chardwic · 1 year
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Shadowhunters Aesthetics: (Favorite Boys) -> Jace Herondale, Alec Lightwood, Simon Lewis, Magnus Bane, Luke Garroway, Raphael Santiago, Jonathan Morgenstern, Meliorn, and Jordan Kyle
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izzymalec · 5 months
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german shadowhunters cast on the spiegel cover
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shrewind2 · 2 years
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Shadowhunters 3x20: City of Glass  
Free to use.
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buffyspeak · 1 year
"i'm afraid seelie magic has little dominion in this realm" "what does that mean" "IT MEANS THAT THERE ARE VERY FEW PLANTS!!!" has got to be one of the funniest exchanges in this whole show
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darcyolsson · 1 year
i dont know if anyone old enough to consciously remember this follows me but im sooo curious what the most popular tmi ships were post-coa release when clary and jace thought they were siblings. like when tid was being released I know there was a moment when ppl shipped jem and sophie a lot bc it made some sense w the state of canon at the time and i need to know if there was an equally ridiculous tmi equivalent
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What are your top 10 Shadowhunter ships ranked?
Mine are:
1 Raphael/Simon
2 Alec/Magnus
3 Clary/Izzy
4 Simon/Izzy
5 Simon/maia
6 Izzy/Maia
7 Jace/Maia
9 Jace/Meliorn
10 Jace/Clary
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thelostgirl21 · 2 years
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bytheangell · 2 years
Truth or Dare
Flufftober Day 14: Truth Or Dare/20 Questions (Read on AO3)
Jace knows that the last few days around the Institute have been stressful for everyone, but he's surprised when Alec offers to take him out for drinks after their shift today. Normally he has to drag Alec kicking and screaming to the bar, but he isn't about to question it - especially when drinks are on Alec.
It's a few drinks in when Jace starts to feel the effects, and a few more before Alec very casually suggests they play a game.
"How about a little truth or dare?" Alec suggests.
Jace is suspicious.
"Well? Truth or dare?" Alec prompts.
Alec smirks. "Start a fight with that werewolf over there."
Jace immediately shakes his head. They only just reached a truce on some tense matters with the werewolves and he isn't about to ruin a month of negotiations by starting a war.
"No? Well then, I guess you'll just have to go truth. So tell me the truth: do you like Meliorn romantically?" Alec asks.
Jace curses. Alec's been trying to get him to admit to liking Meliorn ever since Jace and Meliorn recently reactivated their alliance rune and grew rather close while working with each other to learn more about the other's abilities. Alec’s attempted to get this information out of Jace so many times before, but up until now Jace was able to make his answers evasive enough not to really admit to anything.
Did he like Meliorn? Sure, Meliorn is great.
Did he have feelings for Meliorn? He feels glad to have him as a friend.
Jace is getting pretty good at being clever enough to avoid giving answers he doesn’t want to give, even while unable to lie. Unfortunately, right now Jace is very drunk, and his brain can only process one answer to Alec’s question. It’s a thought that’s been on Jace’s mind a lot lately, and he can’t for the life of him thin of a way around it given Alec’s new wording of his question.
“Yes,” Jace says. “I do.”
“I knew it!” Alec exclaims. “Finally. Why couldn’t you just tell me that before?”
“Because we’re taking it slow,” Jace starts, then immediately clamps his mouth shut. It’s one thing to admit to having a crush on the Seelie, but he didn’t mean to let it slip that they’re already involved. That wasn’t even on Alec and his questioning, that’s all on Jace and being tipsy and just wanting to talk about it with his best friend. “I wanted to tell you. I was just… worried Meliorn would change their mind. I wanted to make sure it stuck first.”
Alec’s expression softens.
“They’d be a fool not to keep you,” Alec says.
“Thanks, man,” Jace says. He believes it, too. And maybe tomorrow, once he’s sobered up a bit, he’ll have a talk with Meliorn about taking the next step, because Jace would be a fool not to make an effort to keep Meliorn, too.
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lazinesswrites · 2 years
WIP Wednesday
I am tired and I have work tomorrow, so in lieu of a proper WIP Wednesday, y'all're getting some Thoughts!
So, I'm rewatching Shadowhunters. Again. I was rewatching along with the podcast, but that was too slow for me, but I also didn't wanna watch ahead, so I started over instead. Anyway.
I just watched s1e7-9 and...
Okay, first thing. When Raphael brings Simon to the Institute, the alarms go off, and Jace, Izzy, and Alec go to check it out, Clary running after them. In the background, other Shadowhunters are just... Standing there? Looking confused? At the alarm, maybe, but also at the Lightwoods + Clary responding to it, which makes me question... what usually happens when the perimeter alarm goes off? Wouldn't it be pretty standard for someone to go find out what set them off and deal with that? Idk, but their reactions were funny.
Then, when Lydia comes in, glamoured as Valentine... How does she know what Valentine looks like? I mean, I know it's just because that's the actor they had for Valentine, but wouldn't it have made more sense for her 'glamor' to be played by the actor they had for younger Valentine? Since nobody knew he was alive, no one but Clary could've known what he looked like, and she only knew because she saw him with the portal shard, which I doubt she told anyone but the Lightwoods about.
(sort of related to that, I just realized. Later in the series, when Jocelyn is showing Clary the memory of Jonathan killing the flower, shouldn't that have been younger Jocelyn in the memory? But again, probably just the actor they had on hand)
And last point (for now) : How did Meliorn know that Clary had the Cup? She only got it after Izzy broke up with him, and they didn't make up until after they'd freed him. So who told him? It couldn't've been Izzy.
Okay one more thing actually: Just. At the very end of ep. 9; I love how absolutely devastated Jace is. I mean, a lot of it is his own fault, and it'd been coming, but still. He lost Alec, and it's breaking him. (I wonder how much of what he's feeling is actually Alec's emotions, or how much their respective feelings of loss and... emptiness, is reflected back and intensified through their bond.)
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lurafita · 4 months
Catastrophe prevention level 2
Luke, Raphael, Catarina and Meliorn show up daily, at random intervals, at the institute.
At one point Jace/Clary/Izzy lose it and: "Why are you all here suddenly?!"
Downworlders: "Magnus said to check up on you lot while he and Alec are on vacation. He thought constant supervision might lessen the chances of any of you setting in motion the next apocalypse and interrupting their time together."
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helenofblackthorns · 4 months
this is your invitation to talk about all your two theories :))) thoughts on janus? the role of the princes of hell? pleaseeee feed me
thank you for this opportunity anon, as it turns out I have far more to say on this than I thought (buckle up for a massive amount of yapping)
firstly, Janus. He's an interesting character given all we know about him, but he also feels very straightforward. At this point he is being presented as an antagonist, a very central one at that, but in the scheme of things he seems very minor. He is nowhere near the same level of threat as the other antagonistic forces that we know await us in TWP, which brings his role in things into question. Normally, a tsc antagonist has some connection to the main character(s) and there is a specific reason why they become entangled (eg. Valentine is Clary's father, Mortmain created Tessa, Malcolm needed the Blackthorns to raise Annabel etc etc). Janus as a villain however has no obvious connection to any of the twp mains, and it's the total opposite when it comes to Ash despite the fact his motivations are known. He is focused around Clary, Jace, and the other tmi mains and given what we know its hard to see why he would come into conflict with Kit, Dru or Ty. There is the parallels between him and Livvy, but this doesn't seem antagonistic to me, he just represents a possible future for her (as Magnus said in gotsm, if she does not do great things, she will do terrible things).
All this is to say I think Janus is a massive red herring and not the person we should be worrying about. I think his relevance as a antagonist is going to come from his alliance to the Seelie Queen, who's motivations we know nothing about. She has been entangling herself in matters ever since she requested their audience in City of Ashes and we do not know why. It's especially obvious she's up to something when you compare her relevance in the modern timeline to the historical one, where I don't think she mentioned at all. Some of her actions are also suspicious, such as how she went out of her way to ensure Meliorn was the faerie representative. It's a plot point that gets resolved with the reveal she's working with Sebastian, but Sebastian was dead when she did it and I doubt even she would have known Lilith was going to raise him from the dead. This implies she had different plans that she then abandoned to aid Sebastian, because he could give her something she wanted; Ash. Ash clearly holds more significance to her than simply being her child as the Seelie Queen has only ever had two children, Auraline and Ash, and they were born over 200 years apart. There is clearly intention behind this, there is something that both the Unseelie King and Sebastian have in common that the Seelie Queen wants her children to have. What her plans are, we probably won't know until twp, although there may be hints in the Better in Black short story.
Like the Seelie Queen, the Princes of Hell are also likely up to something big behind the scenes. The last time we've seen from any of them was in 2010 with tlbotw; they're entirely absent from tda. This is strange as it makes tda the only series where they do not make an appearance or play a role in the story (side note I do include Lilith as a Prince of Hell even though she's technically not). Which is extremely suspicious and it's very likely that not the case, and that it'll be revealed that they have been influencing things in twp. Thule especially is something I think they're involved in, for a number of reasons. We're told the thing that altered the timeline was a powerful demon giving Lilith the strength to kill Clary, and CC said on tumblr the demon is one who is associated with Lilith in mythology. At the time (2018) CC was very mysterious, but we know enough about the PoH now to make a very educated guess that it was Sammael. Also, it's always struck me as odd that there was such a massive passing of time between Annabel & Ash coming to Thule and Emma & Julian following them. Every other time someone has gone through the portal, time has passed more or less the same and if there was discrepancy it's very minor, nowhere near the years that Ash was in Thule for. I would not be surprised if someone (Belphegor?) manipulated the portal to ensure Ash was in Thule for a certain amount of time before Emma and Julian could interfere with anything. Why the PoH would want any of this I have no idea, except poor Ash is seemingly a pawn in their plans (again) (free him for all these evil plans hasn't he been through enough?)
There is also Lucifer, who is by far the most mysterious tsc character and we know next to nothing about him. However, in the PoH art series CJ did, it does say on Belial's page that a) he claims to have convinced Lucifer to rebel and b) he is sometimes called the "father of Lucifer." A lot of the information in these arts come from preexisting Jewish & Christian mythology and can be easily googled, but that doesn't seem to be the case here. Either it's more obscure or CC made it up herself which is slightly terrifying because what does that mean. is Nate losing the title of Tessa's worst brother 137 years after his death?? ig we'll find out in 2026
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Wednesday prompt :) what if the reason Valentine made Luke a wolf was that a wronged nephilim in a parabatai bond can declare the other an oathbreaker, to trigger divine judgement, and if the judgement finds fault with the other you get back your soul piece and the other is punished? What if Alec, faced with another entitled and selfish rant, just snaps and declares Jace an oathbreaker?
okay so I couldn't figure out a way that would work like you were wanting but i did really like the idea that traditionally, a ritual with the silent brothers as a conduit to raziel is the only one allowed to judge and break a parabatai bond
this is actually an au of all your cracks i'll paint gold. because my thought is that an alec who didn't have the faith or hope to wait to give jace till the very last minute (because until the first rune is taken, some part of alec still believes jace is coming). this alec knows he's about to be deruned and he wants to lose his parabatai bond on his own terms. because fuck if he's going to let the clave tear him from jace, he's going to ask raziel to judge them and whoever ends up taking the brunt, so be it. because only raziel can judge the bond between him and jace.
also a part of alec expects to be the one judged as an oathbreaker. he's really tangled up in his own thoughts at this point and he knows he's not thinking straight which makes him doubt himself.
alec wants answers and to fuck the clave by not letting them get their way.
also tbh, for parabatai, i think the loss of the bond itself, especially not knwing what is happening would feel like divine punishment itself. especially for two peple who are so devout to the bond.
i hope you still enjoy <3
Alec doesn’t know what to do, but there is only one thing left to try and Jace is going to lose him either way. This is the most selfish thing Alec’s ever done in his life and he almost doesn’t do it, until he thinks about how long he’s been sitting here, alone.
Jace isn’t coming. Alec knows that at this point. Wherever his parabatai is with Clary, it’s far beyond anywhere that Alec can reach him in time.
And Alec can’t stay sitting here, waiting to be deruned whenever Imogen gets bored of making him wait.
Treated like he isn’t a Commander and not even given the choice of someone as a witness of his own to keep watch.
“I demand the presence of a Silent Brother for an oath.” Alec rasps to the next shadowhunters who pass, and they wince, looking at him with concern but they shake their heads.
Imogen has scared them all with his imprisonment and Alec is paying the price. Alec is normally the backbone of his Institute, the shield between him and the clave and while they trust him to do that, Alec’s never been their official leader or had the chance to make these hunters completely his.
It’s with a snarl and the determination of spite in his heart — because what was the point of any of this? Of denying himself and Magnus even a moment of anything if this is the way things end — and Alec spits his blood and saliva onto the ground.
It’s grueling work.
Alec was already tired from patrol and the mess with Meliorn when they dragged him to a cell and pronounced him a traitor.  There’s been no soul sword and no trial. They want an example and they’re not afraid to use Alec as one.
Where once, Alec would have assumed he had the protection and privilege of the Lightwood name, he knows now that none of it is true. He’s protected himself and his siblings by his own merits, despite their name, all of these years.
So, Alec reaches deep within himself and calls forward the blood magic that every nephilim is told about but rarely any ever attempt.
It’s a brutal, vicious magic that can turn even the simplest of magical desires into an onslaught of eldritch curses.
Alec uses the blood from his split lip and cut cheek and paints a series of runes before placing his hand down and willing it to activate.
His fingers shatter from the pressure he’s using t push down at the same time the array activates and Alec smiles in satisfaction, copper thick on his tongue.
“The Silent Brothers have been summoned and so will remain, especially for a trial we were not notified of.”
“Because this isn’t a trial.” Alec rasps out, “I’ve been asked no questions and offered no recourse. I request two things of the Silent Brothers, one of each.”
“Your requests?”
“I declare a broken oath between parabatai. I wish to let the angel judge my parabatai and I’s bond, not the clave.”
Alec isn’t going to fight his deruning, he can’t.
But he’s not going to let the clave strip away his bond, the angel himself can do that.
“The second request?”
“After the first is finished.” Alec says firmly, not about to let them know that his request depends on how the ritual goes.
“Very well. You will need a warlock to maintain your vitals.”
Alec hates to do it, but there isn’t a warlock who he trusts more than Magnus and Alec is very tired of being betrayed.
“What is going on?” Magnus asks tightly, because the Institute is full of strange nephilim and there isn’t a single one he recognizes. Which normally isn’t strange, except it wasn’t like this even a week ago.
“You’ve been requested to monitor and maintain the vitals of the nephilim, Alexander Gideon Lightwood, during a ritual.” The Silent Brother escorting him informs him with their invasive way of communication.
Magnus freezes, because this sounds dangerously close to the idea that he’ll be holding Alexander’s life in his hands.
“And he knows I am the warlock working with him?”
“You are the only warlock he would agree to work with.”
Magnus wonders at what that means and curses the flare of hope in his chest. As he enters the room he frowns, noticing it’s heavily guarded by what are clearly clave guards.
They sneer as he passes and Magnus lets his glamour drop, smirking as they flinch from him.  The cell-like quality of the room means he’s not prepared for Alexander when he enters, though he should be.
Alexander looks exhausted and worse than Magnus has ever seen him, and his eyes are dull. There’s a small spark, the softening of Alexander’s gaze on him. When their eyes meet there is wonder and curiosity for a brief heartbeat before Magnus’ glamour goes back up and Alexander’s eyes drop to the floor.
“Well, this is not how I imagined seeing you again.” Magnus says, trying to soften his words but he’s surprised, and he can’t help it and the hope makes him coy. “In my dreams, I imagined crashing your wedding. Not being summoned here to keep you alive.”
Alexander lets out a hoarse, defeated laugh and shakes his head. “There’s not going to be a wedding to crash, Magnus. I’m being deruned for treason. If I’m alive in a week, it’ll be considered impressive.”
Magnus feels his heart crack with the icy hands that have suddenly grabbed it.
“Tell me, everything, Alexander. Now.”
Alec sends him a weary, hopeless gaze and then shrugs, his hoarse voice forming words that tear into Magnus’ cracking heart.
Alec recites the words of his oath, the one that will allow Raziel to judge the bonds of his and Jace’s soul.
If he’s to lose this, then he’s going to do it by his own choice.
He expects the pain, when it comes, but it’s more excruciating than he thought it would be. 
The part of Jace’s soul that is melded with his own is burrowed tightly. It writhes and tugs and fights leaving, and Alec is too tired to do anything but accept the pain and the struggle. He doesn’t even have the energy to fight for himself, he certainly doesn’t have the energy to fight for Jace one last time.
Instead, he lets him go and wonders, whose soul will be returned to who.
Magnus has never seen such a gruesome, intimate ritual in all of his life, and it galls him at how many are watching it.  He’s keeping Alexander’s heart beating only through the strength of his magic, or Alexander would be lifeless on the flat table they’ve laid him on.  There is nothing to comfort him or ease him from the cold marble and Magnus seethes that he wasn’t allowed to add any kind of magical cushioning.
It’s as if they want Alexander to feel the most discomfort possible.
He can see it in Alexander’s eyes, the surprise and confusion of waking up and it breaks apart the walls he tried so hard to hastily rebuild.
Alexander didn’t expect to wake up and Magnus was the only one he trusted to make sure that if he did die, he was properly taken care of. Death is an intimate affair for shadowhunters, and Magnus knows the honor he’s been given, but every part of this except keeping Alexander alive feels like a curse.
Because what could have happened in the mere days since they last talked and saw each other, to send Alexander spiraling so low? When he was so proud in his own misguided beliefs the last time they saw each other.
“His soul and bond have been judged. Alexander Lightwood’s soul has been returned to him; he has not broken the oath of his bond.”
Alexander doesn’t look pleased by the pronouncement, if anything the distress and grief grow before they’re hidden away.  It’s then that Magnus realizes, while there are a variety of important shadowhunters, there isn’t a single person there connected to Alexander. 
“Is family not allowed?” He asks casually, smirking at the Silent Brother, because all of their order know Magnus’ reputation enough that it’s better to indulge his curiosity.
“There was no family willing or available to come.” Is what he’s told instead of something like, ‘they’re not allowed’ and Magnus, Magnus itches with the urge to destroy something.
“And Alexander?”
Whatever information Magnus is about to learn, is interrupted by Alexander himself.
“My second request, to the Silent Brothers. To request the right of severance. A trial of law.”
Magnus is curious and he raises an eyebrow imperiously at the Silent Brother standing near him.  Magnus hears the mental sigh before he’s told, “to request such a thing, means the clave has first betrayed the nephilim requesting it. There is no risk besides the soul sword knowing it is a lie and he is still due to be deruned. If he cuts himself from the clave, the clave cannot destroy first destroy him.”
“Does he need a magical aid?” Magnus asks without thinking, because of course he wants to help Alexander get away from the people doing this to him.
“Only comfort, when the strength of his own will finally fails him.”
Magnus wonders what that means but he has no further interest in what is being said and he takes the five steps that separate him and Alexander.
“What will happen, when you succeed in the next ritual?”
“I might fail.”
“You won’t.” Magnus assures him, his fingers light as he boldly places his hand on Alexander’s shoulder. Alexander stiffens for a moment and Magnus almost moves, before Alexander visibly relaxes and leans even closer.
“I’ll be allowed to leave the clave, though I doubt any Institute will take me. I wouldn’t trust them either, not anymore.” It’s a bitter thing for Alexander to admit and Magnus can tell. “I’ll still have my runes; I won’t be hunted. I can hide in the edges of the mundane world if I need to. I’m sure Night Markets have some use for what I can hunt.”
Magnus tsks and tightens his grip on Alexander’s shoulder and sends a soothing, warming pulse through Alexander’s muscles. His shadowhunter has been shivering since the ritual and not a single shadowhunter has offered him a blanket.
This entire time he’s been dressed in thin clothes, the kind nephilim are buried in, as if his fate is already decided on. Magnus is going to burn the horrendously white shirt and pants Alexander is wearing and never let him wear the color again.
After Alexander agrees… of course.
Alexander’s voice is low, but strong as he speaks his truth upon the soul sword. It carries across the room as he grips the soul sword and speaks.  He looks at no one but Magnus as he talks, repeating line for line the various laws the clave have broken in his case. Even Imogen looks a little pale when he’s done, as if hearing the truth of her own crimes is worse the committing them.
Alexander seems stunned when he’s finished.
As if he didn’t really think it would work, as if he thought he might actually be in the wrong and Magnus heart breaks.
“Alexander—” Magnus murmurs as he walks towards him, for his shadowhunter’s eyes haven’t once looked away from Magnus’ unglamoured ones. His dark eyes are weary as he watches Magnus, there’s no satisfaction in having one.
Hazel eyes widen in shock as Alexander watches Magnus reach out and wrap his fingers around the hilt of the soul sword.
“None of it has ever been a game. I would cherish you, darling. Far more than the clave, your family, your parabatai or even your exalted angel, Raziel.” The sword doesn’t stop him from speaking, because it isn’t a lie. Raziel cares little for the race he created and what Magnus is starting to feel for Alexander can’t be matched even by a divine being.
Let alone the petty, hateful mortals that have brutalized Alexander’s heart and soul so badly.
“What if you get tired?” Alexander asks and Magnus knows he’s too worn to voice the ‘of me’ aloud.
“I will keep you for every moment of your life.” Magnus tells him, swearing upon an angelic relic that croons temptingly to the corrupted blood in Magnus. “I will never throw you from me. Or give up on you. Whatever exists between us, it can grow to whatever we let it and no matter what that is, I will never abandon you. You, just you, would be enough, Alexander.”
Alexander wraps his trembling arms around Magnus and nods, “then take me away. Please, Magnus. From all of it.”
Magnus smirks at the one Silent Brother who never approached him and Jem nods in return. If his friend hadn’t told him about the properties of the soul sword in detail, this never would have worked.  However, Jem isn’t afraid to toe the line of nephilim law and Magnus has never seen him so enraged as he was when he pressed against Magnus’ mind in secrecy earlier.
The clave cannot refute Magnus’ words, not when sworn on the soul sword or witnessed by two Silent Brothers and that means that this is binding.
The clave no longer has any say or power over Alexander, only Magnus does.
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kaitcreates · 7 months
The Shadohunter Chronicles Character Showdown
First Round, Second Round, Third Round, Fourth Round, Fifth Round, Semi-Finals, Finals
Rosemary Herondale vs Arthur Blackthorn, (Feb 23)
Celine Montclaire vs Diego Rocio-Rosales, (Feb 24)
Maureen Brown vs Anna Lightwood, (Feb 25)
Christopher Lightwood vs Ragnor Fell, (Feb 26)
Julian Blackthorn vs Livvy Blackthorn, (Feb 27)
Bridget Daly vs Jon Cartwright, (Feb 28)
Nate Grey vs Sona Carstairs, (Feb 29)
Gabriel Lightwood vs Madeleine Bellefleur, (Mar 1)
Paige Ashdown vs Rupert Blackthorn, (Mar 2)
Valentine Morgenstern vs Kraig, (Mar 3)
Andrew Blackthorn vs Irene, (Mar 4)
Axel Mortmain vs Thais Pedroso, (Mar 5)
Kit Herondale vs Ke Yi Tian, (Mar 6)
The Dark Sisters vs Filomina di Angelo, (Mar 7)
Lucie Herondale vs Simon Lovelace-Lewis, (Mar 8)
Shiyun Jung vs Cameron Ashdown, (Mar 9)
Elias Carstairs vs Tavvy Blackthorn, (Mar 10)
Luke Greymark vs Will Herondale, (Mar 11)
Ash Morgenstern vs Matthew Fairchild, (Mar 12)
Sophie Collins vs Jaime Rocio-Rosales, (Mar 13)
Catarina Loss vs Tessa Grey, (Mar 14)
Jessamine Lovelace vs Woolsey Scott, (Mar 15)
Diana Wrayburn vs Magnus Lightwood-Bane, (Mar 16)
James Herondale vs Jesse Blackthorn, (Mar 17)
Sebastian Morgesnstern vs Ty Blackthorn, (Mar 18)
Julie Beavul vs Tatiana Lightwood, (Mar 19)
Meliorn vs Helen Blackthorn, (Mar 20)
Alexander Lightwood vs Arawn, (Mar 21)
Jace Lightwood-Herondale vs Michael Wayland, (Mar 22)
Raphael Santiago vs Kieran Kingson, (Mar 23)
Marisol Garza vs Hypatia Vex, (Mar 24)
Dru Blackthorn vs Ari Bridgstock, (Mar 25)
Eugenia Lightwood vs Bat Velasquez, (Mar 26)
Eliza Rosewain vs Rafael Lightwood-Bane, (Mar 27)
Anush Joshi vs Seelie Queen, (Mar 28)
Church vs Cecily Herondale, (Mar 29)
Annabel Blackthorn vs Robert Lightwood, (Mar 30)
Beatriz Mendoza vs Malcolm Fade, (Mar 31)
Jocelyn Fairchild vs Max Lightwood-Bane, (Apr 1)
Imogen Whitlaw vs Jem Carstairs, (Apr 2)
Mother Hawthorn vs Chairman Meow, (Apr 3)
Manuel Casales-Villalobos vs Barbra Lightwood, (Apr 4)
Cordelia Carstairs vs Benedict Lightwood, (Apr 5)
Divya Joshi vs Lily Chen, (Apr 6)
Patrick Penhallow vs Alastair Carstairs, (Apr 7)
Isabelle Lightwood vs Mark Blackthorn, (Apr 8)
Amatis Greymark vs George Lovelace, (Apr 9)
Maryse Lightwood vs Elliott, (Apr 10)
Alexei de Quincey vs Elyas the Demon, (Apr 11)
Hodge Starkweather vs Henry Branwell, (Apr 12)
Camille Belcourt vs Auraline, (Apr 13)
Aline Penhallow vs Roland Loss, (Apr 14)
Johny Rook vs Stephen Herondale, (Apr 15)
Rayan Maduabuchi vs Alec Lightwood-Bane, (Apr 16)
Esme Hardcastle vs Jordan Kyle, (Apr 17)
Grace Blackthorn vs Evelyn Highsmith, (Apr 18)
Jia Penhallow vs Charles Fairchild, (Apr 19)
Horace Dearborn vs Max Lightwood, (Apr 20)
Emma Carstairs vs Mina Carstairs, (Apr 21)
Charlotte Fairchild vs Aloysius Starkweather, (Apr 22)
Janus Herondale vs Zachary Carstairs, (Apr 23)
Gwyn ap Nudd vs Clary Fairchild, (Apr 24)
Maia Roberts vs Gideon Lightwood, (Apr 25)
Thomas Lightwood vs Cristina Mendoza-Rosales, (Apr 26)
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shrewind2 · 2 years
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Shadowhunters 3x22: All Good Things  
Free to use.
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spiritualowl9 · 5 months
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Introduction Post
Hi, my name is Olivia but you can call me Liv, Ollie, Olive or Via. I'm fine with any of these. I'm an INFJ. I am an October baby <3 (October 13th to be exact)
I'm a genderfluid(They/He/She) lesbian.
My favorite things are horror movies (I grew up with them), writing/reading, WWE, listening to music, Broadway musicals, and my friends :]
My hobbies are drawing, writing (occasionally fan fiction but mostly my own stuff), (these are the ones I can think of rn)
I enjoy listening to almost every genre of music(except country music, and I mostly listen to indie rock or alternative indie), Lana Del Rey is mother and a goddess <3 (I could just say what music artists I listen to but it's a lot so I'm not going to)
My other socials/accounts are below :) :
Wattpad: SpiritualOwl
Some of my favorite ships from different fandoms (Sorry there's only three🤦🏼‍♂️) :
WWE: Rhea Ripley x Liv Morgan, Rhea Ripley x Dominik Mysterio, Rhea Ripley x Damian Priest, Dominik Mysterio x Damian Priest, Damian Priest x Finn Balor, poly!Judgement Day, Becky Lynch x Rhea Ripley, The Undertaker x Shawn Michaels, Shawn Michaels x Triple H, Shawn Michaels x Triple H x The Undertaker
Shadowhunters: Alec x Magnus, Izzy x Simon, Izzy x Clary, Izzy x Maia, Clary x Maia, Jace x Simon, Jace x Meliorn, Jace x Simon x Raphael, Simon x Raphael, Simon x Jace x Raphael x Meliorn, Izzy x Lydia, Lydia x Clary
The Flash (CW): Barry Allen x Cisco Ramon, Cisco Ramon x Caitlin Snow, Leonard Snart x Cisco Ramon, Leonard x Barry Allen, Leonard Smart x Iris West, Caitlin Snow x Iris West, Earth-2 Harrison "Harry" Wells x Joe West, Cecile Horton x Joe West (If I'm missing any I'll edit this)
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polarnachtsblog · 1 year
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This is Us
Ship: Jalec Rating: E Tags: Parabatai Love, Angst, Feelings, First Kiss, First Time, Smut, Top Alec, Bottom Jace, Getting Together
Summary: During their fight to hinder Alec from handing Meliorn over to the Clave, Jace allows himself to realize that his feelings for Alec run much deeper than he always pretended. When Alec kisses him in the heat of the moment, their happy ending is right there in front of them - until Alec pulls away and everything goes south.
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