#megumi’s shadows and nobara’s nails. both being their cursed techniques too
littencloud9 · 28 days
it’ll be lonely without you fushiguro… aaarhrjfjgjEHRJRHEJRHF
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linkspooky · 4 years
HI! I love reading your metas! They're really insightful and they make me appreciate series I love a heck of a lot more. Especially JJK and MHA. Could you talk about what some of the characters cursed techniques may represent in the story, im super curious on what you could say on that.
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Sure, but I’ll just do the main four characters for now because that’s easier. I’m also going to simplify the cursed techniques because that’s easier to show how they’re symbolic in story.  Gojo’s two main techniques are “the infinity” and “unlimited void”. They each serve as symbolism for the central flaws of his character. 
The infinity is something which makes it impossible for any techniques to reach Satoru. It makes him untouchable at all times.What is Satoru Gojo’s greatest difficult as a character? It’s getting closer to other people. 
Gojo has it in his head that the only person who can stand next to him is someone equally as strong as he is. Which is why he allowed Geto in for a long time, until Gojo became “the strongest” alone. In the year after that moment, Gojo and Geto grew further and further apart because Gojo was now strong enough to handle every mission on his own. When Geto just leaves, Gojo is shocked that he can’t reach him. Gojo is an untouchable person, and, someone unable to reach the person he truly cares about in time. He can’t touch Geto, at least not in a way that matters, not in a way that would save him. 
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This is also something Kamo Sr. complains about later, specifically referring to this scene. For Gojo, other people will only ever be something that gets in his way, specifically because of his cursed technique.
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Gojo’s second technique is the unlimited void. He specifically says this to Jogo when using it against him for the first time. 
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Here’s thes skinny, the real irony here is he’s talking about himself. Gojo is someone capable of anything, and yet he’s incapable of affecting the world in the way he wants. He wants political reform,but the way to do that is to bow your head and play politics, the two things Gojo is terrible at. 
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Gojo is someone who can do anything, and yet at the same time fails at everything he sets out to achieve. His great power doesn’t really enable him to do anything he wants, because he’s just one person like everybody else in the world. He could kill all the higher ups but that wouldn’t change things. Gojo is bad at politics so, when he fails in Shibuya, he’s the one who ends up exiled and blamed for letting himself get sealed by the elders who hold all the true power in the situation.
His domain is the perfect metaphor for his character, someone who simultaneously holds all the power and is ultimately powerless. 
These other ones are going to be a little bit quicker because we haven’t gotten as many details on their cursed techniques. There’s some serious foiling going on with Yuji and Megumi’s cursed techniques. Yuji and Megumi both revolve around the concept of the shadow. The shadow is the other self, or the repressed self. Both of these characters deal with a lot of themes of repression. 
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It’s commented several times that Megumi has way more potential, having inherited what is most likely the most powerful technique in the Zenin arsenal in the ten shadows. However, at the same time he’s someone who ignores his own potential my repressing himself. 
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Megumi is someone who continually represses himself by saying that there’s no way he could ever be as strong as Gojo. He pretends to be weaker than he really is. However, repressing himself is what makes his shadow grow even more powerful. 
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Megumi and Yuji are both characters who are built around the idea of repressing themselves until they go nuts. They’re both embodying this jungian idea of the other self, the repressed shadow. They both, flip, for lack of a better term. 
Megumi is all silent brooding until he goes crazy with power. We don’t know what Yuji’s technique is, but not only does he show the same behavior, all smiles on the surface until he flips out into a violent rage. Yuji also specifically has two sides to himself. The other side is Sukuna, a violent murderer. We’re also shown gradually, over the course of the story, the two sides coming closer to one another. 
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Both Megumi and Sukuna repress themselves, so their selves are split. Megumi has a shadow based technique, as a metaphor for his true potential being much, much more than he says it is. Sukuna being the flip side of Yuji, shows how Yuji divides himself betwee his “violent self” and his “friendly, nice guy” normal self that he uses mainly to interact with others. Megumi suppresses his potential, Yuji his violent side. 
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Nobara’s main technique is using pins into a straw doll, to hurt others in the same area on their bodies. (Simplifying, for the sake of time). Rsonance inflicts pain on another person using an effigy, like a hair, or blood, connected to an avatar like the straw doll, or even in some cases her own body like in Origin of Obedience. 
It’s actually a pretty common place way to curse others in japan, like you could buy a doll, tie someone’s hair to it, and then stick pins in it. It’s like ouji boards are for us, it’s like a curse that’s in the common popular knowledge. A teen girl might try to curse someone if their boyfriend cheats on them. It’s like how people in america can have witchcraft phases when they’re teenagers (not talking about like, actual practicing wiccans and whatnot). There’s also a commonly used phrase in japan, “When you’re cursing someone prepare to dig two graves.” It means, that in the decision to curse someone else, the curse might rebound and affect yourself too. Like, how revenge won’t just hurt the person you want to avenge yourself on, you might end up hurting somebody else, or even yourself in the process. 
Not only does Nobara physically experience this once, she curses herself using resonance in order to harm somebody else by using her body as the straw doll proxy. Nobara’s central character trait is her complete lack of sympathy for other people. 
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If you try to get Nobara to sympathize, her usual response is “I don’t care.” Nobara being low empathy doesn’t mean she’s a good or bad person, it’s just a facet of who she is. However, she is a very self righteous person. Which factors into her cursed technique, she’s the kind of person who could curse, inflict pain on another, without thinking about how it might rebound and affect her or someone else. Which is exactly what the straw doll proxy does, it inflicts pain, one nail at a time. Nobara doesn’t like it when good people get hurt, same as Yuji, same as Megumi, but when she sees herself in the right she has no problem at all punishing what she calls a “bad” person. 
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jujutsu-headcanons · 4 years
The Epic Battle of Tokyo Metropolitan Magic Technical School 
(ft. Team Tokyo Years 1 & 2, Sukuna & Gojo)
This ordeal started because Yuji and Toge are immature idiots that don't know how to behave
Yuji was in a big meme mood and randomly called Toge an "undignified twink" in the group chat
Toge didn't appreciate this
Yuji keeps the door to his dorm open throughout the day, so Toge had no problems bursting into the room
Toge wanted to say something along the lines of "eat shit" or "go fuck yourself", you know, like people do in memes, but he felt using cursed speech was a little too much given the circumstances
So he picked up the nearest weapon, a Nerf gun that was loaded for some reason just inside the door, and went ham
He got Yuji dead square between the eyes several times
Yuji retaliated by pulling out a larger Nerf gun, that he keeps wedged between his bed and wall, and fired back
This started angrily but ended up being silly nonsense. When they ran out of Nerf bullets, they started throwing pillows and empty water bottles
Megumi, who sadly lives next door, gets pissed
He's trying to watch a documentary on the Mothman why are you guys so fucking loUD
What do two teenage boys have to even scream and giggle about are the Jonas Brothers getting back together or smthn
He, too, bursts into Yuji's room
He gets a pair of boxers to the face
Now, it's important to mention they were clean because Yuji is just too lazy to put his laundry away
But Megumi didn't know that
Megumi Fushiguro goes feral
Megumi happens to know that Yuji keeps Nerf guns hidden, not only around his room, but around the whole dorm
This is because Yuji genuinely believes Nerf guns will protect him during a zombie apocalypse
So Megumi pelts both Toge and Yuji with Nerf bullets because APPARENTLY summoning shadow dogs is too mean
Somehow this gets brought outside in the courtyard
Sukuna wakes up and is like "wtf is happening" and opens up his left eye to get a peak
Sukuna gets hit in the eye. Shit REALLY goes down.
Sukuna starts throwing the GUN at people because he has no idea how to work the damn thing
Rocks get thrown too it's a mess
Nobara and Maki are brought out due to the commotion
Maki quickly understands what's going on because something similar to this happened last year
....except it was summer and they were using water guns and everyone was having a good time. This seemed to be an outright brawl
So she decided to get the largest Super Soaker out of storage and fill'r up
Apparently, Sukuna hates water. He's like a cat. Yuji comes back
The boys have to explain themselves because Maki is kinda scary armed with like five water pistols 
Maki thinks Toge is 100% in the right because, even though he's the same age as her, he's kinda her weird son
But Nobara thinks Toge needs to stop being a baby because Yuji is kinda her weird son too
Megumi takes Nobara's side because he didn't read the texts (he has the group on dnd) and thinks all of this was unprovoked 
Maki still yells at Yuji
Nobara yells at Maki
Nobara actually disarms Maki in what could be considered the sexiest way possible
It is now officially the First Years vs Second Years
Well, more so girl vs girl with the others playing support
Somehow no one has run out of ammo or water yet it's crazy
Now you're probably wondering where Panda gets involved with all of this
See Panda doesn't normally get involved in scenarios like this
But he doesn't mind contributing to the chaos SO
With his big meaty panda claws, he manages to fill almost a thousand water balloons
Don't ask 1) how he managed 2) why he has so many water balloons and 3) how he did it in such a short amount of time
ALSO, it's important to mention...
Toward the end Panda got bored
So about 200 are filled with water and glitter
About 50-100 are filled with shaving cream
And about 100 are filled with paint
He announces his presence by pushing a gigantic crate of water balloons into the middle of the courtyard 
Guns get chucked everywhere and now it's water balloon time
It takes forever before they get to the glitter and paint balloons
Megumi gets the first glitter bomb
Megumi goes feral pt. 2
You'll never guess who gets the first paint bomb
Remember that ridiculously expensive shirt the kids ruined with tea
Well Gojo still wears it, yea, but he wanted a plain white shirt so he bought a replacement
And he wore it home
Neon green, right to the stomach
It. Is. On.
Cursed techniques get involved
The only one at a disadvantage is Maki, who makes up for it with stealth, and Yuji, who makes up for it with speed
Megumi summons his bunnies to cause a distraction
Nobara is catching balloons mid-air with her nails and making them explode
Toge is making anyone he can catch freeze in place and slapping balloons in their face (he takes a liking to the shaving cream balloons because of this)
Gojo is throwing Red and Purple around like it's nothing he isn't even angry he's just having fun
Shoko walks in on the scene
Shoko immediately walks out of the scene
Finally, Principal Yaga arrives on the scene
This is his "I'm not happy face" :|
This face signals danger and invokes the fear of god in the children
Even Gojo kowtows with the kids
The kids are forced to 1) throw away every single Nerf gun and bullet 2) scrub the walls with their own toothbrushes until all the paint and glitter is gone and 3) are all grounded for three months
Yuji no longer calls Toge an undignified twink.
tags: @wasabito @kittaliapenn
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