#mentally preparing myself because summer is ending
sorry i’ve been quiet these last couple of weeks!! august has been a weird one (for a lot of people i think. nothing particularly wrong, just felt a little… off?). but i’m still here, promise <3
I have a new triple frontier boys x reader fic half written, about 1.5k words of clandestine part four done, and I have honey girl chapter 12 all planned, it just needs to be written.
if anyone needs me, i’m here!! inbox always open, for questions and queries or just for a chat. i’ll be posting again very soon <3
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perfectlyoongi · 1 month
ROOMMATE!YOONGI who covers you every night when you fall asleep in front of the television. whether winter or summer, Yoongi always made a point of accommodating you on your small sofa. with a white blanket in the summer and a blue blanket in the winter, Yoongi covered you carefully, letting the smooth fabric begin to warm you before he considered whether or not press a kiss to your forehead. yes, you were sleeping, you wouldn’t notice. no, you could wake up, you would mock him. just a sigh and a turn away with a pink tint on his cheeks — tomorrow he would give you that kiss, yes. “one of these day you get sick and i don’t want to take care of you. i’m just saving myself work in the future. it’s just that, that’s all.”
ROOMMATE!YOONGI who would buy groceries with you just to know what you would like so he could buy it for you when you needed it most. as he pushed the cart, seeing your body walking excitedly in front of him, Yoongi always made a mental note of all the brands you touched and talked about, paying special attention to the ones where you just looked and smiled. one day, he would offer you what you like most. but you can’t know that’s the reason he always goes shopping with you. “these cookies were on sale and i know you like them, so i decided to buy them. if you want, i can go back and buy that juice you really like. it’s not a hassle at all.”
ROOMMATE!YOONGI who makes a night of ice cream and wine when life is getting more complicated for you. lit only by the lamps in your living room, sharing a large bucket of your favorite ice cream, Yoongi sat next to you and listened to your outbursts. about work or family, friends or the world in general, Yoongi would let you talk for hours if necessary, just talking to offer you more wine or agree with people’s stupidity, always ending up giving you one or two pieces of advice and a story that would make you laugh. on the most complicated nights, Yoongi would be by your side, sharing a blanket, an ice cream, and a moment that would be eternal. “tell me all your worries and let me carry them in my heart for one night. let me relieve you of the weight of reality just for one night. let me help you.”
ROOMMATE!YOONGI who only lets you sit on his bed. Yoongi’s room was sacred, just like your room was sacred. but, as with all sacred temples, short visits had to be made regularly to maintain the fantasy charm. so, whenever you invaded Yoongi’s room to show him a video or share gossip about the neighbors, he would let you sit on his bed, secretly wishing some of your scent would get lost on its clothes. but only you could do that. it didn’t matter if it was a friend or family, Yoongi only let you sit on his bed, because it was only your smell that calmed Yoongi on the most turbulent nights. “sit on the bed, it’s more comfortable. but don't hug my pillow again. last time you left it disfigured and i couldn’t sleep. be more careful with my bed, thank you.”
ROOMMATE!YOONGI who leaves you little sticky notes on the bathroom mirror when he thinks you need it the most. words of encouragement or simply some reminders, several colorful squares were left on the bathroom mirror for you to find early in the morning. Yoongi wanted to remind you that you weren’t alone, ever. Yoongi was just a sticky note away. “i know how cruel the world can be, but don’t forget that if there is light and hope in this world, it is because you are in it. never forget your worth.”
ROOMMATE!YOONGI who leaves coffee or tea made for you in the morning before leaving the house. Yoongi was always the first to wake up, and when the house was still plunged into a deep silence, Yoongi prepared your favorite hot drink at the exact moment before he left and before you woke up. ever since Yoongi started doing you that little favor, he had never failed. every morning you were treated to your not-too-hot drink and the smell of Yoongi’s perfume still in the kitchen. “i’m glad you liked the drink. i just want to do something for you to start your day off right and show you that there’s still beauty in this world.”
ROOMMATE!YOONGI who didn’t know how to confess, he only knew that it couldn’t pass that night. the feeling consumed Yoongi from the inside, devouring his soul, destroying his entire essence. Yoongi felt trapped by that feeling. Yoongi had to free himself from that weight that squeezed his heart as quickly as possible. so, that night, Yoongi helped you tidy up the kitchen and, before you even put down the cloth, he took a deep breath and, asking for help from all the angels and saints and courage from all the gods and entities, Yoongi simply spoke. “i think i like you. well, actually i don’t think, i’m sure. but i don’t want to scare you or push you away with the truth of my feelings. just… just know that i like you, a lot.”
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thatdammchickennugget · 6 months
Hi lovie! Could you do a drabble of maybe Enzo? Where the reader is on the beach or something w a friend, and runs into a little kid that's lost. Reader decides to help the kid, and this ends up being a good idea for the reader- the kids brother is fine
Anyways I'm sorry if it doesn't make much sense, the idea started off as one of my (many) hopeless romantic delusions, and I'd love to see it written out, but my head refuses to come up with any more of the plot😔
Summer Kisses
pairing - lorenzo berkshire x fem!reader
warnings - fluff, reader has siblings and hair, not proofread
a/n - I loved this one so much I couldn't stop myself, sorry it ended up being a little longer, I just had to add some stuff 💕💕 also, I have one more drabble request to do but I probably won't get to it before next week because I'm celebrating my birthday this weekend 🫣 I'll get it done first thing next week though!
wordcount - 2k
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You squinted against the glare of the sun as you walked along the sandy shore, your siblings scattered across their towels behind you, enjoying the warm day at the beach. The sound of crashing waves and children's laughter filled the air, the warm sand feeling soft beneath your feet. As you strolled along the water, your gaze caught sight of a small figure sitting alone, tears streaming down his face.
Approaching cautiously, you knelt beside the distraught child. "Hey there, what's wrong?" you asked gently.
The boy hiccupped, wiping his tears with sandy hands. "I-I can't find my parents or my brother," he whimpered. “I don’t know where I am.”
Your heart went out to him and you tried to put on your warmest smile, hoping it would help calm him down a little. "Why don’t I help you look for them? Don't worry, we'll find them together, okay?"
Taking his hand, you led him along the shoreline, scanning the area for any signs of his family. Time seemed to stretch as you searched, but just as panic about not finding them began to set in, you spotted someone fitting the boy’s descriptions running down the beach.
"Enzo!" the little boy called out at the same time you turned to point the person out, his voice tinged with relief as he dropped your hand.
Turning around, you found yourself face to face with who you assumed to be the older brother he had told you about. His brown eyes widened in surprise as he took in the scene before him and he quickly sped up to meet the little boy halfway.
“There you are! Where did you run off to?” the boy with the messy brown hair knelt down to check his little brother over before his eyes fell back onto you, still awkwardly standing and watching them.
“She helped me find you,” the little boy pointed back at you, wiping at the last of his tears. “I was so scared.”
"Thank you so much for helping him," he said, his voice smooth and warm like melted caramel. He ruffled through his brother’s hair, pulling him against his side before stretching out a hand towards you with a charming smile. “I’m Enzo, by the way.”
You suddenly self-conscious under his gaze, quickly wiping your hand on your shorts before taking his and stammering out your own name. "It was no problem, really."
Enzo smiled gratefully, his charm radiating effortlessly. "I owe you one. How about I treat you to some ice cream as a thank you?"
Your heart skipped a beat at the offer, your cheeks flushing even more. "I-I would like that," you mumbled, trying to regain your composure. You hadn’t been prepared to meet a boy this cute today, and you were painfully aware of the itchy sand clinging to your skin and the horrendous state your hair was most likely in. No, this was definitely not the time to embarrass yourself in front of him any further. “But my siblings are probably waiting for me.”
As you parted ways with Enzo and the boy, you couldn't help but mentally kick yourself for your awkwardness. Regrouping with your siblings, you replayed the encounter in your mind, cursing your inability to keep your cool around someone as captivating as Enzo. You didn’t know which was worse, the thought of him forgetting about you instantly, or the possibility of him keeping the image of you all flustered in his mind.
Little did you anticipate that your evening was about to take an unexpected turn. After a leisurely dinner with your family, your siblings dragged you to the hotel bar, insisting on some nighttime fun. Despite your protests, you found yourself being swept along, the lively atmosphere of the bar pulling you in.
As the night wore on and the drinks flowed, the bar's host announced an impromptu karaoke session. Your siblings egged you on, pushing you towards the stage with mischievous grins. Reluctantly, you stepped onto the platform, feeling the weight of everyone's eyes on you. Curse those damned drinks, you should have never agreed to this.
To your horror, the host then called for another volunteer, a partner for a duet. Before you could protest, your hand was grabbed and you were pulled towards the center of the stage. Your heart sank as you realized who had seized your hand, turning around to find the same warm brown eyes from the beach staring down at you.
Your cheeks burned as you stood beside him, the spotlight highlighting your discomfort. Enzo, however, seemed unfazed, his easy smile never faltering. With a reassuring look, he whispered, "We've got this."
You mentioned for him to choose a song, still trying to get your breathing back to normal from the shock of seeing him again. "How about this one?" he suggested, scrolling through the karaoke options until he settled on a familiar tune.
Your heart skipped a beat as the opening notes of "Material Girl" by Madonna filled the room. You couldn't believe your luck – or perhaps misfortune – as you he reached out to grab your hand again, laughing as he playfully twirled you under his arm.
Despite your initial shock, you couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the situation. With a resigned shrug, you joined Enzo in the song, your voices blending surprisingly well as you sang.
As the chorus approached, Enzo threw himself into the performance, striking exaggerated poses and winking at the audience. You couldn't help but laugh at his antics, the embarrassment of performing in front of a room of strangers already forgotten.
By the time the song ended, the crowd erupted into applause once again, cheering for the unexpected duo. As you stepped off the stage, you still felt the adrenaline coursing through your veins, the rush of performing with Enzo leaving you exhilarated.
But before you could catch your breath, Enzo had pulled you off stage, turning to you with a wide grin. Just as he was about to say something, your sisters swooped in, gushing about the cute guy you had just sung with. Their excited chatter filled the air as they bombarded you with questions, completely oblivious to your own swirling thoughts.
Your head swirled around, trying to sent him an apologetic smile, leaving him standing alone in the crowd. As you got dragged away to get another round of drinks, you couldn't help but feel a pang of regret at missing the chance to talk to Enzo further. Deep down, you hoped that this wasn't the last you would see of him.
The next day, you had finally managed to get some time to yourself lounging in a quiet spot by the pool. Stretching out on a lounge chair, you closed your eyes, allowing the warmth of the sun to wash over you, hoping to relax and clear your mind.
However, your peaceful moment was interrupted by a sudden shadow looming over you. Startled, you opened your eyes to find Enzo standing there, a playful grin on his face.
"Mind if I join you?" he asked, gesturing to the empty chair next to yours.
Your heart sped up at his unexpected appearance, but you managed to nod, trying to conceal the butterflies fluttering in your stomach. "Sure, go ahead," you replied, sitting up and pushing your sunglasses up to rest on your hair.
Enzo settled into his chair lazily, turning onto his side and resting his head on his hand, facing you. He was looking just as charming as ever, eyes shining in the sun and his hair tousled adorably.
You found yourself relaxing in his presence, the initial awkwardness melting away as you chatted about everything from your favorite books to your shared love of music.
But as the conversation flowed, you couldn't shake the feeling of your siblings' eyes on you. Glancing over, you caught them sending you thumbs ups and miming kissing behind Enzo's back, causing you to stifle a laugh.
Despite their antics, you found yourself enjoying the moment, grateful for the chance to spend time with Enzo without the distractions of karaoke or crowded bars.
The poolside was quiet now, the sun beginning its descent towards the horizon, casting a golden hue over the water. You had decided to take advantage of the peaceful atmosphere and indulge in a solitary swim.
As you glided through the water, your mind wandered, the events of the past few days replaying in your thoughts. You couldn't shake the memory of singing karaoke with Enzo, or the way your heart had fluttered every time he leaned closer as he shamelessly flirted with you just earlier that day.
Lost in thought, you didn't notice when the boy in question approached, his footsteps silent against the pool deck until he was standing at the edge of the water, a playful grin on his face.
"Might be a sign that we keep running into each other like this," he joked, dipping his toes into the water.
You chuckled at his comment, feeling a rush of warmth at his presence. "Seems like fate has its own plans," you replied, flashing him a playful smile.
Enzo mirrored your smile, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Well, who am I to argue with fate?" he quipped, wading further into the water until he was swimming beside you.
As the two of you swam side by side, the conversation flowed effortlessly, alternating between playful banter and moments of quiet reflection. You found yourself drawn to Enzo's easy charm and infectious laughter, each moment spent with him feeling like a breath of fresh air.
Eventually, you reached the edge of the pool, the water lapping gently against the tiles. But instead of parting ways, Enzo surprised you by reaching out and gently pressing you back against the wall of the pool, his hands on either side of you.
Your breath got caught in your throat at the sudden closeness. Enzo's eyes held a warmth and intensity that sent a shiver down your spine, his gaze roaming over your features as if committing every detail to memory.
"You know," he murmured, his voice low and intimate, "you're really something."
You couldn't help but blush at his words, feeling a rush of warmth spread through your body at the sincerity in his tone. "You're not so bad yourself," you replied, unable to suppress the smile tugging at your lips.
Enzo's smile widened at your response, his gaze never leaving yours. "I mean it," he continued, his voice barely above a whisper. "You're beautiful."
The words hung in the air between you, a tangible electricity crackling between your bodies. You felt your heart race in your chest, anticipation humming in the air as you waited for what would come next.
And then, in a move that took your breath away, Enzo leaned in closer, his lips hovering just inches from yours. "Is it okay if I kiss you?" he asked, his voice barely audible over the sound of your pounding heart.
You nodded, at a loss for words, the anticipation almost unbearable. With a soft smile, Enzo closed the distance between you, his lips meeting yours in a gentle, tender kiss.
In that moment, everything else faded away, the world narrowing down to the feel of his lips against yours. Time seemed to stand still as you lost yourself in the sensation of his lips moving against yours, each touch sending a surge of electricity through your veins.
When you finally pulled apart, breathless and flushed, you found yourself gazing into Enzo's eyes, your cheeks aching from how wide you were smiling.
Enzo's smile was soft and tender as he brushed a stray strand of hair from your face, his fingers lingering against your skin. "You're amazing.”
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lailawinchesterr · 5 days
love me until i love myself — jensen ackles
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summary: you’re exhausted, but jensen deserves a good night out, not that he wouldn’t notice — tags: domestic jensen basically, gn!reader i think, migraines — universe: comatose
You’ve been looking forward to Jensen’s hiatus the second you knew it was coming. Obviously, they’d said a while ago when they’d be done filming but it was announced when they first started months ago, at the beginning of the school year, that there’s no way you’d remember it.
But now, he’s back, finally. You get to see your husband again and it won’t be for a week— it’s for two months. The entire summer vacation. So not only are you spending it with him, but so are the kids which you’re extremely grateful for, it’s been getting hard giving in to their every demand when it’s usually their father that spoils them that way. And it isn’t for any other reason than the fact that you’re usually busy. 
Which is what brings you here, to this time of day, at six in the evening while you’re getting ready to go to the Padalecki’s house. Of course you’re extremely supportive of Jensen, there’s no way you aren’t, but you’re tired, you have been for a few months working yourself to the bone with the kids and your job. But then he came home today, said that Jared insisted they celebrate finishing season 14 at his house, and he couldn’t refuse, and there you are. 
You didn’t complain, just put whatever dinner you were thinking of making right back in the fridge, both relieved and annoyed. Though the annoyance is largely due to exhaustion. You’re sure Jensen can see it, but you’re trying to brush over it, make it seem better than it actually is because the truth is that you’re halfway asleep choosing Rhyme’s outfit. She’s running around her closet with different dresses and you’re trying to convince her shorts underneath are quite crucial— she disagrees.
But it happens. Your makeup is on, Jensen found the shirt he was looking for, Emmy finds her iPad and you’re all finally in the car. You check your phone and find a missed call from Gen that you prepare yourself mentally for before you answer, “Hey, Gen! No yeah, we’re on our way— it's just a little something, don’t worry— no, no we’re almost there. Okay, yeah, bye.”
Jensen’s eyes are already on yours when you’ve ended the call before they go back to the road. “She’s asking if we bought something.”
“But we didn’t.”
“But we will.” He smiles and— okay, maybe you’re a little less tired seeing him so happy. He really does deserve tonight and it’s very low key, just your two families. “We can stop at the bakery on our way— or we could bring fruit?”
You hear it the second you say it and shake your head. You’re not a hundred percent sure what she has in her backyard so you probably shouldn’t bring something incase she’s already growing it. “Yeah, bakery. But not the one next to their house, the blue—”
“I know which one.” He says, noticing how fast your talking. Usually something you do when you’re tired or sick. Which took some time for him to catch on to at first considering how different that reaction is from anyone else who’s ever gotten sick. “You okay?” He asks, his voice gentle as he reaches a hand out to hold yours in your lap. You look over at him, nodding.
“‘M okay, just don’t want you to miss the turn so we can get it.” He doesn’t push it after that, and thankfully he doesn’t miss the turn either so maybe everything will work out okay tonight.
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The night is great, Gen has something simmering in the kitchen while you all get settled in. The kids are playing in the boys’ room except for Emmy who’s sitting between you and Jensen with a coloring book you got her months ago. Your biggest fear was always raising a child who’s attached to their device so you brought her a book almost the same size for her to color in if her screen time for the day is up. She’s usually complacent, like today. And if that’s not an indication of how well tonight is going, you don’t know what is.
Jensen has an arm sprawled behind you both, all four of you talking about the hiatus and filming— Jared and Jensen sharing stories on their past months on set where they didn’t see the both of you. “But I think they’re giving us an extra month this time.”
You raise your eyebrows in surprise at Jared’s words, leaning in, “What?”
Jensen hadn’t mentioned any extra months. And you assumed it’d be two like everytime. “Yeah, we’re not sure though, I heard Kripke saying he’s gonna want to be there for the series finale and he’s trying to fix the schedule so he’s free.”
“That makes sense, have you guys even seen him this season?” You ask, glancing at your husband before facing Jay again. 
They both answer ‘no’ at the same time and you ‘huh’ while leaning back in your seat. Okay. Well at least Jensen isn’t hiding anything from you, they really aren’t sure. You weren’t worried but you would’ve been curious if he’d done it. 
Jared’s talking about something on set that reminds Gen of something in their pool and we laugh at whatever she says— you hardly know what Jensen is saying from next to you because why are they all suddenly so loud? And they’re spinning. Great, the room is spinning. Maybe you should sit down— you’re already sitting and your having a migraine in the middle of a conversation as you try your hardest not to wince visibly.
All you notice is Gen leaving the room and Jensen saying something before his hand is holding yours and you’re suddenly not sitting anymore, your migraine is worse, and Jensen has white dots all over his face. 
“Hey, c’mon, baby, you okay? What’s wrong, talk to me.”
“Just— ‘m sorry, just a migraine, I’ll be fine.” It’s not the first time, won’t be the last. You’ve grown accustomed to having them but you try to eat well and take meds if you think it’ll happen when you're out of the house, this one just came out of nowhere. Or, not out of nowhere, you have been throwing yourself into homework and housework and studying relentlessly these past few months and you thought tonight you’d get to calm down instead you’re here.
“What? No, don’t apologize. You’re… you look tired, I don’t want you to push yourself like that for my sake.” He frowns, placing his hands on your shoulders to try and steady you. “Come on, sit down and I’ll see if there’s anything for you to eat.” 
“No, Jensen, it’s okay. I can wait for dinner.”
“We both know you can’t.” You sigh, shutting your eyes for a moment, trying to think of how to make it better. You don’t have any paracetamol, but you do know what triggers it.
“Lights, please, Jen.” He hears you the second you say it, shutting them off then walking back over to you. The kitchen’s open so it doesn’t put you in complete darkness but it’s enough to calm your aching head. “Thanks.” You look up at him, letting him worry over you like this, it’s pulling at your heart. You can usually hide it pretty well if you’re not in the house, but for some reason it’s hitting harder now.
“You gotta eat something.”
“I know, I can wait though, don’t worry.” He doesn’t look like he believes you but you're being honest. You can wait for an hour. Your head will definitely be pounding by the end of the night, and only fourteen hours of continuous sleep will fix it, but you can do it. You have occasionally.
He’s a little convinced as he presses a kiss to your hair and helps you off the chair, “Just sit down, okay? Don't overwhelm yourself.” You nod in agreement, since you were planning on it anyway, then you get back to the couch, this time your heads on Jensen’s chest and it helps to be far away from devices (Emmy’s IPad) and to have him run his fingers through your hair. 
“I’m really proud of you. And I’m happy for you, I wanted today to be super special.” 
He lets out a laugh, low enough that Jared doesn’t ask, “It’s special spending the day with you, sweetheart, you know that.”
You do, he’s made sure of it everyday he’s ever been next to you, still doesn’t stop you from sometimes thinking otherwise, only because of your own head. “Yeah, you and Jay did well with season 14, and I can’t wait to see it.”
He leans down to gently kiss your head again and it makes you smile, letting your eyes flutter closed. Just a few minutes since Jared’s on his phone and Jensen just playing with Emmy and your hair, it’s peaceful. As peaceful as it’ll get in this hectic life of yours— that’s you’ll always share with Jensen. 
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title: did you know that there’s a tunnel under ocean blvd by lana del ray.
comatose verse: you and jensen’s little life cause i love him sm and i’ll probably write more for him so u basically have three kids: emmy (4), lucas (5), rhyme (7). & gen and jared have their pretty kids tom, shep & odette!
fucking kill me why can’t i write one dean/sam or jensen/jared fic without the other being in it ughhh. anyways, this is super self indulgent and you should probably take my phone away cause this is like the seventeenth thing i’ve posted in two weeks or something and i don’t even plan on slowing down. to the sam request in my inbox, you’re next (i think).
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azzifudd · 3 months
was able to get through the paywall!☺️
WEST SPRINGFIELD — When UConn women’s basketball player Azzi Fudd first tore her right anterior cruciate ligament in the summer of 2019, she struggled through the physical and mental toll she faced during her recovery.
Despite the pain she endured to get back onto the court - or maybe because of that experience - Fudd remembers barely being fazed when she tore her right ACL for a second time.
“My reaction shocked me,” Fudd said on Saturday at Hooplandia. “I thought for sure I would just cry. The first time I was a mess, I cried, I was so sad. (But) when it happened this time, I felt like I kind of knew.
“I’ve been working the last few years on the mental side of the game, working on my mindset, my confidence, my self-talk... so I was like ‘Ok, I’ve been through this before, I know how big the mental aspect is - what am I going to do to help myself get through it this time and handle it a lot better than I did in high school’ because I didn’t handle it well. So when it happened (again), I was really upset, but I didn’t let myself go down that rabbit hole of what could’ve been if I was healthy.”
But even her stronger mental approach could not lessen the most difficult factor of recovery: the wait.
“Surgery was fine, all that was fine. It’s harder halfway through the season when I’ve been sitting through games, I’ve been cheering, I’ve been positive,” Fudd said. “And then it hits you, like, 10 games of just sitting on the bench cheering (and realizing) ‘I still have so many more games to sit here and cheer and still not play/’
“It’s definitely really tough, (the wait is) one of the harder things that people don’t talk about.”
Fudd stressed how important her physical rehabilitation process was in helping her regain trust in her body.
“Do your rehab, it’s so important,” Fudd said.
“I lived, ate, breathed my rehab and when it was time to come back, everyone was like, ‘Did you have doubts, did you think you were going to tear it again’, I didn’t have any doubts... because I knew all the hard work that I put in (during) my rehab process so I knew how strong my leg was, I knew what I was capable of doing because I did so much to prepare myself.”
Basketball was the driving force behind Fudd’s determination during this process and finding that reason can make all the difference.
“At the end of the day, I love basketball and that’s what I wanted to keep doing, that was my purpose behind my rehab,” Fudd said. “Some people, they might be done playing basketball, but they still want to rehab, whether it’s to play a different sport, to be a singer, to be a dancer - you’re still rehabbing for a reason. Remember what that reason is, it doesn’t have to be basketball anymore, it can be something else, but just find that reason and keep going.”
Thank you!!
Aww Azzi, it sucks obviously that she had to go through it again, but it seems like she knew her mentality had to be and was going to be different this time around. She let herself be upset, but not to the point where she spiraled about 'what could've been.' Which is what she said at that summit a few months ago too. 100% makes sense that just sitting and waiting to play again was one of the hardest parts, Paige struggled with that too. Even when you're trying to be positive and cheer for your teammates. I hope she's really able to come back confident in her body. You really gotta be a different breed mentally to be a pro athlete and not just wanna quit lol
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mayajadewrites · 9 months
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Levi Ackerman x Reader: Moth to a Flame
synopsis: Levi Ackerman - Captain of the Scout Regiment. He's broody, quiet, and clean. You're a scout, skilled in combat and has killed numerous titans. You dated Captain Levi briefly, in secret, in a whirlwind romance. Late nights and secrets are what kept your "relationship" afloat. Due to Levi's ideals, he decided to end things with you, but now you're moved on. But Levi hasn't.
authors note: this takes place in the AOT universe, and it will reference SOME of the events from the anime, so be aware if you're not caught up. i won't be following the timeline of the manga/anime.
characters: levi ackerman, erwin smith, erin jaeger, mikasa ackerman, armin arlot, jean kirstein, sasha braus, connie springer, hange zoe, + more.
content warnings: some chapters will be nsfw. i will put a warning before each chapter if it contains 18+ content.
C H A P T E R O N E – A U T U M N
The air was cold and crisp as it flowed through your window to the room you shared with Mikasa and Sasha. Summer is over and autumn has kissed the leafs on the trees.
Your body twitched as the air touched your skin. You made a mental note to start sleeping with a sweatshirt on. Sasha's snores filled the room while Mikasa slept silently.
You grab your watch from your nightstand and look at the time. 5:45 AM. You like to go on runs before breakfast to get your heart rate up and get some vitamin D before you had to attend training for your next mission.
After putting a t-shirt, shorts, and sneakers, you're out the door. The girls won't be up for another hour, so you didn't want to disturb them.
As you walk down the hallway, you put your hair in a ponytail, looking at your feet as you walk.
Then your body collided with another.
"Sorry." You say before you even look up at who's in front of you.
Captain Levi Ackerman.
"Sorry, Captain." You correct yourself, standing up straight.
"Where are you off to?" Levi brushed off his shirt, freshly pressed of course.
"I'm going on a run before breakfast."
Levi nodded in response, pushing past you towards Erwin's office. You sighed when you felt it was safe to, ignoring the pending thoughts in your head.
Levi Ackerman broke your heart, and you just super-glued the pieces back together.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Breakfast was usually the same in the scouts. Eggs, bread, and sometimes bacon. Everyone sits in what we call the "mess hall" and eats breakfast together before we put our bodies through the ultimate torture which is training to fight titans.
You find your usual table – Mikasa, Eren, Armin, Jean, Sasha, and Connie.
"Good morning!" Sasha said as she stuffed her face with eggs. "I heard you leave this morning, how was your run?"
"I'm surprised you could hear me over your snoring." You chuckle, pushing a piece of hair behind your ear. "It was good. The sun felt good this morning, I'm so glad its finally autumn."
"You go on runs every morning?" Jean asked, patting his mouth with his napkin.
"Yeah, I like to prepare myself for training for the day."
You didn't want to say that Levi gave you the idea to go on runs every morning. He goes on runs earlier than you, thank God, because you'd rather not have to see him more than you already do.
"I might have to start doing that. I feel like I run really slow." Eren nodded to himself. I knew Mikasa was now going to also be going on runs in the morning with Eren. They are inseparable.
"That's awesome." Jean smiled as he said your name. He's always been sweet and funny, especially with Connie. They make you laugh every day, even on your worst days.
You feel the hair on the back of your neck stick up, a wave of goosebumps to follow. Your ears honed in on the sound of his boots against the floor.
You hated that Levi had this affect on you.
He was talking to Hange about her latest Titan experiment, which he sounded less than thrilled about. You made a conscious effort not to look at him.
"Morning Captain!" Armin said with a smile. He's always so joyful in the morning, which is something you envy.
"Good morning brats." Levi nodded in approval, his eyes glazing over yours for a split second.
A memory of you waking up next to him flashed in your mind, a time when you accidentally fell asleep after spending the night talking, kissing, and obviously... other activities.
"You good?" Jean's voice was like a pin to your thoughts, popping them instantly. "You looked like you're spacing out."
"Yeah, I was just thinking about how good a cup off coffee would be right now. I'm gonna go get some." You get up from your seat, shaking off the feeling of your memory.
"I've never felt like this." Levi kissed your ear, his voice low in your ear. His hand snaked up your body to your face, taking your chin roughly in his hands and pulling it towards his face. "You're one of a kind."
Life without Levi has been tough, but you have gotten over the gash of heartbreak he left. Seeing him every day for training and missions has gotten easier, and thankfully he doesn't want to see you any more than you do him.
Or so you think.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
let me know what you guys think so far!
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darkness-follows · 3 months
Personal rant which I WILL delete later...
Wtf dude. What the actual fuck.
In November last year my therapy ended (not because I was done but because my Therapist decided to get preggo) and we did very little to prepare me mentally to end my almost 3 year therapy.
So obviously I didn't do so well with it.
In 2020 during The *giving up my entire early 20s to a fucking pandemic* time I picked up drinking again.
It wasn't good but it wasn't awful until November. Since then it's been awful. And recently because summer always triggers a lot of body dismorphia for me it's gotten terrible. I can't recall the last night where i didn't have a drink.
Im like a step away from starting in the mornings just to handle my daily bullshit.
The people who I spend a lot of time finding that were supposed to help me with my mental health and my ADDICTION keep letting me down so I get overwhelmed by stuff I really really need to take care of over and over again.
And every day is the fucking same man.
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I don't know. Im really in a bad spot atm. Barely hanging on... drinking myself dumb and numb.
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lexkent · 5 months
I've been accepted into grad school in a neighboring state and in the city I've lived in for the past 10 years, and I'm rotting from the inside out trying to come to a decision
pros for staying: I love my second floor apartment with a balcony and feel comfortable that the landlord isn't some monster. It would be so much easier to stay put. I have a summer and fall job secured here. the classes are regular M-F. there's a part time option if it gets to be too much. I have 1 cousin moving here for grad school (different school same city). there's a better chance of meeting fellow lgbt people here. this is a fun and diverse city with a never ending selection of things to do.
cons for staying: I already spent 4 years at this school so there isn't that thrill of going to a new university it would almost feel like returning to high school. I don’t feel a ton of school pride. it's not particularly safe here (I regularly hear gunshots, etc from my apartment.) I'm tired of the stress of the Mad Max driving situation here. I can't go on night walks without needing to be aware of my surroundings. I don't think I would want to be a Beginner social worker here (though I do want to return someday with more skills and experience). I feel like 10+ years is a long time to live in just one city. my therapist would be low key disappointed if I stayed. staying might feel like settling.
pros for leaving: it's exciting to go to a new school. smaller class sizes should mean a better chance to connect with professors and better chance to get an assistantship to help cover tuition. I could go on walks at night without needing to look over my shoulder. I would prefer to be a Beginner social worker in this city. new city means new places and parks to explore. my therapist seems to think going here and having a fresh start would be most beneficial to me. some cousins and friends are within 1.5 hours of this city. Ceno should be moving there soon!! I've been approved for an apartment with a deck.
cons for leaving: I hate moving more than anything in the world no matter how much I mentally prepare myself it's always 100x worse than I imagined. classes are Friday and Saturday (how am I supposed to drive home and see family/friends with 2 years of weekend classes?) middle of nowhere city. lack of diversity. I don't have a summer job lined up. there is always risk and uncertainty signing with new landlords because they can make your life total hell. it has been near impossible to find an apartment that allows cats I've been looking every day for months. I was just accepted for an apartment i like (though I learned it is ground floor despite the listed pictures which means my cats won't be able to freely enjoy the outdoor deck space like they could with a balcony and there could be a safety issue considering open windows) but with 1st month rent + security deposit + $600 cat fee + $70 cat rent, my bank account is going to wiped out to nothing (I've been crying lol)
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babydollmarauders · 2 years
nico hischier x fem!reader
🌻: Cruel Summer with Nico
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maybe it wasn’t the best idea to join my best friend in his home country for the summer. saying yes to spending two months with Nico in Switzerland was definitely not my brightest moment, because now i’m sat in the grass, watching as my very shirtless, very hot, best friend with benefits jumps into a lake.
okay, maybe it’s not the coming to Switzerland that was the problem. maybe it was the nights i’ve spent sneaking over to his room, maybe it was the time i spent tangled up in his sheets only to have nothing change between us. maybe it’s the fact that i wait with baited breath for him to either confess that he loves me or for him to tell me we should stop our late night activities. in whatever case, this has been a cruel summer with him.
i’m outside the bar, waiting for Nico’s sister, Nina to bring the car around. Nico stands next me, helping support my drunken self, and whispering sweet words in my ear.
“it’s okay, i’ve got you, y/n.” he tells me as Nina pulls up. he helps me into the back of the car before taking a seat in the front with his sister. he turns to look at me when Nina starts driving. “don’t worry, i’ll take care of you when we get back.”
his sweet nature makes tears well in my eyes, and knowing that he’s doing this out of the kindness of his heart, even though we’re only friends, makes me let out a sob. i want to be more. i want to be so much more. i want him to take care of me because he loves me. i want to be able to stay in his bed on the morning instead of sneaking back to my own. i want to call him my boyfriend and tell him i love him. but i can’t do those things, because we’re only friends.
“hey, hey! what’s wrong? why are you crying?” his tone is sweet and comforting, his eyes full of worry, and it only makes me cry harder. “y/n/n, please tell me what’s wrong.”
i continuously shake my head, refusing to spill the words that rest on my tongue. even in my drunken state, i know that would end badly. it doesn’t take more than a few minutes to reach his families house and Nico quickly helps me out of the car and to his bedroom, where he grabs me some sweatpants and a t-shirt to change into. he waits in the hall while i change and when he comes back in, i’m sat on his bed. he holds a pair of fuzzy socks he must have retrieved from my room, and offers to help me take my makeup off and brush my teeth, which makes me start crying again.
“okay, hey. please tell me why you’re crying. did i do something? i don’t understand.” he whispers, crouching down to look at my face. he looks down for a second to pull the socks onto my feet, and the gesture is my breaking point. i let the words i’ve been dying to say all summer, get free.
“i love you. ain’t that the worst thing you’ve ever heard?” he freezes, and i mentally prepare myself for him to reject me. but when he looks up at me again, he wears a wide grin.
“i love you too.” he whispers, rising to his feet and pulling me up with him so that my chest is against his.
“you do?” i sniffle.
“yes. did you really think i was sleeping with you if i didn’t love you? i don’t do that, y/n/n.” he tells me. he bends down, capturing my lips in his, engaging us in a slow and passionate kiss. pulling away, he tucks a lock of hair behind my ear. “and to answer your question; i think it might be the best thing i’ve ever heard.”
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lilyevanstan1325 · 9 months
❤️ Built For This World ❤️
Chapter 4
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I've been here at the farm for almost 5 days so that means that sweet, defenseless little girl has been out there for a week.
Sophia has not yet been found.
I really hope with all my heart that she is still alive.
We all hope so.
Last night before going to sleep Carol updated me a little on the situation.
Daryl and the others are still busy searching and it seems that the archer has found a good lead to follow.
And damn, despite everyone's efforts, Daryl really seems like the only one who really cares about this whole thing.
He spends entire days searching every millimeter of these woods, following every possible path.
Spending all his strength.
Carol tries not to show it but even an idiot would notice that her mental state is in full decline.
And the night, poor woman, she spends every night crying.
How do I know?
As accommodation they let me sleep on the floor of Dale's RV since neither I nor they have an extra tent for me.
And just when the woman thinks everyone is sleeping she gives vent to all her pain.
And honestly I don't know what to do.
I have often thought about getting up to console her but I have always stopped, not because I am insensitive to her pain but because I don't know what to say to her.
And I'm sure that my words don't even help her.
She just needs her little girl and not my stupid words of circumstance.
I even thought about offering myself for the research but there is a small detail that stops me.
He hates having me around and I don't think he would ever accept my help or even my company.
So I avoid being around him.
As far as I'm concerned, I'm settling with the others quite well.
Everyone is very kind to me, except for two obvious exceptions.
Daryl, precisely, and Shane.
I try to stay away from the latter.
Really away.
Apparently the man can only tolerate me if I remain at a safe distance from him.
And who am I to disappoint him?
For the rest I get along with everyone.
A good relationship is being established with the women, they are all very polite to me and try to include me in the group.
To reciprocate their kindness I continually try to get busy.
I help with the fire, with the preparation of meals, with the perimeter guard shifts and with everything I can.
Like now.
Me, Lori, Amy, Carol and Andrea are making breakfast for everyone this morning.
Maggie and Beth, the farmer's daughters, kindly gave us some eggs and even offered to help us out.
So all together we are trying to set up something decent, at least for the men who will soon leave to resume the search for Sophia and for those who will leave for a quick reconnaissance down in the city in search of further supplies for the winter that will soon arrive.
A gust of wind makes me shiver.
Even if during the day the temperatures are still quite high, in the morning the air begins to feel increasingly cooler.
I shrug, rubbing my hands along my arms to try to get some warmth.
“Summer?Summer, dear can you hear me?”
I snap out of my thoughts at Carol's voice.
I look up from the bowl full of freshly picked peaches.
“Sorry Carol, tell me”
Carol raises an eyebrow as she takes a few steps closer.
"Everything is fine?This is the third time I've called you.What's going on inside that little head of yours?” she asks me kindly, keeping her voice low so as not to be heard by the other women.
I shake my head, smiling weakly.
Just like my mother, she always seems to know when I overthink about something.
Maybe this is a super mom power?
"Nothing.I was wandering”
I shrug indifferently at the end of the sentence.
I don't want to give her any more worries.
She's already had enough of it.
“Mmh mmh” she murmurs, unconvinced, grabbing a knife and taking the peach that I turn over and over in my hands.
I also take a knife, grab another peach and follow her, imitating her gestures.
In silence we begin to peel the fruit and cut it into small pieces.
The sweet smell of peaches makes my mouth watering.
Behind us we hear Amy and Beth giggling.
For just a moment it's as if everything were normal, as if we were just a group of friends intent on preparing breakfast.
There is no death, there is no pain, there are no dead people brought back to life.
There is peace, calm.
But the reality is very different.
We're just a bunch of strangers trying to get ahead.
Not to give up.
We're just trying to survive.
We're just trying to make sense of this fucking world.
“Did you talk to Daryl?” Carol asks me, feigning indifference.
I sigh, closing my eyes and trying to stay calm.
That evening after having...I don't even know how to define it...argued?
After having that brief confrontation with Daryl I was very nervous and I couldn't keep it from her.
I told her what had happened and how I felt.
Nowadays I still don't understand Carol's reaction.
“Don't mind what he told you.Daryl isn't that good with words” she replied smiling.
Her look seemed amused but I decided not to investigate further.
But from that moment on I had the impression that she was pushing me to resolve the issue with the man.
Which obviously I've always avoided.
He stays away from me and I have nothing to say.
He looks down every time our paths cross and I don't complain.
I do not want to create problems.
I'm new and I just want to earn my place in the group without bothering the others.
“Daryl and I have nothing to clarify”
Saying his name makes my stomach clench.
“It's okay Carol, we avoid each other and we're all happy” I whisper.
At least he is.
Carol shakes her head but she doesn't say anything else.
More giggles catch our attention, making us turn around.
Amy and Beth seem to be talking to each other, constantly glancing to their left.
So I decide to follow their gazes to understand what it is.
And a little further on there is him.
He seems busy checking something inside his backpack.
He is wearing a pair of black jeans and his ever-present sleeveless shirt.
This man appears to be insensitive to the cold.
The muscles in his arms bend sinuously, swelling with every movement.
Muscles that have nothing to do with exhausting sessions in the gym.
Oh no...
His body is built only by his struggle for survival.
Apparently the archer's past life was not very different from the one he leads now.
Hunting and rural life have always been part of his life.
Or at least that's what Carol and Glenn told me.
After a few minutes he crouches on his knees to check some arrows, the powerful muscles of his thighs seem barely contained in the constriction of his jeans.
He cocks his head to the side and grabs an arrow, studying it carefully.
He checks the tip with his fingers.
For a moment I remember the strength of those fingers closed around my wrist as he dragged me with him into that woods.
My heart does a somersault remembering the warmth of that hand, the strong grip of his calloused fingers.
“Do you stop, please?”
Andrea has an amused frown on her face as she scolds the two girls who don't stop giggling and continue to throw mischievous glances at the unaware Daryl.
"What?" laughs Amy, Andrea's sister, as she approaches me to hand me some dishes.
Her young blue eyes shine like lapis lazuli.
Amy throws her head back laughing heartily.
“Don't tell me I'm the only one here?” she replies, turning to all of us, indicating the man with a nod of her head.
I look back at Daryl and a shiver runs through me.
Carol giggles.
Andrea's eyebrows raise dangerously upwards.
"What?" Amy repeats again crossing her arms over her chest.
“He's sexy as hell” the girl admits candidly, triggering more giggles.
“He's rude” her sister immediately replies.
“That doesn't mean he doesn't have a perfect ass, look there.Right Beth?” she asks, turning to her friend.
Beth giggles again.
“You know Amy, your sister prefers guys like Shane” her friend supports her.
What the fuck?
Just one word.
Lori from her spot shifts her weight from one foot to the other as if she is uncomfortable.
Her and Andrea exchange a fleeting glance, full of tension.
Which I can't fully understand.
“Well, he may be rude but Amy's right.If I had been a little younger I wouldn't have wasted my time”
I turn my head sharply towards Carol shocked by her spicy revelation.
Seriously Carol?
With her words she attracts everyone's attention.
Her dreamy expression is focused on the ass of the archer, bent forward intent on raising the crossbow lying near his feet.
I drew my bottom lip between my teeth and bit it nervously.
The response from the other women doesn't take long to arrive and in fact another chorus of giggles rises in the air.
For my part, I'm paralyzed with the dishes still in my hands.
I don't like the direction this little girl talk session is going.
Because it's obvious that my thoughts are common to theirs but I don't even want to think about it.
I can't afford to think of him like that...nothing good would come of it.
Not for me at least.
I feel my face go up in flames.
"I'm right, you heard her?" Amy replies, satisfied, challenging her sister to reply.
Andrea huffs in exasperation, turning her back on her sister.
Maggie approaches me, gently taking the dishes from my hands and starting to fill them with scrambled eggs.
“Ok, he's not that bad.But he's not my type”
With these words the oldest Green gives us her opinion on the subject.
“And who would be your type, Glenn?” Lori teases her, her words make the girl blush.
Then Maggie's dark eyes stop for a moment in mine.
A small look that I can't decipher until an alarm rings in my head.
Wait…oh god.
Oh God no!
I turn away from the discussion among the others to focus on Maggie.
I approach her, taking a dish and starting to help her.
Maggie was very nice to me, she gave me clean clothes, she takes care of my sore wrists and I don't want her to even think that I'm somehow trying to come between her and Glenn.
I would never do that.
It's true that the boy and I have become very close in these few days but there is nothing sentimental between us.
I don't feel attracted to him in that way.
I have to tell her something to prevent the seed of doubt from sprouting in her head but in the distance I actually see Glenn advancing towards us so I decide to postpone our discussion.
As the man approaches, his eyes are all for Maggie.
I shake my head with a smile.
How could she ever doubt it?
“Good morning, my beautiful ladies” he exclaims with a big smile after reaching us but without ever taking his dreamy gaze away from the farmer's beautiful daughter.
In response he receives kind good mornings in return.
Maggie hands him a plate accompanied by a smile and then he walks away to sit on one of the improvised chair blocks.
Slowly all the other men join us.
First Rick, then Dale, T-dog.
Even Shane.
I hand him a plate trying to be as kind as possible and I even receive a half-thank you in return.
This is an event worth noting in the yearbooks.
That prick knows the word thank you.
Lori approaches us taking two plates.
“One is for Carl” she justifies herself, afraid that someone might object.
“Hersel hasn't given him permission to get up yet so I'll go eat in the room with him” she continues.
I smile at her and she walks away, entering the big white house.
One lucky little guy.
Not everyone can survive a bullet.
This is how this group came to the farm.
Due to a horrible accident.
Apparently Otis, one of the inhabitants of the farm, accidentally shoots the boy while hunting a deer.
Offering his help immediately, he would later die by sacrificing himself and allowing Shane to bring back to Hersel everything needed to save the boy's life.
I haven't had the chance to meet Carl yet but from what Lori and Rick told me about him he really seems to be a special little boy.
“Go eat with the others Summer”
Maggie's voice wakes me up from my thoughts and I immediately realize that they are all sitting enjoying their breakfast.
Everyone except me and her.
And Daryl of course.
No trace of him.
Why the hell am I always so aware of his presence or absence?
I nod as she turns her back on me but before she can disappear inside her house I whisper her name.
At first I thought that she didn't hear me but then her pace slows until she stops, then turning towards me.
“Tell me” she replies with a smile.
I approach unsure of what to say.
Where do I start?
I feel embarrassed.
“I…emh I wanted to tell you… yeah I mean...”
The words die in my mouth.
Is it really the right thing?
Even though she has always been friendly to me, can I really intrude into her private life like this?
"What happens?"
Her large eyes observe me carefully.
With one hand she tucks a lock of hair behind her ears.
She is really very beautiful and I really don't understand how she can feel threatened by someone like me.
No one has ever looked at me the way Glenn looks at her, why would she ever doubt his feelings?
With a big breath I take courage.
Now or never.
I quickly peek over my shoulder noticing that the others are far enough away that they can't hear so I decide to speak.
“It's about Glenn” I whisper, returning my gaze to her face, torturing the fingers of my hands.
“Oh” the girl whispers in a broken voice, looking at me with the same look she had given me shortly before, when Lori had brought up her crush on the boy.
Her long fingers nervously crease the hem of her cotton shirt.
Around us the silence is interrupted only by the echo of the chatter of the rest of the group.
We both remain silent unable to continue this embarrassing conversation.
Her gaze remains low on her feet as she kicks at the blades of grass around her.
“Do you…do you like him”
And hers isn't a question.
My slightly too shrill tone of voice makes several heads turn towards us.
“No, no Maggie” I reply whispering.
I immediately approach her, gently grabbing her hand.
She slowly raises her face almost in fear.
I continue to shake my head as she looks at me curiously.
"No.This is what I wanted to talk to you about" I reassure her.
Her face seems to relax a little.
“Glenn was the first to show me some humanity, he helped me and I can never thank him enough but Glenn and I are just friends”
“Really.I don't see him the way you see him” I tease her making her blush.
“Oh Summer, sorry!”
Her words are followed by a suffocating hug.
She holds me tightly, in her grip I can feel the relief but also a lot of anxiety.
I hug her back, trying to convey to her all the truthfulness of my words.
Glenn is amazing and maybe in another life I would have even considered going on a date with him.
He is sweet, nice, smart.
We have many interests in common such as comics, video games, films.
We are two classic guys in our early twenties, both raised in a city too big for our simple spirits.
But despite all that I don't feel attracted to him in that way.
My gaze slides behind Maggie.
Towards Daryl's tent.
No, Summer.No!
Damn it.
It's not possible.
It's absurd, irrational.
Sure Daryl is attractive, strong, brave...
But mine is just a stupid physical attraction.
After all, apparently I'm not the only one who finds him beautiful.
Maggie is the first to break the hug but our hands remain intertwined so together we approach the porch steps to sit on them.
We both keep our gaze fixed straight ahead, watching the sun slowly take its place in the sky.
“I'm sorry for thinking that you and Glenn…”
Maggie begins but I immediately stop her with a wave of my hand.
“Don't think about it” I reassure her.
“It's my fault.Maybe I shouldn't have gotten so close to him and disrespected you” I admitted rather embarrassed.
Maybe I couldn't have known it at first but I should have pulled back a little when I realized the looks that the two lovebirds usually throw at each other every time they have the chance.
I feel Maggie's hand rest on my knee, squeezing it slightly.
On her face there is a beautiful smile that will take your breath away.
“You don't even have to say it.I know Glenn cares about me but I also know he cares about you.I was just a little scared.That's all”
We laugh together at her confession and I watch her as she stands up.
“I'm going to see if dad needs me.See you later Summer” she greets me.
I greet her with a smile.
“Oh Maggie?”
“When you see Glenn could you tell him to come find me?I have a favor to ask him”
“Okay” she replies and then closes the door behind her.
I sit on the porch steps until Carol joins me with a plate of food.
“Thanks mommy” I thank her rolling my eyes and making her laugh.
“If you remembered to eat I wouldn't have to chase you like you were a five year old girl, right?So shut up and eat” she scolds me gently, forcing the plate into my hands.
“Yes ma’am”
As I finish my meal one bite after another, I am hungrier than I thought, I see Daryl coming out of his tent ready for the new research session.
He quickly places his backpack on his shoulders, tightening his grip on his crossbow and quickly walks away heading towards the stable.
I follow him with my gaze.
Carol's elbow digs painfully into my ribs.
“Damn Carol” I cough.
For her part, she feigns an innocent expression but her sly smile tells me something completely different.
I roll my eyes so much I could see the back of my head.
I get up huffing.
“I'm not going to talk to him, Carol”
“No one asked you”
She looks at me from below with her immense blue eyes with a toothy smile.
I don't know her well enough but I'm more than certain that that look on hers doesn't bode well.
Only then I realize that she is turning a canteen between her fingers.
She stands up and forcefully shoves it into my hand like she had done earlier with my plate of food.
“What exactly should I do with it?”
I feel panic crawling in my stomach.
In my hands that stupid canteen weighs like a boulder because I know who it belongs to.
I often saw Carol fill it and then give it back to his owner.
“Why are you doing this to me?" I ask her almost desperately, whimpering as if I were really a five-year-old.
Why is this woman so keen to have the archer humiliate me?
“I thought we were friends” I hiss through gritted teeth.
My eyes get wet.
I hate the close correlation between my feelings and my eyes.
I'm sad?I cry.
Am I frustrated?I cry.
I am happy?I cry.
I listen to a good song?I cry.
And I swear it's never been a problem for me but in this place, surrounded by people I barely know, well let's say it embarrasses me a little.
“You'll thank me one day” Carol coos, leaving me alone.
What the answer is this?
I might not go.
I might turn around and go to Dale's RV to see if he needs a change of guard.
I might go and see if there's laundry to do.
Or I could count the blades of grass.
Anything to avoid facing the archer's cold indifference.
Because despite everything the fact that he can only see trouble for his people in me hurts me.
I am really grateful to him for saving me and I would just like to have a civil relationship with him like I have with the others.
I turn the canteen over and over in my hands and with a big sigh I steel myself by forcing my legs to move in the same direction Daryl disappeared from.
Even though I'm not dying to interact with him I can't let him go out there without water.
My feet move unsurely on the grass and with each step that brings me closer and closer to the source of my discomfort my heart beats more and more irregularly.
And not only because of who I will have to see but also because of that place.
I haven't set foot in the stable since that damned night.
Only bad memories are connected to that place.
My hands are sweating and for a moment I fear I'll lose my grip on the cold metal of the canteen.
Once I reach the stable I hear Daryl's voice coming from inside.
“I know ya're a good girl.Ya're a good girl, aren't ya?”
His voice is hoarse, persuasive.
The softly shuffled letters mess up my thoughts.
I feel my knees shaking.
When I reach the stable Daryl has his back to me while he strokes the head of a beautiful horse.
The calloused hand moves between the animal's ears and then descends to the muzzle where he leaves two light gentle pats.
Once I reach my destination I knock twice with my knuckles on the boards of the door even if it is already open.
His head snaps towards me.
His blue eyes linger on me for only a few moments after which he turns his full attention back to the animal in front of him.
“Wha' do ya want?”
His abrupt tone makes me jump.
When I waste time finding the right words he turns away, his body turned completely in my direction.
A severe frown seems to reside permanently on his face especially when it comes to me.
“So?” he asks, spitting out the words as if they were poison.
And just like poison they burn a small portion of my heart.
“I…” I stutter unable to maintain eye contact.
My gaze shifts mortified to my hands.
I can feel his eyes boring two deep holes straight into my soul.
“Carol asked me to give you this” I whisper in a small voice showing him my hands.
A deafening silence wreaks havoc on my brain and when I decide it's too much for me I look up again but Daryl is turning his back on me again.
He started petting the horse again as if I wasn't here.
As if I hadn't spoken.
As if I didn't exist.
I could stamp my feet, shout at him how rude he is but I'm sure that would only make the situation worse so gathering up every ounce of courage I move closer until I get to his side.
Daryl glances at me sideways but says nothing.
I ignore him, putting my hand close to the horse's muzzle.
The animal, initially wary, moves away, but after a few seconds it brings its muzzle closer to my hand and lets me touch it.
I rub my fingers between his large dark eyes and receive a loud whinny in return.
I laugh.
“He's beautiful” I whisper to myself.
I have always dreamed of having a horse.
I remember as a child begging my parents for more than a year to have one.
My father almost lost his mind explaining to me how impossible it was for such an animal to live in a small garden in the city.
“’S a girl” Daryl murmurs, still without turning towards me.
My hand freezes immersed in the shiny mane.
"What?" I ask unable to stop myself.
Is he really speaking to me after treating me as if I were invisible?
“The horse.She's a girl” he repeats finally turning his head towards me.
And for the first time, in days, I no longer see all that anger in his eyes.
For the first time in days I found a little piece of that man I met in the woods.
Trying to hide my smile I turn and dig both hands into her soft mane.
“Oh I'm so sorry baby” I coo, scratching the docile beauty near her ears.
His soft chuckle makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.
“Are ya apologizing to a horse?” the amused archer asks, his voice seems more relaxed but I don't dare turn around to make sure.
I'm afraid that even just looking at him this moment of tranquility could vanish.
“Well if I were in her place I would have been offended if someone had mistaken me for a boy” I reply letting a genuine smile blossom on my face.
Maybe the first since I've been here.
“Nah… no shit.I don't think is possible.Yer too pretty, sunshine”
That nickname again.
But this time no mockery to accompany his words.
Too shocked to keep my promise to ignore him, I slowly turn to him and find his gaze fixed on my face.
A mix of emotions swirl in my brain even as I try to keep a neutral gaze on the outside as I try to understand what is going through the mind of the man in front of me.
A slight frown of frustration crosses his forehead.
It's as if he wanted to tell me something but his mouth was unable to do so.
“Daryl Dixon makes me a compliment.Wow”
“'M a asshole, sorry”
“It's ok”
“No, that's not ok” he replies immediately.
His right hand grips the crossbow so tightly that the object seems to creak in protest.
His vaguely agitated gaze flits from one side of the stable to the other as if he were looking for a way out of this uncomfortable situation.
I'm really sorry to see him like this so I decide to give him a hand to get out of this situation.
“Listen to me Daryl.You didn't do anything wrong.I understand you.You feel obligated to protect these people but I assure you that I will do everything to make you understand that I am not a threat"
Almost I want to add it but I avoid it.
If only they knew what trouble, just taking me in, could mean for them.
He could kill everyone just for the fun of it.
I shook my head vigorously.
He's not here.
He is miles away.
Nobody has to know.
More silence.
“I should have been there instead of Glenn that night.Or Carol.I should have dragged ya away from this stable and instead I was stuck listening to that prick's lecture”
“Shane?” I ask looking at his eyes again.
Daryl nods, gnawing on the side of his thumb.
I can read a lot of anger in his gestures.
And regret.
“Nah…I already gave you so much trouble.Don't blame yourself for things you couldn't foresee” I try to reassure him.
“You already have so much to think about”
Carol, I think.
I know he feels haunted by Sophia's disappearance and he is doing everything for her.
And for Carol.
“I need to find tha' little girl, ya understand?Carol…”
His agitated words only confirm my thoughts.
Daryl is a man with a big heart.
Now we are facing each other, eye to eye.
Our bodies are so close that I could just reach out my hand and caress his face.
I would really like to smooth out the worry lines on his forehead with my fingers.
All around us there is a tense silence.
The air seems to become unbreathable.
The rays of the sun that penetrate between the cracks of this stable are reflected in his blue eyes, making them shine like the clear summer sky.
“You know, I like this” I smile, pointing first at me and then at him with my hand.
His right eyebrow lifts upwards curiously.
“It's nice talking to you.Without arguing, I mean”
Daryl smiles slightly, one corner of his lips lifting slightly.
I blush and squirm in embarrassment.
He's really beautiful, I think.
To ease my embarrassment I reach out a hand towards him.
Daryl looks at it without understanding my intentions.
“We can start again from here.What do you say?"
His eyes linger on my hand for a few more seconds then return to my face, straight into mine.
His arm slowly lifts and his hand, strong and calloused, wraps around mine.
It's not a real handshake but more like his hand engulfing mine, making it almost disappear.
An innocent gesture and yet I feel a fire burning inside me.
“I have to go now” the archer mutters under his breath.
I nod.
But despite this, neither of us moves.
A weird energy crackles in the air.
I can't hear any sound other than the desperate beating of my heart.
His eyes look like an immense ocean where I fear I will drown.
Or maybe it's just too late.
I'm already drowning.
His gaze, imperceptible for a moment, touches my lips.
His lips barely open, remaining ajar just enough to be able to see the tip of his tongue which comes out in a flicker to moisten his lips.
A deafening whinny snaps us out of our thoughts and Daryl's hand suddenly lets go of mine as if he too had just woken up from a daydream.
I watch as he takes a step back and lowers his head as if he's embarrassed.
As if this was too much for him.
“I have to go” he repeats.
“Okay” I squeak and then clear my throat.
His eyes are still focused on the old floorboards and some strands of hair fall in front of his eyes, hiding those wonderful blue pools from me.
I feel a tingling in my hand and without realizing it I am already raising it towards the man's face.
I observe my hand as if it had a life of its own, unable to stop me, while the tips of my fingers push aside some locks, finding those eyes to which I feel attracted for no real reason.
What do I know about this mysterious man after all?
What do I really know about him?
Why do I feel so damn attracted to him?
In my few past relationships I have always taken things very calmly.
Never love at first sight, any irresistible attraction.
Why now with him does it seem like I have no control over my thoughts?
And apparently not even that of my body because after having pushed aside his hair my fingers touch his forehead until they reach his cheekbone where my timid exploration is interrupted when the man grabs my wrist.
I think he's going to shove me away but he doesn't.
His fingers gently tighten around my wrist, his thumb caressing the abrasions on it.
I could even swear I felt his face tilt slightly towards my hand, pressing his cheek against my palm.
His stubble tickles my hand, awakening a flight of butterflies in my stomach.
His stormy gaze knots my thoughts, leaving me pleasantly confused.
Who knows what fantastic sensations his hands could unleash on me.
Oh my God...
I feel suffocated under his gaze.
“Be careful out there.Come back in one piece, okay?” I murmur in a strangled voice.
“Yes ma’am”
Daryl gives my wrist one last gentle squeeze and lets it go, turning his back on me and disappearing through the door.
I bring my hand to my chest, clasping my wrist with the other hand.
What the hell just happened?
I turn my head, a sweet fear grips my insides making my breathing irregular and without being able to help it a broad smile spreads across my face.
Carol was right.
I'll have to thank her.
I shake my head in disbelief.
I was so scared to face Daryl that now I can't believe how it turned out.
I leave the stable determined to find Glenn, I have to find him before he leaves.
With a light head still full of thoughts about the archer I return to the farm where not far from it I see Glenn coming towards me.
“Hey, Maggie told me you need a favor”
When I reach him I grab his arm and drag him with me.
“I need your help.I want to go to town with you”
Glenn nods.
“Ok but I don't think Rick is against it.Why do you need my help?” the boy asks me curiously.
I look around looking for the officer and find him almost immediately.
He and Shane are standing in front of the hood of an old Cherokee studying what appears to be a map.
"Come with me.You'll understand" I reply, focused on my goal, dragging Glenn with me.
I know Rick would have nothing to say about my wanting to go on a run with Glenn but I want something back.
Something that belongs to me.
And I want to do it right.
I want them to trust me.
When we arrived near the car, the first to notice us was Shane.
His features are serious and impassive, his necklace with the number 22 shines around his neck, hit by a ray of sunshine.
I maintain eye contact as I take my final steps to reach the two men.
The man nudges Rick and nods at me.
The officer's eyes lift from the map to rest on my face.
He smiles kindly at me unlike his friend who continues to look at me with a smug look.
“Hey Rick.I'm going to town with Glenn.I need some things and then the two of us will do it faster”
The man's blue eyes observe me carefully, then he nods.
“If you feel like it I can't stop you” he replies.
All right.
Now the hard part.
Seeing that I make no sign of moving, Shane intervenes.
“Do you need anything else, kid?”
His stupid question makes my hands itch.
God I want to punch this dickhead so bad.
Rick swings his worried gaze between me and his friend.
Maybe my thoughts are well painted on my face, after all, why hide how I feel towards that idiot?
He doesn't seem to make a secret of it so...
"I want my weapon back, Rick" I state turning my attention towards the only one who has the power to decide while completely ignoring Shane.
“No way”
“I didn't ask you” I reply without even sparing him a glance.
Shane takes a threatening step towards me but I'm not intimidated.
I'm not moving.
I don't even look at him.
My eyes stay on Rick the entire time.
“I know Hersel's rules and I'm not going around the camp armed, I just want my knife for walking around town.Once I get back I'll give it back”
Glenn moves closer to Rick.
“We can trust her, Rick”
Thanks Glenn, you did just what I needed.
Out of the corner of my eye I can see Shane glaring at him.
Rick seems to think about it but then he nods, thus agreeing to my request.
Shane seems irritated by Rick's choice but he doesn't say a word.
He just looks at me like I was a walker.
I grab Glenn's hand and turn on my heel, dragging him with me.
After not even a couple of steps Rick calls me.
“Hey Summer!Don't you ask me where your weapon is?” he asks me raising an eyebrow.
“No need.I know where it is.I saw it a few days ago”
Shane's gaze narrows curiously while Rick smiles amused by my answer.
“So why didn't you just take it, kid?” the latter asks me.
I shrug with a nonchalance worthy of an actress.
“Because I want you to understand that I'm not just a mouth to feed or another stupid worry.I want to be an integral part of this group and I want to do things according to the rules”
Shane shakes his head almost amused.
“We'll see, girl” he mutters, returning to focus all his attention on the map spread out on the hood of the car.
Rick follows close behind.
So without letting go of Glenn's hand I start walking again towards Dale's RV where my weapon is hidden in a locker.
“But didn't you say you needed my help?” my friend points out laughing, giving me a slight push with his shoulder.
His playful gaze lingers on mine.
“Oh but you did” I reply, getting into the RV and going to open the cabinet above the bed.
I grab my knife and put it in the waistband of my jeans and then I turn towards Glenn who in the meantime has also gotten into the vehicle.
“Rick trusts you.Your support was decisive for him to accept my proposal”
“Make sense.You know, you're lucky that your friend here is a big shot” boasts Glenn, puffing his chest out and placing his hands on his hips.
I roll my eyes.
We both smile.
“Come on big shot, let's go.I want to get back before dark" I tell him pushing him out of the RV.
“Listen, I'll see you at the car in a few minutes.I want to let Carol know that I'm coming with you, okay?”
“See you at the car” he nods, leaving me alone.
Who would have thought that today would go so well?
My mood has definitely improved compared to this morning.
I got my weapon back.
I clarified with Maggie.
I'll go to town to find what I need.
Oh c'mon!
The main reason for my good mood has blue eyes and smells like the summer woods.
As I leave the farm behind I go looking for Carol, my head dreaming and my heart full of Daryl.
On my way I am stopped by a voice calling me.
It's Lori.
I observe her curiously as she approaches, looking around with fear.
As if she didn't want to be seen.
“Everything is fine?Is Carl okay?” I ask her as soon as she reaches me.
Her son is the first thing that came to my mind when I saw that scared look on her face.
“Yeah, yeah.He's fine.Glenn told me you were going with him to look for supplies and I was wondering if you could do me a favor”
I look at her confused but nod.
Lori and I haven't talked much since my arrival and I haven't had the chance to get to know her well yet but that doesn't mean I could deny her a favor.
Her tired and drawn face worries me.
“Is everything okay Lori?” I ask her again seeing her get agitated.
Her gaze wanders from one side of the field to the other.
“Everything is fine.I just need you to get me some things” she replies handing me a small paper note.
What is all this secrecy?
Having really reached the end of the world, do some women still have shame to talk about periods and tampons?
Why did she have to write it?
Amused by her excessive shyness, I grab the piece of paper, giving a slight peek at its contents.
I remain motionless staring at the paper.
The smile on my lips quickly fades.
“I would like to be able to count on your confidentiality.Do you think you can do it?” Lori adds in a whisper.
I nod unable to answer.
“I…I don't want to burden you with this but you're the only one who can do it.I can't ask Glenn.And I don't want anyone else to know.Nobody” she adds, agitated, pressing on the last word.
Copy that.
Rick doesn't have to know.
I shake my head from side to side trying to get rid of my amazement.
It's none of my business if Lori doesn't want to tell Rick and I will certainly keep my mouth shut.
“You have my total discretion, Lori" I reassure her by squeezing her upper arm.
She chews on her lower lip nervously as she looks around.
A light gasp from her makes me jump and following her gaze I notice Shane.
Standing on the porch, with his back resting against the white wooden planks, he is observing us.
He has his arms crossed over his chest and the sole of his right foot resting on the railing in front of him.
His haunted eyes follow every movement of the woman in my company.
Lori squirms under Shane's gaze and shivers.
“I have to go” she says quickly.
Without another word she walks towards the house, slowing down as she approaches it.
Lori and Shane exchange another long look until Rick comes to their right and catches their attention.
Lori jumps again and feigning indifference, badly I dare say, she corrects her trajectory by heading towards her husband.
Rick, unaware of that small exchange of glances between his wife and his best friend, passes his arm around her shoulder and kisses her temple and then heads together towards their tent.
I turn my attention back to Shane, studying his every move.
His large dark eyes are agitated, haunted as he chews on the inside of his cheeks.
His nostrils are flaring with anger.
I look down again at the note Lori handed me and at that moment something clicks in my brain.
The look between her and Andrea this morning when Beth mentioned Shane now takes on a whole new meaning.
Lori and Shane had an affair, probably when everyone thought Rick was dead.
Oh shit.
Oh man…I mean I'm nobody to judge but I honestly wouldn't want to be in Lori's shoes right now.
And I thought that my life was messed up.
The sound of footsteps violently trampling the ground sends a shiver down my spine.
I already know who it is before he says a word.
Putting on a relaxed expression, I lift my face to meet Shane's crazy gaze.
Without being noticed I put the note in the back pocket of my jeans.
The man gets dangerously close, invading my personal space.
He is so close that his smell stings my nostrils and makes me sick.
His eyes pierce mine, leaving me paralyzed.
I am aware that I am alone, at this moment of the morning everyone is already busy with their chores so there is no one who can help me.
I have to deal with him myself.
“Do you need something?”
I try to use a cheeky tone, as if I'm bored of him right now and not totally paralyzed by fear.
But Shane is smart.
Too smart.
He knows I might know something.
I tried to hide the tremor of my hands by digging them into the pockets of my jeans.
“I'm in a bit of a hurry Shane, if you don't mind?”
I try to dodge him but he steps in front of me with a threatening expression.
“Not a word, kid” he whispers to me, bringing his lips too close to my ear.
I can't help myself and a shiver runs through me.
Feeling satisfied with my reaction, the man walks away without saying a word.
I feel the sweat dripping down my back, soaking my shirt.
From now on I will have to sleep with one eye open.
Without wasting time I reach Glenn who, seeing my shocked face, gets out of the car and comes towards me.
I'm sure that my already naturally pale complexion is currently cadaverous.
“Are you okay, Summer?”
His agitated voice is an octave higher than usual.
I am fine?
No, absolutely no.
Shane is dangerous and I don't know if anyone else has noticed and they pretending nothing happened or if this son of a bitch is so good that he knows how to play his cards well and let everyone buy it.
Not receiving an answer, Glenn opens the passenger door and helps me get into the car, then gets on the other side and starts the engine driving away from the farm.
During the journey he does nothing but give me worried looks.
He knows that it would be useless to ask questions and that when I'm ready I'll talk.
I observe the landscape passing quickly outside the window, the sun high in the sky indicates that the first part of the morning has already flown by.
A couple of walkers wander undisturbed in the tall grass on the sides of the road.
I rest my forehead against the cold glass of the window and close my eyes.
I think of Daryl who could be anywhere right now and in my heart I really hope that he is okay and that he comes back safe and sound.
I feel the car slow down and when I open my eyes I can already see the outlines of the city buildings.
I dig my fingers into the flesh of my thighs.
The doubt consumes me but I can't do otherwise...
I promised Lori that I would keep her secret, this is true, but this was before Shane threatened me.
I can't ignore it and I have to tell someone, so that if something happens to me he doesn't go unpunished and above all he can no longer be a danger to the others.
Once we reach our destination, Glenn parks a little further away from the main road and turns off the engine.
When his hand is on the door handle I grab his knee forcefully, forcing him to turn towards me.
I feel my eyes fill with tears, a few drops escape my control and crash onto my thighs wrapped in the jeans.
I cannot believe it.
I thought I was done with this shit the moment I ran away from him but here I am.
Dealing with a fucking psychopath again.
Once again submissive to the will of another man.
But if I succeed the first time I can do it again, right?
This time there is a difference.
This time I'm not alone.
I have Glenn.
I have Carol.
I have Daryl.
And a lot of people I can call friends now.
The fingers of the man at my side wrap gently around mine, which still grip his knee.
“Summer, whatever it is, you know that you can trust me.Let me help you”
His plea tightens my heart.
Glenn, just like Daryl, is offering to help a complete stranger even if it means going against his own family.
I hate this idea but I need help now.
“Can you keep a secret, Glenn?”
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iheartyouyou · 2 years
SWEETHEART | Jeremiah Fisher
Summary: After your parents file for a divorce, you’re forced to move in with your mom’s friend until the divorce is finalized. You wished you could stay with your dad and your friends, but when you meet Jeremiah Fisher, that changes. And now you’re wanting to stay in the Cousins. Too bad things don’t last forever.
Word Count:
Part: 5
previous part series masterlist next part
Authors Note: I’m so so so so sorry it has taken me this long to get part 5 now. Ive been pretty busy and haven’t had the motivation to write, but i’m slowly getting it back!! Not proofread (like always) but please let me know if you want to be on the taglist or if I missed you! (it wouldn’t let me tag some ppl for some odd reason.)
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You pressed your lips into a tight line, opening the door wider for Jeremiah to come in. He does, placing the slushies on the nightstand. He throws all the goodies on your the bed.
Taking a deep breathe in, you close the door before hesitantly turning around. There he stood— looking hotter than ever, his cheeks ever so slightly pink and a small smile on his lips. It turns into a frown, noticing the look on your face.
I was supposed to be getting over my dumb little crush on you even though I’ve only known you for a few days and instead you decide to come over here with your kissable lips and perfect face and enough snacks to make me gain three pounds and now i’m mentally trying to prepare myself for either the worst or best night of my life and i really need to get over you because you have that girlfriend from the other night and you probably just see me as a charity case. You wanted to say that, but instead you forced yourself to smile.
“I’m just not really looking forward to watching a stupid movie about time traveling.” You joked, collapsing next to the pile of his snacks and grabbing the first thing you see— skittles.
Jeremiah scoffs, rolling his eyes. “C’mon! You’re being dramatic— look, if you get bored by the hour mark we can stop and you’ll get your” he brings his fingers up, using them as quotations, “free slushies for the rest of summer.”
You pop a few skittles into your mouth, nodding your head. “Free slushies. I’m making my childhood dreams come true.”
“Except you’re not because you’re gonna love the movie!”
“Whatever.” You mumbled, sitting up as you made your way to the Headboard.
Jeremiah was right.
You LOVED, the movie.
And you were only 30 minutes in. 30:16 to be exact.
But you didn’t want him to win, so you stared at the TV with crossed arms and flushed face.
The two of you were sitting on the bed. Pretty close to each other. Like, your thighs were less than an inch away from touching.
“Can you hand me my water?” Jeremiah asked, eyes glued to the TV as he bumped his thigh with yours. You didn’t know if it was on purpose or if it was on accident, but you did know that all these touches were making you flustered.
“mhm.” You grabbed his water, handing it to him as his fingers brushed against yours. Your eyes widened, turning your head quickly to stare at the movie.
Why are you overreacting? He didn’t mean to. He was just grabbing his water. And all the other times his thigh brushed up against yours or his hand brushed up against your hand? Accidents. Or maybe they weren’t— maybe he was just doing it in a friendly way.
Your body felt like it was on fire.
But you SWORE you saw him smirk at you after his fingers brushed along yours. Or maybe it was a smile? Maybe he was thanking you?
You were so caught up with your feelings that you didn’t even realize that it was the end of the movie, AND that Jeremiah was closer to the point where your guys’ thighs were touching.
“So, what’d you think of the movie?” He asked excitedly, a grin on his face. You eyes lingered on his thigh before turning to stare at him. And gosh— his face was closer, inches apart from yours, you could smell his blueberry slushie and all the other junk he had.
“Uhm…. what?”
He softly chuckled, “The movie?”
“What about it?”
“Did you like it?”
“No.” You deadpanned, looking back at the TV. You can still see him staring at you from your peripheral vision.
“That’s such a lie!” He stated. “I saw you! You were all smiling and shit… it’s cause of Michael J. Fox, huh?”
Yeah he’s cute, but you’re cuter….
“Yeah, yeah. I was only paying attention to him, didn’t really like the movie.”
Jeremiah hummed, “Looks like I lost the bet.”
You turn to look at him, smiling. “Yup. Free slushies for the rest of summer— how many flavors do you have again? I know there’s blueberry, blue raspberry— oh! How does the strawberry lemonade taste? I might visit tomorrow to try that. Or what about th…” Your voice trailed off as he brought his hand up, moving some of your hair behind your ear. You freeze.
It felt like your heart was beating in your ears, you’re pretty sure he could hear it too. Oh gosh, was he gonna kiss you? What if you had something on your face and he was just trying to tell you? What about in your hair? Does your breathe smell?
“Can I—“
“Oh my god, Y/N! You will NOT believe what Con—what are you doing here?” She shoots a glare towards Jeremiah. “Anyway, you will NOT believe what they did! They totally crashed my date!” Belly rambled, storming into your the room without warning.
You guys jump away from each other, putting more distance between each other than you guys have all night.
“Really?” You ask after a moment, of awkward silence.
Belly looked between you and Jeremiah skeptically, before taking her shoes off and plopping herself in the big space between you guys. “Yeah! It was so fucking embarrassing, I cant believe you would do that, Jeremiah. I never crash any of your dates.” She grumbled, grabbing a Laffy Taffy from the pile of junk.
“We were just messing around, Belly!” Jeremiah spoke, looking at you quickly.
“No! You guys are so annoying, ugh! Hey— I love Back to the Future!” She said, grabbing the remote and starting the movie over again.
“It’s like, everything was going so well! We were about to kiss-“
Jeremiah chuckles, “ironic.” What did that mean?
Belly didn’t seem to hear him, so she continued rambling, “Im so going to drown you first, then Steven, then Conrad!”
“Mhm.” You mumbled, slouching into your spot. What the hell just happened? Was he going to kiss you? Maybe it’s a good thing Belly came in.
Taglist: @mindflay3r @lexi-2004 @buckys2thicc @agoodmansaid @jeremiahfisherslover @yourfavoritefangirl @leslienjazzy @natsgaygf @justkayleighhere @puptails @simp4jackharlow @yobabygirlally @flyingkangaroo @oohbowie @whenmypartysover @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @medusaslilsister @maexxc @siriuslysmoking @obxstiles @pariahsparadise @wh0reforstefansalvatore @theyallhaveluv4lryicb @eevee0722 @totallynotkaibiased
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gloomyfilm · 1 year
/for full ambiant experience click on the audio before continuing\
I still can't believe two summers ago I decided to give This Is Us a try, fell in love and binge-watched the whole 5 seasons available.
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Every night, I would get to cooking in a very romanticized fashioned way à la Nancy Meyers main character, pour myself a nice fresh drink as people still enjoyed the warmth of the early evening hours.
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By the time dinner was ready, world would accordantly settle for peacefulness as I made my way to the couch to get all cozy and snuggly.
Here would begin, the events I was truly not prepared for..
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In just under 2 episodes, I was now finding myself unexpectedly and completely invested, all thanks to the writers for having done such a terrific job on the dialogues, cliffhangers and time traveling. For approximately the next two weeks following, my nights were paced up by This Is Us and driven by my own hunger to find out: what on earth happened to the Pearson family?
From the very first episode, --- which features one of the most beautiful closing scene I've seen on television along Labi Siffre's song "Watch Me" --- up to the last episode of season 1, emotions would come to the surface, hitting a specific spot within me...
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By episode 14 from season 2 it was clear, if not clear then, that the tissu box would be kept close by for the remaining time of the entire series.
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Imagine some stranger dropping on you some hard facts about life, death, society issues, love, mental health... to sum it up: YOURSELF.
precisely, accurately and totally out of the blue. 😃
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As the seasons went on, I was admiring how the flashbacks and foreshadowing started to merge all together into one. It would only get all the more brilliant with each new episode I was discovering.
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The show succeeded in giving its audience a range of life observations to think about. Therapy-wise, if you couldn't afford a therapist, This Is Us was there for you. I still rely on and appreciate many of the thoughtful and life inspiring excerpts.
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Moreover, it delivered the people with a brand new music playlist. Yes, another key element to all this greatness is the symbiosis between the storylines and the soundtrack. Hold my Spotify, to this day I still listen to the score in my bed, to meditate, to get dreamy. I've also come to discover wonderful artists and can hardly detach their songs from the show as it gave their melodies a new sense of clarity and depth.
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When having finished the fifth season, I was desperate for more but afraid to google the show and potentially find out it had been canceled.... which is NOT what happened of course because we're talking about thee show that has garnered over 17 million views in less than 3 days for its trailer alone. alright lovelies?
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And so just like that, comfortable in my bed and all up to date, the sixth and finale season of This Is Us was premiered in early 2022.
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Only couple of months after having cried an ocean over its past seasons, -- if reminder was needed --, I emotionally began this last chapter of what felt in some parts like my own life portrayed on screen. ✨hopes were high - tissu box storage ran low.✨
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Season 6 would open to a flashbacks filled episode echoing Season 1, already preparing us for closure and ultimately heartbreaks. Eventually some people were a bit disappointed by the simplicity of the final episode, but the last minute or so really brought it all up for me. It was ending, right there before our very eyes and it was beautifully executed. The ultimate disappointment would have been to not experience any shivers, but that never happened, the show always got in my feelings in one way or another.
The empty boxes of kleenex that I've been sitting on can testify, your honor.
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Last but not least, an aspect of the show that I've truly enjoyed is that all characters and actors were given dedicated moments to shine.
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The chemistry between them was real, felt and seen both on and off the big screen and that's precious. I miss this cast.
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This year, just a few weeks away from my birthday, there'll be no new Jack Pearson butt to be seen, no mothering singing Rebecca, no anxious Randall, no queen Beth, no indecisive Kevin, no self sabotaging Kate and oh do I miss them all. But I am so grateful for the people behind this project and their creative genius that bought us such a magnificent television program. I had low expectations, it now holds a special place in my heart like no other tv series.
This Is Us did not just narrate a story about some random family, it narrated life authentically at its worst and finest. With poetry and grace, it presented different storylines for each and every single one of us to identify, it offered us our very own reflection, and an opportunity to change, learn, heal or grow. This is the reason why so many of us worldwide described it as close to home,
because This Is Us.
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🎂 And a very happy (late) birthday to our boo Milo Ventimiglia (08/07/1977) 💘
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crazylittlejester · 4 months
Okay, so firstly, the anons are correct in saying you can take your time. I think everyone's floundering a little bit regarding motivation and inspiration right now due to the general quietness. I know I've been having a hard time transitioning from my school schedule to my summer routine, and it's been messing with my ability to write fics.
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i think the real issue with me is i got my ass beat by that last month of school because I made the really fantastic decision to speed run a whole college course in like two days (dont do that) and i had 16 essays to write in those two days, and then the week after I wrote a 14 page paper in a little over 24 hours or something and during all of that I was still writing and posting fics (because i am stupid). And then school ended and I had absolutely nothing to do with myself and I felt like I had a bunch of missing assignments so writing fics became the new missing assignments for me, and then the exhaustion hit me like a bus and i crashed for a bit because I genuinely could not live my life like that anymore 😭
and now that I think I’ve genuinely recovered from all that, it being so quiet just feels weird and is killing my motivation, but like I totally get that people are busy and wrapping up THEIR school years and recovering from that, or preparing for events and stuff
im getting a better at writing because i WANT to because its fun to do and not because im treating it like homework assignments that have due dates, and i spent the last week actually going outside and walking around which was good for me mentally i think.
yknow what i think life would be so much easier if i would stop forgetting to take my fuckin adhd meds- but at the end of the day I’m just a little guy 🥺 (and also a bit of a fucking moron but thats besides the point)
anyways its reassuring (i think thats the word im looking for…?) to know im not the only one who’s struggled with writing while transitioning from school to summer schedules
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never-wednesday · 1 year
Hey its a Lil late in the month but this disability pride month I wanna talk about long covid. I also have chronic pain and all sorts of worms in my brain but I've been dealing with that forever. So we're talking about the new stuff. Putting a readmore because I'm talking about what my experience being sick with covid was like and it's probably unpleasant to read.
It's December of 2022 and I work retail while I'm home from school for winter break. I mask up every time I leave the house, including for work. My parents don't. My father talks about covid not being a big deal. He caught it last year and it was a mild cold for him. He says "i ate lunch with someone who had covid last week and im fine!" My mother catches covid a week after that conversation. I test and am seemingly fine despite symptoms of a cold, and then three days later (one of those days was a full 8hr shift at work where I was worn ragged because it's almost christmas. I also got heat exhaustion because the AC was busted and I live in TX.) I feel the worst I have felt in ages. My mom insists that my dad takes me to get tested for the flu, and I schedule a covid test while I'm at it. My covid test comes back positive.
For the next week I am bedbound, only able to sit up enough to try to eat something and only able to stand up long enough to get myself to and from the bathroom. I sleep through the days when I can get the dayquil down, and cough through the nights when I can't get the nyquil down. I hallucinate when im tired. One of those nights I swear I talk to god. My brain is fogged and it hurts to breathe. I am worried I will need to be hospitalized because I can't seem to keep any water in my system. It's a miracle that I can write instructions for my father to cook ramen for me. I can only drink the broth. One morning I try to take dayquil to soothe my throat and I vomit. My stomach is empty and I stand over the sink wretching.
It feels like a miracle when I recover. Christmas day my symptoms mostly clear up and I'm able to sit up long enough to use my computer, something I was unable to do for the past week. I test negative, my second best Christmas present that year. The first is the Elden Ring soundtrack on vinyl. I am elated that I made it put the other end.
A week later my friend comes from a few cities away to visit for a few days. We go shopping one afternoon, spend a few hours standing around at the local game store looking at dice and miniature plastic dragons. We get home at 6pm. I collapse into bed and wake up 3 hours later. I talk to my doctor about it in January, she says it should go away over time. Six months maximum.
I spend my spring semester exhausted. I start using a cane to make sure I can walk across campus. I'm thankful that many of my friends are also disabled because they understand when I need to ask people to slow down, or bail because of my fatigue. Many of the abled people in my life do not understand. One day I go out to a museum, a thing I am excited to do. When I get home at 4pm I make myself popcorn, then collapse into bed. I can't walk to the sink without my cane, I can barely get out of bed. This is what I have to adjust to.
Six months pass. The fatigue is not gone. I am home for summer break, and I try talking to my parents about my fatigue. They don't understand. I talk to my doctor. She is convinced it's depression symptoms. My mental health is largely the best it's been in years- I've been in treatment for months now and it is helping.
It's been about seven months now. I am not receiving treatment, nor will my doctor acknowledge that I have long covid. She has relented into testing for physical things. I got a CT scan, and have a sleep study scheduled for when I get back from visiting family in August. Depending on what these turn up and how my doctor reacts I am preparing to find a new doctor. I am not excited about this, because I like my doctor. But if she refuses to acknowledge that what has happened to me is likely covid and therefore will not treat me I will find someone else.
I don't really have a moral here beyond please mask up, get vaccinated, etc. Even if covid doesn't fuck you up it might fuck up someone you pass it to. Or even worse, it can kill the immunocompromised people around you. Please have compassion for the people around you. My father, who is a loving and caring man, brought this illness home to me. It wasn't out of malice, but it still has affected my life for probably the rest of my life.
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beewolfwrites · 2 years
The Oar in the Sand: Chapter Twenty-Two - The Beginning of the End
Just another update from me! Sorry if this is a messy chapter, I’m literally so tired today :(
But I really hope you enjoy!
The silence draped over the prison like fallout. The obsessive whispers of Yaba and Kotoko fell on deaf ears, and I barely even registered Chishiya’s footsteps as he walked away from the cell. Ippei’s cell. Or at least, his remains. 
Ippei never did see the sunrise. He never saw the dawn sliding over the city. He would lie in an unmarked grave, having passed away in an everlasting nighttime - a constant nightmare. And that thought alone was too much to bear.
The sunrise spilled into my cell through a window on the back wall that I hadn’t been able to see until now. Sitting on the floor of my cell, fists clenched around my collar, I knew that this was it. 
The beginning of the end. 
My head spun as I tried to stand. The darkness, the exhaustion, the solitude… it was in my bones, wearing me down from the inside. But if I ended this game right here, I would be finally be able to feel the dawn on my face, not through the windowpanes, but outside in the summer breeze. I would be able to do what Ippei couldn’t. And now that he was gone, everything had changed. 
Chishiya doesn’t have a partner anymore. 
There was a deep seated anger raging within me. However, even if I wanted to scream and spit in his face, I also wanted him to live. But I was helpless in this cell. I couldn’t do much for him unless he came to me first, and Chishiya was far too proud for that. The only reassurance I had was that Chishiya had a knack for surviving no matter what. 
Knowing him, he’ll come up with a strategy. He always does. 
But, it wasn’t Chishiya whom I hated more than anything - it was the Jack of Hearts. For ruining us, for destroying so many lives, for creating a game this cruel, this inhumane. 
I can’t wait to see him fall. 
I paced and paced around my cell, mulling things over and staving off sleep, only to freeze when I noticed a dark shape in the mesh window of the door. A face. But not the one I was expecting.
‘Enji,’ I said. 
It was strange seeing him here. Banda must have been in a secret meeting with Yaba, otherwise Enji would never have strayed near. He was pressed right up against the door. You,’ he whispered. ‘Who are you.’ 
‘You already know my name.’ 
He ignored the comment. ‘Tell me, are you a citizen or a player?’ 
‘And why do you need to know?’ 
‘I need to know if you’re the Jack.’ 
I stepped closer until I could see every line that marred his skin. ‘I think we both know that I’m not.’ 
He scoffed, and I had never hated someone more. ‘You seem confident for someone who’ll die by the next round.’ 
I merely smiled at him. ‘That’s because I am confident.’ 
It was only when he tilted his head that I saw it. A slight blue sheen, lurking just beneath the locks of hair covering his face. I wouldn’t have noticed it if not for the daylight. His left eye was obviously a prosthetic, which would explain why he kept it covered. But prosthetic eyes didn’t usually have a sheen to them. Not unless they were electronic.  
Is that how?
What a disgusting tactic. 
It seemed that Enji hadn’t noticed me staring. ‘You can’t win this game,’ he said. ‘Even if you’re the last player standing, the Jack will always win.’ 
‘I wouldn’t be too sure of that.’ 
I stared him in his prosthetic eye — a move which he seemed to dislike as he backed away from the window, grumbling something under his breath before leaving for the guardroom. In a way, I was glad he paid me a visit. It would only make winning the game that little bit easier. 
And more satisfying.
Stewing in my cell, I mentally prepared myself for Banda’s final visit. With only six players left, this would be the last round: Round Thirteen. And there was only one titbit of information that I had left to offer. 
I splashed some water on my face, more impatient than ever to end this constant silence. Now that there was a light at the end of the tunnel, I was itching to get there, whatever it took. And so, when Banda finally rolled around to my cell, appearing in the window just as Enji had earlier, I snapped at him. 
‘What took you so long?’ 
Banda smiled calmly. ‘You’re too impatient.’
‘We can’t waste time,’ I insisted. ‘The Jack will have already started making his move.’ 
‘Then tell me who the Jack is,’ he said. 
Not so fast. 
As always, I moved my hair out of the way to expose the back of my collar. ‘You’ll have to tell me my suit first.’ 
He sighed, impatient. ‘You’re a Diamond.’
‘Thank you,’ I said, letting my hair fall back into place. If I wanted to end this game, I had to make this exchange count. ‘Have you swapped suits with Enji yet?’ 
‘No. He’s still down in the cafeteria with that guy, Chishiya.’ 
My breath hitched. 
Chishiya’s down there with him?
If I had to hazard a guess, Chishiya would be trying to convince Enji to tell him his suit. In that case, Enji would most definitely tell him wrong one to throw Chishiya off and eliminate him. 
‘So Enji is the Jack of Hearts…’ Banda mused, breaking me out of my reverie. He must have figured it out from my expression. ‘That does explain the cookies,’ he added.  
I tried to explain everything clearly, even if I wasn’t sure whether I was making sense. ‘He’s going to tell you the wrong suit. And he’ll tell Kotoko the wrong suit and ask her to lie to Yaba. Right now, he’s down there probably lying to Chishiya too. He must be banking on me being the only one left, and losing by default. His plan is to be the last man standing.’ 
‘I see.’ Banda nodded slowly. ‘I suppose I’ll just have to lie to him.’ 
I shook my head. ‘It won’t work,’ I told him. ‘Enji’s eye is a prosthetic, the one he keeps covered. But it’s not a normal prosthetic. I can’t prove it, but I have a feeling he’s using it to check his suit.’ 
Banda looked thoroughly unconvinced. ‘And how exactly would you know this?’
‘He came here before, when you were meeting with Yaba. I saw his eye, and it was strange. Prosthetics are normally made of glass, but this one had a sheen to it, like a cat’s eye. It was electronic. I think it could be linked to his collar.’  
‘The rules said that—’
‘The rules said that players can’t use reflective objects to cheat,’ I clarified. ‘They didn’t say anything about the Jack.’ 
‘In other words, Enji can’t lose,’ Banda surmised.  
Now that I thought about it properly, it was so obvious. He had given himself away right from the start — a true One-Eyed Jack. 
‘Well this is interesting.’ Banda muttered, thinking deeply. ‘So lying to him won’t actually work. I suppose I’ll have to make him want to choose the wrong suit.’ 
Huh? Why would he purposely choose the wrong suit?
‘That makes no sense,’ I said. ‘He wouldn’t do that.’ 
Banda smiled darkly, but it didn’t reach his dead eyes. ‘I can be very convincing when I want to be.’  He stepped away from the window, looking into the guardroom. ‘Enji will be back any time now. The next time we meet, the game will be over.’ 
With that, he left. Once again, all I could do was wait. I had given him the information he needed, and for the time being, there was nothing I could do directly. It was clear that Banda had something in store for Enji, something to convince him to intentionally lie, but as for what? It was beyond me. All I wanted was to get out of this damn cell. 
How long was left? Fifteen minutes? Twenty? I couldn’t sit still in my cell, knowing that it was all out of my control now. It was also worrying me a little that Chishiya hadn’t stopped by once. I couldn’t help but wonder whether he really was too proud to stop by my cell and ask for his suit, or if he was angry at me for ignoring his advice? 
 I don’t know how long I waited before the same, calm feminine voice chimed out. 
This is it. 
The moment Enji’s tower would come crumbling down around him. Even if I didn’t want to, I had to trust in Banda. None of us could leave the venue until Enji was dead, and so long as he had that prosthetic eye, he couldn’t die. 
I just hope he knows what he’s doing.  
One by one, they all filed into the cell block. First Chishiya, followed by Banda and Enji. Judging by the murmurs I could hear from downstairs, Yaba and Kotoko were on the floor just below us.
Without speaking, everyone turned into their individual cells. But what took me by surprise was seeing Chishiya choose a different cell this time. He was no longer directly opposite me, but several doors down instead. 
He doesn’t want anything to do with me… that must be it. 
I couldn’t think about him right now. He was clearly too stubborn to act as my backup and confirm my suit. But it didn’t matter. I had to trust that Banda was telling the truth. He had yet to lie, and if he wanted me dead, I would’ve been splattered across the walls by now. I stepped away from the door, my heart erratic with anticipation. 
Please let it be the truth. 
‘ダイヤ,’ I said. Diamond. 
I didn’t know what I expected to happen, but there was nothing. No noise. No shouts. No explosions. 
‘Is that it—?’
A wet bang echoed through the block, coming directly from below. My heart shuddered as I listened for any signs of life. Yaba or Kotoko - it could have been either of them. Our success depended on it. 
But which one? 
There was a whirring noise as the lock clicked and buzzer sounded. And even then… none of the cell doors opened. I crept closer to the window, trying to see what was going on.
Chishiya couldn’t have… he couldn’t!
Finally, there was a creak as a cell door slowly opened. I took a sharp breath, hoping to see blond hair and a familiar smirk. However, it was not Chishiya, but Enji who stepped out. He took one look around the empty block. 
‘I won,’ he murmured. 
Slowly, his face cracked into a grin. A small chuckle escaped his lips, building and building until he was laughing like a madman basking in his victory. He spun, eyes glinting as he spotted me, stricken behind my door. 
‘I told you, didn’t I? The Jack will always win.’ He stepped closer, oozing with a confidence he had hidden so well. ‘And now, since just just the two of us, you’ll die by default. Just as I said you would.’ 
The world came crashing down around me, and I was stunned into silence, unable to believe what I was seeing. Was this really the end of the road? Not for him. But for all of us. For me. It wasn’t quite how I thought I would go. 
I closed my eyes as they welled with unshed tears. 
I’m sorry…
A door creaked open. And within seconds, the world righted itself. 
‘Just as I thought, you’re the Jack of Hearts.’ 
That familiar voice… that smirk… he had the nerve to walk out of his cell with his hands in his pockets, as though he hadn’t just cheated death as his own game. My heart swelled with relief, hurt, anger. 
Enji was frozen in place. ‘How?’ 
Overconfident as usual, Chishiya didn’t hold back. ‘I saw when you and that murderer, Banda, paired up. Even if you were impressed by what Banda said, there’s no way anyone could be so accepting of a stranger that quickly.’ His eyes slid over to mine. ‘You certainly weren’t with her.’
A part of me wondered whether Chishiya had wanted me to pair with them just for that purpose. And if so, it only fuelled the anger burning within me, being used as a tool to aid his strategies. But there was something else he said that gave me pause; he had called Banda a murderer. 
Is that what he meant earlier, when he said that he was dangerous?
I had never heard of a murderer named Banda Sunato. But then, I hadn’t been able to understand Japanese newspapers. 
There was a clang of metal as another cell door opened, and speaking of the devil, Banda’s smooth voice sounded through the cell block. ‘There aren’t many people who’d approach someone like me,’ he said. ‘And if you tried to kill me, then you’re either scheming, you’re just a plain idiot, a psychopath or a sociopath.’ 
Enji’s hands began to shake. ‘You… why did you?’ 
‘To find out which one you were, I decided to play along. You thought that you could control me.’ Banda took calm, measured steps towards Enji, who didn’t dare move. ‘You were also confident that you were superior to everyone else. It’s why you treated our third group member like dirt.’ 
’The more important your position is,’ Chishiya interjected, ‘the more your confidence manifests itself. Just like the Jack of Hearts.’ 
Enji’s shook his head. ‘Sorry, but it’s not me,’ he insisted, and pointed at Banda. ‘Banda is the Jack.’ 
The accusation was lost as footsteps sounded from the stairwell, the echo drawing everyone’s attention. From within my cell, I tried to angle my head against the window so that I could see better. 
‘It’s such a shame…’ Yaba’s voice rang out from the stairwell as he casually emerged into the block. ‘But it’s not Banda.’ 
Yaba strolled towards us, suit sharper than ever despite the situation at hand. Enji’s face flashed with confusion, and it was so wonderful to see. 
Your plan didn’t work…
‘You were in cahoots with Kotoko,’ Yaba said. ‘I told Kotoko her real suit, but she still died. It means somebody else was controlling her.’
‘Then—’ Enji frantically doubled back, pointing at Chishiya. ‘Then that guy must be the Jack!’ 
Calm as ever, Chishiya strolled towards my cell. I watched through the grate as he removed whatever was jamming the lock and opened my cell door. It was like taking a breath of fresh air, as I finally stepped out. The cell block seemed huge after being stuck in such a cramped space, the concrete ceilings stretching on forever. I had to lean against the wall to keep up my strength, but it didn’t matter. Anything was better than being in that cave.  
‘What did you just do?’ Enji spluttered. 
‘I noticed it earlier in the cafeteria,’ Chishiya replied, then tilted his head towards me, ‘but I wasn’t the only one.’
‘スナック,’ I said, trying to remember my grammar once more. The snacks. ‘あなたと琴子はおやつを使ってコミュニケーションをとっていた’ You and Kotoko used the snacks to communicate. 
‘That’s ridiculous,’ Enji sneered. ‘What kind of theory is that?’ 
‘それらのクッキー’, I continued. Those cookies. ‘四つの色があった. 四つの味.’ There were four colours. Four flavours. 
‘And four suits,’ Chishiya concluded, as I struggled to find the right words. As I spoke once more, he began to translate for me. 
‘Every time I ran into Kotoko,’ I explained, ‘she was alone in the cafeteria. I noticed that you and her would get the same kinds of snacks. Whenever I joked about it to you, you would get mad at me. I didn’t realise why at the time, but I figured it out pretty quickly. Both of you pretended that you were being controlled, when in fact you were using the snacks to confirm that your suits were correct.’
Yaba made a noise of agreement. ‘You told Kotoko to lie to me about my suit. I really did trust her, except at the end.’ 
Enji’s eyes flitted between the four of us, his breaths coming more and more unsteadily with every passing second. ‘When did you guys all start working together?’ 
‘In the opening announcement for this game,’ Yaba said, ‘they said that it’s a test of how much you trust others.’ He began to walk slowly toward Banda. ‘We simply followed that advice. The best way to build trust isn’t through persuasion, manipulation, or even domination… nor is it through brainwashing or manipulation, deception, fear.’ He stopped at Banda’s side, standing shoulder to shoulder with him. ‘It’s equality.’ 
Enji’s jaw turned slack as he realised what he was faced with. ‘No… no, that can’t be!’ He spun on his heel and pointed at me. ‘You weren’t working with any of them. You could still be the Jack!’ 
‘すでにそれを試しました,’ I muttered. You already tried that once.  
His eyes burned into mine. ‘Who the hell are you?’ 
Chishiya stepped closer towards me. ‘She’s my partner.’ 
I scowled, and moved further away. 
Like hell you are. 
From behind Enji, I saw Banda’s eyes narrow with realisation. I had always been unsure of whether he would figure out that Chishiya was confirming the suits he gave me. But if his expression was anything to go by, Banda had no idea. 
‘What?’ Enji cried out. ‘You two…’ His eyes darted between Chishiya and I. ‘It’s still possible that one of you is the Jack of Hearts! Maybe I did try to deceive you guys, but you can’t assume I’m the Jack based on that!’
‘I wouldn’t be so sure,’ Chishiya interjected smoothly. ‘If those two were so sure that you’re the Jack, then why didn’t Banda lie to you in the last round and try to kill you? They must have formed some kind of deal’ He circled around Enji, uttering his next words with a knowing smirk. ‘Maybe they’re going to get some information out of you.’ 
Banda and Yaba stalked towards Enji, and now I knew what Banda had planned. What he had said earlier finally clicked in the worst way possible… 
“I can be very convincing when I want to be.”
So that was Banda’s true nature. I swallowed, shivers running all along my skin. They were going to torture him until he gave up and lied about his suit.  
‘You can’t!’ Enji cried, as Banda took him by the arm, Yaba grabbing the other. ‘You can’t do this!’ 
I stood straighter as I stared Enji down. ‘他に選択肢はない,’ I said. There’s no other option. I frowned at that stupid flop of hair covering half his face. ‘その目… 首輪につながっているね.’ That eye of yours… it’s linked to your collar, isn’t it? 
Enji’s face crumpled as he realised that I had seen right through his rigged game. He thrashed wildly against the two restraining him. But it was useless as Yaba and Banda dragged him into a cell. It felt good, in a messed up way. I thought of Ippei, of the older woman, Headband, Glasses, all the lives that were wasted in this place. This prison smelled like death. But now, the dawn had risen. 
Yaba and Banda closed the cell door behind them, and I stepped forward, trying to see what they were doing to him. However, before I could get any closer, Chishiya’s hand wrapped around my arm. I shook him off instantly, pulling away as though his touch had burned me. 
‘Don’t,’ I said quietly. ‘Just don’t.’ 
Chishiya’s mouth tilted into a half-smile. ‘Don’t what? Save your life?’ 
‘What do you mea—?’
The cell door opened once more, revealing Banda. He was holding a straight razor in one hand, and his eyes shifted between me and Chishiya. Something didn’t feel right. There was a strange smile on his face, as though he was laughing at a private joke.
‘What?’ I asked him. ‘Aren’t you going to finish off Enji so we can leave by the next round?’
Banda inspected the razor in his hand. ‘I have plenty of time to enjoy Enji,’ he said. ‘But you’re finally out of that cell.’ 
The razor glinted, clean and beautiful in its danger. And all at once, I came to an understanding. The reason why Banda had wanted me alive. 
Banda Sunato, the murderer… 
‘It’s a shame that you two were secretly partners all this time,’ he murmured. ‘But I can still make this work.’ 
The world slowed as Banda strode towards me, gripping the razor blade in one hand. My body wouldn’t move. It couldn’t. And all I could see was that razor and those dead, dead eyes, suddenly filled with a darkness I hadn’t noticed before. 
Banda is…
The crack of a gunshot ricocheted through the cell block. I leapt out of the way, as did Banda, and I stumbled to the ground with my palms pressed to my ears. The sound burst through my head, echoing and echoing until I realised that my ears were ringing. 
And then I raised my head, finally noticing the pistol in Chishiya’s outstretched hand. 
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youknowwhoiamperiod · 12 days
hello ariel!
would you tell me something mermaidghost? anything you want to talk about for the ship, something you’ve been dying to share but just haven’t had the chance yet, or a little detail you think should get more love. your choice!
xoxo sunnie (@fic-over-cannon)
sunnie sweetheart heyyy!! you've been on my mind all morning during english class since the topic this semester is film analysis hehe,, i'm so sorry it took me so long to answer this i've just been so busy preparing for uni :((( hope you've been well!!
aaaaaaa simon has been on my mind way too frequently this summer and i fear the brainrot is only getting deeper... ever since i discovered the cod franchise he's been my fav among the 141 mainly cause he reminded me so much of jason (specifically ak) but also not at all?? they're so similar in their critical thinking and acting but simultaneously could not be any more different? like. i don't know. and he's just so fascinating as a character it's dizzying. his persona just opens up so many possibilities and i thought my interest was tamed and moderate at first until aurore started cod posting... unleashing a beast within me....
mermaidghost is a ship that originally was intended to be very tragic. i'm a psychologist hired to work with the 141 studying their ennemies and targets but also keeping track of their mental state... and in all honesty simon's character is not just a walking red flag he's a literal siren sounding. trying to break through him for professional purposes is already a challenge and i don't think he'd necessarily be the worst person to date ever and beyond saving but i wanted to keep it realistic so knowing myself i really wouldn't be able to go on with someone like him. but somehow angel aurore once again broke my fourth wall and i decided to opt for a happy ending but we (he) have to work for it and it takes us a break and years apart to finally come around, making you question if it was truly worth it...
i think what i love the most about this ship and i told aurore about it is the implication that comes with it!!! i'm thinking of a man who's been turned to a weapon meant to destroy every human life he's ordered to. one who makes his adversaries wiggle in fear at the sight of his shadow because they won't live long enough to get a grasp of the brute of a man standing behind them. a silence broken by a bullet sounding is the last thing they hear as it pierces through them and a haze slowly falling upon their eyes before the light flickers out of them, a blurry ghost mask being the last picture they have of this world. a man who has been hardened by his past and time on earth over and over again erasing any type of fear from his dna, a foreign feeling that he's now overwhelmed with as the terror of falling for his best pal's little sister who's desperately trying to break into his psyche befalls upon him. a woman who's laying down her life for the belief of resurrecting broken human lives by the power of the brain and giving everybody a chance for a peaceful life. he's so tormented cause he doesn't deserve to be haunting the mind of someone who stands for everything he's been trained against and he doesn't deem it fair that i'm wasting my time on trying to get him to love me when he's the least deserving of affection and a coward who hides behind a mask, a ghost, the cage locking simon riley from this world. it's such a complex and delicate situation like he holds himself in the lowest standards and i'm just trying to get him out of his own head to realize that he's worth so much more...
anyway i've rambled a lot but he's truly been eating at my brain and i just love love love this type of dynamic... thank you sm for indulging me sunnie sweetheart mwah!!!!
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