#mercredi happy
floydsteeth · 9 months
i’m adoring your modern!AU choices, it’s very inspiring!!! so i would love to see more of that. also any new AU ideas you might have, ‘cause i love AUs hehe
Working on the modern!AU has been so much fun and i really wanna keep working on it
its consuming my every thought and i love it :3
also it gives me reason to research weird things i wouldnt otherswise
but over all, working on it is fun and im so happy you like it!
im not very good when it comes to thinking up au's and headcannons so this'll probably be the only au i do but all that matters is im having fun
if you have any ideas for some of the characters i'd love to hear them! :D
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meirimerens · 1 year
pls........ can u tell me more about the notkhan in the future. how are they even keeping up with each other. is it a long distance relationship?
hi beastie... ok so while i have a vague timeline-ish for their generally embarrassing relationship i sometimes think that even at that age they're still in some kind of like. embarrassing back and forth for the 5th consecutive year at this point. or maybe like. before khan started having the Itch to travel they had gotten closer -> distant again as he travels -> close again when they get to see each other(?). i don't have a Set timeline for them because. will not lie i think about them way less than i do. well. [desperate look at my wips]
but regardless of having grown distant or not [i also think the whole. arranged marriage might have not been too fun for any of them. and by "them" i include capella. but also i have scene in my mind of notkin standing up during the "speak now or forever hold your peace" part of the ceremony but not to stop the wedding he just needed to tell the newlyweds' parents had they put on their big guy pants this wouldn't have happened so like i'm coping. i'm seeing it i'm coping] i'm thinking now you know how i've written and drawn burakhovsky going_to_each_others_houses.txt .png [realizing now i might not have posted on this blog anything about dankovsky coming back to hang out in burakh's house because the um. but like he has] maintaining the relationship like that. i think they might do that. not in the way/for the reasons burakh and dankovsky do but they do go to each other's place of residence. except it's not two houses they both have Home in the same place, one's just goofin around. khan often comes home with trinkets and books and whatnot for capella [she loves books] so he moight see notkin then... and when he's studying at some universities he makes arrangements for notkin to come visit him (he's in dorms or his own place). shows him around the city. might even introduce him to classmates like this is my friend. notkin :) he looks like he bites it's probably because he does. (does notkin get jealous? maybe. is khan like "you are a steakhead. come give me a hug"? brother you probably know it.)
also i think post-plague ToG is starting to like. get the telegraph put in place. + with the returns of the trains they can actually send letters. so there's that there'd be that.
tldr they go to each other's house (gone shy) (gone having-grown-distant-but-reconnecting-in-times-of-achey-legs-and-arms) (gone khan throws pebbles at notkin's window to try to get him to open so he can come in and they can Talk(tm) and he ends up falling asleep on the couch getting laid upon by Jester) and send each other letters and telegrams. sometimes. until khan stops traveling for a few months. then one day he'll come back home.
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blogfatale · 11 months
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sgiandubh · 6 months
Spy Wednesday. Treason
Sidenote: Still very late with all this, but decided to keep the pace. Perhaps it is better like this, since this is the slightly haphazard result of scattered thoughts throughout the day and as such, a personal experience of it.
Obviously, powerful bystanders are not happy about Jesus entering Jerusalem at all, especially since this peculiar event coincided with the feast of Passover: 'and the chief priests and the scribes sought how they might take him by craft, and put him to death' (Mark, 14:1 - from Palm Sunday's reading). Just try and imagine the bureaucratic kerfuffle, the whispered speculations, the slow burn alarm building up in those circles. Political unrest, with a twist: local consensus was not enough - Rome had to be persuaded to step in, and it was everything but obvious. About all this, later this week: it is, to me at least, perhaps the most mysterious episode of the New Testament.
Judas Iscariot. Tragically instrumental to this plan, we know it. And treason, coupled with dark alley maneuvering, was the only way to make it happen. Treason: not betrayal or treachery, which are either too vaguely moral or too general - what is about to happen is a political assassination disguised as trial, followed by public torture as punishment.
This year's lectionary brings along a second, slightly alternate POV of the Last Supper, as related by Matthew Levi (my favorite), this time. Matthew, the tax collector, is a man acutely aware of the value of money and he is the only one to give us a very precise quotation of the reward Judas received from Caiaphas' middlemen: 'And said unto them, What will ye give me, and I will deliver him unto you? And they covenanted with him for thirty pieces of silver.' (Matthew, 26:15). Again, we have a very telling, albeit approximate, conversion in today's currency. Matthew's Greek text is very vague, in that respect. It speaks about 'silver' (coins), to an audience that immediately understood the value of it. And even if we will never know for sure if those coins were Ptolemaic (Egyptian) or Athenian (Greek) tetradrachms, Tyrian (in today's Lebanon) shekels or Antioch (Greek) staters, we can make a rough evaluation based on their actual weight and purity (isn't it ironic?).
In 2024's value (based on the current JP Morgan's quotation of 30 USD/ounce), Judas Iscariot sold Jesus for an something that varies between 97,8 USD (if reward was received in Ptolemaic tetradrachms) to 472,8 USD (if the reward was received in Athenian tetradrachms). The median and geographically more plausible amount being of about 325,5 USD (for Antioch staters) or 380,7 USD (for Tyrian shekels).
I don't know about you, but what sickens me is the complete ludicrousness of this all. Think about what these money could buy in your respective worlds: would you do it?
Rhetorical question, of course. What is at stake, here, is not money. It's Power, in its political, appallingly punitive dimension the Romans called imperium, as opposed to the organic, ethical dimension they called auctoritas (and which we would translate by 'prestige' or 'influence'). With this deal, Judas hopes to save his life, soul be damned. Only to lose both, in complete, endless dishonor.
The day's somber and reflective sounds come from François Couperin's Première leçon de ténèbres pour le Mercredi saint (1714). Couperin was the Sun King's favorite harpsichordist and as such, was commissioned to arrange into music Jeremiah's lamentations, for the Holy Week liturgies of the Longchamp Royal Abbey. In a Baroque universe filled with light and joy and levity, these are the most dejected sounds perhaps ever written:
PS: I will try to catch up tonight. Pinky promise and thank you all for your patience (I never thought you'd like these, but here we are - still, the topic is a very difficult one, don't you think?).
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thebestofoneshots · 7 months
Salut je sais que tu parles un peu français et je voulais savoir quand tu sortais ton chapitre 34 GC car sur ta masterlist tu à annoncer le 14 février 2024 mais y'a pas le chapitre sur ton compte alors que c'est mon rendez vous du mercredi 😭
Sinon j'adore ton histoire continue à me faire espérer à chaque chapitre (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤
(ps : je l'ai conseille à une amie j'ai hâte quelle commence à le lire ^^)
Salut! Aaaaa, c'est ma première ask en français, je suis en mode fan-girl. D'accord, oui, je sortais chaptire 34, en fait, dans quelques minutes. Je suis un peu en retard car je voyage la semaine prochaine et je devais terminer une tonne de choses liées à l'école avant d'être prête. C'est tellement mignon que GC soit ton rendez-vous du mercredi ૮꒰ྀི⸝⸝> . <⸝⸝꒱ྀིა ⁩
Je continuerai à te faire espérer pour plus de semaines, je te le promets, et OMG je suis excitée que ton amie le lise aussi !!
Joyeuse Saint-Valentin à tous ♡
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Aaaaa, this is my first French ask, I'm fangirling a little bit. Okay, yes, I am releasing it, actually, in a few minutes, I'm a bit behind because I'm travelling next week and I had to finish a bunch of stuff school-related before being ready. It's so cute that GC is your Wednesday appointment ૮꒰ྀི⸝⸝> . <⸝⸝꒱ྀིა ⁩
I'll continue making you hope for more weeks, I promise, and OMG I'm excited about your friend reading too!!
Happy Valentine's Day everyone ♡
Read Gilded Constellations
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alder-saan · 1 year
the Path of Poisons. 11
Larissa x gn! oc
the path of poisons masterlist: <- previous chapter [...] next chapter ->
TW: poisoning, Larissa's low self-esteem (if you squint towards the end)
words count: 2.2k
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"Miss Addams, can you stay until the end of class, please?" asked Rei as the students began to pack up their things.
Nearly a week had passed since she had been poisoned, and she had recovered quite incredibly quickly. So Rei wanted to ask her a few questions.
"I'll be waiting for you in the courtyard, hurry up, we don't want to miss the bus" warned Enid.
Mercredi nodded and watched as the blonde hopped out of the greenhouse. The door slammed shut and the girl turned back to her teacher.
"You wanted to see me?"
Rei walked around his desk and leaned against it, arms folded.
"Yes, about your recovery. I'm rather impressed. I must say that cyanide is not a weak poison…"
Mercredi smiled slightly.
" Habituation. I spent my childhood drinking poison to get used to the effects. I guess it helped."
"Are you interested in poisons, Miss Addams?"
"Yes. Avareïda Hydrurga has always been one of my idols. Even more so now that she's tried to kill me."
Rei let out an amused chuckle.
"Well, I don't have anything more to ask you, I won't keep you any longer."
They moved forward and put their hand on her shoulder to escort her to the door. But no sooner had he touched her than Mercredi's head snapped back and her eyes opened wide. She remained like that for two seconds before returning to her normal state. The brunette was panting and her eyes were still wide open.
"Are you all right, Wednesday?
The young girl looked up at Rei.
"You're Avareïda Hydrurga."
They opened their mouth as if to say something but closed it again. What was the point of denying when Wednesday had had a vision?
"You tried to kill me."
"I was in class, there are about thirty witnesses."
"I know my idol's wikipedia page by heart. Avareïda Hydrurga is a siren who, if she can't transform, possesses a power of control powerful enough to alter memory. Your alibi doesn't work, you could have altered the memory of the whole class. I'm going to tell Weems. Especially as I've seen you have very good reason to be angry with her."
"I think Enid is waiting for you. You wouldn't want to disappoint her, would you? Besides, who knows what might happen to her if you're not with her?"
"You wouldn't dare."
With that, Mercredi turned on his heels and left the greenhouse.
They had spent the afternoon in their house working on their book while Iel knew Larissa was resting, and the students were doing their assigned tasks. They tried not to think too much about what Wednesday had seen and known. They knew very well that time was running out. He would have to tell Larissa who they were as soon as possible. When he stopped, it was 4pm. The Harvest Festival hadn't started yet. Rei went to get ready. Larissa and them had the evening off. Which meant that they would be able to spend it together. Rai was both happy and stressed. It had to be said that this meant that some students would be there too. They weren't entirely sure they wanted their relationship to be public. Secrecy was a good thing too… They finished drawing their liner in front of the large bathroom mirror and made a face in the mirror. Underneath the red colour, the roots were starting to turn black again, and they wondered if it needed to be redone. They loved their red hair now, but black also suited them very well.
They wondered what was the best outfit for a festival like this. Perhaps it was better to be comfortable in his clothes, so they put on a red oversized shirt.
They arrived two minutes late for the appointment set by Larissa, who was early as usual. She was sitting at a table between a sweets stand and a shooting gallery. It was already getting dark, and the days were slowly getting shorter. Iel smiled when he saw her, dressed as usual in her elaborate clothes, probably tailor-made, which were not at all suitable for a funfair, but which were part of Larissa Weems' charm. They crossed off a few of the attractions they had thought of.
"Good evening, dearest," they began, a smile on their lips.
"You here?" she replied, laughing.
"So, have you got any ideas of what you'd like to do?"
The principal swept her eyes over the attractions. She wasn't sure. To tell the truth, this wasn't her environment, nor was it her favourite type of date. But a bit of a change couldn't hurt, could it?
"Well… I don't know, I usually just watch, this is the first time I've been there so I'm not watching, and…"
"You've never been to a funfair before?"
"Okay, so we start with… Oh, I know. I'd love to see you struggle in the Mirror Maze!"
Iel took her by the hand and led her towards the attraction without giving her time to think about what 'mirror maze' might mean. The installation looked shoddy, with spray paint disappearing in places, and Larissa wondered if this was her kind of outing, amusement parks. But Rei couldn't care less, and after paying for two tickets, they led her through the maze.
"Put your hands in front and don't go too fast."
"What is this? Is it dangerous?"
She squinted, looking suspicious. She didn't want to be dragged into something where she could hurt herself or ruin her clothes.
"No, but there's glass everywhere. It's a maze of glass. If you don't want to hit yourself, you have to hold your hands out in front."
And as they entered the first corridor, they noticed Wednesday, out of the corner of his eye, watching them from a distance. Obviously, they wouldn't have any peace.
"Are you coming, Rai?"
They followed Larissa through the maze. Iel left her in front, just for the pleasure of seeing her make a mistake, having to turn around and look for the other exits. She was concentrating hard.
"Say, Riss'…"
She continued walking down the corridor, following the wall with her hands. Rei liked the way the light filtering through the glass caressed her face as she turned towards them.
"Do you remember what I wanted to tell you last time? I told you I'd tell you after the hospital."
"Yes, I didn't insist, but I thought you wanted to tell me that you were willing to take things up again with me."
Reaching a dead end, Larissa turned around. She smiled gently at Rei. Rei's heart soared to see her smile at him, to see her eyes on them.
"No, it's not that. I'll tell you at the end of our evening, is that all right?"
"Don't push it, you know? I can wait. Tell me when you're ready."
They nodded. Larissa was nice, but they were too afraid she'd find out otherwise, through Wednesday's fault to be precise.
"Come on, let's get out of this maze," the principal said.
She took her hand and intertwined her fingers. Larissa's hand was warm, which was reassuring. She wasn't wearing her usual gloves. Rei wondered how she would react. They were afraid of losing her. Especially for something as stupid as her name and her lie. And soon they were out of the maze. In the meantime, the headmistress, very busy going through the maze, had let go of her hand. Besides, she preferred to be discreet about her relationships.
No sooner had they stepped outside than Wednesday and Enid came to see them.
"Principal Weems, I need to talk to you."
She had planted her eyes in Larissa's and was staring at her very seriously. The headmistress was a little annoyed. Tonight was supposed to be a night off for her, and if Wednesday started acting up, that flowed 0 rest.
"Miss Addams, tonight I'm not working, can it wait until tomorrow?"
"It's urgent."
She sighed. Of course, everything was always urgent with Wednesday. She always conducted her investigations in her own way and didn't care about other people or what they thought or did.
"Well go and see Mrs Kedlan, she's in charge tonight."
"You're the one I need to talk to."
"Then tomorrow. If it's that urgent, go and see Mrs Kedlan. Otherwise, tomorrow."
Wednesday frowned. Rei couldn't help but let out a relieved smile.
"By the way, you make a very handsome couple," Enid commented.
Larissa's cheeks flushed red, and fortunately the fading light cast rosy rays everywhere, so her blushes blended into the sunset.
"We're not a couple, Miss Sinclair. We are friends.
"But you're both going to the funfair."
"Well, you do go to the funfair together with your friend Mercredi."
"That's just it, we're not friends."
Rei grabbed Larissa's arm.
"Well then you two have your couple's night and leave Larissa alone. She needs her rest."
They pulled her a little further away. He wasn't happy about the whole situation. And Wednesday watching them from afar…
"Are you all right, Rei?"
"Yes, it's just… It's just that I wanted us to have a quiet evening, just the two of us."
Larissa laughed softly and put her hand on his shoulder.
"Let's go somewhere else, then…"
And as her eyes scanned the place, they stopped at a stall where multiple stuffed animals were piled up. One of them caught her eye. It was a little white wolf who looked very soft and cuddly. Rei followed her gaze.
"You want me to win you a plushie at the shooting range, is that it?"
"Would you know how to do that?"
"Of course!"
And they set off in the direction of the shooting range. Larissa followed him, smiling. Carnivals weren't her thing, but she enjoyed spending time with Rei, and it had to be said that the atmosphere was pleasant. She didn't even listen to Rei talking to the man at the stall, she just watched him and that was enough for her. They took one of the small rifles and aimed at one of the balloons floating in their little lockers.
Iel was concentrating, and one of his strands of hair fell back in front of his face, but he didn't seem to notice. That's when Larissa saw Rei's black roots. She'd never paid much attention to them before, but it felt strange. Of course, she knew that her red hair couldn't be natural, but she couldn't imagine her with black hair.
Rei fired, bursting two balloons in a single shot. Larissa applauded with a smile.
"Well done!"
"Don't rejoice too quickly, I've still got a few to pop before I can win your plushie."
"I trust you, you'll succeed," she said, leaning against the edge of the stand.
"Is this your way of putting pressure on me, Principal Weems?" replied Rei, re-cocking the rifle.
"Not in the least, Mx Asphodelus."
They laughed and fired. Only one balloon burst this time. And then they continued to pop the balloons one by one, sometimes two by two, until they had made enough to take the cuddly toy home. Rei smiled as Larissa hugged the stuffed white wolf. She kissed her cheek.
"Thank you, Rei!"
"You're welcome," they murmured, blushing.
"Aren't you hungry? We could buy something to eat!"
They nodded and walked with her towards a food stall. The sky was now pitch black. The sun had been down for a while, and the place was lit up with coloured garlands that cast a dull glow over the stalls. But despite the poor lighting, Larissa was delighted. Who would have thought that she could have had so much fun in a place like this, after her 40th birthday?
"I suggest we go on the Ferris wheel afterwards," said Rei.
"Yes! Good idea! In the meantime, pick something, it's on me. Thanks for the plushie. And no arguments," she added, seeing that they were about to protest.
"Right, well then…"
They glanced at what was on offer.
"We could eat waffles! Not very healthy but who cares!"
"Yes, I fancy some waffles!"
She ordered a caramel waffle for herself, and one with chestnut cream for Rei. The waffles were still very hot when they were given to them, so they decided to walk around a bit before eating, and to sit down at a quiet table, away from the crowd. There was less noise, fewer people. But just as they thought they were finally alone, Wednesday arrived, still with Enid.
"Don't eat that, Mrs Weems!"
Rei frowned and took the waffle from Larissa's hands.
"You're going to accuse me of poisoning her, aren't you? Well, I can assure you it's not poisoned."
They bit into the waffle. Mercredi's eyes widened. She hadn't seen him coming. She didn't quite understand. Was it a bluff? Had she made a mistake? Or was it a tactic to discredit her? However, it was Rei who looked totally astonished, then frightened. They spat out the mouthful they had taken.
"Rei? What's going on?"
"I know the taste of oleander like no other. Someone tried to poison you."
"Oleander? You swallowed some?"
Larissa's heart raced. She didn't know much about botany, but she knew that oleander was highly toxic, and that very little was enough to kill someone.
"Unfortunately, yes. I need belladonna. Right away."
"What? Why?"
"Atropine is the antidote to oleandrin."
They bit into their waffle. They had to check something.
"Checking. You were targeted, my waffle is fine."
"Stop that right now. On Wednesday, go and get some belladonna!"
The student didn't even dare protest and hid in the surrounding woods. Larissa took out her phone to call the emergency services. She was trembling. Someone had tried to poison her again, and it was Rei who was paying the price. It was her fault again, she was dragging people down with her…
She had just hung up when Wednesday returned. Rei was still conscious, but was slowly starting to give in.
Half reluctantly, the student handed the black berries to Rei, who bit into one.
"That should do it… Now, I'm going to lie down and… and…"
They didn't have time to finish their sentence before they fainted. Larissa supported him so that he didn't fall, and gently guided his body to the ground where he lay down. A lock of hair was on his face, and Larissa gently moved it behind his ear. There, she felt something. Like a small relief.
She shifted Rei's head to reveal a small L-shaped scar behind her ear.
She gulped.
"DON'T TOUCH ME!" Larissa pushed Avareïda violently.
Rei fell backwards and hit her head on one of the tables in the big greenhouse.
Black hair. Black eyes. Scar. Botany. Poisons. Lies. What if Rai… What if Rai was Avareïda? What if that was the one thing Larissa didn't know that prevented Rei from calling herself official? That was why they could be sure she wasn't Avareïda.
But more importantly.
If Rai was Avareïda.
Then they still wanted her…
"Mrs. Weems, what I wanted to tell you was that…"
"This is not the time, Miss Addams. Leave me alone, please."
She couldn't believe it. And yet, it all made sense…
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atimburtonfan · 6 months
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I am so happy that they decided to make a physical version of Wednesday as I want to add this to my collection of Tim Burton films. For those who aren't aware yet, you can finally buy a physical copy of this awesome show.
P.s I am not French but Dutch, every Dutch copy of a film includes the French title and subtitles as well because this version is also sold in Belgium, the two-language nation. In case anyone was wondering about Mercredi.
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everywherenyc · 1 year
#MerryWednesday - Happy Hump Day!
#wednesdaythought #wednesdaymorning
#sreda #Woensdag #środa #Mercredi
#miércoles  #wednesdayfeeling #wedn4sdayvibe #happyhumpday
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Happy birthday, Mercredi! And happy Halloween to those who celebrate it!
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Happy Friday! #fridayvibes #fridayfeeling 🎄🛍️🤗🧑🏿‍🎄🥂🛒 Looking for a holiday gown, accessories or home decorations for a special event or just simply looking for unique handmade gifts? 🎉🛍🎁🤗 Pass by or go online to shop your favorite pieces 😍 - When you buy something made by a person, there is something special there, and you feel it. The consciousness with which a thing is made is often more important than the thing itself. – J. Donald Walters //////////////////////////// BoutiqueEspaceUrbain.com /////////////////////////////// Boutique Espace Urbain 6529 Plaza St-Hubert. Montréal Metro Beaubien ---- 514-274-6529 @boutiqueespaceurbain Boutiqueespaceurbain.com --- Lundi : fermé Mardi+Mercredi : 10-18h Jeudi+Vendredi : 10-21h Samedi+Dimanche : 10-17h — « Afro Urbain Canadien Depuis 2015 » #womensupportingwomen #womenshoes #handmadeshoes #womeninbusiness #womenfashion #womeninspiringwomen #shoestagram #shoesoftheday #ootd #ethicalfashion #sustainablefashion #sustainabledesign #newdesigns #colorphotography #madewithlove #locallymade #ethicalbrand #holidayseason #holidaystyle #giftideas #giftguide #onlineshopping #localbrand #ethicalstyle #whomademyclothes (at Boutique Espace Urbain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmOwXTNgXrK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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prono-turf-gratuit · 1 month
Quinté du Mercredi 21 Août 2024
Vous êtes plutôt pour la base en or ou pour le tocard du jour ? Base en Or :🥇Happy Danica (12) Tocard du jour :❤️ Great of Madrik (7) Pronostic PMU complet pour le quinté du jour :
#pmu #quinté #turf
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logisduptitcanette · 3 months
#Angelus du mercredi 19 juin 2024 : Fête des Saints Gervais et Protais, Martyrs, Patrons de Soissons (+ à Milan en 64)
" Si vous êtes outragés pour le Nom du Christ, vous êtes heureux parce que l’Esprit de Dieu repose sur vous. "
1 Pierre IV (Épître)
#Angelus of Wednesday June 19, 2024: Feast of Saints Gervais and Protais, Martyrs, Patrons of Soissons (+ in Milan in 64)
“If you are outraged for the Name of Christ, you are happy because the Spirit of God rests on you.”
1 Peter IV (Epistle)
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immunobiz · 4 months
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Bon mercredi tout le monde ! 🌟 Aujourd'hui, c'est le jour idéal pour avancer vos projets et atteindre vos objectifs. Chaque petit pas compte. Je pense souvent à cette citation de John Maxwell : "Les petits actes répétés chaque jour mènent à de grands résultats." 🚀
Profitez de cette journée pour commencer quelque chose de nouveau !
Happy Wednesday, everyone! 🌟 Today is the perfect day to move forward with your projects and achieve your goals. Every little step counts. I often think of this quote by John Maxwell: “Small acts repeated every day lead to big results.” 🚀
Use today to start something new!
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tarsiciopafnucio · 5 months
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Buenos Días.
Feliz Miércoles...
/Good Morning.
Happy Wednesday...
Bon Mercredi...
/Guten Morgen.
Schöner Mittwoch...
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alder-saan · 1 year
The Path of Poisons .9
Larissa x gn! Oc
the Path of Poisons masterlist . [01] . [02] . [03] . [04] . [05] . [06] . [07] . [08] . [09] next chapter ->
Sorry! It was supposed to be released yesterday but I forgot haha!
TW: Larissa's low self esteem, hospital, stupid lesbians
words count: 1.5k
Again, sorry for any misgendering, this is the only fic I write in French at first, yada yada yada...
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Hello Larissa,
Thank you for your email, it was great to hear from you, I hope you're well. I haven't forgotten you, and even if it hadn't been for all this, I wouldn't have forgotten you.
I forgive you.
For everything you've done and everything you've said. I forgave you a long time ago. We've grown up, I've changed a lot, you've probably changed a lot too.
I wish you lots of strength, lots of courage and lots of happiness.
All the best,
Larissa's heart leapt in her chest as she read the three words "I forgive you." It was more than she could ever have imagined. And she burst into tears in front of her desk. I forgive you. It was as if something released in her whole body. I forgive you. All the pressure she had built up, all the hatred she thought she was the object of, gone. I forgive you. Those were three words she had waited so long to hear, three words she only heard in her wildest dreams. I forgive you, three words she thought she'd have to die to hear.
She froze. Tears streamed down her face and soaked the papers spread out on her desk. She dropped her pen in surprise. She thought she'd read in the email something along the lines of "thank you for your email but I'd rather not talk to you". It was unexpected. She didn't even understand how it was possible.
I forgive you.
Those three words echoed so loudly in her head, it was almost painful. She felt as if a small fire had been lit in her chest, a tiny flame, just a match, and the ice that had clung to her heart was gradually melting. She rubbed her misty eyes and took a deep breath.
"Pull yourself together, Larissa. It's nothing, it's just… it's just Ava forgiving you."
"She has? That's wonderful!"
Larissa gasped and looked up. Rei was closing the door and coming towards her.
"Forgive me, I didn't mean to frighten you. I knocked but you didn't hear me, so I came in."
"Did… Has something happened?"
"The nurse has been informed that Wednesday is better. She asked me to tell you that we'll be able to see her soon. This afternoon, probably."
She nodded and finished wiping away her tears.
"Okay, that makes me feel better."
"Do you want us to do something before we go and see her? Go for a coffee or something."
Larissa frowned slightly, not really understanding.
"But you said that…"
"Yes, I said that romantically it wouldn't be possible at the moment, but I didn't say anything about friendly. You clearly need to take your mind off things, and I think getting out would do you good. If you want there to be no ambiguity, Thalia can come with us."
Larissa shook her head.She didn't want there to be too many people. What's more, while Rei was quiet, she knew Thalia to be very talkative. A little too talkative for her taste. Of course, she liked the Gorgon very much, but spending time in her company tended to exhaust her more than anything else, and she needed to rest today.
"No, it's fine, we can meet for a drink in the early afternoon. How about Weathervane?"
"That's fine."
Rei nodded. At least Larissa wasn't angry with him. That was something. Now she just had to wait for the right moment to tell her. Maybe at the Weathervane the next day? Or after the hospital visit, hoping she'd be a bit calmer.
Rei had absolutely no doubt that Mercredi would pull through. The young girl had resisted the poison for a long time without an antidote, so with the antidote, she should recover very quickly. So obviously, Larissa was going to be relieved, and hearing that Rei had been Avareïda all along would take a load off everyone's shoulders.
Perhaps a little more for Rei than anyone else, it's true.
Larissa was waiting at the Weathervane. She was 5 minutes early, as usual. Rei arrived right on time, as usual. They sat down opposite the principal, and handed her a small brooch in the shape of a little blue flower with four petals.
"Is that… is that for me?" she asked, taking the little brooch.
"Yes, I thought you weren't going to come to the hospital and leave with flowers…"
Larissa hung the brooch on her white jacket. But she didn't know the name of the little blue flower.
"I ordered for you."
"Oh, and what did you get?"
"It's a surprise."
Larissa smiled. She loved surprising her partners. She liked to see their faces light up when they finally found out what she was going to give them. Rei wasn't her partner, of course, but… She also liked to surprise her friends.
"Speaking of surprises," Rei began, "after we went to see Wednesday, I have something to tell you."
Larissa frowned. Rei looked a little stressed. She was worried about her friend.
"Is everything all right, Rei?"
"Yes, yes, everything's fine haha. Sorry, this whole thing's got me a bit worried."
They gave her a smile that was meant to be reassuring, but Larissa could see it was fake. However, she didn't insist. Rei had every right to keep certain secrets, and she told herself that she would ask again at another time. Their drinks arrived. The waiter placed two hot chocolates on the table, with lots of whipped cream on top. Rei arched an eyebrow, amused to see that the surprise drink was a simple hot chocolate.
"Hot chocolate?"
Larissa nodded, her lips already on the edge of the cup.
"They make the best in the area."
"So you're a fan of hot chocolate?"
"Absolutely. Why, don't I look like one?"
Rei laughed softly before taking a sip of her hot chocolate, her eyes planted in Larissa's. They put the cup down and seemed to think.
"Well, no. You don't really look like a fan of hot chocolate. No offence, of course…"
The headmistress smiled and leaned forward slightly.
"And what do I look like, then?"
"You look like someone who likes expensive tea and wine," Rei quipped as she drank a little more.
She let out a small laugh.
"That's a bit true too, oh wait…"
Larissa stood up and leaned over the table, her arm outstretched to reach Rei's face. They had a smear of whipped cream above their lip, and she wiped it away gently. The botanist's face turned slightly red, and they looked into Larissa's blue eyes. Their lips opened slightly as the principal's thumb lingered there. They held their breath. If Larissa kissed them now, he wouldn't be able to resist. And in Larissa's eyes, they could see all the hesitation. She wanted to kiss them too.
Their lips met. Larissa tasted hot chocolate. Who had kissed first, Rei wasn't sure. They put their hand on the main girl's cheek and gently pushed her away.
"Forgive me, Rei, I…"
"Don't apologise, that's for me to do. I shouldn't have, I said that…" they sighed and then let out a small laugh, "I guess you're hard to resist. Let's forget about it for now, shall we?"
With a bit of luck, that very evening they would kiss again. For that to happen, he had to find the courage to tell her who he was. And that wasn't easy.
"It's time to go and see Wednesday, I think."
Rei blinked, drawn out of her thoughts.
"Yes, you're right."
Larissa had already got up and was paying for their two hot chocolates. Rei was about to protest, but by the time they got to the counter, she had already swiped her card.
"Hey, I can pay, you know?"
"I'm the one who chose, I'm the one who pays. That's the rule."
Rei laughed softly and held the door for Larissa to come out.
"Oh yeah? Since when is that the rule?"
"Since today. I just created it."
Larissa swallowed as she entered the hospital. She had left just three months earlier, and had promised herself she would never return. She watched Rei talking to a doctor, and tried to hold her breath. She'd hated that clean smell ever since. Those white floors, those white walls, those white doors, those white coats. She hated it. But she had to go. She had to face her fear. She had to go and see Wednesday. Because it was her fault, and entirely her fault that a pupil had been poisoned under her roof. It was her duty to protect them, but she had failed. She had failed.
"Riss? Everything OK? Wednesday has been moved to room 666. At her own request."
Larissa gasped and then nodded. She didn't even notice the nickname.
"Yes, everything's fine."
"Shall we?"
She nodded and reached for his hand. She needed something to ground her, to anchor her to reality, to make sure she wasn't in one of her nightmares. Rei guided her to a lift. They got in and the doors closed behind them. The six floors seemed like an eternity to Larissa, whose gaze went from the floor to the doors to Rei to the small screen that showed "third floor". Three more, she thought. Rei's hand was warm in hers, and that reassured her. Everything around her was blue and white, too cold for her. Rei gave her a small smile.
The doors opened onto the sixth floor.
Mercredi was sitting on her bed, her eyes open and her face impassive. Thalia was already there. Larissa quickly removed her hand from Rei's, but there was no mistaking the arched eyebrow on Wednesday's face: she'd seen everything.
"Laurel is back," she said simply.
"Excuse me?" Larissa choked, and widened her eyes.
"Laurel is back. She's the one who poisoned me. And she has an ally again."
"Avareïda Hydrurga."
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Tours : une adolescente tabassée pour un motif bidon
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Des drames en cascade. Quatre jeunes filles seront jugées « pour vol avec violences en réunion » après l’agression filmée mercredi d’une adolescente de 14 ans « suite à un guet-apens » à Tours, a annoncé vendredi la procureure de la ville Catherine Sorita-Minard, Dans les trois mois, les quatre adolescentes devront répondre de leurs actes devant le tribunal pour enfants aussi « pour diffusion de l’enregistrement d’images relatives à la commission d’une atteinte volontaire à l’intégrité de la personne », a précisé la magistrate dans un communiqué diffusé sur X. Une 5e jeune fille, âgée d’à peine 11 ans, sera elle prise en charge sur le plan éducatif par un juge des enfants. L’agression, révélée par le quotidien régional La Nouvelle République, a eu lieu dans le quartier du Beffroi, à Tours Nord. « On tape et toi tu filmes s’est vu ordonner l’une d’entre elles : il apparaît que deux des auteurs ont filmé la scène tout en participant aux violences. Les vidéos ont été quasiment simultanément diffusées sur les réseaux sociaux, phénomène dit du Happy slapping », a détaillé la magistrate. Concernant le motif de l’agression, il aurait pour origine des « échanges sur un groupe Snapchat, avec insultes et menaces de violences ». « Comme souvent, le motif apparaît particulièrement futile et en décalage avec le déchaînement de violence constaté au visionnage des vidéos », poursuit la procureure. Nez cassé et 7 jours d’ITT La victime a été « rouée de coups de pied, de poings à la tête, de claques. Elle s’est trouvée au sol, recroquevillée, et ne se défendait pas » pendant que les agresseuses présumées « s’acharnaient ». Les images, visualisées par les enquêteurs, sont « très violentes », ajoute une source policière, qui dénonce « un passage à tabac ». L’adolescente de 14 ans s’est outre fait voler ses bottes, son téléphone et autres objets. Elle a été hospitalisée et souffre un traumatisme cranofacial avec fracture du nez et sept jours d’ITT (incapacité temporaire de travail), selon la magistrate. Dans l’attente de leur procès, les jeunes filles mises en cause feront l’objet d’un contrôle judiciaire, notamment sous la forme de la mesure éducative judiciaire provisoire. Cette agression est survenue la veille d’autres événements violents comme à Montpellier, où une adolescente de 13 ans, Samara, a été attaquée par des camarades de son école à la suite d’« invectives » sur les réseaux sociaux. Un adolescent de 15 ans, agressé jeudi près de son collège à Viry-Châtillon (Essonne) est décédé vendredi des suites de ses blessures. Lors d’une visite dans un établissement scolaire parisien, Emmanuel Macron a appelé vendredi à ce que l’école reste « un sanctuaire » face à « une forme de violence désinhibée chez nos adolescents ». Read the full article
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