#menagerie medallions trial year
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maribat-menagerie · 3 months ago
Maribat Menagerie Medallions Results Announcement
Welcome everyone to the end of the trial year of our Menagerie Medallions!
As has been included in the past couple posts, the small number of votes we got for this event make it impossible to properly convey the fandom's thoughts on the categories, so this year is being considered a trial year.
What does that mean?
All the results gathered from the past month are being shared
This will be done via regular text showing off the placements
All nominations will be included
Feedback is going to be a big focus to improve for next year
Results Category Links
AUthentic Particular Pairings Terrific Tags Uniquely Underrated Surprise Statistics
Final Words
Biggest Thanks to the two that stepped up to help as mods, Asha and Jay. Without you both, this would have been a lot to check alone so all the hearts.
Thank you to everyone who checked out the Medallions and participated in any way, shape or form!
Please consider leaving feedback to be used to improve so we can have our first proper year in 2025!
~ Medallions Feedback Form ~
For any other fun or random rarity-based MLB x DC things, consider checking out the two events we did earlier in the year of Adribat October and Malachite Milestones.
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maribat-menagerie · 3 months ago
Menagerie Medallions Results: Surprise Statistics
Unlike the other sections of this event, the statistics are being showcased to everyone with all the tags to announce a new side blog being run by the Menagerie.
This new blog is Maribat-Staturdays!
All of the ships voted on for monthly checks of their Ao3 stats will be included in the first post there to help tie it all together.
Without further ado, let's see how the fandom answered the following questions!
Are any of the following ships that have been seen ones you would like to see more of in the fandom?
Cassette was the most popular answer! Dickinette, Timari, & Marave were the runner's ups! Daminette, Konette, Jaydrien, Tim/Zoe, Roynette, & Stephinette all had votes to them as well. Brucinette... sadly got no love. (Perhaps we run this back with a tumblr poll?)
Are any of the following ships that have not been seen ones that you would like to see more of in the fandom?
Dick/Chloe, Wonderbug, & Marinette/Ivy all tied for most popular! Dick/Wally/Chloe, Chloe/Jason, Wally/Marinette, & Barbara/Adrien were all runners up with a vote each! There was some confusion on this question. The ships listed in this part were ones that fandom goers had not previously seen before in the fandom. This was at its core looking at the rarest of rare pairs that people had suggested to see which of those voters wanted to see the most. Hopefully that helps clear it up!
Are any of the following Bio-Parent ideas that have not been seen ones that you would like to see more of in the fandom?
Diana "Wonder Woman" to Marinette was the most wanted! Tim to Marinette & Hal Jordan to Adrien were the runners up! Arthur Curry to Adrien came in right behind. Barry Allen to Adrien & Oliver Queen to Adrien, Felix or Chloe were also suggested! This is a set of ideas filed with potential. If you want to create for these, Bio-Parent Month is happening in 2025 by the OG Bio-Dad Bruce Month creator! Check out the amazing @maribat-bpm for more information and send thanks for expanding it to the possibilities of the fandom!
Are any of the following characters one(s) you consider underrated in the fandom?
Luka, Steph, Raven, & Terry McGinnis were the most underrated! (We need more Batman Beyond, let's be honest) Wally was the runner up! Alix, Selina Kyle, Constantine, & Billy Batson were all brought up as well. There's one other character but they will be mentioned after the next question. This is good list for those wondering what characters to try using in their pieces!
Are any of the following characters one(s) you consider overrated in the fandom?
Zoe was by far the most overrated. Damian came in close second. Batman, not Bruce, lead the bottom. Joker & Scarecrow got mentions as well because of how overused they are. Now... the character was included in both was Chloe. This a character that feels to be simply Rated not Over or Under.
Finally, if you had the power to choose the ship that established the fandom, what would you pick?
Daminette still took the most the ship to establish the fandom! However... Timari, Alley Cat & Marave all tied as a runner up with only a vote separating them from tying with Daminette! Dickinette had a single vote. Sadly, no Jasonette lovers participated as no one seemed to think it should have established the fandom.
That's All!
The last question is going to be explored over on Maribat Staturdays so check that out if you enjoy these stats.
Another reminder to check out Maribat Bio-Parent Month for the content related to that.
Leave any feedback here: ~ Medallions Feedback Form ~
Thank you all for checking this out!
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maribat-menagerie · 3 months ago
Menagerie Medallions Results: Uniquely Underrated
Note: First is marked in Blue and Second in orange. Ties are lined up.
Fandom Soup
Textonymous by LialeeEderian (Danny Phantom)
Something in the Green by Undercover_fangirl (Danny Phantom)
The Wayne Manor Welcome Party by LialeeEderian (Danny Phantom)
Hidden Gem
Has Anyone Told You How Creepy You Are? by StarWarsMum
The Farmer's Market Witch by Nory_Gail
Lonesome Moonlight Waiting For The Clouds by ScarletImpulse
Ice Cream When You're Better by Nory_Gail Home by eggadoodle
Rock Bottom
For you I Would by The_Coffee_Fandom
What Does The Sea Smell Like? by ToastyRoastyBa
My Greatest Fear by Nory_Gail & Touch Me, Trust Me, Savor Each Sensation by newdog14
Race To Prove by boldlyanxious
Translation Please
The Heart Sings by Light_Illinium (Russian)
Her blue eyes by WanderedWriter (Spanish)
Dang, I Ran Out of Ink
What's Your Type? Sharp by ghostdoodlen (Art)
WIPs Post by ghostdoodlen (Art)
Star-Crossed Lovers by serenescribbles (Poetry) Lonesome Moonlight Waiting For The Clouds by ScarletImpulse (Poetry)
What The Fanfiction
On thin ice by Vukaaa & Vigilantes aren't Heroes by SilverWhiteRaven
Business Utilities by otome_wandering & OHSHCAU (Keysmash) by oliviaandersonisntmyrealnamelol
The Bug, Son of the Bat by GummyLover15
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maribat-menagerie · 3 months ago
Menagerie Medallions Results: Terrific Tags
Note: First is marked in Blue and Second in orange. Ties are lined up.
Most Enjoyable "Crack"
A Beginner's Guide to Befriending Humans by newdog14
The Batarang Thief by dragonbug
Trials and Defibrillations by oliviaandersonisntmyrealnamelol
Most Enjoyable "Enemies to Lovers"
The last thing she lost by Ppm & In The Wrong Bed? by San_fics
Just Fine and Dandelions by oliviaandersonisntmyrealnamelol
Most Enjoyable "Hurt/Comfort"
The Weight of Regret by otome_wandering
Words Are Hard by mochegato
Mistakes Were Made by mochegato
Most Enjoyable "Meet Cute"
A Red String of Fate by TheNumberFairy
hot guy by SnappleSnapSnake
In An Apron by dreamsof_moonlight
Most Enjoyable "Canon? I Don't Know Them"
The Strike Of A Villainess by SleepyNov
The Bug, Son of the Bat by GummyLover15
The Rightful Anger by WaterTheFern
Most Enjoyable "The Wish Happened"
Speedy Rebound From Uncertainty by ScarletImpulse
Maintaining Balance by SuperPsychoNutcase & Cursed Soul Bond by boldlyanxious
Most Enjoyable "Miraculous Swap"
A Blue Bird and a Black Cat by skhwriter
Silver Fox by Nory_Gail
That's why you flirt?! by AshBrea381
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maribat-menagerie · 3 months ago
Menagerie Medallions Results: Particular Pairings
Note: First is marked in Blue and Second in orange. Ties are lined up.
Favorite Maribat Rare Pair Piece
Hey Timmy, wanna stalk our sister? by Alixanderia (Cassette)
A Blue Bird and a Black Cat by skhwriter (Dickinette) & if you really are the summer maybe stay until december by boldlyanxious (Roynette)
Side of the Divine by Anonymous (Roynette) Witches Potion by TheNumberFairy (Wallinette) Daylight by Church_the_very_much_immortal_cat (Cassette)
Favorite F/F Piece
For you I Would by The_Coffee_Fandom (Marinette/Raven) & I Could Be Better by Intercoursefluids (Steph/Juleka)
That's why you flirt?! by AshBrea381 (Koriand'r/Marinette)
Favorite Adribat Piece
On thin ice by Vukaaa (Adrijon)
Free flowers paid off by Paintball_169 (Damian/Adrien)
won't give up my heart for anyone by aschriles (Damian/Adrien) feel it change (when we're alone) by aschriles (Damian/Adrien)
Favorite M/M Piece
Home by eggadoodle (Adrijon)
My Greatest Fear by Nory_Gail (Jaydrien)
Lonesome Moonlight Waiting For The Clouds by ScarletImpulse (Timdrien)
Favorite Poly Piece
All That was Me is Gone by Yummy_Yume (Roy/Jason/Mari) & The Lovers of Shattered Stars by ScarletImpulse (Adrien/Chloe/Jason)
Favorite MLB x DC
Love And War In 1944 by Intercoursefluids (Alfred/Gina) & Shell-tered Feelings by onlyganymede (Damian/Nino)
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maribat-menagerie · 3 months ago
Menagerie Medallions Results: AUthentic
Note: First is marked in Blue and Second in orange. Ties are lined up.
Favorite Bio-Parent AU
Teleporting Into Your Life by Izanae
Puns and Partners by Nory_Gail
Teenagers by QueenKaiju
Hero to None, Savior to All by nullsleepy (SleepyNov)
Favorite Adoption AU
A Beginner's Guide to Being a Pod Mate by newdog14
Punky Pixie by oxicleanonyagirl & Lament of a Kent by Catthhay
Adopting a neighbor (not exactly in the legal way) by Lady_on_Paper
Favorite Platonic/Gen Piece
Remembering by Nory_Gail
You have Questions (and I have a Story) by Ladybird_with_a_pen
Le Rouge-Gorge is French for the Robin by Me_aGlorifiedPigeon
Favorite Soulmate AU
Heirs by otome_wandering
Soulmates (Why would you say that?) by Ms_Starflower
Til Death Do Us Not Swap by SilverWhiteRaven & The last thing she lost by Ppm
Favorite Alternative Location AU
Scared to Death by Nory_Gail & Quadruple Flip by GoldenSilverTrees
Favorite Villain/Rogue AU
Unlucky by chaotic_immortal
My resolution by PL_Panda
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maribat-menagerie · 3 months ago
Tumblr media
Art Credit: SleepyNov
Maribat Menagerie's Medallions Shall Be Ending at 11:00pm EST, December 23rd!
If this is the first time you are hearing of this, that is perfectly okay! The number of responses we got this year has defined it as a trial year. We are still taking votes up until 11:00pm tomorrow though.
Even if you do not want to vote for any of the categories, consider still checking the form out below to answer the fun statistics section or leave general feedback on how we can improve next year.
Revisions will be made next year in hopes of it being the official first year.
OG Nomination Masterlist
~ Menagerie Medallions Voting Form ~
P.S. The Menagerie will be having other additions for 2025 in hopes that more of the fandom can see the activities we have here so keep an eye out!
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maribat-menagerie · 3 months ago
Medallion Voting is Now Closed
Thank you to everyone who voted and shared out this event. It was a good sample to act as a trial of this. Results will be shared at some point on December 25th!
Note: Specific time is not set due to the Holiday
Tumblr media
Art Credit: SleepyNov
Maribat Menagerie's Medallions Shall Be Ending at 11:00pm EST, December 23rd!
If this is the first time you are hearing of this, that is perfectly okay! The number of responses we got this year has defined it as a trial year. We are still taking votes up until 11:00pm tomorrow though.
Even if you do not want to vote for any of the categories, consider still checking the form out below to answer the fun statistics section or leave general feedback on how we can improve next year.
Revisions will be made next year in hopes of it being the official first year.
OG Nomination Masterlist
~ Menagerie Medallions Voting Form ~
P.S. The Menagerie will be having other additions for 2025 in hopes that more of the fandom can see the activities we have here so keep an eye out!
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