mrkis · 2 years
The first and last pics oml I am gushing in more than one sense of the word please have mercy on me sir I am only a woman with no money or prospects take me for all I have I will give you anything
am horni
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gaylordsmansion · 11 months
i was tagged in stuff so ill fill it out! thanks to @kafus for this one. [u tagged @thetwistedronin technically but i'm posting it here lmao]
Rules: Tag 10 or more people you want to get to know better
Relationship status: single
Favourite colour: red or purple & blue
Song currently stuck in head: like chimeras
Favourite food: Ice cream
Last song listened to: vandalize
Dream trip: sweden under hyperspecific circumstances i will not elaborate on here. or scotland
Last thing googled: gen 3 contest opponents. didnt find the info i wanted in a readable way just like everything i google
and lastly i'll tag some people but if u ignore this or dont wanna do it thats fine
@viatorai @gonnachasethestars @athena-appreciation-page @cheerycheesecake @enterlameprofilename @damaramegido @discokeryx @dryicecubes @lesbianjobutupaki @ghouliecrow
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falloutferret · 2 years
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"How can one be skilled or unskilled at eating? I've never choked before, if that's what you mean!"
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ask-human-ratchet · 2 years
☮ ✌ ❤
// Meme
☮: Is there anything you don’t like about playing this muse? Ralph is such a goddamned brick wall! He rarely if ever let people close and while he can talk about others' emotions, when it comes to his own? Nope. Not happening. Also he's a doctor. I'm very much not.
✌: What is the easiest aspect of playing this muse? His snark and deadpan attitude is pretty great to write. In some ways he kind of matches my social energy level, and I can always fallback on 'grouchy'!
❤: How long have you been RPing? Uff... Uh, 15-ish years maybe? I don't have an exact date of when I started. I was a kid.
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ophelia-hendrix · 2 years
It’s international kissing day! Send 😘 to kiss my muse. || @ericbrandonrp
Laughing as she felt him lie on top of her like a massive human blanket Ophelia moved the cold cloth from her face to look at him after he kissed her Ophelia couldn't help but smile "I love you too," she kissed him back. After she came home it felt as if he didn't want to leave her side, not that she minded.
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thekillianquinn · 9 months
Bonnie, Melody, Atlas, Kyle, Pouge, and Flynn
Do the sexy love with: @melodyxhastings
Sacrafice myself for: @atlasxquinn
Kick: @flynnxgilbert
Take to prom: @bonniebrooks
Abandon in Jurrassic Park: @poguexoconnor
Push off a bridge: @kylexhale
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missaurorathompson · 2 years
First impression:  Your facial expressions are adorable, and you are really handsome, like soul stealing handsome.
Truth is:  You are so cute when you smile. You make me a better person. I feel so safe with your arms around me. I love you for everything you are. You show me what love truly means.
Have you ever made me laugh:  Always, I mean, when don't you make me laugh?
Have you ever made me mad:  No
Best feature:  I love every little thing about you. You are perfect in my eyes.
Have I ever had a crush on you:  Yesss...ever since I spilled my coffee accidentally on you.
You’re my: reason for smiling. Better half, my best friend, my soulmate. My prince charming; the love of my life. You're the only person I want to talk to when I'm having a bad day; my missing puzzle piece.
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sloaneross · 2 years
Hey - Corrine
First impression:  You are the splitting image of my aunt
Truth is: You are hilariously strange, but I love you coz <3
Have you ever made me laugh:  All the time!
Have you ever made me mad:  Nope
Best feature: your face
Have I ever had a crush on you:  uhhh nooo. That would be weird.
You’re my:  Favorite cousin
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calebwarrenpeace · 2 years
Hey - Corrine
First impression:  you are very shy
Truth is:  you're funny
Have you ever made me laugh:  yes
Have you ever made me mad:  Nah
Best feature:  elf ears
Have I ever had a crush on you: No
You’re my: annoying little sister
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redridcr · 2 years
7 and 8 for red :)
7. Did they ever had sex when people were around? 8. Have they ever been caught having sex?
HONESTLY. I don't think Red would intentionally have sex in an area to actually get caught, or likes doing it in public. Depending on the verse, he is more. Caught up in the moment in the backroom of his work or gets kissy in a field of flowers. LOL so yes to both, but not on purpose.
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stultxneko · 5 years
🍺+ Have you ever been in love?
Send 🍺+ a question and my muse will answer drunk!
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“Yeah... maybe... I’s. I. I. I can’t. Monsters don love. They can’t.”
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mrkis · 2 years
so... why did none of you tell me mark wore a sleeveless shirt with a see-through inner underneath at a concert... you're fake. we're not talking anymore.
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gaylordsmansion · 11 months
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@athena-appreciation-page tagged me in this a while ago lol
Currently Reading: nothing i dont like novels
Favourite Colour: red or purple & blue
Last Song: live and learn the epic masterpiece from my favourite video game sonic adventure 2
Last Movie: probably the first inuyasha movie
Sweet/Spicy/Savoury: not spicy
Currently Working On: babying my wrist because i hurt it, so things i can do more easily, like pokemon contests, PIC RELATED
Tagging (No pressure):
anyone that i didnt tag in the previous post that wants to do this. or anyone that i did tag in the previous post if they want to do two. idc if we're mutuals or not
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falloutferret · 2 years
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OC Inspiration Meme that I stole from @caracalclaws
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honeybee-hayes · 3 years
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ophelia-hendrix · 2 years
It’s international kissing day! Send 😘 to kiss my muse || @dontcxckitup
It was still warm outside in the early morning as she knew they could sleep in longer. Feeling a hand on her shoulder Ophelia turned to look at him before she felt him kiss her. Opening her eyes to look up at him she couldn't help but raise her brow "Good morning," she pulled him back down for another kiss.
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