#meowstic crossbreeds
quillpokebiology · 6 months
Pokemon Crossbreeds: Schema (Part 2)
(Name from @mutsuowo)
Schema is the name for members of the Espurr line with members of the Eevee Line fathers. They get their name from it being a term for psychology and coding, referring to Eevee's multiple evolutions. (First post)
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Schema Meowstic crossed with Glaceon gain pointed patterns instead of the usual circular ones and lighter fur. This breed is rare since Espurr isn't usually found in colder climates. If you want your Schema Espurr to evolve into this version of Meowstic, take it to a cold climate and hope for the best.
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My personal favorite of the Schema Meowstic breed. This variant gains teal fur and the messy patched fluff that resembles Leafeon. This breed isn't uncommon, but it's still hard to get since most Schema Espurr that live in the forest will evolve to have Espeon traits instead of Leafeon.
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This variant gains staticy fur and spiked markings. Schema Espurr most often evolve into this breed during thunderstorms, but u wouldn't recommend purposely trying to get it because it can be dangerous. The breed's fur is more staticy and can give a small shock when touched, but nothing painful.
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My second favorite of this variant! Meowstic crossed with Flareon are slightly bigger and a lot more fluffier with larger tails. They also gain flame-like patterns on their bodies. The breed is slightly warm to the touch and is very popular in the fashion industry due to how much they shed. Getting the breed is difficult though, unless your in extreme temperatures), since even if they're in hot weather, Schema Espurr will still most likely evolve into the Espeon variant.
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Meowstic crossed with Vaporeon going thinner tails more suited for swimming and whiskers that resemble the fins of Vaporeon, though they aren't actually find themselves. The breed is most commonly found near beaches. This breed appears in many Kalosian fairytale as mermaids. While they can do better in the water, they don't gain water typing and can't breathe underwater like Vaporeon can, so be wary if that when training them!
//My designs can be used by anyone if you credit me for the original design!
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catbreon-draws · 2 years
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I posted the espurr/eevee design before but now it has a custom evolution too! The buyer picked meowstic-f and espeon! :>
Please consider sharing my art if you like it, thank you! My commission details and available pokemon adoptables are in my pinned post. Please PM me if interested!
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Would you happen to have a ghost type Meowstic? Maybe one with some chandelure dna?
We do! She's not very expressive, which her prior trainer apparently found unnerving, but she can feel just as much as anyone else and is adept at sensing the emotions of others. She's good at calming people down from heightened emotional states, such as anxiety attacks, or sometimes preventing these states entirely with the aid of her mild future sight. She's psychic/ghost and has the ability keen eye.
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Let us know if you decide you’d like to adopt her! We’ll be waiting!
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maybelsart · 7 years
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POkemon variations were some of my first popular posts and tbh i’ve always loved them. 
SO i decided to get my butt around to doing more finally! I chose persian, cause i love persian, and thought itd be easy to cross breed. Turns out its simpleness makes it harder in many ways haha 
YOu can vote for the next pokemon variations on my patreon! and i’ll be posting some process gifs of them as well :>
Patreon | Kofi 
Longer thoughts under the cut  
Standard Persian - Found most commonly in Kanto, but its a rare region that doesnt have atleast one gang of meowth and persian in its cities. A chill kitty
Alolan Persian - Larger and fluffier than its standard version. Much more of a domesticated breed, whilst it can be found rarely in the wild when they were first introduced to alola they were seen as a status symbol of the elite and this mentality has persisted. 
S.Persian/Liepard - A super clever and skilled crossbreed, it is mostly commonly found in Unova. They are infamous for running gangs of pokemon in the larger cities and causing general disruption. 
A.Persian/Torracat - A common cross breed in alola, this xbreed is often considered the battle cousin to the normal a.persian. Always looking for a battle, they are headstrong and barrel straight in to fights. 
S.Persian/Meowstic - Shiny - A precious and very domestic breed found in kalos, they are considered a great pet for kids as the breeding has quelled most of the psychic powers down but they are great empaths knowing when someone is sad and instantly going in for comfort. 
A.Persian/Purugly - The largest of the Xbreeds. This fluffy beast is the mob boss of persians, lazy most of the time but formidable in fights due to their enormous size. Theyre great guard cats. 
S.Persian/Delcatty - Hoenns resident crossbreed. Initially looked down up on as a scruffy cat theyve become  welcomed housecats across the region. Very clever kitties, they are helpful around the house. 
S.persian/Luxray  - A proud and scrappy kitty, this cross breed is found in sinnoh and is considered the beginners pokemon before training real luxrays. They are found a lot in the wild and in the mountains and are rumoured to feed on lost trainers and pokemon. 
S.Persian/Pyroar - A very common cross breed found in kalos, prides of pyroars are often mixed with these kitties though they are always the beta in the prides. They are quite commonly used by trainers as they easy to train, very loyal and patient with beginners. 
A.Persian/Sableye - A sneaky kitty, this hoenn native has spread across the other regions in search of gems. They have a thumb on their front paws that allows them to steal and pickpocket. Many meowth gangs have one in their ranks for their skills. 
S.Persian/Zangoose - A wild and vicious cross breed, it is always looking for a fight. Often caught or breed by trainers for its ferocity in battles. This kitty doesn't stop slashing until someone is dead. 
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gothfoxx · 2 years
Day seven: Free Day: Sides as Pokémon
Warning: Pokémon typical violence
Thomas had let all his Pokémon out of their balls for a well deserved stretch of their limbs. His shiny Sylveon Patton excitedly ran around checking out the scenery while his Zoroark changed into an Ekans and draped itself over his shoulders, classic Janus.
Roman and Remus were play-fighting, he hopes the Pikachu doesn’t rip Mimikyu’s disguise again. Remus hated not looking like his brother and taking his cover to fix it was always a horrible experience for all involved. His last Pokémon, a Meowstic named Logan, was sniffing at a frosted over bush. Thomas was going to tell Logan to come back just incase whatever had frozen the bush was still around when a weird looking Sneasel dashed out of the brush and behind Logan. Another, normal looking, Sneasel sliced the bushes away with freezing claws and headed straight for Logan and the other Sneasel. Ice claw! “Janus, Remus, use dire claw!” The two called on Pokémon are too far to make it and Logan is at a type disadvantage!
Logan’s little paw darkened with a shadowy aura and he met the Sneasel with the charged attack. The move is super effective and the attacking Sneasel is chased away. The victorious Meowstic turns back to the cowering Sneasel checking the frightened Pokémon over with a calculating look.
Meow Mee Meowstic
Snee Snease Snee -cough- Sel
The other Pokémon all look at Thomas expectantly before Patton squeaks in the tone Thomas knows means that Sylveon is upset. “Guys I don’t know what you want me to do, does it need a soda? A center? You know I’m useless at first aid!” Sometimes he wishes he could understand Pokémon, they always seemed to have something to say.
Logan huffs and uses his esp to pull an aspear berry and a bottled water out of Thomas’s bag. Oh, yeah, that made sense. The odd Sneasel had been hit with ice claws and who knows what other ice moves since the flora was iced over, it must be suffering from the effects of being frozen. Thomas watched as Logan helped the Sneasel open the water and eat the berry, it was so beat up that the water barely seemed to help. It nuzzled into Logan’s warm midnight blue fur and gave a rumbling purr, thankful for the help. Which reminded him.
“When did you learn sucker punch? I don’t remember getting that T.M.”
Meow mmmstic
okay that was a stupid thing to ask, again he wished he could understand.
The weird purple and dusky Sneasel wearily walked up to Thomas, if this was a rare variant or a natural crossbreed then it might not have seen many humans. If it was a man made crossbreed it might have every reason to be scared of humans. Either way he would let it take control and decide if it wanted anything to do with him.
Sel Easel Sne Sne?
Carefully it bumps the blunt side of its claws on his bag hopping back when he slides the bag off his shoulder so it can see inside.
It plucks out a luxury ball Thomas won in a raffle and hands it to the human, pointing from the ball to itself. When Thomas doesn’t move Sneasel looks at Logan and gestures at the human with clear annoyance. Logan makes a motion with his tail and Sneasel shrugs and bumps it’s jeweled forehead to the ball, a beam of red light sucks Sneasel in and the ball clicks in an insta catch. Thomas is so confused and made even more so when Logan pushes the button to let the new teammate out. Sneasel pops out and immediately is nuzzling Logan and giving that low rumbling purr, surprisingly Logan was purring too.
“Did that Sneasel catch itself because you two like each other? Oh my Arceus, that is so cute! Now what do I name you? You have a long ear feather so I guess you’re a boy. Mark, no, Sean? Ew no you are not a Sean. Victor…vi, Vi, Virgil?” Sneasel chirped at that so that was the name he registered on the ball. “Welcome to the team Sneasel! I can’t wait to get to know you.”
A few months later and a trip to the daycare left Thomas with the new knowledge that 1) Virgil was part of a thought to be extinct verity of Sneasel 2)This type on Sneasel had swapped feather lengths for males and females 3) Virgil was now a mommy to a whole litter of these extremely rare species. Logan was helping one of the Sneaselits try to take their first steps, a very proud look on the papa’s muzzle.
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Ruby slowly approaches cipher, uncertainty in every step she takes towards the meowstic. And the closer she gets, the hotter everything seems around you"I.. I heard you studied Pokémon crossbreeds and 'Fusions'. I might need your help" only now she slowly lifts her gaze from the ground and is now face to face. And the heat is getting unbearable "It's urgent... And I can't stay long" (This could be the start of her journey trying to fulfill her most important goal)
Cipher was taken aback by what the feline was saying. Of course, he isn’t the right ‘mon for this job but he wanted to help her either way. What if she doesn’t take what I say well ...? Whatever it is ... I must help her somehow ... 
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“Sure thing, miss ... unfortunately I can’t help you as I’m no scientist. But, I know someone who will help you. I can direct you to him if you want to.”
He took a closer look at the feline and noticed her appearance was something he hasn’t seen before. Strange ‘mon but she seems fine and genuinely needs any help ... seeing new species isn’t really a new experience for me.  He thought to himself as he tried to get her up, only to immediately let go and yelp out in pain.
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“Gah! Hot! Hot! Hot!”
He held his hand which luckily wasn’t the one with bandages as he winced for a bit before regaining his composure. 
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“Okay ... didn’t realize your fur was umm ... burning hot. My mistake ... anyway ... as I’ve said earlier, I wouldn’t mind showing you to my supervisor, he’s one of the lead researchers here in Jubilife and maybe he can help you. What do you say, miss?”
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aotoreiki · 4 years
EXAMINE + Ashe and her Team
RPG Description Meme
Ashe, your closest friend. It’s honestly still a surprise that you’ve managed to stay connected after all these years, and not by any real virtue of yours, either. You wish you could do more for her, but... she has needs beyond your control, and you’re only you.
+ Logan, Ashe’s oldest partner. He’s a crossbreed Liepard and very fluffy. Espeon likes to hang out with him, even though the size difference makes playing a little tricky sometimes.
+ Felicity, Ashe’s Sceptile, and the first member of her roster that you ever met; all the way back in Hoenn. Simpler days, huh?
+ Mononoke, Ashe’s Ninetales, and your Jolteon’s - whoops, Flash’s - mate. The second of Ashe’s Pokémon you became acquainted with, back in Hoenn. She’s one of the few things that can keep Flash controlled.
+ Rascal, Ashe’s Meowstic. Helps out with teleporting items between the two of you sometimes. The first time you met him, you couldn’t help thinking of your dad’s own Meowstic.
+ Omen, Ashe’s Frosmoth, and the mother of Li’l Chill, your Snom. Her son is very important to her, so you raise him with utmost care.
+ Dastan, Ashe’s Lucario and new partner. A deaf Lucario, and fellow aura user, technically. He’s still young, but he’s made impressive progress, and acts as an important support for Ashe.
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So. I got my mini laptop on Sunday! Gardevoir is my Favorite Waifu Pokémon! It's so cute and sexy! Maybe a Gardevoir/Meowstic Crossbreed Next! Gardevoir belongs to Pokémon/Nintendo
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quillpokebiology · 8 months
Pokemon Crossbreeds: Schema
(Name from @mutsuowo)
Schema is the name for members of the Espurr line with members of the Eevee Line fathers. They get their name from it being a term for psychology and coding, referring to Eevee's multiple evolutions.
Most commonly, the Espurr will evolve and have traits of Espeon, since it matches its DNA the most. But depending on the environment it evolved, it night have traits of the other Eeveelutions.
I can't show all of the Meowstic variants here, so I'll just show a couple and show the other ones in a different post. For this post, I did the 'mystical' ones.
Second Post!
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Schema Espurr gain the patterns of Eevee and become fluffier around their neck and chest area. Their ears are more pointed and some can have trouble keeping them folded, which can make their psychic power peak out at rather inconvenient times.
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The most common evolution for Schema Meowstic. These Meowstic gain the whiskers, jewel, and eye color if Espeon. While not much changes with their behavior, they tend to be awake more during the day instead of the evening or night, basking in the Sun, which helps their psychic powers.
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The second most common one. Schema Espurr that evolve at night will gain the traits of Umbreon. Their blue fur becomes darker and their white fur gains a yellow tint. Their markings also resemble the moon a bit more. While male Meowstic's eye remain mostly blue, sometimes their scerla will become red. They're more active at night but tend to be clingier to their trainers than average Meowstic.
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A showbreed! Meowstic that has high friendship will evolve with Sylveon traits, such as the bow and heart patters. Their fur also becomes a lighter color, and they tend to be more affectionate.
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catbreon-draws · 2 years
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Meowstic x Smeargle fusion adopt! Its dexterous, long ears secrete a colorful paint-like substance that is useful for clearly marking its territory. It becomes angry if the marks are altered or removed.
Please consider sharing my art if you like it, thank you! My commission details and available pokemon adoptables are in my pinned post. Please PM me if interested!
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catbreon-draws · 2 years
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One of my slightly older fusion designs (Espurr x Cleffa/Clefairy) got adopted and received a new custom evolution! It’s cool to see how my art style and approach to designs change over time, even in the span of only a year and a half. (I’ve become much more obsessed with making my lineart pixel-perfect,,, lmao)
Thank you so much to @smolebleat for giving this critter a home and supporting my work! <3
Please consider sharing my art if you like it, thank you! My commission details and available pokemon adoptables are in my pinned post. Please PM me if interested!
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quillpokebiology · 3 months
Okay, I have kinda sidestepped eevee crossbreeds bcuz then I'd have to cover 9 pokemon in one post, and I already had a nightmare covering the Schema Meowstic (24 pokemon that had to be covered), BUT, my mom lives in the wild area and owns a farmland and has a large garden, which attracts a lot of pokemon, and she caught a wild wooly Espeon on camera and now I gotta make this.
Pokemon Crossbreeds: Wooly
Wooly is the name for members if the Eevee line who had Wooloo/Dubwool fathers. The breed has appeared in the wild but started being selectively bred by humans in the 1800s. The bred is known for their wooly fur and floppy ears, and they were bred for various different tasks.
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Wooly Eevee gain fluffy bodies, floppy ears, and a darker fur coat. They follow the Herd nature of Wooloo and prefer to travel with other Eevees. Their fur grows a lot and needs to be shaved regularly, less it become hazardous for them. Many people breed them for their evolutions, or because they find their wool soft and cute.
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Wooly Jolteon were bred alongside Yamper to be herders for Wooloo, while also working as their protection from outside predators. As to not scare the wooloo, farmers decided that it would be best to breed them with Dubwool so they would have wooly coats and resemble the wooloo herds more. These Jolteon are able to store more electricity due to their wool, making them very popular for battles.
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My personal favorite of this line! Wooly Flareon gain the nose, spots, and ears of Dubwool, making them look more sheep-like. This breed of Flareon was bred to keep people warm during winter; with their added floof and warm bodies making them the perfect cuddle buddies. Because of this, this breed of Flareon is known for loving cuddles.
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Also nicknamed Koi Vaporeon because of their spots. This breed of Vaporeon gain the face patterns, ears, and spots of Dubwool. Their frills also become wool, which soaks up a lot of water. They were bred for their frills to collect water to bring to villages. The more atee they store, the puffier they get.
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Wooly Espeon gain the floof, spots, facial patterns, and ears of Dubwool. It's one of the more common breeds since Dubwool live on high mountains or in fields that get a lot of sun. This breed was bred by humans purely for aesthetics, since other than inheriting a herd-like mentality and having extremely fluffy wool, not much about them changes.
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The second most common of this breed. Wooly Umbreon gain the wool, wars, and spots of Dubwool, and that's pretty much it. They were bred to guard Wooloo herds at night from potential predators. Breeding them with Wooloo/Dubwool made the Wooloo trust them more.
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Wooly Leafeon gain the spots, chest fluffy, and ears of Dubwool. This breed is beloved in many children's books and myths because people say they're appearance is just right for a nature spirit. They weren't bred for a specific task.
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Wooly Glaceon are the only pokenon here that actually gain Dubwool's horns! They can be found atop icy mountains with high Dubwool populations. The breed has been loved on Circhester for thousands of years for their regal appearance, and some myths even state that they're the spirits of Ice God's in the form of a pokemon.
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A show breed that is loved by many. These Sylveon gain fluffy coats and cute floppy ears, and many contest judges love their new style of bowtie and their added eyebrows. They're also a very popular pokemon to have on farms, as they can stop fights between the pokemon, they can protect the farm pokemon, and Wooloo feel more comfortable around them because of their wool.
//My designs can be used by anyone if you credit me for the original design! Talking about creation under the cut
I got inspiration for them when I saw art made by GraceyFH on Deviantart, where they crossed an eevee with a wooloo and I thought it was so cute and wanted to make my own version of that. The entire line was inspired by floppy eared sheep and Goats, but Jolteon specifically was inspired by a ram, which is why it's ears aren't floppy.
Eevee was easy. Just give it wool and floppy ears. Except of course it can't be that way because I redraw it twice. The first one's bangs looked weird and unfixable so I started over. Giving Eevee more messy bangs felt more like Pokemon's art style. I gave it darker fur because Wooloo has darker fur, which didn't really stick with the evolutions but idrc.
Jolteon was actually the last one I made. I made a first one with a different pose, but I hated it so I just used the base pose. It was a lot easier to use the base pose since I felt like I could make the fluff and the spiky mix together easier. I also find it very cute. Like I said before, I didn't make Jolteon's ears floppy because that wouldn't help it run very fast, and that breed of Jolteon was bred to hers Wooloo. But, I did make it's ears lower to match the ram photos I was looking at.
FLAREON MY BOY 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡. Flareon is my favorite I designed and the first one I drew. It was also the easiest since it's already so fluffy. All I had to do was give it spots and goat features.
Vaporeon was the second Eeveelution I designed, and I mostly just had trouble with the ears. Other than that, it was all good. Inwas very excited for Vaporeon because I wanted to draw a koifish looking Vaporeon. Maybe I'll draw a more koifish looking Vaporeon in the future.
Espeon was nice. It already has a simple design. Was going to give it Dubwool's neck fluff, but I didn't do that because I wanted to keep its sleek appearance. (I was also lazy because I didn't realize I forgot it until after I was done with the drawing).
Umbreon was based on a goat at a petting zoo near me (aka, an hour drive away from me but idc I love that zoo). Goat was sleek and had droopy ears, and I loved him. Similar story to Espeon: it's simple and I just added fluff.
Leafeon was nice. I love a lot of nature fantasy stuff, so I'm always happy to make grass type crossbreeds. It reminds me of cauliflower, but I swear I didn't do that on purpose.
I was honestly annoyed about Glaceon since I thought it would he hard to incorporate Dubwool features to it because it's hat. And then I realized I could make the hat into horns, so I ended up having a lot of fun with it. If I didn't love fluffiness, it would probably be my favorite design. Like Jolteon, I based it off of a ram, so I was going to give it upper ears, but I thought the floppy ears looked cuter.
And then Sylveon! It was one of the easier ones to design since I went in knowing what I wanted to do. The floppy wars combined with its everything makes it look like a cute fantasy pet in a Disney movie, and I love it because of that. Not much else to say.
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quillpokebiology · 10 months
Pokemon Crossbreeds: Fold
(Name was inspired by @fametheoryart , but I didn't see how similar they looked until the sketch was done 🥲)
Fold (also known as the Kalosian fold) is the name for members of the Skitty kine with an Espur/Meowstic father. They were named after their ears becoming folded.
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Fold Skitty have fluffier tufts of fur and, of course, folded ears with white tufts at the end. While they are still playful, they can be a lot more weary.
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Depending on the gender, fold Delcatty's pattern and other physical features can change. Male Fold Delcatty have white tufts at the end of the ear, the standard Delcatty fur color, and spikier blue colored fur tufts on their pillows, while female fold Delcatty have lighter fur and more curly fur. They're known for being more moody. While their ears are kept folded, they don't hide any psychic powers and are safe to open.
//My designs can be used by anyone if you credit me!
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quillpokebiology · 8 months
do you have any posts about eevee crossbreeds? like an eeveelution with a different father?
//No, not yet. I plan to in the future, though. It's just the 8 eeveelutions is overwhelming to draw. BUT I am making a post about meowstic crossed with the eeveelutions.
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quillpokebiology · 1 year
Hi professor! I just wanna ask some advice on cross-breeds, specifically riolu and espurr hybrid...
My Lucario (Ricky) and my Meowstic F (Alisya) hooked up with each other, i guess falling for each other is more accurate 😅
Then lo and behold, fast forward to a month ago, they both had a newborn. A small male riolu espurr hybrid. Its limb were bit longer than average espurr and have small aura tassles, like riolu. I'd assume its more lean towards espurr, but have riolu like features.
Both of them did somewhat great job taking care of it as a first time parents. Sometimes Alisya would forgot to feed her baby. Often time, they'd ask me to help clean him up. Now after a month, the baby already opened up its eyes and more energetic. So i wanna ask is there anything concern i should know in the long run, like health or possible genetic defects? Also any supplements and enrichments I should apply to the espurr riolu hybrid for it to grow healthy? Thanks!
Lol, props to them for finding each other. And your Espurr sounds very cute too.
For this Espurr, there could be some health concerns. For one, Espurr have to constantly keep their ears closed unless they want to release psychic powers they can't handle. Combined that with Riolu's aura sensing, it could lead to more psychic power he has to be weary of. And with all that power, many things could be overwhelming to him. Getting him proper psychic training is a good idea; perhaps from other Meowstic or Meowstic crossbreeds.
You also might notice that he could be more energetic and feisty. This is normal for a pokemon thats a crossbreed with a Riolu, so you shouldn't worry about that.
Hope these helps. Good luck caring for the little guy!
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quillpokebiology · 1 year
Love seeing your posts about crossbreeds especially as someone who has a crossbreed Pokémon themself! (zoroark/meowstic)
Thank you! I think it's important for trainers to know how to care for their crossbreed mom, since they don't always require the same needs as purebred pokemon. I'm glad you like them!
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