#mentions glatt
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I’d squirm and scream with all my little cat-sized chest 😌
“Let” is a strong word. But yes <3 scooped
#you know how baby kittens always have tails up. bumper car kitten tails.#if Tom were a cat I think he’d have perpetual bumper car cat tail#dsmp tommy#rp blog#mentions schlatt#mentions glatt
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Big fan
#dsmp tommy#rp blog#mentions glatt#mentions schlatt#in character reblog!#the difference between a gay man appreciating women and yearning for men /j
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mmno. ale xis quuackity nbevadas umderscore. maried 👍
#dsmp jschlatt#dsmp schlatt#rp blog#roleplay#manburg#pumpkin duo#dsmp quackity#I think being pegged will cure him#regular dose of being pegged by his husband who's half his size and I think he'll turn out fine#👍#that's why Glatt is a bad bitch#he got dicked down#tw: suggestive#tw: sex mention
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Whats the worst thing you think you've done to your Quackity?
" Huhh... Probably when I would use his arm to.. extinguish my cigarets and cigars-..?"
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Bring him back Quackity.

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why did you gentle parent old me (ʘᗩʘ’)
Glatt. think about the way you were. LOOK AT YOURSELF >:((.
If gentle parenting means you're not like. The worst person ever. I think people are willing to do it :].
Also, on another note, Tubbo wants to watch hello kitty with you (◍•ᴗ•◍).
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don't execute my hot husband plssss (≧▽≦) I need to get dicked down somewhere and Limbo isn't fun ^_________^
you have like a million bfs or something can’t one of them do it :(
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leave my beloved parent alone :((
erm. no thanks ✌️😋.
– Tubbo.
Your beloved parent can’t stay away from losers and femboys ‼️
#dsmp tommy#rp blog#mentions tubbo#mentions quackity#mentions wilbur#mentions glatt#mentions schlatt#mentions ghostbur#all the boyfriends. for good measure#is glatt a husband or a boyfriend 🤔 does death count as a divorce
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Saw people say that c!Tommy “had a ghost who was crying all the time and repeating that c!Dream killed him while he followed Ghostbur around” so naturally I’m like that’s not true, right? Because I would remember this as the fandom would’ve flipped the fuck out. They send me a clip of Glatt talking to c!Quackity in his gym. He mentions c!Wilbur visiting and then mentions c!Tommy visiting with him and only repeating that c!Dream killed him while mocking the sputtering he does. So like, the only confirmation would be that he had a ghost, if that.
im crying ??????? ? this is so fucking funny
#my asks !!#it's pretty unclear what's going on with glatt tbh i guess if you take the 'in my gym' most literally#you could Assume that anyone visiting had to be in The Real World and not limbo#and that c!Q was visiting in The Real World and not Limbo#and then anyone visiting him would have to be either alive or a ghost#unfortunately we dont actually know how ghost rules work on the server#and if glatt was talking about his memories#or limbo c!schlatt's memories#or anything along those lines. i think that i GUESS you could interpret it as ghost!tommy but i would never say#that that's the only or even most likely or implied interpretation of that scene#considering we never actually /see/ c!tommy as a ghost ever#c!schlatt is weird as fuck#and ghosts on the server Just Do Shit like remember when ghost!mexican!dream was in george's dream#like was that his literal ghost was that not he knew about c!Q destroying el Rapids did c!george know about that already#etc there's NO established rules one time schlatt and wilbur ended up in the same body after a failed revival ritual#but yeah el em ay oh sure whatever i guess
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Live blog under the cut
Phantomsee x2
Okay ich zähle jetzt vorab die Referenzen
Der riskante Ritt
Die bedrohte Ranch
Der namenlose Gegner
Der lachende Schatten
Das Aztekenschwert
Im Zeichen der Schlangen
Der super-papagei
Das Gold der Wikinger
Oooh der Prolog ist schon sooo mega spannend!!! Wie sind sie da hineingeraten. Geht es Maxiwo gut???
Der magische kreis
Der grüne Geist
Doppelte Täuschung
Ich LIEBE dass Skinny uns auf der ersten Seite wissen lässt dass die ??? seine Erzfeinde sind. He is so obsessed 😭
Wie Skinny anzweifelt das Lys und Justus zusammen waren 🫠
"Er war aus einer ganzen Reihe von Gründen immun gegen ihren Charme" 🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈
Skinny calling Lys babe 💀💀💀
Nachdem Skinnys Dad groß im Immobiliengeschäft ist habe ich beschlossen, dass Mrs Andrews beef mit Mr Norris hat
"Skinny schaute in eine Bodenvase, die mit chinesischen Drachen-Motiven bedruckt war. 'Hier ist er auch nicht'". Fuck Skinny is such a little shit
"Theoretisch konnte man überall auf wertvolle Gegenstände aus der Vergangenheit stoßen. Praktisch jedoch nicht, da die drei ??? ihren Mitmenschen meistens zuvorkamen. Wenn es um Schätze ging, waren sie wie Heuschrecken. Sie fanden alles und ließen nichts zurück." 😆😆😆 Ich liebe den Fragezeichen Slander
Ich liebe wie Skinny versucht, Justus zu imitieren 😭 er ist fr mehr obsessed mit den Fragezeichen als ich selber
Und omg Kari dropping Taco Bell 🔔 . Aus irgned einem Grund hat das manche Leute total aufgeregt dass sie in einem Fall Taco Bell erwähnt hat aber Kari so "I do what I want 😌"
Die Urkel Queen 🥲😅
Der Begriff "indigene" ??????? In einem drei Fragezeichen Buch??????????
Captain Kerk 💀
"Skinny konnte natürlich ebenfalls lesen. Sogar längere Texte"
"Das S in Skinny steht ebenfalls für Schlüsseldienst. Was Shaw kann, kann ich schon lange"
Ich liebe die implikation dass Skinny schlauer ist als die Fragezeichen
Können wir darüber reden dass Skinny Lys sagt, dass sie in ihrem on-the-low-outfit gut aussieht, dass extra betont wird dass er es ernst meint und dass der Hilfsscherrif dann sagt er hätte sie in dem Outfit glatt für einen Jungen gehalten? Ja? Können wir?
Taavi <3
"Sie ist nicht oft unter Menschen", erklärte Skinny
...........warum weiß Skinny was Bob für Deo benutzt. KARI. WE NEED ANSWERS
"Du bist zu fixiert auf die drei Detektive. Wahrscheinlich wärst du gerne das vierte Fragezeichen." MEINE REDE
"Die Frau hätte selbst an Bob Andrews noch was aussusetzen" Ich brauch eine Zigarettenpause.
"Cotta sah Skinny nachdenklich an. Er wirkte nicht vorwurfsvoll, sondern eher auf eine väterliche Weise besorgt. 🫠🫠🫠🫠
Die Sache mit Cottas Kaktus 🙂🙃😃🙂🫠😉
Und side Note: ich mir gerade vor, wie Cotta versucht den Fragezeichen den Fall mit Mrs Kretschmers Gartenzwergen unterzujubeln 😂
Skinny spielt Klavier? Weiß Bob das. Kann da jemand Bob sagen.
Aw die Hotel Bigfoot reference.
Nur das mit den Archie Comics verstehe ich nicht 🧐🧐
Omg skinnys Mom ist auch im Frauenclub???
"Die meisten Menschen hätten mit diesem Riesenpflaster dämlich ausgesehen, aber Yan konnte so schnell nichts entstellen" 🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈
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Rozu I joined the fandom really late can you tell me if this one but if info is true?
'we never got to know who the crying Ghost Glatt saw with Ghostbur once was. Was that Tommy's ghost haunting Wilburs ghost much like Ghostbur often haunted New L'manburg?'
I can't tell if it's actually something that happened that no one talks about or if its a plot point they had for a story but I lost the post But you brought up 'ghost Tommy' so it popped in my head again.
Quackity did a stream where he went to Glatt’s underground gym a while back. In this vid Glatt mentions Ghostbur around 5:40 and Ghost Tommy around 6:20. I think that’s the only proof we have of ghost Tommy ever existing? So yeah, it did happen but I think it was just mentioned in passing
#rozu asks#azlinne#I thought I remembered glatt clearly saying something about ghost Tommy crying all the time but idk#I didn’t search very hard#maybe someone who knows more could answer this better in the rbs
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writing some Manberg/Las Nevadas era Tubbo hcs for @best-vice-evr/@las-nevadas-business because I'm bored
warning; discussions of various types of abuse, alcohol, trauma, subconscious victim blaming (very specific), unhealthy behaviors, and overall a not very healthy situation.
I'll add more if I missed anything, but I think that covers most of it.
1. He sits out in the hallways most nights, waiting for the noise to stop. It's more to confirm that Quackity ended up asleep and resting.
2. Tubbo has a habit of taking on more than he can handle, to try and lighten things for Quackity. It usually works, so he never really stopped.
3. on the nights that Tubbo can't sleep at all, which are a majority of them, he ends up trying to fix up the messes Schlatt leaves behind. It always ends before dawn though, not wanting to risk waking the older ram up.
4. Tubbo knows a lot of medical information to better suit what injuries Quackity has, to ensure that the avian is receiving the proper treatment.
5. The only gift Tubbo received from Schlatt in the Manberg era of things was a locket with a picture of Tommy in his L’Manburg uniform in it. He still wears it around most days.
6. on the nights Tubbo went to visit pogtopia, he would only leave if Quackity came with him. It was more of a safety thing.
7. In the Las Nevadas era of things, Tubbo genuinely believes his experience in the Manberg era wasn't scarring in comparison to what Quackity’s experiences were like.
8. Tubbo likes using the ‘:]’ and ‘:[’ and all its variants like Quackity, but he also uses the emoticons —(◍•ᴗ•◍)— like Schlatt.
9. Tubbo has more of Quackity's genetics and generally takes after Big Q, with the exception of a few things from Schlatt. (Like his Ram traits, and the way he acts when he's overly stressed out.)
10. Tubbo genuinely didn't know what a healthy, stable marriage was meant to look like until he met Ranboo. And as a bonus; he was terrible at hiding that he liked them. He was also awful at hiding that he liked Tommy.
11. Tubbo's a light sleeper, he always has been and always will be. It's just how he is.
12. Tubbo very frequently makes sure that Quackity is intaking a healthy portion of food every day, always setting aside a bit of his own meal to give to Quackity. It eventually ended up in him having disordered eating habits. (He'd do it all over again, because it meant that Quackity actually took care of himself. And that was all he wanted.)
13. Tubbo's known about Quackity's cannibalistic habits since a few nights before the funeral for Schlatt was held. To keep the peace, he never said anything about it — but he's known.
14. Tubbo regularly visits Schlatt's grave, bringing him dried out flowers and small trinkets. He hates what their life was like with Schlatt in Manburg, but a small part of Tubbo misses him. It hurts a bit more every time, but Glatt is making things better.
15. Tubbo is mostly sober, occasionally taking a few sips of something alcoholic. He’s almost always sober any other time though.
16. Tubbo's a bit of a collector, taking trinkets and anything he deems ‘pretty.’ Most trinkets are in his bedroom, but a few are in his workshop too.
17. Speaking of his workshop, Tubbo spends a lot of time in there — mostly because of his projects, but as mentioned in headcanon two, it's also a habit to try and take on more than he can handle.
18. The official cover of the song ‘fries’ from the show Adventure Time is the way Tubbo invisions his relationship with Schlatt. Something more soft and bittersweet, rather than the mistreatment and hurt it actually was.
19. THE ONLY HC I'M WRITING FOR POST–RANBOO’S DEATH: Tubbo planted an entire garden of pretty flowers (mostly alliums and white flowers) after the passing of his beloved partner, and takes Michael to visit the garden every night before bed.
20. Tubbo tended to stay away from Schlatt unless the older was entirely sober, mostly because he wanted Schlatt's attention and he wanted to be positive that it was REAL. Like, Tubbo understood that the loving attention wasn't ever as genuine as it was when Schlatt was entirely and fully sober.
21. Speaking of — Tubbo slowly started to become more and more comfortable around Glatt, until eventually they had a pretty wholesome relationship. Especially since Glatt has shown that he can, and will, act better than Schlatt ever could.
22. whenever Tubbo gets really silly, he acts like a little kid with a ton of stimming (usually flailing his hands, stamping his feet onto the floor like hooves, and doing silly little spins)
23. Tubbo has been taking care of others more than himself since the very first month Schlatt was drunk almost daily. He never really learned to put himself first — he still has a ton of issues with it.
24. Tubbo was in denial of being trans for awhile, not wanting to accept the fact that he was just a bit different. After a long talk with Quackity though, he calmed down, and started to accept it. (My silly boy :[..)
25. Anytime an adult is drunk, mostly Quackity, Wilbur, or Glatt, Tubbo tends to avoid them. Alcohol still makes him uncomfortable for the most part.
26. Tubbo feels most comfortable around Quackity, and always has for the majority of it. Although, he's definitely working his way to being more comfy around Glatt— and he's come to view Wilbur as an honorary parent. He still favours Quackity though.
27. As said in headcanon eleven, Tubbo is a very light sleeper. Anything, even the softest of noises, could wake him up, since he's so familiar with having to be ready for ANYTHING as soon as he wakes up. It's almost impossible for Tubbo to sleep soundly, unless he's asleep in Quackity's nest.
28. Tubbo is very emotionally stunted. He doesn't really take the time to feel his own emotions, but he tries to hold the space in his heart for the people he cares about. He holds as much space in his heart as he can for the people he cares about, but he doesn't really leave any space for himself.
29. Tubbo very frequently forgets to take care of himself, and when he does, it's never for as long as he subconsciously craves. As a bonus, he frequently forgets to take breaks when he's working — since he's never really had the chance to.
30. As said in headcanon eighteen, there are two songs I associate with Manburg hornsduo. The official cover of the song ‘fries’ from the show Adventure Time, but also Vampire Empire (the demo & the full version) by Big Thief.
If I do end up getting more ideas, this will be updated :)
#c!tubbo#ctubbo#c!quackity#cquackity#c!schlatt#cschlatt#Manberg#Mangerg era#pogtopia#pogtopia era#Las Nevadas#Las Nevadas era#dsmp#dream smp#I'm not very skilled at hcs My apologies#:((
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Came up with a AU and need help with naming it so why not share it!
Essentially the AU is based around the Eggpire and how the Egg came to be, as well as why Bad was brought into it. Just a little reminder that none of this this is canon and I doubt it will ever be. To start Glatt is going to be a main part of this, before he was found in his cave I suspect that he has lied about not being able to leave. Since of course he still has Schlatt’s personality and likes similar things he still will have his thirst for power and if he ever found out his life before he died he would most likely want to find a way to continue his legacy somehow. This leads to the creation of the Egg, some resources he found in hell (which I am guessing he went for obvious reasons) he was able to create something that could easily lure others but not in the way you may think. When Bad first found the Egg Glatt used this opportunity to actually possess Bad in a way and used the Egg to make sure nobody knew it was him, though the Egg did have some brainwashing mechanisms to use on the other members of the Eggpire Bad was never under the influence. Glatt used Bad in order to try and continue his legacy by gaining more power, brainwashing more people and spreading the Egg around the server. Though once the Egg was quarantined and blocked off he was unable to use it as an excuse so he actually gave some control back to Bad, still sticking around to mess around with him. He mostly would suggest things Bad would never do and try to influence him to do these ideas, but it never really worked, he did manage to suggest his way of coping from the trauma of the prison with alcohol though that was the most he could manage. In the end he kind of just used Bad for some company until Quackity found his cave, he still would talk to Bad when alone to give himself company and Bad actually got used to him after a while.
Somethings I do want to add is how I came up with this AU so if anyone does want to dig deeper into it they can! ^^
I got the idea when the Eggpire invited people to the Red banquet and ended up luring others right into a trap a sacrifice to the Egg, which is almost exactly like the L’manburg festival that Schlatt used to trap Tubbo. After I started to collect more clues, one being how Bad’s color change from red to white even if others changed TO red, you may say that it already was red but his eyes were also white, to symbolize the Egg’s influence they could of changed to red though the white could also symbolize the fact he was possessed by a ghost instead. Along with the plan of the Eggpire, taking over the entire server and also turning into a government, Glatt obviously wanted power so that would be his main goal in order to gain it. One last thing I would like to mention is the change in Bad’s personality, he started to turn more manipulative which is something Schlatt had a talent in. Not to mention how he stopped calling people out when the used foul language which is very VERY unusual for him.
I don’t really care if you dislike this AU at all or honestly not plan on ever learning more about it but I simply just need some name ideas for it so if you have any please tell me some that would save me a lot of time 😭
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I will be spinning a wheel with all the DSMP characters and making up HCs for them/connecting them to each other even if they've never met, wishing future me luck :,)
Attempt #1: Tubbo and Wilbur
Tubbo looked up to Wilbur, not as strongly as Tommy, but still as a leader and an older brother figure
Attempt #2: Fundy and Sam
Sam sort of knows what Dream and Wilbur did to Tommy and immediately became protective of him, imagine what'll happen when Sam finds out what Schlatt and Wilbur did to Fundy
I didn't watch Quackity's lore stream (again smh) but did I predict this? perhaps, I have no idea other than these two were in there
Attempt #3: Wilbur and Schlatt
literally how me and one of my friends act with each other; hate you but also lowkey flirt with each other, platonically, you know
You think they remember SMPLive? Do they remember it as past history, another life?
Wilbur recalls meeting Tommy in his personal hell, but what of Schlatt? Has Glatt ever mentioned Wilbur?
Attempt #4: Techno and Bad
technically antagonists but believe what they're doing is for the greater good and are kind of similar
both plan to get rid of sides, but Bad's way was through subtle takeover and Techno's way was through the forceful deconstruction of all government
They butt heads through their differing ideas to get rid of sides (and of course, the Egg)
Attempt #5: Sapnap and Tommy
know nothing other than fighting; The Soldier, The Right Hand
were/are hurt by their best friend, but Tommy and Tubbo were able to reconcile when Sapnap and Dream were not
It's kind of funny; two teenagers were able to succeed where their enemies were not.
Tommy and Tubbo may have lost many things, but at least they've never truly lost each other. Even through the Disc Saga, through every war, through both of Tommy's exiles, through Tubbo's fake siding with Schlatt, through all of their fights, through all their deaths, they've never lost each other. And while Dream and Sapnap haven't lost as much as them, perhaps they're the more pitiful ones.
why,, why do I run off on tangents instead of staying true? I-
edit: it’s cause youre a stupid bitch past me smh
#dsmp#dream smp#mcyt#tubbo dsmp#dsmp wilbur#fundy dsmp#awesamdude#schlatt dsmp#technoblade#badboyhalo#sapnap#tommyinnit dsmp
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[I straight up forgot the two oc blogs- one sec-]
Tw// mentions of death, putting this here just in case!
[Okay! First one is Clover- uhh their lore isn’t too big currently BUT the main point of ‘em is that they work for Kristen! Clover is more of Death’s messenger or something like that, does it mean you’ll die? Probably not- just means something bad is gonna happen, think of as Absol from Pokémon?? I guess??]
[OOC: Oooo that sounds interesting! Like I said I'd be down for either Quackity, Glatt or your OCs ^-^]
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if your sister and her freak boyfriends were animals that were NOT the obvious (q cant be duck, glatt cant be ram, etc...) what would they be
OH!!! Good question 🤔
Wil likes cats a lot but ummmm. Possum :) little trash fellas with a funny face. Also they play dead when they feel threatened!! Wil just ACTUALLY died when she felt threatened, so that’s some kind of improvement :\
If a duck is off the table for Q, then I imagine other birds are too. So no swans, which would’ve been my second choice… He’s not really fluffy enough to be a lion, most of it is just feathers :( Maybe an octopus. They’re very crafty and smart, and sometimes make little tools 🤭 and they camouflage a little!! Which is fun, because Q likes to do silly voices and impressions 🥰🥰
Can we make Ghostbur a ghostfish? 🤭
Glatt. Salamander 😌 put him in a pocket. (Polar bear, actually, but it’s funny to call him a salamander 🤗)
#dsmp tommy#rp blog#mentions wilbur#mentions quackity#mentions schlatt#mentions glatt#mentions ghostbur
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