madamlaydebug · 2 months
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The thirteen crystal skulls that contains magical properties and healing power abilities, it was own by the Atlantans and the lermurians, these crystal’s skulls been scattered around the firmament since the great floods and destruction of Atlantis, found in the amazon forest of south and North America these crystals have been around for millions of years, from our ancestors of Atlantis down to the generation of Aboriginal olmecs, the inca, and all indigenous melalinated Native tribes of what draco call America, these crystals had been discovered and been contained since 2012 the extraterrestrial Draco, know about our ancient structures which generate energy from mother Ka and the black sun.
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phantom088 · 1 year
Random Ass, Out of Context Oc Story
Okay, so this is way outta context... but... um... it's neat. So basics of the story revolves around Mel, a oc of mine. Her show is Gravity Falls (or technically Reverse Falls, Angelica is Gravity Falls... another Oc) and a mission she was sent on by Angelica. The characters in this story are Mel, Angelica (Gravity Falls ocs) Dipper, Mable (actual Gravity Falls characters) Gabi (Danny Phantom oc) and Danny (actual Danny Phantom character)  there is also Crystal who's a random oc I totally made up just for this lol. I'll give you general description of the ocs.
Mel: (2 descriptions) Demon, has horns, wings and tail Red Eyes (right eye is grey because she's blind in it) Scarring on right side of face Long black hair, reaches lower back, hair is covering right side of face. Mel: (in this story) Demon, horns, wings, tail Both eyes are red due to colored contact in blind eye Make up to hide scarring, and also just general makeup Hair is shorter, reaches her shoulders, bangs are swept to right side of face.
Angelica: Angel, wings, pointed ears, halo Eyes are green Very blonde hair tied back in a ponytail
Gabi: Human, can control electricity Hazel eyes Blonde hair reaches past shoulders
Crystal: Demon, has wings Skin is blue Short hair tided up in pig tails Has crown made of ice
Oh, and have a slight change to how Danny looks: Right eye is blue, left eye is green, his fringe is white the rest of his hair is black.
Alright, with no further hesitation let's get into it!
Mel walks into a crowed bar full of demons. She calmly walks through the crowd of demons and up to a bar area, she sits down at a stool and looks to the bartender, which is a ancient looking statue.
Mel: Cupam ignis unus, quaeso.
The bartender comes to life and walks off, after a few moments he returns with a drink and sets it infront of Mel.
Mel: Gratias.
(Bonus points to those who can guess what language she was speaking, added points if you can translate it lol)
Mel watches the drink for a moment, as it starts to bubble, after a second it stopped and she takes a sip from it as a annoyed voice is heard from a earphone peice she is wearing.
Angelica: Melaline! We don't have time for drinks!
Mel: I'm trying to keep a low profile... Angelica... and to do so I order a drink, since it would look pretty odd for someone to walk into a bar and not order any drinks.
Angelica: Fine, but do you really have to take a sip from it?
Mel: Look pretty suspicious if I don't.
Mel takes another sip from the drink, we hear Angelica groan from the earpiece.
Angelica: Fine, but don't get too drunk to the point where you won't remember the mission at hand.
Mel rolls her eyes.
Mel: When have I ever done that, sis?
There is a stern silence from Angelica, as Mel's eyes widen in remembrance.
Mel:... Oh yeh... hey, that was one time!
Angelica: Just find Crystal and get the needed information from her, no getting drunk, no fights, and no pulling demon tricks!
Mel: Don't get your wings in a bundle Angelica, I got this.
Mel scans the crowd when she suddenly spots what she was looking for. Crystal the Ice Demon Princess.
A smug look comes across Mel's face.
Mel: Found her...
A different voice speaks through the earpiece.
Gabi: Good job, now you just gotta approach her... shouldn't be that hard, right?
Mel: You can say that, she's coming to the bar.
Crystal sits next to Mel, she was laughing from a conversation she just had. She looks to the bar tender and orders a drink.
Crystal: Heus minister! Vinum Ice unum, (Chuckles) ad Principem.
A look of gratitude came across Crystal's face as the bartender turns on and zooms off, coming back with a drink and handing it to Crystal.
Mel leans forwards and looks to Crystal.
Mel: Wow, a Ice Wine? You're going hard for a demon your age.
Crystal looks to Mel with dismay and annoyance.
Crystal: Why the comment... peasant?
Crystal looked Mel up and down.
Crystal: Besides, you're a fire demon, drinking this (She raises her cup) will leave you powerless.
Mel shrugs and leaned back.
Mel: Only temporarily.
Angelicas voice is heard in Mel's earpiece.
Angelica: What are you doing Melaline? You're gonna blow this 5 minutes in!
Mel ignores Angelica as Crystal continues to talk.
Crystal: And what do you mean "A demon my age" anyways?
Mel: I dunno, you look young, alterum bibendum commodo!
The bartender approachs Mel, serving her another drink. Again Mel stares at it for a few seconds, as it starts to bubble then she starts drinking it.
Crystal: You look to be about my age!
Mel: I'm a bit older then you expect.
Crystal: Really? How old are you?
Mel looks to Crystal.
Mel: You know, it's rude to ask a women for her age.
Crystal growls.
Crystal: Do you know who I am?!
Mel: Why sure! Your Crystal, the Demon Ice Princess of the Ice realm.
Mel does a mock bow.
Mel: Your highness.
Angelicas voice is heard again.
Angelica: Melaline, you are walking on thin ice here!... No pun attended!
Crystal frowns for a second, looking really mad, but then her face relaxes.
Crystal: You know, you're un-filtered, fire demon... I like that. What did you say your name was again?
A worried look came across Mel's face. Voices come from her earpiece.
Angelica: Did she just ask for a name?
Mable: That's what I heard.
Gabi: We forgot to come up with a fake name!
Dipper: I knew we were forgetting something!
Danny: Calm down, we just need to come up with a name... quickly...
Mel was already ahead as she spat out a name.
Mel: Diana.
Crystal smiles.
Crystal: Nice to meet you... Diana.
Crystal turns to the bartender
Crystal: What is your favorite drink, fire whiskey or something?
Mel nodded her head.
Mel: Correct.
Crystal: Drinks on me, cape mihi Ice Vinum et Ignem Cupam, et fac ieiunandum!
The bartender turned and grabbed the drinks.
For a long while Mel and Crystal sat at the bar talking and drinking. Everytime a drink was set for Mel, she stared at it, watch it bubble, then drink it, something Crystal didn't even think to question. Eventually their conversation turns for the worst.
Crystal: You know Diana, you look kinda familiar.
Mel looks to Crystal with a raised eyebrow.
Mel: Huh? Oh, yeh? What do you mean?
Crystal gestures to a wanted poster hung on the wall. It was a picture of Mel.
Crystal: You kinda look like that wanted demon, Mel. The only differences being is you look less gruff, have shorter hair, and it seems that you right eye isn't blind.
Mel nearly spits out her drink as she looks to Crystal.
Mel: Oh, really? I guess I just have one of those faces.
Crystal looked to Mel then to her drink.
Crystal: I guess so.
She took a sip of her drink.
Mel can hear Angelica freaking out on the other side of the earphones.
Angelica: Abort mission, ABORT MISSION!!
Crystal: Though makes you think (looks to Mel) wonder where or what the wanted demons are doing right now.
Mel shrugged as she nervously looked down.
Mel: Who knows... probably out messing things up or something.
Crystal looks to Mel with a puzzled look.
Crystal: What makes you say that?
Mel looks to Crystal.
Mel: Oh, nothing! Just... I mean... if someone is stuck in that lifestyle, they must have fucked up somewhere in the line to get there... you know?
Crystal nodded.
Crystal: You think?
Mel nodded.
Mel: (sadly) I know...
Crystal: And where have you heard that... Mel?
Mel: Angels have told me...
Angelica: Melaline...
Mel: (ignoring) People I thought I could trust...
Dipper: Mel...!
Mel: (still ignoring) People I've loved...
Crystal: Must be rough, in your life Mel... do you believe you're a screw up?
Mel looks down in thought, considering her answer, but Angelicas scolding voice broke it.
Angelica: MELALINE!!! You idiot! You just answered to your actual name... twice!
A look of horror came across Mel's face as she looked to Crystal, who was smirking.
Crystal: You know, you almost had me fooled Mel... I mean you look so different from what you looked on the wanted poster. You cleaned up, cut your hair... changed clothes... your wearing makeup... and are you wearing a colored contact lense to hide the fact your right eye is blind?
Mel looked down in shame. She really didn't want to do all this, but Angelica said it was for the greater good, go into the demonic bar, find Crystal, get the needed information out of her, leave and save the world. Of course, being a wanted demon meant she had to go in disguise... Mable, Grenada, and Candy had loads of fun giving her a "makeover"... and once Mel got over the fact that eyebrow plucking was a thing, she didn't half mind it.
Crystal: Are you even listening to me?
She waves her hand in front of Mel, who hisses and leans back.
Crystal smirked.
Crystal: You know, if I was to turn you into officials right now... my public image as a soon to be ruler would fly extremely high, you know that, right?
Mel didn't answer, she was still in shock of how she was able to screw up this bad and that suddenly.
Crystal: Though, yet again I do like you... you have some fire to you! (She tilted her head) tell me, Mel... with the knowledge that you're a wanted criminal, what are you doing in a place like this?
Mel shook her head, she didn't want to mess up anymore.
Crystal: I mean it almost seemed like you were after me, judging by the way you so quickly started a conversation with me.
Mel bit her lip, she could hear Angelica calling her a screw up... not in the moment, but ealier when she accidentally overhead a conversation she was having with Danny and Gabi.
Maybe she was a screw up, or a fuck up, she knew what Angelica was getting across, just with less swears because you know, angels are unable to swear.
And maybe Angelica was right... Mel was a screw up.
Crystal: Ohh, you wanted information from me... didn't you?
Slowly Mel nodded her head.
Crystal:... But what... oh... I know!! You want to know when dooms day begins, what to expect, and how to stop it!
Mel looked blankly at the ground, but Crystal was able to catch the hint.
Crystal: So you do, but why would you care? Being a demon and all... unless you are working with beings who do care!
Mel stays quiet.
Crystal: Ah, but that's a story for another day I guess.
Crystal thinks for a moment, then a smile came across her face. She elbowed Mel who jumped and looked to her.
Crystal: Tell you what Mel, I'll tell you what you want... on one condition...
Mel raised her eyebrow.
Mel: I'm listening...
Crystal's smile grew even more.
Crystal: You beat me in a... risky competition.
Mel thought for a moment.
Mel: Let me guess... you drink 20 shots of fire whiskey, and I drink 20 shots of ice wine... the demon who finishes all shots first, win?
Crystal: Yup... if you win, I'll tell you what you want to know... and when I win, I turn you into officials.
Crystal held out her hand, it was glowing blue.
Crystal: Deal?
Mel looked at her hand, and despite better judgment, aka Angelica yelling at full volume through the earphones for Mel to high tail it out there, Mel took the deal. She lifted her hand, which was glowing red and she shook Crystal's hand.
Mel: Deal.
Angelica: We're all doomed...
Gabi: Have a little more faith Angelica.
Danny: Yeh, after all... you are a angel.
Crystal: So it begins!!
The bartender sets up 20 shots of ice wine infront of Mel and 20 shots of fire whiskey infront of Crystal.
Mel stares at the shots, reconsidering her choices.
Crystal: You know, Mel... you can forfeit this now... you won't have to drink the ice wine... I will win by default and you'll be locked up for eternity... but hey... not my fault your a criminal.
Mel clenched her jaw.
Mel: Count of 3?
Crystal: (smirks)... 1
Mel: 2...
Crystal/Mel: 3!
Crystal takes off, drinking each shot as fast as she could, meanwhile Mel is taking her time. Every shot she drinks, she stops for a moment, breathing before downing another one.
Crystal was onto 10 shots by now while Mel was only on 5, after Crystal drunk the 10th shot she stopped, grasping for air. She was sweating or in her case, somewhat melting as the fire whiskey was burning her in the inside.
She looked to Mel who just took her 6th shot.
Crystal: Ha! (Heavy breathing) you ready to forfeit? I mean... I've got 10 down and you only have 6.
Mel: (taking another shot) 7... and I'm not ready to forfeit... I mean isn't that what you're counting on? From the way you're acting, doesn't look like you're gonna finish your shots luv.
Crystal growled, she grabbed her 11th shot and attempted to drink it, but after a second she spat it out, coughing.
The bartender automatically grabbed a new shot and placed it infront of Crystal to replace the one she spat out.
Mel: Looks like you can't finish yours, Princess. I'm on my 13th shot, slowly getting ahead... you better start downing if you wanna win.
Crystal frowned and grabbed a shot, this time she was able to drink it. She looked to Mel.
Crystal: How is the Ice Wine not having any effect on you?! You should be freezing from the inside.
Mel finished her 14th shot and set it down.
Mel: Trust me, I am.
Mel raised her hand and attempted to create a fireball in it, nothing happened except for a few pathetic snowflakes bouncing from thin air.
Mel took another shot, and another until she reached her 19th shot. Mel picked up the 20th shot and looked to Crystal who seemed to be on her 15th shot, she smiled.
Mel: This is my last shot mate, do you wanna forfeit? Or should I just drink it?
Crystal ignored Mel as she took her 16th shot. Mel smirked and raised the shot glass.
Mel: Cheers!
Mel drunk the last shot, finishing her shots first. Crystal who saw this collapsed out of pain and annoyance.
There was a uproar of cheering from the surrounding crowd, mostly from other fire type demons. Mel even heard a few voices cheering from the earphone peice, mostly mostly Mable, Gabi and Danny.
Mel sighed a sigh of release and walked up to Crystal.
Mel: Remember the deal luv, you own me some information.
Mel held out her hand to help Crystal up. Crystal looked to it and scowled, she didn't take Mel's offer to help her up as she pushed herself up.
Crystal: Fine... see that couch? That's where we are heading to sit down and "talk".
Crystal walked off, Mel not do far behind.
Mel: Get your clipboard out Angie, the little princess is gonna sing.
For hours Mel and Crystal sat on the couch. Crystal was telling Mel all she knew about Doomsday, and what she knew was plentiful.
During the talk, Crystal eventually created a little ice butterfly and was messing with it and making it fly around as she talked, which Mel took quick note of.
Mel: Interesting, Doomsday huh? (Laughs) gonna be a riot!
Crystal: (looks to Mel.) Yes... it is.
Mel: Well, if that's all the information you have to give me... best I go now.
Crystal: Oh, Mel... I don't think it's time for you to leave yet.
Mel: You got more information for me?
Crystal: No... but I would doubt it be useful for you anyways if I did.
Mel: (nervously) Why?
Crystal: The information I gave you isn't going to be too useful for you in prison, Mel.
Mel: Oh you've gotta be kidding me.
Crystal: (smirks and quickly stands up) Hey everybody!! There's a criminal in here!! (Points to Mel) Right here is Melaline, the most wanted demon in hell!
Demons started to whisper and point to Mel, some saying "I knew that demon was up to no good when I saw her walk in" or "scum, what does she think she's doing here?"
Mel stood up and slightly cowarded at the demons watching her.
Mel: It's been fun... but I got to go!
Mel turns on her feet and bolted of, within a few seconds her body erupted with fire and she turned into a cat, she jumped and dodged, avoiding demons attempting to catch her.
Mel was almost at the exit when Crystal stepped infront of her, blocking her path.
Crystal: Cute, but you're not going anywhere.
A struggle begun, Mel vs Crystal. Eventually Crystal managed to pin Mel by her neck, no longer in her cat form, against a wall of big barrels filled with liquor.
Crystal: You're clever, I gotta admit that Mel... but looks like today's your last day of slipping through the cracks.
A spike of ice emerged from the ground, Crystal looks at it with disappointment, it wasn't as big or sharp as she hoped for it to be.
Mel: You know why that spike isn't powerful, right?
Crystal looks to Mel with pure hatred.
Mel: You broke our deal, so now you're suffering it's consequences.
Crystal smiles.
Crystal: Only temporarily.
Mel rolls her eyes.
Mel: (sarcastically) Oh what a bad ass.
The Ice spike nears Mel's chest, as Crystal gets into her face.
Crystal: Tell me Mel... before I impale you with a ice spike... why were you boiling the fire whiskey ealier today at the bar? Was it not hot enough for you.
Mel: I told my sister I wouldn't get drunk, boiling alcohol makes it less alcoholic... so I boiled it before drinking it.
Crystal: Huh... next question... what was your tactic to the 20 shots?
Mel: Slow and steady wins the race.
Crystal: Pffttt, yeh right.
Mel: Well in this case, it wins. Taking a breather after every sip helps... I can breath fire so everytime I took a sip of ice wine, I'd breath just to melt it inside my body.
Crystal's grasp around Mel's neck tighten.
Crystal: Smart, but too bad it's the end of the line for you... Diana (She laughed)
Mel: Not really, forget the fact demons are immortal?
Crystal: But ice going through your chest will hurt like hell.
Mel looked to the ice spike, or what was left of it.
Mel: Don't think a puddle of water would hurt that bad... it melted.
Crystal looked down and frowned.
Crystal: Well you're still in my grasp, you're trapped!
Mel: You have me pinned against a wall of liquor.
Crystal: Yeh... and?
Mel: Liquor is highly flammable.
Crystal: You wouldn't....  you'll trap us both in here!
Mel: That's where you're wrong... fire breath remember?
Crystal:... Ah shit.
Mel smiled as fire began leaking from her mouth, she opened her mouth and a ball of fire erupted from it, sending Crystal back into the opposite wall.
Mel stepped forwards and looked behind her shoulder. She raised her hand and a wall of fire erupted behind her, catching the barrels of liquor on fire.
Mel runs past Crystal, and before she leaves she turns to face Crystal.
Mel: Hey princess, if this doesn't melt you then I'd love to hook up again sometime... play 20 shots, that was fun... and maybe you'll win!
Mel laughed maniacally before turning and running off. Fire incased her and she disappeared, a few seconds later she reappears outside the bar, next to Danny, Gabi, Angelica, Mable and Dipper.
Mel: Hey! We don't have long to talk... the bar is gonna explode!
Angelica: The bar is gonna what?
Mel opened her mouth to repeat herself, but a loud noise was heard the 6 turned towards the bar just as the back end exploded.
Mel: Explode.
Angelica: How?!
Angelica:... Okay, the liquor-
Gabi: Guys, we better get the hell outta here before the bar fully explodes!
Mel: Right!
A circle of fire emerged around the 6 and ingulfed them, it teleoports them to a near by hill just as a explosion is heard and in the distance the bar explodes.
Mable: Ohh.... pretty!
Dipper: Pretty? Mable that was a building exploding!
Mable l: I know.
So, what do you y'all think? I know it's totally random and way out of context, but I like how it turned out!
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1herzane · 2 years
Gülmeyenler bahçesinde bir gül ile dertleştim
Dedim nedir pür melalin yalnızlığımı seçtin
Dedi bende bir gülüm isterdim hep gülmeyi
Gülistanda dem tutup sevmeyi sevilmeyi
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alasestrellas · 9 months
“Beni şiire genellikle bir küçük ayrıntı, herkesin geçip gittiği silik bir görüntü götürür. Kalabalıklar içine sıkışmış bir sessizlik, doğayı çın çın işleyen bir yalnızlık, bir gözyaşı kurusu, tedirgin parmaklar, kekeleyen bir ses, bir hançer gibi eğri alın çizgileri, düğüm düğüm kirpikler, düştüğü yeri oyan bakışlar, vazgeçişin menevişlendiği bir yüz, kimsenin duymadığı bir iç çekiş… Her biri onlarca öykü anlatan bu ince ayrıntılardan giderim, gitmeye çalışırım, insanın evrensel gerçeğine, toplumun hali pür melaline.”
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huseyincimensiirleri · 11 months
       GÜNLER AKŞAMLI Kimseyi incitip gönlünü kırma Dünya ölümlüdür günler akşamlı Bir gün öleceğini sakın unutma Dünya ölümlüdür günler akşamlı Güvenme dünyanın mal melaline Yeme haram lokma sun helaline Ne eylersen o gelecek seninle Dünya ölümlüdür günler akşamlı Bazı bazı düşünesin ahir eti Sakın kesme sevgi ile hürmeti Gaile alma yorgunlukla zahmeti Dünya ölümlüdür günler akşamlı Birlik olsun görünüşün yüreğin Zayi olmasın ahir ette emeğin Çomak sokma tekerine feleğin Dünya ölümlüdür günler akşamlı Sevgi üret sevgi olsun pazarın Sevgi ile bak dokunmasın nazarın Hiç bitmesin okuyanın yazanın Dünya ölümlüdür günler akşamlı Çimen’im sende alasın dersin Vakit gelir ecel şerbeti yersin Her şeyin bırakıp çekip gidersin Dünya ölümlüdür günler akşamlı
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yahvey666 · 2 years
Melalin is THE DEVILS joint ^ 
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jasonacameronworld · 5 years
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Catch me in Berlin 🇩🇪 ⚠️ THIS SATURDAY ⚠️Muva cluckers on the mic litch only just clocked I’m on the mic for this kiki ball gunna be fab gunna be my 1st on the mic overseas so let’s see what it giveeee so excited to be commentating/ host along side organiser @zueira_miza and beats by the one and only @questionmarcdj (I will have my usb at the read for some tunes 😂) on top of this my baby @artu.zima is organising a OLDWAY workshop with yours truly 16€ come through you know I don’t playyyyyy 💙🥰👏🏽🙃🏳️‍🌈 🇩🇪 • • • #berlin #germany #jayjayrevlon #londonballroomscene #voguing #blackboyjoy #stockholm #hamburg #westpride #love #houseofrevlon #bhain #london #uk #father #gaysweden #melalin #Yassssssssssssssssssss (at Berlin – the place to be) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzF6wK5AojL/?igshid=aeo3umjlad1c
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preciousoppong · 3 years
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#happynewmonth #firstsunday #sistas #precioussistas #melalin ✨✨ Beauty, compassion and love all in one being🌹 #brownskingirl https://www.instagram.com/p/CXHbC5YqimW/?utm_medium=tumblr
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a-subtle-soul · 6 years
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“Finesse” . . . . . . . #sunglazed #sunkissed #melalin #melaninqueen #finesse #braids #protectivestyle #queen #african #beauty #earthchild
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ggukminii · 3 years
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091821 Jungkook
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michaels-reality · 4 years
i love drawing a character and just seeing the progression of them getting darker and darker lfhsjfksfsjk
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autism2009 · 3 years
ok riddle me the fuck this.
my mom has:
brown eyes
and black hair (although its grey now haha old) (thin)
and my dad has
black hair (thick iirc)
and blue eyes.
how the fuck did i get brown hair and blue eyes with my hair being thicker than my dad's.
because of alleles. a single gene doesn’t dictate everything about a certain phenotype that’s not how that works lmao
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cyb3rvix3n · 7 years
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In need of some vitamin D🌚 and cleansing 🌴🍍🏝#coconutoil #melalin #soleil (at Somewhere Under the Blue Sky)
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jasonacameronworld · 5 years
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It’s late I know but Brexit Mini Ball #brexitisdumb was such a success all the amazing photos by @dcmorr will be posted via @letshaveakikildn wanna thank my judges @romeo_e4l @michelle.ninja @yumedreamz for doing a great job my commentator @candyelijah my awesome DJ @cai_revlon for ya first time you did it like a pro 🤪💚👏🏽🙃 congrats to all the winners well deserved and everyone overall really carried🤘 next Ball I will be doing in collaboration with @cai_revlon is 12th October and let’s have a Kiki 2nd birthday will be 31st may (link in the bio).... • • • • #brexitisdumb #london #jayjayrevlon #icon #hairstyles #haircolor #dipdye #dreads #dreadlocks #londonballroomscene #voguing #blackboyjoy #princeofpeckham #love #houseofrevlon #london #uk #father #peckham #melalin #Yassssssssssssssssssss 📸 @dcmorr (at Prince of Peckham) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxNZIieHgVQ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1a45o0y1uc9fa
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artistwannab · 8 years
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my mac camera sucks but this was a look <3
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xbubbledumbbx · 3 years
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Edit: it’s Melanin
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