#melody alterling
askdaisydandfriemly · 2 years
Melody Altering ask: Miss Daisy I have a question,where did you first meet with"Crystal Knight"?”
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(Text story with pictures below the cut!)
Daisy Daedal: I like to joke with NU that it’s her fault. 
Having not had a coltfriend is easier to not worry about when your close friends don’t have them, and don’t seem to be looking either.
So it was kind of a shock when NU told us about Rasul. They met at an Arcade, and through gaming, slowly evolved from friends to lovers.
Up into that point I had imagined myself getting married “someday”, and had gotten crushes before- but hadn’t actually dated anypony.
But I saw Naturally being absolutely cherished by Rasul, and it made me ache to have that for myself.
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Then, the Crystal Kingdom returned. Once everypony knew it was safe, it became a hot tourist spot.
I must admit that I was being silly- the idea that I hadn’t met my soulmate because they had been frozen in time for a thousand years seemed really romantic.
I hopped on a train as soon as I could, and when I arrived got swept up in all the Crystal Kingdom’s culture.
There were so many sparkly stallions there- but no one drew my eye in particular until I watched the jousting.
Crystal Knight seemed so gallant as he jousted his opponent. He was charismatic enough to get many of the audience to roar for his victory. 
I was awed, and I think I was among many of the mares in the crowd who was smitten.
I learned later that it was a habit of his to pick a pretty mare in the audience and give her a red rose, calling her his “inspiration”.
So I thought it actually meant something when he did this to me.
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But being suddenly put in the spotlight with hundreds of ponies watching us terrified me, so I thanked him but ran away.
When I was finally calm enough to notice where I had run to, I was in the Crystal Courtyard of the Crystal Palace.
Ponies there stood in a long line- which I discovered was the line to meet the Princess of Love: Princess Mi Amore Cadenza.
“She can make ponies fall in love with each other!” The ponies in line murmured.
I didn’t know if this was true, but it made me curious enough to stay in line.
The Princess of Love seemed dismayed when I told her who I was interested in.
She explained to me that her magic didn’t make ponies fall in love- merely brought memories of a couples' adoring each other to the forefront of their minds.
It was not a spell that could work on a couple that had barely met.
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She too knew of Crystal Knight- knew that he was more interested in the conquest of mares than in relationships. Told me of his tricks.
It made too much sense in retrospect. I felt disappointed.
Princess Cadence then asked me why I was in such a hurry to have a special somepony. When I told her of Naturally and Rasul, she was sympathetic.
“She met her special someone doing something she loved, right? So you must emulate her. Go places where creatures are also doing what you love to do, and eventually that pony will enter your path.”
Crystal Knight burst into the throne room at that moment looking flustered. His eyes met mine and I realized he was eyeing me like a prey animal.
“How fitting that my runaway maiden is with the Princess of Love! But you need not bespell me- you already have stolen my heart, Miss…?”
I was too nice in my response. I regret that now.
“Daisy Daedal. And I apologize, Mr. Knight. I admire your skill in jousting, but I’m not interested in you romantically.”
The Princess of Love let out a snort. Crystal Knight was put out, but I could see his mind calculating.
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“You must be too shy to confess out here. That was my mistake. Please, let us go somewhere more quiet-”
“-The mare has spoken, Crystal Knight. Leave, or I shall have my guards escort you out.”
Crystal Knight glared at his Princess, who returned it with a frosty gaze.
He turned away, and left with a huff.
Cadence nodded at a pair of guards ponies who walked to my side.
“Please let these guards escort you to the train station when you’re ready. Crystal rarely takes no for an answer- it had to take a threat of banishment to get him to leave me alone, and I’m married.”
I nodded and thanked the Princess. The Crystal Kingdom didn’t seem as special as it once had been, and I went straight home.
I was a lot more cautious about dating after that- perhaps to my own detriment.
Splunge: Thanks for the ask, @ask-forestville !
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