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elgatt0 · 1 year ago
Legend but as a
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annienyx · 10 months ago
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anime-obsessed · 11 months ago
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(also @kittiesplunderingmyinnocence suggested I give him body jewelry so there you go bestie <33 /p)
EDIT 6/6/24: I forgot to add the reference tag!! I used @mellon-soup's pose for Legend!! I like using their poses beside my drawings so I can look at their anatomy so my characters look good!! If that makes sense lol😅 I felt bad that I forgot to credit them for the OG pose even tho their blog said it was fine if they weren't credited, so here it is lol!!
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silvrash-797 · 22 days ago
Febuwhump 2025 - A Siren's Song
Chapter 2: "I did good, right?"
Read on ao3
Legend shut his mouth, teeth clicking together with an audible snap. 
Time and Twilight took one more step then froze in place, eyes still glassy and distant, but blessedly clear of the water, which lapped at their chins.
Legend silently gnawed on a claw, panic rising in his chest. He had to get them back to shore. He refused to be the reason more people he loved died.
But if he took one back, the curse could drag the other under while he wasn't looking!
He needed to get them both back, together.
But how?
The Siren's Song drew men to the water to drown.
The Siren's Song drew men to the water to drown!
Desperately, silently, Legend swam toward Twilight, pawing at the neck of his tunic until a claw caught at the leather thong that held the Rancher's dark crystal. Careful not to touch the black and orange stone - who knew what turning into a bunny now would do to their situation - he turned the stone onto Twilight and touched the Rancher's cheek.
Immediately, shadows surrounded Twilight's form, clearing after a moment to leave a wolf paddling in his place.
Wolfie blinked. Shook his head. His face contorted in a surprisingly Hylian look of confusion as he took in the water, his position in it, and Legend floating anxiously nearby.
Wolfie huffed a bark and tilted his head, the question clear. What happened?
Crap. Sign was nearly impossible with claws and webbed fingers, but Legend had to try. "Curse," he managed, letting his fingers speak for him. "Voice bad, need help!"
Wolfie's eyes widened as he looked around again. He gave a determined bark before tilting his head again. What do you need me to do? 
"You. Air under water. Yes?" Legend's fingers twisted, mangling the signs. He prayed Twilight would understand. 
Wolfie nodded, and Legend almost fainted from relief.
"Good!" he signed. "Put on, help Time. Z-O-R-A face."
Wolfie's eyes widened in understanding; moments later the shadowy cloud cleared, leaving Twilight floating in the wolf's place, his time as Wolfie having broken the spell.
Legend was not jealous at how easy his transformation had been.
"That's a pretty tail you've got there, Vet," Twilight grinned as he fished in his pack for his Zora gear.
"Shut up," Legend signed, pouting.
Twilight laughed as he donned the blue hat and golden helm of his Zora armor, pulling the black veil up and over his mouth and nose. 
"Right," he said, ducking under water to make sure it worked. "Now, why can't we just drag Time back like this? You 'n me together?"
Legend sighed bubbles into the water and made a gesture he hoped conveyed be my guest.
They each grabbed one of Time's arms and began to drag him backwards. They hadn't gone more than two strokes when Time's feet disappeared from underneath him; the weight of his armor dragged him down, causing him to sink beneath the waves.
Twilight yelped and dove to grab his mentor. Legend towed them back to the place Time had stopped, until the one-eyed hero stood placidly on his own again. 
Twilight turned wide eyes onto Legend.
Legend shrugged. "Song powerful," he signed as best he could. "Drown one way or another."
"So we have to break the song somehow," Twilight murmured.
Legend nodded and again signed, "Z-O-R-A face."
"Of course! You broke the song's power over me by usin' my crystal." Twilight dove underwater and grabbed Time's mask pouch, loosening it and pulling it up with him. He began to dig inside. "Only makes sense that Time's Zora mask would do the same thing." He exclaimed in triumph as he pulled out the mask.
"I've never seen him use one of these before," Twilight said, turning the mask over in his hands. "I don't know what to expect."
Legend shrugged minutely and opened his mouth, only to sink his needle-sharp teeth into the side of his hand. He'd been about to speak, and that would have signed Time's death sentence. Already, he could see the clouds in Time's eye drawing closer together - the cursed song would not be appeased for much longer. "Hurry," he signed anxiously.
Twilight nodded and carefully placed the mask over Time's face.
The mask seemed to clamp down, like it was digging into his skin; Time curled forward as every muscle contracted then threw back his head and screamed as the transformation coursed across his body. Legend and Twilight clung to his arms to keep him floating as skin and armor turned to scaly flesh.
Finally, Time hung from their grasp, panting slightly as the transformation finished. He opened bleary eyes and gazed around, much as Twilight had. "What happened?" he murmured. 
He'd done it. They were safe. Legend's voice burst from his throat before he could stop it. "I cursed you both, that's what happened!" Tears welled in his eyes. "I almost killed you both..."
Time flinched as the song ghosted across his mind, finding nothing to latch onto; Twilight’s eyes went glassy, and he sunk beneath the waves.
"Crap!" Legend left Time swimming under his own power and dove for Twilight, hauling him back to the surface. He turned to Time, all thoughts of the beauty of this era fled from his mind, haunted and exhausted by the last hour's ordeal. "We need to get him to shore, and get me out of this damned water."
Time nodded and took Twilight from Legend's grasp. With a flick of webbed feet and finned tail, they made their way back to the Spirit's spring. Twice more across the short distance, Twilight's weight dropped beneath the waves, but his Zora helm protected him.
Legend hauled himself up the stairs, arms trembling. As soon as he left the water's embrace, the mermaid's curse began to reverse. 
He cringed and sobbed as his tail shredded down the middle, growing Hylian bones and sinew once more. His skin burned as scales retracted, and the muted ache in his hands and mouth roared back to life as teeth and claws dulled. Distantly, he felt Time's hands flutter around him, trying to help, to comfort, to soothe, but he curled away from the contact, rolling tightly into himself to contain the raging inferno.
Legend coughed and hacked water from his lungs as his gills sewed themselves shut. He wanted to pass out this time, but as clean, cool air entered his lungs, it extinguished the flames of his transformation, leaving him shivering on the sun-warmed stone. 
"I did good, right?" he whimpered, to no one in particular. 
He startled as a warm blanket was draped across his body. "Yes, Vet," Time's deep voice soothed, "you did good. You saved us both."
"You just rest, Lege," Twilight's voice joined in, and oh, it was wonderful to hear them both, safe and sound and alive. "We'll find the others once you're feelin' up to it, 'kay?"
"Okay," Legend hummed, already drifting into sleep's embrace.
They were safe.
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zarvasace · 2 years ago
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To celebrate the end of my finals, I drew a mer!Legend :D There's a bit more to this drawing than I generally do—all the lighting—but I'm very pleased with the results. Adapting his design to mermaid was a lot of fun too!
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breannasfluff · 2 years ago
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH I KNOW NEW CHAPTER IS OUTbut okay I tried to speedrun this sketch before you posted but anyway anyway here have this pencil sketch because I just read the entire series and I am vibrating (negative filter on the final result! Good when you have to draw something with very dark tones but you only have a preschool pencil and a cardboard piece as your drawing surface)
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AHHHH OMG I LOVE IT!!!! This is so so so cool!!! I'm impressed with what you can do with very bad art supplies lol. I'm going to have to add a link to the chapter!
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undertheopensky · 10 months ago
Would love to see ‘sing us home!’
Sing Us Home, aka the godless songfic, is something of a multimedia fic because it not only has a playlist, the songs feature in the fic itself!
The Chain fall through a portal not into the usual Hyrule, but into a fae dimension - and the fae are not at all willing to let them go. As ‘mortals’ they barely even exist here - stripped of their physical representations until only the soul is left - with the exception of Hyrule, forced into fairy form, and Legend, forced into mermaid form.
Fortunately for everyone, he’s *not* a mermaid - he’s a siren.
And he makes a bet with the fae that he can ensnare more of the Chain than they can - and if he does, they have to let him and everyone he saves go.
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arecaceae175 · 2 years ago
Sinking Deep: Ch. 1
Summary: When Legend and Wind go missing in a dangerous town, Hyrule takes it upon himself to find them.
This is the secret Legend and Hyrule story for @star-ocean-peahen's fic raffle gift! I know I said this would be a one shot but it kept growing XD. It was making me a little anxious how long it's been since I started this so I decided to break it up and post in short chapters :D. I hope you enjoy!!!
Warnings: trafficking, canon-typical violence, Hyrule is ignored a bit in the beginning (it’s because everyone’s stressed but that doesn’t make it okay (don’t worry they apologize)), kidnapping, violence against children, implied child trafficking, human trafficking, animal trafficking (only the Hyrule bit happens in this chapter- these are the warnings for the whole fic)
Hyrule’s knee bounced anxiously. He twisted his hands together over and over, and his eyes were locked on the door. 
“Maybe if we just-” Hyrule said as he quickly rose to his feet.
Twilight’s hand clamped onto his shoulder and pushed him back down into the chair. It was, to Hyrule’s vague surprise, just as gentle as the last four times it’s happened this hour. 
“Rulie,” Twilight said with a sigh. “They’ll be back soon.”
Hyrule huffed and leaned back in his seat. He let his head hang over the back of the chair and stared at the ceiling. 
“I just want to help,” Hyrule muttered. Twilight sighed again. Hyrule was sure his lungs were getting a good workout with how many times he sighed today.
“I know. Me too,” Twilight said. “But they’d clock us as outsiders as soon as we step out that door.”
Hyrule crossed his arms and lifted his head up, locking his gaze on the door again. “Like Wild isn’t just as weird.”
Twilight laughed, this time. It was breathy and quiet, but Hyrule still felt a small smile tug at his lips. “Wild can get through town without being seen,” Twilight argued. 
Knock knock. 
Hyrule jumped out of his seat. Twilight held out a hand; Hyrule held his breath. 
Knock knock. 
Hyrule jumped to the door and unlocked it as quickly as he could. He threw the door open and Warriors and Four rushed into the room. Hyrule quickly locked the door behind them then whipped around.
“Did you find them?” Hyrule asked. 
Warriors shook his head as he leaned over the table with the town map. 
“No luck,” Four said. 
Hyrule wrung his hands together anxiously. 
“Sky and Time should be back any second. Maybe they found something,” Twilight said. 
Hyrule turned his anxious gaze to Twilight. Twilight didn’t look sure of his own words; Hyrule felt his anxiety increase.
“Where haven’t we checked?” Four asked. He pulled a chair over to the table with the map and knelt in it with his elbows on the table. 
Warriors sighed and moved pointed one hand at the map. “Here, but that’s close enough to Sky and Time’s search area that they might get it.”
Knock knock. 
Everyone whipped around to face the door, Again, Hyrule held his breath. 
Knock knock. 
Hyrule leapt to the door and flung it open. Sky and Time rushed in and Hyrule locked it behind them. Time pushed Sky onto the bed and immediately bent to dig through his bag. Sky huffed and slumped as he sat. Through the curtain of Sky’s bangs, Hyrule could see a split cheek and a black eye forming.
“What happened to you?” Warriors asked. 
Sky’s fists clenched, then he sighed and forced them open. “It’s nothing.”
Time produced a red potion from his bag and wordlessly held it out to Sky. Sky shook his head and tried to push it away. Time leveled a harsh glare in his direction, so Sky relented and took a small sip. Time looked displeased.
“We should save it. I’m fine, really,” Sky said as he handed the potion back. 
“You didn’t find them?” Hyrule asked. 
Sky shook his head. Time had his back turned, but Hyrule could read the tension in his shoulders easily. 
Sky opened his mouth to respond, but was cut off by the window flying open. Wild vaulted through the window and landed in a crouch on the floor. He pushed the window shut and it bounced slightly on the latch to remain ajar.
“Anything?” Warriors asked as Wild stood. 
Wild pulled off his hood and shook his head. With a couple taps of his slate, his weird, skin-tight clothes disappeared and were replaced with his normal tunic and trousers. 
“No sign of Wind or Legend. I listened in some bars, too, but no one said anything helpful,” Wild reported. 
Hyrule’s heart felt like it plummeted into his feet. 
“No one else?” Wild asked, looking around the room with wide eyes. 
Warriors shook his head as his gaze fell back to the town map.
“What do we do now?” Wild asked, approaching the map. Sky, Twilight, and Time followed. 
“You said you last saw them here?” Warriors asked, glancing at Sky and pointing to a spot on the map Hyrule couldn’t see. 
“Yeah, heading this way,” Sky said. He leaned over the map, effectively blocking Hyrule’s view. 
Hyrule huffed and leaned back. He glanced around the room then moved to the window, desperate to catch sight of any clues. At the edge of his view, Hyrule saw a river flowing around the town. Hyrule gasped. 
“I have an idea!” Hyrule said. He whipped around, but no one heard him. Hyrule shoved his way into the huddle. 
“Guys, we should look by the river! We’re looking for the Sailor, he would have wanted to see the water,” Hyrule said. 
Warriors frowned at the map, then shook his head. 
“They weren’t heading in that direction,” Warriors said. 
“That was in the morning, though. Legend probably made him wait until they picked up everything they needed,” Hyrule argued. 
Hyrule glanced around the group. Everyone was frowning. Hyrule felt his frustration with the situation increase. 
Warriors shook his head again. “None of the things on their list are on that side of town.”
“It wouldn’t hurt to check,” Hyrule said. 
“I was over there a bit and I didn’t see anything,” Wild said. He shrugged apologetically at Hyrule. 
“That’s the most dangerous sector, from what I heard,” Sky said. 
“Then we should definitely check there!” Hyrule said. 
Time crossed his arms and glanced out the window. “It’s best to stay away from that sector unless we have evidence they were there.”
Everyone turned back to the map, accepting Time’s word as law. 
Hyrule felt like he could rip his hair out. He flopped down onto his chair with a frustrated huff. The others were deep into their conversation already, plotting out their next moves.
Hyrule glanced between the group and the window. No one was paying him any attention; no one would notice if he slipped out. 
Almost immediately, his mind was made up. Legend and Wind needed help, and if no one else was willing to take a risk, Hyrule would have to do it himself. 
As quietly as he could, Hyrule tiptoed over to his bag. His sword was propped against the wall next to it. Hyrule glanced at the group again to confirm no one was watching, then slipped his sword into his bag. He pulled the bag over his shoulders, silently thankful for the sound dampening enchantments, then crept to the window. It was still cracked from Wild’s entrance. 
Hyrule glanced back one last time, then slipped out the window. 
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arecaceae175 · 2 years ago
Mer Legend looks exactly how I imagined him!!! The intricate detail on the tail is INCREDIBLE!!!!!!
AAAAAAHHHHHH poor boys!!! They both look so upset!!!!!! I love the way Hyrule is holding Legend in the last one.
EEEEEEEEEEEEEE I LOVE THIS SO MUCH THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Do you know what will happen if i read your fic, @arecaceae175 ?
A fanart!😀
Fanart inspired from fanfic Sinking Deep by talented @arecaceae175
Please read this awesome fic!
Your fic makes me unable to focus on my work. I had to steal some time so I could make this picture during these 3 days. If I don't draw it immediately, then my mood can change later and my inspiration will disappear.
Hope you like it!
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elgatt0 · 1 year ago
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Beta version H2o au:
Time // Twilight // Wars // Sky // Hyrule // wild // wind // four
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sraksha · 10 months ago
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Mers be upon ye
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marte-14 · 10 months ago
Chilling in Wind's Great Sea
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Sky is having a calm morning with Aryl, telling her about Skyloft. Wind and Wild.... Quite the opposite.
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Twi doesn't have light clothes, most of Wild's clothes are magical but one red shirt, fortunately it fits Twi even if it's tight. Twi didn't want to get in the water, Wind pushed him in, so now he has to ask a shirt (again)
Wild is immortalizing Twi's misery.
Legend as well refuses to go near the water. Wars decides to take care of it.
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Now they know why Legend didn't want to go in the water. Four is starting to think that everyone in this group has a secret transformation. Wild asks the real questions. Legend is thinking to kill all three of them.
This are all fun quick sketch so they may not look the best (Four was fucking hard to draw) I have other ideas for the Chain's "Beach Episode" so maybe I will do more, maybe not. Depends on my inspiration.
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felkithecreator · 1 year ago
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Mer Legend!!!
It's not mermay yet but I just had the sudden need to draw merman Legend, so this is that and also me doing lighting practice. Idk if I like it all that much but it took forever and I'm proud enough of it so like, yayy!!
The colors and like, design are inspired by @bokettochild (I think it's them, but just in case it's not FlamingIdiot on ao3)'s fic You're Not Alone (https://archiveofourown.org/works/52216039) design for him, because the way he was described just -
Aryll was captivated and so was I, so I knew I had to draw him like that.
Anyways yeah pls take my legend and bcuz I don't draw the LU boys enough if there's any others u want me to draw (if you could give me like, a prompt of something they might be doing) I need to practice so I would very much appreciate <3
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lepetitdragonvert · 1 year ago
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Scottish Folk Tales and Legends
Artist : Nika Goltz (1925-2012)
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ra-archives · 1 year ago
Yes Yes, I see your Mermaid Legend this and Merman Legend that, however,
Might I offer up some Siren Legend
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thatonecrazysidekick · 11 days ago
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i got so focused on proportions that the face of my Mer!Legend doesn't look like a Legend anymore :(
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