earlgreyinpajamas · 1 year
Hey can you recommend some find where Merlin, Arthur, Morgana and Gwen are like very close and they are a group. I've red fics where any two of them are close individually but not as a group. I just want to read some fics where all 4 of them are BESTIES and are up to no good.
1. When I Didn't Know The Answer, I Found It In Your Eyes by ironfamjam (@ironfamjam)
 “It was never supposed to end like this. You were both meant for such happier things.”
 “I was always meant to be a tragedy.” Arthur disagrees.
 “Dearest darling, you are the king of kings, this will not be your end.”
With Arthur's death comes a single chance to go back to the beginning and save everyone he's ever loved. Seeing home in Merlin's eyes and a hope for a better world in Morgana's, Arthur knows what he must do.
Only bringing magic back to Camelot will prevent the future he knows is coming from happening, but in his way is the only mountain he's never been able to climb; his father won't change for anyone, not even for his son.
this fic is so well written it is insane
2. And All His Cursed Destiny by DarnGoshit
Maybe Morgana was always going to make Arthur’s life hell, but at least, with Merlin by her side, she looks happy. Now if only Guinevere would stop shooting him lovesick looks. Or- The Gwen-Merlin roleswap au from Arthur’s POV
this is the second part of a series that has them causing trouble and saving the day together
3. Mischief Managed by Mercurial_Magic (@mercurialmagic)
Lord Eldred, a visiting nobleman from Mercia, had arrived a few days before. Gwen had been the one to see him yelling cruel insults at the young servant the King had graciously lent him, and she’d told her Lady right after. Morgana would not stand for such dishonorable behavior of course, so it was to plan a revenge of sorts that her, Gwen, Arthur and Merlin were all gathered in a secluded alcove one summer's day.
you gotta love them
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yanniangniang · 1 year
Rules: Tag 10 people you want to get to know better.
Tagged by @kickassfu. 🥺❤️
Relationship status: ✨ Blissfully single ✨
Favorite colors: Black, red and purple!
Song stuck in my head: Dove Cameron, Khalid - We Go Down Together
Last song i listened to: SIDARTA - Akomi
Three favorite foods:
My mom’s vegetable soup
Shrimp scampi
Rice with fried mushrooms
Last thing i googled: Samsung Galaxy A13 5G
Dream trip: China!
Anything i want right now: Pretty summer dresses and books 💗
I tag: @fwaitw, @mercurialmagic, @yuujies, @kikuism, @austennerdita2533, @jaira, @reginth, @surpheit, @undomiels and @luxaofhesperides.
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translightyagami · 4 years
for the fic prompt request thing, perhaps something like Light prodding/persuading L into telling him that one hidden kink he’s hesitated to divulge for whatever reason. You decide what kinky desire L’s been sitting on! Could be canon setting, could be AU, and honestly both a sfw version or a nsfw one would be fun to read. Just a suggestion for if your muse strikes you!
(i really hemmed and hawed over this bc i was like “what are ... kinks?” but in the end! i really did just write a scene of L in a Starbucks and Light grilling him over the phone. ICONIC for me, i think.)
cross-posted on ao3!
L is in line at Starbucks when Light calls, breathless, to ask a personal question. The businessman behind him grumbles while L holds a finger up to the barista, answering his little red phone reserved for his partner alone.
“Light,” L covers his mouth his hand. “You are calling me in the Starbucks line. I can’t discuss anything right now. Which latte I choose requires all my focus.”
“What’s your secret kink?” Light asks. “Oh, wait. Sorry. Also, do they have the winter cookies still?”
Time slows in L’s head and he, as he’s never done before, steps out of line. This conversation has usurped latte decisions.
“My secret kink?” He spies a table in the corner, takes it, and cradles the phone between his shoulder and ear. “I’m not sure what that means. Do you think I haven’t shared all my sexual interests with you?”
“You’ve been erasing your browser history,” Light says. He’s in their bedroom; L can tell by the thump of him falling back on the bed. It’s a sound that echoes through the Rolodex of fantasies L still keeps in his head. “I know about the spanking thing, and the skirt thing. And we did the cuffs.”
“You’re the one who brought in the cuffs,” L says. “I don’t want to be on the hook for your kinks. Don’t check my browsing history, also. Brats who check my browser history for kinks do not get iced snowmen cookies.”
“As if I haven’t already ordered one of those cookies on the app,” Light shoots back, comforter rustling under him. “Tell me why you’ve been covering your tracks about this, or I’ll have to hack your laptop and then your little teen goon squad will bug you. I know that’s who’s doing your IT, Ryuzaki. I traced their VPN.”
“Oh what a clever boy you are.”
“Shut up,” Light says. He’s quiet, calm before the storm, and his next words are torrential. “Are you ashamed of the kink? Is it nasty?”
L scrubs his hand over his face, pulling his cheeks down and sighing. Yes, he visited a few sites specific to an interest he’d been considering as possibly arousing. He erased his browser history as a precaution, obviously, against cyber hackers. Like the little brat on the phone with him – who he knew took his laptop while he was gone and rummaged through it. While the behavior raised eyebrows at the imaginary relationship councilor in his head, L knew it was less to keep “tabs” on him and more Light making sure his security was actually solid against cyber hackers. But the ex-murder suspect didn’t shy from nosiness while rummaging.
“I can’t tell you the kink,” L says and hears Light draw in a breath to complain. “Ah! Stop. I can’t tell you because I’m in a Starbucks, public, and that would draw attention.” With a deep inhale, L resigned himself to the next two minutes of his life. “You can guess it though.”
“Guess it?” Light’s voice is bright; he smells a challenge. “Okay. But I want a clue.”
“A clue?” Finger tapping on his lip, L considers his options. “All right. The clue is … it’s something to do with authority figures.”
“Mm,” Light strikes a low, thoughtful tenor in his hum. L pictures him on their bed, in soft pants and a shirt that stretches over his lean chest with his university’s logo. Maybe he’s just left the shower – brown hair trailing damp stains on the shirt collar, skin dewy, lashes clumped together. He’ll have his finger to his mouth, a habit he began to mirror from L about a year after they started to live together. Drawing the imaginary lines, this image of Light across the airwaves tugs softly on L’s stomach.
“Authority figures,” Light says. “Well. That makes me think maybe something with military, police uniforms? No, no. That’s not my guess. You’ve never liked uniforms.”
“Too true,” L sniffs. “I’m not attracted to pigs.”
“Oh, witty detective,” Light laughs, a cutlery drawer of a noise. “All right, nothing to do with the state. Maybe power dynamics? In that area?”
“In a sense,” L rubs the back of his neck. “Although it’s a frowned upon use in the setting I’m thinking of.”
“Taboo maybe?”
“Not really,” L shrugs. “More that people find the terms used too close to those used in nonsexual settings.”
“Ah!” A loud finger snap and Light crows. “I know it! I know the kink.”
“Then guess, and put your audience out of its misery.”
“Is it … Daddy kink?” Light asks. “Like, you want someone to call you Daddy.”
“I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable,” L lets out the words faster than he can proofread them in his head. “You’re so close with your father, and I’ve seen people discuss the mudding of the term, and it’s not really about fatherhood, it’s more about the responsibility and the affect and.”
“Ryuzaki,” Light stops him. “I didn’t think it had anything to do with my dad.” His breathing fills the phone for a moment, and its L and Light alone in the universe – no Starbucks or bedrooms. Just them. “So, if I call you Daddy, then what do you call me?”
Lip between his teeth, L stifles a groan. Like his heart is a glove, Light fits himself into it perfectly.
“Well,” L whispers, smearing in his voice all the late night search engine seeking, pasting together of strangers’ in porno with his and Light’s faces as he created the fantasy. “I’d call you princess. My princess.”
There’s a pop, lips parting for a gasp over the phone receiver.
“I like that,” Light says. He takes a long swallow. “I like that name a lot, Daddy.”
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nikoni · 3 years
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thanks sasha! i got tested again this morning after founding out my mom got tested positive last night. i got tested on wedesnday and my results came in yesterday as negative. that same wednesday night my throat started to hurt
my mom had the same symptoms as me: sore throat, coughs, stuffy nose, but no fever. my dad got a fever.
i was able to called out from work today and stay in bed all day. i was paranoid these pass 3 days cause i might’ve infect someone while working. i’ve been trying to keep my distance from everybody
my parents are doing better!! thank you!! i’m just worry about not getting my hamster sick…
i hope you have a speedy recovery as well!!
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suuho · 3 years
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No <3
i think, that’s just cowardice. 😤
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plaguedbyvisions · 3 years
thanks for tagging me @itnevermatteredifiownedyou <3
Rules: name 10 songs you enjoy by 10 different artists, then tag 10(~ish) people to do the same
these are just going to be songs ive been listening to on repeat lately & its all over the place
1. give you my lovin- mazzy star
2. turn it off - paramore
3. be sweet - japanese breakfast
4. blue thunder - galaxie 500
5. hey - the pixies
6. a little less sixteen candles, a little more “touch me” - fall out boy
7. could i be your girl - jann arden
8. everything i own - the front bottoms
9. low - cracker
10. landslide - fleetwood mac
tagging: @txtmequick, @redacted-cryptid, @babybirches, @urcadelima, @ambergreyowl, @girljughead, @firebenderlesbian, @mercurialmagic only if you want to of course <3 no pressure
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hey guys!! this week my blog got deactivated out of nowhere 🙃🙃 so I’m using this blog temporarily while I wait for the tumblr staff to get back to me and hopefully recover my main account mercurialmagic & my side blog gayraito
tagging some of my mutuals in this so y’all know what’s up:
@nikoni @bi-medusa @fullmetal-titan @merlinsbed @profcolsymorgan @ironblowtorch @translightyagami @jelly-fisheses
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merlinsbed · 4 years
tagged by @nooowestayandgetcaught!
RULES: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works <3
okay so normally when I do these my first thought is “oh god did I even write five fics this year???” but thanks to the 30 day writing challenge that definitely took much longer than 30 days I’ve written over 30 fics for the year 2020 and I am super proud of that! it also helped that I got super into the untamed this year (as I’m sure anyone who follows me has noticed lmao) and was overwhelmed with the urge to get back into writing. anyway, I would say my top 5 favorites from this year would be:
Uncertain Accord (The Untamed, wangxian, 3.5k)
the 9th fic from my 30 day challenge and quite possibly one of my favorite things I’ve ever written. someone bookmarked it with the tag ‘Hair Brushing’ and I’ve thought about that at least once a week ever since because that might be my favorite thing anyone has ever tagged a bookmark of my fic with. this thing somehow grew out of the prompt  "When's the last time you slept?" and now is a long term project that is probably at about 50k words (I have 2 separate documents for it rn because my writing process is chaotic). my goal is to write about 100k of dumb pining boys and I hope when I finish this and post it that at least one person has the urge to throw their laptop/phone against the nearest wall.
Progress (with a little nudge) (The Untamed, Jiang Cheng with some wangxian, 4.2k)
I wrote this fic literally the day after I finished the untamed which is a record for me. usually it takes me like two weeks to start writing things I’m somewhat happy with for a new fandom and even longer to post something. sometimes I think I should change the summary because as anyone who has read it has found the summary isn’t wrong, but it really only prepares you for a small amount of what happens. honestly though the summary “Jiang Cheng could have happily gone the rest of his life without knowing what the great Hanguang Jun's bare naked ass looks like” paired with an angst tag cracks me up too much so unfortunately everyone must continue to suffer being utterly unprepared for exactly how much angst I pack in around that one scene.
Uneasy Friends (How to Train Your Dragon, gen, 2.6k)
the only non untamed fic I wrote and published this year. it’s part 2 of an organized crime au taking place probably about the 1950′s in which hiccup haddock is the heir of an infamous crime family which I find hilarious because it’s, you know, hiccup. I’ve got two more parts partially written for it but I’ve been waiting for my untamed fixation to die down a bit before working on stuff for other fandoms (like that sequel I promised for my merlin fic from past to present lmao. in my defense I promised it would be written and published before I die and I’m only in my 20s so. plenty of time.)
Sexy Impersonations (Subjective) (The Untamed, wangxian, 1k)
my last fic of the year was originally going to be a kind of bittersweet winter solstice thing taking place after episode 50 but I got distracted while editing it and instead wrote this. basically I saw a post while scrolling through tumblr about how college professors either tell you nothing about their lives or like treat you to full scoop, decided lwj and wwx each fit one of those descriptions and wrote an entire post about it. then I got really stuck on the idea of wwx willingly ruining his sex life to annoy his husband with bad star wars impressions and thus a fic was born! sometime in the next few months I’ll probably write about one of the ways lwj annoys wwx during sex. I’ve already had some thoughts about it.
Mistaken (The Untamed, wangxian, 2.7k)
this was a tough choice to make there were like 5 fics I was considering for the 5th spot, but the touch of bed sharing, forehead ribbon stuff, and almost kiss gave this one a bit of an edge over the others I was considering. it’s part 8 of the 30 day challenge and spawned from the prompt “they mixed up our reservations and now we only have one room with one bed”. I did think about having them actually share the bed the whole night but like. this is repressed teenage lwj we’re talking about. I don’t think he could’ve handled sharing a bed with wwx for an entire night. especially since I imagine wwx is definitely the kind of the person that naturally snuggles people in his sleep.
oh god, who do I know on here that writes and hasn’t already been tagged (that I know of)...
um, how about @schweetheart and @mercurialmagic if you guys are interested
and really anyone else who sees this and wants to do it! we all deserve to give our writing some love!
edit: got caught up on the part about writing because that’s what I do but ANY artistic works go for this so anyone who write/draws/makes amazing edits/etc and wants to do this go for it! give your art some love whatever form it comes in!
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translightyagami · 4 years
for the horror fic prompt thing.... maybe lawlight with #9 and #47? 👀
horror fic prompt meme
9. Came Back Wrong  +  47. Rituals
“Hello, Light.” L’s eye slid to the left. A gentle nudging finger pressed the wandering eyeball back into its socket. “I was right, wasn’t I?”
“Yes. But don’t be weird about it.” Light wiped the lingering eyeball gunk on his jeans before putting his hand on L’s knee. “You were just born again. How does it feel? Are you happy?” 
They sat in a circle woven out of willow branches, held together by a twine woven out of, well, L wasn’t sure. When he tried to peer closer, his eyes felt loose again and Light gripped his knee, worry giving him thin lips. Other things surrounded them like blood, bone, and Panda brand cookies. L took one of the cookies and popped it in his mouth - which worked just fine along with his teeth and tongue. All that was off was the metallic aftertaste of pastry touched by bodily fluid.
“I’m not happy,” L said. “But I’m right. I’m content. Why am I here?” 
“I brought you back to life,” Light said. “It wasn’t easy.”
“Are you fishing for a thanks?”
“No. I just want you to know it wasn’t easy, so that you’ll understand.” A distance fogged over Light’s eyes and L saw how his jaw had both strengthened and sharpened. This was a different Light. L wobbled, thinking about that jaw, and his eye rolled out again; seemed like he was a different L as well.
“I’ve got it.” Light caught the eye in his cupped palm, bringing it to his chest like a baby. “That’s not your blood, by the way.”
“Didn’t think it was, but,” L smiled against his better judgement, “that’s always good to know.”
“I had to smash another man’s skull in to make room for you.” On his knees, Light crawled until he was face-to-face with L. His breath blew over the cool, undead angles of L’s lips and nose. With one motion, he put the eye back in its home. “Do you want to know his name? Do you want to know how I brought you back to life? Do you want to know why?”
“I want to know why my eye keeps falling out.” L licked his lips; he tasted Light’s breath. “But nothing else does.”
“Eye for an eye, maybe,” Light laughed. His sleeves had mahogany stains grown vine-like up toward his shoulders; his hands were red on the palms - blooming with exertion. “Actually, I don’t know why I said that. Can’t you just ask the questions I can answer?”
Settling his hands together into a steeple, L shrugged. “Ha,” he said. “No.”
“Did you miss me while you were dead?”
“I didn’t do anything.” L stared at Light, eyes wide and unblinking. “When I was dead, it was like a long sleep. Now I’m awake again. Did you think there was an afterlife for you to escape to?”
Eyebrows knitted together, Light looked away. His body was a knot of muscles in a way L didn’t remember - sinew and fat smoothing what used to be youthful, flexible bone into a real body. A white button up (well, white and dried-blood-red) and dark slacks echoed what little L recalled of Soichiro’s dress, but the dark tie with its little sliver clip was entirely the same studiously stylish young man who killed L years before. How many years? It occurred to L that he had no idea how long he’d been dead.
“How old are you, Light?”
“Twenty-three.” Light glanced up through his bangs, brown eyes still shadowed by an adult kind of weariness. “I’m turning twenty four soon.” 
“Did you know how old I am?” L waited for an answer and took Light’s laugh as one. “I’m twenty five. Or I think I’m twenty five, give or take the dead years.”
“Those don’t count.” Light was quiet after he spoke. Twitches and half started words made his mouth dance; L studied that pink jumping line on Light’s face, interested and alert. In his observation, he missed their closeness and didn’t expect their next destination - his mouth. Light pressed to L’s lips with a sort of slow, careful pressure that let him coax them apart.
Their kiss was passionate though not furious. Somehow, L always thought a kiss from a killer would be furious; this was a kiss warm on his cold mouth, gentle on his sharp features. He took hold of Light by the waist, pulling him in to straddle L’s lap with one knee on either side of his hips. The movement jostled them both and L’s eye, once more, popped out of its socket. It rolled onto the floor and to the edge of the willow branch circle.
“Don’t you need that?” Light panted into the hungry mouth on his.
“In a minute,” L said. “I’ve been dead for five years. Let me have this minute.”
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translightyagami · 4 years
For the ask thing, #11 and #19! ✨
11. Something you want to do again next year?
I’d like to keep up at least monthly movie-watching with my friends! being able to have something that keeps us all in contact and having a little fun with each other has been a good mental health boost. it’s definitely given me much more stability in the pandemic, and in general. i never would have been able to do half of what i did this year without my friends.
19. What’re you excited about for next year?
Oh I might get to do some long-form stories on local food places, which is exciting! i’m really ready and excited to stretch my abilities more as a journalist, and contribute more stuff to the paper i work for, and maybe to other publications!
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nikoni · 2 years
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sasha… april fools 😭😭
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nikoni · 3 years
got tagged by @stalemochi
shuffle your music library and name the first 10 songs
WWW by Moe Shop
Tokimeki Bunruigaku by Azalea
Kawaii Desho by Moe Shop
 ProroFlicker by Silentroom
Stuck In The HourGlass by Yuni Wa
Private Caller by Skylar Spence
Flight by Aritus
Sex Party by Left Boy
Cocoon by Aina Suzuki
No Life Code by Aika Kobayashi
uhh i tag @bocchikurosawa @lilturtlenut @chadwicc @kkankuro @mesprit @mercurialmagic
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