#merch style :( which ik i should just do my own thing but . But
fearoffun · 2 months
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doodles in my spare time... trying out brush settings @_@
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Best of tags (#3)
A compilation of my favorite reactions to this blog.
@comicgeekscomicgeek on Iida being the Alpha Nerd: (Link)
In spite of having the coolest costume by a considerable margin, Tenya is so uptight SCOTT FREAKING SUMMERS would tell him to relax.
The Scott Summers comparison is so apt it’s scary. I do hope Iida gets better luck in his romantic relationships, though.
@ijustrebloganandpostshit on the human centipede of love: (Link)
“I wish uraraka looked at me” “I wish Midoriya looked at me” BROKE MAH KACCHAKO HEART WKSKSKHD
Also applicable:
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@my-minds-cabinet on Aoyama being the Dekusquad’s Team Mom: (Link)
#idk why but i just heard aoyama shouting in a sassy french mom voice#dont question it#bnha#lol
French moms seem to live in a constant state of “Had It Not Been For the Laws of This Land,  I Would Have Slaughtered You". I don’t make the rules.
@tired-of-yall on Mineta kissing Deku: (Link)
ewww! That'd be like kissing the bathroom floor 😱😱😱
Don’t be unfair. At least the bathroom gets cleaned after an unfortunate accident.
@very-bored-anon on Bakugou crying nitroglycerin: (Link)
Considering how aggressive Bakugou is, he could try to cry nitroglycerin out of spite.
People headcanon Deku as having a tears-related quirk, but honestly they’re all sleeping on Bakugou weaponizing sadness. Nothing good ever happens when Bakugou cries.
@kiriligma on Iida being the Alpha Nerd: (Link)
#i will never get over alpha nerd iida
Ah, but consider the luck guy/girl who will get UNDER him.
@loghini-marini on Bakugou watching porn with Mineta: (Link)
#ok first of all in what world is bakugou willing to hang out with mineta in any context#this is improbable to me but it's funny so whatever#nasty bitch ass minet
Bakugou is so aloof that by the time of the Sports Festival he hadn’t yet memorized the name and quirk of his classmates. So this is happening very early on when he hasn’t realized the full extent of Mineta’s horribleness. Basically he’s a poor asexual baby who doesn’t understand why everyone's obsessed and he looks for guidance in the worst person imaginable.
@mha-vines on the wiener kazoo (you had to be there) : (Link)
Wait he would have bought the wiener kazoo? Lol ik what you meant but that’s what first came to mind
If I ever sell merch for this blog, be assured that “Deku’s wiener kazoo” will be the first item available.
@neon-crayons on Tokoyami’s preemptive funeral: (Link)
Is this quote from ‘camp camp’?
No, as a rule this blog only publishes original material. Readers may submit incorrect quotes from other works, however. That being said, I’m basic as all get-out so similarities between my posts and existing material are inevitable in the long run.
@zerounitrgb on Class A-1 debating which boy is the cutest: (Link)
#The ones that don't want to get involved get dragged in anyway #Ashido out here creating more drama by saying shit like: #'Todo is a prince Toko is a cute birb Koda is adorable Shouji is hot af'
Mina Ashido is a chaotic trickster goddess. An alliance with Monoma would be too terrifying to behold.
@zerounitrgb on Tokoyami hosting his own fake funeral: (Link)
#Whoever you ship him with is out here in full widow attire with black veil and dress#They're fake sobbing their heart out and delivering the most elegant eulogy#Then at night Toko is making a list of everyone's reaction#So he knows what to leave them in his will#His S/O is getting the best stuff#If it's Shouji though who doesn't want shit and doesn't want to live a day without him#then Toko decides they should start a family#'I know you're only saying that so you can leave your hoard with a kid but yes
The person in full mourning regalia (pseudo-victorian gothic lolita style) is Aoyama throwing himself on the coffin, begging the audience to bury him alongside Tokoyami because, and I quote, “no star may shine without the darkness of the night”. They planned the entire thing together with Tokoyami wearing a golden sequined tux just to mess with people’s expectations. Meanwhile in the corner Midoriya is crying because Tokoyami didn’t leave him his swords in the will.
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