archetypal-archivist · 3 months
Three Eels, Soup, and a Bad Day
In which Riddle is having A Time and it's all the Leech siblings' faults. This story features Morgan from "the seven habits of highly unfortunate souls: a transmigrator’s guide to the coral sea" by mercen on AO3 and is not canon to the events of that story. I just got brain rot. :)
The story starts with Floyd going about his day, picking at his teeth with a toothpick he'd swiped from the host stand in Mostro, having gotten bored of trying to steal all the picks without Jade noticing. It's getting late in the year, the temperatures are cooling down, and that makes Floyd want to get somewhere indoors for a while, his human body prickling with little bumps in a way that annoys him.
As such, he heads to the library and finds Riddle there, who's also inside to avoid the cold. Their usual banter ensues, Riddle up on a tall ladder trying to put a book away and Floyd wanting to climb up to see what Riddle's looking at. Their fighting knocks Riddle off the ladder and while Floyd catches him, the sudden fall spooks Riddle badly enough that he starts shaking. Floyd panics when Riddle tries to flee, not wanting to drop him, and the sudden squeeze only panics the house warden further. Tired and freaked out, Riddle has a minor breakdown in his arms, so Floyd ends up sprinting to Morgan because Riddle is mid-panic attack and his apologies and head pats aren't helping.
Morgan had been in his room shelving away a few news titles that he'd picked up in town, but the sound of Floyd's momentum slamming him into his door puts an end to that. Upon Floyd scrambling to get the door open and a brief thirty second explanation, Morgan mentally freaks out but starts by having Floyd put Riddle down on the bed, giving him space.
First, he pumps the air full of his magic, a sort of 'intent' that people can feel before someone casts a strong spell. He then layers out a ton of protection spells, listing each one as he goes so Riddle knows what's happening around him.
Morgan slowly approaches Riddle and starts singing in mermish, basically telling Floyd what to do in a sing song voice to both soothe Riddle and also keep the boy from knowing what Morgan and Floyd are doing. Under Morgan's instructions, Floyd creeps low, close to Riddle, and puffs him with little gusts of wind magic to cool him down and distract him. Then he asks outright if he can touch Riddle, yes or no, following exactly what Riddle says. No means no, even if Riddle keens at the loss of Floyd's touch.
Riddle finds it cruel and exposing to have to say outright what he wants from Floyd, what comfort he desires, and that breaks him down further. Morgan's eyes on the matter don't help, it feels voyeuristic and prying for him to be there, even with his good intentions. Still, Riddle is eventually finagled into something like being soothed, with a cold compress on his head and Floyd wrapped around him tightly enough that he can hardly breathe- tight enough that every breath is a reminder he isn't alone.
The whole time Morgan keeps up his stream of singing praises and promises of protection, layering as much positive intent into the air as possible to the point where Riddle can feel it. It causes some cognitive dissonance in Riddle, as his instincts say he is safe and his brain says no, Morgan's a stranger and he's still there, watching.
Floyd, on his part, is half catatonic under the sheer palpable weight of Morgan's magic, knowing full well that he's never been more safe here at NRC. His brother is there, watching, spilling out bloody promises should anything pop up. Eventually Morgan lets his voice trail off and asks Riddle if he'd like to sleep for a bit. Riddle, thoroughly broken down and too tired to fight, even though he's still scared, agrees. Morgan nods and tells Riddle exactly what spell he is using and the details, even as he casts it, giving Riddle plenty of outs.
After a few moments, Riddle and Floyd are both very asleep. Now it's Morgan's chance to panic, his own instincts demanding he keep watch until his brother and his brother's friend(?) are both whole and hale. So he texts Jade, slightly terse in a way that says Morgan is trying to stay polite and Jade knows really means Morgan is having a borderline emergency.
Jade fulfills Morgan's requests with terrifying efficiency, bringing in bottles of water and bowls of thick, warm soup, the recipe scraped together from what Jade knows of Riddle's preferences. He comes in ready to throw down, a first aid kit secretly in his jacket pocket, but instead walks face first into a veritable sauna of positive intent, Morgan's reserves enormous enough to keep pumping out magic. (His dietary preferences for magic-rich food definitely had an effect.)
Jade feels a bit like he's been hit with a brick and he nearly stumbles, Morgan's instincts having him grabbing the tray and bundling Jade up in a blanket too. Jade, confused but too punch-drunk to think straight, goes with it, settling by Morgan's feet. Morgan sticks a hand in Jade's hair, teasing through it in an attempt to further soothe, then informs his brother about what went down with Riddle. Now more amused, Jade laughs a bit at everyone's collective emotional idiocy, especially Morgan's, as he's conscious enough to tease and get a reaction out of. Soon enough, however, that tapers off and Jade falls asleep too, bundled up and lax like he was as a fry in the loop of Morgan's tail.
After a few minutes, Morgan stops filling the air with his magic, instead getting to his feet to start layering up protection and privacy spells. He cools Jade and Floyd's blankets, changes Riddle's compress, starts and stops singing as a fidget and in not knowing what to do, and eventually just ends up sitting at the foot of Floyd's bed, eyeing the door. His pen has accumulated more blot than he'd like but Morgan's perfectly willing to dirty it further, if it proves necessary.
He's being ridiculous, he knows he is, but having people under his direct care who aren't vicious beasties like his brothers has Morgan paranoid.
After another hour, Riddle wakes up, far more coherent and a little alarmed at where he is. Morgan is quick to tell Riddle of exactly what happened, what's gone down in the last two hours, what spells are in effect in the room right now, the time, and so on. Riddle stares at Morgan, a little nonplussed, before commenting that Floyd really didn't know what he was doing, did he.
Morgan, amused, agrees, establishing that Floyd brought Riddle to him and that he understands that this mess may have been a breach of Riddle's privacy. Riddle is shocked as Morgan continues, forcefully saying that there is no debt for this- he'd thump anyone who'd try to enforce one- no one knows about this but him and his brothers, and he's perfectly willing to submit to whatever methods Riddle wants to employ to guarantee his secrecy on the matter.
Riddle blurts out that Morgan is nothing like his brothers and Morgan laughs, telling Riddle that he considers himself the eldest of the trio. Taking care of others is kind of his job; a half-truth but one that takes away implication of debt or discomfort with the situation. He doesn't need Riddle to freak out further, that'd just be... messy.
At this point Riddle takes stock of the sleeping eels and just how potent the spells in the room are, eyes wide at how Morgan has essentially turned the bedroom into a bunker fit to keep an overblot monster out. He's not sure even he could break in if he tried and he really, really doesn't want to think about the fate of anyone who did.
Morgan notices that Riddle is looking at the door, wide-eyed, and thinking Riddle wants out, begins trying to reassure Riddle that he can leave whenever but to please eat first. Riddle agrees on instinct and soon finds himself hunched at Morgan's desk, eating a bowl of delicious soup, more than a little bewildered at how he got into this position. He does start to realize that he truly is safe here, however, as Morgan hefts Jade onto the bed to join Floyd and begins fussing, straightening blankets and soothing down bedhead. Floyd makes a sleepy grab at Morgan but Morgan steps away with an air of long practice, choosing instead to sit at Riddle's feet. Riddle is a tiny bit alarmed that Morgan is tall enough that his eyes come up to his belly button even with him on the chair and Morgan criss cross on the carpet but of everything going on so far, that's low on his priorities.
Morgan tries to ask Riddle as subtly as possible what had happened to make him panic as he did but Riddle bulldozes subtlety, telling Morgan outright in such a candid way that he knows he'll regret it later. Given Floyd's actions, would Morgan even do anything about the situation?
Instead, Morgan listens, offers advice, and promises protection (distraction of the terror known as Floyd) as needed in a way that suddenly reminds Riddle of Trey. He chuckles, startled at the thought and the realization of the many similarities, and Morgan asks, curious. Upon hearing the response Morgan nods, fully understanding, and agrees, stating that they're both big brothers. Riddle settles back in the chair, once again startled, and realizes that if this is big brother behavior, then Trey must act like he's Riddle's big brother. He doesn't know what to do with this information and so he stays silent, eating more soup.
Riddle finds himself oddly hungry and eats through most of another bowl, at which point Morgan begins reheating a third, the smell of which wakes up Jade and Floyd.
The duo emerge from their blanket burritos and Morgan immediately leaps to fuss over them, which makes the two go all pliant and a little huffy, insisting on not needing the fuss but never refusing it. Floyd catches sight of Riddle and immediately starts smiling, genuinely happy with no hint of mockery or fakeness. Just- genuine sunshine joy at seeing Riddle. Riddle's heart thuds in his chest and then Jade bowls Floyd over, squishing him for freaking Morgan out and thus making Jade freak out in turn. Floyd laughs, sighs, and apologizes to Morgan for springing all this on him, Morgan tuts and says it's alright, he doesn't mind.
At this point Riddle thanks Morgan for helping, drawing the threels' attention back to himself. More domestic arguing over who gets the last two bowls of soup (Morgan wants to give up his, Floyd is refusing and wants Morgan to have it, Jade sneaks and grabs the fourth one all for himself). Then even more domestic arguing, with Riddle drawn into it this time, as they all start packing out of Morgan's room.
Is there payment needed for this? Morgan says no, twins say yes, Floyd wants more time with Riddle, Jade wants Floyd to take Morgan's shift at the Mostro. Who's sweater is that? Morgan is fine with Riddle borrowing it as his own jacket is sweaty and he wants Riddle to be warm. Floyd wants Riddle in his jacket, Riddle doesn't want anyone's clothes at all. Does Riddle need walking back? Opinions vary.
The end of it has Riddle and Floyd walking back and Riddle commenting that Morgan is really nice but also freakishly powerful, Floyd laughs and starts detailing all the ways that Morgan is actually the scary one of the three eels, a big looming predator, haha! Just- kinda sleepy too, boring; not gonna bite first, yeah? He then pauses and tells Riddle with all seriousness that since he's fond of Riddle, he's under Jade and Morgan's protection just as much as Floyd's own and to tell any of them if Riddle needs help. Except if like, Morgan is busy. But then Morgan gets all huffy and that's no fun so- Riddle interrupts and says he doesn't need protection and Floyd nods before commenting that he and Jade don't usually need protection either but the nap was nice, right? Not just safe but cared for. Morgan's cool like that.
Riddle hesitates then states that Floyd really loves his brother. Floyd agrees softly, pausing as if to see which way his mood wants to swing, then states again softly that Morgan isn't why he and Jade survived- they could have done it just them two- but he thinks Morgan wouldn't have survived without him and his brother. People aren't built to be alone and Morgan guards what few people he has with everything he has, which is A Lot.
Riddle pauses, considering this and feeling warmed at the thought of being under that aegis, before offering up that he's glad Morgan was willing to help. Was that a big brother thing? Floyd pulls back, levity returned, and jokes that no, that's just a Morgan thing. Scene fades to black with Floyd complaining about all the ways Morgan is too nice and generous sometimes with Riddle arguing back that no, Morgan is just a decent person.
Back to Jade and Morgan, they emerge from the room with the spells removed to return the dishes to the sink in the Mostro only to bumble into Azul. Azul snidely comments with a hint of worry that everyone vanished on him and he got reports of Morgan's bedroom suddenly being coated in so much magic that the other students were worried. Did something happen?
Morgan lies as quick as he can on instinct, blank-faced, that it was a sleepover. Azul turns to Jade, incredulous, but Jade backs Morgan up. Yep, sleepover. In the middle of the day. For three hours. With Riddle. S L E E P O V E R. And everything is fiiiiinnnee.
Morgan grins and tries to bear Azul's scrutiny, Jade is as impassive as always, and soon enough Azul gives up... But not before snidely commenting that if Floyd has decided to get the pair involved in his quest for Riddle's friendship, Azul does not want to know. Morgan and Jade immediately want to die and Morgan internally laments what a good big brother he is, doing this for his siblings. Jade just wants to stab Floyd with a knife.
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ladyhallen · 1 year
The seven habits of highly unfortunate souls:a transmigrator's guide to the coral sea by mercen
Idk if you're into/know of twisted wonderland but this fic does pretty good worldbuilding. It's a si-oc as a merperson and right now it's in their childhood arc. You don't really need to know Twisted wonderland since it's precanon
I know absolutely nothing about this fandom, and now I want to read this.
I hope there's enough exposition to get me by, but like, this is just like reading a book. Except its fanfic. HAHAHA.
THANKS for the rec!!!
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berecuya · 2 years
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Un dibujo un poco viejo, extraño dibujarlos. Mi OTP ...
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riversebb · 2 years
new weed is tasty. not enough caryophelene though.
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hiimtheproblem87times · 8 months
YO AVA DESIGNS ARE HERE!!! Background Characters are Next :3
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The mercanies- the mercen- the mecan- how the fuck do you spell it???
The Mercenaries tho Ugh 😩 (dk if i got that)
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xruiiii-blog · 7 months
Some ghouls come in pairs and they are giving heavy sidling vibes…
These are just for fun!!! Some hc my friends and I shared:)) forgive my English too…I tried🤷‍♀️!
Swiss & Rain-They are not blood siblings but they’ve been by each other’s side for as long as they can remember. There’s an age gap, they act completely different, into different things, but there are times where they look like each other’s reflection. The pit was a tough memory for both of them but luckily they had each other.
That being said, They will do stupid pranks to the other one and it’s only funny to themselves. No one beside them will understand what the hell is going on. They won’t even stop giggling during practices this sometimes pisses Copia off…but they are his ghouls so he can’t do anything about it. Usually Swiss’ the one who started them. Rain only pays back if he’s bored/got irritated, most of the time he lets it slide.
Ifrit & Zephyr-They are twins! They can be very handful sometimes…the intention was nice(ended badly bc one of them accidentally messed up or got too carried away, drag the other one with them). They are free spirit. Don’t even try n tell them to behave or what to do cuz they always end up doing their own thing. Follow the instructions was never an option. If you trust them on whatever they’re about to do then that’s a promise, they sure knows how to deliver. Usually Ifrit suggests an idea and comes up with a “plan” but then Zeph is the one who’s actually doing all the work…
Rare occasions they get time-out from Terzo. They will start behaving for a week at most. Ifrit has to spend a day or two convincing Zeph to be on his side again. They are the sweetest boys tho, always trying to cheer their papa up and lighten the mood. If papa didn’t like it, try something new. Terzo secretly enjoyed their company. It feels like home when these two hanging around(even if he had to cover his ears or screams “put that down!”) Terzo gets complaints from sisters about these two running down the hall all the time. Besides a disappointed gaze, Terzo never actually punish them, ever.
Aurora & Phantom-baby bat siblings! Aurora is probably minutes or seconds older than Phantom and she won’t ever let this go. There’re A LOT of pillow fights, back and forth arguments about nothing, constantly screaming each other’s name for no reason in the ghoul dorms right after they’re summoned. Copia had to sit both of them down for a chat but ending up realizing there’s nothing he can do from this point on. They’re fine, it’s a sibling thing. The ghouls are on their own now.
(Quick side explaining: our lore is that ghoulettes and ghouls are not coming from the same place. Ghoulettes are like witches?? Their community are tight, function more like merceners, papa had to go hire from the witches. Ghouls are…ghouls. They are from hell, the pit, they can be owned I guess?? Make a living in the pit it’s all on ur own. Doesn’t matter where u from, working with/for the clergy, next to papa is always a pleasure, an honor. A sacred chance for anyone. Exceptions always exist, Mist is a ghoulette but she’s from the pit. Phantom in this case, was adopted by the witches and lives among them, so this makes him a half-witch I guess…there are some ghoul behaviors he simply doesn’t understand, Aether prepared him after his summoning but there’re still alotttt to process. He’s an exchange student if u will. )
If Phantom ever felt frustrated, Aurora is the first person he goes to, and vises versus. Aurora will call Phantom her baby brother only when tommy is not around. They are still on the young side so everyone is looking out for them. They never been on Earth before so they are super hyped about everything. Blew up the kitchen couple times but they were forgiven after a sincere apology. Will you ever say no or stay mad towards a baby bat who love you with all their heart?? That’s right, I don’t think so.
I haven’t read much of the lores in the fandom if there’s similar ones oops!! We have similar tastes I guess! I don’t own any of these they are all just for fun. Thanks for reading and tolerating my on going struggle with writing! Hearts to all the writers out there, idk how y’all did this, it’s so damn hard💀.
u guys’ stuff actually makes sense, mines don’t lol
FYI my drawing always have them in these dynamic as well! These became canon to me…I just love seeing ghouls messing around…
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flareboi · 3 months
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dfroggofarson · 2 years
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i wrote a oneshot about a hot NPC dilf. its 1600+ words. i'm really proud of myself.
when i was doing this quest, i had to come to the realization that i, in fact, do have some daddy issues. and that i have no idea of their origins, but so be it.
the more daddies for my perverted imagination, the better my day is.
if you haven't done the Golden Slumber world quest so far, i highly recommend it! it's long and sometimes annoying, but man, anything for hot dilfs (and their also hot daughters).
ok, that's all, i'm done simping. requests for other stories are open, as always.
fluff, comfort embedded. no smut for y'all horny ppl. sorry, not this time ;)
enjoy! ^^
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A difference between sky and sky.
A night in the desert wasn't a joke to anyone. It was rough, cold and merciless, killing anyone that missed to take care of themselves. Most mobile creatures had already found a shelter as soon as the Sun started to dive into the treshold of the horizont, hiding itself behind the gold of endless dunes. No matter if it were just animals, people, or monsters - survival made everyone behave similarly.
That night wasn't anything different than the previous ones. You and your two companions have been traveling for two days - for the fifth time. You commisioned them yet again to escort you while you collected some redcrest and other materials from the desert for special herbs. And why not just commisson them to bring some, without you having to travel such a long and tiring journey, or just buy what you need from the mercenants? You asked yourself at least a thousand times. For example, when you almost stepped on a giant scorpion-like thing, got hit by an especially massive tumbleweed, tripped on a scarab, and even when you got into a fight and almost lost all of your dignity?
Yes, you asked yourself a lot of times.
But you only trusted yourself when it came to collencting materials. After all, only you knew what exactly you needed.
And... Maybe you just enjoyed traveling with them on a regular basis.
Because every one or two months you came to Aaru village and commissioned them for the very same reason, and there wasn't even a single time they turned you down. It started nearly a year ago, when you had no idea of who to trust and how this region works, but out of sheer luck you bumped into - literally, right to his chest - the perfect people. And ever since you only commissioned them and no one else.
So there were the three of you: a still unexperienced, clumsy alhemist's apprentice, depending too much on their deputees; an always smiling, funny and kind, but at the same time life-threatening girl; and her father, a whole natural force, like a billion-years-old mountain looking like he could even challenge Morax himself with his bare two hands.
Well, a colorful team, might as well to say, you tought to yourself as you were laying in your tent. It was a strange friendship between the three of you. You were almost best friends with Jeht, you could talk and laugh about almost everything. And even tough you never talked much with Jebrael, he had proven that he really did care about you, so you considered him as a dear friend as well.
Despite these dangerous journeys, they were the most awaited people in your whole month.
Minutes passed, then half an hour, and then a whole, and you still could not sleep. Getting bored of trying, you sat up and started to think again. But after another thirty minutes you got bored again, so you decided to do a little stargazing. It might help you fall asleep.
You put on some clothes, and opened the tent. You almost tripped in your own legs as soon as you saw the tall, threatening figure's back infront of you-
Oh, wait. It's just Jebrael. Yeah. He's in your team.
After your heartbeat kind of went back to normal, you just stood there, studying the man's silhouette. If the muscles and scars armoring his massive body could tell you their stories, you'd probably listen to them for years long. When he fights, he does not have any spare movements, and the way he swings his weapon with such pure brutallity and unique elegance... This controversiality always left you tremble and speechless at the same time.
You snapped out of your toughts as you approached the man, not having any better idea as soon as you saw him. You were sure he's heard you, but just in case, you stepped on a drained brach to alert him of your presence. He did not turn his head towards you, and didn't say a word when you sat down next to him. You both remained silent for long minutes.
"Aren't you tired?" You asked, breaking the silence. "It's been a long day. You should take a rest, too."
"It's my turn on watch," he replied. "And Jeht is also tired. I'm fine. You should be the one taking a rest."
"But I can't sleep. I just keep thinking about everything."
"Hm," he 'said', still not moving an inch. Sometimes you wondered how a man of such a figure could act so unnoticeable and noiseless.
"For examle, the sky," you pointed at the stars. "All the orbs can be seen from there so much better than from Lyue harbor or Mondstadt. It's probably because of the light pollution, or I don't know."
"I tought you were a scientist?"
"Well... sort of, but this is not my field. I'm more into alchemistry. Or, at least, I'm trying," you laughed nervously, scratching the back of your head in embarassment. "But I'm not that good, no matter how hard I try."
"That's not true," he opposed, slightly turning his head toward you. "The ointment you gave us was really effective."
"Ah, yes. That is the only one I'm proud of," you chuckled. "And the anti-sweat bandages! I see you still use them," you smiled at him, looking at his arm.
"See, these things are useful. Just keep it up."
There was silence again. You stared at the endless black of the sky, toughts racing trough your head like a tumbleweed in the wind.
Somehotw, sitting in silence with him wasn't uncomfortable, like it was with other people. You could collect your toughts and think silently, while feeling perfectly safe.
You wanted to experience it more. Not just every one or two months.
"How much more materials do you need for the following months?" He asked suddenly.
"Well... Hmm... I need a few more redcrest, five scarabs and three more ajilenakh nuts... but I think that's all for now. But I'll think it trough the morning."
"Good. Jeht and I have to head back to the village soon, so we can collect them tomorrow and then start to take our way home," he said casually.
Like it didn't mean that your journey, your only chance to finally have some time for yourself, but be safe and with friends at the same time wasn't about to end in a few hours.
"Oh," you replied. "Okay, no problem."
"And you know, you can commission others to these trips, too. I have some reliable acquintances, so I can recommend you some of them. You don't have to aks us every single time."
You gulped. Did that mean that he wasn't enjoying your company? Definitely, you declared. But he seemed to be okay with it... Is there something wrong with you? Or with anything? Did you do something wrong?
Oh, silly question. Even when establishing the camp, you couldn't help properly, because the tent you tried to make always collapsed as soon as it had the chance, and it was always Jebrael who helped you fix it. You could only make some food, but that wasn't so delicious either, rather flavoured with herbs to make your companions feel better. But that didn't mean they enjoyed it as much as you did...
Were you overreacting again? Yes. But was it logical? Absolutely, for this time.
They were... he was important to you. It did matter what he said. Maybe a little bit too much.
"Right. That's true. I should probably ask someone else, too, you two must be busy as well," you laughed again, but this time much more nervously. "I'm sorry I bother you with this every month. Seriously." You nodded, holding back your tears, trying to find some excuse to leave the scenery as fast as possible. "Oh, can you feel it? It's getting so cold! I'd probably go back and, you know, try to get some rest... Good night, then!"
You quickly jumped up from the log you were sitting in, waving a quick "goodbye", then turned your back on him and walked to your tent.
How could you be so blind... Why would you think that he enjoyed spending time with you? No one enjoyed your company, that's why you didn't have any friends. You were nothing more than an ignorant little pharmacist who had no idea about the dangers and pressures of the world Jebrael lived in. He's porbably had some more important business to take care of, and you had no right to tell him to stay one more day just because-
"The... The stars. What's the difference between Lyue and here?"
You froze, slowly turning your head back to him. His head was facing the sky, hands resting on his knees relaxed.
He looked so peaceful all of a sudden.
You gulped again.
"We- well," you started, playing with your hand in embarassment, "there are so much more lamps in Lyue. It's a harbor, after all, and it's always bathing in light, so you cannot see the night sky so well..."
"Hmm. I haven't seen it in a long time," he whispered.
You turned your head to look at him. You had no idea why he was wearing, or why he had to wear that blindfold. You never asked about it. Once you tried to talk to Jeht, but she just brushed it off with an "I dunno, he never talks about it," and that was all.
Jebrael never talked about himself, not even to his daughter.
But something changed this evening.
He seemed to be more... open. To have a conversation. Even if it was just about the sky.
And he started to open himself for you.
You snapped back to reality, forgetting that you should probably carry on the talk. You made your way back to the log, sitting down next to him where you were just moments ago. It was still warm.
"Do you... want me to tell about it?" You asked silently.
For a moment, he didn't reply. Then he slighly nod.
You smiled.
Well... at least that's something to begin with.
} > -- • -- < {
The next morning, when Jebrael woke up, he found himself under a blanket - and with you leaning onto him, head on his right shoulder. He focused on the sounds surrounding him, but he couldn't hear Jeht's breathing, only yours. But when he moved his left hand, he found a short message.
'Wouldn't want to wake you two up, went to grab some branches. Not gonna be back soon. ;P'
Jebrael let out a small sigh, cautious not to wake you up, and just listened to your peaceful breathing for a few minutes.
And then he cracked a small smile.
That business in the village could wait a few days.
} > -- • -- < {
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kradeelav · 4 months
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discovered mercening (eruri aot doujin artist) through a creative friend recently, and taking a few days to sink into the absolutely sublime, dreamlike ink + wash art. the storytelling and handling of sensitive topics is every bit as impressive too.
- bsky account
- doujin shop
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samuraisam · 3 months
a magyar sajtoban mar megint nem lattam errol semmit (mercen sem)
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julyzaa · 7 months
Mercen Aga in his goth eunuch clothes is so funny to me
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blossomsofchaos · 8 months
Fics Im reading/I've read <3!
These are the main fics I've been reading lately so I wanted to share them! (I'll also put my fav ships for the fandom at the end of its section <3)
my absolute fav fics on here have ! after the author
"Lost in Translation" by broken_synchronicity !
"Spiteful entrance to a twisted world" by mofomango
"Some guy ex machina" by elydenaponia
"caged birds don't sing, but they still bite" by devin_trinidad !
"the seven habits of highly unfortunate souls: a transmigrator’s guide to the coral sea" by mercen !
"I am that which has survived (a blessing, and now a curse)" by runlittlerabbitrun
"unit y-ou" by writinggayer
"“Smile Now, Dear. It’s Sunrise.”" by HummingSparrow
"The Mantra, Sung Like A Forbidden Melody" by unbearably_adorable !
"―and the things i hold dearly, i'll let them fall for you" by kaiwaredaikon
"Retrogradation" by Torigale
"To Cause Trouble, To Cause Loyalty" by Tw7sted
"Like Lark Notes From the Sky" by ARevenantDreamingOfRoses
(FAV SHIPS: Idiazu, Idikei, Leoide, Adeuce)
"cage of your own making" by sunjinjo
"the lightning goe and the thunder die" by moonlight_mist
"Is this what therapy is?" by aliasgoeshere !
"someone's abandoned creation" by dustyyy
"sinner and the saint" by cometh_into_the_abyss
"a twisted performance" by motivation_loss
"The Puppet Who Cried In His Sleep" by !
"Meeting-Promise-Departure" by Crescent_River !
"Exerpts From Monstadt" by cocoplanet !
"I'll carve you my heart" by anonymous
(FAV SHIPS: Wanderer/Xiao, Furina&Wanderer, Wanderer/Albedo)
"Let's all be shadows" by universalworst
"take it easy!" By miss_sunflower
"shadow knights in mystreet" by shipper_brainrot
"here comes the sun" by blankgeode
"the worms must be fed" by honeyyhop !
"Rain Falls Green in Seattle" by Pokegamer9999 !
(FAV SHIPS: Zane/Travis Zanvis, Travis/Laurance, Aphmau/Cadenza, Vylad/Laurance, Zane&Laurance)
"The Reverb in These Holy Halls" by Wolftraps (AlwaysBoth)
"Ocellus" by Dragoncurl
"A Vivisection of Me (Done by God for all to See)" by ComposerEgg !
"Utterly Incorrect (and in need of Correction)" by PestilenceandSunshine !
"falling slowly" by thegreatandpowerfultoaster !
"Devotion from the Future" by Lilwoofs
"Did It Even Work" by LiterallyImpossible
"To Firebrands and Ashes" by chlodobird
"In The peripheral" by Willowingends !
"Redeath" by Gallifrey63
"The Friends of Mr. Spider" by Pitchpine
"Starboard Shines Green, Port is Glowing Red" by PitViperOfDoom
"To Sleep in a Sea of Earth" by meekome
"how big, how blue (how beautiful)" by screechfox
"beautiful and annihilating" by advantagetexas !
"Sing a Song of Sixpence" by Kaiel
"All Hail The Mysterious Gap" by Anonymous
"alpha rats nest" by spacefleeting !
"Slip Into That Rhythm Again" by Doodlelupin !
(FAV SHIPS: Jon/Tim Jontim, Jon/Mike Jonmike Brainstorm, Jon/Sasha Jonsasha, Jon/Michael Jonmichael Optical Illusions, Polyarchives, Jon&Daisy, Georgie&Jon, Oliver/Jon Jonoliver, Daisy/Jon Jondaisy Jaisy)399
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fregget-frou · 1 year
The sillies
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Morgan is one of my fav Twst ocs and I’m definitely normal about this fic ARHRHRHSSHRG
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I feel like they have the sleazy vibe the twins have but they’re just really bad at putting on a good face
Ao3 link to the fic also name,
“the seven habits of highly unfortunate souls: a transmigrator’s guide to the coral sea” by mercen
Also here’s some images that fit the Treel’s vibes
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otakunyakumon · 2 years
Hehe morgan doodles. This fic has been living in my head rent free. Sadly I can't do digital for now so take these trad ones.
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Here's the link to the fic :D
I swear it's really really good. Please give it a read.
If my scribbling is eligible, here's what it says:
Top left corner:
"I had a funny thought where mor grabs them (the brothers but floyd more so) at the neck like a cat."
Other's POV
"Oi. You dropped something."
"Uh, you dropped this."
A little extra on the bottom left corner like a convo between my oc and mor hehe :
"Don't tell me your world doesn't have Dixney?!?"
"What the heck is Dixney???"
2nd photo:
Top Right:
"Smiley boi"
"I headcanon mor is photogenic af"
"can u tell I like his hair down?"
"I made them look evil nooooooo... (It's because of math definitely)"
"Flowy hair!!"
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starfallpod · 7 months
Oh hi there! Fun fact, we're still crowdfunding, and I didn't set any goals for this past week because I wasn't planning on posting (and tbqh I wasn't expecting too much anyway)
But we still wound up getting like 9 donations, which is really good for a third week! Y'all really blew my expectations away, so I'm going back to my original plan and.
Here you go - here's a bunch saints from the Starfall-verse and the things they did to get sainted!
Saint Marcienne of Aquette, saint of irrigation and field drainage; called upon the Lord to redirect floodwaters, saving all crops in the Vrouen region
Saint Opitalon of Capribourg, saint of well-constructed soup tourines; negotiated peace between Eriss and Capribourg over a single dinner
Saint Ishoria of Krinos, saint of postage fees; discovered mailing routes through the Broken Peaks to facilitate non-sea-based postage out of the country
Saint Oloyi of Satigarry, saint of floral decoration in moderation; revived a seemingly-extinct species of shade-blooming flower and established the first Falstenian consulate on the island
Saint Searoil of Eriss, saint of ashes swept from fireplaces; rescued dozens of patients from the burning King Kirow’s Hospital in Dowden
Saint Michard of Scortegia, saint of timely crop rotation; took over one of the many failing farms in northern Scortegia, using it to feed impoverished communities with improved techniques
Saint Nonoka of Krinos, saint of thoughtfully directed prayer; ended all theft in a southern Krinosi town for a period of three years
Saint Eksevina of Mercen, saint of silks and satins; recovered a king’s ransom of stolen goods in the faewood
Saint Edelwood of Virstraea, saint of proper adornment; led the way to the first democratic election in the north
Saint Sath of Liborotes, saint of bureaucratic efficacy; founded the very first script licensing office
Saint Roroki of Lenolem, saint of well-equipped standing armies; rebuffed militant rebels from storming the north at Talon’s Pass with a group of only 13 combatants
Saints Astra and Pollina of Duosoud, saints of social planning; prevented civil war within Duosoud via sufficient social niceties and event planning at the king’s wedding
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scrivenger-arts · 2 years
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Morgan leech from mercen’s fic!
the seven habits of highly unfortunate souls: a transmigrator’s guide to the coral sea
Not entirely done with this one yet, but I’ll get there!
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