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samtrapani · 2 years ago
"don't the sun look angry at me" (it's a line from "desperadoes under the eaves" by warren zevon)
exiled to los ondas in the 1950s, henry tomasino finds himself settling into a peaceful semi-retirement before eddie scarpa comes barreling back into his life, twenty years later. a look at a lifetime of regrets, friendship, and loyalty.
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trifoliate-undergrowth · 1 year ago
Day 4-Death (post inspiration)
Blondie had thought he was familiar with death. He'd been surrounded by it for a long time, often giving it out himself, living with the constant risk of receiving it. He knew this, but until it came for him, there was no reason to worry about it.
He'd thought he was prepared, until he had the noose around his own throat. Then the terror set in, animal and uncontrollable, taking him over entirely. It was unfair, he wanted to scream, even though he knew otherwise. He wanted to beg, though his pride wouldn't allow even if he hadn't known it would do no good. He wanted to kick and scream just like Tuco when he’d left him in the desert—back when he’d thought his tempter tantrum was funny, and thought less of him for it. His mind was racing, trying to find a way out, another chance, this couldn't be it, it wasn't fair—
It was as fair as anything. Tuco had got the drop on him and now was going to kill him like Blondie had killed so many before, like he'd considered killing Tuco. But he couldn't face it with the acceptance he'd imagined he would feel. He would've bargained anything, if only it was possible, to keep himself alive.
The terror stayed with him long after he'd slipped out of the noose and scrambled unceremoniously out the back window like a kid fleeing a switching. He felt smaller. He thought of the mouse he’d watched the house cat play with when he was younger, squeaking in terror as he’d flipped it back to the cat, trapped and toyed with but trying to run even as its body dragged slower and slower.
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meme-streets · 2 years ago
hey lol i finally finished the damn blondie/tuco fic
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ratmobstudio · 2 years ago
big nicky and shitty mustache...couldn't have possibly been inspired by anything or anyone, could they? haha just a funny thought that occurred to me, just wondering
oh my friend, nicky is definitely not inspired by anyone, i couldn't have the faintest idea of what you are talking about :)
seriously though nicky is.. a lot to handle. he's got an inferiority complex as big as god's mouth and twice as damning.
the only person he remotes confides in isn't supposed to be in the family at all (according to the others), and i think for most of his youth he's struggled to accept who he is as a person :) so like, he's unpleasant sure, but it's due to years and years of hardening himself to become a fortress.
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sojc123 · 5 years ago
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Meme of the day: #meme #memes😂 #memeoftheday #memelove #memes #memenerd #memeking #hilarious #lol #funny #memelove #meme #memelife #memestreet #memelegend https://www.instagram.com/p/B36kY-snPRv/?igshid=11tatzfa550ug
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tommytranselo · 3 years ago
make the got dam tag harry memestreets :)
using my full name?  damn, you are serious
but no
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jasper-rolls · 7 years ago
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album / artist / favourite track
row 1
Donkey Donk EP / Ryu☆ / Donkey Donk (Extended Mix)
FAR EAST OF EAST -XV- / TatshMusicCircle / MagicPowerStone
Final Fantasy III Original Soundtrack / Square Enix / 風の追憶 ~悠久の風伝説~
thE / Diverse System / BlackBlossoms
row 2
thE2 / Diverse System / Instruments
Good Evening, HOLLOWood / C.H.S / infantoon Fantasy (Uncut Edition)
House set of Dateless Bar “Old Adam” / クロネコラウンジ / Dateless 04 ~ 旧世界の冒険酒場
ACT! -不可抗力- / salvation by faith records / Go ahead!
IGNORED / QUINTET / Endless ∞(Infinity)
row 3
Iris: The 20th Anniversary Collab / Violet Delta / Reconciliation
Irui / Diverse System / 声
It Never Ends: More Mashup Shenanigans from Mattie Konig / Mattie Konig / Lie
Liquidrum / Nakarin / The Ghost Left From The Shipwreck Accident
LOUD SESSIONS / Hommarju & Friends / The Battle Drop
row 4
The Machine Girl Core / Akamushi / Tempura
Make Some Noise for Mr.C / Lick Dom Records / Invitation from Mr.C(20,000 POWER EXTENDED)
Mandala Retrowave Remixes / Violet Delta / Mandala (feat. Sasi) (Violet Delta’s Going Retro Remix)
memestreet / goreshit / deepak and gurdev
thE2.5 / Diverse System / Dance!Dance!
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perlbot-blog · 7 years ago
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samtrapani · 2 years ago
for the "choose violence" game: 1, 10, 14, and (if you're up to it) 2
🔥 choose violence ask game 🔥
the character everyone gets wrong
probably luca, sometimes eddie. i think everyone is on the same wavelength of things >:3 we're so bigbrained like that
10. worst part of fanon
i don't think there's any worst part of fanon, not really. you guys are great :)
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
henry being the big strong sex god to little virgin vito (i'm not like hating on it but. good god have you seen henry. the man's catholic for god's sake )
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horrorlollis · 7 years ago
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That moment when u cross a memestreet
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meme-streets · 2 years ago
hey lol
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samtrapani · 2 years ago
henry deserved a hat for many reasons but one of them was to hold it over his face when newspaper people tried to take photos of the gang. and also to hold it up to shield their faces when he kisses vito on the mouth
harry the image of the kissing behind the hat is so vivid i'm almost mad i can't draw it to torture you as well
henry doing it at a party or the bar and vito just thinking it's so endearing of him...
okay but consider when carlo dies, obviously there's going to be like big news once they figure out he's not just a philanthropist, and idk. people having to go to trial and henry just walking to his car with his hat across his face aha :))
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samtrapani · 2 years ago
i'm trying to think how an au where faustin is spared would actually go...obviously i'm missing context cause i've only progressed that storyline as far as dimitri's betrayal and that one point where he calls you to tell you he's gonna track you down and kill you, but anyway. i'm assuming this goes as normal till niko gets him up on the roof, and mikhail does his whole spiel and then says the thing about how he's got nowhere to go now (which kinda broke my heart, tbh). he looks very tired. niko asks him what was that he said about dimitri wanting him dead for killing vlad, and mikhail tells him, makes a bitter joke about how dimitri's so obsessed with playing by the rules he can't see the real value of relationships. niko lowers the gun. says to get the hell out of hove beach, he's a wanted man. for once, mikhail sees reason, and he does. for now.
i figure for niko it goes roughly the same–he calls and tells dimitri he "took care of things" without being too specific. even if he figures out before the warehouse that niko lied, dimitri doesn't say anything, just tells him to collect his pay. jacob calls, and niko has a different version of events to tell him this time, plus an even stronger reason to believe he's being set up...but, niko being niko, he goes anyway. the shootout happens. the apartment burning happens. he and roman get the fuck out of broker.
and then, well. i imagine it would be tense at first. niko did kill a lot of mikhail's guys. but a day or so after getting situated in bohan, he gets a call. mikhail's got a new safehouse. come talk to him. they've both fallen far, and there's a long climb ahead for both of them. and a backstabbing little motherfucker to kill.
harry you need to write the fic oh my god i am. squealing and kicking my legs rn
mikhail being lucky to be alive. on the radio, reports of mysterious explosions happening around the city. (not just the apartment and the cab depot, but faustin's house, the club, etc.)
mikhail, tired, staring at niko with the same dead eyes niko thinks he sees in the mirror every morning. had there always been that much grey in his hair? niko thinks, there is something in the way they've been bred that's much alike.
niko, getting that call, not quite sure if he should actually go or not because he's suffered so much loss this far, but he's spared faustin, so why not? the man clearly has had most of his ranks depleted and is also starting from almost scratch so he goes.
i like to think. maybe then. niko coming into the new safehouse and seeing the teapot, perhaps the last thing mikhail could've pulled from the fire. mikhail offering him a drink. to old allies and new enemies and unexpected friendships. it's a good tea, strong, bitter. it's time to get to work :)
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samtrapani · 2 years ago
i really do think brucie's gay and has a huge think for niko without realizing. he's always getting up in his personal space, constantly showers him with compliments, apparently was his go to hot guy for seducing a gay man, tells him to hit him after he's been working out, i think tells him to touch his pecks at one point? and i can't explain it but every scene he's in i just get the vibe he's trying to fuck
no you're so right. like. that scene where he tells niko roman's cool and then says "no homo but i'd bang him" (but yes homo) like come on brucie. you can say it, it's okay!
re: him having a huge thing for niko-- that's. man. brucie's whole deal is "love is like fight club" and i can't tell if it's bc he was (probably) raised in a ultra masculine environment or he just really likes working out. (this is also seguing into trans brucie with the 1) constant working out, 2) bull shark testosterone, 3) every single thing about him).
brucie's love language is "please fight me i will let you pin me to the ground it's very romantic". also the capacity that he cares for niko-- like. he genuinely just. makes niko his friend from the get-go. like yeah! you're my friend and i love you, and i want to know that you're alright. and i will help you.
(and i wish niko would. get it through his skull and accept it.)
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samtrapani · 2 years ago
so desperate to know what the older m2 cast were like when they were young anyway do you think young henry got in bar fights...for as much as he prides himself on seeming cool and collected, there's a part of him that wants to go apeshit. i mean we've already agreed on this but he's definitely a short-tempered drunk. you push his buttons at all and he'll start swinging
i think henry definitely got into bar fights. he seems the type of guy who smashes his glass against the countertop and suddenly you have a billion older mob guys going "woah, hey, henry calm down" bc there's this dangerous light in his eyes and although his words are slurred they're just as capable of cutting you as the glittering makeshift shank in his hand.
henry, yowling and spitting and skittering across wet asphalt after being thrown out of the bar, walking home bc no one will give him the keys to his car, mad enough to try and start with anyone still loitering up outside the bar.
most of them tell him to go home, they won't entertain him, but there's something about how anger will eat you up inside if you don't release it aha
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samtrapani · 2 years ago
i just remembered, doesn't mikhail call niko baby at one point when you show up for a mission... (honestly, although this is certainly interesting in a certain context, it's also hilarious to think he just calls people baby habitually)
he does?? god i need to replay and look for it >:3c
faustin definitely calls people baby habitually thank you for that :3 the little shock of it never wears off for niko, but also now i'm just wondering where he picked it up, why he picked it up, and well. well, that's real cute mikhail ;A;
(there's mikhail's casual, "i-call-everyone-baby" baby and then there's "baby-you're-my-baby-say-it" mitski baby of his)
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