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teniks · 1 year ago
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suaalii · 5 months ago
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deleosdella · 4 months ago
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dove-da-birb · 1 year ago
If you were a melt and pour scent thing
Melburn; the scent of honey and sea salt with lemon blossoms
you can try to do better than me nd melice with pet names but you will never succeed
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artistic-lightcycle · 10 months ago
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Scene from chapter 12 of my Stargate Fanfic Destination Unknown. Danny gets to have a wholesome moment with his parents.
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singledarkshade · 6 months ago
True Identity
Summary: After being knocked unconscious by Carter, Seth has been taken to the Tok'ra to free the host but no one expects who the host is or the connection he has to the SGC. AU for Season 3 episode Seth.
Author’s Notes - Another fic I've had half done for ages that I finally finished, Enjoy.
Seth was laying on the ground, unconscious after Sam had slammed him against the wall with the hand device. The place was swarming with soldiers locking down the area and evacuating the people who had been drugged by the Goa’uld.
Sam was with Teal’c and Jacob sorting the transfer of Seth to the Tok’ra so that they could remove the Goa’uld from the host while Jack was supervising the SG Teams. Daniel was standing separately from them, staring at Seth thoughtfully.
Jack could see him and knew that expression. It meant that Daniel was working through something in his head and what that was only Daniel knew.
“Okay,” Jack turned to Jacob, “We’re all done here. You?”
Jacob nodded, “We’ve got Seth sedated, ready to transport.”
Jack motioned them to start moving, “I’ll grab Daniel, and we’ll get the hell out of here.”
Moving to his friend, Jack waved a hand in front of Daniel’s eyes, “Hey, you ready to go?”
“What?” Daniel looked up surprised to see Jack.
Smiling slightly, Jack noted, “We’re heading home. Are you coming or wanting to stay here.”
Shaking himself Daniel started walking with his friend.
“Something on your mind?” Jack asked.
Daniel shrugged, “Not important.”
Clapping Daniel’s shoulder, Jack knew he would get it out of Daniel later but now he had to get his team home.
Daniel stood in the control room watching as Jacob and the other Tok’ra who had come to help take Seth with them.
“Are you alright, son?”
Turning Daniel was surprised to see General Hammond watching him with concern.
“Fine, sir,” Daniel assured him.
Hammond clapped his arm, “Then go get some rest. It’s been a long day, and you all deserve it.”
He ensured the rest of SG1 heard the end of the sentence and smiled as Sam and Teal’c nodded their assent.
Jack appeared suddenly at Daniel’s side, “So, how about we all go get something to eat? I’ve been thinking about steak from O’Malley’s all day.”
Sam chuckled, “That sounds good. They do the best onion rings.”
Teal’c nodded his assent
They all turned to Daniel who rolled his eyes, “I was going to work on the tablets SG6 brought back but I can put it on hold for a steak.”
“Good,” Jack motioned him to move, “Let’s get out of this place. It’s been a long day.”
Daniel was sitting at his desk staring into space when Jack found him the next day. He’d been concerned about his friend since they’d returned from bringing down Seth, although he’d joined them for dinner Daniel had been quiet only answering direct questions.
Unfortunately, Jack hadn’t had a chance to check on his friend as he had to deliver his report on their mission then organise debriefings for those who had been part of Seth’s followers.
“Hey,” Jack walked into the office seeing Daniel start a little at the sudden interruption to his brooding, “What’cha doing?”
Daniel gave a slight shrug, his recently shorn hair making him look even more like a lost soul now you could clearly see his face and it was taking Jack time to get used to it, “Just thinking. I thought you were helping get all Seth’s followers sorted.”
Jack nodded, “Just finished,” chuckling at the surprise in Daniel’s eyes, “You’ve been sitting here a while then? Want to tell me what’s wrong?”
Daniel grimaced slightly, “There was something about the host of Seth that’s been bothering me, but I can’t put my finger on what it is.”
Jack clapped his shoulder, “Well once the Tok’ra release the poor guy Jacob will be bringing him back here. You can talk to him then.”
Daniel nodded.
“Come on,” Jack tugged his friend’s arm, “I feel like pizza and beer. Want to join me?”
“Sure,” Daniel shrugged, “Just no hockey.”
“Of course not,” Jack grinned, “Its basketball season.”
The removal of the symbiote had actually been a lot easier than it could have been since Seth had been rendered unconscious by Sam. Jacob Carter sat waiting for their guest to waken, trying to work out what was familiar about the man sleeping on the bed.
“Jacob,” Garshaw appeared, “Seth has been placed in suspension. Has the host wakened yet?”
Jacob shook his head, “John Doe is still fast asleep.”
“I did not realise you knew his name,” she said, making him laugh.
“John Doe is what we call men we can’t identify,” Jacob explained, “A generic name for records, women usually get Jane Doe. I thought we may as well use that until we find out what he is called.”
She nodded and left him alone once more.
“What are you thinking?” Selmak asked as Jacob studied the man sleeping there.
“Just wondering how long he was Seth’s host,” Jacob said, “If it wasn’t too long then he may have family back on Earth to help him get his life back.”
“We may find out very soon,” Selmak replied, “He is waking.”
Jacob quickly turned his attention to the bed where their guest was shifting uncomfortably, he jumped awake, and Jacob caught his shoulder before he could try to run.
“It’s okay,” Jacob soothed, “You’re safe. Seth is gone, you’re free from him.”
The man shook his head in surprise, “He is. I can only hear my own thoughts.”
Jacob smiled, allowing the man a few moments to get used to his new freedom before asking, “Can you tell me your name?”
“Mel,” the man said absently as he moved his hand in front of his face, “Mel Jackson.”
Jacob stared at him for a moment before asking slowly, “Mel Jackson?” sure it must just be a coincidence.
The other man’s hand moved to rub the bridge of his nose in a very familiar gesture, “Yes, Dr Melburn Jackson,” he sighed in relief, “It’s so good to be able to say that again.”
“I’m Jacob Carter,” Jacob finally introduced himself after some prodding from Selmak, “How do you feel, Mel?”
“Relieved,” Mel shook his head, “And a little bemused that I can still feel that thing even though I know he’s gone.”
Jacob let out a sigh, “Did Seth ever give you any information on the Tok’ra?”
Mel frowned in thought before nodding, jumping slightly when Jacob’s eyes glowed as Selmak took control.
“I am Selmak, Dr Jackson,” she introduced herself, “You are within our base through what your people term the Stargate.”
“Okay,” Mel replied, surprise on his face.
“We brought you here to remove Seth,” Jacob took over again, “Once you’ve had some time to recover then we will take you back to Earth to get your life back.”
Mel let out a long sigh, “What life? Seth killed my wife and son. I had no other family. He took everything from me.”
“Get some rest,” Jacob told the other man as he turned away to hide the tears filling his eyes, “We can talk later once you’ve had some sleep.”
Once they’d left the other man to sleep, Selmak asked, “Why did you not tell him that his son is still alive?”
“Because it’s a big thing to drop on both him and Daniel,” Jacob explained, “And before I do I want to be able to give them both complete proof it’s true.”
“By getting Doctor Fraiser to check DNA samples against one another,” Jacob replied.
Janet Frasier finished writing her report for on the followers of Seth she’d examined, surprised to be called to Hammond’s office. She knew the Gate had opened recently but usually that meant a call to the Gateroom if something was wrong.
“General,” she said, reaching the open door smiling when she saw the second man sitting there, “General Carter, it’s good to see you.”
Jacob Carter nodded hello while she closed the door at Hammond’s direction before explaining “Doctor, I’m here as Seth’s host has woken up and I want to check something before we bring him back.”
Janet nodded, “Okay.”
She took the packet with the swab from Jacob when he offered it to her.
“I want you to do a DNA check against a member of the base,” Jacob told her.
Janet stared at him, “Seth’s host is related to Daniel?”
“From the name he gave,” Jacob replied, “He’s Daniel’s father.”
Two days later Janet sat in the General’s Office once more, the results of the test in the folder she held. Just to be sure she had performed the test three times, because the wrong result would be catastrophic for her friend.
“Well, Doctor?” Hammond asked.
Janet smiled, “They’re father and son.”
Jacob let out a long sigh, “That’s good to know. How do we do this?”
“I suggest you bring Melburn Jackson here after you tell him the news,” Hammond said, “While I will have Colonel O’Neill tell Dr Jackson.”
Janet and Jacob nodded in agreement.
“I’ll head back to the base,” Jacob told them, “You tell Jack, and I’ll bring the other Dr Jackson back in three hours.”
Mel Jackson was relived and grateful to be free of Seth, but he wondered where he went from here. He’d never really been able to grieve for his wife and son after Seth took them from him, now all he could do was think about them. He knew how many years had passed since the day the thing that had invaded him had taken his family from him, and Mel wondered what Daniel would be like now.
He was sure his amazing baby boy would be setting the archaeological world alight with his brilliance. Even at a young age, Daniel knew he wanted to follow in his parents’ footsteps and had made his own discoveries, while watched carefully by every member of the dig.
“Knock, knock,” Jacob’s voice came from outside the screen, “Can I come in?”
“Of course,” Mel stated, turning to the man who had once been an Air Force General, “What can I do for you?”
Jacob smiled slightly, “I’m just back from Earth, and they’ve found your family.”
Mel frowned confused, “I had no family other than my wife, Claire and our son. There was Claire’s father I suppose.
“Ahh,” Jacob stated before he took a seat across from Mel, “Daniel is alive and at the SGC. In fact, he is responsible for the fact we can use the Stargate.”
“Daniel is…” Mel breathed in disbelief, “But I thought…the stone…” he closed his eyes and took a deep breath before opening them asking, “Are you sure?”
Jacob nodded, “I’ve come to know him well the past year. He’s part of the team exploring the galaxy and fighting the Goa’uld.”
“He was there, wasn’t he?” Mel asked as he remembered the man with familiar clear blue eyes, “One of the team who stopped Seth.”
Jacob nodded.
“Does he know I’m…”
“Jack, the Colonel, is telling him,” Jacob assured him, “And I’m telling you now that Daniel is going to be extremely happy to see you. Trust me.”
Mel closed his eyes as he absorbed this information, trying to remember what the young man he’d seen there had actually looked like, but he couldn’t.
“Are you ready?” Jacob asked, breaking into Mel’s thoughts.
Mel nodded, opening his eyes again, “I want to see my son.”
Jack sighed as Daniel stared at him.
“Do you really need me to repeat that?” Jack asked.
Daniel shook his head, “That can’t be right. My dad died the same day as my mom. I know that. I saw it happen.”
“Janet tested the DNA three times,” Jack told him, “Seth’s host is Dr Melburn Jackson.”
Daniel stared at the wall for several minutes before finally whispered, “He looked familiar.”
“Danny,” Jack said softly, deliberately using the moniker, “I know this is a shock, but he’s your dad and he’s lost a lot of his life. He thought you were dead, and he wants to see you. Do you want to see him?”
Staring at Jack, Daniel didn’t move, didn’t say anything until he finally whispered, “I don’t know.”
Jack nodded, “Okay. I’ll tell Hammond.”
Daniel suddenly moved and left the room.
Jack sighed; he hadn’t expected this to be Daniel’s reaction to the news. He’d honestly expected his friend to knock people out to get to his father, especially with Sha’re still missing.
“Colonel?” Hammond asked as Jack walked into the conference room.
Grimacing Jack said, “He said he doesn’t want to see his dad.”
“I think it’s shock to be honest,” Jack shrugged, “And the fear of finding then losing family again.”
Hammond nodded, “It’s understandable. He lost his parents when he was eight years old. This must be hard for him to believe.”
Jack shrugged, “I guess.”
The Gate began to dial, and they headed down to meet Jacob when he walked out with the former host of Seth, Dr Melburn Jackson. Now the Gould had been removed, he no longer had the arrogant swagger, he seemed wary of his surroundings and his eyes searched the room with each step he took down the ramp.
“Dr Jackson,” Hammond greeted him, “Welcome to the SGC. I’m General George Hammond, the base commander.”
“Thank you, General,” the other man replied, his eyes still searching the room.
“Mel or Melburn?” Jack asked, bringing his attention to the Colonel.
“Jack O’Neill,” he introduced himself, “Daniel isn’t here. He…”
“Doesn’t want to see me,” Mel finished sadly.
Jack grimaced, “I think he’s just having a hard time accepting you’re alive after all this time. Give him some time.”
Mel nodded.
“Our doctor wants to check you out,” Hammond told Mel, “Colonel O’Neill will escort you there.”
Daniel stood hidden just outside the Gateroom watching Jacob as he arrived, but his eyes were on the other man. When he was Seth, it was harder to see but now, the mannerisms were there, and the posture was familiar.
He could see his father standing just a few feet away from where he stood.
But his father had died, the same day as his mother. His parents had been taken from him, just as his wonderful wife had been and it was so hard to believe that his dad had miraculously come back.
“Dr Jackson,” the soft voice came with concern.
Looking round he saw Hammond standing there looking worriedly at him.
“Dr Jackson,” Hammond said again, “Daniel, are you alright?”
Daniel looked the other man he’d come to admire and trust asking, “Is this real?”
Hammond rested his hand on Daniel’s arm, “Yes, son it is. I understand how strange this must be for you, even after all we’ve seen since starting this place, but I promise you, your father is alive and here.”
Daniel took a slow deep breath confessing, “I don’t know why I’m not happy.”
Hammond started him moving up to the conference room and sat the confused younger man down before sitting beside him, turning the chairs so that they were face to face.
“Listen to me,” Hammond said, “You don’t have to do or feel anything you’re not ready for, but I think I know why you’re not feeling happy about this.”
“Because you were eight years old when your parents were taken away from you,” Hammond reminded him, “And the new family you finally found has been taken from you as well. It is hard to accept that something good has happened.”
Shaking his head, Daniel’s eyes filled with tears, “I want to be happy about this. I want to be bouncing with joy and unable to stop smiling but it won’t come.”
“Daniel,” Hammond said, “No one will blame you if you can’t meet him just now. We’ll be helping him get his life together, he won’t be just sent away. You can build yourself up to seeing him whenever you’re ready.”
“Thank you, sir,” Daniel whispered.
Hammond nodded, “You’re more than welcome, Dr Jackson.”
They sat in silence for a few minutes, before Daniel stated, “I’m ready but if you could be here, sir, I would appreciate it.”
Hammond nodded again, “I’ll tell Colonel O’Neill to bring him here once Dr Frasier has finished.”
Mel sat impatiently as the doctor who’d introduced herself as Janet Frasier did multiple checks, while the Colonel stood not that far away.
“Well, Dr Jackson,” Frasier said, “You are perfectly healthy. When we realised who you were, I managed to locate the medical records for you prior to…” she trailed off for a second before continuing, “The only thing that seems to have changed is the requirement for you to wear glasses.”
Frowning for a moment, Mel noted, “I didn’t even notice.”
Fraiser smiled at him, “Well, I want to be notified immediately if you feel unwell, no matter how insignificant you might think it is.”
“I shall, Doctor,” he told her, “Thank you.”
O’Neill appeared again, “Conference room again. We’ve got some details to go over with you about what happens now.”
Mel shook his head, “I have no idea where to go from here.”
“Well, right now,” the other man said, “Conference room.”
Sighing Mel followed O’Neill through the corridors wondering what he would do now. Reaching the conference room, he stepped in and stalled. Standing just by the window at the end of the room, as far away as he could be stood the man Mel’s son now was.
“Danny,” he whispered.
Daniel stood there stiffly, not moving but his eyes were focussed on Mel.
Mel stepped forward, just a little closer and watched Hammond rest his hand on Daniel’s arm.
“You look…” Mel breathed as he closed the space between him and his son, “I’m so happy to see you, Danny.”
“What?” Mel asked confused.
“I use Daniel these days,” his son stated, “I stopped being Danny the day my parents died.”
Mel caught Hammond and O’Neill swapping worried glances at the statement but to Mel, this proved that this was his son in front of him because his boy always spoke his mind.
“Okay, Daniel,” Mel said, continuing to move slowly towards his son, “Jacob told me that you opened the Stargate. I always knew you would do something incredible.”
The moment Mel reached Daniel, he reached out and gently touched Daniel’s cheek. Daniel suddenly moved and hugged him.
“Dad,” he whispered, arms tight around Mel as he could feel tears soaking his shirt.
Mel held onto his son, his own tears flowing down his cheeks. He sensed more than heard the two other men leave them alone.
Pulling back finally he smiled and wiped away Daniel’s tears before wiping his own. They had a lot of time to make up for but they were together once more.
Author’s Final Note - As Seth was played by the same actor who played Daniel's dad, I'm surprised that I've never seen a fic show the host as being Daniel's dad, although there's probably several I've missed, so I thought I'd write it myself. Hope you enjoyed
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good1insulation · 1 day ago
Expert House Insulation in Melbourne – Stay Warm & Energy Efficient
Looking for reliable house insulation Melbourne? Good1 Insulation provides high-quality insulation solutions to keep your home comfortable year-round while reducing energy costs. Our expert team specializes in installing premium insulation materials that improve thermal efficiency and soundproofing. Whether you're building a new home or upgrading existing insulation, we offer tailored solutions to suit your needs. Experience the benefits of a well-insulated home with Good1 Insulation—contact us today for a free quote!
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viteducation · 18 days ago
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Accredited Online MBA Programs at VIT Australia
Choose from a range of accredited Online MBA programs at VIT Australia. Flexible schedules, expert faculty, and career-focused curriculum.
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daniblondy · 1 month ago
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codendesignau · 2 months ago
Protect Your Business with Customized Security Solutions: Custom Software in Melbourne
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Data breaches and cyber threats are rising, leaving businesses vulnerable to serious risks. Using generic software exposes you to security loopholes that may compromise sensitive data.
Investing in custom software in Melbourne ensures that your business operations remain secure. Customized solutions provide enhanced security features designed to meet your specific requirements. These solutions safeguard your data and protect your brand’s reputation.
A skilled software developer in Melbourne can design robust systems with multi-layered protection to counter modern cyber threats. Advanced customization allows seamless integration with your existing security protocols.
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flexiconvencing · 9 months ago
Best Cheap Conveyancer in Melbourne
Melbourne's property market is a bustling hub, offering exciting opportunities for both buyers and sellers. However, amongst the thrill of securing your dream home or offloading an investment, legalities can quickly become a daunting hurdle. This is where a reliable conveyancer in Melbourne comes in – a qualified professional who ensures a smooth and secure property transaction.
But with so many firms offering conveyancing services, how do you find a cheap conveyancer in Melbourne without compromising on quality? This comprehensive guide delves into the world of Melbourne conveyancing, equipping you with the knowledge to make informed decisions and find the perfect fit for your needs.
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Understanding the Role of a Conveyancer in Melbourne
A conveyancer acts as your legal guardian during the property transfer process. Their responsibilities include:
Contract Review: They meticulously scrutinize the sale contract, highlighting potential risks and ensuring your interests are protected.
Searches and Enquiries: They conduct thorough searches to uncover any outstanding debts, easements, or restrictions on the property.
Liaison with Other Parties: They communicate effectively with real estate agents, lenders, and other stakeholders involved in the transaction.
Settlement: They handle the transfer of funds and property ownership, ensuring a seamless settlement process.
Why You Need a Conveyancer in Melbourne
While some may be tempted to navigate the conveyancing process themselves, the potential pitfalls are significant. Here's why a qualified conveyancer is crucial:
Legal Expertise: Conveyancers possess a deep understanding of property law, safeguarding you from unforeseen legal issues.
Attention to Detail: They meticulously examine every aspect of the transaction, ensuring compliance with all legal requirements.
Reduced Stress: Their expertise alleviates the burden of complex paperwork and legalities, allowing you to focus on the exciting aspects of buying property  or selling.
Peace of Mind: Knowing a qualified professional is handling the legalities provides invaluable peace of mind throughout the process.
Finding a Cheap Conveyancer in Melbourne: Striking the Right Balance
While cost is a crucial factor, focusing solely on the cheapest conveyancer in Melbourne can be risky. Here's how to find an affordable conveyancer who delivers quality service:
Compare Quotes: Obtain quotes from several conveyancing firms in Melbourne. Be sure to compare the inclusions and exclusions of each quote to ensure a fair comparison.
Experience Matters: Look for a conveyancer with a proven track record and experience in handling similar property transactions. Firms like Flexiconveyancing  specialise in Melbourne property transactions, offering valuable local expertise.
Fixed Fee Options: Many conveyancers offer fixed-fee packages, providing transparency and eliminating the worry of hidden costs.
Online Services: Several conveyancing firms in Melbourne offer online services, streamlining the process and potentially reducing costs.
Beyond Cost: Qualities of a Good Melbourne Conveyancer
Price may be a significant factor, but consider these additional qualities when choosing a conveyancer:
Communication: A good conveyancer keeps you informed throughout the process, readily answering your questions and addressing any concerns you may have.
Availability: Choose a conveyancer who is readily available to answer your questions and guide you through the process.
Transparency: Ensure the conveyancer clearly explains fees, the conveyancing process, and potential risks involved.
Questions to Ask Your Melbourne Conveyancer
What is your experience in handling similar property transactions?
Do you offer a fixed-fee package for my specific needs?
How will you keep me informed throughout the process?
What is your availability to answer my questions?
The Melbourne Conveyancing Process: A Snapshot
Here's a simplified overview of the Melbourne conveyancing process:
Engage a Conveyancer: Choose a conveyancer who aligns with your needs and budget.
Signing the Contract: Once you've accepted an offer, a sale contract will be prepared by the vendor's conveyancer in Melbourne. Your conveyancer will meticulously review it to ensure your interests are protected.
Searches and Enquiries: Your conveyancer will conduct various searches to uncover any outstanding debts, easements, or restrictions on the property.
Loan Approval (For Buyers): If you're financing the purchase, your conveyancer will liaise with your lender to ensure a smooth loan approval process.
Pre-Settlement: Your conveyancer will prepare all necessary paperwork for settlement, ensuring a seamless transfer of ownership.
Settlement: This is the final stage where ownership of the property is transferred, and funds are exchanged. Your conveyancer will handle all legal aspects of settlement.
0 notes
the1920sinpictures · 8 months ago
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1920 Lantern slide of the garden at Breaknolle, the George Melburn Studebaker house, Ocean Boulevard, Little Bear's Head, New Hampshire. From America in the 1920s, FB.
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khanhannahlewis · 8 months ago
Xerxes enters the small prefab temporary HQ of Clan Blood Spirit. Hanging his coat on some handily labelled hooks and wiping his boots, he steps into a harshly lit room occupied by Hannah, Melburne, and one of the Elementals. The Elementals snaps a salute, Melburne waves, and Hannah looks up from her work.
“Ah, Xerxes. Welcome to our little home for now. There is a room for us over there on the side.”
His eyes are drawn to large hand painted numbers over Hannah's head. The red paint, still drying, shows: “~70,000,000”.
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deivamedia · 1 month ago
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William Blake - Dante running from the three Beatsts (1827) National Gallery of Victoria, Melburne, Australia. To see more of his paintings, click the link in bio @deivamedia #deivamedia #artoftheday #artlover #arte #artbasel #artoninstagram #onlinemuseum #onlinegallery #virtualgallery @williamblakeart @william_blake_ #williamblake #williamblakeart #williamblakepainting #williamblakeinspired #williamblakeartwork #artgallery #onlinegallery #onlinemuseum
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artistic-lightcycle · 10 months ago
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Wip of a scene from the upcoming chapter of my Stargate Fanfic Destination Unknown. The let Daniel be happy with his parents for five seconds fic.
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cozysip · 1 year ago
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sabrina carpenter - ERAS TOUR Melburne (21/?)
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