#melionë hades 2
eanul-rmbl · 4 months
baby mel putting a flower crown on hypnos
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ghostatrandom · 5 months
I hope Thanatos comes back in Hades 2 as the biggest mess imaginable. Like I want him to be so depressed and miserable because all of his close allies and friends are gone because of Chronos. And Melinoë finds him and says "damn bro why so sad" and he cannot believe his eyes its the baby sister of his boyfriend alive and also his brother is trapped in eternal sleep (maybe Endymion and Selene lore???) And she is all like "yeah death to Chronos, join my resistance group" and he is like fuck yeah I'm death I want that bitch gone.
Either that or he is being controled by Chronos to fight Melinoë idk whatever works for me-
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cosipurple · 2 years
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Had to draw her before going to bed or I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep 😭
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words cannot describe how fucking hyped i am for hades II dude i don’t wanna wait until 2023 i want to break into supergiant’s studio and steal the source code
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testsubject24601 · 5 months
Can we talk about how Hypnos is essentially in a coma
Can we talk about the time jump from the end of Hades to how Hades 2 takes place
Skelly has a beard, Hypnos has long hair, Melionë was essentially raised by Hecate and doesn’t know her immediate family at all
Also has the House of Hades been captured by Chronos? Are they dead? Are they stuck in a time prison?
Imagine Persephone sadness when she realizes she never got to see her baby girl grow up just like how she didn’t get to see Zagreus grow up. LET MAMA BE WITH HER KIDS
My brain is alive with Hades brain rot ONCE AGAIN
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annie-also-draws · 1 month
Babysitter Hypnos and baby Melionë
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Headcanon: Hypnos is the only Chthonic sibling in the House who has offsprings (the Oneiros) so Nyx tasks him with babysitting Melinoë when the others are busy.
Drawing this while realizing Hypnos is the only one who’s never been outside of the House in the first game. I thought it’d be fun to think of a scenario where he bonds with baby Mel while the others are out of the House. He’d have more experience since he oversees mortal’s dreams and is more in tune to their life, including taking care of a baby.
I’m one of those who think Hypnos is playing an important role in Hades 2. Think about it, with Thanatos trapped and Hermes too busy with the war above, no peaceful deaths occur to mortals and they continue to live, in many cases, in agony. So as to let them rest peacefully and not potentially become pawns in Chronos army, Hypnos would be busy trapping the mortals and lingered shades in perpetual sleep until the war is over, hence putting himself in the dreamscape and maximizing his influence.
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knackeredforever · 5 months
My favourite part of Hades II was when Melionë beat Chronos and said “This is our Hades 2” and then she Hades all over them.
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marithefriendlyghost · 5 months
the lovely mootie of mine @astral-nautical make an awesome post here on Hades 2 and I wanted to add on but felt I had too many unrelated thoughts so would make a separate post while making them connected!!
spoilers for Hades 2 ahead ^^; + opinions
Orca mentions in his post why he doesn't feel Hecate can be trusted, and I agree! The nature of Hades 2 is vastly different from the first in specific terms of its story/plot devices (the gameplay does not apply in this post) While Hecate has raised Melionë, she hasn’t raised her in the way Zagreus was you know? I say this because I’ve noticed a massive shit in tone and feel for the two games. While the first one has themes of “mending” a toxic family, of reconnection, love, and growth from a place of warmth (House of Hades) The crossroads feel different. And I know it’s because the circumstances have drastically shifted but again comparing Zag and Mel their starts are different! Zag never knew his mum but was still raised as a “normal” kid (albeit not the greatest, that’s another post) but he seeks to reconnect or at least know why she left. Mel has been raised from birth since her family was taken from birth to “find the Titan, slay the Titan.” She doesn’t know anything else! She has an objective and that’s what she has been raised to do. The crossroads don’t feel like home. They feel like a military base, that’s no place for a child. No one there cares for her in a parental way, they all care about her, but it’s her mission they care for. I say this also as we see with the,,, hot spring,, scenes. Everyone as far as we know, has known Mel since she was a kid and those feel off. I think it would be weird if I went to a hot spring, naked, with the people I considered family. (I’m also aware of Greek practices but that’s not the point). Mel mentions that she doesn't care for anything a mortal may feel for doing such a thing but I am mortal minor, so I have feelings T^T, I think it’s all for the end goal (slaying Chronos, saving the family) but what of after? Mel also feels like an autistic person (<- projecting as an autistic person), in the way she acts/behaves, and goes about social situations, so when she achieves the thing, she’s been set to do, what after? Will she know how to be a teen? Young adult at best. What about the rest of the family? Will the Olympians set out for the house for any grievances from the war from Zags waking the Titan’s blood? So many questions. I own the game and it’s been very overwhelming in a positive way, but I just have so many questions! I’ve hardly covered all my thoughts in just this post! Supergiant Games and their titles are my special interest so genuinely excited for what's to come with this game.
If anyone has any thoughts, I'd love love love to hear them!!! dms/replies are always open ^^
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smallraindrops-blog · 3 months
having WMFTD AU brain rot
So I kept thinking about how Zagreus and Megaera fought to the death regularly. Then in Hades 2 with Melionë with Nyx’s kiddos.
Feeling someone’s last breath, feeling the moment their heart stops as the light leaves their eyes is a strange intimacy of itself. They are dying and the last thing they see is their foe’s face.
and I kept wondering how Y/N and Hypnos might end up in that situation. Also partly blame vamp!y/n for this au as well.
TW: For death and violence between Y/N and Hypnos, written on mobile forgive me for any mistakes.
Hypnos, god of sleep and dream, has many duties. One to the house, and one to his sleep realm. He sends dreams and receives them. He is also the keeper of the river Lethe. 
He is also the jailer for a certain god. 
Y/n is the stuff of horror, a mortal turned monster, killed by Ares but y/n was so overwhelmed by regret, by terrifying rage and deeply haunted by his past that his soul became twisted, that his death became his rebirth. 
So you became the god of torment and punishment.
You sowed mayhem among the mortals, and even got to the Olympians, haunting their every step, hissing a list of every sin they ever committed even the ones they never spoke of, a brush of your hands was enough to completely paralyze even the gods.
Athena called for aid to Nyx and she sent her children and it was Hypnos, who was able to put you asleep when the Olympians caught you off-guard by attacking all at once.
Upon learning who you were, that your father was Achilles himself, It was Zeus who tried to tell Hypnos to place you in the river lethe so you could be reborn, pure and pain-free but Hypnos felt such an act was beyond cruel to one unwilling.
Which you very much were, snarling and feral while pinned on the marble floor of the gods’ home, trying to fight off the power of sleep. Eventually even you fell under the power of sleep.
Athena in her wisdom saw it would do no good, since you were already immortal, so she told Hypnos to place you in the dream realm, no one could help you if you were trapped where only Hypnos could go. 
And Hypnos obeyed. 
To keep anyone from knowing, the gods forced Hypnos to share a vow, to never speak of the god of torment ever again. 
Such a creature was best left forgotten.
At first, he was able to keep you in eternal slumber, placing you to rest among the fields of poppies and chamomile, far away from the dreams and nightmares of his realm. 
He tied a poppy and a chamomile together, infused the plants with his powers and tucked it behind your ear, his fingers lingering on your face. 
Odd, how a god of such pain could look so peaceful.
For a long time it worked. 
Sometimes he would stop by to check on you, then eventually he spoke about his day to you, or his family problems or just made a bad joke or two. 
He called you his test audience, laughing quietly to himself. It sounded a little sad.
you never responded, never woke up.
His guilt was growing but he kept his forced vow, never speaking of you. Not even when Achilles came with his beautiful, everblue eyes that didn’t hide the confusion and pain when Hypnos told him your name never came onto Hypnos’s list.
which wasn’t a lie, your name never did. 
you knew you were locked away, your body unable to heed to your command. Sometimes you heard the voice of a god, hypnotic and sweeter than a lullaby. 
Sometimes you felt gentle fingers on your brow, pushing back into the dark depths of oblivion.
Then one day you woke up. 
You stared up into a twilight sky, a gentle breeze drifting over your form, the faint rush of a river reached your ears.
With Hypnos’ keepsake still tucked behind your ear and from how long you've been here, sleep has become a part of you. Shadows, dark and ugly as oil slick, clung to your cloak.  
Hypnos sensed the moment you woke up and immediately appeared in his realm. 
you locked eyes with him, he was breathtaking, a halo of gleaming stars and ebony circled his head, his wings spread out. In the sleep domain, he was the ruler and creator, a divinity born of the stars, one that you could never reach.
You knew once you were made of clay like all morals, the perfect beauty of this god before you only empathized with it. But now you were made of something else, something wrong and unholy.
The god was beautiful and he was one keeping you in prison, he was the thing keeping you from fulfilling your purpose. 
His expression was terrified. He immediately tried to put you right back to sleep. 
It didn’t work.
“Let me go.” You rumbled, shadows growing with each syllable. 
“I can’t.” He told you, his voice echoed among the flowers. His molten eyes wide as he stared at you. “I really can’t.”
The battle that followed was a horrible one, with Hypnos desperately trying to stay out of your reach and you chasing after him like a demon among the once peaceful realm.
you summon a spear, a twisted mirror of Achilles’ trying to kill him. But Hypnos was more powerful, summoning weapons of kinds from mortals and gods’ dreams to attack you and by sheer luck, a spear of light landed right where Ares landed his killing blow.
You went down. Hard. 
As you placed a shaky hand over your wound, knowing that it wouldn’t do any good, You fought for breath as Hypnos warily knelt by your head, his hands moving uselessly in the air.
”I’m sorry. Oh gods, I have never killed before. I am so sorry.” He sounded disbelieving, as if he thought he could never commit such a thing. You tried to laugh, but it came out as a rattling sound.
with the last bit of strength left in you, your arm snapped out like a snake and grabbed his wrist with a brutal fist, covered with black blood, and pressed his hand against your wound. He flinched, trying to get away but you led so tight that his bones grind together. 
His eyes locked onto yours.
Your eyes said everything you couldn’t. 
Then you died.
Hypnos didn’t know what would happened. But you reappeared, sleeping among the flowers once more, made whole. 
When you awakened again, more battles followed with Hypnos somehow winning. But you had been a warrior all of your life. You watched, you learned from your mistakes and it was getting harder and harder for Hypnos to win each time. 
It didn’t help poor Hypnos that it seemed nightmares have chosen you, even disobeying their beloved god of sleep. 
A battle you were winning. 
Golden ichor spilled from him, a new kind of fear in those beautiful sundrop eyes as he brought everything he had in him to bring you down. It wasn’t enough. Not this time. 
Then he stopped, dropping his knees and hands. He was shaking, tears streaming down his face, breaking up the gold that marked his skin. 
“Stop. Please just stop this.” He gasped out as you drew nearer. “Why can’t you go back to sleep?”
you said nothing as you knelt in front of him. 
“I thought you were at least at peace.” Hypnos told you, his wings slumping as he bowed in his head. He looked exhausted.
you considered his words. You curled a finger under his chin, lifting his face toward your. You leaned down, lips a hairbreadth from his.
“I was, Gentle Sleep.” You whispered. “But not even I can rest forever.”
Then you kissed him as you plunged a dagger right between his ribs. He gasped,  his delicate body jerking in shock, his hands grabbing at your shoulders in vain to push you away. 
You wrapped your arm around his waist, another hand on the back of his head as you gently brought him down among his beloved poppies and chamomile, your lips still on his
to anyone who didn’t realize what you had done, you and him looked like lovers having a passionate moment among the wildflowers.
his breath huffed against your skin, his eyes going heavy as his body gave up, his arms dropping to the ground, his wings following a moment later. You held him closer, brushing a loving kiss against his parted lips.
You heard a final, shaky breath of your name.
then hypnos was gone.
He would return. Whole and golden and beautiful once more.
you rose, nightmares steadily growing behind you as the portal of the waking world opened before you.
And so rose the tormenter of gods, who's black soul ruined even the beauty of gentle sleep. The soft petal of the flowers brushed against your skin, just now another reminder of yet another sin.
it fueled you.
A reckoning of the gods was coming.
and so i like to imagine a happy ending to this bc that just how i roll but this is all i got for now. 
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dragonciphering · 2 years
#2 of my brain rots for Hektor-centric fics
Here me out, we are all vibrating with suspense while waiting for Hades 2. So why not throw Hektor in the mix?
Apollo literally favored him so much (Hektor’s his blorbo) that after he almost dies to one of the Ajaxes (but is saved from the brink of death by zeus) in book 14 & 15, he helps him out (although he was ordered to), heals him, and leads the charge. There are so many times that Apollo saved his life it’s not even funny. Also, when Achilles does the whole “I’m going to destroy this guy’s body” thing, Apollo literally shames the other gods for letting it happen. Everyone agreed with him except for Hera, Athena, and Poseidon. (I’m pretty sure.)
So, if Apollo is helping out Melinoë and Co….he could probably bring Hektor into this. Based on what we know so far, we can figure out that Melionë is probably going to some sort of witch school. And Hektor is the brother of Cassandra. And she probably is at this school too.
Imagine Apollo going over to Hacate and just being like: “I know your teaching speciality is magic, but what if you teach Melinoe some purely physical fighting too?” And Hacate going: “I hate that you have a point.”
And then Apollo just yoinks Hektor away from the underworld. (If only for a little bit at a time.) By just kicking the door in and rushing into where he is, jumpscaring him while kind of explaining what he needs to do.
So what if when Hektor gets there, he meets Moros and Nemesis and they almost immediately decide that he’s now their little skrunkly wet cat and just get a bit protective of him or something. Which would be hilarious because he met his doom (Moros) because Achilles wanted revenge (Nemesis). So he wouldn’t be very happy with this arrangement.
And he would be an amazing teacher. And there’s no way he didn’t somehow have a purpose in is siblings training. Also, what if one of his first lessons he tells Melinoë is this: “Yes you can let rage, anger, or wrath fuel you, but never let it blind you.”
Let Melinoë adopt him as her honorary uncle or something. Have her be told by Hektor about the Trojan war, have her be taught that sometimes you have no control over something, have her be taught calming techniques and strategies, have her be taught strategies for fighting and ways to survive in politics, have her meet Hektor’s family, have her decide to punch Odysseus (or Achilles son) for killing Scamandrius, have her decide to kick Achilles (or his son) in the dick, and have her do that while understanding that —yes they did some wrong doing— but it wasn’t completely their fault.
Let Zagreus meet Melinoë’s honorary uncle and respect him and try to find a way to repay him for helping his sister and helping save the House when Hektor has no need for (in his opinion) repayment because he doesn’t know how much he matters. Let Melinoë try to do the same thing but not now how to. Let Thanatos feel kinda worried about how to interact with him due to all the deaths that occurred during the war and that he wasn’t the one that reaped him. (It was Hermès LMAO!)
Let the House be shocked because, they were not expecting a mortal shade to help with this. Let alone one who is, well, used to be from Troy.
Perhaps Hektor gets a promotion.
And that’s my idea of Hektor somewhat unwillingly stopping Kronos.
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eanul-rmbl · 4 months
hypnos and baby mel draft! + frinos
notes under cut
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I can't wait to render this!!
from bee and puppycat!
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ghostgirlvii · 2 years
Why Hades 2 got my attention and finally kicked my butt to play Hades that was taking dust in my steam library?
The ghost arm.
That's it. It's that one single design for Melionë that got me like "I want to play the game"
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eanul-rmbl · 4 months
will draw hypnos and baby mel like this
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she even has the little hair wings when she was a baby child!!
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eanul-rmbl · 5 months
Thinking about how Zagreus and Melinoë's game play are relevant and important to me.
Ramblings under the cut.
Mel is a witch and relies on her magic ability mostly as core game mechanic. In the trailer, her attacks and movement are light and fast; almost acrobatic. She gives multiple quick jabs and dodges while moving forward. Compare it to Zagreus' trailer, where he relies on dodging and movement separately. Instead of multiple quick jabs, he gives fewer, yet more powerful attacks. (I mean it makes sense, since he's holding a greatsword and she's holding the twin scythes)
Onto their weapons, Zag's greatsword is a primary accessory in the Hades trailer. It's large, flashy and is helps him look really hot when he's putting up his hair.
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Differently, Mel's weapons (scythe) in the trailer are smaller and held much closer to the body. While she doesn't hide her weapon, it's a lot less conspicuous and I didn't even notice it upon first watch until Hekate gives her back the scythe. It makes sense, since their (Mel's and Zag's) motives, personality and need to hide differ.
In Hades, everyone knows about Zag's escapes attempt. It's not a secret and he actively says things like "I DONT WANT TO BE HERE" around the House.
Meanwhile, it's very much a secret in Hades 2. They're in a hidden base against Chronos. Keep your friends close, your enemies closer.
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Now onto their surface world mechanics!!!!
Before getting the "let me be on the surface pls" spell, Mel can barely last five minutes on the surface world. After using her spell tho, it's completely fine.
Meanwhile, Zag can last a good 20ish minutes on the surface world. Or, however long you want him there. He takes a short few/several minutes walk around Greece before reaching his mom, where they have enough time for Zagreus to talk about most of his past and what's going on in the Underworld.
To add, we see more muscles on Zagreus.
Moral of the story (I got lazy), Zagreus is and Melinoë is smart!
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eanul-rmbl · 3 months
hades 2 spoilers: moros fishing dialogue (for future reference)
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smallraindrops-blog · 28 days
Hiii if the requests are still available I would really appreciate hypnos X GN!reader!
I was thinking about a scene where (slight Hades II spoiler?) hypnos wakes up from his sleep and reader was there all along waiting for him.
Just some fluff please and thank you!
No matter if you decide to write it or not have a great day!
Wherever you go
(that’s where I’ll follow)
Pairing: Hypnos x GN!Reader
warnings: no beta, fluff, a little background angst, possible hades 2 spoilers ( note, haven’t played the game so expect inaccurate stuff)
Wordcount: 1k
Thank you for the request! I hope this is fluffy enough. if not, Lmk and i will be happy to redo it. ^.^
Requests: one out two done and still accepting more.
A fog was building up, slowly rolling through the many paths of the crossroads, muffling any outside noise that might have reached them. 
If you lifted your head, you would have seen Odysseus’ form hunched over the table as he studied whatever new thing the princess had brought him, his brow furrowed thoughtfully.
Or if you went for a walk, you would have witnessed Melionë’s pets rough housing as they waited for their master to return. Or the other shades laughing as they did so, amused by the sight.
Maybe you would have enjoyed it as well but you remained by Hypnos’ side, a small moon orbiting his planet. 
You used to try to fall asleep, hoping that you would find him your dreams but wherever he was, he was beyond even dreams. 
It was peaceful right now. 
There was only the rough sounds of your pestle grinding against the mortar, the tingling scent of mint and rosemary filling the air. It was a sharp contrast against the oakmoss smell of the crossroads.
Your nose wrinkled at the strength of it however Lady Hecate needed it for a remedy and you were thankful for the job. It reminded you of being back home, with family laughing as they worked on their weaving or playing music.
Once it was done, you sat it aside to let the herbs rest and wiped your hands on your tunic.
With a sigh, you peered up at Hypnos. “Well, at least you're getting that beauty rest you always claimed you need, huh?” You teased as you rose up to check him over for the thousand times. 
His face looked peaceful, free of any worries. His breathing was slow, the fan of his white lashes thick against his cheeks, his long curls were soft as the clouds themselves. 
He was beautiful and divine in his eternal sleep.
You used to braid his hair but somehow it always came loose so you eventually gave up that battle. When you ran your hand through his fluffy curls, your fingers snagged on a knot. 
With a tsking sound, you began to work on it. “I swear, Hypnos. I told you before that you need to let me braid your hair. You never listen.” You continued to chat to him, as if he could respond. 
As you worked out the knot, you told him of the princess’ newest discoveries. Of Lady Hecate’ nonstop work and whatever stray thought came forward. When the knot was loosen, you continued to comb through his locks.
It reminded you of before everything was lost. 
Countless, blissful hours spent together, limps tangled together in sleep, forehead touching and the heavy crown of dreams was yours to carry as well.
You swallowed as you pulled away, there was no point in crying. Not again. Hypnos was still here in the ways that mattered. You had lost so little compared to the Princess. 
With a smile, you kissed his forehead. “I have so many more things to tell you about but I will wait until you wake up, okay?”
Once you had pulled yourself together, you picked up the pestle and mortar, the herbal scents smoothing the faint ache in your chest when you inhaled it. This should suit for whatever purpose Lady Hecate needed it for.
“Why do I smell so… minty?” A voice, hoarse and familiar, reached your ears. A stray poppy drifted close by and you stared at it with a frown. It landed right between your feet.
“Because of the herbal remedy.” You replied mindlessly, your fingers going numb in shock. 
You must have fallen asleep. It was the only thing that made sense. Yet you looked anyway, like Orpheus to Eurydice, sure that you were going to see him doomed, his beautiful eyes closed in eternal rest. 
Heavy with golden dreams, bright with stars in them, Hypnos blinked at you in confusion. His lips curled up in that cheerful smile. A familiar stranger. 
“You know, I remember Zagreus mentioning about giving the house a new look but man, I don't think this is the right decision.” Hypnos laughed, then frowned when he saw one of his curls. “Wait- how long was I napping for?” 
You dropped the tools causing the remedy to spill on the steps. The crack was loud in the quiet, your breathing shaky as you covered your mouth. “Hypnos?” You gasped out past the lump in your throat. 
His downturned eyes snapped toward you, his mouth parted in a perfect ‘o’ as he held out his arms toward you. “Hey- hey no crying now, I always stick my foot in my mouth and say the wrong things when people cry.”
You broke into a watery laugh, rushing into his arms. The hammock rocked from the force of the hug, the poppies spilling everywhere. Hypnos felt so perfect in your arms, heavy and warm. 
You cling to him, fearful that you might  wake up any moment now.
One of his arms curled around you tightly, practically pulling you in the hammock with him. His other hand began stroking your hair as his chin rested atop against your head. He was muttering something comforting but you only shook your head.
”I thought this was a dream- Hypnos. I missed you so, so much. Hypnos!” It didn’t feel real, but he did. He was real and awake, he was here with you, back in your arms where he belonged. “I have so many things to tell you.”
”and I can’t wait to hear them all. I want all the details.” He soothed, his voice gentle and lulling. He placed a kiss on top of your head. “I don’t know what in the darkness happened but I am here now. I won’t leave you again.”
You and him stayed like that, clinging together in the crossroad. Everything felt right once more.
A few moments later, Hypnos spoke up again. “Um… not to ruin the mood or anything but there is a random weirdo staring at us- oh, he is waving at us. And smiling? He looks like he might be crying too?”
Hypnos lifted his hand from your hair and began waving back. “Go away.” He sang quietly. “Go away you weirdo.”
Unable to help it, you broke into a genuine, belly deep laugh, wiping away the tears from your face. Hypnos grinned down at you like you were the best thing he ever saw. 
And you returned his smile, heart overflowing with joy. “Like I said, I have a lot to tell you.”
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