#mek x balloon
taeminie · 3 years
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have you ever got yourself stuck in a moment? no matter how long, you still can't get out of it. today, i'm going to tell you the story of me and him.
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enchan-new · 3 years
Ozone: mom, dad, im gay
Balloon: i think i like boys too
Dad: does anyone in this family like girls
Rung: (raises hand)
56 notes · View notes
heretherebedork · 3 years
I gotta be honest, Balloon and Mek are a couple that gives me that kind of soul-deep ache, the ache of love and hope and fear and truth and lies.
Balloon aches with fear and with love and with lies.
Mek aches to be open and to love and with the truth.
And together they ache and they hurt each other and they hurt themselves.
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blackvelvetstories · 5 years
Etienne’s Journey
“I have been training for the whole summer holidays. I’ve hardly seen my friends or done anything fun and I don’t even feel my abilities have improved. This wanna be Mr. Miyagi, got me doing these foolish tasks. I just want to go to the prestigious poetry club and show them what I got in my locker.” Etienne says.
Top chat network of
vapid, rapid
hot air rising
now fill the balloon
Inhale, exhale
Short story, long tale
of how we ended up here.
Not driven by love but
on the cliff due to fear
What meets us at the bottom,
as things left to rot
Yes things left to rot as memories and dreams
on brighter days
With lighter pay
are all but forgotten.
“Boy, why have you stopped, I am pretty sure I haven’t said this was over” Donald says. “Ah come on Don, it’s just a little break” Etienne says sat down in the garden. “How many times, Donald not Don. Get up and stop complaining, you won’t be a part of the elite crew, sat down all day” Donald says. “Well you act like you are the Don, ordering me around to do all your remedial errands. Like who needs the tropical skittles from some remote shop. Everyone knows the originals do the job” Etienne says, slowly getting off the floor. “I really don’t get Donald’s game, I have only heard rumours of his skills on the mic. Even getting into a poetry battle they would all start start stuttering when Donald arrived. I want that kind of aura about me. People challenge me more than Ash Ketchum.” Etienne ponders in his head... “I don’t hear you working young blood” Donald says through the kitchen. “Alright, relax Don” Etienne says.
Can’t wait, mek way, make waves
And we’ll buss a laugh.
It’s the last of the summer sun
With Autumn’s tapestry already spun
as we all know what is coming up
running up
on us
Like a thief in the night.
Still sleeping at night.
Waking up to no light.
So, Vitamin D,
vitamin please.
Bless me.
Etienne recites, as he continues his work.
“That boy has a real talent, but his attitude needs a lot of work. Maybe I have done all I can do. This poetry club maybe just what he needs to level up” Donald says to himself watching Etienne from inside. “Well he better be ready for the club!” Amelia says appearing right behind Donald. “Woah! Do they do ninja training at the poetry club now too? What is wrong with you sneaking up on me like that.” Donald says startled by her appearance. “I am the Vice president of the club, I can do what I want when it’s regarding to the future of our club” Amelia says pulling out a chair to sit on. “But still, this is my rasclart house. How did you even get in? Anyway, what’s this visit all about, we still have a couple more weeks before he heads off?” Donald says confused. They both stare at Etienne doing tasks around the garden reciting a poem. “An incident has occurred, causing the programme to be brought forward. We need these new club members to start and get trained by our members as soon as possible” Amelia says not taking her eyes off Etienne. “Oh, what has happened? I haven’t received any news on my device...although I am not good at checking.” Donald says worryingly. “This is of no concern to you Donald, I am just here to tell you we need Etienne ready to enroll in the club by tomorrow morning. 9am on the dot, the gates will be closed at 9:30am latest for security reasons. DO NOT BE LATE. I have worked hard to put Etienne into this club from your recommendation. Do not let me down.” Amelia says sternly. “Yeah, yeah we won’t be late. I remember when I was the one ordering you around. Look how the tables have turned. If that is all, you better go before Etienne spots you in here” Donald says leading Amelia out of the door.
“You don’t have to eat your dinner so fast, you know I am not going to steal any right?” Donald says to Etienne. Etienne pushes his plate to the side, with Donald having more than half of his food left. “So... what have we got planned for the last few weeks before I go and show that club why I am the ‘Poetry scene saviour, rudolf raider, chicken eater, straight out of the 90’s era’...well maybe not a chicken eater no more ha” Etienne says laughing. “Change of plans, my job here is now done. You will be off tomorrow bright and early to the poetry club. Once, you finished clearing up tonight you need to go and pack.” Donald says still munching through his dinner. “You serious? I know I am eager to go, but you think I am ready to go by tomorrow?” Etienne says with a slight worry in his voice. “You were probably ready after one week of training with me, the other weeks were all bonuses. However, this was all at the decision of the presidents of the club. They need all new members in earlier than expected” Donald says. “How and when did they tell you this, you haven’t used your phone since you couldn’t open that last message weeks ago. Look it’s still on top of the fridge.” Etienne says pointing at the fridge. “Don’t worry about that, just think about getting a good night's sleep, I don’t want you dropping off for a nap just as you meet the members of the poetry club. Now go get ready” Donald says. “Tomorrow. Tomorrow never comes. Well it does now!” Etienne says jumping around his room with excitement.
“Why are you not ready, I said we need to get there for 9am?” Donald says agitated. “What you mean, I am ready I am just waiting for you.” Etienne replies. “So, where is the rest of your stuff. This isn’t a weekend trip away you know?” Donald says. “I’ve got everything I need in this rucksack. In fact, this is the first time I have overpacked!” Etienne says throwing his bag to the side. “Let’s go, then. Just don’t be calling me asking to bring you something that you may have forgotten” Donald says whilst walking to the car. With the secluded location of the club, the wooded area they cross, prevents Etienne from sleeping on route, as his head swings from left to right throughout the journey. “Wow, I have only seen this place in your pictures. Didn’t realise how big this place was, there must be some serious money behind this poetry club. Looking a bit spenny!” Etienne says admiring the gargantuan size of the building. “If I get inside here and don’t see Professor X roll out in his hovering wheelchair, I’m going to be upset” Etienne jokingly says. “Ha well don’t be sad when you can’t use Cerebro because of the size of your head” Donald jokes. Etienne looks back at him, before bursting out in laughter with Donald. “Chaldish! As you used to be a member, are you able to have a little room to stay within the grounds too?” Etienne says. “I thought you would want to get rid of me as soon as you can?” Donald says. “Well...I didn’t mean for me. I meant so you aren’t alone again…” Etienne says trying to cover up his real thoughts. “You will be fine, young blood. Just remember your training and more importantly, remember why you are here!” Donald says patting him on the shoulder. Etienne nods back at Donald as he exits the car. “Thank you, sensei Don” Etienne says, politely bowing back at him. “Boy, don’t make me get out there and embarrass you in front of your new club members” Donald says pretending to unfasten his belt. “Ha ha relax, Don...ald.” Etienne says. “Just get on your way and show them what you got!” Donald says. Etienne gives him a salute, before turning towards the humongous entrance gates. “You must be Etienne, right. I was told you will arrive just before the closing time? Just search for your name on the board, it will show you where you will be situated within our wings and what dorm.” the reception lady says. Etienne smiles back at her as he goes and searches for his name. “Where is the west wing?” Etienne says to himself, trying to locate it on the big map. “hey, I’m in the same side. This place is like a maze, I can take you if you want? I have been around it three times now and just getting the hang of it” Nicholas says leaning in with a handshake. “Yeah, go for it. What’s your name by the way? I’m Etienne” Etienne says. “It’s Nicholas Romeo Drogas the third…but you can just call me Nicholas” Nicholas chuckles. “I’m glad, ‘cos I wasn’t going to be saying all that every time. Thanks for this though, would’ve been looking around for ages. When did you get here?” Etienne replies, as he picks up his bags and follows Nicholas across the grounds. “About 6am, my parents could only drop me off early, so I’ve been walking around getting my bearings” Nicholas says leading the way through. The two arrive at the west wing, an incredibly ancient looking structure with gargoyles sat guarding the top. “This ‘castle’ is just for us club members?” Etienne says shocked. “You should see the president’s quarters, you’ll feel like Hercules going up the stairs, when you are greeted by those shiny gates. The security sadly didn’t let me venture in though” Nicholas says. “Are you two supposed to here? Let me see your passes for the West wing, we don’t just let any ruffians come to our phenomenal quarters!” The man says, with his security styled sunglasses on. “What passes? I’m sure the lady at the front didn’t say anything about this?” Etienne says looking at Nicholas confused. “Well it looks like you two fools, will be sleeping outside today then!” The man says, keeping his stern look at the two. “But I’m sure…” Nicholas says before being interrupted. “HAAHAA, I am only joking with you. Don’t wet yourselves boys. I am the West Wing vice-captain Tobias. You two must be...Nic-Nac and Eti-skeng, no that’s silly Etienne and Nicholas” Tobias says playfully, with his previous security demeanour instantly vanishes. Tobias takes the two to their dorm rooms, showing them all that facilities that the west wing has. “Well, I hope you two are actually friends. Because if not, you will be now. We have the girls in the rooms opposite, but please no funny business. In fact, no funny business in your rooms either. Remember what you are here for. Right, I will leave you two to get accustomed to your new digs and be prepared for our first training tomorrow!” Tobias says as he waves them away. “Man, I thought the outside looked nice, but this interior. Oosh!” Etienne says still marvelling around the room as he gets settled in. “So, come on then. Let’s hear it” Nicholas says leaning towards Etienne. “What, hear what?” Etienne replies. “Let’s hear a quick verse or something? I’ve been itching to ask you this whole time.” Nicholas says with his eyes growing wider and wider. “Are you being serious? We are at a Poetry club, I’m sure you will hear me real soon Nick” Etienne says. “Nicholas... C’mon, you don’t seem like the shy type to me or wait are you scared?” Nicholas says. Etienne stares back at Nicholas, shaking his head ever so slightly.
Tears have fallen
For centuries before
And penitentiaries
Are sure to hold on to
Something stronger
Than my desire
With no hope nor joy
Etienne says. knock, knock “Who’s that?” Nicholas says. “Do you mind if I come in, I heard some lyrical fire and need to see who that was” The girls voice says from behind the door. Nicholas goes and opens the door slightly to see who it is. “Oh. Hey, what’s your name then?” Nicholas says trying to act smooth. “I’m Clarisse. I have been unpacking in my room for hours, but when I heard that. I couldn’t resist and had to come out...but your voice doesn’t match up to what I heard?” Clarisse says questioningly. Nicholas opens the door further, allowing Clarisse to Etienne standing in the room awkwardly. “So, I guess it was you then. You got any more of those? Haven’t heard anything smooth like that since I got here.” Clarisse asks as she steps into the room, slightly pushing Nicholas out of the doorway. Etienne begins to smile a little, as he quickly puts his hands to his mouth to try and cover his grin. “Rasta, let me give you the rest. I’ve been working on this for a while, just waiting for the big crowds to hear it” Etiene says.
Tears have fallen
For centuries before
And penitentiaries
Are sure to hold on to
Something stronger
Than my desire
With no hope nor joy
Will my sacrifice
Suffice or fall short like listing
In new yellow pages.
Lost in time for new designs
Pattern a pattern of change
With baited breath and retrospect
We cheers our past which once
Were fears of our future.
Etienne says. “Wow, I’m glad I got placed in this Wing. Looking forward to what the other dorms have to offer too. What’s your name then Slick Rick?” Clarisse says. “It’s Etienne. So, are you going to give us a quick ‘16 then? I can’t be the only supplying the rhymes.” Etienne says, looking at Nicholas also hinting for him to jump in. “Well, it’s getting late. Think I better rest before our first club meeting” Nicholas says, pretending to look at the invisible watch on his wrist. “Ha ha, it’s not even the afternoon yet man” Etienne replies. “We will have to chop it up one day, but Nicholas is right about getting ready for our first meeting. Got to be down in the main hall in 20” Clarisse says, before she waves and leaves the room.
In the main hall, all the club members within West Wing are taking their seat in front of the president and vice centre stage. “Hurry up and get to your seats, we are about to start so quiet down.” Tobias says with a big smile on his face, seeing all the newbies in the hall. “Welcome everyone, as you all may know this will be your residence for the foreseeable future. You’re all hand selected into the West Wing, because of your talents. You’re similes. Metaphors. Rhymes. Double entendre. Flow. Tone and just what makes you special. Don’t disappoint me or Tobias in anything you do here. Tobias over to you.” Amelia says, before looking around the hall and walking out. “I would not want to mess with her” Nicholas whispers to Etienne. “OK, the rest of the day is yours to relax, take in the sights. Get accustomed with the people around you. Because tomorrow, we are getting stuck in. I want everyone up and out by 6am for training” Tobias says. “6 AM. Is he joking?” the members in the hall all whisper between themselves. “Anyone late, will regret it. I do not want any lame excuses, there is no traffic for you to get stuck in. All alarms are built into the dorms. It is up to you now guys, show us what you got.” Tobias says before dismissing everyone.
“Wake up bro, how can you be sleeping through that loud alarm? You take sleeping like a log to new meaning” Etienne says nudging Nicholas. “Meh, I’m getting up. Just one more minute” Nicholas says sleepily. “Well, I tried. Don’t blame me if you’re late” Etienne says. Etienne makes his way down to the front of the hall with Clarisse, just before 6 AM. “I just know that nap is going to be sweet later on” Etienne chuckles to Clarisse. “Everybody had their coffee or whatever they take in the morning to get them ready for the day? ‘Cos we are about to have some fun, with some lyrical loops. If you can get in groups of three, we shall start shortly.” Tobias says. Nicholas weaves his way through the packs of members, waving his hand so that Etienne and Clarisse can see him. “So, you made it just in time?” Etienne says, sarcastically patting him on the back. “yeah, don’t worry about me jefe” Nicholas says out of breath. “In your three’s, first person to start says a line, the following person follows on from that line and so on. Basic things here, but I want it all to flow. No going off topic.” Tobias says, walking around the newly formed groups. “I was late so, think it would be best for you to start Etienne, Clarisse next and I’ll come in after that” Nicholas says. “Fine with me” Clarisse says.
Spiritually rich forever
Actually poor, together.
Horse drawn carriages
Alongside 58 cadillac wheels
Dragging something more than cool through the streets
Littered with a visible
Internal migration
Communication through
Thumbs and horns
As the Caribbean sun blindly
Beams off cattle trucks carrying commuters
Whose spirits inflated, but ground as
Natures AC never
Fails upon open tops, while nonchalant cops
Strike fear through appearance
Drivers greasy palms
Keep motorised rust wheels turning
As these beasts keep earning,
But classic cars restoration in situ far from
A project of passion
But a means to survive alongside
Raúl’s rations
Where food to fill a family
Fully falls far from reality
So don’t sack the CUC
For lack of culinary artistry
Find creativity
In the people, cause their spirit
Only start with rum
- each line is shared between the three of them as they say line by line off the dome. “Ras, we are kind fire yanno” Etienne says smiling. Tobias continues to walk around the groups, with his eyes closed taking in all the words the teams are saying. Three hours passed and each group is exhausted with the driest lips from continually coming up with different verses without breaks. “I like to talk, but seriously that was a madness. Bring on that nap” Etienne laughs. The entire West wing is slumped out in the canteen area, no one can even muster up a conversation. Either staring at or slowly eating the food in front of them. “How do you eat so quick after that? I haven’t even made a dent into this mush yet.” Clarisse says shocked. “Huh, oh. Ha, I don’t even think I eat that fast. I reckon it’s just you lot who eat slow” Etienne replies. “Eat up, we will be going again for something a little bit different this time shortly.” Tobias says all giddily. “Ahh come on. Thought that was our day done?” Nicholas says to himself, looking around in disbelief.
The group line up after taking a break in the canteen, waiting for what Tobias has in store for them. “I am not looking forward to this, the previous lyrical loop sounded fun at the start but after a while I couldn’t wait for it to end!” Clarisse says, with her hands on her hips staring into the sky. “I hope you have all got some comfortable trainers on, because we are going to put your fitness to the test” Tobias says. “Fitness, but I thought this was a poetry club, not fitness club?” A member asks. “Having better fitness can work wonders for your poetry. Especially, when we incorporate reciting poems into the mix. This is what can get you prepared for those mammoth poems and keeping your cadence in a long and heated poetry slam. Don’t you want to be top 5 like Dylon?” Tobias replies as he leans over the member. Majority of the members, roll their eyes, already knowing how much they will not like this. “We will be running around the track, reciting a poem by Maya Angelou. Do you all know, ‘Still I Rise…’. You do. Good. Let me hear you say it loud and clear!” Tobias says as he begins to lead the group around the track. “Just like moons and like suns, with certainty of tides, just like hopes springing high, Still I’ll rise” the club calls out. After running for what to them feels like the whole afternoon, the club can now barely walk or talk. “Did you want to see me broken? Bowed head and lowered eyes? Shoulders falling down like teardrops, weakened by my soulful cries?” The club barely recites after repeating this for the hundredth time. “It fits even better, every time you lot get to this part” Tobias laughs.
Months have passed and the members of the West wing have going through a continual routine of waking up early and completing the monotonous task set by Tobias until exhaustion. “Feel so good to have a couple days off, I thought that Tobias guy was the nice one. He has been working us harder than Amelia would” Nicholas says. “Don’t you feel like the training has helped though. Feel like a new man, ready for anything. Woah, hol’ up” Etienne says, pausing at the club notice board. “Oh okay, new man, what is it? Is it a class where you can write poetry about phones with Jerwayne or something?” Clarisse laughs. “Ha, you’ve got jokes...for once!” Etienne replies, continuing to read the board. “Well what is it then, that has got your attention?” Nicholas says. “Poetry slam! Looks like we will have a chance to compete against other dorms. This is what I have been waiting for!” Etienne says clenching his fists with excitement.
“Right I am sure you have all heard about the Poetry slam. This is not for everyone to come participate and have the mentality of ‘It’s the taking part that counts’. You all have the chance to enter. However, Tobias and I will be removing the ones we feel do not have the right calibre right now and still need more time to develop. So, make the right decision. Or we will for you.” Amelia says, before walking straight out the doors. “O K, well you heard boss lady. If you think you have what it takes to enter and represent West Wing in the poetry slam, come up and place your name in this box” Tobias says. Everyone pauses for a moment, looking around to see who will go up first. “C’mon don’t be shy…” Tobias says trying to entice them. Etienne quickly makes his way to the front, proudly putting his name in the box, to the delight of Tobias. This creates confidence in other members as they begin to make their way up. “As Amelia said we will be taking names out, who we do not believe are up to scratch for this current slam” Tobias calls out as he stares at Eric who gingerly walks up, before wagging his finger to turn him away. “There will be plenty of opportunity for the rest of you to show us and everyone else your skill. However, this is not it. We have a lot of great competition from the North this year and need to bring our A game” Tobias continues.
“Man, I feel sorry for Eric and them. They just want to get stuck in, I am sure they are more talented than several others in the other Wings.” Etienne says. “Well, not what I’ve heard. Some of the members from North have been transferred from the top clubs from remote places just to come here. They are not planning on taking any prisoners, I think that’s why Tobias and Amelia where serious about only allowing the best in. They don’t want their souls destroyed in their first slam.” Nicholas says. “All I know is that I am going to be practicing non-stop for the next week, so that does not happen to me!” Clarisse says. “That is if they don’t take your name out of the list…” Nicholas says, before quickly jogging off out of reach of Clarisse’s swatting arm. “Wish I could go up against you instead of those other dorms and show you who is better poet” Clarisse says confidently. “Show ‘em what you what you go then C, let’s get this practice in right now.” Etienne says motivating her to step up. “Bet.
As i
Undertake another personal
Breaking a mental paralysis
I can confirm that I’m
Secure in my insecurities
Immature in my maturities
Impure in my purities
But I still go on
Clarisse says. Nicholas pauses knowing that it is his turn to go now. “Ok, is that all you got” Nicholas says nervously. “I thought that was fire” Etienne says giving her a little applause. “I got this…” Nicholas says to himself. “What you got then, likkle boy?” Clarisse says goading him on. “I don’t even want to do this right now anyway, I am tired and don’t want to waste my rhymes on you” Nicholas says before storming off. “Looks like it may be Nicholas who will be going out sad at this slam.” Clarisse says.
The night of the poetry slam and the venue is packed out with all the different dorms from West Wing to the North. Etienne, Nicholas and Clarisse are standing at the back looking around at all the faces that they have never seen before. With the dorms being so secluded from each other, it feels like going to a school away game. “This is what we came here for. We got to show them our skills on the mic.” Etienne says, as he puts his arms around Nicholas and Clarisse. The presidents of each dorm are standing at the front, waiting for everyone to get settled into the venue. “I heard the President of the club is going to be in attendance today. You know how big that is?” Nicholas says worryingly. “That doesn't matter, we just got to do the best we can and worry about the person we up against” Etienne says. “You're right let's smoke these fools” Nicholas says rubbing his hands together. “Okay, now you just went from one extreme to the next. Let’s just find a happy balance and show them what you got.” Clarisse says. Everyone begins to quiet down as the leaders hush the crowd. “Thank you all for coming. We have some phenomenal talent in this room tonight and we are all looking forward to you showcasing your skills. One poem each, beat your opponent by review of the crowd, to progress into the next round. Final decisions are made by us and only us.” Nikita says. “I’ve heard she is the vice president of the North Wing, you do not want to get on the wrong side of her. Even Tobias steers clear of her and they are ranked the same” Nicholas whispers. “I am itching to start now, this is what I have been waiting for!” Etienne says, trying his best to stay still and forcing all his energy into his tapping foot.
Nicholas is the first to get called up out of the three, trying his best to show what little confidence he has in front of the leaders and mass of club members. “I bet, he is glad he isn’t wearing a light grey top tonight. I can see his forehead glistening from back here” Etienne says. The round gets kicked off with Nicholas’s opponent going first. This makes Nicholas look even smaller than before. Nicholas takes his time to steady himself and grab the mic, knowing that it would be even worse if he bottled it and didn’t say a word.
Tears have fallen
For centuries before
And penitentiaries
Are sure to hold on to
Something stronger
Than my desire
With no hope nor joy
Will my sacrifice
Suffice or fall short like listing
In new yellow pages.
Lost in time for new designs
Pattern a pattern of change
With baited breath and retrospect
We cheers our past which once
Were fears of our future.
Nicholas says. “Wait, is this not…” Clarisse says as she slowly turns to Etienne. Etienne shakes his head in disappointment. “That was going to be the verse I was going to do next. He could’ve at least changed a word or two.” Etienne says. The venue cheers loudly for Nicholas as he looks shyly at the crowd, giving off a slight smile. “I think we all know who the winner is here, but as we like to keep this fair. Let’s give it up for Sam...and for NICHOLAS!” says Cynthia the judge. Without a second thought the leaders at the front hold up the cards to confirm Nicholas’s win. “And there we have it, the fourth winner of the night. Nicholas. Now let’s keep this moving with our next poets. Othea vs Etienne. We will commence shortly” Cynthia calls out in excitement. Nicholas makes his way back to the group buzzing from the win. “Sssss” Clarisse hisses, whilst doing the hand motion of a snake. “Bro. I just froze up there with everyone staring at me, I didn’t know what else to do. Then all that came to mind was those bars you said on our first day. I’m sorry” Nicholas says. Etienne pauses for a second, looking at Clarisse the whole time he spoke. “Like c’mon. I am sure there are other things you could’ve done up there. I have to keep my verses to myself now like I hide my snickers. Done out here. Would slap you up with a potent verse, but you might steal that too!” Etienne says as he walks off, heading off to the stage. Etienne steps up to the mic first, knowing he will have to come up with something new to say. “Don’t choke on us now, Etienne” Cynthia calls out from the back.
In practice, it's easy
In crisis go cold
In panic, on hold
My patience is golden
So why don’t you go then?
We’re not pristine
Arguing like on our karts
On split screen
The crack starts to show like the Sistine
But stop me before I go too far
Off course
Cause this is visible
But hidden
Of course
Hindsight always ostraddles remorse
And challenges the course
We all thought we would take
Whoever planned that the bridge
Would break
And shake us to our foundations
Buffering, buffering, in still buffering.
Etienne says. The crowd are wowed by the words he expressed. Othea confidently walks up to the stage, winking at the crowd like she has got this. After Othea finishes the crowd go wild just as much as they did for Etienne. “O K. This might be the tightest draw so far. These two did not come here to mess around! Judges at ready. Let’s give it up for Etienne...and Othea!” Cynthia shouts. The crowd continues to cheer in similar decibels for each opponent, making it hard to hear who has edged it. “It’s down to the judges now...and wait we have our first draw of the night. This now goes down to sudden death. Othea you will go first this time.” Cynthia says. Othea, goes in with another slammer, getting a couple of people pumping their fists in amazement. “Now that is going to be a hard one to follow, what you got Etienne?” Cynthia says. Etienne walks through to collect the mic, with a little swagger in his walk. As the pressure fuels him more.
My walls are tumbling down
As your presence comes
Crashing like waves
Through my existence.
The cracks on the porcelain
Become ever more evident
As the now visible,
Soft interior,
Which the hardened surface
Had kept hidden
I feel strength in this fragility,
The instilment of warmth
To your proximity.
My venerable heart.
No guard,
No shield,
Is free
Etienne says. The crowd erupts with passionate applause. “Okay, okay calm down now. We need to get the final decision in place to this fire round. Let’s give it up for Othea...and for Etienne.” Cynthia says. The crowd’s volume with Etienne’s name fills the room, with some people stomping about making as much noise as possible. “There we have it and rightly so. Etienne is the winner!” Cynthia says. The next few rounds fly by, as the weaker talents drop out of the slam with their tails between their legs. “Hey, even though you lost you were great up there. If they put you up against anyone else other than one of those Elite members of the North Wing, you would’ve got through” Nicholas says sympathetically. “Thanks, but I still haven’t gotten past your snakey ways earlier. Never thought your real name was Maltfoy” Clarisse says before walking off.
“You ready? All you gotta do is beat the next person and you will be named champion. Just show them what you got” Clarisse says. “For the first time, I am feeling a bit nervous. I have an actual chance of winning this slam!” Etienne says staring at the stage. “Let’s just watch this snake lose this round and then it is your time to shine” Clarisse says. Nicholas nervously stands up on the stage, not knowing where to look or what to do with his hands. “Just the presence of that North Wing member gives me the chills, Nicholas must be bricking it” Clarisse says.
Open the door, close the door, I am so confused! Lost in the friction of life? No! I have never read a diction-ary in my life, quite sca-ry, Mary Mary quite con-trary, isn't it? But my head is big with wisdom. Wisdom. Wisdom. WISDOM!!!! Wiiiisssdom! Wicky wicky wicky wicky wicky wicky wicky wicky wicky wisdom!
Nicholas says, as the venue instantly goes silent, before bellowing out in laughter. Before Cynthia gets on stage, Nicholas takes off in tears. “Welp, that was quicker than expected. I didn’t think he would leave slithering away like that” Etienne says. “Alright, quiet down we’ve had our laughs now. Unfortunately,...well fortunately for Maya, she won’t have to compete this time and will go straight to the final against Etienne. Grab whatever you need as we will be back for the final in a short moment” Cynthia says.
The venue is now split into two sections of the North and West wing. The two opponents walk through like an entrance of a boxing match. Etienne, skips down the aisle high fiving and spudding all his west wing members, getting more hyped as he gets to the stage. Maya casually walks through, giving off a smug smile to the West wing and not paying any attention to the cheering supporters on the North side. “Now for the moment you have all been waiting for. We have been blessed with two great poets who will be facing off to claim the title of the 30th annual poetry slam winner! As it is the final, this will be entirely decided by the leaders of the club. Shouts and cheers will be welcomed but not a direct impact on the vote. Anyway, enough of me jabbering away. Let’s get this popping!” Cynthia says, before backing away for the two to walk closer to the front. Maya grabs the mic before staring out the West wing, she salutes the North side and begins reciting her poem. The North side goes crazy, Cynthia tries to calm them down as they are getting unruly from the excitement. Etienne slowly walks up with mic in hand.
I want you to move me // Pinocchio fibbed // but Aesop fabled about the battle between the sun and the wind // who would win in getting the traveller to remove his cloak // the wind thought it a joke // blew with force that knocked the pigs roof off // left them in blankets // while preying wolves happy // but thankless // this only led to a tighter grip // the traveler walked talked and mumbled to himself about this bothersome wind // unsuccessful in the task the wind yielded // then along came the sun to bun down country // and his tight grip slipped // dropped like bad company // cause as it warmed it dawned on the wind // that you don’t always win just with power // the sun was suave and got a victory sweet // picked its weapon and moved the man // with kindness and warmth//no force applied// so I ask you again. Move me.
Etienne says. The whole venue is shaking with cheers from the crowd, including some of the North side are clapping in astonishment. “This is going to be a close one, I am glad it is the leaders of the club making the decision here and not me.” Cynthia says, looking over at the leaders. Cynthia walks over to the mumbling leaders discussing their choices from the final. After a moment of deliberation, Cynthia takes a piece of paper from the leaders and walks back up to the stage. “Right. in my hand I have the winner of this year’s Poetry Slam! For all who participated, well done. However, you need to step your game up and aim to be in this winning position next time. Now, with all that being said. I will do my best not to have a Steve Harvey moment...” Cynthia says, pausing before the few chuckles around the venue. “And the winner is…” Cynthia calls out. Maya confidently walks closer lifting her arm as she waves slowly like the Queen. “ETIENNE. The West Wing have got a special talent here! Give it up for your current Poetry Slam champion!” Cynthia shouts. The leaders of the club, all stand up in unison and one by one shake Etienne’s hand. “Meet us in the president’s quarters in 10 minutes. Do not mention this to anyone else” Amelia whispers in his ear before exiting the venue. “Now, it’s all over folks. The only rubbish i want to see left behind is the poets dry verses” Cynthia says laughing. Clarisse is waiting for Etienne beside the stage, smiling with such joy. “I knew you could do it! No one in this club can touch you right now” Clarisse says, as she gives him a big hug. “I am not sure about that yet, I still have a lot of work to do...but forget about all that, Amelia just asked me to come to the president quarters on the hush, hush. I’m more nervous about going there than this whole poetry slam” Etienne says. “They have probably just got a reward for you winning the poetry slam. You have got nothing to worry about, just an abundance of praise awaits you. Go get ‘em champ!” Clarisse says pushing him on.
Etienne makes his way to the president quarters, stepping up in front of the security guards who pass him through the entrance. He gingerly knocks the second door. He tries again after no answer but puts a bit more force into the knock this time. The heavy door creaks as it is slowly opened, as a butler dressed in all yellow stands welcoming him into the quarters. “Follow me please, sir” the butler says. He follows the butler through the grand hallway, filled with the finest golden picture frames of the leaders old and new next to famous poets. Etienne, marvels at all of the pictures on his lead up to the grand doors at the end of the hallway. The butler knocks three times on the door, pauses for a second before entering. “Announcing, Etienne from the West Wing.” the butler says, before bowing and backing out of the room. “I never knew this club was so cultured like that with a butler and all” Etienne mumbles under his breath as the butler closes the door. “Please take a seat. Congratulations on your victory, it was great to see a member of the West wing take the crown out of North wings hands.” Amelia says, smugly looking at the other leaders. “Yes, well done it has taken your wing long enough to make this happen so soak it all up while you can” Terrance says. “That’s enough you two. Etienne you are here, because we want you to join our Elite members on an international trip to Japan to compete amongst the best poets in the world. Do you think you are ready to accept this challenge and compete with poets that make some of the participants today sound like Dr. Zeus?” Andre says sternly. “...I am ready for anything that is thrown at me, here or in Japan. This is only the beginning of my journey and I aim to be up there with the greats!” Etienne proudly says. The presidents look at each other smiling. “That is what we like to hear. Please take this, open it when you are back in your dorm.” Amelia says, passing a wrapped box over to him. “Now go and celebrate your victory with your chums. We will be back in touch to share further details on the trip.” Andre says. Etienne thanks them all, before leaving the room with the butler. “I told you Donald had a good one here” Amelia says. “Yeah, yeah we get it. Now we will just have to see how he handles the pressure on international waters. We have lost far too many of what we believed to be the chosen poets. I really hope Etienne can be our saviour!” Andre says staring at pictures of old poets.
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The ABCs of AKJ
It’s been a while since I’ve checked in. Since that last post, I had a kid, that kid has turned 1 and is well on her way to turning 2, and in the mean time I’m a little past halfway done baking another one. Go procreation!
That said, I thought it might be an apt time to capture the world as we currently know it--or rather, the world according to our chatterbox of a toddler. Behold, a not-entirely-comprehensive list of our 22mo’s vocabulary (and what it all means):
A is for...
“Abby” Meaning(s): me, cute kid in the mirror, cute kid in the photo, hooray!
“Ahhhh” Meaning: Open up wide so I can feed you.
“Appo” Meaning(s): Apple, pear, pumpkin.
B is for...
“BA!” Meaning: BALL!
“Back” Meaning: I want to put this back.
“Beebee” Meaning(s): Baby, I see a baby, let’s read the book about babies, let’s watch a movie about babies.
“Beans” Meaning(s): Beans, anything that looks like beans.
“Beys” Meaning: Berries.
“Bish” Meaning: Fish.
“Bite” Meaning: I'll have what you’re having.
“Boo!” Meaning: Purple (we’re working on this one).
“Book” Meaning(s): Book, please read to me.
“Boom” Meaning: Let’s play “boom” (favorite chasing game)
“Boon” Meaning: Balloon.
“Bot?” Meaning: Can I have a bath?
“Box” Meaning(s): Fox (daycare friend), box.
“Buds?” Meaning: Can we please watch a David Attenborough documentary?
“Butt” Meaning(s): Button, light switch, I want to push the button, I see a button, belly button.
“Bye” Meaning(s): Bye, I’m ready to go, bunny.
C is for...
“Caco” Meaning(s): Goldfish cracker, any cracker or crunchy snack
“Cao” Meaning(s): Avocado, car, cow.
“Co” Meaning(s): Crow, I want to color.
“Cock” Meaning: Clock.
“Cowus” Meaning: I want to get under the covers with you.
D is for...
“Dada!” Meaning(s): Favorite human, where is my favorite human?, I see my favorite human, I want my favorite human, I’m ready for pajamas.
“Dane” Meaning: Jane (daycare lady).
“Denkoo” Meaning(s): Thank you, you’re welcome.
“Dise” Meaning: I want to go outside.
“Dog” Meaning(s): Dog, I see a dog, I’m thinking about dogs.
“Doose” Meaning: Gimme a sip of that juice.
“Down” Meaning(s): Put me down, I want to get down.
“Dubdubdubdub” Meaning: (Honestly not sure about this one but it makes frequent appearances.)
“Duckie” Meaning(s): Duck, I want to take a bath.
E is for...
“Eat” Meaning(s): I want to eat, I see someone eating.
“Eck” Meaning(s): Egg, I see an egg, I see something that looks like an egg, I want an egg.
“Eeyo” Meaning: Ear.
“Emmos” Meaning: Animals.
“Eppane” Meaning: Elephant.
“Eye” Meaning(s): Eye, I see your eye, I want to look at the picture of eyes in my People book, let me stick my finger in your eye.
F is for...
“Fotsss.” Meaning(s): Fast, let’s go fast!
“Fibe” Meaning: High five!
G is for...
“Go” Meaning(s): Let’s go, I’m ready to go, where did [x] go?
H is for...
“Hama” Meaning: Grandma Kathy.
“Hammi” Meaning: Cammi (daycare friend).
“Han” Meaning(s): Hand, give me your hand, please wipe my hands.
“Hat” Meaning(s): Hat, let’s put on my hat so we can go outside.
“Head” Meaning(s): Head, this is my head, I see your head.
“Heyo!” Meaning: Hello!
“Hi” Meaning(s): Hi, hello new [person/animal], hi I’m cute so I can’t be in trouble.
“Hot” Meaning(s): This is hot, I expect this to be hot, this is cold.
“Howp?” Meaning: Help me please.
“Huck” Meaning: Hug.
“Hummeck” Meaning: Nutmeg (family cat).
I is for...
N/A. Not yet a sound she’s mastered.
J is for...
N/A. Not yet a sound she’s mastered.
K is for...
“Knock” Meaning: I’m gonna go knock on that door.
L is for...
N/A. Not yet a sound she’s mastered.
M is for...
“Ma?” Meaning: More?
“Mama” Meaning(s): Mama, where is mama?, I see mama, I’m awake!
“Mek” Meaning: Merrick (daycare friend).
“Mess” Meaning(s): Look at this mess, I made a mess.
“Mimi” Meaning: Mimi (stuffed mouse friend).
“Moke?” Meaning: Can I have some milk?
N is for...
“No” Meaning(s): No, leave me alone, let me do it myself, I don’t want to, please stop, I’m overwhelmed.
“Nose” Meaning(s): Nose, no.
“Noway!” (See “No”.)
“Nun” Meaning: I’m all done.
“Nyny” Meaning(s): Goodnight, I want to lie down, let’s pretend we’re asleep, [x] is lying down!
O is for...
“Oh!” Meaning: That was a surprise!
“Oh yeah” Meaning(s): Definitely, I like this a lot.
“O-kayyy” Meaning: This is a word I hear a lot so I will say it too.
“Omo” Meaning: Oatmeal (family cat).
“Oh no!” Meaning: Somebody is sad, something fell down.
“Oots” Meaning: Oops.
P is for...
“Papa” Meaning(s): Grandpa, old white man.
“Pane” Meaning(s): Plane, I see a plane, I hear a plane, please read me the book about planes.
“Pay” Meaning: I want to play.
“Pick” Meaning: Pig.
“Pie” Meaning: I want to sit on the potty.
“Pose” Meaning(s): Pillows, let’s play in the pillows.
“Potchs” Meaning: I’m ready for pajamas.
“Pots” Meaning: Pants.
“Pouts” Meaning: Pouch (fruit/veggie puree pouches)
“Puppy” Meaning(s): I see a puppy, I’m thinking about puppies.
Q is for...
N/A. Not yet a sound she’s mastered.
R is for...
“Rah!” Meaning: I’m a scary dinosaur!
S is for...
“Shick” Meaning: I found a stick.
“Shoes” Meaning(s): Shoes, I see your shoes, I want to take my shoes off, I want to go outside so let’s put on my shoes.
“Shoop” Meaning: Soup.
“Show” Meaning: I want to get in the shower with you.
“Sot” Meaning(s): What’s that?, look at that.
“Sots” Meaning(s): Socks, I want to take off my socks, I see a sock.
T is for...
“Tat” Meaning: Cat.
“Tayo” Meaning: Chair.
“Tee” Meaning(s): Kitty, I’m ready to brush my teeth.
“Tees” Meaning(s): Kitties, cheese.
“Ten” Meaning: Sing me the counting song.
“Toes” Meaning(s): Toes, I see your toes.
“Tiss” Meaning: Kiss.
U is for...
“Uh oh!” Meaning(s): Something fell, I dropped something, I heard something loud.
“Ummy!” Meaning: Yum!
“Up” Meaning(s): Pick me up, help me get up, I want to go up.
V is for...
N/A. Not yet a sound she’s mastered.
W is for...
“Wa?” Meaning: Can I have some water?
“Wed” Meaning: Red.
“Wet” Meaning: Wet.
“Whoa” Meaning: That is big/impressive/loud.
“Wice” Meaning(s): Rice, anything that looks like rice.
“Wok” Meaning(s): I see a rock, I want to go on the rocking chair, I want to walk.
X is for...
N/A. Not yet a sound she’s mastered.
Y is for...
“Ya” / “Yeah” / “Yep” / “Yes” Meaning: Yes.
“Yay!” Meaning: Hooray! (Must be accompanied by clapping.)
“Yite” Meaning: Light.
“Yook” Meaning: Look.
“Yuck” Meaning: I found something on the floor, look at this dirty thing.
Z is for...
N/A. Not yet a sound she’s mastered.
...I’m sure there will be tomorrow.
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