#mena massoud one shot
The Sacrifice Game
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Has there been a home invasion film worth watching since ILS (2006) and THE STRANGERS (2008)? Maybe DON’T BREATHE (2016), which I haven’t seen? They seem to fall into two types. Either the home invaders are successful, in which case the film is monstrous because the only people we really get to know are the victims, and they all get offed. Or they invade a home not knowing the occupants are serial killers or satanists or Nazi war criminals or something, which can get predictable, though there’s a certain satisfaction in watching criminals pay for their stupidity. In Jenn Wexler’s THE SACRIFICE GAME (2023, Shudder) the home invaders are such a pathetic lot you know where the story’s going, though there are some intriguing twists at the end. After taking out a family at Christmas and a priest with an odd tattoo, a four-person group led by dropout Olivia Scott Welch and psychopath Mena Massoud (yes, Aladdin has gone bad on us.) go to the Blackwood Academy for Girls, planning to sacrifice one of the young innocents stuck there over Christmas break so they can summon a demon to do their bidding. Wexler knows how to use the camera. The film opens with a great tracking shot, following the killers to the door of a suburban home and then moving around the building so we see the mayhem through picture windows at the front and back. The limited view keeps the gore to a minimum, which puts the focus on plot. Pity Wexler didn’t maintain that restraint throughout. Though the film has two good younger actors (Madison Baines as the girl left there at the last minute and Georgia Acken as a withdrawn child who seems to always just be there), the two lead criminals aren’t up to the same level. Massoud does a lot of empty posturing, which may fit the character to an extent, but you can’t really see what’s behind it. And Welch doesn’t have the kind of manic joy in violence Shari Moon Zombie plays so well. Gus Kenworthy is on hand as an employee dating the teacher stuck chaperoning the two students. He never takes his clothes off, which is a pity, but he sure looks cute in a pair of wire-rimmed glasses. His acting seems to have improved since AMERICAN HORROR STORY, or maybe it was just the glasses.
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foolcutie · 5 years
vacation engagement ✨ m.massoud
my boy mena needs more love so i took matters into my own hands
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requests are always open!
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Pairings: Mena Massoud x female!reader
Warning/s: none, i guess
Requested: Yes No
Disclaimer: I don’t own you and Mena.
@profangirllex : Can you do a Mena imagine where either he or the reader is afraid of thunderstorms (preferably Mena cause I’m dying for fluff). Thanks!
Mena had been home for a week now. After all the press tour and photoshoots, Mena was happy to be home to his lovely fiance. He missed her, a lot. Her home cooked meals, them singing around the house, her cuddles, and of course her voice. It’s a great asset now during the stormy season.
The grey sky set a dull mood in their house. Mena sighed softly cuddling closer to Y/N when a small rumble of thunder was heard from outside. He tried to focus on the movie in front of them, he really did but another rumble of thunder sounded and his heart hammered faster.
Y/N laughed as the scene played out in front of her on the television. Martin, the butler, cried loudly saying, “I’ve never been so happy my entire life.” and then the Grandpa closed the door giving the mother and daughter some alone time. Mena relaxed when he heard her laugh.
Suddenly a rumble of thunder and a loud crack of lightning echoed loud and clear making Mena squeak. Y/N noticed and looked at him with furrowed eyebrows, “Are you alright, Mena?” Mena cleared his throat and said, “I’m fine.” Then another loud rumble of thunder echoed and Mena saw the lightning flash across the sky.
“Okay, I’m probably not.” Mena said after cuddling closer and burying his face in her stomach. Y/N giggled at him. He lifted his face glaring at her. “It’s not funny. The lightning could strike our house and set it on fire. And the thunder is too loud,” Mena defended inching closer to her. “I’m not laughing! I just think it’s adorable,” Y/N said watching him pout and ruffling his hair.
“Hey!” Mena exclaimed. “Don’t worry I have my fears too. Like death.” Y/N replied pausing the movie. “At least yours is death, it’s reasonable. I fear the thunder. It’s stupid.” Mena grumbled. “No, it’s not. Everyone’s afraid of something for a specific reason. I’m sure you also have a what you said as a “reasonable” fear.” Y/N replied taking his hand in his. “There is something. It’s probably going to sound stupid again but- I fear losing you.” Mena admitted a slight blush on his face.
“You’re going to make me have a heart attack.” Y/N said dramatically placing a hand on her chest. “It’s true,” Mena replied giving her a kiss on the lips. Y/N smiled, “I don’t like losing you either.”
Mena smiled widely, the famous dimple appearing. “Come here,” he said tugging her closer. Y/N squealed when he suddenly wrapped his arms around her. Both smiling, they cuddled while watching the movie. Mena smiled seemingly forgetting about the storm raging on outside and all his attention was on her. His light, his world. Smiling there in his arms, her heartbeat felt through her shirt, and the thudding of her heart brought him peace. With a kiss on the forehead, Mena turned his attention to the television, his fear long forgotten, his heart filled with warmth.
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nnightskiess · 5 years
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Request: Could you write an Aladdin request? I want a reader x Aladdin cute interaction
Summary: Aladdin always makes sure to visit Y/N at least once a day, however, he always finds a way to scare her whenever he does. This time, he brings a gift for her.
It had been a sultry day in Agrabah, however, that hadn't stopped Y/N from doing her chores. She was kind of used to it, anyway. 
The girl grabbed the basket of dirty clothing and started to walk away, her little brothers following her. 
Life for Y/N wasn't always easy - having to bring up your two younger siblings with no parents was tough, but she managed. Although, things would be so much worse if she didn't have a friend by her side - a friend who she admired and started to slowly care for more and more. Aladdin was his name. He had given one of her siblings some food even though he had barely anything to eat for himself. Ever since that day, he had made a promise to visit Y/N and her two brothers every day. Y/N always caught herself looking forward to seeing him again - it always managed to put a smile on her face.
On the other hand, she never knew when he would stop by. Sometimes it was in the early mornings, sometimes late at night when her brothers were already sleeping on the sacks filled with hay in the little shed they owned, and sometimes she saw him running by or jumping over buildings - trying to escape the guards once again while sending her a goofy smile.
She admired how he remained so joyful and positive under all the circumstances. Now that she thought of it, they were kind of in the same boat - no parents, poor but still full of life.
Y/N sat down at her usual spot while her brothers ran off to play in the water. Close to the harbour, there was this river. It flowed through the outskirts of the city, near the houses of the many farmers. The water there was always cleaner since it was always moving. Plus, she liked it there. It was quiet, peaceful.
There were a few houses placed next to the river. Y/N walked up to one of them and sat down in the shade, organizing the clothes before standing up to go fill a tub with water. 
"You could probably use some help," 
Aladdin jumped down from the little house and landed in front of her, his mouth curved into a cheeky yet innocent smile.
"You damn idiot," 
The girl placed a hand over her heart and widened her eyes before giving him a punch to the chest. Abu then jumped onto his shoulder and the sound he made was definitely one equivalent to a laugh. She stuck out her tongue at the monkey who mimicked her action. 
"I hate it when you do that," She started to walk away but her face brightened as she grinned - already enjoying his company.
Aladdin grabbed the basket and the tub that the girl had dropped in shock of his sudden arrival and followed her to the river.
"Just thought I'd see how you were doing," He gave her a lopsided grin, "Where are the boys?"
Y/N glanced at the river, seeing the water reach her brother's chests.
"Gabir! Pazir!" The boys turned their heads. "Come back to shore, stay close to us, alright?"
"Why? There might be crocodiles here!" The youngest, Pazir, exclaimed.
Y/N shook her head, sitting down at the shore, "Exactly."
Gabir was wise enough to swim back but Pazir was still looking at the water, hoping a crocodile would surface.
"Come on, buddy, listen to your sister." 
Upon hearing Aladdin's voice, he immediately followed his brother and swam back to the shore. Aladdin was basically a superhero in the boys' eyes and they sometimes only listened when he would ask them something.
"I just wanted to see one," Pazir mumbled out, grabbing some pebbles to throw into the water.
"Didn't you say you were friends with one, last time we were here?" Gabir rose his eyebrows and sat down next to Y/N who was cleaning some vest . Abu climbed onto the boy's head.
"Yup, we're friends. But not all crocodiles are friendly, they're dangerous if they don't know you. So best to not go look for them, yea?" Aladdin explained. He sat down on his knees next to the girl and started to help her clean.
"I'm hungry," Pazir sighed after a while, glancing at the people that walked by with baskets filled with food. Y/N looked at her little brother, a sorrowful look in her eyes. She was just as hungry and couldn't imagine how her brothers must be feeling. 
She quickly searched for her pouch and looked at the last three coins - thinking of what they could buy with it and if it was enough - but before she could take one out, Aladdin had pushed her hand away and dug into his own pockets.
"Here," He gave some money to the oldest boy, "See that building with the light blue satins? That lady makes the best bread in all of Agrabah."
Y/N's stomach rumbled at the thought of the warm baked bread and the camel milk that would be perfect to go with it. Oh, and the dates and the roasted lizards on a stick - it had been a while since she ate one of those.
"Take Abu with you, he knows the way." The monkey moved to sit onto Gabir's shoulder and held onto his collar, squealing in agreement.
The boys thanked Aladdin a few times before storming off, big smiles on their faces. Aladdin watched them until they left his sight and then turned his attention back to Y/N.
"I got you something," 
Y/N dropped the clothes and shook her head, turning to him, 
"Listen, Aladdin, you're the best thing that has ever happened to us but you give too much. You need to think about yourself, too."
Aladdin's smile didn't drop, it only grew wider when he took out the bracelet from his pocket and saw the look on your face. 
It was a gorgeous gold necklace. Many golden circles in the size of coins with prints stamped into them held onto a bigger coin which was decorated with striking, coloured stones. Dare she say it, it was one of the prettiest thing Y/N had ever seen in her whole life - the guy next to her being a very close second.
"You can sell it, if you want to. I'm sure you can buy some roasted lizards with the profit," Aladdin started, knowing just how much she loved that snack. "But... I think it'll look stunning on you," He gently reached forward, silently asking the girl next to him if it was okay for him to put it around her neck.
Y/N nodded and let him. She felt the cold of the necklace touch her collarbone. The necklace shone brightly as the sun reflected onto it. Her eyes sparkled with admiration. The girl didn't know if it was the necklace or the boy that gave it to her that made her feel this special all of a sudden. Nevertheless, she couldn't keep it.
"It compliments your eyes and your smile. It shines just as bright when you hold it in the sun like that,"
He beamed and his eyes twinkled in anticipation. Y/N melted at the sight, looking away to try and hide the flush on her cheeks. She needed a few seconds before she turned her head back.
"How much trouble did you get into to get me this?" She questioned and gave him a stern look when he was about to resist. "Be honest,"
"Would you believe me if I told you I met a genie in a lamp and he helped me with some stuff so I could get you this?" Aladdin smiled innocently but Y/N playfully rolled her eyes in response, playing along,
"Yeah, what else? You became friends with the princess of Agrabah?" The girl laughed at the awkward chuckle that left the guy's mouth. She looked at him a bit longer before her expression softened.
"Thank you, Aladdin," Her voice was barely above a whisper as she planted a quick kiss on his cheek. 
"Um, I-" He started, not knowing how to react to their sudden close proximity. 
His big, brown eyes were staring at her and Y/N caught herself getting lost in them. She examined his face and suddenly realised that she had waited for this moment for so long - to be this close to him, to see the twinkle in his eyes and the dimples in his cheeks from up close.
Aladdin looked down and both of them started to laugh due to the nerves and giddiness. He looked back into the girl's eyes and mindlessly put a strand of hair behind her ear, leaving his hand on one of her cheeks. 
For some reason, his admiration and love for the girl next to him outweighed the fear of being rejected and so he slowly leaned forward, pulling her into a chaste kiss. 
Y/N melted at the touch of his lips on hers and the way he gently held her close made her stomach tickle.
A sudden weight landed on her head and she felt Abu play with her hair, ruining their moment. Y/N squealed and Abu jumped over to Aladdin's shoulder.
"Thanks, Abu," He sighed and laughed at his monkey.
Y/N tried to avoid his eyes after the kiss they had just shared, afraid that it might have ruined something or that Aladdin had regretted it.
"Y/N! We got roasted lizards!" 
The voices of her little brothers interrupted her thoughts and she saw them sprint back, hands full of food.
"How did you two? Who gave you..." 
She turned to Aladdin who shrugged, an innocent smile on his face. 
"Told you I'm friends with a genie,"
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olivcrfm · 4 years
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adoringly referred to by lia as the ‘park-davies clan’, truthfully i made this a while ago but i am just now sharing it with the masses, because i thought it’d be nice if someone other than lia saw my hard work. sound off below and tell me who your favorite is, or don’t. @ofmargos​
gender: male
general appearance: curly dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, 6’1”, & a deep dimple on his left cheek.
personality: he's optimistic and gracious. of course he's also capable, gentle and disciplined. milo has less pleasant traits too. his narcissism and inconsideration tend to get in the way even at the best of times.
special talents: guitar! which acts as an escape from the rambunctious park-davies household
who they like better: he won’t admit it, but margo. he’s a mama's boy. literally glued to margo’s hip but claims that he likes them both the same.
who they take after more: appearance wise, oliver, literally an almost exact clone. personality wise he’s got a lot of oliver’s positive traits, and a lot of margo’s negative ones, but most of the time acts as his own person.
personal headcanon: margo was actually the one who suggested putting milo in guitar instead of drums which was oliver’s suggestion.
faceclaim: jordan connor
gender: male
general appearance: unkempt short curly dark brown hair, hazel eyes, 6’0”, a small birthmark over his eyelid.
personality: he's responsible and stable. of course he's also tolerant, orderly and creative, but they're far less prominent, especially compared to impulses of being disruptive as well. grayson has plenty of less favorable characteristics too. his shallowness and childish nature tend to get in the way, much to the annoyance of others.
special talents: painting! it’s his biggest passion and he’ll probably end up opening a museum or going to art school
who they like better: oliver, literally will bug margo 25/8 asking when daddy is going to come home and always has to be wherever oliver is.
who they take after more: opposite of his brother all of margo’s positive traits, with a majority of oliver’s negative ones. contrasting with his brother he acts more of a mix of both his parents.
personal headcanon: his love of painting go to the point where oliver and margo literally had to give him his own room in the house to paint, so he could store all his art supplies and easels and such
faceclaim: gavin leatherwood
gender: female
general appearance: shoulder length chestnut brown hair, light brown eyes, 5’ 3”, & freckles covering her face.
personality: she's friendly and playful. of course she's also rational, enthusiastic and exciting, but these are in a way balanced by being pompous as well. of course gen has plenty of lesser desired aspects too. her negativity and intolerance pose plenty of problems, though more on a personal level than for others. fortunately her playfulness helps lighten the blows and moods when needed.
special talents: baking! something that she’s really passionate about, probably idolizes mary berry, and is frequently found in the kitchen
who they like better: both, she’s an angel child who could literally never pick between her parents.
who they take after more: appearance wise, neither of them kinda looks like her grandmother. personality wise margo to a T, they tend to not see eye to eye because of this but love each other first and foremost.
personal headcanon: when margo was pregnant with gen, oliver would read her the same bedtime story, and now anytime she has a nightmare she asks oliver to read her the same story.
faceclaim: kaylee bryant
gender: female
general appearance: curly brown hair, light brown eyes verging on being hazel, 5′5″, & a slight dimple if she smiles hard enough
personality: she's discreet and outspoken. of course she's also resourceful, curious and incisive, but that’s far less prominent, especially compared to impulses of being vindictive as well. of course sanaa has a range of flaws to deal with too. her aggression and argumentativeness sour the mood many a time and just affect all around negatively.
special talents: dancing! specifically ballet and jazz, she’s extremely graceful and takes dancing extremely seriously
who they like better: both, but if you ask her she would say neither of them because she’s fiercely independent and has the ‘i don’t need anyone’ mindset
who they take after more: appearance wise, she takes after her birth mother who she’s no longer in contact with. personality wise, she’s definitely her own person, doesn’t take after margo or oliver, nor does she let her siblings affect who she is.
personal headcanon: because of her talent for dancing and ballet, she worked her way towards a soloist for the new york city ballet.
faceclaim: zendaya
gender: male
general appearance: short tight curly hair, dark brown eyes, 5′10″, a birthmark on his hand, & a small scar behind his ear from when karoline scratched him
personality: he's focused and decisive. of course he's also punctual, open and curious, but those are often overshadowed by tendencies of being thoughtless as well. of course asani has plenty of character faults too. his unfriendliness and pretentiousness are far from ideal, much to the annoyance of others.  
special talents: film making! extremely talented, had an obsession with directing and films when he was younger, lowkey a pretentious asshole, but he pulls it off
who they like better: margo, because she tends to be more honest with her criticism of his films, but also because he models a lot of himself after her.
who they take after more: appearance wise, he takes after his paternal grandfather who he’s still in contact with. personality wise, he tends to take after both margo and oliver, because honestly just desperate to make both his parents proud.
personal headcanon: he has been in a bunch of different film festivals, and even though oliver has offered to help pay for actors, he uses his siblings and friends as acors instead
faceclaim: chance perdomo
gender: female
general appearance: shoulder length dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, 5′6″, & a small scar on her nose from a fight with sanaa
personality: she's outspoken and gracious. of course she's also witty, persuasive and innovative, but they're often slightly tainted by a mindset of being argumentative as well.  of course karoline has plenty of lesser desired aspects too. her dishonesty and conceited nature cause plenty of grievances on often personal levels.
special talents: ice skating! ever since margo and oliver took the family to go ice skating once, they enrolled her in classes, and she’s been sharpening her skills ever since
who they like better: oliver, but that’s only because she’s tends to get in a lot of trouble with margo, and he is very lax with her discipline, and let’s her get away with more
who they take after more: appearance wise, her biological father who she is in contact with. personality wise, she takes after the friends she’s made along the way, def a popular kid who was naive and vulnerable at one point.
personal headcanon: her first time ever trying to achieve a stunt that only few in the ice skating world have pulled off she fell and nearly sliced her palm open
faceclaim: madeleine madden
gender: male
general appearance: unkempt curly hair with shaven sides, dark brown eyes, 5′8″, & small moles covering his face
personality: he's reflective and sympathetic. of course he's also decisive, fun-loving and charismatic, but they're less prominent and often intertwined with being hostile as well. of course zahura has a fair share of lesser days too. his irrational nature and pretentiousness cause plenty of grievances, much to the annoyance of others.
special talents: photography! especially travel photos and action shots, loves diving off a cliff to get that perfect picture, definitely an adrenaline junkie
who they like better: both, he hangs out with both of his parents just as much, and thinks that they’re both equally lame, but loves them regardless
who they take after more: appearance wise he takes after his biological mother who he’s no longer in contact with. personality wise however he is basically an amalgamation of all of his siblings positive and negative traits.
personal headcanon: originally got into photography because the girl he had a crush on was enrolled in the class, and he thought why not, but it became his passion
faceclaim: mena massoud
gender: female
general appearance: long dark brown hair, dark brown eyes that become lighter in the sun, 5′2″, & a big birthmark on her shoulder
personality: she's gracious and organized. of course she's also innovative, empathetic and sharing, but in a way they're lesser traits and tainted by behaviors of being insincere as well. of course linh has plenty of rainy days too. her extreme nature and demanding nature aren't exactly fun to deal with and just affect all around negatively.
special talents: theater! started with behind the scenes stuff like makeup and costume design, but that wasn’t enough! she wanted the spotlight! and she got it!
who they like better: both, she get an earful from both of them about theatre tips and what to do during an audition, but also she’s babie and they lowkey spoil her
who they take after more: appearance wise, her biological mother who she’s no longer in contact with. personality wise, you would think she takes after her siblings or her parents, but she’s very much her own person with hints of her family throughout
personal headcanon: her first ‘big break’ was a high school theatre production of beauty and the beast, where she played belle, shocked both ollie and margo with her talent on stage
faceclaim: jessica vu
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lcstpadawan · 4 years
mena massoud // have you met CAL KESTIS yet? HE is a TWENTY-EIGHT year old CISMALE HUMAN. they’re originally from CORUSCANT and now show loyalty to THE NEW REPUBLIC. they are best known for being a JEDI, and i hear they’re pretty RESOURCEFUL yet also NAIVE at times; i hope they survive the galactic civil war.
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sorry cam i love you but.... mena
a young force sensitive cal kestis was brought to the jedi temple early in his life to learn the ways of the jedi. between his unique abilities and the unfortunate circumstances of the clone wars, cal was made a padawan at a surprisingly young age, with a powerful lasat jedi jaro tapal as his master.
cal learned well from tapal despite his young age and proved to be a valuable padawan, but he was only 12 when order 66 hit. they were on their star destroyer at the time, and thanks to his master’s quick thinking cal was able to evade the clone attacks via the vents and maintenance areas while tapal distracted the clones, though one of the troopers did shoot cal’s lightsaber from his hands in the elevator shaft.
moments from fleeing in an escape pod they were nearly overrun by troopers, and tapal took a fatal shot to the chest as they fled. in his final moments he gave cal his lightsaber, damaged from the fight, and told him to trust in the force. cal 
as the empire rose, cal managed to stay hidden from the purge. despite his young age he was smart enough to become a rigger in the scrapper guild on bracca, keeping his force sensitivity hidden and maintaining a safe life that didn’t attract attention.
five years later, at the age of 17, cal exposed himself to save his friend praul while they were on a dangerous rig, attracting the attention of the inquisitors who came to hunt him down. he was fortunate enough to hold his own long enough to be rescued by cere and greez.
cere exposed herself as a former jedi, who had located a secluded safe haven of her former master’s where they could find a holocron with the list of all the force sensitive children in the galaxy. a list they could use to rebuild the jedi order and overthrow the empire.
it was in this safe haven on bogano that he met a droid called BD-1, who had belonged to cere’s master, and had been tasked to help whoever took on the quest. cal and bd-1 easily became friends from then onwards
cal revealed that his connection to the force was damaged and as a result he’d lost most of his former abilities, a result of the trauma of order 66 and the loss of his master, but over the course of the journey to find the holocron he was able to heal his connection to the force.
after a long and dangerous journey to find the holocron, meeting merrin, creating a new double-ended lightsaber, facing off with trilla and other inquisitors many times - and watching trilla be killed right at the point where he could see the light and hope in her eyes once more, cal and the others had the holocron with them, and the list. but in finding the list cal had a vision of a future where the younglings he gathered and trained were killed, and he was turned to the dark side as an inquisitor, and made the decision not to use the list and for the children to live out their own fates, not one decided for them as the jedi had once done.
~~end canon stuff here, this is where it gets wild~~
in the following years as the empire became stronger, cal did his best to stay hidden, to keep out of their grasp, and for a long time it worked. but ten or so years later, cal was captured by the empire, and taken to fortress inquisitorius on nur to be turned. he fought - for a long time, over a year, cal has fought against the pull of the dark side, the influence of the torture and the dark path it would lear him down, but it’s impossible to last forever.
cal has been pulled from the point of his torture where he is on the brink between light and dark. his connection to the force has been twisted as a result of torture and mental exhaustion inflicted on him in fortress inquisitorius. he is still the cal from the games - but older, stronger in his abilities, but more unstable as a result of his lack of balance with the force. the slightest thing could pull him either way - and purely due to how unstable he feels in himself, he could fall back and forth for a while, depending on the influence around him.
from a timeline perspective, this all happened before the original trilogies - none of the events of those movies have happened for him yet.
being here after the war is terrifying, to see just how dark things became. worse, to know where he is now, know the point in time he’s been pulled from, cal wonders what hand he might have played in bringing so much darkness to the galaxy, given how close the empire was to turning him to the dark side.
the cal we see in the games is still in there, but he’s also very different. his lack of balance makes him unstable, much more prone to emotional outbursts we see him go through in the game. he’s a smart man, good with mechanics thanks to what he picked up as a rigger and in the years to come, though even now he can still be naive, relatively easy to manipulate for those who know the right emotions to tug on to get a response.
he still cares very deeply for things, forges connections with surprising ease just as he had with cere, greez, bd-1, merrin, and even trilla, but now his fear is what he will do with those connections now that he’s tainted with a hint of the dark side.
generally, he’s still pretty scrappy and resourceful, he never lost that after picking it up on bracca. maybe even more so now with the dark side beginning to pull on him the way it is.
there’s really no knowing where he’ll land, or what will be the final deciding factor, but it’s going to be a long road to get there.
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triptuckers · 5 years
All we ever need (Mena Massoud)
Request: No Pairing: Mena Massoud x female!reader Summary: You work on the set of Disney’s newest movie, the live action of Aladdin. You became close with the cast and crew, only you make sure that they don’t know anything about your private life and especially your boyfriend. Warnings: Mentions of physical and mental abuse. Please don’t read this if this makes you feel uncomfortable!!  I am not trying to romanticize physical or mental abuse. Angst to fluff (I chose a random name for the boyfriend).  Word count: 4K A/N: I went to see Aladdin with my best friend in 4D and I. Fell. In. Love. The music, the visuals, the characters I fell in love all over again. When my requests are open again, feel free to request the characters and/or its actors of Aladdin!! Enjoy reading!
 Working on the set of Disney’s Aladdin was an absolute dream. You grew up with Disney, watching every movie with your family. When you were ten years old, you went to Disney world and you couldn’t remember a happier day. You had been working on a few movies and TV shows, but nothing big. It was a total surprise to you when you got a call of a famous director, telling you he wanted you to be part of the crew that was going to work on the new Disney live action. At first, you thought it was maybe one of your friends messing with you. But once you figured out that it was serious, you immediately accepted the job. You had to keep it a secret until the day Disney would officially announce the making of Aladdin. But once the word was out, you couldn’t keep your mouth shut. You called your family and your closest friends, telling them your dream would come true: you would work on a Disney movie. You were actually going to be part of Disney’s cinematic world.
It had now been months since that one phone call. You were officially one of the graphic designers and photographers, but you helped out whenever you could. You’d help with the costume fitting, the dancing, singing, basically everything. You loved being on set and you were more than happy to help out in any way. You’d get people their morning coffees and made sure everyone had the right costumes whenever you had some time off.  It was almost too good to be true whenever you came home after a long and exhausting day on the set. But it was all worth it and you were happy to get up early the next day to go to the set for another working day. It never really felt like work, more like the dream you couldn’t believe you were living.
Being on set every day of the week meant you knew the cast and crew members almost as good as the director. You spent a great deal talking with everyone, going out for lunch or coffee breaks. You’d help the actors out with their lines whenever the other actors had to shoot a scene. You grew close with the stars of the movie, including Will Smith, Naomi Scott and Mena Massoud. You loved being on set, as everyone seemed to be in a permanent good mood. Everyone was always happy, singing their songs, practicing their dances, reading their lines. There was always this happy vibe around everyone, and you absolutely loved it.
That’s why you stayed on set for as long as you could. You never wanted to go home. Because you didn’t want to leave the set, but also because you just didn’t want to be home. The happy mood you were always in whenever you were on set, would instantly disappear as you set foot in your house. Your house should feel like a home, and the set should feel like a work place. But neither of those things were true. Your house was a house, not a home. And the set was this wonderful place where you could be yourself and where you were surrounded by people who love you. So you stayed on set for as long as you could. On your way home, you tried to walk as slow as you could.
Today was a particularly quiet day. Since most of the work was done, people were just taking it easy. It was a Friday so everyone was already taking it a bit slow. You strolled around the set. You had finished your work for today and were walking around as you always did once you got bored. You admired the set and all of the beautiful colors. A part of you still couldn’t believe you were a part of this. As you approached the trailers of the cast members, you heard a familiar laugh. You smiled to yourself and walked up to the trailer. Just as you were going to knock on the door, it already opened, revealing Mena. ‘Hi Y/N!’ said Mena happily. ‘Sorry, didn’t see you there. The three of us were about to go get some coffee at that café nearby, care to join us?’ Behind him, Will and Naomi appeared, waving at you and greeting you. ‘I’d love to!’ you said with a smile. The four of you started walking toward the exit. Happily talking about the day, you looked at your friends as they smiled and laughed at each other. You looked ahead again and froze when you saw a familiar person in front of you. Mena, Will and Naomi noticed you stopped walking. Mena followed your eyes and saw someone walking up to you. The man stopped in front of you and smiled widely. Mena could see you were scared and uncomfortable.
‘Hello Y/N!’ said the man. You swallowed hard and looked from your friends to the man in front of you. ‘Jack, meet Will, Naomi and Mena. Guys, this is Jack. My boyfriend.’ you said, introducing them to each other. Mena looked from you to Jack, he noticed the way you paused between mentioning his name and the fact that he’s your boyfriend. ‘It’s so nice to meet all of you! Y/N has told me so much about you.’ said Jack with a smile. ‘What are you doing here, Jack?’ you said quietly. Jack put his arm around your waist and pulled you close to his body. ‘I came to see the famous set of Aladdin! And I came to surprise you, of course! I can’t stay long though, I have to go to work.’ said Jack. ‘Well, we can’t stick around any longer, either.’ said Mena and you looked up at him, confused. All the work of today was done. ‘We were going to grab a coffee real quick before we’re going to shoot the next scene.’ said Mena and he gave you a tiny nod. ‘Ah, yes, can’t get anywhere without hard work, am I right?’ said Jack and he pulled you even closer. ‘Certainly right.’ said Mena with a smile. Jack looked down at you. ‘Can I talk to you for a moment before you go?’ he said. You nodded. Jack turned around and walked away from Mena, Will and Naomi, still holding on to your waist tightly. He stopped and turned around to look at you. You looked at your feet. ‘Now.’ he said. ‘No hanging out after the work is done. You come home straight away, got it? Don’t stick around.’ ‘Yes.’ you whispered. Jack grabbed your chin with his thumb and finger and forced you to look up at him. ‘I didn’t hear you, sweetheart. Speak up.’ he told you. You forced yourself to look into his eyes. ‘I will not hang out after the work is done, Jack.’ you said and Jack smiled. ‘That’s right. Now tell me you love me.’ he said. You let out a sigh. ‘I love you.’ you replied. Jack smirked and walked off. You let out a shaky breath and closed your eyes.
‘Y/N?’ said a voice behind you. You jumped a little and turned around. Mena’s kind eyes met yours. You took a breath and smiled. ‘Shall we go and grab that coffee?’ you said. Mena walked closer to you, not breaking eye contact. ‘Are you okay?’ he asked softly. You nodded. ‘Why shouldn’t I?’ you said, still forcing yourself to smile. Mena shot you a smile before shaking his head. ‘You’re not okay, Y/N.’ he said. You looked up at him, and smiled again. ‘What are you talking about? I’m okay, Mena.’ you said. Mena let out a sigh. ‘How long before you tell us, Y/N?’ he said. You dropped your smile and looked at your hands. He knew. ‘That Jack, he’s not a really good boyfriend, is he?’ said Mena quietly. You shook your head. ‘No.’ you said. Your voice was so soft it was barely a whisper. ‘He hits you?’ asked Mena. You took a deep breath and felt tears in your eyes. ‘How do you know?’ you said, still looking at your hands. ‘When I hugged you the other day, I felt your whole upper body was sore. And it wasn’t from all the hard work. And as soon as you saw him, your whole body froze and you looked terrified. I could see it in your eyes.’ Mena told you. You looked up at Mena, noticing he stepped closer. ‘You know, Jack wasn’t always like this. When we first met, he was really sweet. And I was young and in love. After a while of dating, he started limiting my freedom. I wasn’t allowed to talk to other men. I wasn’t allowed to go out. I wasn’t even allowed to have friends over. And then one night he- he hit me. And I told myself that it was an accident. That he’d just lost his temper. But one time turned into two. Two turned into three, three into four and so on. Soon it became… a habit. I got terrified of him. Of what he could do to me.’ you softly told Mena. Mena looked at you with his eyebrows a bit frowned. ‘So… he’s been abusing you physically and mentally?’ he said. You nodded. ‘Yeah you can call it that, yeah.’ you admitted. ‘Why don’t you just go? Just leave him.’ said Mena. You let out a laugh. ‘I can’t.’ you said and you shrugged. ‘I wish I was that simple but it’s far from that. Jack threatened to either hurt himself or hurt me should I ever leave him.’ Mena sighed. ‘Why didn’t you tell me? I could’ve helped you.’ ‘How, Mena? How would you help me? There’s nothing you can do. You don’t know Jack like I do, you don’t know what he’s capable of.’ you said. ‘All you can do, is just keep on doing what you always do. Just be your happy and sweet self, and make sure that when I’m on set I have a great time. Jack may take away my freedom and my friends when I’m home, but he’s not going to take away the freedom and friends I have here. Now, I believe we were on our way to grab a coffee?’ ‘Yeah, we were.’ said Mena. ‘Just- talk to me, yeah? Don’t leave me out on what’s happening anymore.’ You raised your hand in between you and Mena. ‘Pinky promise.’ you said. Mena smiled and intertwined your fingers. ‘Pinky promise.’ he said.
 A month has passed since Jack showed up on the set. After that, you fell back into the same old routine. Wake up. Scared. Go to the set. Happy. Go home. Scared. Sleep. Jack hadn’t changed a single bit. The only thing that had changed was Mena. As sweet as he was, he checked in on you every day. He used to do that before, but only occasionally. Now, Mena asked you how you were doing every single day. And then he’d ask how you were doing when you weren’t on set. And if you were having a bad day, or Jack had been drinking the night before and he lost himself again, Mena would take you to a place where you could talk. Most of the times, this was his trailer. He’d tell everyone he needed a break, took you back to his trailer, sat you down on the couch and made sure the door was locked. And you talked to him. You told him everything. And it felt good. It felt so good to just let it all out. Your feelings toward Mena started to change. But you still didn’t dare to speak up to Jack, so you didn’t tell anyone about how you were feeling about Mena. You were glad you had a friend like Mena, someone who you could trust. You wouldn’t do anything to break that trust.
On one of the nights Jack drunk, you showed up on the set in pain. Your whole upper body was sore and underneath your sweater, your arms were covered in bruises. Mena noticed this, and wanted to talk to you, but he couldn’t find the time to. Both you and Mena had a busy day and lots of work to do. At the end of the day, Mena finally finished everything he had to do and went to find you. When he did, you were already packing your stuff and getting ready to leave. ‘Hey, Y/N!’ he said. You turned around and sighed. You weren’t in the mood for talking. ‘I haven’t seen you all day. I just wanted to check in on you.’ said Mena as soon as he caught up with you. ‘I’m not in the mood for talking now, Mena. I need to go home.’ you told him and you continued to walk. Mena caught up with you again and stood in front of you. You sighed. ‘Mena.’ you said. ‘I really can’t talk. Jack specifically said to go home straight away.’ You pushed past Mena and walked away. Mena watched you as you walked away. You always wanted to talk. And Jack always need you home right away. Something told him today was not like any other day. And something inside him told him that was a bad thing.
 You knocked on the door. And again. And again. You tapped your foot impatiently. Raising your hand, you knocked again. On the other end of the door, you head someone stumbling over their feet. ‘Coming, I’m coming.’ said a voice. You stopped knocking and the door opened. Mena looked at you with tired eyes, his hair messy and a pair of sweatpants resting low on his hips. ‘Y/N?’ he said and he rubbed his eyes. ‘It’s nearly 2 am, what are you doing here?’ ‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I ran and I had nowhere else to go.’ you choked out. He then noticed you were crying and quickly pulled you into his arms, shutting the door behind you. You wrapped your arms around his bare torso and proceeded to cry into his chest. Huge, uncontrollable sobs left your mouth and your whole body was shaking. Mena drew circles on your back to calm you down. ‘Shh, I’m here, I’m not going anywhere, I’m here.’ said Mena softly. ‘I got you, don’t worry. Just let it all out.’   You pulled away so you could look at Mena. Mena removed one of his hands from your back and wiped the tears off your cheeks. ‘I left Jack.’ you said. Mena looked at you, a surprised look on his face. ‘You did what?’ he asked you. ‘I left Jack. He started kissing me and I told him no and he wouldn’t stop and I just- I was just done. So I pushed him off me and I told him it was over. Told him I never want to talk to him or see him and that if he ever contacts me again, I’m going to the police. I grabbed my phone and my keys and I just left.’ you told Mena, fresh tears streaming down your cheeks. Mena immediately pulled you back into the hug. ‘I am so proud of you.’ he whispered in your ear. ‘I am so proud you finally stood up to that asshole.’ You pulled away again and smiled. ‘Yeah. I’m proud of me as well. I’ll just go back to get some of my stuff and I’ll get a hotel downtown. I’ll see you tomorrow on set. Sorry for bursting through your door in the middle of the night.’ you said and you chuckled. You wanted to turn around to walk away but Mena didn’t let go of you. ‘You think I’m going to let you go back to that apartment of that asshole?’ said Mena, looking at you with raised eyebrows. ‘After everything he did to you?’ he said. You opened your mouth to say something but Mena was faster. ‘I am not. You’re staying here tonight.’ said Mena. You smiled and stood on your toes to kiss Mena’s cheek. ‘Thank you.’ you said. Mena smiled and took your hand. He walked you to his bedroom and you sat down on the bed. Mena opened his closet and gave you one of his shirts. ‘You can wear that.’ he said. ‘I’ll sleep on the couch.’ ‘Thank you.’ you said. ‘Really, Mena, thank you. This means a lot to me.’ Mena smiled again. ‘Goodnight Y/N.’ he said. ‘Goodnight Mena.’ you said and Mena left the room, shutting the door behind him.
You changed into the shirt Mena gave you and laid down on the bed. You tried to get comfortable but no matter what position you would lay in, you couldn’t fall asleep. You sighed and got up. You opened the door as quietly as you could, in case Mena was already asleep. However, when you entered the living room you saw Mena was still awake. He was looking at his phone, the light illuminating his face. You’d figured he’d be asleep already, since it was late and you woke him by practically banging at his door. Mena must have heard you come in because he looked up and smiled when he saw you. ‘Hey.’ he said. ‘Couldn’t sleep?’ You shook your head, arms hugging your body. ‘Too much on my mind. And it’s weird, but I miss Jack’s company. Not him, but the feeling of being held, you know?’ You smiled. ‘Guess I just have to get used to it.’ A part of you was expecting Mena to offer to stay with you, and a part of you was scared it would get awkward. But all Mena did was smile. And so you said goodnight and returned to the bedroom. You were trying to get comfortable again, when the door opened. You turned your head and saw Mena walking up to the bed. ‘Make some space.’ he said softly. You moved over and Mena laid down beside you. His feet touched yours when he scooted closer. The two of you stayed silent for a while. Then you felt Mena wrap his arms around you, pulling you closer. You smiled as you felt a warm feeling in your chest. It had been a while since you felt that feeling and you smiled even wider. You closed your eyes and fell asleep within minutes.
 For the next weeks, you occasionally went to your old apartment at times of which you knew Jack wasn’t there, taking some of your stuff and moving it to Mena’s place. Mena offered you could stay with him for as long as you wanted. You gladly accepted. The more time you spent with him, the more you caught yourself falling deeper in love with him. Mena felt the same. You still had to get used to it, though. It had been a while since someone had really loved you. Because you were sure that Jack may had loved you in the beginning of your relationship, but later on he was just using you, not loving you. But with Mena it was different. He really cared about you, and was happy with every moment he could share with you. You also told your closest friends at the set what was going on, including Will and Naomi. Everyone responded the same: that they were proud you stood up for yourself and that they were happy for you and Mena. You and Mena still hadn’t put a label on the thing going on between you, but everyone around you could see you were in love. You spent more time watching Mena as he was shooting scenes and you spent his breaks with him.
You tried your best to forget about Jack. Your friends, Mena, everyone would help you with that. Until one day it all went wrong. You were talking with Mena, Naomi and Will. You were sitting on a couch with Naomi, Will and Mena both in chairs around the table in the middle. You were just talking about the day when your eyes suddenly went wide and your mouth fell open. Mena, who was sitting in front of you, looked over his shoulder and got up. You got up as well, standing behind Mena and holding on to his right hand with both of yours. This couldn’t be happening. The person you saw wasn’t real. Jack walked up to you. He waved at you and your grip on Mena’s hand tightened. ‘Hello Y/N! Mena, Will, Naomi, nice to see you.’ said Jack. You took a deep breath and bit your lip. Jack stopped in front of you and Mena. You felt like throwing up when Jack smiled at you. ‘Y/N, sweetheart, when are you coming home?’ asked Jack. Mena stepped forward but you were faster. You let go of Mena’s hand and stepped closer to Jack.
‘Home? Home?’ you spit out. ‘Don’t get me wrong but you house never felt like a home to me. I was frightened of that place. Did you really think I stayed on set every day until after dinner time because I had work to do? Wrong! I stayed because I was frightened to go to your house! You know, you were sweet in the beginning; I’m not going to lie about that. But then you started turning my life into a living hell. And for years I was too afraid to tell you no. I was too afraid to stand up for myself. Not anymore! I told you I wanted you out of my life. I left you. We’re done, Jack, we’re over. We do not exist anymore. Just you and me, but there’s no us.’ you took a deep breath and continued, letting it all out. ‘I am happy now. I can hang out with my friends whenever I want to. I can talk to any guy I want. But most of all: I look forward to going home. Because now I know that someone is waiting for me, and I know that he actually loves me. He cares about me in a way that you never did. I told you we are over. I want you out of my life. If you ever contact me again or if I ever see you again, I’m going to the police. And I’m not joking!’ you said firmly, your voice becoming louder and louder with every sentence. Jack looked at you full disbelief. You felt Mena’s hand on your shoulder. ‘You heard the lady. Get off the set.’ said Mena. Jack looked from you to Mena and he raised his eyebrows. ‘This is the guy you replaced me with? Wow, Y/N. I thought you’d be better than that.’ said Jack. ‘Out.’ you said firmly. ‘Wow.’ said Jack as he shook his head. ‘Wow.’ he said again. He turned around and walked away. You turned around as well, facing Mena. 
‘Is he gone?’ you said. Mena looked over your shoulder. ‘Almost.’ he said. ‘And he’s gone.’ ‘YES!’ You yelled. ‘Did you see what I just did?’ Mena smiled and wrapped his arms around you. ‘I did, sweetheart, and it was amazing.’ said Mena as you hugged him back. ‘Way to go Y/N!’ you heard Will’s voice behind Mena and you smiled into Mena’s chest. You turned your head so you could look at Mena, the biggest smile on your face. ‘I’m so proud of you.’ said Mena. ‘I love you.’ Your mouth fell open. He’d never said that to you. You smiled again and stood on your toes to press a kiss to Mena’s lips. ‘I love you too.’ you said against his lips. You had spent years with a man that told you he loved you, but you knew he didn’t. You spent years with a man that only used you, who you were frightened of. But now, you spent your time with a man that actually loved you. He loved you and he cared about you. You couldn’t wait to spend more years with him, to catch up on the years of your life that you had lost while being with the wrong man. Mena was never going to treat you like Jack did. Mena loved you. And that was all you needed.
If you want to request something, make sure to read my house rules Here’s the list of characters I write for, I’ll be making a masterlist once I have written more. Thank you for reading! Much love, Jo
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wint-er-voices · 5 years
My main Egyptian mans
Mena “ I grew up in an Egyptian household” Massoud
Rami “we shot live aid on day one” Malek
333 notes · View notes
adore-holland · 5 years
Under Renovation |T.H.| - Chapter 2
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Pairing: Tom Holland x Celeb!Reader
Warning: Language, angst.. again
Word Count: 3101
A/N: This was a hard one.. The ups and downs of a breakup are always hard to portray truthfully, so I’m hpoing I’m doing it justice. The response I got on chapter 1 was amazing. I know there aren’t a lot of people following along, but way more than I anticipated - So thank you, so very much! I hope you enjoy!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2:
You don’t really know how to react. It’s been hours since you found out, but still, you haven’t reacted; and you don’t know what’s wrong with you. You’ve spent the last week crying, bawling your eyes out, a constant lump in your throat, weakness sinking into your core. The moment you find out that he found someone else though; nothing. 
Help. You want to scream it, cry it.. mean it. For some weird reason, you don’t want help, although you know you need it. From a psychological standpoint, you’re most likely bottling up your reaction, involuntarily but still; and from the very limited knowledge you have of psychology.. that isn’t a good thing. Right now, in this very moment, as you’re walking down the empty street with no destination in mind, it’s so peaceful that you wanna keep doing it. 
Keep bottling it up, hiding it way… not facing it. Tom found someone else, less than a week after he broke up with you for no apparent reason. 
Well, it seems pretty apparent now.
You’re close to Hyde Park so you cross the street to get closer. In the back of your head you’re aware that you’re getting further and further away from home, but it doesn’t really matter to you. Nothing really does.
Without thinking you scurry across the paths, letting memory guide you more than anything. The dark shadows between the streetlamps bring you more comfort than the yellow light, even in the dark park. Over the past week you’ve gotten so used to the dark, gotten so comfortable with it and it’s way of hiding you from the world - or the world from you, that you barely notice your new tendency to stay in the shadows. 
A deep breath, followed by another - it’s getting hard to breathe again. You swallow, willing the unwelcome lump in your throat to just go the hell away. It doesn’t. The nightlife around you almost seems to mock you. Loud music, groups of increasingly drunk people, but worst of all lovestruck couples, stuck in a fantasy of neverending bliss. You almost pity them. Almost. You would, if you didn’t desperately want to be one of them again. 
The thought breaks you. Tears stream down your cheeks, and you hurry to the nearest tree, holding onto one of its large branches for support. You tremble as you try to cover loud sobs, desperately not wanting to draw any attention to you. Moving to the other side of the tree, facing away from the path, you turn your back to it. The tears can’t seem to come fast enough; flowing down your face in a steady stream, and your sobs barely allow you to breathe. Lack of oxygen forces you to sit down, to stop the sudden wobbling in your knees, and you welcome the feeling of the cold ground consuming you. You draw the sleeves of your hoodie over your hands and try to wipe the tears away as they flow - no success. 
Tom broke up with you for someone else. 
He… he broke up with you for someone else. You repeat the words in your head. Again and again, trying to make sense of it. There are only two options to go with that statement. Either he met her while you were still together, and decided that she was better than you. Or he got over you extremely quickly and just happened to meet a match so soon. You can’t decide which one hurts the most. 
You allow yourself to disappear into your mind for a bit, searching the last days, weeks, months of your relationship for clues - anything to point to things having gone bad. Nothing. You can think of nothing that changed. Everything seemed so perfect, the exact depiction of “too good to be true”, yet it was.. until it wasn’t. 
Sitting alone in the dark, you can’t help but miss him. You’ve tried, so hard, to keep that thought out of your mind for the past week. Tonight, you wanna welcome the misery, fall back into its strong embrace. With quick motions you find your phone in your pocket. The bright light from the screen hurts your eyes - you quickly blink it away. Your gallery is filled with photos, memories, of him. Picture after picture of the two of you, looking at each other like there’s no one else in the world. One particular photo makes your heart clench, and you can’t help the heartbreaking sob. 
The picture is beautiful - the kind of picture that almost seems too perfect to even be. In it, your eyes are squeezed together, lashes brushing your cheekbones, your mouth is stretched out into a wide laugh, and you’re facing a beautiful blue summer sky. Tom’s laughing too, but only his eyes give it away with a shiny glint in them. His lips are attached to your jaw, kissing it as gently as he can. He has one hand on the back of your neck, pressing you into him, and the other on your waist. 
You remember the photo as if it was taken yesterday. It was your 1-year anniversary, and Harry had asked if he could use you as subjects for some photos he wanted to take. You loved Harry, so of course you had agreed. It had mostly been innocent, cute shots of yours and Tom's hands intertwined, close ups of the two of you glancing at each other. That lasted until Sam asked Tom to look like he actually enjoyed being there. Tom responded by getting handsy - resulting in this shot of the both of you laughing. 
After staring at the photo for a few more seconds, you let the screen go black again, however keeping your eyes on your reflection. You finally notice what exactly missing Tom has done to you. Your cheeks are sunken in, dark shadows highlighting your cheekbones - not in the healthy way. Large bags have settled under your eyes, and your otherwise healthy hair has gone frizzy. With a huff you place your phone back in your pocket, not being able to stomach the look of yourself anymore. You realize missing him has taken its toll on you.
But still, you miss him. He was a part of your day to day life for three years, and your best friend for a year before that. Tom had become a constant fixture in your life, and he just upped and left. It makes sense to miss him, you even feel validated in missing him. 
Sitting there, on the cold ground, alone in the dark, you realize something for the first time. You may miss him, but you miss yourself more.
“You’re gonna play opposite Mena Massoud?” Dan almost yells at you, and you have to shush him so you don’t disturb the others in the store. “You have to be kidding, that guy is a literal disney prince.” He turns to you with wide brown eyes, as you smirk back at him. “A literal disney prince y/n!” 
“Not only that, I’m gonna be filming a sex scene with a literal disney prince.” You cast a wink towards Daniel before you keep searching the bedsheet section for something you like. After getting home from the park last night, you had realized that you didn’t own a single bed set that Tom hadn’t slept in, and with a sudden urge to get him out of your life, you had thrown everything out, and resorted to sleeping on the couch with a blanket. Waking up this morning, you had regretted the decision, seeing as you now needed to go shopping.
“Dude.. I’m so coming to set that day.” It’s his turn to wink at you, and you let out a quick laugh - eyes widening at the strange sensation. Even Dans’ eyes widen, before he picks you up and spins you around, only prompting more laughter. “You’re coming back to me, thank goodness. For a moment I thought I had to find a new best friend.” He squeezes you tight, finally setting you back down on the ground. 
Involuntarily your eyes roll - you know he wouldn’t be able to function without you. At least you still have him - He has been your rock through this week, and you can never repay him the strength he has given you, you will sure as hell try though. Your eyes catch onto a beautiful mauve set, and you pick it up. 
“Done! Let’s go home and pack.” You look up at Daniel, happily catching the surprised look on his face. For a moment, you let yourself look at Dan, as if for the first time ever. He’s tall, standing at 6 foot 3. He’s not necessarily muscular, but he doesn’t look bad considering his almost skinny nature. Dan and you first met when you were out shopping right before your first big audition. He worked at the store, and could sense your nerves - he had given you a small bracelet for free, telling you to give it back when you got the part. The next time you came back, you payed for the bracelet, invited him out for coffee, and told him that he was your lucky charm. His boyfriend at the time broke up with him a little while after that, and he came to you for comfort; the two of you had been like peas in a pod ever since, and you wouldn’t change that for anything in the world.
“Packing? Where are we going?” You’ve been keeping it a surprise from him, but Matt had already made all the arrangements. 
“You really think they’re gonna film a movie, based in Hollywood, in London?” His eyebrows furrow together as he tries to figure out what you’re hinting at. “Alright, let me try to make it clearer for you. I need to get away from my life as it is right now.. that means London, and you’ve always wanted to live there, so I figured that you would come with me, if I told you it was an all expenses paid trip.” Dans’ mouth drops open as he realizes what exactly you mean.
“We’re moving to Hollywood?” You nod, a smile spreading onto you lips. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner? I would’ve been packed already!”
The windows in your apartment are open, allowing in the fresh breeze from outside. The “Getting over your ex” playlist Dan found is blaring through your speakers, as the two of you shuffle through your wardrobe. You have already filled 3 boxes with the clothes you’re going to donate, and only a half with what you’re gonna keep. Perhaps it’s the playlist influencing you, but you have a sudden urge to change up your style. 
Dan pulls out a stunning black floral dress, and holds it up for you to look at. 
“Out.” The answer comes immediately, and you look away from it as quickly as you can - trying to shut out the memories suddenly passing through your mind.  
“Wha..? But y/n, this is gorgeous.” Dan mopes, shaking the dress slightly, letting the thin layers brush against each other in that beautiful way that made you buy it in the first place.
“Dan, that one is going out.” You expected your voice to crack, instead you sound stern and almost commanding. 
“May I ask why?”
“I wore it on our first date.” It seems to be answer enough, as he throws it straight into the donation box, quickly moving his attention back to the rest of the closet. You busy yourself with the rest of your stuff - Dan was always the fashionista out of the two of you, and when you told him you wanted to change it up, he barely let you finish explaining what you wanted to do. 
You try to distance yourself as much as possible from what you’re doing, not really allowing yourself to get caught on the memories in this place. You pick up the picture frame on your nightstand, and without giving yourself time to think, you pop out the picture and put it into a small shoebox labeled “Tom”. You tell yourself that you’re gonna throw the box away, but you know that that isn’t gonna happen. One box to remind you of three years of your life? You figure that’s fair. The frame itself is a beautiful intricate pattern of glass and metal, so you pack it neatly into the box for decorations. 
The nightstand was on Tom's side, so as you open the drawer you try your best not to let the stuff inside affect you - dissociating completely from it. You feel the urge to just dump the whole drawer into the large box in the corner of the room, already full of his stuff, but this is some of the more valuable stuff.. To you at least. He hasn’t made an effort to contact you since he broke up with you, not even to get his stuff back. To be honest, you’re not sure why he didn’t take it with him when he left you heartbroken in your kitchen. The smell of burnt rice still lingers in there.
Quickly you pick up the spare watch he always left at your place, the phone charger, a pair of headphones - the red ones… his favourite. You place all of it gently into his box, and move on to his cabinet in the bathroom. You work quickly through the apartment, placing any and everything of his into the brown moving box. Toothbrushes, soaps, deodorants, razors, jewellery, it all goes in the box. Right until you get to his clothes. Most of it you just take a bunch of and dump it into a plastic sack, knowing there isn’t room for all, if any, of it in the box. You try to ignore the sudden strong scent of him surrounding you, and the familiar feeling of some of this clothes. 
One hoodie catches your attention. It’s the orange one, with the black stitches around the scrunched up neck. You had always adored that hoodie, proudly dubbing it “the pumpkin”. His mom had bought it for him, fully well knowing that it would basically become yours. Tom never knew that his mother had sent you a photo of it first to get approval, so when he presented it to you, smelling gloriously of him, for the first time, your heart skipped a beat at the fact that he knew you well enough to know that you would love it. 
Casting a glance over your shoulder, you see Dan still working through your closet, and you quickly stuff the orange hoodie into the bottom of the keep box. One box and one hoodie? You know you shouldn’t but you have to. You find yourself right back in the mindset to miss him, which wasn’t the plan at all. 
“I’m gonna hop in the shower real quick.” Scurrying past Dan, he hands you a set of black underwear as he is already deep in your lingerie drawer.
As you focus on the water, you start to relax again, the memories fading away just as quickly as they came. On the other side of the bathroom door, you hear Dan turn up the playlist, and you can’t help but smile at the thought of him jamming out in your closet. You let your mind fade into the music, slowly beginning to dance to the rhythm under the water. It’s only a matter of minutes before you step out of the shower again; hair dripping wet and mood elevated to a mood you haven’t been in for a while -  and for the first time in a long time, it feels like things are actually starting to look up again. 
You quickly dry off your skin, but leave your hair damp, and throw on the set Dan handed you. Surprisingly you feel really good. Despite all the imperfections you found in yourself last night, today has been a really good day for you. The bags under your eyes are less prominent, as you actually got to sleep tonight, your eyes are shining - happy again - from a day well spent with a good friend. You feel really good. 
Hanging up the towel to dry, you walk back out into your bedroom, quickly finding a simple pair of grey sweats, and throwing them on. Dan has seen you naked, countless times, so you don’t bother with a shirt. You’ve been covering up for a week with large sweatshirts and blankets, so the feeling of the breeze on your bare skin is refreshing to say the least. 
The living room is bright, and despite the plethora of boxes stacked all over the place, and the long to-do list laying on the coffee table, you wanna take a break. The intensity of the music sends energy into your muscles, longing for them to move to the rhythm. Dan’s in the midst of going through your jackets when you grab his hand and draw him out into the middle of the living room floor. He laughs with you, but begins to dance with you all the same. Jumping around your apartment, limbs moving mindlessly through the air, you start to feel alive again. You’re still there, perhaps buried behind a crushed dream, but you’re still there, and you’re slowly crawling your way back up the surface again. 
You lose track of time, only noticing that time has even passed at all, when the doorbell rings. 
“Pizza’s here!” You yell over the music, and walk over to the stereo to turn it down. Hurrying towards the door, you catch a glimpse over your shoulder, noting the weirdly elegant dance Dan is now performing with one of your jackets. Your face breaks out in a smile as you whip your head back around to focus on the door. With quick motions you unlock it, and draw it open, smile still vibrant on your face. 
It’s not the pizza delivery. You feel your smile fall slightly as you swallow a heavy lump in your throat, but you try your best to keep the mood light and the smile alive. You recognize the black boots, the torn jeans, the white patterned t-shirt you gave him once, the leather jacket, the angular jaw, the defined cheekbones, the wild eyebrow, the familiar brown curls and the stunning warm brown eyes. 
“Tom?” Despite the thundering in your chest, you feel relatively calm - despite the fact that you’re stood, half naked, in front of your very recent ex.
“Hi y/n.” 
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irrrationalfangirl · 5 years
Hi! 🌻 I love your writing! I’m sorry this is a little specific but can I get an headcanon or a one shot about being Mena’s co-star and slowly falling in love with each other (and the fan shipping you two) even if you are in a loveless relationship with an other actor. You eventually find out that your boyfriend cheats on you and you can finally date Mena. Thank youuuuu and sorry again if it’s so specific and complicated 💛💛💛
Warning: physical and mental abuse
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“Why are you so upset?!,” you said, running after your boyfriend. “The way you look at him, y/n. That’s why,” he replied. “It’s called acting. That’s all it is!,” you retorted. Your boyfriend walked up to you and looked you straight in the eye. “I don’t care what you call it,”he said, grabbing a chunk of your hair and pulling at it. “You’re dating me remember? I’m the only actor you should be staring at like that,”he said, releasing your hair. He stormed off to your shared bedroom and slammed the door. Gosh, you were starting to hate him. He had never started treating you like this until you became a successful actress and even nailed the audition for the live action Aladdin. When had he become so hateful? Maybe it started with how you stared at the actor who played the title role of Aladdin, Mena Massoud. You found Mena attractive, but you didn’t harbor any feelings for him. Or so you thought…
A couple days later, your boyfriend had an acting gig with the Walking Dead while you were busy with the filming of Aladdin. On set, you were so stressed about him and couldn’t stop worrying if he loved you anymore or not. You were for sure falling out of love with him though, that is, if he continued this abusive behavior. Suddenly, the world around you spinned and then everything went dark. The darkness seemed like it would never end, until, you woke up to notice a man with beautiful brown eyes cradling your head and asking if you were all right. As your vision cleared, you noticed it was Mena. Other cast and crew were standing over you as you laid on the ground. “Hey, she’s awake! Can someone get some water for her?,” Mena asked. Soon enough, you were chugging a bottled water. “Wha..what happened?,”you asked in your dazed state. “You passed out and fell to the floor,” Mena replied. He pulled a stray piece of hair back. A gesture that didn’t go unnoticed by you. “But you’re fine now. We were all scared you wouldn’t wake up,” he said, laughing a little. He stood up and grabbed your hands, pulling you up. “You think you can finish takes today?,” he asked. “Yeah..yeah,” you replied, rubbing the back of your head. “Ok, good,” he said, smiling at you. Wow he had a cute smile. Hours passed and daylight turned to moonlight as the cast and crew as were finishing up the final take of the day of Aladdin being captured by thugs and taken to Jafar. As you stared at Mena, you couldn’t help the smile that appeared on your face. He was such a charming actor. As the director yelled cut, your boyfriend sneaked up behind you and picked you up. The smile immediately disappeared. “How was your day?,” he asked, putting you down. “It was good. Other than the fact that I fainted,” you told him. His face dropped. “You fainted?! And you didn’t call me?! Nobody called me!!,” he exclaimed. “Everything was fine. I just passed out from….the heat is all,” you said. “Also, you were filming today. I was just going to tell you when you got here,”you said. This didn’t help his demeanor. “You still could have let me know what happened,” he said, starting to walk towards the parking lot. As he walked fast in front of you, he suddenly stopped and turned around to you. “Let me guess…he helped you, didn’t he?,” he asked in a harsh tone. “Like any decent human would, yes. I was on set with him when it happened so he obviously helped out. If it was anyone else, you wouldn’t be like this?,” you asked. “You’re dang right, I wouldn’t. I’ll be happy when you’re done with this film,” he exclaimed. At that moment, he noticed behind you, Mena exiting his trailer and coming your way. Your boyfriend roughly pushed you against the nearest car and started making out with you. His lips nastily attacking yours.. you absolutely hated it. This went on for a couple seconds before you pushed him off of you. “Let’s just head home, ok?,” you told him. “All right, MY GIRL!,” he said, turning to look back at Mena. You opened the passenger door of his car, got it, and slammed it shut.
Over the next couple weeks, the relationship between you and your boyfriend strained while the friendship between you and Mena only became stronger. You asked if for his number one day on set and it became a daily habit of you sending memes to each other. Your boyfriend would often give you weird looks as you laughed and smiled at your phone often, you told him it was a friend texting you. You made sure to leave out that it was a guy and especially that the guy was Mena. Other than sending memes, you learned more about Mena’s life and he learned more about yours. You loved how passionate he was about his hobbies and just about life, in general. It was charming to you. He loved hearing stories about your childhood and talking to you about your day on days you weren’t needed on set. You wouldn’t admit it ,but when his name lit up on your phone screen, your heart skipped a beat. You just hoped this newfound attraction wasn’t fake just because of how your boyfriend was currently acting. Maybe you were falling out of love with him and in love with someone else, but you didn’t give the idea much thought.
A couple days later, during a break, you went to the crafts table for a snack when you noticed Mena nearby, staring intensely at his script. Your lips cracked a tiny smile and you leaned your head to the right. He seemed worried about something so you made your way over to him. “Hey, you doing ok over here?’” you asked him. “Not really. Naomi’s busy filming Jasmine scenes with the Sultan and I need someone to run lines with,” he said, looking up at you. “Are you busy now? Do you mind coming over to my trailer to help me?,” he asked. “Oh, sure! They don’t need me right now,” you said, a little too excited. “Great. Let’s go,” he said as you both started making your way to his trailer. As you settled on the couch in his trailer, he grabbed an extra copy of the script for you. “Here. Page 107,” he said, handing you the script. “Start from the first Jasmine line you see there,” he said pointing to your page. “Ok. Got it,” you replied. You cleared your throat. “You can not just break into a palace and walk around like you own the place.” “If you don’t have anything you have to act like you own everything. So…what do you say? I did find your bracelet.” “You did not find it. You stole it.” “Correction. The monkey stole it.” “He’s your monkey.” “He’s still just a monkey!” You laughed and Mena looked up at you and smiled. “Ok. This is where Nasim comes in. Do you want to skip this?,” you asked. “Yeah. That’s fine. Let’s go to where it’s just Aladdin and Jasmine. I need to work specifically on getting those scenes just right,” he replied. “Turn five pages and start where it says ‘You have,’”he told you. You nodded, turning the pages. “You have to go, now!” “Oh. Ok,but I’m coming back tomorrow night!” “What?! No you can’t.” “Meet me in the courtyard beside the fountain when the moon is above the minaret….to return this. I promise.” Mena stops and tucks a piece of your hair behind your ear. A gesture that was scripted, but, yet, reminded you of the time he did it earlier. As he brushed the tucked hair behind your ear, you stared into each other’s eyes for more than a couple seconds. Mena’s eyes staring at your full lips and how your hair laid across your cheeks. Your eyes staring into those beautiful brown eyes as you continued to scan his entire face. Mena didn’t notice it,but he was leaning towards you, but you backed away and stared back at the script. “Ok…what’s the next scene you need to practice?,” you asked him. “How about the kissing scene between Aladdin and Jasmine?,” he asked, laughing. Your cheeks turned red. “Haha. Nice try, Mena. Just let the kiss be natural when you do it..,” you told him, staring at the ground then back at him. “When you do it WITH NAOMI,” you continued, laughing awkwardly. “Yeah. I know. Just trying to sneak a kiss,” he replied, letting out the same awkward laugh. You both continued to stare down at the floor until Mena broke the silence. “Um..y/n?,” he asked, making you look up. “Yeah?,” you replied. “We’re friends, right?,” he asked you. “Absolutely, Mena,” you replied. This made him smile. “And…friends tell each other the truth?,” he asked.
“Yeah,usually,”you said with a laugh. “What’s up?,”you asked. He took a slow breath in and out. “This is awkward,but…I want to get it off my chest….,” he said. Your heart started to race. “I think I’m in love with you. I know you have a boyfriend, so I know you don’t like me, but I just thought I’d let you know because this feeling has been eating at me for weeks,” he admitted. Your eyes widened, but you just placed your hand on his thigh. “Mena, I would be lying if I said I didn’t have feelings for you too, but I’m in a committed relationship with my boyfriend right now. So, I’m sorry, we just can’t be together like that,” you told him.He stared back down at the floor. “Thanks for being honest with me,” you said as he turned to look at you. He let out a deep sigh. “I just don’t understand how you can be with someone like him. He treats you like trash. I saw the way he inappropriatly kissed you in the parking lot the other day and how you pushed him off when it happened,” he said, standing up from the couch. “He just gets jealous sometimes. That’s him,” you said back. He ran his hand through his hair. “I understand. I just wanted to let you know the truth. I didn’t want to keep any secrets between us,” he said. You nodded your head. Just then, a crew member knocked on the trailer door saying they needed Mena on set in ten minutes. Mena ran his hand through his hair. “I’ll..um..talk to you later. Thanks for running lines with me. I really appreciated it,”he said. Then he was gone as the trailer door closed behind him.
At the end of your work day, you were still troubled about how you left things with Mena. You knocked on his trailer. No answer. You checked the parking lot for his car. Not there. I guess he had left early. Your shoulders dropped and you made your way to your own car. Even though you did have feelings for him, you still wanted things to work with your boyfriend. You were extremely loyal and you weren’t going to let his jealousy ruin what you two had. As you opened the door to your apartment, you felt a strange feeling in the air. You called out for your boyfriend and he came out of your bedroom. “Hey. How was work today?,” he asked, smiling at you. “Fine….How about you?,” you asked. “Oh. Mine was great,” he replied. You walked into the bedroom to lay your things on the bed when you heard a noise come from the closet. You looked back at your boyfriend who awkwardly smiled. You made your way to the closet when your boyfriend said something. “Hey. I made dinner. Don’t you want to come eat?,” he asked. “I do, but I hear something strange coming from the closet,” you told him. You continued to walk towards the closet doors. “Babe, wait!,” your boyfriend yelled out. But it was too late…you already opened the door. In the closet stood a half naked woman who looked just a few years younger than you did. You stayed silent for a few seconds as you walked over to your boyfriend. “Fun day at work,huh?,”you told him. He said nothing. “Get out..,” you said in a harsh whisper. “Babe, it’s not what you think. She’s just a friend,” he told you. “A half naked friend of yours hiding in a closet. Yeah. That makes sense,” you said, sarcastically. You threw him and the girl out of the bedroom. “Get your things and get out! I never want to you again…EVER!,” you yelled at him. He went to speak, but you interrupted. “Let me guess. Payback for Mena,huh? WELL AT LEAST I HAD THE DECENCY TO NOT CHEAT ON YOU!!,” you screamed. You threw all the possible things in your sight that belonged to him and threw it at his chest. “We can make this work. I promise it won’t happen again,”he said as you continued throwing his stuff at him. “But don’t you know the saying, MY BOY. Once a cheater, ALWAYS A CHEATER,” you defended. This broke him finally. “You deserved it!! After all, I know you have a crush on that Mena guy anyways. You shouldn’t even be hurt over what I did,” he retorted. “Maybe I do. I don’t know, but I’ve been trying to make things work out between us because we’ve been together for so long. BUT! Like I said, I DIDNT EVER CONSIDER CHEATING ON YOU!!,” you retorted back. This time he stayed silent. “Give me your key and get out,” you demanded. His hands shook as he grabbed his keys from his bag and you practically snatched the key from his hand. You pushed him out of the door and didn’t let him say another word. “I’ll pack up the rest of your things and you can come get them..if I haven’t burned them…another day,” you said, slamming the door. You fell to the floor and busted out crying. You cried until your eyes were swollen and your throat was dry. You didn’t do anything for the rest of the night, but just mope around your apartment and stay in bed. Good thing you didn’t have to return to set for a few days, you were an emotional disaster.
As the days went by, your routine stayed the same which was mope around the apartment and lay in bed. This was until you noticed Mena on set the day you returned. Your face lit up. You could date him now. As you walked on the set, you noticed him getting his makeup reapplied. He saw you and gave you a small, but sad smile. You returned the smile. You started getting your makeup done as he was finished with his. You motioned for him to come over and he made his way over. “Hey, meet me in front of your trailer when we’re free for lunch. I need to tell you something,” you told him. “Oh,ok,” he said, giving you a weird look.
About three hours later, the director called lunch and you walked to Mena’s trailer. He was already standing in front of his trailer when you arrived. “Hey. Do you want to head in?,” he asked, pointing to his door. “Yeah. Sounds good,” you said. He held the door open for you as you walked in. “So, firstly, I just want to say I’m sorry. It took me a few days, but I’m over you. You don’t have to worry about my crush anymore. I don’t want to harm you and your boyfriend,” Mena said, staring back at the ground. “Ex-boyfriend,” you corrected him. “What?! What happened?,”he exclaimed. “He cheated on me because he was jealous of you,”you told him. He walked over to you and took your hand in his. “I’m sorry. Are you okay?,” he asked. “I’m more ok today than I have been since it happened,” you replied. “Is that what you wanted to tell me? About him cheating?,” he asked you. “Kinda. I was going to tell you we broke up,” you told him. He let go of your hand. “That’s a relief. He was a douche. Glad you got rid of him,” he said. “Me too..,” you replied, smiling. Mena grabbed his keys from the counter and smiled at you. “Ok, my good friend, let’s go celebrate this wonderful occasion. Lunch. My treat,” he told you. “Mena…,” you said. He turned around and looked at you. “Yeah?,” he replied. “I have feelings for you,” you told him. His mouth dropped and his face froze completely for a couple seconds. He finally spoke up. “You know I was kidding earlier when I said I’m over you. I just wanted to ease your mind. I do like you. Like really really like you. When did you say you liked me? I never noticed that you menti-” “Mena!,” you interrupted him. “Just kiss me!,” you commanded. “Ok..,” he said, before grabbing your face and placing his lips on yours. His hands moved from your cheeks to your waist as he pulled you into him. Your hands glided down his shirt and under it so you were touching his bare skin. After a couple steamy minutes, you broke away from his lips to breathe. “Guess what?,” you asked him. “What?,” he said, leaning his head into the crook of your neck. “We get to practice that kissing scene now,” you said, laughing. “Oh, we’re going to ‘practice’ a lot more than just that,” he told you as he leaned back to stare into your eyes. He, once again, tucked a stray piece of hair behind your ear and leaned in to place a gentle kiss on your lips. You smiled. You finally could kiss him and you weren't going to stop...
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Subtle Induction: Matteo x Adele drabble/one-shot
Whatttt!!! Okay, I did say I didn’t have time to commit to a fanfic, but this scene popped into my head and I thought, heck. Fine. I can smash out a drabble. 
Famous last words, eh?
This was inspired by one of my Titanic prompts - Christmas (Modern/Urban) AU, but leans closer to a Workplace AU. Not chrismas-sy though :(
Subtle Induction | Titanic AU | Matteo x Adal
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Click. Click. Click.
She stared at the spreadsheet despondently, figures swimming in front of her eyes.
NG-Organise? More like NG-bullshit. 
She sighed heavily.
48 hours. That was all it took for her world to come crushing down. 
Adal moved to London upon accepting a job offer that seemed too good to be true. A passionate activist of women's rights, Adal was currently putting herself through a political science degree by working tables at the local pub. One night, she overheard one of her patrons waxing lyrical about the emerging tech giant that was going to change the world. Immediately, she was enamoured. She looked up their careers directory and applied for a place on their PR team. 
To her surprise, what she thought would be a shot in the dark became a dream come true when she received an email invitation for an interview. Mr. Vasari had taken her interview, shown her around the workplace, and offered her a position. His deep baritone, steady gaze and fierce intellect made her feel safe and listened to, and she believed if this was any indication of the level of leadership she had to look forward to, the job would be a slice of heaven.
Little did she know she made a deal with the devil.
She huffed, rubbing the bridge of her nose tiredly. The hairs of her neck began to stand. Her eyes flicked over the barrier to the cubicle in the corner. 
He was looking at her again. 
Rolling her shoulders back, she met his inquisitive gaze heads on. He did not look away. Instead, he quirked one thick eyebrow up, an insufferable smirk tugging at the corner of his lips.
Matteo Vasari was a wolf in sheep’s clothing. But little did he know, she was no lamb. 
Adal scoffed. He had set her on this path. Convinced her that this was the exact progressive workplace she wanted to be in. That this was the job of a lifetime. Convinced her to move to London, quit her job, uproot herself and her sister to seize the opportunity to make a difference.
Within 2 days of starting, the facade of the dream came crashing down. 
James Eisler, the British division’s CEO had invited her and Matteo to discuss her role and responsibilities. She left that meeting white-knuckled, with her breath caught in her chest. It was evident that she was a token hire, a woman and person of colour that would raise the profile of their company to several key stakeholders they wanted to impress. And what better way than putting her in-charge of publicity. A public face for a public role. 
Immediately she saw what she didn’t see right there before. A predominantly anglo workplace. No women in managerial or senior positions. A white saviour mindset permeating throughout their work in various sectors. None of their practices took into account local expertise in the countries they assisted. It was shocking. A complete contrast to their current image. 
No wonder why they splash the big bucks on PR, Adal rolled her eyes.
Click. Click. Click.
She couldn’t just cut loose. Her apartment and Hileni’s new school placement was tied up with NGOrganise. They had offered it as part of their reloaction service, and Adal took them up. Now everything was at stake. 
Worse still, she was tasked to win over Zetta Serda, beloved Oscar-winning actress and UN Goodwill Ambassador for the past 5 years. To convince her to be part of their charade in spreading awareness and goodwill across the globe.
Scowling at her screen, she hears the rolling of a chair in the distance. Sharp footsteps pad towards her. Adal kept her eyes glued to the screen, her hand twitching in anticipation. Not long, the telltale strong, spicy scent of his pomade invaded her senses. A small cough. She reluctantly lifts her eyes. Matteo throws her a short, wry smile and nods towards her screen.
“Having trouble?”, he tucks his hands under his arms, his forearms exposed by crisp rolled-up sleeves. His wristwatch glistens under the fluorescent lighting. 11.45am. Gods, the day had barely begun.
“Trouble e-stalking a celebrity, tracking down her movements and formulating a false impression of our work for the campaign? Now why would you think that?”
He smirks, finding her candor refreshing.
“You look like you’ve been kicked by a horse”.
She gasps. His smirk deepens. 
“Well, I happen to have a lot on my mind.”
Matteo’s smirk fades and he nods, deep in thought.
“And how is your sister settling?”
Adal’s back stiffens. Matteo sees how it’s taken and immediately shakes his head, hands raised, cool demeanour gone.
“I meant, with school and everything. I understand it was a big move for her too.”
A beat passes, Adal’s face an inscrutable mask. 
“Great. We’re grateful to NGOrganise for putting her at St Rose’s Girls. Not an easy school to get into, from what we hear.”
The unspoken implication of the statement hangs heavily between them. It is known that girls that look like Hileni do not go to prestigious, high crust institutions like St Rose's.
Matteo nods. He hesitates over what he says next.
“Adal...we take care of our own here at NGO. You needn’t worry. You have every reason to believe that we have your best interests at heart. James is a man of his word.”
“And you?”
Adal sees his eyes flash for a split second, and then flicker with something heavy. She thinks calling it remorse would have been too generous.
His voice drops.
“I’m not your enemy. Look around you. People like us, we got to do whatever it takes to keep those doors open.”
Matteo falters. He takes a deep breath, but thinking better of it, stops himself. He steps towards the back of her chair. Alarmed, Adal’s breathing jumps. 
He bends over her shoulder, an arm at the back of her seat, his face and hers side-by-side, inches away from each other.
She tries to avoid it but she can’t. From the corner of her eye, she can see every line, every hair on his face. 
Belatedly, she registers that he is reviewing her work, his eyes fixed on her screen.
She thinks she can’t possibly hide her reaction to him, but hopes against hope that he hasn’t noticed his affect on her. His face is a passive mask, but the glint in his eye betrays him.
After a tortuous 15 seconds, he points to the screen and turns towards her, his breath shallowly wafting across her face. Their lips are inches apart.
“Add a column here for resources. As long as it is a prospecting expense, you may use it however you like”.
He straightens up to leave. Adal feels her face warm up. As he walks away, she releases her breath and hangs her head in annoyance and confusion. Or rather, annoyance at her confusion. Wasn’t he Enemy #1 a moment ago?
Before she could complete the thought, Matteo turns around, his eyes flicking to her screen.
“By the way, good job.”
She hesitantly smiles.
“I want it in my inbox before lunch time”.
She scowls as she watches him walk towards his desk, grab his laptop and head towards James Eisler’s office. 
Don’t look a gift horse in it’s mouth, is that what he is trying to tell me?
She shakes her head, her hand going for her mouse. 
Click. Click. Click.
Her eyes look for him across the room. 
No matter what he says, he had full knowledge I was a token hire. He encouraged me. Deceit is deceit.
Matteo strides into the boardroom, laptop in hand. Their eyes connect.
No matter how pretty his words are.
Determined, Adal looks at her screen and gathers her thoughts. She wasn’t going to be a pawn in someone else’s game. So what if she was a diversity hire? She knew her worth, and no amount of commiserating over shared experiences was going to stop her from being who she was. She was more than her race and gender. She needed to walk away from this unscathed, on her own terms, her own way. And she would.
Whatever it took.
Author's note: 
Hellooo Life 2.0 cameo! Doesn't Matteo come across a little like Jaime, in the sense they are both aware of the POC ceiling at their respective workplaces?
Also, leaning towards Mena Massoud as a face claim for Matteo. He is a little prettier, and his face is rounder, but look:
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Kinda? Maybe?
Still trying to find the perfect face claim for Adele, but no luck. I do think Naomi Scott would do a kickarse job as her, if she was cast. 
There, the plot bunny is out of my head (for now).
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thoughts-and-pans · 5 years
Imagine you talk about your celebrity crush on Mena while on Ellen and he finds out...
So you're a famous musician ya?
you've worked with tons of singers and even worked on soundtracks for movies and tv
And when you go on Ellen to promote your new ep, things take a bit of a turn
She asks the usual questions like how long did it take?, whats your favourite song? What are planning next?
And you answer her easily
But the she decides to play a game
Basiclly you have to choose between 2 celebrites to date. The one you knock out gets replaced and it keeps going until one of them ends up being your "soulmate" (this is a real game she plays i just couldnt remember the name. But i think demi lovato did it so you can check it out)
So as you play you have to choose between some of your favourite celebs, people who you've been crushing on for years
But then Menas face comes up, and you knew there was not a single chance for anybody else
You choose him and as the game keeps going his face is a constant
Ellen catches on and decides that Mena is your winner
Which typically prompts her to ask the question
"Is he your biggest celebrity crush?"
"Ahhh..... weeellllll. I guess so"
The crowd goes nuts
So does Ellen
"Ohhhh. So disneys newest prince charming has charmed your heart i see..."
Can you blame me! Look at that smile, and his eyes, and oml his dimples i mean, who isnt head over heels for him?"
This sends the crowd into even more of a frenzy
A few days later your sitting in your apartment, scrolling through social media when you see that Mena has updated his instagram story
You click on it right away and
you almost drop your phone
As you scroll through you see that he added a message at the end
"Her smile, those eyes, not to mention her killer vocals. I mean, can you blame me for being head over heels for her"
He finishes with his sexy smirk
" Ay, yo Ms. Y/l/n! If your watching this hit me up some times so we can make some music!"
He ends off with a cheeky wink
You sit in silence for a few minutes, not fully comprehending what just happened
"Mena Massoud just asked me out. On insta stories. He saw my interview with Ellen. He likes me back. OMG!"
You hit up your manager right away, asking her to contact Mena and his team
Looks like you have some "music" to make...
I wanted to try a different format. I hope you guys like it! This was requested by adrie26anne. Im not quiet comfortable with this right now but i thought id give it a shot. After all, practice makes progress! Feedback is always appreciated. ~ Jai
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foolcutie · 5 years
dating mena would include...
request: Hi I was wondering if you could please do what having mena massoud as a bf and as a husband would be like but could you do it in a long list with bullet points as well and could you also include some Smut? Thank you for doing this if you can and if you can't I totally understand! — @luna2034
a/n: this is my first time doing an imagine/headcanon like this so bare with me
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taking you on dates every week
forehead kisses
cooking you vegan meals even if you’re not vegan
being good friends with naomi
his family absolutely l o v i n g you
knowing you’re the only one for him early in the relationship
always talking about the future
watching every disney movie with him bc this boy is uncultured he grew up in an egyptian household
always touching you in some type of way — holding hands/hand on your waist
morning cuddles
late night cuddles
cuddles in general
making out in his trailer
waiting until you’re ready before having sex
him being nervous bc he doesn’t want to hurt you
the sex is great. point blank period
he proposes at the beach
he spent m o n t h s planning bc he wanted it to be perfect
he’s a nervous bean all night
you two have dinner & then take a walk on the beach
stop to watch the sunset
you’re too caught up in enjoying the view you don’t notice mena getting down on one knee
once you notice, you instantly start tearing up
“i love you so much. i just want to be with you. we will laugh together, we will smile together, we will cry together, we will share our sadness and happiness. there is no place beautiful for me in this world, but when you are with me, every place and everything looks beautiful. i just want to be with you always. i want marry you because you’re the first person i want look at when i wake up in the morning and the only one i want to kiss goodnight. because the first time that i saw these hands, i couldn’t imagine not being able to hold them. but mainly when you love someone as much as i love you, getting married is the only thing left to do, so y/f/n, will you do me the greatest honor and become my wife?”
saying yes of course
both of you crying
as he puts the ring on your finger he says, “with this ring, i give you my heart. i promise from this day forward, you will never walk alone. my heart will be your shelter, and my arms will be your home.”
starting to call you mrs. massoud right after the engagement
you secretly loving it
taking six months to plan the wedding
having a small wedding for family and close friends
crying when he sees you walking down the isle
crying when you see him crying
having a beautiful ceremony and reception
honeymoon in paris
having sex on every surface in the hotel
being happy that you get to spend the rest of your life with the man of your dreams
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I’m Here For You
Pairing: Mena Massoud x Reader
Warning/s: deadbeat dad, divorce, sadness
Requested: Yes No
Disclaimer: I don’t own you or Mena. This is kinda inspired by what’s happening to me, because of you know dad sorta told my mom that he doesn’t want a “family life”. Reader’s 25 in this.
Y/N nervously fixed Mena’s shirt before they leave their apartment. “Y/N! You don’t have to be nervous. I don’t have to even worry about a dad who wants to kill me,” Mena laughed. Y/N’s movements faltered as she bit her lip. Tears filled her eyes and Mena noticed. “Shit, Y/N. I’m so sorry.” He apologized.
Y/N wiped her tears away hastily, “It’s fine. I’m sorry for the water works.” “No, no. It’s totally fine to cry. Let it all out,” Mena consoled hugging her to his chest. Mena guided them both to their couch sitting down slowly.
“It’s just that- I miss him. It’s been 10 years since he left us and I still want him. I wanted him to be my first dance on my 18th birthday. I want him to be the one to scare the first boyfriend who I bring home - which is you. I want him to be the man who walks me down the aisle. I know he’s keeping touch every now and then but I miss him.” Y/N confessed. “I’m here for you, Y/N. Maybe we can convince him to walk down the aisle once we get married,” Mena said.
Y/N looked up at him with red eyes, “We get married?” “I did not mean to propose to you that way. It was supposed to be romantic with the help of your mom and your siblings,” Mena took a deep breathe in before going down on one knee and took out a black velvet box, “This was supposed to be more romantic. I even have a whole speech made. I have already talked to your mom and met up with her to ask for your hand so nothing to worry about. I’m rambling aren’t I?” Y/N laughed nodding slightly, happy tears now streaming down her face. “What I’m trying to say is- Y/N, you’re the only person I want to spend my life with. I love you with all I have. Will you make me the happiest man on Earth and marry me? Will you marry me?” Mena spoke up, heart hammering in his chest.
Y/N nodded tears still streaming down her face, “Yes. Yes, a thousand times yes.” Mena stood up with her and put the ring on her hand, “I know you don’t want something too flashy.” Y/N laughed and put a hand on her mouth still in shock. Suddenly Y/N kissed him, taking him completely by surprise.
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Once they parted Mena spoke up again, “How about we tell the good news to your sibling/s and your mom, huh?”
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borhapparker · 5 years
ambs’ writing challenge!
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we reached a milestone!! yaay! thank you guys so much, oh my gosh! since this is a new follower milestone, i want to do something with you guys. i’m doing a writing challenge, and feel free to join in! i’m super excited about this and i’ve been working on it for a while now! it does have new characters/actors you guys can write for and choose. prompts are below the cut, but these are the rules!
rules: - must be following (it is a follower celebration) - reblog this post to spread the word - three people per dialogue prompt, two people per song prompt - you can only choose characters/actors from the list i share, its just easier for me to read from fandoms/characters/actors i regularly write for - the deadline will be december 23, 2019 (so everyone has time to actually write and post their stories!) - no smut is allowed! - can be a one shot or a series - use the read more for anything longer than 500 words - send an ask with which prompt you’d like and who you’re writing for - add any warnings that apply - tag your entry with #ambswritingchallenge - tag me as well and i will add it to the masterlist! (and i’ll actually keep track of it this time, i promise) - no first person - characters you can write for: bucky, peter parker, aladdin (new live-action), roger taylor, brian may, warren worthington iii, barry allen, charlie nelson - actors you can write for: ben hardy, tom holland, sebastian stan, mena massoud, gwilym lee, grant gustin, sam holland, harry holland, harrison osterfield
prompts and tags can be found below! good luck!
dialogue prompts:
“isn’t the idea supposed to be you saved my life, now i owe you a debt?” “nope. other way around. you saved my life, so now i’m your problem. if you don’t like it, then kill me.”
“is it true?” “according to some sources.” “it was your wedding!”
“see, this is why we don’t kill our friends.” - @honeybucks w/bucky barnes, 
“you have no reason to be mad at me, you broke my heart.”
“oh my god, you’re in love.” - @strangertingle w/bucky barnes, 
“what the hell is wrong with you?”
“i can’t keep kissing strangers and pretending that they’re you.” - @funkytalia w/roger taylor, 
“don’t close your eyes! stay with me!”
“i shouldn’t be in love with you.”
“were you ever going to tell me?”
“i-is that... a blood stain?” - @spidergirlwanab w/ peter parker, 
“go ahead, hit me.”
“what if one day i wake up, and you don’t?”
“look me in the eye, and tell me that this meant nothing to you.” - @funkytalia w/roger taylor, 
“this isn’t what i wanted.”
“i wasn’t lying when i said i loved you. please don’t do this.” - @awkwardfangirl2014 w/ bucky barnes, 
“i told you not to fall in love with me.”
“can we just pretend like we’re normal for once?”
“it serves me right for wishing on a star.”
“my dream wouldn’t be complete without you in it.”
“how dare you? all of you! standing around deciding my future? i am not a prize to be won!” - @harringtonsbaseballbat w/ warren worthington iii, 
“the rest of the world may follow the rules but i must follow my heart.” - @blissfulparker w/tom holland, 
“d-a-n-g-e-r. shortcut!”
“you’re the best thing i never knew i needed.”
song prompts:
a whole new world by mena massoud, naomi scott
ocean eyes by billie elish
don’t stop me now by queen
all for us by zendaya, labrinth
don’t you worry child by swedish house mafia
alive by pearl jam
crazy little thing called love by queen
what do i know? by ed sheeran
see you again by charlie puth, wiz khalifa
who do you love by 5 seconds of summer, the chainsmokers
lover by taylor swift - @mamaskillerqueen w/ ben hardy, 
graveyard by halsey
circles by post malone
truth hurts by lizzo
don’t call me angel by ariana grande, miley cyrus, lana del rey
teeth by 5 seconds of summer
sucker by jonas brothers
@darling-marvel @hollandroos @madmadmilk @bens-hardy @grandmascottlang @underoosstark @strangertingle @peteparkrrs @spiderboytotherescue @peachyhollands @bi-writes @spiderrrling @blissfulparker @boohooiamthefool @deacydarling @spidergirlwanab @fanboy-tom @fanasiana @mrshazosterfield @fairytaleparker
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oficeness · 4 years
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We’re thrilled to have PETER QUILL also known as STAR-LORD, join us as FACULTY of the Academy, to teach ALIEN CUSTOMS, SOCIETIES, and CULTURES! They look at lot like MENA MASSOUD and are 30, going by HE/HIM. They’re said to be PASSIONATE and are able to EXPERTLY SHOOT WITH VARIOUS FIREARMS FROM ALL OVER THE GALAXY & HAVE HUMAN/SPARTOI PHYSIOLOGY. Please join us in welcoming them aboard!
name: peter jason quill alias: star-lord, prince king of spartax age: 30 face claim: mena massoud pronouns: he/him if they are an adult/parent: do they teach at the school, and what do they teach?: he does teach at the school and his focus is on teaching everyone about alien customs, societies, and culture since he knows a shit ton. 
tw: death/murder, guns
born to meredith quill, his life was pretty normal for the most part. from a young age he was interested in sci-fi movies and after a trip to an amusement park, it was decided that he wanted to become an astronaut one day. while his life was pretty normal, quill had a tendency to be bullied and fought back, often resulting in a lot of bruises and injuries. then came the day his entire life changed. washing up for dinner after getting into it with another bully, two badoon aliens arrived and killed his mother in a vow to end the spartoi bloodline. when peter came into the kitchen and saw the aliens and his mother dead. he ran away and found a shot gun and two other devices. using the shot gun to kill the aliens, peter ran outside with the two odd looking objects he had found and was then abducted by yondu and the ravagers. 
growing up under yondu and the ravagers, peter learned how to be a thief and mastered the objects he had taken from the closet in his panic. eventually he had found out they were known as quad blasters and they only activated to his dna signature. he learned to live more for himself than anyone else, often choosing more selfish actions and doing as he pleased. 
taking the name star-lord, a nickname his mother had given to him. he built up a reputation for himself and eventually decided to betray the ravagers and take a job to steal an orb for himself. this leads him down the journey where he meets gamora, drax, groot, and rocket and the events of gotg 1 transpire. they find they have possession of an infinity stone and stand against ronan to save xandar. the group become known as the guardians of the galaxy and continue on together, saving the galaxy. or sort of saving the galaxy.
down the line he meets his father, j’son. a man that is emperor of spartax and an extremely corrupt person. his father wanted peter to rule beside him as prince of spartax with peter refusing. not too long after the two parted on bad terms, quill was captured by people working for his father in order for him to not only rule by his side, but to pay for crimes against the spartoi empire. peter managed to escape and broadcast to the entire planet how corrupt his father was and it incited a rebellion. his father fled and eventually took on the alias of mister knife in order to get revenge for what his son had done.
without his father ruling spartax, the job fell to quill. he refused to take on the job and instead handed it over to his half sister, victoria. quill didn’t want to rule an empire, he only wished to travel the galaxy and protect it with the guardians. 
when he learned about the academy, he couldn’t resist. terrans needed to know about the dangers in the galaxy and what better way to go about it than coming to the academy. 
powers and abilities:
human/spartoi physiology: he has a few superhuman abilities and is more durable than most humans due to his alien dna. quill also has longevity from this dna as spartoi live three times as long as normal humans do. due to his hybrid nature it’s unsure how he will age, but it is assumed to be at a decelerated rate. 
expert marksman: is able to use any firearm in the galaxy with expertise, though his quad blasters remain his favorite.
martial arts: skilled in many forms of fighting and an expert hand-to-hand combatant.
expert pilot: extremely skilled in piloting ships.
anything else? headcanons? you know what to do
not a headcanon but actually canon, there was a time in his life where peter was trying to stop the fallen one, and came to the realization that the energy of destroyed planets would harm him. in order to save the rest of the galaxy, peter made the choice to sacrifice a kree lunar colony (35,000 lives) in order to stop him. according to the nova corps, peter is considered to be a local threat level as he’s amassed a count of over 350,000 murders. 
he’s not a complete idiot all the time. while his plans can definitely seem out there and weird, he really is a talented tactician and strategist. 
tends to get overwhelmed by emotions at times. more often than not he bases things off of his emotions rather than his head, especially when they’re personal. 
i’ll probably add more but here we go for now.
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