#melf (elf with a gun)
supine-ly · 7 months
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Melf (Elf with a Gun) underrated defenders antagonist
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lil-doodles · 9 months
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Sketching! This my friends is Melf, or the Elf With a Gun. He first appeared in Defenders #25 from Marvel Comics. He was created by Steve Gerber and Sal Buscema. His story is a rabbit hole with no ending. He showed up a handful of times, shot a few random people, and then got hit by a truck. It is still a mystery as to who he was and what his motivations were. A bit of surrealism pretending to be a comic.
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some-loser-called-jab · 10 months
New D&D Spells
Summon Catgirls
Melf's Shelf Elf
Recall NPC Name
Tummy Slap
Zone of Funk
Tasha's Monstrous Strap
Summon Guy From Our Last Campaign
Power Word: Dougie
Mordenkainen's Fucking Gun
Find Cooler Familiar
Change Systems (Again)
Mass Tummy Slap
Speak With Frogs And Only Frogs
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tmbg13 · 2 years
wanna introduce you all to my favorite horseshit Marvel Comics character
meet Elf With A Gun
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he’s an elf named Melf. and he has a gun. his power is having a gun and murdering people. he almost encounters the Defenders multiple times across a small handful of appearances but doesn’t because he’s hit by a truck and dies.
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samueldays · 4 years
I was inspired to do some cybercroissant cyberpunk writeup of characters based on the SR5 group I’m playing in. Character names have been changed to protect the guilty. Props to anyone who can figure out which one I’m playing. (Show your work. No points for just guessing all four serially.)
The fog and noise were so thick in the bar, I wondered for a moment if I was indoors at all. The band - and I hesitate to use that word - was supposedly playing ‘post-electroshock motorvibe with neo-arcological influences’. To my ears, their drek was almost indistinguishable from Seattle’s streets on a bad night: the crash of thunder, the squeal of car horns, the humming of surveillance drones, and somewhere in the distance, screaming and shooting as Lone Star broke up another Ork Lives Matter protest.
But I wasn’t here for music.
I was here for manpower.
And the noise meant I was safer from eavesdropping. (Safer. Not safe. You’re never safe in this city.) I approached table four, parted the privacy curtains and sat down opposite the masked fixer who was arranging our meetings.
“You got the runners?” I asked.
“You got the nuyen?” he responded.
I carefully reached into my pocket and put a crypto-locked platinum credstick on the soykaf-stained table. He plugged it into his commlink and verified the promise of potential payment before returning it to me with a nod. Then he slowly reached into his own pocket and handed me a datastick. I plugged it into my commlink in turn and opened the cyber-dossier on the four-man team that the fixer had found for me. If they lived up to my expectations, they were shortly about to become very, very rich, or else very, very dead.
‘Santa Cars’, female human
A rigger and a decker, Santa can pilot anything* she can get her hands on, and if she can’t get her hands on it, odds are she can jack into it remotely and pilot it anyway. Her cyberimplants let her combine a machine’s reaction speed with a human’s creativity, and her experience tells her exactly how far beyond the safety margins she can push a vehicle.
Santa’s custom hotrod guarantees the team’s strategic mobility and portable base of operations on extended runs, and she’s been known to frequently steal other vehicles for temporary purposes. Carrying ‘only’ a standard Ares Alpha smartgun, Santa is the team member with the lightest personal armament, but has an ever-changing stable of combat drones to assist her, with both lethal and less-lethal armament.
*Cruise liners excepted.
‘Tommy Gun’, male human
You know that trideo gag where the corpsec says “Present your weapons for inspection” and the heavily armored goon spends thirty seconds pulling out weapon after weapon? That’s Tommy, ex-military combat brute. His idea of “light” armament is two knives, three pistols and an assault rifle, “normal” includes a grenade launcher, the Aztechnology Striker he carries on “heavy” missions is legally considered a missile launcher, and he’s professionally trained with all of them. Also unarmed combat, though I can’t imagine how he’d be unarmed and still alive.
Tommy is big on personal enhancement: muscle augments, bone density, subdermal plating, cranial reinforcement, platelet supplements, you name it, if it gives you an edge in a fight, he’s probably got it, and a skulljack too. His time in the military taught him to dive for cover at the first sign of trouble, but even without that he could survive a Mozambique drill and return fire.
‘Princess Nightblade’, female human
Despite the name, Nightblade lives the life of gutter scum, fearing corporate eyes and interests, hiding in the slums among a million other bodies when not on a run. She’s the product of high-end corporate genegineering, having Awakened by unrelated fluke, becoming mystically enhanced death on legs. Where Tommy delivers professional violence from cutting-edge hardware, Nightblade is the precocious counterpart with a spirit-killing sword and an old shotgun. She’s fast, stealthy, and lucky.
Having been raised first by a corporate assassination program and later by gangs and shadowrunners, Nightblade is socially stunted and bloodthirsty even by runner standards. When fights are scarce, she will cut herself for entertainment. Do not mention her injuries when talking to her.
‘Melf’, male elf
You know that other trideo gag where the human gangers need magical support, so they ask the first elf they know, and he acts insulted by their prejudicial assumptions, before turning out to be a mage and joining anyway? That’s Melf, street shaman. He provides all the magical support a runner could wish for: counterspell capability, astral perception, spirit summoning, and utility magic. He also packs the kind of overpowered fireball that can set stone on fire.
Melf is well aware of the prevalent ‘geek the mage first’ mindset among many security forces, and compensates with extensive personal fitness training and carrying multiple automatic weapons to appear less of an obvious target.
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So when Gerber made Melf (or Elf with a gun as he is often referred to) it was 100% meant to be a joke. But DeMatteis, in his continuing crusade to make this book as bad as he possibly can, decided to go back and explain the joke in excutiating detail and we all know what happens when someone has to explain a joke...
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grimzeyblogs · 3 years
have a bunch of fanfic tags that i should add to Database but probably wont PT:1 (all of these are sourced from ColeyDoesThings on yt)
-one eye gouging happens but its not like bad -slaps hood of this fic, this baby can fit SO many tropes! -the blood drinking is consentual but the dancing is not -unprotected hand holding -MMMMM DILFS (in my case its Dads I'd Like to be Friends with) -Putting the BI in FBI -Aliens made them do it -Various white people -mentions of heterosexuality -canon typical Whoa There Buddy Don't Make That Decision -Melf (elf with a gun) -Happy ending (with cannibalism) -Alternate Universe- Canada -lesbians are stronger than god and cannot die -this is about grief. and also vaping -what's a king to a god what's a god to a regional cinnabon manager
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marveldailyart · 6 years
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Meanwhile, in the Grand Canyon (thanks Gerber!), Stu and Sally run into an old Indian chief—sorry: Native American chief—who is actually Melf, the Elf with a Gun! I sure hope these appearances are leading somewhere.… #marvel #defenders #elfwithagun #gerber https://ift.tt/2szYEkQ
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And this is it... the big conclusion to the elf with a gun saga. The elf tries to shoot a kid and gets run over by a truck. That's it. There is literally nothing more to it. We never get any reasoning, we never get a “who was the elf with the gun” story. The most we get is a few easter eggs later on and that's that. As a Steve Gerber creation, it shouldn’t really come as a surprise. I’ll wrap it up with a quote from him about what Melf was
“He was nothing but a metaphor for the chaotic and inexplicable nature of existence, the "beast in the jungle" that you spend a lifetime planning for but which still comes as a surprise or maybe never comes at all”
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marveldailyart · 6 years
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Charles and Frances Lester are ordinary tourists in Las Vegas, but when they get into a cab, they discover that the cab driver is a dummy! And inside his hollow body is Melf, the Elf on a Shelf…um, I mean, the Elf with a Gun! Man I love Gerber! #marvel #defenders #elfwithagun https://ift.tt/2Llgf6M
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marveldailyart · 6 years
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This week’s logo features more new characters: Hellcat, Moon Knight, the Two-Gun Kid (from the Golden Age), and Melf the Elf, otherwise known as Elf with a Gun! #marvel #cmro #mda https://ift.tt/2rQMkeQ
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marveldailyart · 6 years
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Every now and then, there are solid indicators that you’re reading a Steve Gerber comic…like this, the first appearance of Melf the Elf, who you may know better as Elf with a Gun! #marvel #defenders #gerber #melf #elfwithagun https://ift.tt/2KtJunv
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