maidenthatwrites · 2 years
To everyone saying all single mothers want money and for a man to support the child should always be seen as baggage you never think about how the kids feel and how you’re depriving them. Children cannot succeed without a father in their life. Good men have to step up from where bad men stepped off selfishly sometimes.
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The Man who saved Millions, Edward Jenner
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 What has this man done for humanity well you might know him for one of the greatest inventions, Vaccines!, In 1796 he had developed and inoculated a 13 year-old-boy Who had “Vaccinia” (Aka Cowpox) by doing so he had cured them of Cowpox. 
 He did not stop there however he had developed the first Smallpox vaccine in 1798, and through out the rest of the 1700s and 1800s he had spent that time to systematic implementation of his cure of Smallpox all around the world, and by 1979 Smallpox has been completely eradication all because Of this man 
 One of the most important things that he has done is he did all of this for free none of this was done for profit And by doing all of this he has save so many innocent souls. 
Sources:  http://www.immune.org.nz/vaccines/vaccine-development/brief-history-vaccination
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alwaysbewoke · 5 years
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I was pretty skeptical about the figures, since they contradict what I usually hear on the media, so I did a little research. Here’s what I found:  (Sorry this is so US centric)  (I’ll also try to stay close to primary sources as possible)
- the 12 months before taking the survey, an estimated 4.0% of women experienced some form of physical violence by an intimate partner -an estimated 14.2% of women experienced some form of psychological aggression in the 12 months preceding the survey. -*4,774,000 women have been victims of physical violence by intimate partner in the 12 months preceding the survey -*17,091,000 women have been victims of psychological aggression by intimate partner in the 12 months preceding the survey
- the 12 months before taking the survey, an estimated 4.8% of men experienced some form of physical violence by an intimate partner -an estimated 18.0% of men experienced some form of psychological aggression in the 12 months preceding the survey. -*5,452,000 men have been victims of physical violence by intimate partner in the 12 months preceding the survey -*20,471,000 men have been victims of psychological aggression by intimate partner in the 12 months preceding the survey
*Table 6
By the data presented by the Center for Disease Control, out of the estimate of 10,226,000 yearly victims of intimate partner violence, 53.3% of victims where male and 46.6% were female. As for psychological aggression, out of the estimate of 37,562,000 yearly victims, 54.4% were male and 45.5% were female. These statistics would support the claim made in the bottom left.
Now I couldn’t find a primary source for the 70% of DV is initiated by women, but here’s the facts that I found, which may have been interpreted by the people who made this poster:
(http://www.huffingtonpost.com/glenn-sacks/researcher-says-womens-in_b_222746.html) -Women who were in a battered women’s shelter, 67% of the women reported severe violence toward their partner in the past year.
This can be interpreted as “67% of violent couples with IPV is mutual”. But then again, primary sources and full data would be helpful to back up this claim.
But the one that is most interesting is:(http://psychnews.psychiatryonline.org/newsArticle.aspx?articleid=111137)(Another report analysis from the CDC)
-23.9% of relationships are violent -50.3% of IPV is non-reciprocal and 49.7% is reciprocal (Reciprocal IPV= Mutual violence) -70.7% of non-reciprocal IPV is initiated by women. 
So summing up the numbers, it’s not that 70% of all DV is initiated by women, its that 70% of non-reciprocal DV is initiated by women. To go further would say that 49.7% of DV is mutual, 36.2% of DV is initiated by women, and 14.5% of DV is initiated by men
Male victims of domestic violence are real. They are hurting. And they often don’t get the attention and compassion they so urgently deserve and need.
Have a heart. Open your mind, and give a care.
Hm. These numbers are all so different to anything I’ve seen before. I’m reblogging and liking this both for my own reference and to spread these numbers to others. I’m definitely gonna look into this and see if I can find more sources and more information.
Mother fuckers can we all just say let’s not be dicks to our fucking love ones already?
Tagging this for my speech project that I need the sources for
Here are 221 studies on IPV / DV for y’all.
You are a life saver.
That list is good, but outdated.  I e-mailed the researcher who compiled that list a couple weeks ago and he gave me three different documents.  I uploaded them to this dropbox folder. You can go there and download them.
The list of studies is now up to 343 scholarly investigations (270 empirical studies and 73 reviews). Not only did he send me that list, but he also sent me two meta-studies (also in the dropbox folder).  One is on male/female perpetration rates and the other is on male/female victimization rates. 
There is also “Rates of Bi-directional versus Uni-directional Intimate Partner Violence Across Samples, Sexual Orientations, and Race/Ethnicities: A Comprehensive Review“.  It’s a mouthful to be sure. Basically this study took the data from 48 other empirical studies, collated the data, placed it online for public viewing, submitted it for peer review, and was found to be accurate. 
It’s findings basically wind down to this:
84% of relationships are non-violent
58% of relationships that are violent, both partners abuse the other.
28% of violent relationships only the woman is violent
14% of violent relationships only the man is violent.
This is featured Partner Abuse State of Knowledge Project website and is part of a much larger DV research project.  You can read the summarized findings here or take a gander at the full 61-page review.  This is a compilation of the research of Erin Pizzey, Murray Strauss, Don Dutton, and many others who are challenging the feminist model of patriarchal dominance. They also have some videos that are very informative as well.
Murray Strauss also compiled: Thirty Years of Denying the Evidence on Gender Symmetry in Partner Violence: Implications for Prevention and Treatment.  A report detailing the existence of over 200 studies showing gender symmetry in victimization rates. Studies that show symmetry going as far back as 1975.  He also examines the methods feminist researchers have used to suppress the evidence from public discourse, hence the title “Thirty Years of Denying the Evidence”.
Two other excellent and brief videos on the topic come from the MenAreGood YouTube channel:
Male Victims of Domestic Violence - The Hidden Story
Bias Against Men and Boys in Mental Health Research
I really need to write up a solo reference post for domestic violence data…
so what do we have here? what i’ve been saying forever. women as initiators of domestic violence is one of the biggest, closely guarded secret around. we literally had female FEMINIST researchers hiding evidence. FEMINISTS!! but i’m the bad guy for stating that feminism is filled with man hatred. what would you say of men of who information about abuse women and thus allowed the abuse to continue? YOU FUCKING KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU’D SAY!! am i surprised by the research? no fucking way. we don’t teach women in society to not hit men. we only teach men to not hit women. for little boys on up we are shamed if we even defend ourselves if little girls hit us BUT NOT ONE TIME HAVE I EVER HEARD OR SEEN ANY PARENT TEACHING THEIR LITTLE OR DAUGHTER THAT THEY SHOULD NOT HIT MEN!! we always make excuses for it. “she was emotional” “he said…” “he did…” “he had it coming…” and more. this research is fantastic but let’s be honest, this post isn’t going to get many reblogs at all because most of y'all are married to the idea that women are angels and men are devils. women have no agency and are always victims of men. that only men hit and women never hit. only men can be abusers and women can never be abusers. no amount of research is going to change your minds. men have done some evil shit but i so sick and tired of this narrative that women are just innocent, perfect deities. IF SHE HITS YOU ONCE, LEAVE HER ASS QUICK!!! IF SHE DID IT ONCE, SHE’LL FUCKING DO IT AGAIN!! GUARANTEED. and one more thing, FUCK FEMINISM. hiding empirical data but standing on your high horse preaching gender equality?! fuck feminism. so fucking glad i ceased to be a fucking feminist years ago. eye wide fucking open now.
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Thank you @alwaysbewoke !!! And did you know that there are feminists on here sending hate mail just because you don’t agree with them? It’s fucking sad, but I’m so happy that you said this. It lets me know that I’m not the only one realizing the shady bullshit that they preach but never practice themselves.
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i’ve only known one feminist who was on the right side of this issue and she was so because she works in the domestic violence field as a counselor. she told me she sees it all the time. men get hit, have things thrown at them, women come at them with knives, scratches on their faces and everything and yet we never talk about it. never. the only people who we pounce on for dv are men. we never ever talk about women. never ever. and if you do, you get shouted down. fuck all that.
this is why many men when they hear “feminism” they think “ok that means i get to hit back now.” because we’re tired of the bullshit. we’re tired of women getting away with hitting because society AND FEMINISM tells them it’s fine. it’s okay. they’re allowed. feminism PROTECTS FEMALE ABUSERS ALL DAY!! my goodness. to hide evidence as a researcher is akin to a crime. the ripple affect of that shit is fucking insane. however let them tell it, it’s a problem with men that we think feminism has a man hatred problem. yea the problem is with us because feminism is perfect. feminism ain’t never do no shit, no wrong ever. srsly fuck feminism. fuck it to the depths of hell.
this is why i tell people, dealing with only ONE half of a problem will only allow the problem to continue to exist. it doesn’t change shit. if anything it makes things worse.
racist, sexist feminism. fuck off. i spit on feminism every fucking chance i get. first they fuck over black women (and black men) and then they fuck over men with this type of bullshit. i refuse to align myself with that fuckery. i can help black women much better without it. i don’t need to be a part of something that hates me both as a man and as a black person to help sistas get equal pay and shit. fuckouttahere.
that’s why i call out all these people still posting pics and riding for solange knowles. imagine if i was posting pics and niceties for ray rice. but when women do some violent bullshit, we stay given them a pass smfh. 
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joseaesquea · 5 years
Hope u enjoy this, ill get into weapons more in the coming weeks , Flashlights are a underrated weapon.. So are dogs, and dogs rock... Do not use a weapon if you are not fluent with it. #karate#bjj#selfdefence #dogsarecool #weapons##jujitsu#arnis#wrestling#budo#grappling#mma#cage#knives #cacc #menaregood#aikido#aikijujutsu#newzeland #manspreading#tattoos#judo#pets Reposted from @kurt_graham_ https://www.instagram.com/p/B0Kt0vIHIU1/?igshid=1q7ct2c5gmlgl
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biailiao · 6 years
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this is some real stuff…
people (especially women) are so quick to bash men and point out how bad they are… so many women moan about how all men are trash etc…
what you have to remember is when you attract a certain type of man it’s actually a reflection of something in you! now i’m not saying if a man is bad to you (or whatever the situation) that you deserve it, but we only go through what we allow to happen… (i’ve learnt this and now i only attract goodness and like minded people etc…)
let’s start appreciating the good men out there because they do exist! let’s start showing the good men some love.
let’s gass them up! let’s tell them how beautiful they are! let’s start letting them know that we recognize their good qualities.
#goodmendoexist #letsloveourmen #man #men #goodmen #goodmenareeasytofind #youattractwhatyouare #afewgoodmen #thegoodmen #decentmen #lushmen #positivity #likeattractslike #realrecognizereal #dontbebitter #dontbesour #appreciatethegood #menempowerment #agoodman #menaregood #notallmenaretrash #womencanbetrashtoo https://www.instagram.com/justmeladylushiiwii/p/BrvPAAOAjSZ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=hj8zqtxjg4i1
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insideyoung · 6 years
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I never post like this but now is a time to do I sometimes say that I am sexist but I usually I say it to describe another oppression like when I speak about racism. "I never said that I know I'm sexist, misogynist and typical because I routinely f.ck up the lives of women in ways that they can rarely f.ck up my life. I never said that I've used black feminism as a convenient shield, a wonderful sleep aid, and a rusted shank to emotionally injure human beings who would do everything to avoid emotionally injuring me. I am a wannabe black male feminist who is really bad at loving women who are really good at loving me. Of course, it's more complicated than that. And of course there are all kinds of qualifications and conditions I want to explore, but beneath all of that conditional b.llsh.t lies a lot truth, a bit of reckoning and the possibility of change." "Kiese Laymon" Thanks for this. https://gawker.com/5935845/kanye-west-is-better-at-his-job-than-i-am-at-mine-but-im-way-better-at-being-a-fake-ass-feminist #KieseLaymon #menaregood #blackmenaregood https://www.instagram.com/p/BrolsEYgrRK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=o9uawauiqjh1
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https://www.reddit.com/r/Menaregood/ A place to find the storys that shows the good in humanity.
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Like other men’s circles we are committed to personal development. And the harvest is rich and varied. We take the fruits of better character, better relationships & a better idea on what matters to us - and figuratively speaking we do a 180° about turn, look outward into society to see what’s needed. And it’s the crisis we see in masculinity, a crisis that shows a society struggling to provide for a whole swathe of young men with destructive and self destructive behaviours. It’s not good for them and it’s not good for their communities. We see it as our duty to step up and support these young men. To support them in building a character and a life that not only reduces the devastation we see in society but also nourishes our communities too. . . . #socialaction #mentor #mentoring #criminaljustice #internationalmensday #menaregood #socialresponsibility #makingadifference #volunteer #charity #nonprofit #philanthropy #donate #menscircle #communityfirst https://www.instagram.com/p/CIVIgFxHjHt/?igshid=1o4q7drbo9jdz
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A 12 week rite of passage programme helps troubled young men (18-25) at risk of criminalisation or already involved in crime to build a life that is good for them and good for others. An unflinching and supportive mentoring relationship is key. And after the 12 weeks? The young men are part of the abob community and can access their local support circle for life (read ‘until their dying days’!) . . . #riteofpassage #mentoring #mentorforlife #recividism #internationalmensday #becomingaman #socialaction #socialresponsibility #criminaljustice #youngmen #menaregood #postivemasculinity https://www.instagram.com/p/CH9319lH1GQ/?igshid=1uwr6uk3vx6os
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Abandofbrothers is a mentoring movement committed to supporting groups of men to come together and be mentors to troubled young men involved in the criminal justice system. #mentor #mentoring #criminaljustice #socialaction #communitybuilding #menaregood #careleavers https://www.instagram.com/p/CHz5V1enXnz/?igshid=1f44n2oj1tgiw
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