#meowhito analysis’
meow-hito · 3 months
why i love mahito
i desperately need to rant about his character because my god, hes so well written its mind blowing.
i get asked quite a bit why mahito is my favourite character, of course, i love his appearance. but i also love how beautifully complex his character is.
unlike many other anime villains, hes not evil because of trauma or revenge hes evil just because. hes evil because he follows his instincts as a curse and thats just who he is. he enjoys killing people because its fun, theres no "for the greater good of society" or "i need to prove myself" sort of tropes about him.
(i will add that i actually don’t think he’s inherently evil at all. but that will be for another post)
but this fact also doesnt make him one dimensional how alot of "pure evil" villains are.
due to the relationships established around him, the multiple different dynamics make for an even more interesting character. mahito's dynamic with the diaster curses is one of my favourites. hes shown to care about them as seen where mahito stops haruta from killing an injured hanami, where he scolds geto for putting jogo in danger and also saying he doesnt want to fight jogo when they have a disagreement to what to do with yuji regarding the shibuya plan.
he is shown to care about his friends in his own curse-y way.
mahito is an absolutely beautifully well written and developed character.
hes made to be scary, his actions have consequences
mahito killing junpei, nanami and nobara all prove this. he killed them because he wanted to break yuji and this also additionally adds another level to his character, hes a genuinely frightening villain because every scene hes in, we have no idea what to expect from him.
*spoilers over*
even his dynamic with sukuna was interesting. sukuna had a few opportunites to kill mahito, he let him off for touching his soul because they both shared a laugh about breaking yuji, which coming from a character like sukuna was very interesting.
mahito embodies what sukuna says to jogo about what being a cursed spirit entails. and i think thats why theres some level of mutual interest. mahito is exactly what jogo couldnt be. and thats also another reason the disaster curses made mahito their leader.
mahito is what a true curse is.
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meow-hito · 3 months
what do the other 14 mahito fans headcanon mahito to smell like?
after analysing his character i’ve come up with my own:
the first note is wet dog and rain water, comes from him living in a sewer and not really washing his clothes, his hair probably gets wet and gives it that wet dog scent
second note would be blood because he literally kills people, i think it’s the metallic smell that hovers in the back of your throat
and finally a sweet rot sort of scent, something that’s super subtle but you can still catch it, i think this comes from him being a cursed spirit and it represents his nature of being deceiving.
thank you for coming to my HC infodump
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