coffindollie · 3 months
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𝔪𝔢𝔤𝔲𝔪𝔦 𝔰𝔥𝔦𝔪𝔦𝔷𝔲 - 𝔰𝔥𝔦𝔨𝔦 (2010)
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whoishotteranimepolls · 2 months
"Who's Hotter?" Anime Vampires
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animeglitch · 5 months
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princesspollypoket · 4 months
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Pink hairs girlies💗
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knotenvater · 5 months
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happy to share my piece for the @2000sgothichorrorzine!! if you miss me in the credits, know my last @ was lackadare :^)
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akolnoix · 5 months
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i finally get to post my zine piece for @2000sgothichorrorzine!! you know i couldn't pass up an opportunity to draw shiki fanart haha
please go check out everyone else's work!!
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minneywoon · 5 months
𝗗𝗮𝘆 𝗼𝗻𝗲: 𝗖𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮 𝗝𝗝𝗞 𝗯𝗮𝗱𝗮𝘀𝘀 𝗳𝗲𝗺𝗮𝗹𝗲! 𝗟𝗲𝘁'𝘀 𝗴𝗼!!
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𝐀𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐚 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐳𝐮...
Asteria is a 24-year-old jujutsu sorceress, tall and atletic.
Features: sharp and angular features like high cheeks and slender jawline to give her a fierce and determined look. Grey stormy eyes, fox shaped.
Fashion-forward: She's the type to wear a leather motorcycle jacket with jeans. And to feel coming, she wears a tracksuits.
Messy hair: Since she's a professional fighter, having messy and wild honey-orange hair that gives her a fierce and unhinged look. This could also highlight her unpredictable nature and the fact that she's always ready for a fight.
Confident stance: Asteria have a confident and powerful stance that emphasizes her strength and fighting abilities. She could have a wide and determined stance that helps her look imposing and intimidating.
Accessories: she could have unique accessories like stars and gold with silver-themed jewelry or clothing that reflects her Celestial Cursed technique.
Heavenly Ascension: A Celestial Cursed Technique that allows her to manipulate the energy of the heavens to create barriers, reflect damage, change their own mass and that of others, and much more. It can also be used to reinforce weapons and manipulate them in battle.
Arsenal of Heaven: She can create and manipulate a variety of weapons, including spears, swords, bows, and chakrams. They can also generate special abilities for the weapons, like cutting through anything or exploding on impact.
Heavenly Speed: She can manipulate her own gravity to move at incredible speeds, potentially reaching the speed of light (or beyond if she'll go all in). However, she would need to wear a special suit to protect herself from the harmful effects of moving at such high speeds.
Fighting Styles:
Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do: This fighting style emphasizes speed, precision, and fluidity, and she can incorporate elements of this style into her combat.
Intelligence is a fundamental attribute for every sorcerer or curse user, and this character would need a certain level of intelligence to effectively use her abilities. Specifically, she would need to have a deep understanding of her own cursed energy and its properties in order to manipulate it effectively. Being a scientist could definitely help with this, as she's trained to think critically and use the scientific method to solve problems. However, it's also possible for non-scientists to develop these skills through experience and practice. In any case, the character will need to have a strong mind and the ability to adapt to new situations quickly.
Domain Expansion; Asteria's domain expansion could be a massive celestial temple surrounded by stars and constellations, symbolizing her connection to the celestial energy and her ability to manipulate the heavens. The inside of the domain could be a massive open sky dotted with stars and constellations, giving the illusion of being in space. The stars and constellations could move and shift in response to her commands, creating stunning visual effects and providing her with additional curse energy to augment her abilities. Additionally, the domain could contain various celestial-themed objects and structures that she can manipulate, such as floating planets, comets, and meteoroids, giving her additional options for attack and defense. Overall, her domain expansion could be a visually stunning and powerful display of her abilities and her control over the celestial CE.
Based on her Celestial Cursed Technique, a fitting name for her domain expansion could be "Starry Temple". The name suggests a grand and elegant temple filled with stars and constellations, symbolizing her connection to the cursed energy and her ability to manipulate the heavens. The name could also be shortened to "Celestial Temple" or "Temple of the Stars".
The Japanese translation of "Starry Temple of the Celestial" would be "Ryōiki Tenkai; no Hoshi no Teruma", which combines the Japanese words for "star" ("hoshi"), "heaven" ("tenkai"), and "temple" ("teruma").
Within her Starry Temple she possesses a range of powerful abilities that are heightened by her connection to celestial energy.
1. Celestial Manipulation: As the master of her domain, Asteria can manipulate the objects within her Starry Temple. She can control the movements of stars, constellations, planets, comets, and meteoroids, bending them to her will. This manipulation grants her versatile offensive and defensive options, allowing her to launch celestial projectiles, create barriers, or reshape the environment to her advantage.
2. Stellar Projection: Asteria can summon and project energy in the form of stars, utilizing them as projectiles or concentrated beams. These stellar projectiles can possess various properties, such as explosive bursts upon impact or the ability to pierce through defenses.
3. Astral Constructs: Within her domain, Asteria can shape the cursed tech energy into solid constructs. She can create weapons, armor, or even celestial creatures to aid her in battle. These constructs are infused with the power of the heavens and possess enhanced durability and strength.
4. Celestial Healing: Asteria can tap into the rejuvenating energy of the celestial realm to heal herself and others. By channeling the celestial energy, she can mend wounds, restore vitality, and cleanse ailments, granting her a potent means of recovery during combat.
5. Celestial Augmentation: Within her domain, Asteria can draw upon the CE to enhance her physical and magical attributes. This augmentation grants her increased speed, strength, agility, and heightened magical abilities, allowing her attacks to pack an even greater punch.
6. Celestial Divination: Asteria's connection to the celestial realm grants her glimpses into the future and the ability to read the cosmic energies. She can gain insights into her opponent's movements and intentions, enabling her to strategize and react accordingly.
These abilities, combined with her own skills and combat prowess, make her a formidable force within her Starry Temple. As the battle rages on, the celestial CE at her command amplifies her strength, making her a potent adversary for Ryomen Sukuna to contend with.
Since her Cursed Technique is Celestial themed, she could potentially use it to create a "Kamehame" like blast. The blast could be made of condensed cursed light energy that she is able to manipulate and control in various ways. She could also potentially imbue the blast with other celestial energy-based attacks, giving her a powerful and versatile tool in her arsenal with a unique celestial flair.
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Her personality:
Driven and Ambitious: Asteria has a strong sense of purpose and is driven to become one of the most powerful sorcerers in Japan or outside from it. She is ambitious and constantly strives to push her abilities to the limit.
Curious and Intellectual: As mentioned, Asteria has a deep fascination with celestial and scientific topics. She is always eager to learn and expand her knowledge, and she approaches problems with an analytical, rational mindset.
Fiercely Independent: Asteria values her freedom and independence above all else. She can be stubborn and resistant to authority, preferring to forge her own path. She doesn't like being told what to do.
Unpredictable and Impulsive: Asteria's wild, messy long hairstyle and confident, aggressive fighting style reflect her unpredictable nature. She can be reckless and impulsive, often rushing into situations without much forethought.
Compassionate and Protective: Beneath her fierce exterior, she has a strong sense of compassion. She is driven to protect the those she cares about, and she isn't afraid to break the rules to do so.
Surpass Her Limits: Asteria is constantly driven to push the boundaries of her cursed technique and fighting abilities. She wants to become the most powerful sorcerer she can be.
Uncover the Mysteries of the Heavens: Asteria's fascination with celestial phenomena extends beyond just intellectual curiosity. She is determined to unlock the deeper secrets and mysteries of the heavens and the nature of cursed energy.
Find a Sense of Purpose: Asteria grew up without a strong sense of direction or belonging. Becoming a sorcerer and honing her celestial abilities has given her a sense of purpose, and she is driven to prove her worth.
Protect Those She Cares About: While Asteria values her independence, she has developed close bonds with a few trusted allies and sorcerers. Keeping them safe is a key motivation for her.
Reveal the Truth: She's driven by a sense of existence and a desire to uncover the truth, even if it means challenging authority or convention. She won't hesitate to go against the grain if she believes it's the right thing to do.
Overall, Tatiyana Shimizu is a complex, multifaceted character driven by a mix of ambition, curiosity, independence, and compassion.
Her personality and motivations should make for some compelling character dynamics and narrative arcs in Jujutsu Kaisen fanfiction.
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Asteria's and Yuki Tsukumo's Relationship:
Initial Encounter: Asteria and Yuki first cross paths during a high-stakes Jujutsu Sorcerer operation. Perhaps they are both assigned to the same mission, or their paths collide as they independently investigate a powerful cursed object or entity. The two women initially size each other up, their fierce and confident demeanors clashing as they gauge the other's strength and capabilities.
Mutual Respect: Despite their initial wariness, Asteria and Yuki come to quickly respect each other's skills and determination. They may even find themselves working together seamlessly, their complementary abilities and fighting styles allowing them to overcome a formidable foe. This shared triumph solidifies a grudging mutual respect between the two sorcerers.
Developing Friendship: As they continue to cross paths and collaborate on missions, a tentative friendship begins to form between Asteria and Yuki. They discover a shared passion for pushing the boundaries of their cursed techniques and a desire to uncover the deeper mysteries of the Jujutsu world. Asteria's intellectual curiosity and Yuki's analytical mind lead to engaging discussions, and they find themselves drawn to each other's unique perspectives.
Supportive Allies: Over time, Asteria and Yuki become close allies, each providing the other with support, advice, and a sense of belonging. Asteria fierce independence and impulsiveness is tempered by Yuki's calm rationality, while Yuki's reserved nature is brought out of its shell by Asteria's boundless energy. They serve as sounding boards for each other, challenging one another to grow and improve.
Unbreakable Bond: Through the trials and tribulations they face as Jujutsu sorcerers, Asteria and Yuki's bond deepens into an unbreakable friendship. They have each other's backs, no matter the circumstances, and their mutual trust and respect for one another becomes a source of strength and knowledge.
Shared Vision: Their friendship is further cemented by their shared vision for the future of the Modern Jujutsu World. They both believe in the power of compassion and self-reflection, and they are determined to reshape the system and challenge the status quo. Together, they work towards uncovering the truth and creating a world where sorcerers can thrive without sacrificing their humanity.
The dynamic between Asteria and Yuki would be one of fierce protectiveness, intellectual stimulation, and unwavering loyalty. Their friendship would serve as a vital anchor for both characters, providing them with the support and encouragement they need to continue their relentless pursuit of power and respect.
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I'll for sure be writhing fics about her, be ready. Let me know in tags what ya think!💜
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mokacheer · 1 year
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Megumi on Friday, August 12th
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wendyius666 · 3 months
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Pink Haired Characters #3
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0hunnyy · 3 months
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shiki is too good 😩🔥🔥
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chrilm · 1 year
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Cringetober day 11: [Yandere]
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marril96 · 3 months
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Shiki 1.04 | Fourth Death
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sea-salt-sticks · 1 year
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i never noticed before but they animated the chains on baldr's keyblade and hip. every little thing like this makes me appreciate the animators more and more
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williamaltman · 7 months
Every once in a while I think about Shiki. I was lowkey obsessed with it as a teen.
First of all there were so many CUNTY characters. Megumi, Sunako, Chizuru. I was obsessed with their style (especially Megumi's, though Sunako is who I like the most as a character). And some of the male ones ate too like Tatsumi and Seishirou. Even Muroi in a way.
The artstyle is fucking insane with all the bizarre hairstyles, the shikis' eyes, most of the characters have very distinctive features.
And the Natsuno x Tohru ship. Upon rewatch it is not subtle AT ALL. They kinda just straight up show us Natsuno falling in love with him at the beginning of one of the episodes. Plus he gets jealous when Tohru talks about the nurse, and then Megumi asks him "Why do you like him more than me?"!!!
Unfortunately I just hate how it fucking ends. You can't give me a show about vampires and expect me to not root for the vampires, sorry. I think it would've been cool if at least most of the humans died in the fire or something. I don't know, the shikis just being exterminated and that's it (ik it's implied Sunako survived, but still) just felt a bit anti-climatic and didn't leave a good taste in my mouth. I also hate how they made Megumi's death more brutal and humiliating than in the manga and novel for some reason.
I also fucking hate Toshio in general lol.
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ykropy · 24 days
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crossoverheaven · 1 year
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