#merchant saloon
bloctober · 1 year
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nakeddavidclub · 1 year
Alrighty then, your change is a femur and 3 knuckles for all the sex we just had. Come again.
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don1t1red · 8 months
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i dont know how this type of celebration is called but i know that Dishonored would be ten times better if we had one
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rayveneyed · 19 days
that cowboy au was really good 🥹 would you consider doing a part 2?
cw: mentions of death, violence, objectively amoral decisions; mentions of marriage, alcohol
the presence of gojo satoru can only mean trouble.
red sky in the morning — shepherd’s warning. nanami kento tries not to take the sight of it personally, tries not to take simple wonders of nature as omen — but it sits like a lump of coal in his stomach all through the morning and well into the afternoon. he doesn’t know why this particular day seems to be the harbinger of something terrible, but sure enough, just after he finishes milking the cows and putting them out to graze, one of the village kids runs up on him. flushed with excitement and hair windswept, the little one calls his name — mister kento! mister kento! hey, over here, mister kento! strange white-haired fella’s lookin’ for you, skulkin’ ‘round the saloon!
it’s a small-town child’s excitement — a stranger in such a quiet place, one where the closest train station is a town or two over, and the most exciting thing to happen is a travelling merchant every few months. kento’s dread, then, is ice-water over the head in comparison. white-haired. gojo, the bastard. and loitering around the saloon, where you’re working — before he can even think twice, he’s running off to mount his closest horse, and taking the dirt road at a frantic gallop.
not many words in any spoken language could describe exactly how nanami kento feels about gojo satoru. there’s a fondness there — they had, after all, fought and lived side-by-side for years, since they were boys. there was admiration for gojo’s tenacity and drive, no doubt, but there was hatred in equal measure. hatred for the man gojo had urged nanami to become — hatred for the shit he’d been told to do. hatred for the simple fact that, at the end of the day, gojo’s brashness had only ever gotten other people killed.
(and fear. fear that, like he had done a hundred times before, gojo would worm his way into nanami’s head, and convince him to return before he knew what he was agreeing to.)
through the dust kicked up by his mare’s cantering hooves, the humble saloon comes into sight; only a single floor, nothing like the multi-story pleasure houses of san francisco. then again, kento’s never much cared for them, or the beckoning women of the night, or the violent brawls that would break out every few minutes. somewhere quiet to drink in peace, suits him just fine, and that’s here. though with gojo satoru around, peace never lingers long.
he takes the stairs two at a time, pushing through the doors, and—
“always been a city boy, myself,” comes that familiar voice. instantly, kento’s eyes shoot towards it — towards you. “towns like this never did quite suit me — y’know, a man needs a bit of noise in his life!”
oh, noise had been the least of what gojo had gotten himself. blood and guts and bullet wounds, wanted posters with his name and mug plastered all over it.
he shouldn’t be here. it’s almost unnatural for him to be here, sitting in old man tom's favourite seat, lounging like he owned the place.
“now, pretty thing like you,” he hears gojo croon, low and smooth like always, the type of voice that weakened women’s knees, “you shoot me a look, sweetheart, i reckon i’d stay in this sleepy little town a lot longer.”
something like panic sits itself in kento’s chest, and he can’t put one damned finger on what it is. the clashing of two lives — gojo, with his hat drawn low over bright blue eyes, his jacket as dark and fitting as always; this dusty little saloon, with its untuned piano and cheap swill; you, with your hair tied up and your neckline low, with those eyes he knows gojo likes—
“charming,” he hears you say, dry, completely unimpressed. the tightness in his chest eases, a little, and then you seem to realise he’s approaching — your gaze lifts over gojo’s head, and your eyes brighten, and golly — ain’t that something? your smile, at his simple presence? like he was something to look forward to? “mister kento, you’re a man desired — this gentleman’s been looking all over for you, apparently.”
gojo turns those baby blues on him, expectant, and kento sighs as he takes the seat next to him — gently accepts your offer of a drink with a thank you kindly. gojo thanks you, too — calls you sweetness, and kento pretends that it doesn’t unsettle his soul. you resign yourself to the end of the bar to give them some semblance of privacy, wiping at glasses with a cloth to rid them of water-stains and dust.
they sit in silence for a moment, listening to the cicadas calling outside and the distant squeals of playing children. gojo, as usual, is the first to break it.
“been a while, ain’t it? gotta say, wasn’t expectin’ you to go all out on this country life thing, old friend.”
kento pretends not to see the spectre of you in the corner of his eye — pretends that he’s not vastly aware of how he has to balance two personas right now. he keeps his irritation low and tempered, cupping his glass between his hands; still, he knows his voice is frosty when he says: “what are you doing here?”
“oh, so cold, kento! and after all we’ve been through together…”
he restrains a frustrated sigh. dancing around it — that’s gojo. deceptively childish but incredibly intelligent — can’t just come out and say something. and kento could be doing something else right about now, something far more important — in fact, he should already be thinking of how to explain gojo’s abrupt appearance here to you. cousin twice removed? long estranged brother? childhood friend with a troubled streak? “doubt you came to see me outta the goodness of your heart. i’ve got no interest in whatever it is you’re peddling. you wanna drink, let’s drink. nothing else.”
“oh, come now. i gotta be after somethin’ to visit you?”
nanami shoots him an unimpressed look — gojo at least has the shame to wince. he takes another sip of his drink, and they both stare at the dusty shelves of booze, until finally, he shrugs.
“listen: this place is gonna drive you mad, kento,” he says, underhandedly casual, sipping on moonshine and syrup. he always did have a sweet tooth. “the silence’ll do you in.”
a thread of irritation tugs itself through kento’s brow. “silence drives you mad. suits me just fine.”
kento doesn’t know what’s more hurtful — the idea that gojo doesn’t know him at all, or that he does, and just doesn’t care to speak to him like it. he knows exactly what game gojo is playing at — badgering him out of his life of peace to join the gang again, fill the empty space left by geto and haibara and god knows who else that’s gone. he could do him the courtesy of being a little more believable, though. less patronising.
this doesn’t suit you. you don’t deserve something good like this, not after what you’ve done. stick to what you know, kento — and what do you know? violence. greed.
“c’mon, kento. you’re better than this, y’know.”
kento fingers tighten on the handle of his cup. his gums feel bruised where his teeth grit together — his anger like a reddening metal on the verge of turning white-hot. “you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.”
“you’ve been up and down this goddamned country—” gojo, at least, has the mind to lower his voice, then, glancing over his shoulder— “tyin’ sheriffs up in knots, laying your pockets with gold, and you think this shithole will satisfy you any?”
that’s enough to send kento’s temper skyrocketing — and he, by no means, is an angry man, but shithole is not how he’d describe it in any capacity — this place that had accepted him with little wariness, treated him with kindness, asked very little questions—
“you’re steppin’ way outta line, gojo—”
but his white-haired companion has always been willing to push the bounds of just about anything — and, leaning closer, devilish smile tugging at his lips, says: “hopin’ that, uh, busty barmaid over there’s gonna make you an honest man? huh? i mean, hell, i wouldn’t blame you, but—”
nanami’s glass hits the countertop with such force it rings throughout the saloon — he can feel it draw the gaze of most everyone around. you, the few daytime drinkers. the low murmurs of conversation drew to an abrupt stop. when he glances in your direction, he sees you almost caught mid-action, brows drawn tight as you make to intervene.
maybe it’s the look in his eye that makes you stop; the serious, humourless glint he’s let himself lose the past few months. maybe it’s the tense set of his jaw. either way, you nod a little, and step back to what you were doing — but your gaze remains, ever-watchful.
nanami levels gojo with a glare so horrid he’s sure he’s never used it on him before; and, sure enough, blue-eyed gojo glares right back.
for a moment — for a short, traitorous moment, he regrets leaving his handy pistol back home. he hasn’t had to carry it in months. he hasn’t ever had to carry it for gojo, of all people, but he saw just how quickly the gang had turned on themselves — how quickly trust was lost. and after the loss of haibara, and geto’s betrayal, who knew what state of mind gojo was in?
kento’s fingers flex.
a beat passes.
and then — gojo’s face breaks out in a gleaming, cheeky smile, and his shoulders jump with loud, sonorous laughter. relief is near palpable in kento’s chest, the tension that had suctioned itself to his bones easing just slightly. “hah, you’re just a riot, ken!”
then, slapping a hand on kento’s shoulder and leaning forward, gojo calms a little. nanami gets the sudden feeling that it was all a rouse, right from the start. is he so out of practice he can’t tell what’s real and what’s fake anymore? once upon a time gojo’s jokes and fancies wouldn’t have made him blink an eye.
“just pullin’ your leg,” gojo says.
“you piss me off.”
“can’t lie—” gojo continues— “i was hopin’ to bring you back with me. but this shit really does suit you, y’know.” his smile takes a saddened edge — nostalgic, no doubt, for the life they once led. the stupidity and rashness of it all. sometimes the same feeling hit kento — and then he remembered the bad of it all, and he tucked it back deep inside himself. “country air, quiet life. settle down with a nice woman.”
his eyes trail over to the right — and this time, when his eyes settle on you, nanami feels no overwhelming protectiveness, no urge to drag gojo out by his silver locks or shoo him out. he feels a fool for doubting gojo in the first place. “things out here make the cities look like hell by comparison.”
“it’s a simple life,” kento agrees plainly. his heart still thrums heavy in his chest. he finally takes a proper gulp of his drink — actually tastes it instead of just letting it pass down his throat. “you should try it sometime.”
“wasn’t lying earlier. think the quiet would have me seein’—” he chokes on a bark-like laugh— “ghosts, and the like.”
haibara. riko. yaga.
they go back to staring at the shelves in silence. kento doesn’t know what to say. he’s never been a man of many words, but what does one say in this situation, anyways? i’m sorry geto left. i’m sorry haibara died. i hate that it was your fault, and i hate that it wasn’t. i don’t like the man i am when i’m around you, but it’s really all i know. you’re my brother, and i hate and love you in equal measure.
a trickling sound interrupts his thoughts. his cup is being refilled — and then gojo’s. extra syrup, despite the fact that sugar is expensive as all hell.
“looks like y’all could use it,” you say by way of explanation, a sorry little smile on your face. when you meet his eyes, it spreads, just a little — an extra nudge, just for him. “i’ll get outta your hair now.”
“thank you for the drink,” kento says quietly.
“thanks,” gojo echoes. he watches you go, and swirls his drink idly around in his cup. “y’know, you got somethin’ good here, ken. hate to say it.”
“mm. the farm, it — it, uh, keeps me busy.”
“wasn’t talkin’ about the farm,” says gojo, shooting him a knowing look. kento’s ears burn, and he tries to ignore it — in vain, he’s sure, if his companion’s snicker is anything to go by.
“there’s nothing there.” he wouldn’t allow there to be, after all. a life of solitude is exactly the punishment he deserved for what he’s done. he wouldn’t rope you into his madness.
“right, right. you make googly eyes at every woman y’come across?”
“just drink your damn drink.”
by the time the sun is setting, gojo sets off on his horse. he ignores all offers to stay the night, to wait until morning; he's got business to attend to, apparently, business that couldn't wait — but could, apparently, wait for an hours-long drinking session. he doesn’t hug kento, doesn’t make any claim to sentimentality — that hasn't changed, kento supposes — he only leans down to shake his hand, firm and sure like yaga had taught them as boys, and says:
“don’t be a fool, kento. you got a chance at a normal life right here." then, grinning, like the idea of being serious had turned his stomach, gojo calls: "you don’t take that chance, i'll steal it from right under you!"
kento only shakes his head, and turns to enter the saloon again.
when he looks over his shoulder — just once, all he can bear — gojo’s already gone, no more than a speck riding into the sunset.
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moonbiscuitsims · 5 months
My Stardew Valley project: Lots Layout plan in TS4
(This is not/will not be a save or a download as I use way too much CC for that, just a personal project and plan of lots I found suitable; I don't know how long this will take me or if I'll ever complete it but having a plan helps me so much to not get stuck later)
I'm sharing this in case it is handy to anyone wanting to do a Stardew Valley save in The sims 4 from scratch (lots off gallery are limiting with their sizes and needing specific lots, so I'm starting from zero unless a lot fits) without ugly set dressings or stupid backgrounds that don't make sense, and trying to group together the lots properly like they are laid out in the game so you can see them in the distance, or at least put them on an isolated lot with a clear surroundings if they have to be separated. It isn't perfect and is subjective and pack dependant but I spent a while today just laying out in my blank save (I use the srslysims blank save for this) where I wanna build what and who lives in each lot, so I'm sharing it in case it saves someone time or is useful Some lots are for a few sims living together to do two or more builds on one lot. This could possibly work with For Rent, but I don't dare try it lol. Others are just living alone. Others are just community. The main worlds I'm using are:
- Henford on Bagley:
The finwich area for the main Pelican town area ➡ 1= 1 Willow Lane (Sam Vincent Kent Jodi) + 2 Willow Lane (Hayley and Emily) these are here because of the river and the bridge leading "down to the beach" just everything is perfect for me. 2= Mayor's Manor, 1 River Road (Alex, George, Evelyn), 2 River Road (Pam and Penny trailer) this one is a little cramped and will have to be one next to the other but it can work. That way all these people live in the village centre. 3= Stardrop Saloon, maybe a little square if it fits, but probably not. 4= Harvey's clinic, Pierre's store. 5= Blacksmith and Library (+the little ice cream stand or market stall) 6= Joja Mart and/or Cinema (I'm doing both) 7= Bookseller with cute hot air balloon (this is random I wanted to do it, but it is usually just an empty area) 8= The farm 9= 24 Mountain road (Maru Seb Robin and Demetrius) 10= Quarry (set as generic) 11= Linus's tent 12= Adventurer's Guild and Mines (marlon gil and dwarf)
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Willow Creek (Community Center)
It is on the big lot in willow creek, no surroundings or buildings, so It was perfect, and gives enough space to build the community center plus the childrens park and the natural area around it and it's by a river.
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- Moonwood Mill as Cindersap Forest
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I know it's a bit grungy and has industrial deco but I don't mind these buildings as they fit with the nature imo. It had the perfect amount of lots for what I needed, plus a river. 1= Wizards Tower 2= Travelling Merchant 3= Marnie's Ranch + Leah's Cottage 4= Krobus/Sewer (this is the main reason I chose this world and I know there isn't a beach but the sewer pipe with trash aesthetic and the large lot in the forest was enough for me) 5= Mouse Hat shop /Abandoned house
Granite Falls for Secret Forest:
I'm doing this one (using Zerbu's all worlds are residential) in Granite Falls in the National Park lot, I just liked how big it is, how tall the surrounding trees are, and that it has a little waterfall area.
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Glimmerbrook as the rest of "Mountains" area (Railroad and Spa). I choose that lot of the railroad cause i can add a tunnel for the train with tool and it looks like its coming out the cliff
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Sulani as the Docks (with Elliots shack and Willy's shop) the build i've placed is from the gallery and is a water lot with the Night market (I really liked this and didn't want it separately) so I had to place it here. I do not actually like Sulani for this though, it is far too tropical and its on an island but I am forgiving it for the sake of having the beach lot. I wish Brindleton Bay had a beach lot near the docks would have been much better. You could change this and put it anywhere if you build your own beach as a pool but I hate doing that... In Sulani I'll also build all the Ginger Island stuff, but I still haven't played through that properly so I can't say what is going where yet.
Forgotten Hollow (witch's swamp/hut)
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Forgotten Hollow as the witch's swamp /witch's hut area (again this is random but I wanna include it and make the witch for fun)
Oasis Springs as The Calico Desert
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This large lot is perfect. It has a road, not too much going on around it except rocks and desert, and I'm gonna put everything here (Sandy's shop, Mr Qi's casino, and the desert trader outside). I will not be building the bus stop anywhere cause it is unnecessary. I forgot to mention but also the skull cavern might fit here or I'll do it on some other lot maybe OTHER INFO
Mods I'm gonna use to help the lots work as intended: I'm gonna play with littlemssams live in business mod to achieve the character being able to live on what should be a community lot and for it to still be functional, as well as chingyu's welcoming lot trait to avoid sims not being able to do what they want on these lots without being "innappropriate". For each of the lots and worlds I selected I spent time entering each and deciding which areas most closely resembled the areas from the game. For example if it had a lake or river nearby, or if the lot was big enough to build each thing. This could change but I think I'm happy with it. I might have to change some of this or make tiny builds to fit the multi build lots. Every single thing is super unfinished and empty, this is just my layout plan.
Conclusion: I hope this helps someone or if not and you even read this far that you like my idea :) If I forgot something or someone or said a name wrong, sorry, though I haven't fully finished the game yet. Basically I tend to get super overwhelmed and annoyed if there are stupid buildings or things that don't match, and am unable to just randomly plop any build anywhere like many players do due to obsessing over it not looking right around the build...maybe I'm a perfectionist or wish it was a blank world, but this is my next best thing. At least this was easier than my Cyberpunk save with way more foresty/countrysidish options 😅
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sir-walton-goggins · 5 months
Fanfic Masterpost (updated)
My ao3 account: https://archiveofourown.org/users/yourlocallygrowngay/works
All That Matters (4312 words) Fandom: Red Dead Redemption (Video Games)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Relationships: Arthur Morgan/Original Female Character(s), Arthur Morgan/Original Character(s)
Summary: When Micah told Arthur the O'Driscolls proposed a parlay, he already knew this was a trap, and so did his wife Kris. When he didn't show up to camp with Dutch and Micah, Kris knew something had gone wrong, so she goes out looking for him.
read it on tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/yourlocallygrowngay/757643525081939968/all-that-matters?source=share
Of Thorns and Roses (1897 words) Fandom: Red Dead Redemption (Video Games)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Relationships: Arthur Morgan/Reader Summary: A nice evening together gets rudely interrupted and things go south when a drunk patron begins harassing you. Arthur won't let anyone disrespect you, ever, and gets into a fight.
read it on tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/yourlocallygrowngay/755836559480242176/of-thorns-and-roses?source=share
At Your Mercy (2390 words)
Fandom: Red Dead Redemption (Video Games)
Rating: Mature
Relationships: Arthur Morgan/Reader Summary: Arthur and you have some fun in your private saloon room. You decide to take the reins and Arthur lets you.
read it on tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/yourlocallygrowngay/752837318128320512/at-your-mercy?source=share
A Quiet Time (1479 words) Fandom: Red Dead Redemption (Video Games)
Rating: Explicit Relationships: Arthur Morgan/Reader, Arthur Morgan/Female Reader Summary: Arthur has been waiting all day to get his hands on you. You retreat to his tent with only one instruction: be as quiet as possible.
read it on tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/yourlocallygrowngay/749758637735624704/a-quiet-time?source=share
Pearl in Unworthy Hands (3268 words)
Fandom: Red Dead Redemption (Video Games)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Relationships: Molly O'Shea/Reader, Molly O' Shea/female reader
Summary: Sick and tired of seeing Molly being mistreated by Dutch, reader decides to take matters into her own hands, much to Dutch's dismay.
read it on tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/yourlocallygrowngay/748757864280129537/pearl-in-unworthy-hands?source=share
Kiss of Purple, Blue and Green (2361 words)
Fandom: Red Dead Redemption (Video Games)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Relationships: Arthur Morgan/Reader, Arthur Morgan/Gender Neutral Reader
Summary: After a drunken night together, Arthur sees a love bite on your neck and mistakens it for a bruise. He turns on his fellow gang members to find the culprit, before you have the time to explain the truth to him.
read it on tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/yourlocallygrowngay/746477956960026624/kiss-of-purple-blue-and-green?source=share
The Master of Unlocking (my heart) (10622 words)
Fandom: Biohazard | Resident Evil (Gameverse)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Relationships: Jill Valentine/Reader
Summary: You and Jill are coworkers and best friends. Since she came back from the Spencer Mansion, Jill changed. She isn't sleeping, or eating, and she stopped showing up at work. You're worried about her and want to help her with her investigation to take down Umbrella. To thank you for your help, Jill prepares a little something.
Evil Angel (2751 words)
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Biohazard | Resident Evil (Gameverse)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Relationships: Leon S. Kennedy & Reader, Leon S. Kennedy/The Merchant
Summary: Reader attacks Leon while controlled by Saddler. Stricken by guilt, she runs away. She's found by Leon, who comforts her and gives her the strength to continue.
Lipstick Stains (3322 words)
Fandom: Biohazard | Resident Evil (Gameverse)
Rating: Mature (+18)
Relationships: Ada Wong/Reader
Summary: You and your girlfriend Ada are going to attend a charity gala for the organization she's currently working for. While you get ready, you both get a bit… distracted.
Fiery Red (1703 words)
Fandom: Biohazard | Resident Evil (Gameverse)
Rating: Mature
Relationships: Ada Wong/Reader
Characters: Ada Wong, Reader
Summary: Your girlfriend Ada comes home from yet another secret mission in Raccoon City. You take care of her and help her unwind, you enjoy some time together after weeks apart. A very fluffy and partly suggestive one-shot.
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the-cash-cache · 1 year
The Goblin Market: the weirdest and most colorful cast of merchants you’ll ever meet!
Picture it: Sicily, 1922 my desk, 2023. I have just gotten back from a raucous day on the town, and am relaxing with my emotional support water bottle while browsing the internet in a sleep-deprived reverie. My mind wanders the dimly flashing streets of neural pathways, before being struck by the Truck of Realization that I have been derelict in my duty of talking about amazing ttrpg stuff!
I’ve talked about the Certified TERF Hated collection of NPCs The Goblin Market by my good friend @europaprisonmoon before here, and I believe it’s worth talking about again!
I’ll start off with this description from the itch.io page itself which perfectly encapsulates the colorful array of characters your party can meet:
The Goblin Market is a system agnostic collection of over fifty merchants, monsters and even stranger things which can be dropped into your campaign to add weirdness and magic for your players: retired river gods, escaped nightmares, tea merchants, wicker basket mechs, predatory graves, vengeful dragons seeking to raise an army to defeat tyrannical princesses, off-duty demons, magical roboticists, mystery cults, accidentally immortal witches, and many more. 
This supplement is a treat to read, with Tryphosa Tucker Thimbling capturing my heart and mind from the moment I met her! A milliner with “fur like the finest humus” and piebald donkey ears adorned with beautiful golden bells, Tryphosa loves tea - of the drink and gossip varieties. Have you ever felt your PC was missing something? Some critical aspect leaving them sorely lacking? It is obviously that they need a hat from Tryphosa! Turn heads with a cap made of fantastical materials; you’ll never have to worry again about entering a bar/saloon/communal watering hole and facing someone with the same hat as you.
If for whatever reason Tryphosa doesn’t strike your fancy, why not a quartet of large albino rats joined at the tails? The Quartet (or was it once The Quintet?) sells uncandles, a perfect gift for the brooding rogue in your party! Fashioned from shadows and darkness, the uncandles will bring a comfortable gloom to any room.
Best of all, The Goblin Market is on sale for just under $8 until July 13th! That’s less than 16 cents per NPC. The NPCs are connected to each other, so you can throw as many or as few into your game, and you’ll never be at a loss for people your players can talk to!
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vioyume · 1 year
Scraped Cowboy au
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This is some concept art for a cowboy au that I wanted to make, but later on decided to shelve because its gonna be one of those projects that will drag on for a long time for me to fully develop it, which I simply don't have the time for. (Mostly because of irl stuff & I can't keep myself motivated for that long)
The idea came to me after completing RTDLDX, so late Feburary or early March. I was playing too much Kirby on the Draw.
I always had the normal characters in mind but I wanted to try to design some of the gijinka designs as well since its bit more complex to design their outfits. Only got to MK, Kirby, Magolor, and the Lor, but I'm happy that I got to at least get to the Lor's development.
I might want to doodle them sometimes, but that's all I'm gonna do with it going forward.
More info on the au under cut:
DDD was gonna be the Mayor while Meta is the Sheriff and his horse is the Halberd. (Never got to how the rest of the Meta Knights will be)
I took some inspiration from the Dreamy Gears novel, and wanted have Daroach as a Saloon owner but him and the squeaks and are secretly notorious thieves in the town. Meta knows but he willingly keeps his mouth shut.
Magolor is suppose to a travelling merchant with the Lor as his horse and a redesigned shoppe to fit. Marx travels with him as some sort of prankster entertainer.
Taranza is a tailor, he moved into town because he needed a change of scenery after losing his late wife who died because of a sickness.
Susie and her Father are some sort of rich folks. Had trouble debating if technology would introduce or if I should stick to them being traditional engineers.
Magic was an off and on thing in this au sort of like how Dreamy Gears does, though I never fleshed it out. Wanted to make Nova a normal clock that you can just find in the wild, like a box of old stuff or randomly buried in the dirt.
Thought of making the Lor and the Halberd horses in love. It still makes me giggle.
Uh yeah that was all I had plan for this au. If this inspires to you make or add to your own then go ahead and take some of the ideas I had here, you don't need to ask me.
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Got anything for Razzy? Can be absolutely anything, even shitpost.
Yes! :D Thank you for your ask and enjoy!
After some hard work with new spells or just when he wants to relax, he can afford to smoke a little. Rasmodius grows all kinds of weed and tobacco himself. He doesn't sell it to anyone, but he can share it with his friends (if they smoke, of course). At times, when talking with Marlon about different subjects or nothing, smoking has become almost mandatory.
Doesn't miss the opportunity to chat with the Traveling Merchant lady every Friday and Sunday, not forgetting to check out her wares. Sometimes you can find very interesting things and artifacts from the Gotoro Empire at her place. Plus, she's quite a pleasant person to talk to.
He is the one who teleports gems to the trash cans of some Pelican Town residents. After the Wizard recognized the young Farmer's strange habit of rummaging through the trash (he isn't particularly surprised, since he already has a friend with a similar habit - Linus), he decided to use magic to generate gems there. Just to laugh at the Farmer's surprised reaction (a diamond in a garbage can - the hell?? what?????).
If Rasmodius is not expecting guests, and feels unmotivated in some way, he will be lazy to change into his usual robe and will go home in a bath silk robe (purple, because aesthetics 🤌). And if guests do show up - well, he have to accept them according to all the laws of hospitality. And don't look at him like that, this robe is unisex!
Absolutely terrible at cooking. He can concoct any potion you want, but he can't make scrambled eggs without another fire and burnt food. It's easier for Rasmodius to just conjure up food, or have it delivered from the Saloon.
The Wizard loves rain, and goes outside whenever thunderclouds thicken in the sky. He casts a barrier spell on himself that keeps him from getting wet. Rasmodius likes the sound of tinkling drops on the barrier and the smell of rain. He especially loves it in the fall season.
Secretly helps travelers find their way home or to Pelican Town if they get lost in the woods.
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fadingplaidlibrary · 4 months
gus headcanons
his full name is augustine but only his family calls him that
he has an older brother named algernon, and four precocious little nieces who love terrorizing their uncle gus
he loves to dance! our boy can cut a rug for sure, and he’s not shy about it, it’s just that he usually has to watch the kitchen and the food tables at any town gathering so he’s too busy for the dance floor
he started out working as a busser in the old saloon when he was still in high school/secondary school, then went to culinary school out west before coming back to run the place
has a homoerotic rivalry with the city health inspector. the saloon is immaculate and always passes with flying colors, but you couldn’t tell that from the way gus and the inspector talk to each other
of course he sources smuggled gotoro empire produce from the traveling merchant. “the secret ingredient is crime” is one of his catchphrases
he keeps a calendar with everyone’s birthday on it so he can remember to send them a special little dish
every so often he sends harvey home from the saloon with a jar of homemade aromatic broth or hearty stew, and some fresh bread with hand-churned butter. the good doctor really would survive on frozen meals and multivitamins otherwise
he’s a champion bowler in the inter-city intramural leagues. they call him “gus goldfingers”
the first time sandy visited the saloon, he got so flustered he dropped his phone directly into a pot of consommé by mistake
the man is terribly nearsighted so he wears specialty contact lenses
he always has a little container of vaseline in his pockets. it helps keep his hands soft and it’s good for covering tiny cuts in a pinch
when he was younger he wanted to join the military. then he visited a local army barracks on a school field trip and tasted the military rations, which swiftly and permanently changed his mind
he’s lefthanded so his kitchen is built to accommodate him. emily is also lefthanded, so they work well together
he’s the only one in town grandma evelyn trusts with her secret chocolate chip cookie recipe, and he’s been sworn to secrecy
he really likes the idea of having tattoos, but he’s scared of needles, so he lets his nieces stick temporary tattoos all over his arms whenever he visits them
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dmitriclaudius · 5 months
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Dimmed Lights - The Quiet Chapter of Dmitri's Life
Finding work in Gridania was hard for a foreigner such as Dmitri, even as an elezen among other elezen, Gridanian businesses turned him down when they saw he was from Coerthas. Some owners were wary of him, stating that Ishgardians don’t leave their land for good reasons. Eventually he came across a saloon on the outskirts of town on the lower level of what appeared to be an abandoned theater.
After talking to the handsome Duskwight barkeep, he was able to land a job as the person to do the heavy lifting around the saloon. Soon however, his position at the saloon would change as many Gridanian merchants that frequented the place requested he be placed onto the roster. Little did Dmitri know, this saloon was effectively a bar and also a place for people to request hosts for the evening. Both men and women were paid well to keep these wealthy merchants entertained and their cups full. Dmitri was not unfamiliar with personalities like these merchants, he went to school with many highborn afterall. But this was the first time he was perceived not as lowborn, but as an attractive young man. He caught eye of how much the other hosts were making and thought to himself, this could work in his favor. And so, after fitting into the barkeep's unwanted garbs and styling his hair differently, he began his career as a host. At first he was nervous, shaking as he poured spirits into his patron’s glasses. But with some of the merchants’ carefree attitudes and inebriated state, he grew confident in his ability to entertain and provide a good time. This was the first time Dmitri felt like he had some sense of social power. Once he was just a farmer’s child, here he was favored among the wealthy and elite. He was happy to finally have a sense of belonging, even if it was just a saloon on the outskirts. One night, a gentleman walked him to the entrance of the saloon and propositioned that they finish the night in his chambers. Dmitri, off the high of liquor and underlying need to forget the ache in his heart, nodded and proceeded to walk behind the gentleman. That night Dmitri was a changed man. Afterwards, they laid and bed and Dmitri was still bashful after their encounter, unsure if he could stay till morning. The gentleman reassured him that he could stay. They went to sleep and by morning, the man had left. On the pillow next to Dmitri was a note and a small bag. “Thank you for the wonderful night, maids have washed your clothes and prepared your breakfast. Please dress and make your way home after your meal.” The note and hospitality was a nice gesture but when Dmitri looked over the sack to find it filled with gil, something in him panged. He took the gil and left. After this patron’s encounter, more merchants would request for his company after the bar closed. Soon, it was a common occurrence and every time, Dmitri would agree. He had regulars and men who specifically sought him out. Then their friends would come and they would all laugh and drink. Some of these patrons weren’t all law-abiding merchants though. Some partook in shady businesses and others were just too difficult to deal with once they’ve had their fair amount of drink. Still, they put their arms over Dmitri’s shoulder, calling him friend and one of them. But as friendly bar banter became nightly visits, he soon learned how depraved his friends could be. Dmitri was still growing at this time but he was tall for an elezen. He also worked on the farm his whole life and as a result, had a sturdy build. To these friends of his, that was an invitation for them to have their way with him. Being rough or inflicting pain, all of it was done without question. Dmitri disliked this part of their transaction but in his mind, it was a service they’re paying for and something he deserved. Eventually the uncomforting acts became solace for him. There were times he thought of the boy from Ishgard who was never seen as better than livestock. Liquor, pain and warm beds were what kept him company so many cold nights.
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juicebox-junkie · 5 months
let's talk about my favorite stardew thing maybe ever :
GREEN RAIN!!!! (spoilers)
i only recently got a computer, and had heard very little about it up until this point, bc for the first time today i got it!!! here are some photos and thoughts C:
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what u woke up to!!!! very spooky, i had no clue what was going on
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AWOOGA!!!!! i didn't get pics of a lot of stuff but he asks you to tell Robin he's safe. if he go to sebs room, the rest of the family is together and robin is pacing and frustrated. it's kinda sad
then, the part that literally ripped up my insides
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i'm not someone who cries over game dialogue too often, but i teared up the second i finished reading evelyn's dialogue. it was so sweet seeing george comfort her
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lastly, the merchant wasn't in her spot.
other notes:
- Gus invites everyone to the saloon, and it's open all day
- you can't give gifts on this day, or buy anything
- clint has more cringey dialogue about emily
- pam asks if this is 'a sign from the almighty' (yoba) and asks if this is the end . devastating
- sam asks if it's acid rain, and then says he has to protect his brother
- the wizard says this is 'doing wonders' for the local wildlife/junimos (maybe, idk i'm just guessing)
- linus doesn't give a fuck about it
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focsle · 2 years
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Have a captain’s saloon. From Wavertree, that operated as a merchant vessel from 1885-1910.
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westworldhqs · 6 months
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𝐖𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐋𝐃 𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝟎𝟎𝟏 – 20th anniversary celebration.
Twenty years ago, to the day, WESTWORLD first opened its doors to the public. In the past two decades, Westworld has gone from an ambitious experiment to a mainstay in the American zeitgeist. Everybody who is anybody has crossed the threshold at least once – desperate for the chance to live without limits. For those without the capital to pay for a ticket, Westworld remains an elusive prize – a symbol of wealth and status attainable only for a select few – heard about only through stories that filter down from the wealthy and happen upon working class ears. Only to be talked about, but never to be seen. That is, at least, until now.
The TWENTIETH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION will be something particularly special. The first milestone event since RONAN RIGBY took the mantle of Park Director – and he has been rumoured to be pulling out all the stops, both to impress the guests, and to appease the shareholders. Guests and employees will be treated to a week-long festival held in Sweetwater, culminating in a town banquet, where Ronan Rigby will be delivering a televised broadcast across the country – allowing those who cannot otherwise afford to visit Westworld the chance to catch a glimpse of it.
For hosts, this week is spent celebrating the harvest festival – the farmers are returning to town with their fresh crops, and it appears to have been another prosperous season. This is a wonderful time of year in Sweetwater – spring in the air, plentiful food, and visitors from far and wide mean that the town is booming. Merchants will be touting fresh produce, saloon workers looking to lure guests in, pickpockets looking for an easy score – and all other hosts preparing a feast for the town banquet.
Months of planning has gone into this event – here's hoping it goes off without a hitch! Remember, the world will be watching.
TL;DR: To celebrate Westworld's 20th anniversary, employees, guests, and hosts are all taking part in a week-long festival, culminating in a town banquet that is to be televised across the United States. With this, we are now OPEN FOR INTERACTIONS. Make sure to plot with your fellow members and tag your starters with #westworld.start & #westworld.event!
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starlitdrearns · 6 months
@chardonnavs a letter with a few words and sentences scratched out in hurried penmanship was stuffed inside an envelop that had clearly spent some time in the very back of a full drawer and delivered to danica's mailbox.
hey danica,
how are you liking the valley so far? i kind of got the impression it's a little different from wherever you were living before the other night at the saloon. i've only ever lived in the valley so i can't say i know too much adjusting to a big change like that. on the bright side, i know there's usually someone around willing to lend a hand if you need anything so hopefully that helps. not that i'm implying that you aren't adjusting well or need help or anything! it was just sort of like just in case, ya know?
anyway, what's it like where you're from? don't get me wrong, i love the valley but i always thought it'd be cool to see more places when i was a kid. can't say i really have the time to now though. not that i'm complaining! i don't think i'd know what to do with too much downtime and besides, i can still hear about other places from people who come to live here or some traveling merchants.
i'd write more, but i may have overestimated how much free time i'd have for this when i signed up at the bulletin board and gotta run!
have a good one, isaiah
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raaorqtpbpdy · 5 months
The Westons out West
The Weston Family had lived in the town of Amity for some time when the Fentons moved there. And even for strangers, those Fentons sure were strange.
For the prompt Old/Wild West AU [from @jackdraw-spwrite]
Read also on AO3
[Warning for mentions of guns]
Wes Weston worked at the general store. His father was a salesman, but that alone didn't keep food on the table, so he and his brothers all had to pitch in their dues. His eldest brother Easton did some bookkeeping for the local businesses, and his older twin Kyle was a stable-hand. And even between the four of them their mother still had to play piano in the saloon for tips from time-to-time.
Still, as lean as times were in the West, it had been worse back home.
When they'd first moved out here, looking for opportunity and a little sunshine after the dreary days behind them, they couldn't tell the difference between a cowhand and a homesteader, but that time was past. This little western town of Amity was home now. Barely scrape by, though they did.
A lot of folks came through the general store, locals and and strangers alike. Some came in weekly to resupply their cupboards, and others stopped by on their way through town to somewhere else to pick up a bag of horse feed, a bottle of whiskey, and some chewing tobacco before moving on. Working there, Wes had come to recognize a lot of familiar faces, and seen twice as many strangers, but none were so strange as the kid.
Wes eyed the kid from the moment he walked through the door, hair as black as night and ice-blue eyes that shone with secrets. Truth be told, he and Wes couldn't have been too far apart in age, but if Wes was a kid, then so was he. He smiled at Wes, the kid did, with teeth too white and far too sharp, and asked if they happened to sell any kind of chocolate.
"Sometimes merchants come up from Mexico with some to sell to us, but we haven't got any in stock right now," Wes told him.
The kid clicked his tongue. "Shame. Ma was planning on making some fudge to greet the new neighbors."
"You just moved to Amity?" Wes asked.
"Yep," the kid confirmed. "Name's Danny Fenton. My family just moved out here for a little more open space."
"A little more open space?" Wes repeated, unconvinced.
Danny smiled again, that too bright, too clean smile. "I never got your name," he said.
"Wes," he replied. "My family's lived around here for some time. I'm sure you'll recognize them out and about. Every redhead in town is a Weston."
Danny barked a laugh. "Not anymore," he said, and then he left, without even looking around, let alone buying anything.
Everyone became aware of the Fenton Newcomers almost overnight, but none was more aware than Wesley Weston.
He knew he was a curious boy—some said he was too curious for his own good—but he was a clever boy, too, and he knew when something was going amiss in his town, and right under his nose. He'd kept one eye on them, and especially Danny since they'd first moved into town, spotting right away that something was off about them.
On the surface, they looked alright. Jack Fenton was a mountain of a man, with an affinity for orange and holster on his hip that housed a pistol like no gun Wes had ever seen. His wife, Maddie, wore her skirt hiked up well above the ankles in a scandalous style that gave a lot of men around town the wrong idea about her. She set them straight right quick, though. The two of them claimed to be scientists, and spent all their time holed up in their house, rarely showing their faces to the rest of the town.
Their daughter, Jazz, was a proper, well-read young lady. She tied her hair back in a long braid, and wore her skirt at a much more appropriate length than her mother. She could usually be seen carrying a book, and the mayor had quickly offered her a position as a school teacher, as the town had been wanting for one since the last was taken by fever. She accepted, though she claimed it was only to keep her out of the house most of the day. Both her and her mother had bright red hair, which explained Danny's rather cryptic response to Wes when they first met.
Danny, their son, well he was the queerest of them all. He carried no gun, which was odd, but not unheard of given his age of only fourteen, though Wes had carried one since he was thirteen to scare off rowdy customers at the store. Danny had a strange quality about him, and strange behaviors, and the more Wes watched him, the more certain he became that Danny Fenton was no ordinary boy.
It was about a month after the Fentons first came to town that the first specter followed. A shadowy figure in a white get-up and a black hat, who carried himself like a lawman, and looked like bad news. Wes knew right away that he was a ghost. He knew by the faint glow of his pale skin, the shine of his eyes, and the hiss in his voice, like he'd swallowed a live rattlesnake, and it was still rattling around.
When asked, he said his name was Walker, and he was looking for an outlaw who called himself Phantom.
No one in town had ever heard of someone called Phantom, and the description of a boy with white hair and dark clothes didn't match anyone they knew.
Then at high noon a boy came down from the sky. His clothes were black. Cloud-white hair poked out from under his stetson, and a black bandana was pulled up over the bottom half of his face. Everyone was so shocked at seeing him come out of the sky like an angel from heaven that Wes was the only one that noticed he carried no gun.
Neither he, nor Walker said a single word as they stared each other down.
Walker's knuckles cracked as he positioned his hand over his holster, and Phantom's eyes shone a bright and glowing green like no one in Amity Park had even seen before.
Walker drew, but Phantom was quicker. A green beam shot out of Phantom's finger and hit Walker's shooting hand, knocking his gun to to floor. Then, Phantom hurled something metal at the other ghost that crackled like lightning, and when the light faded, Walker was gone.
The only sound was the rustle of wind and the clink of Phantom's spurs as he walked to where Walker had once stood to pick up the tin canteen. He bent over, gathered up the canteen and Walker's dropped gun, and when he drew himself back up to his full height, which couldn't have been more than five foot two, he disappeared. Vanishing in broad daylight, in full view of a dozen people.
Wes couldn't be sure of anything, but a theory formed in his head after that day. A theory about the strange ghost boy that flew into town before mysteriously vanishing... and the strange human boy that had moved into town not long before.
When they were younger, driving their wagon out west, Wes and Kyle would around the fire while their older brother Easton told them scary stories. They didn't know where Easton had learned them all, but he knew a lot. He told stories about death coming round in a carriage collecting lost souls, about vampires that lured people in to drink their blood, about monsters that skulked across the prairie. But Wes' favorite stories were the ones about ghosts.
Easton, it had always seemed, knew everything there was to know about ghosts. Whatever questions Wes asked him, he was always quick to answer.
That had been years ago now, but Wes had one more question for him.
"Easton," he asked one evening after dinner when they were all fixing to sleep. "You remember all those ghost stories you used to tell us, way back when?"
"'Course, Wes," Easton said. "What about 'em?"
"Do you think there could ever be a person who was a ghost, even though they were still alive?"
Easton paused at that, his face a mask of concentration as he considered the question.
Kyle scoffed. "There can't be anyone like that because ghosts plain don't exist. Those were just stories Easton told us, nothin' more." he said, but his brothers ignored him.
"I reckon I don't know," Easton said finally. "Could be, but I've never heard of something like that before."
Wes nodded mutely and went to bed.
After a few months of continued watching, a few more ghosts riding into town to challenge the unknown Phantom to a duel and quickly lose, though Phantom carried no gun, a few sleepless nights to skulk around and search for proof, Wes was sure of it.
Danny Fenton and the Phantom were one and the same.
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