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codendesignau · 2 months ago
Protect Your Business with Customized Security Solutions: Custom Software in Melbourne
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Data breaches and cyber threats are rising, leaving businesses vulnerable to serious risks. Using generic software exposes you to security loopholes that may compromise sensitive data.
Investing in custom software in Melbourne ensures that your business operations remain secure. Customized solutions provide enhanced security features designed to meet your specific requirements. These solutions safeguard your data and protect your brand’s reputation.
A skilled software developer in Melbourne can design robust systems with multi-layered protection to counter modern cyber threats. Advanced customization allows seamless integration with your existing security protocols.
Code n Design offers tailored software that prioritizes security and scalability. Trust us to shield your business with the best solutions. Call 0449 860 881 or email us at [email protected] to learn more.
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biointernet · 5 years ago
Thought’s Registration
Thought’s Registration
Thought’s Registration by means of Gas-Discharge Visualization Anufrieva E., Anufriev V., Starchenko M., Timofeev N. Institute of Physics of the Ural Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences, The Ural Center for Energy Saving and Environment, JSC”Ekaterinburg Non-Ferrous Metals Processing Plant”, Ekaterinburg, Russia Abstract The present research in aimed at the study of thought’s influence, as the highest criterium of the man’s activities, on his energetics. The research work has been conducted on the hard-and-software complex ’’Corona-TV’’ developed by Prof. K.G. Korotkov from St. Petersburg. The apparatus registers the gas-discharge radiation pictures of a hand with the subsequent computer treatment as well as the construction of a spatial aura around the human body. The apparatus makes it possible to demonstrate visually the changes ocuring under the influence of various thoughts. There has been fixed for the first time the thought of love, coming from heart to heart in the shape of an isolated energetic cluster. 1. Introduction The gas-discharge visualization, based on the Kirlian effect method, becomes widely practised all over the world. It has been declared by the scientists of various countries, that the radiation pattern of a human hand, taken in a gas discharge, reflects not only the physical state of a man, but his psycho-emotional and mental state as well. The psycho-emotional condition is defined in the first place by our feelings and thoughts. One of the main questions, encountered now by the researchers, is the question about what is prevailing in the Kirlian radiation pattern – either the physical, or the psychical component? The experience of the researches conducted shows, that it is the mental state, that is reflected in the first place, on the radiation pictures, i. e., the condition and quality of the psychical energy of a man. In the previous researches, conducted on the cardiology diagnostic complex “Varicard” with the help of mathematical analysis of the cardiac rhythm, it has been discovered, that the thought and the heart are interrelated. A thought, as a certain quantum of energy, may change the cardiac rhythm, increase or decrease the heart rate, effect the vegetative balance in the cardiac activities regulation and act upon the functional condition of the regulatory systems of the organism. Having used in the present research the method of gas-discharge visualization (GDV), there has been fixed for the first time the thought of love, coming from heart to heart in the shape of an isolated energetic cluster. At present many scientists do accept, that a thought is of a material nature, that a thought is a kind of energy. And this energy may penetrate everywhere. The numerous telepathic experiments have demonstrated, that neither the thickest wall, nor a large distance can make an obstacle for a thought. A famous Russian scientist and practical psychiatrist, Acad. V.M. Bechterev was conducting in 1919-1920 a number of experiments on the directed transmission of thoughts through large distance, first-on animals, then on people. He proved scientifically the possibility of a mental influence of one individual on the other. During the 1920-icth the famous Indian biologist G. Bosher was studying the influence of a human thought upon the vital functions of plants. In the 1930-1940-icth many scientists in the west were engaged in the research of thoughts and in experiments on their transmission (Profs. Adrian and Methius, England; Rhein and Mc.Dougle, USA; Brunnler, Germany). Dr. Anita Moule, a psychiatrist from California, demonstrated, that thoughts of different quality make a different influence on a man, changing the heart rate. The modern scientific ideas about the world are based on the energetical nature of all that exists. The base of the Energetical World Outlook is the law of conservation of energy. Since the discovery of the radioactivity effect one could clearly see the transmission, thought a gradual one, of matter into energy. And the Einstein’s equation E=mc2 makes it possible to speak not only about transmission of matter to energy, but, theoretically, as a reverse process, about the transmission of energy into matter, that is, it gives evidence to that energy and matter are but two forms of one and the same universal substance. In the world outlook of the ancient people there was always the idea of a single moving power, of an interrelation of everything, existing in the space. At various times and by various peoples this original cosmic energy had various names: in ancient China it was called «Снее», in ancient India – «Prana» or a Power of Life. In modern science it is called «psyhical energy». «The world – wide process is a manifestation of a single world energy, - said V.M. Beсhterev, and whereever and in whatever forms this energy could manifest inself, it is displayed every where in one and the same relations and obeys one and the same laws». As to a Man, «this single world power has been transmitted in him body into psychical energy». A thought, as a highest manifestation of mental activities of a man, is at the same time the highest manifestation of his psychical energy. 2. Results The researches have been conducted on practically healthy people during two years. The number of people under test was 50. Especially interesting appeared the results taken on the people, closely related to the tested ones, and thus having rather harmonized auras. We have managed to fix the flux of psychical energy, coming not from the brain, but from the heart, when sending into space thoughts about the common well-being or when concentrating oneself on a closely related or beloved person. In pic. 1 one can see the original state of the aura of a certain person (a), and this very aura after sending into space of a thought «Let the world be well» (b) .One can see activization of the cardial energetic nervous center (chacra). You can clearly see, that the energy emanation of general aura, while at the gas-discharge pictures of the fingers – one, coming from the left little finger. At this time the aura as a whole remains evenly bordered around the body, rather enriched, without any breaks or holes, and without energy outflows from other energy centers. Thought’s Registration. The energy of love is rushing and «flying» to the heart. At the time the pulse is rising by 10-15 beats per minute. When a higher level of concentration and sincerity in sending the thoughts to a beloved person was achieved, we managed to fix isolated energy cluster, coming from the sending heart (pic. 2a) to the recepient heart (pic. 2b). At GDV-patterns of the fingers the thought sent was fixed at the «heart sector» of the left little finger (pic. 3a,b), while received at the heart sector of the right little finger. (pic. 3c,d). The characteristic feature of the registered thought is the clearly seen shape of the cluster, separated from the rest aura, as well as its likeness, in colour and shape, to the general aura. The brightness of the cluster’s, nernel is like that of the most intensive part of the general aura of emanation and even exceeds the latter a little bit. The cluster could be registered in various points of the heart sector and at various distances to the little finger's emanation. There has been established, that the energy cluster of the sent thought appears instantly. The cluster was registered in a period of 1-2 seconds, irrespective of the distance between the objects (over 1500 kilometers from one city to another, or 1-2 meters distance). The question about, where a thought originates from, attracted the attention of many prominent scientists. A Nobel laureate J. Eckles supposed, that the brain is only an acceptor, but not a producer of a thought, that is, it only receives and treats thoughts of other people, but does not produce them by itself. Acad. N.P. Bechtereva thinks, that it is not the whole truth. All, that concerns the elementary thoughts, may be dependent on the brain, while, when speaking of ideas, conceptions, etc. the problem becomes much more complicated. In 1995 Prof. of the Melburn University Dr. Herst made a discovery, declaring that the heart may “think” on its own, i.e. to change its rhythm irrespective of the brain. The results, received by us at the apparatus «Corona – TV», confirm this point of view. The thought, which is let though the heart, originates in the heart, is passed by the heart and is received there too. The greater the hearty feeling and sincerity is devoted to the other person, the larger is his pulse, as if the thought has acquired the necessary heart energy for its vital capacity. In the teaching of “The Alive Ethics”, passed to us by Elena and Nikolai Roerich, one can read: “It is time to accept, that a thought is born in the fire centers. It exists, as something heavy and invisible, but one should understand, that a lever is not a hearth… Any thought should be sent through the heart, and received by the heart as well.” 3. Conclusion Consequently, we have been fixed for the first time the thought of love, coming from heart to heart. A human thought is a form of energy, which may act upon plants, animals, people, i.e. upon all the world, surrounding us. In accordance with the law of conservation of energy, a thought cannot be extincted. The humanity, in the process of their activities, have been constantly thinking, thus making a contribution into the Earth’s energetics. This means, that every person should realize his high responsibility for the quality of his thoughts. Thought’s Registration
Thought’s Registration
Thought’s Registration Pic.1. The aura of a man (viewed from right and left) in its original state of rest (a); when sending in space a thought “May all the people be well !” (b). Pic.2. The aura of a man (viewed from right and left) when sending a love thought (a) and by receiving the same (b). Pic.3. Gas-discharge visualization-patterns of the left little finger, when sending a love thought (a,b), and of the right little finger, when receiving the same (c,d).
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Thought’s Registration by GDV
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