#mer!john soap mactavish
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meowmeowriley · 1 year ago
@sergeantwoods Sorry for the long wait, but here's the mer!AU
Think I'll call it Fish Out of the Sea
Ghost x Soap, blacktip reef shark mer!Soap, human Ghost, fluff, getting together (kinda)
Ficlet after the cut 😘
John sighed, he didn't seem surprised by Shepherd's hard rejection, but he kept trying. Simon had to give props to the fishing boat Captain. "You have the best mer rehabilitation facility in the country. It'd be a shame not to use it."
"You said you had a mermaid. That's not a fucking mermaid, John."
"I said I had an injured mer." He repeated himself from their earlier conversation.
"I'm not taking that thing into my facility."
"He needs help-"
"He's hideous, and aggressive." Shepherd barked. "That thing keeps lashing out, it'll scare patrons, attack my staff, and if that *thing* touches my mermaids, tries to mate with them, I'll have it put down."
"Mers are actually matriarchal, sir." The mer expert, Kyle, finally spoke up. "I've never worked with a shark mer before, but I do know he won't mess with Kate or Rosa, because they won't want him. Since they're together."
"Kyle. For the last time, the mermaids aren't lesbians. They're just fish." Shepherd was one of those who thought of mers as lesser than humans. Obviously.
Simon was standing near the door. No one had noticed him sneak in, but when he'd overheard that the mer was a shark variant, he'd needed to see it. Now, seeing the poor thing huddled in the corner of it's transport tank, curled in on itself, he felt so bad for it. He watched, any time someone went near it it flared out it's dorsal and pectoral fins. It would gnash it's teeth and charge the glass. All signs of aggression in a shark but... as soon as it finished its display it was right back to the furthest corner from the humans. It kept peeking at them over it's own shoulder when it thought they weren't looking. He quietly crept closer.
He took in it's markings, gray on it's back, white on its belly, black tips to it's fins. Claspers on its pelvic fins. A male blacktip reef shark then. His inferior end was all shark, something Simon was very familiar with, as he took care of all of the sharks here at the aquarium, several of them blacktips. His superior end, or top half, he supposed a visitor would (incorrectly) consider it, was new and interesting to him. Though he was vaguely humanoid, his skin was all two tones white and gray, like his tail. He had a wedge shaped snout in place of a human nose, a wider mouth with jagged teeth. Slitted eyes, and a black tipped fin atop his head that reminded Simon of a mohawk. Webbed gray and white hands with black claws rubbed up and down it's own arms in a self soothing gesture. One forearm had an odd angle to it, probably the injury that landed him here.
He retreated from the tank quietly before speaking, interrupting the squabbling of the other men. "He looks like a reef shark to me." Everyone else jumped. "Blacktip reef sharks aren't aggressive. Sure they can get a little iffy during feeding, but they're more curious than anything."
"He's been charging the glass, Ghost." Simon managed to suppress his eye roll at Shepherd's nickname for him. They all called him that here. "Fuck you mean 'not aggressive', you don't know mers."
"No, but I know sharks. He's injured, and defensive. You ever think he doesn't like us because it was something shaped like us that broke his arm?" John winced, he obviously felt bad about it. Not like he could've know he'd caught the mer in his net, but it was nice to see some accountability from a fisherman for once.
"Well we can't communicate with him, so he'll stay scared and defensive." If Simon didn't love the sharks, he would've left this place a long time ago because Shepherd was an absolutely abrasive cunt.
"Kate and Rosa can. And their English is excellent." Kyle spoke up again. "We have them pass on the message of our intentions, and Ghost and I tag team his rehabilitation." Of course he uses the dumb nickname too. "It's the perfect plan! And an incredible opportunity to be one of two aquariums to actually work with a shark mer. The novelty of something so rare will bring in patrons." Kyle was really leaning into Shepherd's true interests here, bringing up money.
Shepherd was quiet for a moment and then, "If anything happens, you're both fired." He then stormed out of the room.
"Thanks, Gaz."
"Of course, Cap."
Now the three of them had to get the shark mer into an appropriate tank.
They had initially tried to put him in with the other mers, but he'd seen the sharks in the tank across the hall and told Kate he wanted to be with his own kind. That would make Simon's job easier, anyway. Kate had explained that they needed to put a cast on his arm, and Rosa had wrestled it onto him, since the humans couldn't get too close. They decided to name him John, after Captain Price, calling him Johnny affectionately. Gaz explained to Ghost that part of rehabbing Johnny would be gaining his trust, teach him to communicate. To release him without a way to communicate could lead to him attacking humans and being a problem down the road.
Simon had a plan: ignore him. He was a reef shark, his own curiosity would get him to open up. It took a week.
Simon would feed his sharks from a catwalk above their tank, for safety reasons, dropping their food in in the mornings before they opened their doors. No need to scare any children. For the first week, any time he passed by, Johnny would posture aggressively and gnash his teeth, before snatching up his food and swimming off. When Ghost would gear up and go in the water for his evening shows, Johnny stayed far away. At night, Gaz and his mers would move over and Ghost would mostly just observe as the girls tried to teach Johnny how to speak, and he petulantly ignored them, with a little pout on his face as he refused to even make eye contact with them. It was cute.
The first time he tried to speak was also the first time Simon saw him raise his head above the surface. He seemed frantic. "HAAAH!" He startled a bit at what was most likely the first time he ever used his lungs to breath air. "HAAAAH! AH! YAAH!" he was waving with his good arm. Stretching it out towards the platform between his tank and that of the other mers, thrashing his tail with his fins tucked in. Very distressed. Simon went to check, to see what could possibly be bothering him so much, when he found their elusive fourth mer. Simon had only seen Gary once. Gaz called him Roach, because he hid in the tiniest cracks in the reef in their enclosure, why on earth the isopod mer was on the platform, and not in the water, was beyond him, but he couldn't let the poor thing suffer. He had several of his little legs caught in a grate. Simon spent some time disentangle him. He tossed the infant sized mer into the nearest tank, which happened to be the shark tank, with Johnny. The larger mer immediately dove to catch him. He stroked Roach's antennae back like one would the hair of a small child, a soothing motion. Clearly not as much of a loner as he pretended to be. From then on the little isopod mer could be found clinging to Johnny's sides or fins with his many little periopods more often than not. After that, it seemed that Gary encouraged Johnny's more curious side. The mer's language was mostly outside of the human range of hearing, but Simon occasionally caught clicks, whistles or hums shared between the two.
Simon had left a bucket with soap close to the edge once, the two mers were clearly curious about it, but he didn't think anything would come of it. Which is why it was such a surprise when Johnny stuck a webbed hand in and scooped some out, popping it immediately into his mouth. Simon knew it wasn't enough to harm him, which is why he couldn't help but laugh at the poor creatures misfortune as it sputtered and writhed, making bubbles. While laughing he let his guard down, and was surprised when something struck him, knocking him off the catwalk and into the tank. He opened his eyes and looked around, seeing only Roach, floating downward, listing side to side, tiny head in his tiny hands. He surfaced to see Johnny. "Did you just throw him at me?!" Johnny sunk down so only his eyes and cranial fin were above the water. The little shit. "Not cool, Soap!" He forced his palm out towards the mer, sending a spray of water its way. That seemed to really break down the mer's walls.
Johnny started approaching while Simon would try and clean the tank. At first, darting away if Simon caught sight of him. Eventually however, he would get closer and simply observe. He'd watch Simon work at cleaning the glass or vacuuming the sand at the bottom. It was fun to see shark behavior and mer behavior collide. If Simon sat something down, Johnny would pick it up, and without a doubt if he could get it in his hands, it would end up in his mouth.
There was a small crowd, a child's birthday party had been held over by Gaz's mer tank, the girls were always a hit with the kids, and the little show they put on with Gaz was actually pretty funny. They'd harass him as he pretended to try and do his chores. Slapstick comedy was good for all ages.
Simon had his own show with his sharks, but it wasn't for a few more hours. He was actually just trying to clean. Apparently his cleaning sponge had caught Johnny's attention, as the mer had swam up and was watching him intently. He kept inching forward, eventually crowding Simon against the glass while reaching for his sponge. "Oi!" He said into his respirator, not that anyone could hear him. He shoved Johnny away and kept trying to cleaning, but the persistent bastard just kept coming back. He could vaguely see the crowd observing them through the glass. They were probably laughing. When he'd had enough, he got an idea. He turned when Johnny got close again and placed one hand on his dorsal fin and the other on the underside of his snout. He began to rub at the sensitive underside of the mer's snout, and just like his sharks, the mer entered a state of tonic immobility. He repositioned Johnny, nose down tail to the surface, Johnny's arms hung limply down past his head. Simon quickly withdrew his hands and watched as the mer continued to float for a bit, before blinking vigorously. He shook his head before righting himself, and slapped his tail into Simon's chest as he practically fled to his little cave at the other end of the tank. When he surfaced later, Gaz informed him that the kids were raving about how cool the 'shark guys' were.
Simon had to admit that Johnny was growing on him. He looked forward to seeing him each day. Johnny began trying to get Simon to swim with him. He'd grab Simon's arms and try to pull him into the water when he was on land, or he'd push Simon away from the glass and his cleaning supplies, towards the open water. Sometimes Simon would indulge him, and the two of them would make laps around the tank.
Simon realized, when Johnny began posturing towards the sharks and getting territorial about him towards them, that Johnny was attempting to court him. Worse, he couldn't bring himself to try and put an end to the behavior either. Johnny was getting touchy, he'd run his hands along Simon's sides or chest, in much the same way Simon would to per his sharks, but it felt different. He would push Simon until he floated horizontally in the water, then drape himself across the man.
Simon knew he was getting himself into some deep shit, but he couldn't help the small voice in the back of his head that urged him to reach out, to cradle the mer's rubbery cheeks in his hands. He wanted to kiss him. He was fucked.
I hope you liked it! Ngl, I really liked this one. If you don't mind, I might expand on this and make it a multi-chapter fic over on AO3? I wanna explore more of society's reaction to mers, specifically interspersed relationships and where this could go. Let me know what you think, and thanks for the idea!
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baohanhanesel · 9 months ago
Merman Task force and Handler Simon. 2/3
Simon continues to carry fish.
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journen · 10 months ago
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Mer Soap au, installment 2! Their meeting. I'm imagining they met after a helicopter Simon was in on an op got shot down over the water. Soap then pulled him to shore, and waited by him until he woke up.
This is Simon when he wakes up. 🤣
Installment 1 of this au is here!:)
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all-purpose-dish-soap · 8 months ago
remora reader is so cute i wanna snatch her away from 141 she can be my pretty little gf ill feed her and let her stick to me while i swim around >:( shes a babyyyy
this is so sweet <3 if only she weren't so super overprotected. and the 141 sharks aren't a fan of competition :(
cackling at the idea of another mer just barreling in at top speed, tackling remora reader and hissing at Price, Ghost, Soap and Gaz that they've ALL lost their clean scale privileges until they learn to take care of her!! (ง‵□′)ง
specifically this happening with a lionfish or barracuda mer. small but spiky/aggressive. someone the 141 can't actually fuck with but just have to tolerate.
no idea how to write something like this but i love it _(:з)∠)_
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grimmroach · 10 months ago
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not pictured- ghost being a gay disaster
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s0fter-sin · 10 months ago
mermay idea
mers keep their faces covered as a way to indicate social status and familiarity. warriors have intricate masks, handcrafted when they win their first battle and the more detailed a mask is, the more accomplished the wearer is. they're rarely shed and are only taken off for their closest kin and mates
warrior bull shark mer!soap seeing human!ghost, seeing his skull mask and immediately knowing he's a high ranking warrior; one to be feared going off the numerous scars covering his body
an ideal and worthy mate, so long as he can prove his prowess
so he follows him as he's deployed on a mission near the ocean and is smitten when he sees how ruthless and capable he is; bathing himself in his enemies blood. he keeps his distance, not wanting to tempt fate but ghost spies the tip of his fin cutting through the water
and he's nothing if not an opportunist; kicking the bodies off the pier to the waiting jaws below
but soap? all he sees is the first step in a courting ritual
and he has to come up with something truly brilliant to match such a glorious offering
on ghost's part, it's been difficult getting people to understand the depths of his dependence on his mask. price thinks it's something to overcome, gaz and other soldiers just think it's an accessory to help with intimidation
the few partners he's tried to have thought he was someone to "fix"; nothing more than an object, a notch on their belt to prove how "good" of a partner they were to put in so much work to make him better. it always leaves him feeling violated, more so than if they'd just taken his mask off outright. one night stands were hardly worth it either; scratching a physical itch but falling so short of the intimacy and connection he craves that he feels worse off than he'd started
when he finally meets the mer that's been hunting him across the country, sees the bright red mask so artfully hewn and attached to his face?
it's like looking at a reflection of himself
he might have finally found the understanding he's been searching for
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worms-for-brains · 10 months ago
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I am not immune to Mer!Soap. I am not immune to Mer aus in general 😔
I know the general consensus is that Soap is a shark or seal but I did a little research and found out that Scottish mermaids (or Ceasg) were half salmon and how could I say no to that
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ghcstao3 · 1 year ago
human!ghost who has major thalassophobia and mer!soap who insists on trying to bring him out into deeper parts of the ocean to show him things.
soap just doesn’t understand how the ocean can be scary to anyone but nor does he recall ghost ever being that pale, and why is he making that face?
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yeenybeanies · 9 months ago
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in the spirit of mermay, i drew The Boys as mers in some more color palettes 🧡💀💚🧼
patreon ✨ ko-fi
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queermentaldisaster · 1 year ago
Alright. You can blame this one on Mer!AUs
I don't have this one as fleshed out...
But Siren!Ghost. Sirens are social creatures, who cannot deal with isolation. He got captured as the only living siren to ever be put in a lab. The man who runs this lab? Manuel Roba.
He doesn't see Ghost as a living being, just a way to enhance the rest of the cartel...and one day, the lab gets broken into by Los Vaqueros. They manage to 'take down' Roba, and find Ghost. So they call their friends (Price and Nikolai) who run a mer/siren care facility. Granted, it's far, (all the way over in the UK) but it's the safest place for Ghost. So they manage to get him transported over there, and Ghost starts off in a tank by himself, but close enough to other sirens and mer to not be isolated. Unfortunately, Ghost, at this point, has become so used to the isolation that all the noise bothers him.
And the worst one is his Scottish neighbor. The mer calls himself Soap, because they only tell their true names to very specific people (sorry to whoever used this idea first but it's mine now, you can share) and he just keeps chattering at Ghost. The worst part comes when the group decides he can be integrated with other mers. He gets put in a tank with one other mer (Roach), Soap, and another siren (Gaz).
And Soap will not leave Ghost alone, no matter what happens. But...I mean...it's a Ghoap au. Ghost warms up to Soap.
@forestshadow-wolf @resident-idiot-simp
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baohanhanesel · 5 months ago
@ezraa-the I brought some Pirate Ghost and Mer(Monster) Soap goods.
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Soap wants to devour Ghost because he is a sailor in HIS ocean. Ghost has a crush on him.
Soap doesn't even have to trick or manipulate Ghost for him to rip his heart out and offer it to the mer.
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journen · 10 months ago
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Done for Mer May! My first time participating... don't know if I will have any follow up pieces for this AU but I hope you guys like this! 😄
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all-purpose-dish-soap · 5 months ago
Hi I’m the one who left the egg ask! I genuinely had no idea what an ovipo kink was I was just wondering if babies were a possibility 😭😭😭
(Maybe that’s still apart of that but I don’t really understand it.)
That’s all Bai bai 🎀
oh no worries! the post in question.
trust me… communication is poor. the mer 141 have not talked about it and believe a range of things:
babies aren't possible because you're a different "species" (Ghost)
babies are possible and would be considered and planned for--extensively; they have the resources--were that possibility to become a certainty (Price) 
babies are probable and come with the desirable side effect of baby-trapping you via laying an obvious physical claim (Gaz) 
or he's so driven by his libido anyway that the idea of you not eventually getting knocked up is inconceivable; just try harder and believe in yourself (Soap).
more mer au / more Price / masterlist
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theartgremlin · 8 months ago
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He was interrupted in the middle of being a menace by a diver with nerves of steel!!!
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writer-fennec · 2 months ago
Fanfiction (update(?))
Why is writing fanfiction so hard? I just want my two gays to start getting along but timblr has some damn good fanart about them
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worms-for-brains · 9 months ago
Week One: Day One
When the first scales turned a dark crimson and bright orange scarlet, Jo’n was quite frankly confused. Especially since he’d just been captured from his home territory by a group of humans and brought to a strange facility.
Jo’n was no fresh smolt, he knew what was going on, and had he been a bit younger he might’ve been embarrassed. But now was not the time. He was currently focused on finding out why it was happening. And more importantly how to get out of this place.
His tail flicked in the water, gills rippling agitatedly and fins thrashing as he swam from wall to wall of the large enclosed tank. Jo’n pressed his palms against the concrete, his teeth gritting in frustration. What did the land dwellers even want from him. He was a common mer, plenty of them in the seas and Jo’n had to be the unlucky one out of a hundred Oncorhyn. This place was cold, the waters felt unnatural, too clean, too bright.
His claws itched, his skin felt tight. He wanted to get out.
And while he hadn’t been harmed yet, he could see the faces peering down at him. He could see the rounded ears and scaleless flesh.
Humans were always trouble. Always.
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