glacier, Glimmer, Goblin, Golden H - Harmony, Hazelnut, Heart, Heliodor, Herald, Hermit, Honor, Hope, Hyacinth I - I, Impress, Inferno, Ink, Innocent, Iris, Ivy J - Jadeite, Jasmine, Jester, Jinx, Jolly, Joust, Jupiter, Justice K - Karma, Knightly L - Lace, Lance, Laurel, Lizard, Loyalty M - Mac, Mad, Maiden, Malachite, Mandrake, Maple, Marigold, Mars, Max, Mc, Mercury, Merry, Minstrel, Mocha, Moose, Muffin, Musing N - Nephrite, Newt, Niccolite P - Pandoria N - Nimbus, Nixie, Nougat O - O, Oath, Olde, Oracle, Oz P - Pancake, Papaya, Paradise, Patch, Peanut, Pegasus, Peony, Pineapple, Pixie, Pledge, Pluto, Polo, Pony, Precious, Pretty, Puff, Puffin Q - Queen, Questing R - Radiant, Reindeer, Risk, Rite, Rover S - Sacred, Safe, Saffron, Sage, Shield, Sire, Slow, Smoky, Snap, Snowball, Soda, Solar, Sorcerer, Sorceress, Sour, Sparrow, Sprinkles, Squire, Steed, Stellar, Swan, Sword T - Tango, Tanzanite, Teak, Techno, Teddy, Tektite, Tempest, The, Tie, Torch, Tourmaline, Tower, Trick U - U V - Valiant, Valor, Venus, Verdant, Virtue, Vow W - Wanderer, Warm, Watcher, Wraith, Wyvern Y - Y Z - Zeppelin, Zircon, Zoisite, Zoom
Second options (total: 228)
A - a, able, abyss, al, ala, alarm, ana, arrow, ax, ay B - ba, badger. bard, baron, baroness, bearer, blight, bloom, bo, bravado, buddy, by C - ca, captain, ce, cha, challenger, chivalry, cie, circus, city, claw, co, coast, cone, conqueror, count, countess, covenant, creed, crucible, cy D - da, dauntless, day, dear, delight, dinosaur, do, doria, double, dryad, duchess, dy E - e, earl, ed, el, element, elf, elle, ember, energy, enigma, er, es, ess, est, et, ette, euphoria, eus, expedition, express, ey F - fable, flare, flip, forest, ful G - gallant, gargoyle, genie, giant, goblin H - heliodor, herald, hermit I - ia, ian, ic, ica, id, ille, im, ing, innocent, ios, is, ist, ite, ive, ix J - ja, jadeite, jar, jarl, jester, jinx, jolly, joust, justice K - karma, kelpie, ko L - la, lace, lance, laurel, let, ley, lizard, lot, loyalty M - maiden, malachite, max, minstrel, mir, mo, moose, mor, musing, my N - n, na, nephrite, ness, newt, nimbus, nixie, no, noble, nom, nougat, ny O - oath, on, one, or, oracle, os, ox, oz P - papaya, paradise, pegasus, pixie, pledge, polo, pony, potato, puff, puffin Q - questing R - ra, radiant, reindeer, rey, ria, rite, ro, ros, rover, ruler, ry S - s, sa, sacred, sage, serpent, shield, snap, soda, sorcerer, sorceress, squire, steed, stellar, sword T - ta, tale, talon, tango, tanzanite, teak, tech, teddy, thunder, tie, to, ton, tower, trick, trot, trotter, ty U - u, us, ute V - valiant, vixen, vow W - wanderer, warlock, well, west, wraith, wyrm, wyvern Y - ya, yo, yx Z - za, zircon, zo, zoisite, zoom, zy
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merwynpersonalhub · 1 year ago
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GEHEHEHEHHEHW SKNWNWNW SO FINISHED A FANART FOR MY FAVORITE SOMEONE :3 heeeeey @margarita-the-pizzeria-worker :3c :3c
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Tehehehehehheheheee >:3c
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merwyn-oc-askblog · 4 months ago
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Welcome to the Merwyn askblog! Where casual rp stuff and casual askblogs with my pizza tower oc my kirby oc and my spooky month oc. If you are a serious roleplayer please check @theoldsecretkeeper and @deliveringspookzandtreatz !! They are my actual roleplay blogs! This is a blog to just help pass some time
Basic rules: No nsfw, no zionist, no lgbt+ phobes and proship and etcetc- yk basic dni
Mod name is Merwyn, any pronouns, my main is @merwynsartblog and im 18
under readmore is info on the 3 you can ask
Margarita garnish!
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One of Secret kings children or "secret keepers" they like to be called. They are made out of his tears. Margarita is the youngest out of the secret keepers and has a liking towards mortals. Shes currently works with a peppino and is close with him and an ex employee of Pizzahead. shes immortal-ish, a shapeshifter, goes by any pronouns (Bigender), asexual and bi-romantic Full lore here
Mercury the lizard
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A kirby oc about a lizard that is basically the last of his kind. His family sorta tried to sacrifice him to a god and the family got killed in the process. Mercury currently lives with King dedede and is his body guard. He has been possessed by dark matter before and lost his leg due to the process. but hes still pretty much the best archer in dreamland! He has a small group of archer waddle dees he trains. He also has some ice powers. In his 30's, lizard, he/him, bisexual. Working on his lore again.
Marco Garcia
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Marco is the mailman in the town from the show spooky month! She been raised by himself pretty much and raised his 3 siblings by himself so he sorta got a soft spot for youngens.. Shes pretty close to to 2 kids skid and pump! Shes also a victim of a certain cannibal... also dont mind the markings they aint important! its not like shes accidentally a vessel of a cult!
27, human..not a eldritch monster... , leans on she/her but you can use any pronouns (genderfluid), pansexual
working on her lore again too
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merwynpersonalhub · 6 months ago
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@george228732 surprise they poly/silly
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merwynpersonalhub · 6 months ago
M, MK and DDD eeping together :D
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the knight is kneading the king in his sleep/silly
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merwynpersonalhub · 4 months ago
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REDESIGN OF MERCURY- the fluff is sheeps wool which IS VERYYY symbolitic since mercury wasss supposed to be a sacrifice-
also his leg is missing still dw
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merwynpersonalhub · 1 year ago
"LOOK IT WAS CHARACTER PURPOSE I PROMISE" "Thats the most bullshit story i heard!!"
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look they deserve to beat me up AT LEAST ONCE for the bullshit i put them through.
ref under readmore
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i love this image and the context to it sm its so fucking funny to me
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merwynpersonalhub · 6 months ago
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no full full art piece but i likkkkeee to think her robot would make her ice powers into OVERDRIVE and just fuck everything up. and she got a lil sword thing on her tail lol
@george228732 gave me the idea lol
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merwynpersonalhub · 4 months ago
"Whatcha got there"
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merwynpersonalhub · 4 months ago
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i need to redesign him a bit i think again (sorry-) BUTTT- LOOOOK SILLY
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merwynpersonalhub · 6 months ago
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i went nuts- ANYWAYS REDESIGN OF MERCURY AGAIN!!! Same lore as before she was a sacrifice to the ancients because his family was reallly religious and was the only one not killed- met grew up to be a archer and a mercenary- got hired by king dedede- and now they boyfriends and close to kirby, bandana dee and etc etc- only thing that changed is hes dating meta knight as well bc metadede and mercury x dedede can live in harmony- they all gay/pos
also he lost his leg due to him sorrrrrta panicking after his leg got reallly fucked up by dark matter and sorta sliced it off with a sword he found close by- yeahhhh dedede panicked-
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