#mephisto mix
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a-h-87769877 · 7 months ago
Videotape begins @ min 32:46
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kamiko1234 · 2 months ago
Can we talk about how genuinly OP Rin acctualy is ?
(English isn't my first language, so please excuse any spelling mistakes I could have made)
So I've been thinking a bit and....Rin may just genuinely be one of the (if not THE (in the future)) most powerful characters in the entire series? Genuinly if you look at what the guy managed to achieve in comparison with his relative time spent training is crazy.
We know that it's been round about a year since the beginning of the manga (afaik at least). Before that Rin had no idea of anything demonic. He didn't even know he had the abilities he does. That already puts him at a HUGE disadvantage against virtually everyone else in his cram school class. Even if they hadn't properly trained before, they at least had some form of basic knowledge and idea of the work to go off on.
Rin in the meantime started off from 0, no training and no knowledge. And even on that incredibly weak and disadvantaged position, he managed to beat up Aimaimon, a demon KING, fairly well early on. Admittedly Mephisto did interfere and Rin did have the element of surprise on his side, but one still has to remember that he did this on his own with no training or preparation time.
Then during the Impure King arc he played a HUGE role in defeating it together with Ucchusma. Bon was only there to do damage control for the other exorcists and civilians while Rin really posed the "main" fighting force. Ucchusma's role mainly consisted of guiding and reinforcing his flames which- again I have to remind you all that Rin JUST learned to control his flames properly. He barely got down the basics of his powers at that point and was already able to go toe-to-toe with the Impure King.
Shima specifically advice Lucifer to go send his bodyguards to fight Rin in battle as a safer bet, due to the fact that Rin would have reservations about killing humans. And even then he just called it a 50/50 chance at winning if I remember correctly- and those bodyguards are highly skilled exorcists.
Then when we fast forward to his awakening- which may just be Rin's biggest power-boost, the guy just gets more and more op. Not only did he gain pretty functionally much full control over his demonic side, but his body was burned to a literal crisp. And it proceeded to regenerate a few seconds later, fully. Without any issues at all- still leaving the guy more than enough energy to go ham on his friends right after.
During the Blue Night Remembrance Arc we only get more indicators for how strong he is. Rin was able to straight up kill like...five people as a newborn? Not to mention the fact that he did but up an impressive fight against Shiro- at the time strong enough to be declared Paladin- for someone who was literally just fresh outta the whomb.
This just proves (in my opinion) that Rin with his flames alone could kill off just about anyone not an Upper Class level exorcist atleast.
Later when the exorcists ask how to deal with him and propose just destroying his body Mephisto also plainly states that it would do nothing- that Rin will just keep on regenerating himself over and over again if his demon heart is not taken out. This confirms that Rin is practically invulnerable to any damage not destroying his heart- as his body would just keep regenerating and healing any other injury.
This btw also confirms that Rin basically has the perfect vessel. If Rin would have had to deal with the same issues as the other demon kings, i.e his body not being able to handle his power and thus deteriorating, all they would have had to do was to wait him out. And then when his flames destroy his body, just make sure Rin doesn't get another one. But no- it was specifically stated that his body would just keep regenerating.
His body's regeneration pretty much makes the guy immune to the major limiting factor for powerful demons in Assiah.
But the most damning proof of Rin's OPness: The guy managed to go up against literal SATAN SOLO and do fairly well. This is someone Lucifer had respect for, and he wasn't able to just one-shot Rin. He's still vastly superior ofcourse- but he did have to put in some effort, as menial as it is.
At this point I'd again like to remind you at right now, Rin still has comically little actual training. Again he's been introduced to this world like....one year ago. The guy is SEVERLY lacking in experience and training compared to pretty much everyone else, and he already managed to do all that.
Just imagine what Rin would do if he had been trained and introduced to the world of exorcists since birth. Or even if he just had started to train from the same age on as Yukio. If one year is enough to get Rin to the point of throwing punches with Satan, what would have 8 years of training done for him?
This is also why I'm genuinely gonna say that Rin has the honest potential to just about surpass everyone and everything in terms of power if he's given enough time and training. The guy isn't even a nuke anymore, he's a hydrogen bomb!
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trash-opposum · 11 months ago
Me while writing/drawing MephiMon: I don’t really like any canon x canon ships when it comes to Obey Me, they just don’t connect with me
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bingus35 · 1 year ago
Me last week: gonna take a break from one piece, shits been too depressing lately, gonna catch up on some other media like hmm arknights
Me after reading arknights chapter 8: yeah gonna take a break from media in general
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darklysoft · 1 year ago
In my opinion shipping shirou and mephisto is way better and sexier after the reveal that shirou knew him since he was a kid and rightfully hated him.
I think, especially during canon, mephisto is SO old that he has probably done every sex act ever with every kind of person and I doubt there's a lot in that realm that really excites him anymore. BUT he obviously does still fuck and desire people, and I consider shirou to be one of the few (unfortunate lol) people in more modern times to peak his interest in a really nasty way.
Mephisto definitely had other plans for shirou when he took that interest of course, but I'm taking his sexual intent as a given too (and yes, the desire started when he defied him and made a deal with him as an 11 year old kid)...He's a sadist! He definitely took great pleasure in trapping shirou in service to the order and taking care of satan's kids and in general controlling his entire life until he died!!!
They should fuck about it.
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plutotheplum · 8 months ago
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sylus x fem!reader - read part 2!
summary: with the aether core's auction quickly approaching, you're growing desperate to resonate with sylus. fortunately for you, he has a suggestion... even if it is less conventional.
cw: nsfw (18+) - mdni!!, smut, p in v, fingering, teasing, spit kink, light choking, oral sex, praise kink, slightly ooc sylus?, minor canon divergence
wc: 4.5k
a/n: my first time writing a full fic or smut for that matter! given how many times sylus was trying to hold the mc's hand, i just figured he'd be into it. tried to be strong for zayne, but that didn't work out... sorry zayne. hope you guys like it! <3
also posted on ao3!
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You’re starting to regret your plan to sneak into the N109 Zone. From being drugged to nearly being killed, you weren’t exactly faring well in the unfamiliar place. 
A deep sigh escapes you, fingers rubbing at your aching temples. The headache had gotten worse, the band around your head wrapping tighter and tighter. You couldn’t leave though, no matter how desperately you wanted to, not when the Aether Core’s other half was up for auction in a week’s time. Sylus had also been distant. Despite saving you from the night raid, he had hardly come to visit while you were staying at Onychinus’ base. The twins, Luke and Keiran had kept you company though. They weren’t as wicked as you thought them to be, only young men that were intent on working for Onychinus, driven by their own motivations. 
The week was bound to shorten however, and you were growing antsy. Any reservations you had about resonating with Sylus were fading quickly as the auction date grew closer. He was right in a sense, you two needed to resonate, especially after that night raid when the Wanderers had attacked. The auction wouldn’t go smoothly either, you knew that much. Sylus had money, but traitors were lurking everywhere. The shopkeeper’s voice rings in your head, reminding you that Sylus hadn’t been responsible for the explosions. Absolving him of being responsible had been hard enough.  
Plucking at the strap of your nightgown, you’re contemplating whether you should sneak out. Sylus had been accommodating enough so far, and you were tempted to push your boundaries. He had, after all, left a pile of clothes for you. Strangely enough, they were all in the right size, accompanied by Mephisto who had let out a loud caw before flying out, its claws making a playful swipe for your hair. 
A few more anxious plucks at the strap of the nightgown and you’re sneaking out. Feed pad against the floor softly, nightgown swaying as you move through the hallway. You pause when you hear voices, hearing the thud of your own heart as you hold your breath. It’s Sylus and another man. The conversation is too muffled to listen into, incoherent words blending in together.
The door creaks open and you’re tucking yourself behind a pillar, hiding in the dark. The sound of footsteps fades into the distance and the breath you’re holding escapes into a quiet exhale.
“You can come out now,” A voice drawls. Sylus. You hated how he could sense your presence. Stepping out from behind the pillar, your back straightens, walking into his room. It’s dark, just like him. Expensive furniture, books stacked onto a bookshelf and a bed on the other side of the large room. The curtains are open, moonlight flowing in through the windows, mixing with the ambient lighting. He sits behind his desk, eyes trained on you, nursing a cup of wine. “I see you’re wearing my gift,” he says, eyes dragging over the nightgown. You scoff, eyes narrowing at him, “It was hardly a gift, and it’s not like I could sleep in my Hunter uniform.”
He only takes another sip of wine, eyebrows raising. His nonchalance is making you feel irritated. “You���re avoiding me,” you announce, arms crossing over your chest, “is there any reason?”
He laughs, low and deep, “I thought you’d be grateful for the reprieve, or maybe you don’t hate me as much as you think you do.” That has you scowling. You want to wipe his stupid smug smile right off his face. “Relax,” he says, his fingers tapping against his desk as he leans back in his chair “I had more important things to attend to.” That catches your attention. More important things? Perhaps he’d have answers, and you needed answers, about the N109 Zone, about Onychinus, about anything . 
“Private matters,” he murmurs, red eyes keeping you in place “nothing for you to get involved with.”
Your scowl only grows deeper, almost forgetting what you came in here for. Your feet move across the carpet, hands landing on the edge of his desk in an attempt to look intimidating.
“I want to try resonating with you,” you say, deciding to change tactics.
He hums, red eyes boring into yours. “We already tried that, and unfortunately, you seem content on disliking me,” he replies.
A frustrated noise escapes you, “It’s your fault!” you accuse, glaring at him. 
He only stares back at you blankly. You feel like a child throwing a tantrum under his gaze. “Just- please? ” you ask, voice softening slightly. He’s letting out an inconvenienced sigh and your body is moving, red tendrils swooping around your body as he draws you closer to him. “Hand,” he demands. You reach forward, and his hand clasps yours, fingers lacing together. A deep breath gets sucked in through your mouth and your eyes squeeze shut, trying to channel your energy and resonate with him. You think about his stupidly handsome face, his low voice and the times he had saved you. Both of your knuckles are white with how tightly you’re squeezing his hand. There’s nothing though, absolutely nothing. No sparks, no glowing light, no Evol resonance. Letting out a defeated sigh, you let go of his hand. He stares back at you, eyes searching. “There is something wrong with you,” he says, drawing his hand back to take another sip of wine.
“Maybe if you tried being more likeable, this would be easier,” you retort, sending him another glare.
Sylus only laughs, his head tilting, “You weren’t so intent on resonating with me earlier. So much so that you shot me.”
“You shot yourself,” you correct, voice sharp, “and the change in mind is because of the auction.”
He peers over at you, eyes calculating. You can’t tell what’s going through his head, you can never tell. It puts you on edge. Sylus is a dangerous man and you aren’t able to predict a single one of his moves.
“You’re afraid of Wanderers,” he surmises, hands clasping in his lap. 
His chair rolls out a bit from his desk and your eyes are dipping to see his legs spread as he gets comfortable. There’s a stretch in the black trousers as his thighs strain against the material and you’re swallowing harshly, eyes snapping back up to meet his gaze. If he noticed your wandering eyes, he doesn’t say anything.
“I’m not scared!” you protest, feeling exasperated “I’m simply worried that something might happen. We both know that the Aether core might become unstable with energy fluctuations, and who knows what sort of Wanderers that flux might attract?”
“I am more than capable of handling any danger,” Sylus says, his tone dark, “or do you need a refresher of what happened after I saved you during the night raid?”
You wince at the memory. It appears he doesn’t like being underestimated. It’s even worse that you remember. There had been blood and screams when his Evol had eviscerated the men that had been there.
“No refreshers needed,” you reply quickly.
Your plan of resonating with him is ill-thought, you realise. You can’t get your mind to change, no matter how hard you try. Head hanging low, you decide to back off. Sylus is right at least. He would be capable enough of defeating any danger there, but his assurance isn’t enough to quell your doubts. Silence passes over you both, only interrupted by your feet shifting on the spot. 
“There is another way,” Sylus says slowly, a wicked grin spreading across his face, “it is less conventional of course, hardly attempted at.”
Hardly attempted at? Was he planning to put your life on the line? Maybe that would work out for him, weaken you enough to get you to resonate with him and then steal the Aether core lodged in your heart.
“And this way is…?” you prompt, raising your brows. 
His grin only grows wider. Sylus stands up, long legs stalking towards you until he’s standing in front of you, his red eyes staring down at you. His cold hand reaches out, fingers grabbing at your chin to tilt your head as his own head dips towards your ear. You shiver, feeling his warmth breath against your skin. “Sex,” he whispers.
Well, you certainly weren’t expecting that. Your cheeks are hot with embarrassment, gaze averted to the side.
He clicks his tongue, “Why so embarrassed? I thought you wanted to resonate, sweetie .” 
“You’re more insane than I thought,” you hiss, shoving at his chest. 
He lets out a throaty laugh, a smirk spreading across his lips as he stumbles back a bit at the force of your push. 
“You seemed desperate,” Sylus says when he stops laughing, “I was only letting you know of all the options.”
“That shouldn’t even be an option!” you snap, growing flustered by the second. Sex with Sylus ? He was a murderer and completely and utterly unhinged, not to mention the leader of an illegally run gang. You were not having sex with him. Your irritation festers, head falling into your hands as you stand there. He doesn’t say anything, only reaching for his wine and finishing off his cup. 
“Fuck me,” you sigh tiredly, rubbing at your aching temples again.
“Don’t tempt me,” he replies. Your head snaps upwards at that, glaring at him. Irritation has only led to you making a poor choice of words. 
“I’m leaving,” you say forcefully, holding your head high.
You should be leaving by now, storming off back to your room lying a few doors away. You should be, except your poor feet aren’t working.
He stares at you expectantly, a hint of smile on his face as his brows raise.
“I am leaving,” you repeat, voice hardening.
He only nods his head towards the door. Part of you wants to stay, to find out what he means, but the implications are clear and you won’t do that with him. Especially not him.
You don’t get very far though, the door lock fastening in place with a resounding click . His Evol curls around your body, the inky red and black lines tugging you back towards him. Sylus is reaching for you, his hand cupping your cheek. You have half the mind to lean into his touch. “I think we’ll both have more fun if you stay,” he whispers against your ear, arms drifting across your nightgown to wrap around your waist and tug you closer.
He peers down at you, and your breath catches in your throat. Without thinking, you’re leaning into him, body pressing against him.
“I think you want to stay,” he continues, hands sliding up to pet at your hips.
“You- you don’t know what I want,” you manage out, voice airy, “and I want to leave.”
He hums, hand finding your cheek again. His thumb rubs across your skin, and it sets you alight.
“Did you forget?” he murmurs, head dipping to meet your height, “I can see what people desire the most, and it appears you, my dear Hunter, desire me.”
You’re letting out a soft curse. You had forgotten about that stupid detail, about his ability to see what people desired. Squirming in his grasp, you try to get away, but he holds you still, letting out a disappointed sigh.
“Will you not indulge yourself?” he whispers, voice lilting. You think he could be a siren in disguise.
There’s a shuddering breath escaping you. You don’t get a chance to answer, not when he’s smiling against your cheek and pressing a soft kiss to it. Your hands find his shirt, forming fists to prevent your knees from buckling.
“We are the same,” he reminds you, lips brushing across your skin as he backs you up against the wall.
You manage a scoff, “We are not the same. You’ve done terrible things and killed people. You do whatever you want, sacrificing whoever you want if it betters your cause.” 
“Such insolent words,” he purrs, his hand curling around your neck “I have treated you with far more kindness than others that have crossed my path.”
A squeak leaves when he squeezes around your neck, your fingers trying to pry his ones away from your neck. He only tightens his grip, landing another kiss to your cheek and there’s heat between your thighs, a whine escaping you before you can swallow it down.
Sylus laughs, his hand falling away from your neck to grab at your hips instead.
“Caught you,” he coos, and with that his head is dipping, lips pressing against yours.
You whine again, arms wrapping around his neck. You’re too far gone to care, feeling the plushness of his lips against yours. It feels as though he’s trying to devour you, trying to swallow you whole.
The kisses are rough and harsh and his hands are slipping under your nightgown, sliding up the backs of your thighs to grasp at your ass. You gasp into his mouth, scrabbling at his shoulders. He grunts against your mouth, guiding your leg to hook over his hip.
“You are far more eager than you said you would be,” he murmurs, finally pulling away to let you breathe. 
Soft pants escape you, chest heaving as your hands drop from his shoulders, landing against his chest instead. He stares down at you, crimson eyes bright with arousal as they flit about your body.
“You’ve done something to me,” you mutter lamely, a weak excuse for responding so eagerly.
He raises his brows, his thumb brushing across your lips. He repeats the motion, over and over again until you're tempted to press a kiss to the pad of his thumb. You don’t get a chance, not when his thumb is pushing past your lips and meeting the resistance of your teeth. Blinking up at him, you tilt your head.
“You know I haven’t done anything to you,” he replies, “that would be too far, even for me. Now be good and open .”
He has to have done something to you. What other explanation is there for the way your mouth opens, sucking his thumb inside eagerly? Your head tips back as you suck on his thumb, tongue swirling around the digit. He groans, deep and unabashed and it has your hips bucking. “Patience,” he whispers, pushing his thumb further into your mouth. You gag slightly, sending him watery glare. 
Sylus only smiles back, keeping you in place as you suck on his thumb. The ache between your thighs is too hard to ignore, and your hand is sneaking down in an attempt to relieve the ache.
You’re horribly wet between your thighs, feeling your thighs practically slip against each other as you squirm. Your fingers only manage two full circles against your clit before Sylus is letting out a growl, tugging your hand free from where it had snuck into your panties. 
“I- I need-“ you whine, trying to sneak your hand between your thighs again.
“You need me ,” he hisses, eyes hard as he grabs at your wandering hand, gaze locking onto your slick fingers. There’s a sharp gasp that leaves you when his own mouth is enveloping around your fingers, his eyes on yours as he sucks them clean. You feel weak at the sight, a dreamy sigh escaping you. He smirks, forgetting your fingers to kiss you again. You taste yourself on his tongue, feeling the way he licks into your mouth, his hands squeezing at your hips.
He’s picking you up before too long, dumping you on his bed. You hide shyly when he rips your nightgown from your body, his eyes staring down at your bra and panties greedily. The bra goes next and he’s lowering his head, sucking your nipple into his mouth, tongue flicking against the pebbled bud. You don’t know what to do, arms wrapping around his neck to keep him there, trying desperately to seek relief. “So impatient,” Sylus mutters against your spit-slick skin, opting to suck on your other breast as his hand delves between your thighs. “Don’t stop,” you whimper, eyes slipping shut “please, don’t stop.”
He lets out a low laugh, fingers rubbing at you through your panties. “How obedient you’ve become. Squirming under my fingers like a little slut. Didn’t you say you hated me before?” he whispers. 
“I- I do hate you!” you grit out, but your hand is finding his wrist, keeping his hand there as you grind your clothed pussy against his fingers.
He scoffs disappointedly, body slinking down the bed until his nose is pressing against your panties and he’s breathing in. You feel as though you might faint at the depraved sight. His tongue laves across the fabric of your panties and you moan his name, fingers finding their home in his hair.
Sylus sucks at your clit through your panties, licking at the slick that seeps through the dampened fabric. 
“An intoxicating taste,” he comments, pressing a kiss to your thigh “I could do this for days.”
That little comment has you letting out a shuddering breath and words you might regret if your mind wasn’t so stupidly hazy. “I would let you,” you mumble, tugging his face closer to where you want him, feeling the press of his nose against your clit. He grins, red eyes staring up at you, “that can be arranged.” Sylus’s long fingers are pulling down your panties and he’s staring at your cunt, a deep groan escaping him. “Such a pretty pussy,” he whispers, pressing a soft kiss to your clit. 
A strangled noise leaves you and his mouth is latching onto your pussy, sucking and licking like a man starved. Whines and whimpers escape you as you grind your hips against his tongue. He moans back into your cunt, the sound shooting up through your body, thighs twitching. Sylus keeps you pinned down, tongue laving against your wetness, drinking up your slick as it leaks. It’s almost too much, which is why your hand reaches for his. Sylus gives his own hand, fingers lacing with yours. You’re so lost in the haze of his tongue against you that you can barely hear his voice.
“Resonate,” he speaks into your pussy, his hand gripping yours tight. “What?” Your dazed eyes find his, bewildered. “I said, resonate ,” he repeats, sucking your clit into his mouth harshly. 
His teeth graze against the sensitive bud and your back is arching, hand squeezing his one back. Your Evol comes much easier this time, light emanating from both your hands as you resonate. The linkage takes place, and it has you reeling, body twitching as you come on his tongue. The light soon fades, his own Evol dimming down. He presses another soft kiss to your sensitive clit. “Some incentive and your body is reacting remarkably well,” he smiles down at you. You could hardly care about resonance at this point, pushing at his shoulders and crawling up onto his lap, lips pressing against his. He grunts at the sudden change in position, but kisses you back, his hands groping at your ass appreciatively. A whine gets swallowed up by his mouth, your hips rocking against his hardness wantonly. Your fingers pull at his shirt and he’s staring at you with spit-slick lips. He tugs his shirt free and you suck in a sharp breath, taking him in. While you do this, your hips pause in their movements and he’s letting out a click of his tongue, using his hands to guide you start moving again. “You resonated with me,” he whispers against your lips. “Hardly,” you murmur back, nails digging into his shoulders. “Don’t be like that,” he chastises, “I made you come on my tongue and this is how you treat me?” he pouts mockingly.
“Such a good girl, aren’t you?” He coos, guiding your hips to move in the way he wants to, “moaning and whimpering for me. Perhaps I should’ve suggested this path from the start.” You try to glare at him, but he’s only gripping your cheeks, prying your mouth open before his tongue is lolling out, dropping a glob of spit into your mouth. “Swallow, baby.” You do so almost immediately, mouth opening eagerly for more. He laughs, almost in disbelief, kissing you messily this time, letting you suck on his tongue. “I need you,” you whisper, pressing his hand against your tummy “need you in me, Sylus.”
His eyes flash and he’s kissing you harder, clothed bulge grinding up into your bare pussy. The drag of his trousers is stimulating, catching on your clit in a way that has you shaking on his lap. “You’re filthy,” he hisses, sucking harsh kisses against your neck “such a filthy slut, begging for my cock.” You whine in agreement, nodding mindlessly. The world is moving then, your eyes finding the roof as he settles between your thighs. He kisses you over and over again, before he’s drawing back, slipping off the bed to pull his trousers down. A loud moan escapes you at the sight, his fat cock bobbing between his thighs. The tip is dark with arousal, veins prominent against the skin. Part of you wants it in your mouth, to swallow his cum and feel the weight of his cock on your tongue, and the other part wants it inside of you, filling you up. Embarrassment forgotten, you’re spreading your thighs in what you hope is an enticing manner, biting your lip and batting your eyelashes over at him. He glances down at your glistening pussy, licking his lips. “In me, please” you sweetly request. He hums, crawling over you. He grasps his cock, tapping the tip of it against your clit a few times. Pre-cum beads at the tip, a fat glob dripping down. Your hand shoots out before it’s wasted, fingers catching the glob. Smiling up at him, you suck your fingers into your mouth, letting out an appreciative moan at the taste. His eyes darken at the sight, fingers dimpling the flesh of your thigh as he squeezes.
“You’ll regret this when you have to leave me,” he warns, “I won’t be there to stuff your pussy full or lick that pretty cunt when you’re feeling needy.” “Then make it count,” you retort, legs wrapping around his hips. He lets out a short laugh, kissing you again. Soft whines leave you when he pushes in, his cock sinking deep into your pussy. You think you might be able to feel him in your throat, his cock stretching you out so deliciously that it has you writhing. 
“So fucking tight,” he breathes out, kissing along your jaw “so warm. I can feel you clenching around me, baby.” 
“Fuck,” you mewl, nails scratching down his back as he thrusts into you. In any other situation, you might be mortified at the sounds.
The squelch of your pussy, his heavy balls slapping against your ass as he fucks you. It seems like his favourite thing to do is to hold your hands, though.
“So pretty for me,” he sighs, hips grinding deeper into your wet heat “such a good girl, hm? My good girl.”
The praise has your heart fluttering wildly, cheeks flushing.
“Oh, you like that,” he murmurs, his lips latching onto your tits again, “my pretty, little slut, all laid out for me. You could’ve had this cock earlier, I would’ve given it to you. I could’ve stuffed you full, or bent you over my bike and pounded this tight little cunt until you were screaming.” 
A hoarse moan leaves you. Your hands are squeezing his, legs tightening around him.
“That’s it,” he whispers encouragingly, “take my cock baby, it’s all yours.”
“Stop- stop talking like that,” you whine, writhing under his body.
“Why?” he responds, “does it feel better than you had imagined?”
“I wasn’t imagining-“
“Hush now,” he whispers, kissing you over and over again. You’re not sure how much more of this you could take.
His cock is pounding into you, punching out the air in your lungs. It feels too good, the throb of his cock and his whispered words against your ear. You hiccup, peering up into his crimson eyes. He stares right back at you, the look behind his eyes startlingly soft.
You shy away, head turning to the side, cheek squishing against the pillow. His hand turns your face back to him, nose nudging against yours gently. He kisses you softer this time, the sound of your kisses drowned out by the drag of his cock in your cunt.
“Come for me, baby” Sylus whispers, squeezing your hand “cream my cock.” 
It’s enough to have you shuddering around him, a whine of his name leaving your mouth as you cream on his cock, just like had told you to. He drinks up every noise, lips working against yours as he fucks into until he’s burying his cock deep inside, letting out a low growl against your ear as hot cum spurts from his tip, filling you up. 
You sigh at the feeling, body feeling limp. Sylus is slumped on top of you, his weight oddly comforting against yours. A kiss is pressed against his cheek and you can feel his smile from where he’s tucked his head into the crook of your neck.
It’s a little uncomfortable though, so you’re pushing at his chest to get him to roll off of you. Sylus does so with little noise and you’re curling up against his side, already missing the stretch of his cock.
“You were being nice,” you say softly, breaking the silence.
“Would you prefer it if I were rougher?” he asks in return, rubbing his hand against the curve of your hip soothingly.
You roll your eyes, pinching his bicep. 
“The auction will go smoothly,” he announces, his hand drifting to squeeze your ass, “we did resonate, after all.”
You had almost forgotten about that. A nod is your response and he’s dragging you closer to give you another kiss.
“Training begins tomorrow morning,” Sylus continues, “I need to see how strong we can be together.”
You’re letting out a groan, swatting his chest and shoving him away. 
“Leave me alone,” you mumble, burying your face into the pillows.
He smiles, arms curling around your waist to tug you back into his warm chest.
“Now, now. You were being so good earlier,” he whispers “I’d be happy to reward you, if you perform well tomorrow.”
His hand smooths across your stomach, hand drifting lower to delve between your thighs. You muffle the noise that threatens to spill out.
“You’re insufferable,” you mutter, eyes slipping shut.
“I think you like that about me,” Sylus murmurs, his fingers curling up inside of you, beginning to move at a leisurely pace. 
“You’re the worst, Sylus” you whisper, hips rocking as you try to get his fingers to sink deeper.
“Yet here you are, trying to fuck yourself on my fingers,” he purrs, his arm winding around your neck. You feel him squeeze and you’re whimpering, sinking your teeth into his bicep as he holds you in place, letting his fingers fuck in and out of you.
It’s going to be a long night.
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humanjarvis · 2 days ago
the world when you're with me
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synopsis: you seek out sylus for comfort after realizing you were wrong about him.
tags: comfort, fluff, implied avoidant!reader learns to trust sylus, implied avoidant!reader clings to sylus, sylus takes care of reader from afar, sylus has mephisto and the twins follow reader but wbk pairing: sylus x reader, reader is mostly mc word count: 802
a/n: is this the peak of literature? no. did i need to write it after the day i had? yes. did i need to post it today? no, because i’m trying to stagger my posts more, but here we are. anyway 4k caleb pwp coming tomorrow 
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For the first few weeks after you’d infiltrated the N109 Zone, you’d avoided Sylus Qin like the plague. 
After being scared out of your wits by the first version of him you'd met—the cold, unavailable criminal mastermind who’d forced you to shoot him within 5 minutes of knowing one other—you were unashamedly wary of working with him again. 
But Sylus’s intel was unrivaled. More and more often, you found yourself visiting the N109 Zone to meet with him, eventually not even bothering to book a place to stay. There was always a guest room at the Onychinus base prepped for your arrival.
As you spent more time with Sylus, he’d noticeably changed his approach to interacting with you. Rather than forcing you to resonate with him, he’d explained to you how his Evol worked, letting you aim his hands at some training dummies to test it out yourself. Instead of unceremoniously shutting you out when he was tired, he’d drag his robe-and-slippers-clad self to sit beside you on the sofa, answering your cautious questions by practically giving away all his secrets. 
His shift in attitude hadn't stopped there. Sylus had clearly been using that endearingly incorrigible crow to keep tabs on you, but for the strangest reasons. 
Whenever you had a bad day at work, some building-wide maintenance emergency would magically appear, forcing your team to cease operations for the rest of the day. He’d text you a couple hours after your early dismissal, saying he was in the city and inviting you on an evening joyride to clear your head.  
The day after you’d lugged a case of water up the stairs to your apartment, having to pause a couple times to catch your breath, you came home to see your fridge mysteriously stocked with groceries. The only traces left behind were the masked twin figures you spotted scurrying away from your window. 
When a new phone showed up at your doorstep one day—you never even told him you’d shattered your screen, you thought—you’d decided that Sylus wasn’t as bad as you’d once assumed. Not anywhere near as bad, in fact. He was thoughtful, generous, and helped you without taking credit or forcing you to ask for it. You’d never had that before.
Which is why, somehow, you find yourself standing in the doorway of his armory, studying him silently as he polishes an antique-looking gun.
When he notices you, Sylus looks up, raising a delicately arched eyebrow. “Something wrong, kitten?” he drawls, subtly checking your body for injuries. 
Mind numb from your absolutely dreadful day, you stay silent while Sylus looks at you expectantly, his hands forgetting their earlier task. 
But for the next minute, you remain hovering in the doorway. You expect him to get annoyed—you almost want him to, so you have an excuse to go back to relying only on yourself—but all you see on Sylus’s face is patience.
When you start shuffling toward him, that patience mixes with a glimmer of anticipation that he visibly tries to suppress. You need him to be calm right now—an anchor, he thinks. If he loses his composure, if he startles you with his excitement at your approach, you might bolt at any moment. 
Sometime during his inner struggle, you reach him. Meekly, you stand before his chair, briefly opening your mouth before closing it. 
“What is it, sweetie?” he asks softly. “Tell me, and we can figure it out together. I’ll personally track down whoever seems to have stolen your words from you.”
At his offer, you break, collapsing into his lap. His large, warm hands immediately encircle your waist, and you bury your face into his neck, inhaling his leather and spice cologne. 
“Aw,” he coos in his baritone voice, rocking you slowly in his embrace. When he lifts your head an inch, you resist, letting out a soft whine. Gently, he guides your head back to his chest, his quickening heartbeat thumping in your ears and grounding you in the the moment. 
After several moments of silence, your deep, shuddering breaths the only interruptions, Sylus murmurs into your ear. “When I noticed you never ask for help, I was worried the world may not be treating as well as it should. You must be very tired, hmm?” he asks, rubbing his chin against your hair. 
Tightening your arms around him, you sit there for a while, his steady breaths seeming to mend a decades-long rift in your heart.
The next time Sylus tries to lift your head, you let him. He pulls your face from his neck so he can look into your eyes, hoping his gaze conveys his sincerity, before pressing a tender kiss to your forehead. 
“You don’t need the world when you’re with me,” he promises. “I’ll treat you better than it ever could.”
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rainynightwrites · 11 days ago
˗ˏˋ turn me on ˎˊ˗
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cw: 18+ content mdni. fem!reader. semi public sex. sylus calls reader kitten/sweetie several times. fingering. p in v. unprotected sex. choking. sylus being a tease. sylus degrading reader. sylus also praising reader. overstim. creampie. established relationship. this happens on sylus’ motorcycle. not proofread. ᯓᡣ𐭩
wc: 2.0k
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sylus had taken you out to dinner for a little date night. on your way back to his place he took you up to the rooftop of one of the decrepit buildings on the outskirts of the n109 zone. sylus was leaning against his motorcycle as you stood near the ledge looking over the city. it was a strange mix of eerie silence, yet random ruckus of other vehicles and arguments between people below filled your ears.
despite the fact that the n109 zone was a lawless wasteland, you felt at peace here for some reason. you’ve chalked it up to being near sylus. i mean, how could you not feel safe around him? you watched a room full of men shoot at sylus, in an attempt to kill him, and he handled all of them without even breaking a sweat.
and he looked really fucking hot while doing it— but that is besides the point.
you turned around towards sylus, walking back to him. murmuring how you were ready to go back to his place. he stood up straight and put his hands on your hips pulling you closer, his eyes gleaming, “or, we could stay here a little longer. it’s just us up here, sweetie.” you knew that tone, you knew the look in his eyes, and yes, you could feel that he was more than half hard in his pants right now.
“sylus! we are out in public, this isn’t- we shouldn’t.” you knew better, anybody could see, literally. plus it’s the n109 zone, this wasn’t the safest place to do something like this.
“why not, kitten? i can fight, and anyways mephisto would let us know if someone were coming.” those damn red eyes, you truly never understood how you were able to focus when sylus stared at you so intently. “but it’s up to you, if you aren’t comfortable we can just go back to my place...”
sylus’ words faded away. you felt guilty for some reason, something twisted in your stomach, and you knew you were about to give in. your gaze drifted to his motorcycle behind him.
when you’d originally fantasized about sylus fucking you over his motorcycle, it didn’t include being on a damn rooftop. you thought it’d be in the garage of his place, safe from potential prying eyes.
you looked up at sylus, biting your lip as you nodded your head slowly. sylus moved in on you instantly, his big hands grabbing you by the backs of your thighs and plopping you down onto the seat of his motorcycle. “mhh, i thought so. such a good girl for me aren’t you, sweetie?”
throughout your relationship with sylus you learned that he is a switch. he had times where he just wanted you to use him for your pleasure, then he had times where he wanted to completely dominate you until you were nothing but a mindless, cock drunk slut. and tonight was definitely the latter.
“y-yeah, your good girl…” your words were soft. your breathing becoming more and more erratic by the second. sylus had already begun positioning you the way he wanted. bastard, he must’ve anticipated that you’d agree to such an act.
sylus draped your left leg over one of the handlebars on his motorcycle, then he grabbed your right leg and held it up against his body. he kissed the exposed skin above your ankle. sylus diligently moved your skirt out of the way with one hand. his other hand was inching up your stomach, starting an ascent up your body. his hand continued to move up your body, grazing your breasts ever so gently.
sylus was a master at stimulating you, maybe a little too good at it sometimes, especially when you plummeted into a cloudy headspace of need and desire. you’d been so distracted by watching him kiss your ankle and feeling him pinch your nipples through your shirt and bra that you’d completely forgotten his other hand working between your legs. you hadn’t even felt him move your panties to the side.
sylus’ red eyes bore into you and he slid one finger between your folds. “kitten,” it sounded so chastising. “i barely even touched you and you’re fucking soaked. that’s a little pathetic, don’t you think?”
“i can’t help it!” you protested, but when his finger swiped through your folds again and then drew a tight circle over your clit you nearly broke right then. your moan filled the stagnant air around you. he hummed like he was amused, you could feel a smirk forming on his lips as he placed another kiss higher up your calf this time, causing you to bend your leg awkwardly.
“i think, you just couldn’t wait to have me, could you, sweetie?” sylus punctuated his question by sliding his middle finger into your cunt and lazily tracing your clit with his thumb. his eyes never left your face, he watched every. single. reaction he drew from you. “oh come on, you’re always so brave. you love to talk back. why aren’t you doing it now?”
this wasn’t fair. at all. your lips started to form a soft pout but sylus put a quick end to that when he grazed your g-spot. your head dropped back as he effectively pulled another moan from your gorgeous lips.
you were already starting to fall into that cloudy headspace when you felt sylus draw a line with his tongue up your calf. and if that wasn’t bad enough the hand that had been playing with your nipples had now found it’s way around your neck. it was all a heady combination that sylus knew exactly how to exploit for the sounds and reactions he wanted from you.
“sylus!” his name rolled off your tongue in a high pitched whine. you hadn’t even realized how quickly your body was hurtling towards an orgasm.
sylus tightened his grip around your neck before plunging another finger inside you. “i can feel you clenching around my fingers, kitten. it’s so easy for me to wind you up, but fuck you are so beautiful this way. so desperate. i bet you can’t wait for my cock.”
your world narrowed, you could feel your pulse racing under sylus’ hand. the sounds he was pulling from you were obscene at this point. and it wasn’t just the sounds coming from your mouth, no, you were quite literally dripping. through half-lidded eyes you watched sylus finally break eye contact with you in favor of watching his fingers disappear into your soaked warmth.
just as you were about to cum he pulled his fingers from your core, studying the two fingers that had been buried inside you. they glistened in the low lighting on the rooftop.
“sylus! no, please. i was so close, i-“ your babbling was cut off by hazily watching sylus bring his fingers to his mouth and suck your arousal off them. his eyes slid closed as he savored your flavor.
“shh, just be patient. i enjoy seeing you so worked up for me. does it feel like your nerve endings are blazing yet?” he let go of your throat, tracing his fingers softly down one of your arms. his eyes were all but glowing in the night, it was distracting and mesmerizing— he looked at you like you were special. that made your stomach flip in a good way.
you couldn’t even bring yourself to answer, but yes, you felt like your entire body was on fire. every touch, every little graze had your body acting as if it were a live wire ready to snap.
sylus unbuttoned his pants, and pulled his cock out in one smooth motion. you watched him stroke himself once, twice. you licked your lips as you saw the precum seeping from the slit. his cock was…for lack of better terms, perfect. a perfect length, a perfect girth, the perfect amount of curve. it hit the spot every time it was inside you.
sylus didn’t give you much time to process his actions though, he dragged the fat head of his cock through your warm, wet folds and then buried himself inside you in one quick thrust.
“oh my god.” you somehow managed to choke out between a moan. sylus laughed as he watched your eyes roll back when he pushed himself fully into your cunt. “sweetie, there’s not a single god or deity that’s gonna come and save a cock drunk, needy little slut such as yourself.”
your walls clenched around his cock immediately. something about his unhinged words made you feel strange, yet even more turned on than you already were. you were panting at this point, a constant string of whines and moans falling from your lips.
you’ve come to terms with the fact that sylus was is just that good at sex. it almost concerned you that he’d managed to reduce you to such a state with only his hands so quick before even fucking you. you’ve fallen apart at his hands and mouth— cock too, so many times you’ve lost count. it’s easy for you to lose yourself in him, with him.
“what a pretty girl for me, such a beautiful thing to see you this way, all for me, only me.” sylus mused as he thrust into you at a relentless pace that had you seeing stars. sure, you liked being degraded by sylus, but the praise— oh, how you thrived on it.
sylus slid one hand between your bodies until his thumb found your clit again, he lazily drew right circles before leaning forward causing your knees to hit your shoulders. he easily folded you in half while you were sat on his motorcycle, you weren’t sure how it was still upright. you were more concerned with the fact that the new angle allowed sylus’ cock deeper into your velvety walls.
“sy-sylus! fuck, i’m close!” “it’s okay, you let go whenever you need to, darling. sing for me.” sylus leaned forward more until his lips pressed against yours. you immediately threaded your fingers through his silvery hair, melting into the kiss with zero hesitation. the kiss itself was messy, all teeth and tongues. all your moans and whines became muffled by his mouth.
his cock dragged along your inner walls with such precision. he hit your g-spot with every thrust. the head of his cock grazing your cervix, that alone sent a spark through body. two, three, four more thrusts later and your walls were squeezing his cock so tightly, the velvet heat of your cunt rippling as you came undone for him.
“good girl, such a good fucking girl coming on my cock like that. do you have any idea how beautiful you sound when you let go?” sylus didn’t slow, your euphoric orgasm quickly turning to overstimulation. your eyes welling with tears as you gasped and whined. writhing slightly beneath sylus. the motorcycle didn’t allow for much movement though.
“almost there, just- mmpfh. just a little longer, i promise. you’re doing so well, taking everything so well.” sylus’ fingers dug into the meat of your thighs as he chased his release. your body began to tremble from the continuing stimulation. your walls becoming so sensitive.
sylus buried himself fully inside your cunt, and he stilled above you. his breath coming out in warm huffs. occasional soft grunts filled your ears. warm ropes of his cum painted your inner walls. sylus pressed his forehead against yours, not daring to pull out just yet.
“thank you, kitten,” sylus wiped the tears that had collected on your lashes away and pressed soft kisses around your face; on your cheeks, your chin, your lips, your nose, and your forehead. his eyes softer now, and he didn’t want to let you go. you were precious to him, you both knew it.
while what you just did was a little crazy and risky, you couldn’t help but be happy that your date night ended this way. however, you suspected that when you and sylus were able to move and make it back to his place, neither of you would be getting much sleep tonight.
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⊹₊⟡⋆ thanks for reading. ⊹₊⟡⋆
tags: @honeyandlore @nanami1slut
© rainynightwrites 2025. please do not copy/repost elsewhere, translate or claim any of my writing.
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strwbrychffoncke · 27 days ago
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"tell me why would we be here if this ain't meant to be?,, <1k words ⸺ event masterlist synopsis: your souls tethered together in an invisible bond ,words aren't always needed to spell out your shared feelings for one another contains: fluff! lnds sylus x mc!reader ,established relationship ,soft!sylus ,minimal dialogue ,cozy atmosphere ,kissing ,making out ,napping together ,v vague reference to sylus myth ,i think thats it note: (mostly edited!) something short and simple since i spoiled sylus the other day....
you liked it like this.
the base was quiet this time around. the twins handled some small errands today while mephisto was sent out to gather any notable intel in preparation for an upcoming auction. sylus had his work cut out for him to check over before the day in several weeks to come.
despite this, you found yourself in the warm embrace of none other than the onychinus leader himself— sleeved arms wrapped snuggly around your center, holding you close to his slowly rising and falling chest, nose nestled above your head, breathing in the sweet scent of your hair care products. he sighs in contentment.
you liked it like this.
you were curled up close against him, his warmth seeping through his loungewear into your fingertips and further down your body, calm breaths mingling together in the quiet of the room— save for one of sylus' many, many records spinning on the nearby record player, needle dragging across the thin indented lines of the large flat disk, the slight skip it makes going unnoticed by you, but sylus makes a mental note to clean it thoroughly later.
you liked it like this.
no words needed to be exchanged in this moment between the two of you. the momentary solace of being with each other like this, consumed within each others space, safe within the others' arms— even if you wanted to chastise sylus for putting off his work, you couldn't bring yourself to chase him away from the comfort he held you in right now. you tighten your hold on him, nuzzling your face deeper into his chest.
you liked it like this.
you feel the rumble of his laughter through his chest, his body shaking slightly with the action as his hands begin to caress your head in a steady pattern, one after the other, further coaxing you closer to him if that were even possible.
"holding me hostage here? how will i ever get back to work?"
his tone is a mix of teasing and amused, affectionately petting your hair as one would the soft head of an affectionate cat.
"you can't, you're not allowed to," you declare, peeking up at him, eyes creased in amusement and promise.
"i'd never even consider it, sweetie," he muses, eyes meeting yours before leaning down to plant a sweet kiss onto your head.
you like it like this.
you could feel his heartbeat at this proximity, rhythm quick yet steady— a measure of his feelings for you, his contentedness in having you with him here, just like this, together in his dim bedroom, the moon casting its glow on the two entangled lovers in their moment of respite. you can't help but to tug on the fabric of his soft sleep shirt suddenly, pulling back slightly only to lean up when he peers down at you and capturing his lips with yours.
you like it like this.
your lips mesh and meld together easily, instinctually, slow and loving, in no rush for anything in this sacred space for two where the concept of time itself ceases to exist, leaning closer into each other, your hands gripping the shirt covering his chest and one of sylus' hands coming up to cup your cheek, tilting your head while coaxing you flat onto your back as he deepens the affection, swallowing your breaths and pouring everything he has to offer right into you.
you like it like this.
after who knows how long, he finally pulls back, hands planted on each side of your head, watching you from his angle above as you pant out into the air, catching your breath and peering back into his shimmering gaze, nothing but adoration glowing within his irises taking in your messy hair, bare face, loose clothes splayed across your figure, eyes reflecting the same shine back into his. he lifts a hand to hold your cheek, watching you nuzzle into it as his thumb caresses the soft flesh.
you like it like this.
in no time at all, you're both laying back on your sides, facing each other as his large arms encircle you, pulling you flush against him once more. your legs entangle together as he pecks your cheek and feels your smile against him, arms hugging his waist, head resting against his beating heart once again. with the lull of the music seeping back into the space, you feel the grips of sleeping tugging at your consciousness, eyes fluttering shut and breaths evening out.
you like it like this.
and sylus keeps you there, close to him, in this loving space for two, caressing your hair until he feels the even inhale and exhale, peeking down at your sleeping face and planting one more kiss onto it before he allows his own eyes slip shut. he can adapt to any place so long as he was willing, but the unspoken truth beneath that certainty was that was only so long as it was with you. and he's satisfied having you here, just like this, secured against him.
he likes it like this.
he allows himself this moment of respite with you, in his bedroom, slowly slipping into slumber himself to indulge in this nap with you, not a care in the world for the work he has to deal with— when he has you in his arms like this, he thinks that can wait for later. the last of his consciousness leaves him and a small smile graces his lips as he enters a beautiful dream.
from back in his sacred cave to now, he wouldn't want it any other way.
a/n: another experimental(?) writing style; the vibes of the song helped me paint this picture thank u kali uchis
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leighsartworks216 · 5 months ago
Blood Washes Out
Sylus x gn!Reader
Had this idea and had to spend like a week writing it
Warnings: hurt/comfort, blood, injury, murder, swearing, vomiting, panic, pet names, sharing clothes, cuddling, crying, guilt, broken bones, guns
Word Count: 2,801
Main Masterlist
Love and Deepspace Masterlist
Tag List Form
The phone rings by your ear, waiting to be answered. The copper stench of blood latches itself to your senses. You can taste it on your tongue, against your teeth, at the back of your throat.
The call is picked up and a whimper of relief rips from your mouth against your will. “Sylus!”
“What’s wrong?” he demands. His voice is stern. You’re glad for its strength right now. “Are you alright?”
What a shit question for him to ask.
“I need you to pick me up.” You turn your head to the side to spit out the blood pooling in your mouth. You wish it would just fucking stop.
“Send me your location, but don’t hang up.”
You feel blood stick to your ear as you pull the phone away. The touch screen is covered in red fingerprints. You’re shocked it still reads your input as you go to your messages and send him your location. You feel a burn at the back of your throat as you put the phone back to your ear, disgust wrapping its hands around your esophagus and churning your stomach.
He says your name. It’s so rare to hear him say it nowadays. That’s how you know he’s really worried. “I’ll be there in five minutes. I’m sending Mephisto ahead of me. Stay on the phone.”
You nod even though he can’t see, squeezing your eyes shut and curling into yourself as you wait on the curbside. If there’s anybody else around, anybody else who witnessed what happened…
Panic floods your veins like ice.
What if someone did see what happened? Or- Or maybe someone who didn’t and just stumbles around the corner to find-
You clamp a hand over your mouth. Bloody fingers aggravate your nose. More blood pours over them, warm and wet, sliding over a layer that’s already congealed. The metallic twang stings your eyes.
You can’t tell whose blood is whose anymore.
“I’m coming, sweetie. Just a few more minutes.”
You gasp out, “I’m gonna be sick.”
You don’t get a chance to hear his response before you drop your phone to the sidewalk. Your body moves on its own in a mad dash to turn and hurl into the gutter. It burns. It burns so fucking bad. And the taste-
Your body convulses and shakes, acting against you until your stomach is empty and you’re coughing around dry heaves.
A motor pulls up nearby. Heavy boots scuff the pavement as they rush to you. A gloved hand pulls your hair back, collecting it at the base of your head. An arm wraps around your chest, keeping you upright. A caw sounds from above you.
“I’ve got you. Don’t fight it. I’ve got you.”
Sylus surveys the scene around you. A body lays several feet away on its back. A dark red trail worms its way through cracks in the sidewalk and follows the uneven ground to a drain intended for catching floodwater. A gun hangs limply in its hand. Yours is discarded nearby.
He ducks his head to look at your face. Your eyes are clamped shut, lips trembling as you try to catch your breath. Tears glide down the curve of your cheeks.
Your nose is broken. Blood oozes from it slowly, dripping into your mouth and down your chin. It mixes with your bile and saliva as you weakly spit it out. More blood covers your clothes and your hands. It’s hard to distinguish what’s all yours, or if your broken nose is your only injury.
He grabs a handkerchief from his pocket. It cost more than your apartment and he couldn’t give a damn as he uses it to gently wipe at your mouth. “Just breathe, sweetheart. Can you stand?”
You take in a deep, uneven breath, and nod. He lets go of your hair and grabs your phone, sliding it into his pocket without worrying about the blood. He tucks the handkerchief right next to it. His arms are strong and grounding as he helps you to your feet, putting himself between you and the body as he leads you to his bike. If he’d known what state you were in, he would’ve brought the car. As it was, he was more concerned with getting to you as fast as possible.
He doesn’t force you to put the helmet on this time. As much as he’d normally insist, he didn’t want to trap you in a helmet if you were still nauseous. He slips it over his own head as he gets on first and gives you his arm for support as you climb on behind him. Your arms wrap around him tightly, bloody fingers clinging to his shirt under his leather jacket. Your body rests heavily against his back.
“My gun…” you say quietly, halfheartedly, like your concern for it is only a distant afterthought.
Sylus squeezes your hands reassuringly. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’ll get it back for you later.”
You nod against him. The engine purrs beneath you as he turns his bike around and peels off back home.
The ride is a blur of passing lights and buildings, a collage of Linkon City and the N109 Zone meshing together until you relent to just keep your eyes shut. You don’t open them again until he slows to a stop in front of his mansion.
The twins are rushing out the door to greet you. “Boss! Woah, what happened to you?” Luke winces as he catches sight of you. Kieran smacks him upside the head and rushes to help you off the bike.
Sylus gets off after, pulling his helmet off and resting it on the seat. He pulls out the phone and handkerchief, and passes it over to Luke. “Get this cleaned up.”
“Sure thing, Boss!”
He takes you gently away from Kieran, wrapping an arm behind your knees and back and lifting you into his arms. “Follow Mephisto. Deal with it.”
Kieran nods. “On it, Boss.” Mephisto’s metal wings slice through the air as Sylus leads you past the twins and inside.
“‘M sorry,” you mumble. You turn your head from his shoulder, trying not to get blood on his shirt. Your hands sit limply in your lap.
“Don’t apologize, sweetie,” he assures. “Can you tell me what happened?”
The mansion is warm and familiar, dark and comforting in a way the night outside isn’t. He carries you all the way to his room and the ensuite bathroom where he sits you on the countertop. He removes his gloves, grabs a white washcloth, wets it under the faucet, and gently works on cleaning the blood from your face. The pristine white cloth stains pink, and eventually red.
You stare at his shirt. Despite it being black, you can see the remnants of blood you left on him.
“Eyes on me, sweetheart.” He holds your chin delicately in one hand, tilting your head up to look at him. “Talk to me.”
Fresh tears burn at your eyes. You want to forget tonight ever happened. Want to find someone with a time-traveling Evol just so you can go back and do everything different.
It’s a fruitless wish. Everything already happened. It was already burned into your mind. There would be no do-overs.
Your voice cracks as you speak. He frowns at the sorrowful sound. “I was going to the convenience store to get some snacks. I-I wanted some chocolate, and I didn’t have any, so… B-But I guess one of my neighbors followed me. A lot of them are Hunters, too. Said they heard me talking to you.”
“They recognized my name from the Association.” It wasn’t a question. You nod. He folds the cloth over and brushes away some splatter from your face, gently wiping away some stray tears in the process. “Did they threaten you?”
You don’t need to answer. He already knows. That gun in their hand wasn’t just for show.
“They…” You swallow uncomfortably. Your mouth feels tacky. “They said they were gonna turn me in, but wh-when they approached, I freaked out. I just started fighting back, I-I didn’t know what else to do. They punched me and I fell to the ground. Th-Their gun was aimed at me, I couldn’t think, a-and I…”
The weight of the weapon in your hands never felt heavier than in that moment. Tears fell freely now. Your lungs shudder, gasping for air you can’t seem to get enough of. Your face crumples into a horrible grimace as you sob. Sylus cradles the back of your head and pulls you into his chest. He drops the cloth in the sink to wrap his arm around you. You grab onto his shirt. The blood on your hands is dried and crackly, seeping deep into your pores and staining your flesh.
“I tried saving them,” you whimper. “I tried, but there was just so, so much blood, I- I couldn’t do anything.”
He hushes you softly. “You were threatened and you protected yourself.”
“What if the Association finds out? What’re they gonna do when they find out someone’s missing? Fuck, Sy, what- What’s gonna happen?”
“Nothing’s going to happen. They’ll put up missing posters around the block, wondering where they went off to. It’ll remain an unsolved mystery, a story to tell the grandkids.”
It’s not reassuring. He sighs.
“What do you want to happen, sweetheart? You tell your boss what happened: you don’t get tried for murder, but you have to come clean about sneaking into the N109 Zone and being besties with the big bad leader of Onychinus. Or you don’t say anything, and nothing happens.” He pulls away slightly to look down at your face. You stare at the glass door of the shower, eyes glazed over and distant. “Which option sounds better to you, hm?”
You wrack your brain for a third option. Something that doesn’t take away the job you love and permanently ruin your life, while giving the Hunter you killed some grace in death. But there is none. Not really.
So you sigh. Long and drawn out. Will this guilt ever get any easier to carry?
You pull away from Sylus and he lets you. You cringe at his shirt. “I got blood on you.”
He chuckles. “Blood washes out, kitten.”
“Not very easily.”
“No,” he agrees. “But I have my ways.”
This is no longer a simple conversation about laundry.
Sylus picks the cloth back up and wets it again. The excess water that isn’t squeezed out drips into your lap. He wipes the fresh blood coming from your nose. “We need to set this. Do you want something to bite down on?”
Your nose still stings as you stand under the shower spray. The heady scent of his shampoo saturates the air, swirling in tandem with the steam. There’s no more blood in your hair, on your ear from the phone, or on your face. And there isn’t any on your hands, either. But as you look down at them, water collecting in your palms and slipping between your fingers, you could feel the hot blood that had been there.
A knock on the door startles you from your revelry. It opens before you can say anything, and you can see the blurry silhouette of Sylus as he sets something on the counter.
“Here’s some fresh clothes. I’ll be out here when you’re done.” His face doesn’t ever glance at the shower door, even when you call out his name to stop him while he’s leaving. He just stands there, head ducked slightly and ear turned your way, listening.
“Thank you.”
He chuckles softly. “It’s just clothes, sweetheart.”
You sigh bitterly. “You know that’s not what I meant.”
“I know.”
The door closes with a faint click as he leaves.
You put some soap in your hands and scrub until the skin is raw. Until you can’t trick yourself into thinking there’s still blood on them. Until the water begins to run cold. Only then do you feel clean enough to turn off the water and step out of the shower.
The clothes are large, practically drowning you in excess fabric. The familiar athletic shorts only stay on because of the elastic waistband and a hidden drawstring that ties on the inside of the shorts. The sweater’s sleeves go past your hands. You can’t imagine wearing anything else right now.
Just as he promised, he’s sitting on his bed when you open the door. The deconstructed parts of your gun lay spread out on the blanket, neatly sorted out. He diligently cleans every piece, ensuring he gets every speck of blood while giving it basic maintenance.
“Sorry about the clothes, sweetie. I’ll have some tailored for you.”
You pad across the floor and carefully climb up onto the bed, doing your best not to disturb the array. He doesn’t stop you when you snuggle up to his side. Rather, he allows you to wrap your arms around his, adjusting how he works for your sake. You shake your head and rest it on his shoulder.
“This is fine,” you assure him. The silence goes on for a beat or two too long before you add, “I might just steal this sweater from you.”
He chuckles. “Go ahead, sweetie. I can get more.” He sets down a cleaned part and picks up another one he hasn’t tended to yet. “Tell me what materials you like and I’ll have a whole closet of them you can steal, if you’d like.”
You smile slightly. He only notices when he glances down at you. He sets the piece down and begins to quickly assemble it all back together. You inhibit his movements somewhat, so it takes a few seconds longer than he’s used to, but he doesn’t complain. Your gun looks brand new, just as pretty and perfect as it was when you first got it at the Academy.
He flips it to offer the handle to you, a silent question. It’s all too reminiscent of your first meeting with him. Even then, even after you’d pulled the trigger, frightened for your life, you’d tried to save him. If it hadn’t been for his Evol…
Well. Lightning never strikes the same place twice.
You hide your face in his shirt, the casual grey one he usually lounges around in. The clinking of the gun disappears with the sound of a drawer opening and closing. His hand brushes your hair.
“You should get some sleep, sweetie. It’s late for you.”
“I’m not tired.” Your body says otherwise. You’re practically melting into him, into the bed. If you stay there for just a few minutes longer, you’ll be fast asleep.
“Now why don’t I believe that,” he teases.
You sigh and force yourself off of him, beginning to slip off the bed. “Let’s watch something.”
He sighs, too, but at your unrelenting stubbornness. It’s almost reassuring. At least you weren’t in a heap under the blankets, sobbing. He follows you into the living room, to the couch directly across from a large TV. You grab a blanket and wrap it around yourself until you are securely cocooned and tucked against an armrest. He sits next to you, drawing you into his side. His Evol carries the remote to his hand.
You command him along through menus and catalogues until you reach one of your favorite comfort films. The lights automatically dim as it starts playing.
You’re not even three minutes into the movie before your eyes are drooping closed. He knew it would happen, knew the exhaustion would catch up with you eventually. Still, it was quite cute, watching you fight to keep your eyes open and your head off his chest. Slowly, slowly giving in. Resting your head on his chest. Listening to his unusual heartbeat. Losing the battle against consciousness.
Still, he lets it play through to the end. It’s not a bad movie, he decides. You enjoy it, so it must have some merit. And you can always tell a lot about someone based on their favorite things.
Careful not to wake you up, Sylus lifts you into his arms, cradling you close to his chest. He carries you back to bed, not bothering to unwrap you from your cocoon at all. Despite being wide awake, he lays down beside you, continuing to hold you close to him. If you have a nightmare, he wants to be there. If you wake up in a dazed panic, he wants to be there.
As accustomed as he’s become with taking lives, he’s unfamiliar with the crisis you’re facing and how to comfort someone through a crisis of any kind. He wants to help. As best as he can, he wants you to be okay. He needs you to be okay.
Tag List:
@the-golden-jhope @huen1ngk41 @armycaratlover @sylusfluffymeow
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syluslnd · 4 months ago
i imagine she’s always looking out for him, Mephisto as well as the twins.
when your motherly instincts kick in
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The front door opened quietly but you could feel him before you saw him. Sylus always tried to be subtle, but even his steps had a certain weight to them—like he was carrying the world on his shoulders but wouldn’t let anyone see it. You turned around just in time to catch his eyes, sharp but softened as soon as they met yours.
“Welcome home” you greeted with a warm smile, already moving toward him.
“Hey sweetie” Sylus’s voice was as deep and steady as ever but there was a hint of tension in his shoulders that you couldn’t ignore.
You took in the way he was standing, just a little too stiff, a little too careful and your brow furrowed. He was trying so hard to look unaffected but you knew him better than that.
Without saying a word, you reached out and poked him gently in the side. He winced, barely noticeable but you caught it. You narrowed your eyes, folding your arms in that motherly way he always teased you for.
“Gotcha!” you said with a knowing smile. “and don’t even try to say it’s nothing.”
Sylus sighed, trying to look away but you tilted his chin back toward you, your voice soft but firm. “Don’t think you can hide when you’re hurt, Sylus. Why didn’t you tell me?”
“It’s nothing, really.” His attempt at reassurance fell flat when he shifted and another flash of pain crossed his face.
You huffed, rolling your eyes. “Nothing, huh?” You took his hand and gently led him to the couch, easing him down as if he were fragile, even though you both knew he was far from it. But it didn’t matter to you—right now, he was hurt and that was all it took to bring out your full motherly instincts.
“Sit still” you instructed, disappearing for a moment to grab the first-aid kit. When you returned, he looked up, watching you with that mix of amusement and exasperation you loved so much. He knew there was no use arguing with you when you got into this mode.
Carefully, you kneeled beside him, setting to work on cleaning and bandaging his wounds. Sylus flinched at your touch once or twice but he tried to keep still, his eyes never leaving yours as you worked.
“kitten..you’re too good to me, you know” he murmured, a small smile tugging at his lips.
“Maybe”you replied, meeting his gaze, “but that doesn’t mean you get a free pass to keep things from me. Next time, tell me when you’re hurt. I don’t want you pushing through things alone.”
Sylus let out a soft chuckle, a sound that melted into the air like warmth. “Alright, alright. I promise.” The promise felt real, genuine, and he reached up, giving your hand a gentle squeeze in thanks.
You were just finishing up with the last bandage when you heard the unmistakable sound of footsteps—two pairs, unmistakably familiar. You turned just as Luke and Kieran entered the room, looking a little worse for wear themselves, like they’d had a rough day of training.
“And where have you two been?” you asked, narrowing your eyes at them in the same way you’d done with Sylus. Both twins stopped dead in their tracks, trading sheepish glances.
“Uh… training?” Kieran offered, scratching the back of his neck, clearly trying to look innocent.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought” you replied, hands on your hips. “I told you all to take it easy and look after yourselves. Do you want to end up hurt like Sylus?”
They shifted, looking apologetic but they couldn’t hide their amusement as you gave them your best scolding look.
Sylus, meanwhile, was grinning, clearly enjoying the show. “I think you’re adorable when you get all angry” he said softly, just loud enough for the twins to hear.
They both stifled laughs, but you caught their giggles. “Laugh it up, boys” you teased, trying to keep your stern tone but failing as a smile broke through. “But seriously, all of you—take care of yourselves. I don’t want to keep patching you up every time you walk through that door.”
The three of them nodded but their smiles betrayed them, showing just how much they adored you in that moment and maybe, you thought, as you took one last glance at each of them, maybe they’d actually start listening—if only so they could see that look of worry fade from your face.
But for now, you were just glad they were all home, safe and that you could care for them in the way only you knew how.
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salemrph · 24 days ago
The Taste of Romance (Valentine’s Day)
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Summary: What was meant to be a quiet Valentine’s Day with Sylus, making chocolate together, takes a turn when a mission interrupts: chasing down Heartbreaker.
Character: Sylus & Reader
Genre: romantic, fluffy, slightly action
Word count: 5,572 | Reading Time: 22 min | AO3
A/N: After today's banner, I just had to release this, because it's pretty much what I was expecting, something like this: A cute mission hunting Heartbreaker, with a super romantic outcome. Making chocolate and decorating a cake. And kisses, lots of them.
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 {Pop Candy Song BGM}
You spent the last day searching for a good recipe online, strolling through pastries and sweets shops in Linkon. On the kitty cat calendar display on the wall of your kitchen, February 14th is marked with a little heart in red. Well, it is actually tomorrow. This is your third attempt making chocolates this week. You have everything you need: a box, sugar pens and flowers, gift wrap, strawberry and tons of other decorations stuff. Your idea is to create a special box, for a special gentleman that stole your heart, soul and body. 
Somehow you keep messing up with portions, you follow the instructions step by step, but always something goes wrong. The milk is too hot, too much sugar… you feel a bit like Xavier trying to not burn down your place. The other attendants were interrupted by an urgent mission, or you managed to drop the bowl or put in salt instead of sugar. 
The caw of Mephisto, sitting on the microwave, is a signal to stir the mixture. The bird can be useful even during moments like this. Mephisto seems even happy to help you out. Is strange how well you get along with him. Sometimes he gets on your nerves, especially when he steals all the shiny items you have. But you like him, and it's just as fun as fighting with Luke and Kieran.This little crow family you've joined, despite their “evil” aura, are all good people. And no one can convince you otherwise. Come to thinking of it, maybe you should make choco popcake for the twins. Giving chocolate to the mechanical crow… You stare at Mephisto, who cocks his head in response to your piercing gaze. No… You shake your head. Not a good idea. 
The kitchen smelled of rich, melted chocolate, the warmth of it mixing with the familiar comfort of home. You had been carefully stirring the glossy mixture, completely absorbed in your task, when—
"What are you doing, sweetie?"
The deep sexy voice of your boyfriend makes you hitch. If you were a real cat you would have jumped, fur bristling and tail puffed in alarm. Surely hiding yourself on top of the kitchen cabinet. Although your Hunter senses are exceptional, being at home you usually lower your guard. Your heart jumps and you almost drop the bowl, again…
"I told you to stay out of the kitchen" you huffed, turning to glare at Sylus.
He leaned lazily against the counter, arms crossed, that ever-present smirk tugging at his lips. "Yeah, but I didn’t agree to that. Besides, where should I hide in this small apartment?" 
“Why are you here in the first place? I told you I was busy” you hide the bowl behind your back. Actually the kitchen is a mess, opened packages of chocolates scattered across the counter, the strawberries you had bought are still in their cold water bath. You’re a good cook, decent at baking, but working with chocolate? That is another topic. For the occasion, when you were buying all your supplies for this mission, you bought yourself a very cute apron. Which you are wearing right now to prevent staining your outfit. Underneath it, you wear comfy shorts and a white t-shirt.
“A certain kitten ignored me all week, so I decided to drop by and spend some time with her.” His lips curve into a slow smirk. “But somehow, I ended up banned from the kitchen, and Mephisto got demoted to a kitchen clock.” His voice drips with mock offense, but the way he watches you, eyes sweeping over your domestic outfit examining you slowly from top to bottom… Tells you he’s more entertained than anything, the amusement literally dancing in his eyes.
The small apron snug around your waist and chest, the loose strands of hair slipping free from your high ponytail, the way your oversized t-shirt shifts when you fidget under his stare. You’re a mess. Flustered and completely unaware of just how lovely you look. Sylus smiles, noticing that you’re definitely not wearing a bra. It might just be his lucky day.
He exhales a quiet chuckle, stepping closer. His gaze moves to the bowl behind your back, curiosity flashing behind the red glowing eyes.
"So… what exactly are you doing?”
You meet his gaze with a sly smile, tilting your head just slightly. "I’m preparing poison."
His smirk deepened. "Poison? Sweetie, if you wanted to kill me, there are easier ways."
Before you could react, he stepped in, closing the distance in a way that made your pulse stutter. His body caged you against the counter, warmth radiating off him. His attention goes down to the spoon still in your hand, his fingers grazing your wrist as he tilted his head in amusement.
"What kind of poison will it be?" he murmured, voice low and teasing.
Your breath hitched, you felt a little nervous again but you held your ground. "The kind you can’t separate from normal food."
Sylus hummed. In a swift motion, he plucked the spoon from your grasp, bringing it to his lips without breaking eye contact. His tongue flicked against the chocolate before he tasted it, a low, satisfied hum vibrating in his throat.
"Hmm… dangerous" he mused, licking the remnants from the spoon. Your stomach flipped, heat rising to your cheeks as his free hand settled on your waist. "Should I be worried, sweetie?" he teased, his lips dangerously close to yours, chocolate lingering on his breath.
“Always" you whispered, barely able to focus with the way he was looking at you. Sylus laughed softly, his fingers tightening slightly on your waist as he leaned in, brushing his lips lightly against yours—just enough to make you chase the touch.
He lifts you onto the counter, his smirk never fading as he leans in, his lips still hovering, teasing you. Just as you think he'll kiss you, he pulls back, holding up the spoon coated with the last traces of chocolate.
“Lick” he ordered softly. You hesitate, eyes flickering between the spoon and his glowing red eyes. “For poison, it tastes good” he jokes. 
Without breaking eye contact, you slowly drag your tongue along the spoon, savoring the rest of the dark mixture. Sylus inhales sharply, his pupils darkening as his grip on your thigh tight. His cock getting harder by the second. You can feel the shift in the air, the tension between you two raising. When you finish, he titles his head slightly, his gaze dropping to your lips. “Messy kitten” he says low, brushing his thumb along the corner of your mouth spotted with sweetness. 
Before he can lean in again—
Bip bip bip!!! Your hunter watch shatters the moment. Your groan as your head falls back. You've got to be kidding me. You click your tongue in irritation. Sylus exhales sharply, his fingers flexing against your thigh before he pulls away entirely. The warmth of his body vanishes, replaced by the cold reality of duty. He leans back against the counter, crossing his arms, you can tell he's annoyed as much as you are.
Between his businesses and your jobs, having this moment is almost rare. You managed to video call, send each other messages and you try as much as possible to be with him. Now for Valentine's Day you requested two free days, so you could finish the box with strawberries and chocolate. 
You shoot him a glare before tapping the watch, the holographic interface lighting up with an incoming mission briefing. Your free day is gone. Just like that. You sigh, already slipping off the counter.
Priority Alert: Hunter (Y/N) Required. Immediate Deployment. Target—Wanderer: Heartbreaker.
You scroll through the report, brows furrowing. "It’s… been messing with couples. Destroying their date spots, ruining chocolate shipments, even sabotaging proposals." You pause. "Wow. It's really committed.”
Sylus lets out a dry chuckle. "So, you're going to hunt a depressed little menace who hates love?”
"I hope it's not as slippery as Pumpkin Magnus. This is serious.” 
Running after that Wanderer near to New Year was exhausting. At least you had fun during the event. The lantern you made together is still hanging at his base. 
“Because nothing screams ‘deadly mission’ like chasing that thing before it cancels Valentine’s Day.” 
You roll your eyes but can’t hide the small laugh that slips out. "Come on, we need to move.”
you prompt as you start grabbing your gear, moving to your bedroom to change into your uniform. Sylus seems to be a bit out of track. 
“We?" He raises an eyebrow. He follows you, not wanting to miss how you change. "I don’t remember signing up for this mission." He's distracted when you reveal your body, pulling your T-shirt over your head. He knew it, no bra today. His dick is still half hard. Sylus wanted so badly to have you that evening. Making you whimper his name, seeing you getting all sweaty and naughty. Kissing your belly, worshiping you in all senses. His plans were crushed in a moment. You glance at him over your shoulder, half naked grabbing your uniform from the chair. 
"Please. You always end up involved in my missions one way or another.” You move quickly. 
He leans against the doorframe, watching you with open amusement. "That’s different. Also I was busy with something else before someone’s annoying watch ruined the evening.”
You huff. "Well, if you're not coming, I’ll just—”
"Did I say I wasn’t coming?" His voice is smooth, teasing. 
If he can't have fun with your body then at least he would accompany you through this little adventure. Spending time with you is always fun and it doesn't really matter what you two are doing. 
Later in the city
“This the last spot where Heartbreaker was seen” you close the file on your watch. The park is quiet, bathed in the soft glow of the winter sun. The lake stretches out before you, its surface rippling slightly under the breeze, reflecting the bright light of the evening. A few boats remain docked, swaying gently, their chains clinking against the wooden posts. Mephisto is scanning the area, flying over the park.
“The last couple attacked was right here. Their boat capsized, and they both ended up breaking up on the spot.”
Tracking Heartbreaker could be complicated. You look around to find some evidence of why, where and how it attacks the couples. You walk around with Sylus next to you. The scanner of your watch give you an update:
“No abnormal energy spikes detected. Traces of Wanderer activity linger near the dock.”
You nod, stepping closer to the water’s edge. “It doesn’t just pick any couple… don’t you think?”
Sylus smirks, his gaze flicks to the lake. "So, what’s the plan? Rent a boat, act all lovey-dovey, and lure the thing out?"
You let out a small sigh, tapping your fingers against your arm. “Probably it will work, but it doesn't mean it will appear right here. Which means it could take some time to find it…” You pause, then turn to face him, tilting your head slightly. “Sylus… can you be even romantic?” 
“I feel offended, kitten. Wasn't my affection not clear enough.”
You snort, shifting your weight onto one leg. “Let me think, you've taken me on several “date-missions”, using me as an armory, shield and bodyguard. And let’s not forget, you introduced me as just a friend during the museum event.”
“That's what it's all about.” Sylus lets out a short laugh, shaking his head. “Then, why don’t you teach me what it means to be romantic…”
“Do you want to take on this challenge?”
“You're always so competitive, sweetie. Why not?”
“Then less see who can make first appear Heartbreaker” 
As the evening stretches on, the two of you move through different spots known for romantic outings. First, a charming café where couples linger over half-finished desserts and whispered conversations. You glance at the menu and realize everything is designed for two: shared platters, couple-themed drinks, even desserts that come in matching sets. You realice most of the people are wearing matching outfits. You wonder if going around in the same outfits would be something you would do with him. Buying everything in a double set. Wearing the same pajamas, drinking from identical mugs, layering yourselves in matching sweaters… You have been wearing matching bracelets since the mission with the gem. Your fingers brush over it absentmindedly as you stir your drink, lost in thought. The dessert you ordered a while ago lay in front of you untouched. Sylus leans forward in his chair, smirking at your focused expression. 
“What’s on your mind, sweetie?” you're still lost in thought, your mind drifting over ways to be more romantic with him, until he suddenly holds up a spoonful of dessert in front of your nose. “Open” He orders you, you grimace at his sudden assertiveness but obey, letting him feed you. 
That’s 10 points for Sylus, feeding you is a way to be romantic.
Next stop is a flower garden, where lovers stroll between glowing lanterns and fragrant blossoms. Sylus plucks a small pink flower off a tree, twirling it between his fingers before tucking it behind your ear with a teasing grin. "That’s romantic enough for you, sweetie?" he murmurs slightly amusted. You roll your eyes but don't take off the flower.
“You can do better…” as you turn around to look around, which flower would match him the best? A red one catches your eyes, small and with delicate petals. You pull out several and turn back to him. "Bend down". You place one in his hair and another behind his ear. Sylus looks at you intensely, the warm light of the garden softening his features. You feel your heart begin to race. The beauty that this man radiates is out of this world, every time you remember this fact you don't understand how no one appreciates what you are seeing.
Just like at the New Year's market, the lady at the doll stand referred to Sylus as a tiger, someone fierce and intimidating. And although he certainly usually has that look, and he teases you about taming him, he has a soft spot. You see that every time you reflect yourself in his eyes. That’s truly something that makes you happy. 
Sylus gently grabs your hand, kissing the knuckles of your fingers. Bowing to his beloved lady. “Only you can touch me like this…” the intensity of the moment makes you blush.
By nightfall, you find yourselves at the promenade, the city lights shimmering on the river’s surface. Couples are everywhere, walking hand in hand, nestled on benches, whispering to each other under the soft glow of street lamps. Sylus and you take a seat on an empty bench, the cool night air carrying the sound of laughter and distant music. 
You lean back, exhaling. "Well, this is the third couple’s spot on the list, and still no sign of Heartbreaker."
Sylus stretches, his arm casually draping over the back of the bench almost around you. "Maybe, it's scared of us. Or maybe…" he tilts his head, watching the couples nearby, "...it only appears when there’s actual romance in the air."
You glance at him "Are you saying we’re not romantic enough?"
He smirks, leaning in just a little. "You tell me, kitten. Has there been a moment that made your heart race?"
“Not yet” you lie and he notices it. Is written all over your face. “And you, have I made your hearts race?” 
“No…” He points out nonchalantly. You feel offended and disappointed. Your lips press into a thin line, and you scoff, looking away. 
Sylus chuckles, the sound low and amused. "Oh? Are you disappointed?"
"Obviously" you huff, refusing to meet his gaze.
He shifts closer, trapping you on the bench. His smell invades you, you want to lie on his chest and let him caress your back while he reads you a poem. His voice dropped to a whisper "You shouldn’t be." Before you can ask what he means, he takes your hand, guiding it to his chest. Beneath your palm, his heartbeat is steady but strong. Your fingers twitch slightly.
"You make it race all the time," he confesses. "I just like seeing you try harder."
Even though he says it with his usual confidence, a slight pink color spreads across his cheeks. He says something like that, and now he’s blushing? That’s not fair. You stay in that position, refusing to move, feeling the warmth of his skin under your palm. For you, the world slows down, all of it fades into the background. 
Your gaze drifts upward, from his chest to his throat, lingering for a second before finally settling on his lips. They’re slightly parted, you miss the feeling of them. How they move in sync with yours. The longing to feel his naked skin on yours, his hands being a delicate weapon with which he tortures you until you fall between sighs and moans. It ignites the deepest desire of your heart. You don’t know if it’s your imagination or if he’s leaning in ever so slightly, but your heart is pounding loud enough that he must hear it.
"Kitten" he whispers. A question. A challenge. An Invitation.
Then a sudden chill cuts through the warm night, the hairs on your arms rising as the atmosphere shifts. You tense, instincts kicking in, fingers moving quickly toward your weapon. The shadows near the water seem to distort, the faint outline of something lurking just beyond normal sight.
“There” you murmur. Your watch confirms your gut feeling: metaflux energy detected.
Sylus follows your gaze, a slow grin spreading across his lips as excitement flickers in his eyes. He rolls his shoulders, readying himself.
“Time to break a Heartbreaker.”
You react first, drawing your weapon in a fluid motion, instincts honed from countless battles. “Sylus, left flank!” You call out, already moving, running after the Heartbreaker. Sylus doesn’t hesitate. He dashes to the side, his speed a blur as he circles around to cut off any escape. 
“I see it” he growls. 
At the end of the day, you spent the complete day hunting Heartbreaker, to just let him escape at the last moment. Well, you managed to recover the love letter they stole from the post office. You were exhausted, your muscles ached from the chase, the weight of exhaustion settling deep. This isn't how you wanted to spend a day with Sylus. You wanted to finish what you had started in the kitchen, to lose yourself in the heat of his lips, his hands, the way he makes your world tilt whenever he pulls you close. The initial mission of creating chocolate failed.
The cool night air brushes against your skin as you walk back where Sylus left his bike that same afternoon. Luckily you didn't have to go to HQ to make the report and you can send everything another day. Is already midnight. 
“Are you up for a joy ride?” Sylus hands you over your helmet. You can’t deny the way your heart beats at the sight of him. Leaning against his bike, smirking like he hadn’t just spent the whole day hunting down an annoyingly elusive Wanderer.
You’re brushing some remaining dust from your sleeve. “Where do you wanna take me?”
Sylus tilts his head that familiar glint of mischief returns to his gaze. “Guess” You sigh, finally slipping the helmet on. 
“Fine. But if this is another mission, I swear—” Right now, you just wanted to be with him, without missions, without distractions, without anything getting in the way. 
"Relax, kitten. No more running around tonight." He swings a leg over the bike, patting the seat behind him. “Just you and me.” You bite your lip, the familiar rush of warmth spreading through your chest. Maybe today hadn’t gone as planned, but with Sylus, it never really mattered. As long as he was beside you, it was enough.
You climb onto the bike behind him, wrapping your arms around his waist. He hums in approval, his hand covering yours for just a second before gripping the handlebar.
“Hold on tight.” As the engine roars to life and the city lights blur around you, you press yourself closer against him, letting the night swallow the rest of the world. Sylus increases speed, making you scream in surprise. Instead of telling him to behave in the city, you laugh and hold on tighter to his body. The speed, the wind and the heat he emits make you forget your disappointment of not having caught Heartbreaker.
{At Twilight BGM} 
After a while, Sylus parks the bike smoothly in front of your place, the engine’s low hum fading into the quiet of the night. But he doesn’t move. You frown slightly, shifting against him, your arms still loosely wrapped around his waist.
“Why are we here?” you ask, tilting your head. “I thought you would take me to your base”
He finally exhales a quiet chuckle, tilting his head back just enough for his voice to carry over the roar of your heartbeat. “Do you miss the N109 Zone?” 
You wait for an explanation, but he doesn't say anything. Instead, he lifts a hand, dragging his fingers over the back of your hand, a slow movement that sends a shiver up your spine. His touch is always so warm against your skin.
“Then… Why?” Sylus finally turns slightly, his glowing red eyes catching yours through the visor of your helmet. 
“Because you live here…” he murmurs a bit amused “And because I figured you’d want to finish what you started.”
You blink. “Finish what—?”
Then it clicks. The chocolate. Your eyes widen slightly, your mind flashing back to your kitchen, to the mess you left behind, to the small box of chocolates you had managed to salvage amidst the chaos. You had nearly forgotten. Nearly.
Sylus watches as realization dawns on you, his smirk deepening. “You didn’t think I’d let you off the hook that easily, did you?”
You exhale a laugh, shaking your head. “I swear, you have the worst priorities.”
Sylus finally turns off the bike and swings a leg over, his movements smooth as ever. He faces you, leaning in just slightly. “Come on, kitten. You worked so hard on them.” His voice dips lower, teasing. “And besides…” His fingers ghost under your chin, tilting your face up ever so slightly. “You still owe me for all those interruptions.”
Your breath catches, heat creeping up your neck.
“Okay, okay.” You step off the bike, brushing past him with a smirk of your own. “But if they taste bad, you have to pretend you like it.”
Sylus chuckles. “Sweetie, if it’s made by you…” He leans down, lips brushing against the shell of your ear as he whispers, “I’ll devour every last bite.” Your face starts to burn, is he still talking about the chocolate? 
You push the door open, stepping inside with Sylus close behind you. You get rid of your weapons at the entrance, placing your belt in its usual place, then you take off your shoes. The familiar scent of chocolate is still faintly in the air, mixed with the comforting warmth of your home. Your eyes immediately move to the kitchen counter, where the bowl of half-made chocolate still sits, abandoned in the rush of the mission.
“So much for finishing what I started” you murmur, rubbing your temple. Sylus hums behind you, moving into the kitchen with easy, unhurried steps.
“Guess you’ll have to make it up to me.”
You give him a dry look. “Oh? And what exactly do you suggest?”
He smirks. “We finish them now.”
Your brows lift. “It’s late.”
Sylus shrugs. “And? Isn't it Valentine's Day already?” He points to the clock in the living room. True, it's past one in the morning. You hesitate, glancing at bowl. It’s cooled but still workable. The strawberries you left soaking in cold water remain untouched. You sigh, rolling up your sleeves.
“Well, would you like to help me then?”
His smirk widens. “I thought you’d never ask.” 
You smile, pointing to the strawberries. “Dry them off and bring them here.” Sylus makes a show of complying, grabbing a towel and drying each berry gently off. You already know he’s skilled in the kitchen, especially with those delicious cupcakes he made before. It’s fun having him here, helping out. It feels real, everything, you’re feeling, your connection, your relationship.
You pick up a strawberry and dip it carefully into the warm chocolate you have already heated up, twisting it slightly before placing it on parchment paper. Sylus follows your movements, but when he dips his strawberry, he makes a mess; chocolate coating nearly his whole fingers.
You snort. “Wow. Truly an expert.”
Before you can react, he lifts his fingers to his lips, licking the excess chocolate off slowly. The way his tongue drags over his skin, the way his eyes hold yours the entire time. He did it on purpose. You look away. Heat rushes to your face. You glance down at your own fingers, chocolate smeared across your skin from your earlier work. Before you can wipe it away, Sylus catches your wrist, holding it up between you. His gaze darkens slightly, that playful smirk softening. 
“Let me….”
He didn’t give you the time to protest before his lips brush against your fingertips, his tongue flicking out to catch the chocolate. Your breath hitches, a rush of heat shoots through your body. He’s not in a hurry. He takes his time, licking the chocolate off each finger with a sinful kind of precision. 
“Sylus—” Your voice catches. 
His eyes meet yours. He likes to make you blush, to make you lose your composure. He loves every single one of those expressions you make and he never gets tired of seeing you that way. “Hmm?”
You swallow, pulse hammering in your throat. “…Nothing.” His lips curl at the edges. Satisfied. 
And suddenly, Valentine’s Day doesn’t seem so ruined after all. Without a word, he moves, stepping closer until you're pressed against the cool edge of the counter. He lifts you easily, your feet leaving the floor as he sets you down, your body flush against his.
“Where were we before?” You open your mouth to respond, but he silences you with a smirk, his fingers brushing against the strap of your hunter watch. You freeze. With a swift motion, he rips it off your wrist, tossing it into a nearby drawer without a second thought.
“Don't need this right now” he mutters, eyes back on you as if the watch had never mattered in the first place.
Your heart races. “Wait—”
But the words die in your throat as his lips descend to the curve of your neck, trailing soft, teasing kisses along the sensitive skin there. The heat of his touch sends a shiver through you, and your hands instinctively grip the edge of the counter, as if it can steady you against the flood of desire rushing through your veins. His thumb traces the line of your jaw slowly, savoring the moment. You swallow, the taste of his proximity is intoxicating. Sylus pulls back slightly, his face inches from yours, his breath mingling with yours as his gaze flickers to your lips. 
“What else can we cover with chocolate, kitten?”
You watch down on the bowl, if he is having fun then so do you. You dip your finger once more in the mixture and cup his face with your other hand, securing his position. Sylus just smiles. With the chocolate slightly dripping down, you painted a heart on his face. You always wanted to do this, but you haven't had the opportunity until now. You lean in, your lips brushing over his skin. Then with open mouth kisses you eat up the chocolate. Licking bit by bit the sweetness. Sylus breath hitch. His hands press on your thigh, restrained, as if waiting to see what you’ll do next. You pull back slightly, meeting his gaze.
“Take your shirt off” you say softly.
A slow smirk tugs at his lips. “Bossy.” But he doesn’t hesitate. His fingers move to the buttons of his shirt, undoing them one by one with a painfully slowness, as if daring you to lose patience. The fabric parts, revealing the hard lines of his chest. 
You dip your fingers into the chocolate again, your touch featherlight as you trace a path down the center of his chest, stopping just above his heart. Sylus exhales sharply, his muscles tensing beneath your touch. A teasing smile playing on your lips. 
"Are you trying to make art?" His voice is a low rumble. You grin, dipping your finger back into the bowl. 
"Maybe. Stay still."
He growls softly, like a domesticated wild cat, when you drag the chocolate-covered fingertip over his collarbone, tracing down his ribs in lazy patterns. In the middle of this action, you get a better idea, and you start writing on his chest. A little crooked, but clearly. Something that always comes to your mind every time you see him. Every time he kisses you, every time you melt into a long hug, when you sleep next to him or he just says your name. Then, suddenly, he catches your wrist, his grip gentle yet firm. His eyes soften as he reads the words scrawled across his chest. His smile is small, but undeniably warm.
"Kitten..." he murmurs, pressing a slow kiss onto your lips. "That's something I should be saying.”
“Did you think our competition was over?”
His hand sliding to the back of your neck as he pulls you closer. “Is this how…” He presses another kiss onto your lips, his voice low as he whispers against you, “...you’re going to teach me romanticism?” He moves his lips to your cheek, planting a soft kiss there as well. “I’m more than happy to be your student.” 
You try to pinch him, but Sylus is quicker, capturing your other hand as well. "Oh, now you want to punish me…"
You smile, a glint of mischief in your eyes. "Then be a good boy." For a moment he considers not doing what you say, but that "good boy" has made him very horny.
Sylus leans in, his body pressing between your legs. You sink your free hand into his tousled grey hair, pulling him toward you as your lips brush together. The way his breath mingles with yours is both comforting and intoxicating. The trust and complicity that you share with him is unique. The longer you're in this intimate position, the faster your pulse quickens, and you swear it's synchronizing with the beat of your lover. 
Sylus moves with an urgency that surprises you for a moment, his lips finding yours again, more demanding this time. His lips trail down your jaw, his touch becoming more insistent, more heated. You tilt your head, gasping softly as you feel the desire in his touch.
"Tell me," he whispers between kisses, "What do you want, kitten?" His hand slides up to your cheek, his thumb gently brushing the curve of your jaw as his gaze holds yours. You breathe out, every inch of you aching with the pull between you two. 
“You know what I want.” you whisper back. 
With a quiet, almost reverent motion, he lifts you effortlessly from the counter, your legs instinctively wrapping around him as he carries you to the bed, never breaking eye contact.  
It isn’t long before every single piece of clothing you were wearing is scattered across the room, discarded like thoughts of hesitation that no longer matter. His hands move with a gentleness that contrasts with the fire in his eyes, tracing slow, reverent paths over your skin. He holds you as if you are something precious, something irreplaceable, as if he’s afraid you might vanish if he lets go.
His lips follow the path his hands have mapped, pressing slow. His fingers skimming along the curve of your back, the dip of your waist, the rise of your ribs. 
"You’re beautiful" he murmurs, almost as if the words slip out without his permission. He leans back just enough to look at you, his gaze searching, drinking you in as if this moment might slip through his fingers if he blinks.
You reach up, fingers threading through his silver-grey hair, tugging lightly. “You always say that” you whisper, smiling softly.
“Because it’s always true” he counters, brushing his lips over your temple. You close your eyes at the tenderness of his words, the way they sink into your chest, filling spaces you hadn’t realized were empty. A quiet sigh escapes you as you nuzzle into him, feeling the warmth of his skin against yours. You have never felt safer, never felt more cherished than in this moment, wrapped in the arms of the one who knows you better than anyone else.
In the most intimate moments, in the intensity of your sighs, you know that Sylus, despite not expressing it in words, shows you his most romantic side through his actions. And tonight, he expresses it to you with the intensity of his gaze and the softness of his movements. 
Actions speaks louder than words.
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l3viat8an · 8 months ago
Mephisto choking MC while they’re going at it in his office because he heard someone coming down the hall and doesn’t want to get caught -👁️ 
I mean- it is kinda hard to be quiet when you’ve got a demon fucking you like an animal- jsksjksjs
And it’s especially hard to keep quiet when you’re laid across Mephisto’s desk, leg spreed for him and moaning his name as your fingernails dig into the edge of the desk trying desperately to ground yourself, while It’s creaking and shaking underneath you as he thrusts into you, harder this time causing another, louder, “ahh- fuck~” to fall from your lips.
Loud…Mephisto finally realizes you’re being too loud, way too loud actually. Any other time he would love to hear you moaning for him and even screaming his name-
But right now you’re trying not to get caught and if he ever wants to do this again… later down the line Mephisto needs to figure out a way to keep you quiet, and fast.
Panic is mixing with his pleasure now, the idea of fucking in his office had sounded wonderful just ten minutes ago- the halls had been empty and everyone was in the dinning hall or library but after the bell sounded and the hallways start filling up with students again…. now that he can hear the muffled sound of foot steps in the hall, all those people passing the newspaper club room and heading to their next class just on the other side of the door.
Now he realized how poorly this was planned. Just another reason never to listen to a horny human, when will he learn? You’re nothing but trouble!! Trouble with the best pussy he’s ever had the pleasure to fuck- but still trouble!
Yet, here he is still balls deep in your pussy, not slowing down or even letting you catch your breath. Tentatively…as if testing the waters, one of his gloved hands moves from your hip to wrap around your throat, slightly squeezing as a warning. His other hand stayed on your hip keeping you in place, keeping you still.
“Quite. Human. We absolutely can’t let anyone find us here.” he hisses out. He can feel your breathing stutter as you clenched around his cock even tighter then before, you even have the nerve to grin up at him, “Then do it harder, keep me quiet.” you gasp out, tilting your head back a bit so he can keep his hand there until you’re done…
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teewritessmth · 1 month ago
Love and Deepspace men playing Among us
Warnings : None
Summary : How would they play a fun little killing game :3
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- protects the other crewmates when he dies. Honestly, the only person here who takes the role of the guardian angel seriously. The others just AFK when they die :/
- surprisingly (or maybe not) quite a good impostor (he makes people believe otherwise with his cute little face). Server would go crazy if they lost to him.
- sadly, he dies in electrical all the time. He has died in electrical 80% of the crewmate games he has played. Going forward, he just doesn't bother going there anymore.
- once again, the only person here who plays the games better when they are dead. He thinks it's nice how he can just glide throughout the map, he can quickly finish his wire tasks now.
- completes all his tasks within minutes. He will then run across the whole map to find a body to report or to find someone venting. Else, that man will most probably chill in security.
- he is usually the first person to know who the imposter is just by the slight movements in their character. Whether they are taking a download, or taking too long during card swipe (ahem, Rafayel)
- however, when he is the imposter, one hell of a strategic game will be played. Get ready for brains vs brawls. Good luck if you even think about winning.
- kicks everyone out so he can play with MC. Strangers are okay, the other guys sure aren't. (He wants to wear matching clothes with you in the game)
- even though he is chronically online, he is not good at the game. I'm talking HORRIBLE.
- fails in card swipe all the time and is accused by zayne for faking tasks. Hence whe everyone runs to admin at the start, this guy runs to medbay to get his scans done.
- definitely has all the cosmicubes and outfits. Even all the premium pets. Dresses up every single game in a new costume and forces everyone to match the theme. Has mixed up among us with dress to impress.
- he is sadly, always the first one to be voted out. Spends the rest of his time following MC around as a ghost and cursing the imposter when she dies and joins him in the ghost life.
- if you play a game, more than half the time this guy is the CONFIRMED imposter.
- kills in front of other crewmates, does not care. Reports the body immediately and blames it on someone else.
- manipulates the lobby into voting for a crewmate and conducts a double kill wth Zayne on the next round, winning the whole game.
- always votes Xavier, no matter his role. He believes that no good can come from the blonde man and his antics.
- has all 4 maps memorized like the back of his hand. He always knows when and where to hide.
- has to have Mephisto as his pet in the game.
- task doer 2.0
- he always gets the easiest tasks and is usually done within 5 minutes. The remainder of the game is spent AFKing in the cafeteria or navigation.
- spams the emergency button for no reason, just to throw accusations at people, gets voted out instead.
- when imposter, sabotages the server like a MOTHERFUCKER. He will trap you with a crewmate just to see chaos unfold.
-somehow manages to hack the server and make it lag
- always has the WEIRDEST names in the game
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tsukii0002 · 1 year ago
Mephisto: This exchange program is meaningless.
Mc: Un-huh.
Mephisto: I respect Lord Diavolo, but mixing demons, humans and angels is not normal.
Mc: Are you sure about that? We can stop our tea Fridays if yoy want.
Mephisto: *blushing* Well, maybe humans and demons can coexist, they are alike in many ways... But angels?
Mc: What are the problems with angels?
Mephisto: They are holy creatures! The natural enemies of demons!
Mc: I see.
Mephisto: Their existence is contrary to ours.
Mc: Curious.
Mephisto: The only thing they can bring to us the demons, is pain and misery.
Mc: ...
Mc: Then... What are you doing with Luke?
Mephisto: *holding Luke's hand while he is eating a cookie*... Science...
Mc: According to your logic, you have to let him go now.
Mephisto: Well, yes but-
Mc: *laughing* Release the angel Mephisto!!!
Mephisto: No! He's my brother now! *hugging Luke*
Luke: *confused angel noises* ???
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sylusdoll · 5 months ago
summary: sylus finds out you’ve fallen ill, so he visits you
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it was the end of the week, and you’ve been suffering with a fever since the start of this week, it was quiet severe you could barley pick up your phone and all you did was sleep.
you used your bit of energy you had to let your boss know you wont be coming in, and thats all you did this week, never touched the phone unless it was necessary.
mephisto, usually stalking you near your office window, never found you in your office, everyday of the week mephisto would report to sylus that you didnt show up. this rung bells in syluses head, concerning him, why weren’t you at work and whats going on?.
then so he decided to call you, one ring.. two rings..three rings.. sylus furrows his brows until he heard your voice on the fourth ring.
hello.. you answer his call.
great! youre alive sweetie
yea why.. whats up
sylus notices your voice is a bit hoarse, little bird told me you havent been at work all week, sylus says twirling his cup of water in the kitchen
his voice softens, is everything okay?
covered in a blanket, your body temperature mixed between hot and cold, your face heats up at his concern for you.
yea im okay.. i have a fever. before you could say anymore.
im coming now. sylus then shuts the phone in your face.
staring at your ceiling, you wanted at least brush your hair before he came over but your body was to tired to move, and before you know it, you fell back asleep.
a few hours pass, it was now night time, you’re still sound asleep, sylus was now at your door, with some goods in his hand, he opened your door with his spar key to your home.
it was quiet, too quiet, sylus sighs, his concern grows as he steps closer to your room. knocking lightly at your door.
sweetie im here, sylus says softly
you wake at his voice and scramble out of bed, opening your room door you’re met with sylus.
though sylus is happy to see you, his brows furrow with concern, once he sees you.
your hair is slightly messy, your oversized sweater falling off your shoulder, face red, lips plump, eye bags visable. you definitely looked sick.
you make way for sylus to walk in, as he walks in he complains, sweetie why didnt you tell me you’ve fallen sick?
now sitting on the edge of your bed, you follow behind him, i didn’t want to worry you. lightly trailing off
syluses brows furrow, he deeply looked offended by what you said. crossing his arms, you worry me more by not telling me things sweetie.
your brows upward tilt and you pout slightly, fine, ill tell you everything from now, mimicking sylus, crossing your arms.
sylus chuckles. good. i want to know everything. he softly says taking out the goods he got you putting them on your bed.
heating and cooling pads, some hello panda biscuits and a lot of other snacks.
you lightly laugh as sylus spills everything out of the bag, you knew sylus was a softie at times but this was cutely funny to you.
disturbing your train of thought, sylus gets up, grabbing your hair brush sitting on your vanity.
your eyes following where he was going, you then make room for him to sit behind you, so he can brush your hair.
sylus sits behind you comfortably, grabbing your hair to face him, his fingers gracing your neck, tickling a bit.
he begins to brush, gently,, when did you catch this fever sweetie?
you hesitate before answering… monday
tch tch tch
you giggle lightly
in a comfortable silence, sylus finishes brushing your hair and begins to braid, the back of his fingers gracing your neck time to time tickling you making your ears red, you feel them hot, and you pray sylus doesn’t notice how such little things take affect on you.
but he noticed, a slight smirk on his face, he kissed the back of your neck.
your face heats up even more and you elbow him.
he laughs, hugging you from behind, his chin, on your shoulder, bringing you close to his body.
youre hot, is it your fever or me.
you turn to face him, pinching his lips.
stop talking, your face hotter than ever, your heart beat felt on the side of your neck.
sylus grabs your wrist, if i dont? his face close to yours, sharing the same breath
sylus, you push him back lightly, youll get sick
sylus rolls his eyes playfully, putting the back of his hand on your forehead
youre hot, sylus gets up, getting the cooling pad on your bed, tearing it open, lifting your face, the palm of his hand on your chin, putting the cooling pad on your forehead.
in reality you were almost all healed up, youre just hot because of sylus.
want anything to eat sweetie? looking you softly in the eye
no.. not hunrgy, lifting your blanket tucking yourself in.
sylus picks up all the things on your bed placing them back in the bag, hanging it on your door knob. coming back to you cupping your face, i should let you rest now sweetheart, ill come by tomorrow.
placing a gentle kiss on your cheek, im glad i saw you today, he lets go and before he walks away from you, you grab his sleeve, stopping in his tracks.
mhmm, sylus now interlocking fingers with you.
you pull your interlocked hands towards you and he falls on top on you.
needy i see. hovering over you, his arms on each side of your shoulders. you wrap your arms around his neck.
stay with me tonight? you softly repeat
the look on your face couldn’t bring him to tell you he had things to do.
anything for you, my beloved.
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁༉‧₊˚.
authors note: sorry i haven’t posted in like a week hope this fluff makes up for it (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)
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©sylusdoll 2024
taglist @sanemistar
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