#megumi is his son no one can change my mind
luvreyn · 2 years
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No matter what anyone says, Megumi never starts fights. He only finishes them off. And it’s not his fault that those bullies thought they could antagonize him and get away with it.
So it was no surprise when he was suspended for beating up those weaklings.
He scowled as he looked at the riverbank. He doesn’t really care.
He almost yelped when something cold hit his cheek, and he glared at the too-tall menace of a guardian who crouched beside him.
Gojo smiled, tapping the popsicle on his cheek. Here. You need to cool down.
He takes the popsicle before staring at the river again.
His guardian lets the silence carry on before sighing. Megumi wanted to rejoice because his guardian looks like he’s about to leave, but inside, he’s a little disappointed. What if those bullies were right? What if he can’t make people stay because he’s worthless and nobody loves him?
But he was proven wrong when Gojo stayed and took his popsicle to open it for him before handing it back. You should eat it before it melts.
He does, and he appreciated the gesture more when he saw that it was his favorite flavor of popsicle.
Megumi, come on. Talk to me. What is it? What’s on your mind? What happened? Gojo says it in a sing-song tone.
He knows that this strange, tall man already knows what happened. He was there earlier when the principal suspended him and the parents of those bullies wanted to sue him.
Nothing; you already know what happened.
I know their version, but I want to know the truth.
He says nothing. One, he doesn’t want Tsumiki to know what those bullies were saying about her too. Two, he knows deep inside that what those bullies said was right. He has no mother, and his father has long abandoned him. Nobody wanted to keep him, and he knows his guardian is only temporary. Maybe he won’t even be here tomorrow. Megumi doesn’t want to show his vulnerability in front of a man he can’t trust.
Gojo licks his popsicle in contemplation while watching him. For a child, Megumi seems to have the whole world on his shoulders. And somehow, it reminds him of himself.
You're still a kid. You don't have to worry about useless things.
Useless? Megumi looks at him sharply. Gojo looks solemn and understanding. "That's the beauty of being a kid. Let the adults worry and figure it out. The only thing you need to do is be a kid, and whatever you're worrying about is not gonna happen. You’re stuck with me."
He’s stuck with him? Let the adults handle them? Can he really do that? His own father sold him off to the highest bidder, and without Gojo, he would've probably be in a worst situation.
He can't trust adults, but...
(He looks at his guardian, who is close to him. Someone who should be more of an older brother because of their age difference, yet the one person—the only person—who held out his hand to save the kids he had no business rescuing or raising. )
He finds that he can trust one adult. This adult next to him who is no blood but the one who saved and rescued him, the one who is raising them against all odds, the one who is more like a father and friend to him like no other, and somehow, Megumi knows that unlike all adults in his life, Gojo is not lying or just saying things to make him feel better. He means them, and because of that, he won't leave.
Megumi nodded in understanding. Gojo smiled, ruffling his hair, and he groaned.
"We should finish eating this and head back before Tsumiki starts freaking out about us again."
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my gojo dad and megumi as his son entry for this year! this was supposed to be posted last year but life keeps getting in the way huhu also was supposed to be posted on the anniv gojo got sealed cuz i just miss him sm
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lemonlover1110 · 3 months
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Toji Fushiguro
Summary: Megumi is insanely jealous of the new addition to the household.
Warnings: Fluff, Jealous!Megumi
*Didn't have anything bigger for Toji for father's day but I had to celebrate it one way or another sfjosjf. Enjoy my lovelies!
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“Papa, up!” Megumi yells, hoping to get his father’s attention when he sees Toji holding the new addition to the family. Megumi has reached the age where he claims to be independent, after all, four is such a big age. He’d cry if you or Toji held him, but he’s changed his mind.
“Your baby sister is crying, give me a minute.” Toji sounds annoyed, knowing that Megumi does it out of jealousy. Jealous of a baby that can’t even hold her own head, kids are so dumb. Megumi lets out a cry before yelling again,
“Papa, up!” He wants attention now. He doesn’t want to wait until Toji is done with some stinky baby. Toji lets out an exasperated sigh as tears begin to stream down Megumi’s face– Crocodile tears, but tears nonetheless. He extends his arms and opens and closes his tiny fists repeatedly, yelling, “Up!”
“Megumi, you don’t want to wake up mommy, do you?” Toji asks, trying his best to calm down the crying baby in his arms while also handling Megumi. Toji goes unheard as Megumi begins to cry his little heart out. 
Toji takes a deep breath, trying to remain collected in this situation. Megumi is only four and getting adjusted to the presence of his little sister. Toji decides that it’s best to walk away, going to the kitchen to get the baby’s bottle and deal with her first since Megumi’s issue isn’t easily resolved. 
“Papa!” Megumi yells, following around Toji as he gets a bottle in the baby’s mouth. 
“Megumi, wait for me in the living room.” Toji says, but Megumi isn’t listening. Daddy isn’t like mommy, whatever mommy says goes but when Toji speaks he goes ignored; Toji’s is far scarier and intimidating than you are, he doesn’t understand why Megumi doesn’t take him seriously. “Megumi, go away!”
“I’m running away!” Megumi stomps his little feet before finally leaving Toji to deal with the baby. Toji breathes in relief, his pesky little bug finally giving him a moment alone. He’s able to go to the living room and sit down comfortably as he finishes feeding his daughter. 
“He’ll come around, princess. He hasn’t witnessed just how cute you are.” Toji coos, as if the baby can understand or care. She finishes her bottle, and Toji burps her before setting her down in her crib. He usually chooses to hold her whenever he can, but right now he has bigger fish to fry.
Toji walks into Megumi’s room, watching how his son tries to fit his most valuable toys into a backpack. Toji is trying his best to not chuckle, knowing that Megumi is deeply hurt. Toji takes a seat on Megumi’s tiny bed, clearing his throat before asking, “Need help packing?”
“You hate me!” Megumi cries, and Toji rolls his eyes. Was he that dramatic when he was Megumi’s age? “Mommy and you don’t love me anymore.”
“Oh c’mon, why do you say that, urchin?” Toji tries to see the little guy’s point of view before attempting to comfort him. The last thing Toji needs is attempting to explain to you why Megumi is packing up all his toys– You leave him alone with the kids for a two hour nap and Megumi’s already moving out. 
“You only care for the new baby.” Megumi angrily muffles, and Toji could’ve guessed as much. 
“C’mere, baby. Let me carry you now.” Toji opens his arms for Megumi, and Megumi glares at his father. He wipes away his tears before deciding that he does want to be carried by his father, after all, the tantrum is simply because of this. Toji picks him up, setting him down on his lap before kissing his forehead. “Is this why you’ve been so sensitive? Because of the new baby?”
“Yeah…” Megumi pouts, and it takes everything in Toji to not laugh.
“I will tell you something but don’t tell mommy, okay?” Toji begins, almost whispering to Megumi. Megumi’s eyes perk up, and Toji is fighting back a smirk. “We… Don’t like the new baby that much. I mean, we just met her. But you, urchin? You’re our favorite.”
“Really?” Megumi’s voice is full of hope, and Toji prays that this means Megumi will stop being so jealous about his baby sister. Toji doesn’t hesitate before nodding. It reminds Megumi that he doesn’t like being held anymore, which makes him get off Toji’s lap.
“Will you behave around her, now?” Toji asks, and Megumi takes a moment to think about it.
“Can we sell her?” Megumi responds, which makes Toji’s jaw drop. Did his cute little urchin seriously just say that?
“Okay, new rule: you’re not allowed near her room.” Toji stands up from the tiny bed, his knees cracking. He leans down and kisses the top of Megumi’s head, “Now unpack all of your toys before mommy wakes up.”
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harunovella · 8 months
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ safety net; t.f.
synopsis: when toji decided to be a good man and rescue two puppies for his son... content: canon divergence (I want a happy story for the fushiguro's!), fem!reader, reader is mamaguro, in this world your last name is fushiguro and toji took it bc f*ck the zenin, megumi is ur son (he's just a baby!), domestic bliss, not beta read (sorry for any errors!) note: seeing how successful my gojo anthology series is going (only two parts but going strong), I wanted to do one for toji bc I've always wanted to write his story with mamaguro (aka you!) and do a bunch of one shots that can be read as stand alones or together! pls lmk if you want more and if u wanna be tagged in the future <3 p.s. the divine dogs are actual dogs that inspired megumi's later manifestation of his shikigami in this au
It was one of those late nights for Toji. A summer evening with a heavy downpour to blur his path before him. The windshields were moving as fast as they could, swiftly clearing his vision with every wipe across the glass. He was quite used to this, running around town in the wee hours of the night, nothing new to him. It just annoyed him how difficult it could be driving in the rain when his windows fogged up and the headlights could only do so much. 
He wasn't too far from home, running a quick errand before returning to his abode, wanting nothing more than the warmth of his bed. 
A bed... A home...
Toji couldn't help but sigh and lean his head back against the car's headrest. Had this all been a dream? Was it real? Him, Zenin Toji, living a normal life? It had been quite some time now where he left it all behind to be domesticated—as if he were a wild animal. He didn't mind, though, a part of him was begging for a simple kind of life. 
Sat at a red light as his pointer finger tapped away against the leather steering wheel, his eyes wandered the environment around him—well, as much as he could see during an evening shower. From building to building, the empty sidewalks and dim storefronts, his eyes suddenly bounced back to a bus stop. Squinting, he leaned in before turning on his blinkers. 
This was very unlike him, his curiosity getting the best of him... Maybe it was because he was a changed man. Maybe it was because he had someone to go home to. Someone who made his deflated heart triple in size; someond who made him care about little things that he never did before.
Pulling over and parking his car next to the bus stop, Toji pulled up his hoodie and reached for the small umbrella that sat on the floor of the passenger seat. Rushing out and popping open the coverage, he stood before a small, cardboard box. 
It was falling apart, the rain tearing at the flimsy material as the little towel beneath was completely drenched. Hearing the faint whimpers and cries of the tiny creatures that stared up at him, Toji took in a sharp breath and shook his head. He was a good man now. Better than he ever was before. He had a heart. He had a home. He had someone who loved him. These little bodies did not. 
Lifting the box, he quickly maneuvered it underneath the umbrella before carefully placing it in the backseat of his car. "I hope she won't mind..." he said before making his way to the front, closing the umbrella and shutting the door after, resuming his route. 
The drive home was quicker this time around, zooming to gather the bags and box he had within the car, shutting the doors and locking them behind him before he made his way towards the front door. Taking the steps and fumbling with his keys, he unlocked the door and slipped inside before kicking off his shoes and making his way towards the living room. 
Settling the box down before moving towards the kitchen with the bag, he washed his hands and emptied the contents within it. Pulling out the small device, Toji made his way upstairs, ruffling his dark hair as he pressed a few buttons on the gadget. "Babe, this one should be fine," he spoke as he approached one of the two bedrooms. 
"Oh, good," the voice responded as he entered the room. You were sitting on your son's rocking chair, holding him close to your chest as you caressed his little back. He was about six months old and the constant change in weather was getting to him, causing a slight cold to disrupt his immunity. It pained both of you to see your boy anything but happy and healthy... but, he was such a little trooper. Both of you weren't sure where he got his calmness from, seeing as you nor Toji were such a way, but you thanked the heavens for blessing you with a child like him. 
"How's Megs doin'?" Toji asked as he handed you the new thermometer, squatting and gently caressing his son's head. His hand practically engulfed it, always entertaining him how tiny his boy was. It brought a small smile to his face. "Doesn't seem so fussy."
"A bit better, I got him to fall asleep. You weren't gone for too long, thankfully," you sweetly smiled, settling the small device down before caressing Toji's face. "Raining hard, huh?"
"Yeah," he nodded, only to widen his eyes. 
"What is it?" You furrowed your eyebrows. 
Scratching the back of his head, Toji stood up. "Got a surprise along the way... hope you don't mind."
"What do you mean?" You tilted your head. 
"Let's go downstairs," he nudged his own, waving you to follow him. 
Standing up carefully as to not wake your baby boy, you followed your man down the hall and staircase, towards your living room. You were confused at first, unsure as to what surprise he could've gotten you. But then you heard it. The faint cries and rustling coming from a box. The box in front of you. "Toji..."
"You've changed me, y'know?" He said. "I wouldn't have cared back then, would've left them suffer... but, guess it's because I'm a father now and I have you... I couldn't let them die out there..." rubbing the back of his neck as he stood by the box, you curiously peeked over before gasping. "Thought it would be nice to keep 'em... give Megs something to grow with."
"Toji... there's two," you nearly whispered, eyeing the puppies. One in pure white and one in all black, both equally precious. Tiny, scared, cold... you couldn't deny them either, even if you were currently raising your own baby. 
"Yeah..." Toji sighed. "I was thinkin' about giving them a quick bath now and take them to the vet early tomorrow. Don't have much to feed them but we can make it work, right?" He said, keeping his eyes on them, a bit afraid of your reaction. 
As upset as you should've been, seeing as it was two more mouths to feed, instead, you felt... elated? You weren't sure why, maybe it was because you were seeing more and more sides of Toji you didn't think would exist. Or maybe you loved the idea of giving your son two furry best friends to grow with. It could've also been that you were just happy that your son was okay and getting through his cold that you couldn't be as bothered. 
It also didn't help that you may or may not have mentioned a few times (while taking your strolls during your pregnancy) that your little blessing should have some furry friends around. You just didn't think it would happen... this way. 
"So?" Toji asked, looking at you with timid eyes. "Can we keep 'em?"
"Toji," you chuckled. "I'm not going to abandon these poor babies. You brought them here, you're gonna have to do a lot of raising. You're now a father of three," you teased as he nodded. 
"I'm well aware."
"I'm surprised you're okay with this, let alone, brought them," you pointed out. 
Shrugging, he looked back down. "Like I said, it's cause you changed me and I'm a father now. As scary as that is... I dunno... guess I want that normal life and normal people have dogs, right?" Seeing you nod with a small smile, Toji couldn't help but reflect your facial expression. "I wanna give him everything I've never had," he nudged his head in Megumi's direction. 
"Such a good dad," you softly spoke, caressing your sons back before stepping closer and kissing Toji's arm. "Then I guess we have two puppies now. What should we name them?"
Eyeing the two, Toji hummed. "Kuro and Shiro."
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rizsu · 11 months
barely delusional megumi, itadori, nanami.
-> tokyo revengers & haikyuu version
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megumi fushiguro.
life as megumi is simple. he is simple. his routine never over-complicates itself nor will he allow it to do so. on top of that, he will always be sure to attend every plan he agreed upon — well, all except for one. you see, the prior plan before the plan with itadori and nobara had slipped his mind. it's only when he checked his phone for the time is when he remembered.
the trio planned for an evening-to-night hangout session. first, dinner. dinner is important. second, an arcade session. third, amusement park. a well-thought plan that can finally make its way out of being just a "plan." kind of.
"hey, are we still on for the arcade later?" itadori asks, licking the drips of his popsicle on his forearm.
megumi opens his mouth only to close it back. he takes a popsicle from the bag, busying himself with the snack, he replies, "can't, i promised my girlfriend i'll sleep over tonight."
silence. it's a sudden moment of silence. the kind of silence before something goes south.
one, two, three...
both itadori and nobara voice their astonishment in unison. it's not every day you hear megumi speak about anything bordering romance. megumi, on the other hand, doesn't answer. his full attention is on his popsicle. indeed, he does feel the two pairs of eyes on him but will he respond to their shock? yes, actually.
"i said what i said," he shrugs, not understanding why it's so shocking.
nobara's jaw hangs loose. her popsicle already puddled on the ground. slowly, she regains her mind and forms a sentence, "you — you're not lying, right? is this megumi? FUSHIGURO megumi?"
itadori nods behind her, showing his support for her actions. megumi rolls his eyes, clearly he doesn't like the way they think he's a loser.
"yeah, yeah. when do i ever lie?"
"oh, you're right," defeated, nobara agrees. there's not a single memory in her mind where megumi lied.
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itadori yuuji.
he's bent over gasping for his life. a few seconds ago, itadori ran three floors down the school just for a question. it's an important question and they — gojo and utahime — will answer.
"guys, what do you do when you want to buy someone a gift but that someone is your girlfriend but you're not sure if she'll like it but—"
gojo drops his self-made paper plane, turns his head to the boy and begins, "pause right there yuuji. repeat that again."
slightly confused, itadori repeats himself from the beginning, "what do you do when you—"
yet again, gojo cuts him off, "NOT that part. the one after."
confused, he repeats again, "but that someone is your girlfriend but—"
gojo claps his hands together, sitting up straight and pointing a finger directly at itadori. "THERE — THAT PART."
utahime rubs her forehead, trying to calm down an incoming headache at the elder's childish behaviour. she sighs loudly, shooting a glare at gojo before turning to itadori with a small smile. "what gift do you have in mind?"
itadori, not remembering the gifts he had in mind, starts counting on his fingers. he knows he thought of roughly five gifts, but the question is what were the five gifts.
"uh, i think i had a five-hundred-dollar gift card in mind? don't remember the price but it's for makeup, skincare, and all that stuff!!" he replies, scratching the back of his head in slight embarrassment.
"that's a bit expensive. are you sure you'd want to buy it? if it comes from you i'm sure she'll love it either way," utahime attempts to comfort him. she's a tad bit concerned at the price but hey, love is priceless.
"mhm! it's our anniversary soon, too," itadori nods, feeling his nerves calm a little.
gojo, however, needs to put his input or he'll go crazy. slapping both palms on his thigh, he changes the tone of his voice to a serious one, "son, let me introduce you on the top ten ways to make a woman happy with money."
"gojo, no. don't."
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nanami kento.
a true businessman has now ended his working hours. at 7:30 p.m on the dot, he's now in his office preparing himself for his activities at 8:00 p.m. unknown to him, a little pesky fly slides himself into his office. obnoxiously chewing on some lays chips, gojo questions nanami's new attire, "you look oddly handsome, nanami. you got a date?"
refusing to meet eye-to-eye with gojo, he responds to him, "i do, actually. with my woman." turning around, he still avoids eye contact with gojo. rolling his sleeves up to his elbow, nanami walks to his desk, searching for his wristwatch.
once content with his attire, nanami finally looks at gojo. his visual makes a vein pop out on nanami's forehead. crumbs all over his fingers, hair scattered everywhere, mismatching indoor shoes — just irritating.
"if you excuse me, gojo, i have somewhere to be. exit yourself," gesturing to the door, nanami expects gojo to leave and so he does. just one step away from being out of nanami's office, gojo turns around. something's off.
"yeah yeah, go on with your woman — wait," he begins, eyebrows raised in suspicion. "you have a woman? like, seriously?"
paying no heed to the fly, nanami makes his way to phone you a call. once you answered, he brings the phone to his ear, "i'll be there to pick you up in ten-minutes, okay? ... yeah, i love you too."
"NO WAY," louder than sirens, gojo gasps at the confession and return of love. his once-crumbled fingers now cover his mouth.
nanami, already annoyed by his presence, puts his finger on his lip, motioning to gojo that he needs to shut up.
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gators-aid · 5 months
decode (pt. 5) - toji f. x reader
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part four | part six
you and toji fushiguro have been in an on-again-off-again relationship all throughout high school. over the summer break after graduation, you find out you're pregnant. too bad toji has already skipped town after your last breakup.
tags: fem!reader, americanized setting, non sorcerer universe, 00's setting, reader is megumi's mom, exes to lovers (eventually), their relationship is toxic rn, not beta read we die like toji :(
wc: 2.9k
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“Please make your decision quickly. I think the fuckin’ cops are looking for me.” He says. His voice sounds deeper than you remembered. You thought you had imagined it in the diner, or that his change in tone was a consequence of his anger toward his brother, but there was no denying it here. You glaze over that comment about law enforcement apparently searching for him.
He was leaning slightly out the window of his truck, etching toward you so that you could hear him over the sound of the surrounding traffic. You feel Megumi tug on your jacket, so you look down at where he’s tucked in. 
You always knew he looked just like his father, your mind tormented you with that fact every waking moment, but it was hitting you now. Here you had the framework to sit and compare their faces from more than memory alone. 
Needless to say, all of the pictures you had of Toji had been destroyed after you found out he left town. All of the clothes he had given you or left in your room had been donated when you moved out of your mother’s house. You had no physical reminders of his existence aside from the child the two of you shared and the golden angel necklace that sat tucked away at the back of your dresser. It was sitting against the back of the drawer, tucked away in a pair of polka dot socks that you never wore. You couldn’t bring yourself to let go of that one.
“Momma, that man is swearing.” Megumi says in his sweet voice. You grimace. Is this how you wanted your son to meet his father? In response, you rub his back and try to muster a smile. “I know, baby.” You whisper to him. “We can talk about swearing later.” Megumi had taken “Don’t say ‘fuck’, you’re only four” to mean, “anyone that swears, including adults, should be chastised.” You would have to redo that lecture. 
You really, really shouldn’t get in the truck. You should carry on with your life and pretend that all of this never happened. That Toji isn’t in the flesh in front of you, looking more handsome than you had ever remembered. Looking just like his fucking son. So much like his son that it felt like you were being taunted. He could never deny Megumi again once he saw his face. Even people who weren’t close to you could see the resemblance. 
It’s cold, you justify to yourself as you adjust Megumi in your arms and stand up from the bench. We’ll get home quicker, you think as you round the front of his truck towards the passenger side. You’ve run out of excuses by the time you’re opening the door and sliding in his truck. 
There are countless reasons why you shouldn’t have even looked up while you heard him call you. For starters, the fact that he just said law enforcement is allegedly in pursuit. He’s been back in your life for less than an hour and you’re already doing stupid shit.
What the fuck. You keep Megumi tucked into your chest tight as you sit down in the truck. Megumi is facing his father, trying to get a read on the man his mother had broken the rules for. 
“Okay baby,” You had said to Megumi merely weeks prior, “If a stranger asks you to get in the car with them, what do we say?” You ask him, holding his little hand in yours. 
“My momma said no!” He says. The two of you were sitting on your living room floor, with a blanket under you and watching The Little Mermaid on DVD. You had to save costs wherever you could, and those costs did not include cable. After watching Ariel go into Prince Eric’s palace-house within the first couple of hours being a human, you felt it appropriate to give Megumi the kidnapping talk. He takes a bite of the apple you had cut for him earlier. 
“And what if the stranger said, ‘I’ll give you Pokemon cards if you get in the car’?” You ask him. “I don’t even like Pokemon anymore!” He says proudly, in response to the hypothetical stranger. “What? Since when?” You asked, slightly horrified that you weren’t as attuned to your 4-year old’s interests as you thought. “Since the stranger asked me, momma.” He replied simply. 
This exchange must be very odd for Megumi. You had done your best to raise him right. The best that you could with the resources you had. You tried to teach him hard rules. Don’t talk to strangers, wash your hands before you eat, for the love of god please do not stick forks in the outlets. Now the ‘no strangers’ one was out of the window. It would be tough to explain this. Another lecture to redo.
Toji’s got his eyes on the rearview mirror, looking back at the diner. “Jinichi called the cops on me, the fucking asshole,” He mummers that last part to himself. “So where am I taking you?” Blunt and to the point like always. You give him your address before you could even think about it. Megumi’s tugging on you again to indicate he heard that comment, but you’re slightly out of it. 
There’s a big tear that exposes the cushion of the seat you’re on. You had left that there a lifetime ago when you drunkenly stole Toji’s knife and acted out a confrontation between you and a random girl that was hitting on him. That was one of the many nights that ended in laughter instead of tears.
 It smells exactly the same, he still uses the black ice scent for the little tree hanging from his rearview mirror. He’s still got his CD collection strapped to the sun visor on the driver’s side of the truck. It’s grown since the last time you saw it, expanding to the passenger side sun visor as well. There’s still a mysterious dark stain that you don’t feel comfortable speculating on the nature of in the floorboard. Evidently, he never managed to get it out. 
It’s too much. You have to fight to hold back tears. You had told yourself to never give an ounce to this man again. No tears, no anger, nothing. You had broken that in the diner earlier. It would not happen again.
You should have told him to take you to your mom’s house, so he wouldn’t have any kind of access to you or Megumi. Why would you give him your own address? How fucking stupid. 
It’s silent in the truck. You weren’t going to say anything, you might burst into tears if you opened your mouth. You had sat Megumi on your right side, away from Toji. He was pressed in between you in the door so that you wouldn’t have to be any closer to the man than necessary.
 You still don’t know if Toji had gotten a look at him yet. You take a moment to study the man. He’s got both hands on the steering wheel, sitting pin-straight in his seat. His eyes are very pointedly on the road, as if he’s trying not to look over. If the whites on his knuckles were indicative, and after spending years with him, you knew they were, Toji had already figured it out. 
After that call four years ago, you had a lot of time to ponder Toji’s reaction to you telling him about Megumi. Logically, you knew he was doing what he always did. Avoiding it because he didn’t wanna deal with the prospect of it. The same way he cheated on you to try and get you to run like you should have. The same way he used to pick a fight just to see if that would be your final straw. He denied Megumi because he had some weird psychological avoidance issue. 
Emotionally, you couldn’t see it as anything other than him being selfish while you gave your life to your child. Literally, that’s what it was. 
You were too busy looking at him to notice you had pulled into your apartment complex. 
“Um..” He clears his throat. “Which building do I drop you off at?” Drop you off. You scoff out loud. Of course. He finds out the kid really is his, and he’s avoiding us again. 
“The second one.” You say. You don’t know what you expected. For him to immediately pull Gumi into a hug and move in with you within the hour? Yeah fucking right. 
“Mama, can I play with the Christmas tree when we get home?” Megumi had asked you as your apartment came into view. ‘Christmas tree’ was one of his favorite games to play, where he got all the pots and pans from the cabinets and stacked them on top of each other to make a “Christmas tree.” It was a very messy game that required you to rewash all of your dishes when you were done, so it was a rule that he had to ask for permission before playing. The game had started when last year, tips were slow and you were late on your electric bill. You had already asked your mom for help that month, and refused to do it again. This, of course, meant that there was no money for a christmas tree. After Megumi’s December birthday and the one christmas present you could afford, you had to find some way to explain to Megumi why he couldn’t have a tree like the one at grandma’s house. “We have a better one.” You had told him, “One that you can play with all year long.” 
Needless to say you had cried yourself to sleep that night. 
“We’ll see, Megumi.” You say. The truck comes to a stop in front of your building, and without a word you’re grabbing Megumi out of the truck and slamming the door shut. Not a word said to Toji, not even a glance directed his way. 
It had started sprinkling rain on your drive over. This morning, your mom had called you to let you know there was a flood warning for the next city over. You usually didn’t take those entirely too seriously, waving her off when she had asked you to bring Megumi and spend the night at her house. 
The apartment is two stories tall with stairs on the outside, so you hold Megumi’s hand in yours as you slowly traverse up the stairs. He was skilled enough to walk up them on his own, but after an incident where he took a small fall down them, you were slightly paranoid. 
By the time you’re unlocking your apartment door, you notice that you hadn’t yet heard Toji’s truck pull away, so you glance back to see him still sitting there, waiting for you to get inside. For a moment, the two of you lock eyes. You can feel your heart drop as you usher Gumi in the house and close the door behind you. Don’t give him an ounce. 
You hope and pray that that is the last time you will ever have to think about Toji Fushiguro. The last time until Megumi gets old enough to realize his last name is different from yours. The last time until he asks you why all his friends in school have two parents and he only has one. The last time until he gets old enough to ask why you and his dad never made it work. Until you have to hold him as he cries and wonders why Toji never wanted him.
You let Megumi play Christmas Tree so you can lock yourself in the bathroom for a moment to compose yourself. 
By the time you get Megumi bathed, fed, and ready for bed, it’s eight at night, and the rain outside has been pouring heavily for a couple hours. Gojo had texted you to let you know that the tips had been good that day, but you had a feeling he was lying so he could slip a bit of his parent’s money into what he “owed you.” The diner was never busy on the Monday lunch shift. 
You had made spaghetti that night, a common occurrence in your home and something you were grateful Megumi hadn’t gotten tired of yet. Occasionally, you would get the kitchen guys to sneak you a meal in a togo box to offset grocery costs and eat something different every once in a while. Nanami was one of the cooler managers, which was why you were more comfortable asking that Megumi sit in the diner while you worked that day, but he was not one to let free food slide. 
The night was surprisingly peaceful once Megumi was distracted by his toys and tonight’s DVD movie, Toy Story, which Shoko had gotten him for his birthday. You were distracted by cleaning every single pot and pan you had after Megumi was done playing with them.
Once the two of you sat down for dinner, the inevitable questions came, and Megumi had asked you about the encounter with Toji earlier that night. 
“Mommy, why did those two guys at your job,” he took a breath in between his sentences and spaghetti, “start hitting each other, and then why did you got in one of their cars?”
That was a long conversation about how some brothers (you had let that slip), don’t get along, and how you had already known Toji, though you didn’t say from where or why. Thankfully, Megumi was more curious about why brothers and sisters fight than why his mother got into this random man’s truck. You would definitely have to revisit the “stranger danger” talk. 
It’s about 11 at night when you hear a booming knock at your door. It had pulled you out of your “almost-asleep” daze on the couch. You had already put Megumi to bed by then, and were taking a couple hours to yourself before you went to bed too. You prayed the sound hadn’t woken him. 
Whoever it is knocks again, this time harder and faster. Now that you have more mental capacity to process that, someone uninvited is knocking at your door at an inappropriate time of night for a single mother, you dash across your living room to grab the baseball bat you keep by the door. You’ve never had to defend yourself and your son in this capacity, and suddenly the adrenaline kicks in, and you squeeze the wooden slugger to center yourself.
The only light in the room is coming from the TV, playing the play menu of Clueless on repeat. You must have been asleep longer than you thought. Hoping not to be seen through your shadow by the window, you slowly crane your neck up toward the peep-hole of your apartment door. What you see is the last thing you expected.
Of course it’s Toji. Of course he wouldn’t just leave you alone. You’re such a fucking idiot. 
For a second you contemplate on whether or not you should open the door, but when he bangs again, somehow even louder, you fear that he won’t only wake up Megumi, but the entire apartment complex.
You put the bat back down and unlock the door, pulling it open slowly so that he would only be able to see half of your body from the angle he’s positioned at. He has his hand leaning on the doorframe, and his figure is hunched over to the point he has to lift his head to look you in the eyes. When he does, you realize what this is. He’s drunk.
His eyes are bloodshot red and watery. He’s soaked from head to toe, he had clearly walked through the rain from wherever he was coming from, or stood out in it for so long that he was drenched. He had a bottle of vodka in his hand that wasn’t against the doorframe, hanging precariously from his grasp like he would drop it at any moment. You couldn’t see how much was in it from here, but you knew he had to have drank quite a bit for him to be in this state. 
It’s only when he looks you up and down that you realize you’re only in an old t-shirt and underwear. If this were anyone else, you would’ve squirmed under their gaze, maybe ran to go throw something on, but with Toji, as dumb as it sounded, you couldn’t care less. 
“What are you doing here?” You ask him.
He says nothing, just looks you up and down again and takes a shot from the bottle. 
“Did you drive here?” He nods. Well that’s not fucking good. 
You wait for him to say something, to explain why he felt entitled to knocking on your door in the middle of the night soaking wet with nothing to say. Or maybe you’re waiting for him to explain why he left you in the first place without saying a word. Maybe you’re waiting for him to explain why he never even felt the need to come check if Megumi was his. You’re waiting for a lot of explanations. But you don’t get a single one.
In a voice that can only best be described as broken, he softly slurs out, “You… you named him Megumi?”
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very... very sorry for the wait. that semester ended up kicking my ass. no excuses i am very sorry D;
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bunnibaby-love · 8 months
🎀 Toji Fushiguro x F!Reader 🎀
cheating on your boyfriend with his daddy
♡ nsfw + alc + reader is 18 + raw + dd//lg
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You always dreamed of cute romance like from the books you love to read. Megumi was your friend before you two became a thing last december. He's your perfect type of guy and the man you should be.
You think he's the one you truly desire but, meeting his dad for the first time for celebration of your 1st month with Megumi...you feel something change on you
Toji Fushiguro, his rough and masculine features intimidated you. The scar on his lips scares you but at same time, it looks oddly sexy
You know something is wrong with the way he looks and acts around you. You're like a bunny that is about to bite the wolf's trap and get eaten.
A few beverage is alright for this occasion. You and Megumi are both Eighteen anyways. You drink away your lustful thoughts for the old man. But, you belittle your alcohol tolerance. Megumi is passed out drunk on the living room, leaving you with the old Fushiguro on your state. Yet you are still aware of surroundings, the way you held on his thick arms as he took you on his bedroom.
"That damn doe eyes of yours" Your boyfriend, his son is just downstair yet, you are right now letting his Father tongue danced against yours. Clouded mind, you let your body speaks for yourself
Is it the alcohol? or just the Adrenaline? you can hardly care anymore while being under your boyfriend's dad. Your wrist restricted on top of your head while he abused your cunt
"My son's cock not enough for your pussy slut?" a harsh slap kissed your right cheek and he instantly chocked your throat. "Little girls like you always loves to ask for more on what they have....Brat" Your eyes rolled back, his hard thrust and degrading words is just making your cunt twitch more
"Only....wan't you cock...d..daddy!" everything being too much, you can't even hide your loud lewd noises
"Your tiny mouth is so noisy" He shoved his two thick fingers on your mouth "Lick and shut up" he grins when you suck his fingers eagerly and pounds on you harder
'Holy fuck....gonna cum inside your womb dollface" you can already tell that he won't pull out even if you ever disagree. He didn't even mind putting rubber. But, taking a nasty risk is just making you crazy more as you wrapped your legs around his waist
"Oh! Cum...in my womb...please daddy...cumming too...! aah" a few more harsh thrust and he cums inside you "Oh my god!"
Laying flat on his bed, he put back your panties while your cunt is still messy and sticky with both of your liquids "Get dressed and go back downstair' he orders you with a subtle grin and you exit his bedroom
It's a sin you won't deny you enjoy. You made back your way on living room to see Megumi being concious. You smile as you see him.
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daisynik7 · 11 months
“S&M” by Rihanna for Toji Fushiguro - smut
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I may be bad, but I'm perfectly good at it. Sex in the air, I don't care, I love the smell of it
Pairing: Toji Fushiguro x f!reader
Word Count: ~2.0k
cw: smut - PIV sex (doggy style), cunnilingus, mild S&M practices - whips, blindfold, handcuffs, protected sex (for once lol), use of safe word, rough sex, pet names (cutie, sweetheart)
Summary: You are next-door neighbors with a man named Toji Fushiguro. You don’t know much about him, except for the fact that he’s a divorced father who spends every other weekend with his young son, Megumi. On the weeks he doesn’t have him, you notice the same trio of women visiting his house. One night, his package gets incorrectly delivered to your door. Too curious, you walk over to return it, only to find the front door unlocked and a naughty secret to discover.
Author’s Notes: Thanks for the request anon! I love Rihanna, so it’s no surprise that she’s on the y2k karaoke party playlist! I personally am not well-versed with S&M practices, so this was an experience to write, definitely a little bit out of my comfort zone, but I hope it’s still okay! This is more on the milder side, I'm sure. Likes, comments, and/or reblogs are always appreciated, thanks for reading! MDNI divider credit to @/cafekitsune.
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You’re not usually this nosey when it comes to your neighbors, but something about Toji Fushiguro draws you in. Maybe it’s the fact that he’s a divorced dad who takes good care of his adorable son, Megumi. Or maybe it’s the mysterious trio of women who frequently visits his house on the weeks he doesn’t have his child. Or maybe it’s his obvious good looks and impressive physique that you can’t help but notice every time he steps foot outside. Whatever it is, whether it’s a combination of all of the above, you just can’t get Toji Fushiguro off your mind. 
On this particular Friday night, you’re staying in, binging a TV show with a glass of white wine in your hands and a frozen pizza that you just baked in the oven. There’s a knock on your front door, which surprises you because you aren’t expecting anybody at this hour. You give it a few moments, seeing if there’s another knock. When none comes, you get up to scope it out, finding a large package directly in front of you and a delivery truck driving off in the distance. You check the shipping label, reading Toji’s name on it instead of yours. You glance at his front yard, spotting his car parked in the driveway and no one else’s. His girlfriends must have already left; you noticed their vehicle earlier beside his. 
Not bothering to change into anything presentable, currently wearing your sweats and fuzzy slippers, you carry the wrongly delivered package to its rightful owner, hoping if you can find some truth behind your neighbor’s unique bi-weekly ritual. You’ve thought about it before, the most likely answer being a polyamorous relationship or group sex. Still, it’ll put your mind to rest to know exactly what he does in there when little Megumi is away and Toji is free to play. So, you carefully lift the box, which isn’t heavy, over to his front door, setting it down to ring the bell. You push the button, then notice that the door is already open, slightly ajar. Another ring, and no one comes, though you’re certain you hear movement inside. 
You should turn around. Go back home, sink into your couch, continue the night as normal. Yet, your feet guide you in, closing the door shut behind you, tip-toeing farther into the house, waiting to catch Toji in the act, whatever that could be. Eventually, you make it to the living room, where you stand in the doorframe, searching for your neighbor, who you find sitting on the couch with his shirt off, scrolling through his phone. 
You knock on the wall, announcing your presence. He looks up, confused, inspecting you carefully before saying your name. “What are you doing in here?” He’s way more cavalier than you imagined he’d be, which you’re thankful for. 
You present the box to him, a nervous grin on your face as you explain, “This just got delivered to my house on accident. I rang the bell, but no one answered. And your front door was open, so I figured I’d just come inside to give it to you.” It’s a poor excuse; you really shouldn’t have barged in without permission. 
He seems to buy it though, rolling his eyes, muttering, “Damn Kimi. She’s always doing that.” He approaches you, grabbing the box from your hands. “Thank you for getting this to me. Been waiting for it all night, so I was bummed it didn’t come in on time.” He sets it down on the floor, kneeling beside it, ready to unwrap. 
You search the room, trying to find any clues of what they could be doing inside here. It looks normal, nothing nefarious standing out. Slightly disappointed, you take this as your cue to leave, turning on your heel to make your way back home. Before you can, Toji calls out your name and asks, “Don’t you want to see the little present I got? After all, it was almost yours. Would have loved to see your reaction if you opened it by accident.” His tone is playful, yet there’s something wicked behind his words. Something naughty.
You swallow hard, mouth already salivating. This isn’t how you planned your night to go, but you’d be lying if you said you haven’t thought about it before. You face him again, stepping towards the box slowly, sitting on the other side. He uses a pocketknife to slice through the tape, eyes lighting up as he reaches inside, holding up his delivered item like a treasure. It’s a riding whip, soft leather on one end, handle on the other. He smirks at you, slapping it against his palm, making a loud crack sound. You jump up, startled by the noise. He barks a laugh at your reaction, laying the whip down on the coffee table next to him. He reaches in again, pulling out three sets of fuzzy handcuffs, twirling one around his fingers. “Damn, would have been fun to use these tonight.” Glancing over at you, legs squeezed tightly together, arousal seeping through your panties, he scans you up and down, giving you a wicked smile. “You want to try these out, neighbor? I promise, I’ll go easy on you.”
It's ridiculous, right? Completely silly and irresponsible for you to agree to this, right? You blurt out your answer before you can even contemplate those questions logically. “Yes.”
He chuckles, biting him lip, eyes focused on your loins currently throbbing against the fabric of your sweats. You really wish you dressed up now, but it doesn’t matter, as he commands you to, “Strip.”
Almost too eagerly, you obey, kicking your slippers off and undressing, starting with your shirt, which you toss behind your shoulder. He studies you carefully, eyes following your every move as you slip out of your pants, down to only your underwear and bra now. He licks his lips, stepping closer to you. “Yeah,” he purrs, breath hot on your skin. “This will definitely work.”
Within minutes, you find yourself naked in his bedroom, blindfolded, wrists handcuffed behind you, face buried into the pillow, and ass up, perfectly vulnerable for him to do as he pleases. The two of you establish a safe word: mignon, because he thinks you’re cute, and the filet mignon is his favorite cut of meat. He suggests several acts he wants to perform on you and lets you decide which ones you want to go through with. You make your choice, asking to be spanked with the new whip he received. Something about breaking in one of his new accessories turns you on. 
Not being able to see anything, you listen carefully to what he’s doing behind you. You hear him unwrap the condom wrapper, sliding the latex over his cock. Then, there’s a squelch, most likely the lube he’s pouring into his hand, coating his shaft with it. “Are you ready, cutie? I’m going to start with the whip first, okay?” You nod, heart pounding in your chest, nervous and thrilled all at once.
“Words, sweetheart. Use your words. I have to hear you say it.”
You swallow your spit, trying to speak coherently. “Yes. I’m ready.”
“Good. That’s a good girl.” You feel the cool leather against your skin, anticipating it as he counts down. “Three, two, one.” Then, smack. It’s quick, painful for only a few seconds. You can tell he’s holding back, cautious of you. “Did you like that?” he asks. 
“Yes,” you say, wiggling your ass to him. “Give it to me harder.”
He chuckles, swearing under his breath. “Fuck, okay. I’ll go harder then.” He counts down once more, the slap definitely more intense this time. Your skin stings from the contact and it feels like you’re already gushing from your cunt, core tight with pleasure. 
He continues this until he’s delivered ten smacks to each of your ass cheeks. Your body is sweltering now, the skin on your ass surely hotter than the rest of you. Your pussy flutters, aching to be filled, clit throbbing, desperate to be licked. “Toji,” you whimper, drooling from the sides of your mouth. “Fuck me.”
There’s that laugh again, low, taunting, so fucking sexy. “Not yet. Want to make you come before I fuck this pretty cunt.” He positions himself beneath you, between your legs. “Fuck my face. You can be rough with me. I can take it.”
His grip is firm on your hips, guiding you as you ride him, spreading yourself over his wide tongue and gaping mouth. He’s eats you better than any guy you’ve ever fucked before, sloppy and wet, as if he thoroughly enjoys slurping at your juices. He slides his hands over your ass, massaging the skin made raw from his spanking. And before you get a chance to warn him, you come all over his face, gushing into his mouth. 
“Fuck yeah,” he muffles, lapping up your slick. “So fucking good for me.”
Desperate now to be filled, you beg, “Please, Toji. Fuck me. Need you inside me.”
He slides out from beneath you, positioning himself behind you with his cock pressed between your ass cheeks. “I need it too, cutie. Need to pump my fat cock inside this perfect pussy.” He moans loudly as he slides himself inside you, stretching you out, inch by inch, until you swallow him whole. He thrusts into you, slowly at first while you adjust to his length. Gradually, he picks up the pace, pounding you hard and fast, his grip on your wrists, still bound by the handcuffs. The stretch in your shoulders is starting to burn now, arms pinned way back as he uses it for leverage. It’s not enough to coax the safe word out of you, yet. You need more of him to satiate this overwhelming desire.
“You’re taking it like such a good girl,” he moans, pumping himself into you. “Did you ever think about this before? Think about me?”
“Fuck yes. All the time,” you admit, drooling onto the pillowcase. 
“Shit, I knew it. I knew I should have slutted you out sooner,” he growls, bullying his way deeper. It’s almost too much. Almost. A couple more strokes and it actually is, your shoulders sore, nervous they’ll pop out of its sockets. You’ve had your fill of him, your guts feeling like they’ve been rearranged by his massive cock. You’re tempted to stay quiet, not wanting this to end just yet. But your body is begging you for a break. 
“Mignon,” you croak out, throat dry from the incessant moaning.
“Fuck,” he mutters, pulling out, immediately unlocking the handcuffs on your wrists and untying the blindfold. “You were taking that so good.” He flips you over on your back, inspecting you. For the first time since you started, you make eye contact with him, your heart swelling from the genuine smile on his face, gazing at you fondly. “Are you okay, cutie?” He brushes the tears from your eyes, cupping your cheek in his calloused palm.
You nod, mumbling an exhausted, “Yes,” closing your eyes to lean into his touch. 
He cuddles you, kissing your neck as he continues to stroke himself off. He trails down your chest, latching his lips around your nipple, sucking until he comes inside the condom. When he’s done, he removes it, tying the open end closed and tossing it into the waste basket next to him bed. 
It’s silent for a few moments as the two of you relax in each other’s arms. Eventually, he clears his throat to say, “This was fun. I usually don’t do this outside of the group.”
You understand that he’s referring to the trio of women who you saw earlier, and finally, the mystery is solved. Slightly disappointed, you respond, “I’m sorry if I messed anything up.”
He smiles at you. “You didn’t.”
You snuggle closer, kissing him softly. His lips melt into yours, tongue slipping inside your mouth. When you break apart, you ask, “Then, should I only show up when they show up?”
He shakes his head, smirking. “No. I think I want you as my own special plaything from now on.”
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bookishdreamer28 · 7 months
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Toji never thought there would come a day he would find love. His life was too dark for someone to stay with him and his heart too heavy for someone to hold.
But then there was you. He worships the ground you walk on. Every time he thinks back to the day he first saw you, he feels so incredibly happy and blessed to know that you stayed with him and let him show you just how much he loved you. Before you, nothing made him excited, nothing made him want to fight for something or someone. But you came and changed everything.
"Toji I played the movie you were talking about for a whole month now and you're not even paying attention to it" you jokingly said and laid you head on his shoulder, looking up at him.
"Who gives a shit about the movie when you're right here?" He murmured and leaned down to graze his lips with yours, before capturing them into a heated kiss.
Every moment with you meant a lot to him. Every kiss, every hug, every touch, ignited things in him that made his heart burning and yearning for more. There was never enough when he was with you.
His priority after years of loneliness, was finally you. His life was dangerous and the fear of losing you grew more and more each day. But one thing for sure, is that he will protect you with his life. He will never let anyone touch a single strand of your hair.
"Sweetheart, I need you to stay here. In our home. I know you're capable of defending yourself and fight, but this can be too much" his hands were cupping your sweet face, worrying eyes staring back at yours.
"Toji, you can't always go to these missions all alone. Knowing that I can't do anything but wait here is killing me. I want to make sure that you're ok" you touched your forehead with his and closed your eyes at the warmth you felt radiating from his broad body.
"I know baby, I know. But what matters to me is you. I can't lose you" he said, voice filled with emotions.
You moved back a little and looked at him.
"You won't. I'll always be by your side" and you kissed him passionately.
He had found happiness when you became a huge part of his life, and now the happiness was doubled.
That's what he thought as he kept staring at the small and pure form in his arms. His son. His eyes left Megumi and fell on your sleepy figure. His eyes suddenly stinked with tears. His son suddenly cooed and slowly opened his eyes, and Toji swore that he was feeling lightheaded. He couldn't believe that he was dad. A dad. Never in his life thought that he would find someone let alone have a kid with them. But here he was.
"Hey little guy" Toji whispered and his hand rubbed softly his son's head.
"Toji" He heard you saying and he immediately was on his feet. He carefully made his way to you, worry written on his face.
"Hey gorgeous, how are you feeling? Do you need anything?" You softly smiled and your eyes were instantly glued on your son.
"My beautiful boy" you reached out your arms, until Toji placed Megumi in them. Once your son felt your arms engulfing him in the warmest hug ever, he instantly melted in them.
Toji was frozen. The sight of you holding your baby boy, was an image that it will be printed on his mind forever. He slowly sat next you, and leaned down to give you a soft and loving kiss on your forehead.
Hope you enjoyed this one with Toji 🙌
"You did absolutely great baby girl. Than you for the beautiful gift" you looked up at him with teary eyes and smiled.
"I love you" you whispered.
"I love you" he said back and brought your body closer to his, admiring both you and your son, with a fondly smile on his face.
He had finally found happiness.
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Hope you enjoyed this one with Toji 🙌
I hope you're having an amazing time and always make sure to take care of yourselves 💕
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dahliamalfoy97 · 2 years
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DADDY - TOJI (Toji Fushiguro x Reader)
word count: 3,356
WARNING: 18+, MDNI, SMUT, Daddy kink, age gap, size kink, degradation kink, choking, slapping, praise kink, penetration, oral sex, blowjob, creampie, etc.
Summary: It’s pretty cliche and the title is pretty self explanatory. Because Toji is a total Daddy and you can’t change my mind.
A/N: also hate towards Megumi because I absolutely adore him and love him in real life too. But his dad is just too fine too not write a one shot about.
Tears stained your cheeks as you found yourself on the steps of the only place you could think of. You didn't know where else to go. It was raining and your clothes were beyond soaked. But you didn't care.
Your knocked on the door. You stood there drained of your usual energy.
A few minutes pass and footsteps approach on the other side. Followed by a clicking sound. The door opens.
"Y/N?" That deep voice is all it takes for your tears to start again.
Big arms immediately pull you into a hard chest. His big frame overtaking your small one. You can't help but cling onto him, your head barely going past his waist.
"Y/N, what's wrong? What happened? Why are you in the rain ? Where's Megumi?"
At the mention of the reason you came here, you sob some more. Unable to speak.
"Come on, sweetheart, let's get you out of the rain and warmed up and then you can tell me what's wrong."
You nod silently, not wanting to let go. Just wanting to be held. Even though it was wrong. But it was Toji and Toji always brought you comfort when you needed it.
He sighs softly, before picking you up. Your legs wrapped around his waist as you cling to him.
You bury yourself in his chest, inhaling his comforting-yet intoxicating masculine cologne a mix of cedar and rain. As you allow him to carry you around.
He sets you down finally, on the stool next to the kitchen counter.
"Do you want anything to eat?"
"Do you have any Mac and Cheese?"
He grins, "I've always got Mac and cheese for you."
You can't help but smile softly. Toji had always been there for you. Even when you're own father wasn't. He was always around to take care of you. Which is why he was the first place you sought for solace tonight.
"So tell me, what happened ?"
His dark eyes stare at you intently, you glance away, feeling your cheeks flush at the attentive way he looked at you. You fidget with the hem of your soaked T-shirt.
"I caught Megumi and Nobara together."
Toji stops what he's doing, jaw clenching. His big hands gripping the bowl turning white, "you're fûcking serious?"
You shake your head, the image of seeing your boyfriend and your best friend together was etched into your brain.
"I'm going to murder that dumbass."
You can't help but laugh a little, " you can't murder your own son, Mr. Fushiguro."
"He's no longer a son of mine, if he cheated on a beautiful woman like you."
Your heart can't help but warm at his words. And just like always, you couldn't help but feel a little flustered as well.
But you always had brushed the thought away, because this was your boyfriend's dad. He was almost like a father to you. But you knew the thoughts you had about him weren't of him being a father. No you wanted him touch you in sinful ways. You had always had a secret crush on him, but Megumi had asked you out first. But now that Megumi had cheated, your desire for Toji was stronger than ever.
Toji was a very well built man. You never knew what his job really was other than he did some undercover agent stuff. But he was beyond stacked with muscles and broad shoulders and thick thighs that were often the center of your fantasies. He had black messy hair and blue eyes. It was like God hadn't missed a single detail when it came to Toji. For he was perfect in every way.
Just looking at him makes your nipples harden and your thighs clench. Which is all visible because of your damp T-shirt. To which his blue eyes lock on. His hands have set the bowl down.
He stalks towards you, his eyes dark. He takes your chin and grips it with long fingers., "seriously I would kill him for you, I'd do anything for you. You're so fucking perfect. You deserve to be treated like a queen. Because that's what you are. No - you're a fucking goddess." His finger brushes along your lower lip, to which you suck in a breath.
"T-Toji," you stutter, words caught in your throat.
"Sweetheart, can I show you how you deserve to be treated?"
Tears have escaped, to which be wipes them away, making you shudder.
"Please," you whisper.
That's all he needs, before descending his mouth on yours, cradling your face with his big hands. You can't help but whimper at the gentle way he holds you. As if you're fragile and need to be protected. But as soon as you let out that whimper that's all it takes for him to snap, and his gentle kisses turn into hungry ones. He picks you up by the waist, setting you on the counter. His lips never leaving yours. He bites your lip gently before pushing his tongue into your mouth, growling when you moan and tug at his hair.
"That son of mine has no idea, what he's throwing away,," he growls through kisses. "But know from this moment on, you're mine."
You let out another whimper at his possessive claim, speechless once again. Your moans become even louder as his lips leave yours to start leaving kisses along your neck. He tears your shirt, exposing your bra to which he quickly rips too. Leaving your top half completely exposed. You can't help but attempt to cover your breasts. Feeling shy. But he stops this by gripping your wrists.
"Don't you dare cover yourself. You are fucking gorgeous, sweetheart."
He lets go of your wrists to your breasts into his big hands, before taking them into his mouth one by one, which has you arching into him. He was so massive, yet so gentle with you and you loved it. You reach down to palm him through his pants. You about lose it over feeling how massive and hard he felt in your hands.
To which he smirks, "I haven't even done anything and you're already about to cum for me aren't you?"
"I need you Toji," you beg. "I need you to fuck me."
He chuckles, his low laugh going straight to your core, "all in good time, don't worry I'll fuck you good. So good that you'll forget all about that idiot son of mine.And you'll always think of me. But for now, I want to worship you. Worship the goddess you are."
With that his hands travel down to your panties which were soaked. And not from the rain. You shiver when he runs a finger long the outside.
He groans immediately, then his eyes turn feral when he takes them off. You bite your lip when his finger brushes along your clit, feeling how wet you were. Especially when he was still fully dressed and you were completely exposed to him.
"Fuck you are dripping," he slowly sinks a finger in. You shift at the feeling. His finger was so long, Megumi's had never been this long. "Did I do this to you? Did I make you this wet?"
You nod silently, clenching around his finger as a plead for more.
His finger pulls out and he slaps your pussy, making you cry out at the sting "answer me."
"Yes," you mumble, "you made me this wet."
"And who does this pussy belong to?"
"You. It belongs to you, Mr. Fushiguro."
He slaps your pussy again, "that's not my name. Who does this pussy belong to?"
"YOU!" you cry out. "It belongs to you, Daddy."
He smirks, "that's right. This pussy is mine."
With that he kneels down in between your legs, pulling you to the edge of the counter. He spreads your legs apart. Baring your throbbing pussy to him.
"Now who am I again?"
"Daddy," you answer immediately.
"Good girl."
That's all he needs before diving in, his face buries between your thighs, running his tongue along your clit, before sucking it entirely and your grip his hair tightly as he devours you hungrily, as if you were his own personal feast and he couldn't get enough of you.
"Daddy," you moan frantically, grinding your pussy on his tongue. Swirling and sucking, he was sending you into a desperate frenzy. It was like he knew your body so well. "Feels so good."
He growls in approval, "you taste so fûcking good angel"
Angel has you coming undone in an instant. And you knew this man wasn't anywhere done and it made you desperate for more.
He inserts a finger "so fucking tight," groaning, he starts slowly fûcking you with it before adding another, and then soon adding a third. Stretching you out with his large fingers. Curling and finding your sweet spot, all the while still feasting on you. "Just means I have to stretch you good so you can take me."
"Please. Daddy," you plead, "I need your cock."
"Don't rush me, Angel, let me take my time with you. I don't want to break you."
"What if I want you to break me ? I'm not as fragile as you think."
He bites down on your clit, earning a yelp, "you're getting mouthy. Perhaps I need to punish you instead. I'm much bigger than my son, so."
" I don't want to think about your son, he's not who's cock I want right now. Right now i want- no I NEED your cock to fuck me. And I need you to fuck me as hard as you want so I can forget about him. Because all I want is you and that's all I've ever wanted."
His fingers pause and he stares at me.
"You wanna know a secret ? All my fantasies at night were never about him, they were always about you. But I didn't fantasize about you fûcking me gently; i wanted you to be rough with me. To use me as your toy, your slut-"
With that he pulls his fingers out abruptly, yanking you towards him, kissing you harshly. "Is that what you want? Hmm? You want me to fuck you like a slut?"
"Yes, Daddy."
His blue eyes darken, "fine." He picks you up and sets you on your feet. "Then get on your knees."
You immediately do what he says.
He tugs his shirt off, your mouth waters instantly at how hard he is built. So well defined and chiseled. Fuck. He was the hottest man to ever exist. He takes his pants off next, boxers too. And his big cock springs out.
Fuck if you thought his hands were massive- his cock was monsterous. At least 10 inches and thick. And it was throbbing hard, for you.
"Crawl to me and open your mouth," you immediately do as he says, you settle in front of him, licking your lips before opening wide.
He strokes himself before hitting the tip on your tongue. He slowly pushes in. You immediately choke, he really was massive. And it made you wet. He continued to push it in as far as it could go, you slack your jaw and widen it as much as possible. Fuck it was only halfway in before it hit the back of your throat. His hot precum coating your tongue and you immediately moan at the taste. Then he pulls out before slamming back in. This time not giving you time to adjust as he fucks your mouth brutally. Not showing any mercy and could feel yourself pooling with how rough he was being and how massive he was.
"Is this what you wanted?" he gathers your hair out of your face, before wrapping his hand around your throat. "You want to be fucked like a slut?"
He chokes you slightly causing you gag slightly. His tip constantly hitting the back of your throat in harsh thrusts.
"That's right, you can't even answer because your mouth is too full of my cock. Like the greedy cock slut you are."
You whimper at his mocking tone, he was driving you insane.
His pace never falters, as his cock brutally abuses your mouth. Soon enough he's exploding into to your mouth. He pulls his cock out.
"Such a good cock slut, taking my cock so well," he smirks with pride, and his eyes darken when you swallow it all. "Good girl."
He helps you stand up, before picking you up and dropping you on the counter again. "Do you want to go to my room or do you want me to fuck you here?"
"Please;" you murmur, voice still hoarse from it being brutally fucked, "fuck me here."
He nods before, yanking you so your on the edge, spreading your legs once more. "You tell me if it's too much ? Okay?"
You nod, "please daddy. I need you."
You watch as he closes the distance between your bodies, grabbing his shaft and stroking it with those big hands. He runs it up and down your opening, teasing your clit. He does this. Back and forth, teasing you.
You're practically in tears at this point, desperately wanting him inside you.
"TOJI FUSHIGURO if you don't stop teasing me right now-" he covers your mouth with his hand.
"Good girls get what they want. If you're going to be bratty then I can drag this out all night long."
Up and down, mixing his precum with your arousal. Then finally, he lines up the tip with your entrance, and slowly begins to push the head in. You suck in breath, because just his head is massive itself. His cock was going to split you into pieces.
"Fuck, you are so damn tight," he grips your waist in his other hand as if to steady himself. He continues pushing, slowly stretching your gummy walls. About halfway in he starts rocking his hips slowly. Slowly opening you up to him. Preparing your for what was to come. “You’re doing so good though. Taking me so well.”
“You’re so big,” you mutter.
But it was honestly no surprise. It was just how he was built. You always loved how small you felt in comparison to him.
Finally he seems to be fully in at the hilt, “fuck I can see myself in your stomach.”
With that he pulls out before slamming back in, and your whole world begins spin as he fucks you hard and fast. You can’t help but cry at the stretch and the burn of him so big and tight in your walls. Stretching you out so deliciously. He’s already reached the spot that sends you into overdrive and you nearly cum right there because he just feels too good.
“I can feel you’ll clenching around me, Angel, you feel so divine. So fûcking good”, he growls. His thrusts becoming harsher, deeper. He presses a hand on you stomach to where the bulge is, “I knew this pussy was made for my cock. I knew it from the second my son brought you home, that you’d be mine. I saw right when you looked at me, the way you always pressed your thighs together whenever I said your name. Don’t think I don’t know of the times I’ve caught you looking at me, when you think no one is looking. You were always mine. And you always will be. This pussy,” he emphasizes by rubbing it with his thumb while he continues to fuck you. Never stopping, never faltering, “is mine. This body is mine, those beautiful tits are mine. Your perfect ass is mine too, it’s all mine. You hear me? Y/N? You’re fûcking mine”.
You nod sobbing out of pleasure and overwhelmed by his words at the same time.
“Say it. Tell me who your pussy belongs too.”
“You,” you babble, “my pussy is yours, I’m yours Daddy. Always yours.”
You can feel your stomach tightening as you begin to come undone.
“I can feel you clenching around me, are you ready to come for me?”
You nod your head, “yes daddy, I’m going to cum. Don’t stop.”
“Alright go ahead and cum for Daddy,” he commands. He leans forward and gives you sloppy kiss.
And you do. You fall apart around him in pure bliss. When you finish. He picks you up, not pulling out, and carries you to the wall.
Trapping you against the wall, uses it as leverage to start pounding into you again. You fling your arms around him gripping into his back for purchase as he rams into you. More animalistic before.
“I love how small your body feels against mine. How soft it feels,” he praises, using his hands to grip your waist to bounce you up and down his shaft. “Such perfect body for me to destroy.”
“Please don’t stop,” you beg, your nails digging into his back. You never wanted this to end. Whatever dream this was. You never wanted his body to separate from yours.
“I bet Megumi never fucked you this good did he? He could never give you what I can, what you need, can he?”
You shake your head, “no. No one fills me up like you.”
Several more thrusts and you’re coming to another high.
“Are you on the pill? I really want to come in you.”
You shake your head, “I didn’t have time when I ran from my apartment.”
“Shît, well then I’ll pull out.”
But you grip his wrist, “no don’t, I want you to cum in me. “
He stills for a moment, gripping your chin, forcing you to look him into those blue eyes, that were on the verge of insanity, “you realize what you’re saying right?”
“Yes. I want you to fill me up, Daddy.”
“Fucking hell,” he growls before he once again picks you up, and carries your body to the couch. He slams into you even more desperadoes than before, hooking your legs over his shoulders to hit your spot from a new angle. “You want me to breed you Is that it? Want me to fill you up so full with my cum you’ll have no choice but to have seed. I’ll fill this belly up and put a baby in there. Is that what you want?”
“Please Daddy, fill me up. Fill me up with your cum! Breed me!”
“Fuck, you’re so perfect,” his thrusts start to become sloppier more desperate. His grunts become more frantic too. “Cum with me Angel.”
He gives you another kiss, intertwining your tongues together. Rubbing you clit, and soon you’re coming undone once more. His release following yours soon after.
“Look at that look at my cum filling you up so full,” You look down to where your bodies are connected and moan. “Good girl. You did so well for me.”
You smirk, you weren’t done with him yet. You hook your legs around him and flip him around. Straddling him and taking guiding him through your folds again.
He chuckles through a low groan, “you’re not done yet?” He helps guide you up and down his shaft. His cock reaching you in new places as you bounce up and down. You loved the feeling of his big cock completely stretching you. You loved the sound of his skin slapping against yours and you especially loved how blissed out he looked. The sounds he made, knowing it was you that made him this way, it was you who made him feel this pleasure.
“Not even close, daddy. You’re mine too. And it’s my turn to show you.”
As you’re riding him, you hear a soft click sound. Footsteps sound.
Toji stills you, you both look to see Megumi walk in. Horror on his face.
“What fuck?”
“Don’t stop, Daddy!” You smirk, and his hips snap up to yours, fûcking into you once more. “Let’s him what’s he’s missing.”
“Of course, Angel, anything for you,” he leans yanks your head forward, to whisper into your ear. “And then we can kill him.“
You just giggle, making sure to look at Megumi.
“Of course, Daddy. Anything for you.”
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invertedheaven · 2 months
If You Really Love Nothing
chapter 12: another one?
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And when sukuna met gojo half way the handshake held more weight and tension than any conversation could.
The employee who had been trying to chat it up with gojo immediately noticed the shift in energy and made himself scarce, he could tell this was a conversation he didnt want to be a part of.
“So its been a while” gojo joked uneasy, he doesn’t know how to explain it but he could feel that his father was watching
“It has” sukuna dryly responded “figured it’d be sooner considering the brat has been hanging around you lately”
“Around megumi, not me, I hardly see him” gojo lied and shrugged as he reached for a non alcoholic drink from the tray that a waiter was holding “Hes a good kid though, not sure how you guys are related”
Sukuna smiled with a glint of irritation behind the eyes that anyone else wouldn’t have notice but gojo had the luxury of being classmates in high school with this guy so his mannerisms didn’t go unnoticed
“So you and her?” referring to you, Sukuna bit the bullet and asked because at the end of the day both him and gojo knew the conversation would end up there
“What about her” gojo didn’t take the bait though
“Just didn’t take you for a guy who would take someones leftovers” sukuna shrugged he knew the line that came out of his mouth was gross and in no way did he view you in that manner but he just needed to get a reaction out of gojo and insulting you or that black haired loser gojo used hang around would be the quickest way
“So thats what you think of her? Im sure she’d be thrilled to hear that” gojo tried to temper his attitude but sukunas comment agitated him, even if he knew it was just to get a reaction, it was working.
The immaturity sukuna was displaying made gojos stomach turn at the idea that sukuna would talk about the mother of his kid like that (sure he doesn’t know airi exists but still why would he speak about you in that manner even if it was for provocation)
“Well she’s dating you, so I’m sure shes heard worse” sukuna bit back, still not getting a direct answer
“Thats interesting for you, of all people, to say” gojo smiled with a contemptuous look on his face. Sukuna was halfway to a response before he was cut off
“So I see you two are finally having a chat” Gojo Sr. cut in conveniently at the right time to which satoru rolled his eyes
“Yes, I can see your son inherited your way with words” sukuna changed his demeanor entirely as he addressed Gojo Sr.
“I hope you mean in a good way” Gojo Sr. joked as he and sukuna laughed, Satoru stared at them with a fake smile
“Yeah, sukuna here has shown me why you both were able to come to an agreement with a deal” satoru interrupted with a cheerful tone “Certain minds think alike”
“Don’t you mean great?” Gojo sr. corrected with a playful tone that had an edge to it
Satoru hummed “no, I don’t think so”
Before gojo sr. could say anything back he was called away by his assistant and Satoru couldn’t have been more thankful, he didnt need his dad trying to get involved. The man wouldnt ever stay in conversations for long but when he did talk he was insufferable. Sukuna watched the interaction keenly, it was obvious by the way Gojo sr. spoke of his son to sukuna, that there was some level of disdain— from both father and son and the interaction only proved to be a confirmation.
“What are your intentions?” gojo finally spit out after his father was out of earshot, Sukuna gave him a look as if asking him to elaborate so gojo said your name quietly and that gained a glint of amusement from sukunas eyes
“That’s something that is none of your concern” sukuna replied smugly. Just because you’d been with gojo for the past few years doesn’t mean gojo has any right to be involved in you and sukunas business, at least thats how sukuna saw it.
“Not my concern?” gojo laughed in disbelief “You mean the same way it’s not your concern what her love life is like, right?”
Sukunas eye twitched slightly before gojo continued “if you really cared so much why didn’t you reach out to her in the months you’ve been back?” gojo was venturing into territory you would’ve smacked him over the head for but he doesn’t care he finds he genuinely needs to know what sukunas playing at
Through the years gojo has seen you pick yourself back up and piece yourself back together, constantly trying to be better. Trying to be someone without sukuna, something you hadn’t known since you started dating him so young. The very idea that sukuna could prance into your life and possibly undo all that makes gojo seethe. Gojo knows you’re an adult who can make your own decisions, he’s just looking out for you the same way he’s sure you’d look out for him if the shoe was on the other foot.
Before sukuna could even respond gojo was being called over by his father to prepare for some ridiculous speech. Sukuna is not stupid he’s aware if he screws up here with his behavior it wouldn’t look good for either company. No matter his distaste for gojo it wasn’t worth losing his job over. He kept that in mind (even if he despised gojos words) as he watched the white haired bastard walk away.
Or at least he thought but as the night went on he felt genuine disgust just being in gojos presence. Even as both father and son made decent speeches about another successful year for the company, even as gojo had the ability to work the room with literally any conversation. Nothing about it was genuine though, and it made it sukuna scowl every time he was subjected to hearing gojos bullshit in the next group over. Sukuna smirked thinking about how it looked bad on gojo considering this was supposed to be “his company” someday, yet the lack of tact was alarming.
Whatever, it wasn’t his problem, but it was truly sukunas favorite pastime to judge and criticize other peoples poor decisions. He just simply would not find himself in such ridiculous situations, he thinks, as he overhears most conversations through the night. It was all just petty drama or conversations that he considered himself above. A couple of times, rei would try to engage in conversation with him but his mind was only on you. As if fueled by his confrontation with gojo, he now swears he’ll be back with you. He doesn’t care if you and gojo are dating, he knows you still love him. You have to, right? He’s never really thought about if you don’t.
On the other side, in all honesty gojo had forgotten sukuna was there as he focused on entertaining the party. He was able to ignore sukuna for the sake of his job, something that he knew if he didn’t put his all into he’d hear it from his father later. So sure, he caves in and does what he does best— put on a show. A passionate worker that looks forward to all the great things the company has in store…bullshit. He did have changes he wanted to implement but with his father still in control of most of it, it just felt like an endless cycle of going nowhere. It wasn’t even two and a half hours into the event and gojo found a way to ease himself out of a too long conversation, as he searched for his secretary.
“Hana” gojo half shouted to her as she was enthusiastically talking with rei, she glanced over and waved at gojo
“Haven’t seen you all night, I assume its been busy” Hana joked
Rei admired Hanas ability to speak to gojo with such ease, if rei was in hanas shoes she’d be a rambling mess. Hana is aware that rei would jump at the chance to be with gojo but its simply hilarious to her because if rei really knew how gojo was, that physical attraction could only do so much for someone with a strong personality like he has.
“Yes, but im afraid I have to go” gojo made sure to sound somewhat devastated
“So early?” Hana asked with a bit of concern
“A family emergency” gojo smiled apologetically. He was flat out lying but he had every intention of getting out of this party unnoticed by his father but he figured he should at least have Hana pass the word along if she was asked.
“Oh” Hanas brows furrowed she fights the urge to ask what happened, knowing he wouldnt even tell her with this many people around “If Gojo Sr. asks ill be sure to pass your message along” Hana bowed her head slightly
And with that gojo left with a weight off his shoulders knowing he did his mandatory appearance and got away from sukuna without too much of a hassle.
“Okay, but we only have time for one book” you picked up airi from the living room floor, she was practically falling asleep as she was brushing her dolls hair but she insisted that she wasnt too tired for a bedtime story
“I want the one about the worm that eats too much” airi pleaded
“The caterpillar?” You asked, she couldn’t really say caterpillar at the time you bought the book so gojo told her to call it a worm and the name stuck, you really had to fix that soon
You’re not even 4 pages in and airi knocked out, still holding onto the sleeve of your sweater as you knelt on the ground next to her bed. You took in every feature of her peaceful sleeping face, she was so precious and looked so devastatingly like Sukuna, you wonder if he saw her would he figure it out without being told?
You brushed her hair out of her face as you hummed a simple song, you didn’t want to leave her yet but the sound of the front door opening caused you to rush out her room to find satoru holding a bag of takeout leaning against the door taking his tie off. He wasn’t supposed to be back this early and you bit back a comment on how he probably escaped
“Im exhausted” he moved to take his shoes off as you took the food from his hands
“Was it that bad?” You asked
“Not so much, just cant stand my old man” he waved off the subject
You nodded in understanding as you took the takeout to the dining table, megumi had retired to his room hours ago and it wouldn’t surprise you if he actually fell asleep and before you could ask gojo spoke up
“Saw sukuna”
You hummed in response
“He asked about you” gojo reluctantly admitted
Your breath got caught in your chest, quickly recovering because its embarrassing that you feel giddy at the thought of him asking about you like some idiot with a crush “about me or about if we were dating” you snap out of your hopefulness knowing Sukuna probably didn’t really care to know about you but more if you moved on, which hurts you.
“Well about if were dating but” gojo sat down at the table pulling out his food from the bag “I don’t know, I asked him what his intentions were and he told me it wasn’t my business” gojo shrugged
You rolled your eyes “hes a grown man, if he had any intentions besides being petty about the idea that I might’ve actually moved on he should say it”
Gojo could tell the subject touched a nerve with you, there was no winning. You would’ve been unhappy if he didn’t bring sukuna up, thinking he didn’t even ask about you and here you are unhappy that what sukuna did ask was immature. Gojo tries not to laugh at how you seemed to never really change, and he guesses he hasn’t either
“Ungrateful children” Gojo Sr. grumbled as he stood next to sukuna “never have them” he continued, swirling the liquid in his glass which by the looks of him wasnt his first drink
Sukuna refrained from rolling his eyes but he was irritated for two reasons, he purposely secluded himself to the corner of the room where he wouldnt be dragged into conversations and the second reason being he didnt care one bit about this old man yet he played along
“I don’t plan on it” sukuna playfully responded
For the duration that hes been in collaboration with the gojos company, sukuna has been more or less working at an angle of trying to get Gojo Sr. to trust him, not for any reason other than it would get under gojos skin to see sukuna being chummy with his dad. That and maybe Gojo Sr. could tell him something useful about you and gojo.
He’d have to know something, yet as time went on sukuna lost hope, seeing as the old man hadn’t mentioned anything at all and seeing how this was probably the last night he’d be around the Gojos, he couldnt bring himself to pretend to care about what the old bastard had to say.
“I don’t understand, he’s getting this successful business I’ve built from the ground up, literally handed to him, and he cant even stay until the end of the event” Gojo Sr. scoffed “all for some ‘family emergency’ which is just a lie”
Sukuna glanced at Gojo sr. he didnt wanna make it clear that this intrigued him considering you were probably who gojo considered family. In the forefront of his mind he was wondering if something had happened to you. Were you okay? he didn’t care for gojos brat but he knows you cared about him, so for your sake he hopes nothing bad actually happened. He doesn't think for a second it involves his brother because yuji wasnt even supposed to be around the fushiguro kid today and if yuji was involved you would contact sukuna... or you should at least.
For someone who swore up and down about maintaining the family image, Gojo Sr. sure did a great job at undoing it in just a few minutes, thanks to a few drinks in his system and some misplaced trust. Sukuna had yet to say anything because for all he knows, Gojo Sr. could possibly get mad if sukuna does choose to say something, even if it was a chance to dunk on gojos character.
“Family this, family that yet those damn kids aren’t even his” Gojo Sr. turned to look sukuna directly in the face who now had a look of interest on his face “he should be more like you— motivated and passionate, hell you even stayed later than him” he dryly laughed as he took another swig of the drink in his hand
“Im sorry, kids?” Sukuna asked, he brushed off the other comment, he needed an elaboration. There was no way there was more than one, it’s just supposed to be fushiguro.
“That whore he lives with is using his no-- MY money” the older white haired bastard took sip of his drink “now my idiot son is raising some kid who isn’t even his” sukuna tries to keep himself composed, hearing you spoken of in such a negative way has him more irritated than any encounter with gojo could.
Sukuna is still convinced this escaped nursing home patient is just confused “i’ve met the kid, he’s well mannered” he tries to frame it in a way that’ll get Gojo Sr. to elaborate
“Not that one… that kid” he waved his hand in the air in a dismissive motion ��his dad died years ago” Gojo Sr. shook his head at the memory
Sukuna hoped he wouldn’t elaborate he didn’t care for a back story right now (hes pretty sure he’d already heard it from you anyways). Right now he’s finding out you and gojo might actually have a kid together. He thinks this old man must lying about it not being gojos kid since it seems he doesn’t like you at all. Sukunas too focused on genuinely trying to keep his shit together
“There’s another one” Gojo Sr. bitterly continued “he thinks I’m not aware but I know and I don’t appreciate him being played for a fool its bad for our image and damaging financially” Gojo Sr. doesn’t really realize, through his buzzed state, that hes revealing more than he would had he been sober and it didn’t help that he truly thought positively of sukuna.
Another one? An actual second kid? Whatever else the old man was saying was drowned out by the ringing in sukunas ears. He could feel the sweat building up on his forehead as his heart beat wouldn’t slow down. He swears he feels himself grow light headed. Years of memories flashing in his mind as he accepts the reality that you’re actually with gojo, hell you even have a goddamned kid with him. His mind is racing genuinely questioning if you truly moved on so fast. He really thought he’d get you back but now? That seems like the most unlikely path in this scenario. His mind finally registers the old gas bag next to him is still talking and he catches onto something that he wishes he misheard, for the sake of his sanity
“That whole mess was... 4 years ago. I haven’t heard much about that disgrace of a woman since, but she’s still being a gold digger” Gojo Sr. sighed “I may have found out but my son does a good job at keeping his affairs private, I’ve only met that woman three times”
4 years? sukuna doesn’t want to let himself think about the fact that the timing was weird. Were you cheating on him with gojo? Did you rebound as soon as sukuna broke up with you? Every possibility was running through his mind until a horrifying possibility hits him as if a bucket of ice cold water had been thrown on him. That couldn’t be it… there was no way.
Sukuna thinks back to how the past two weeks yujis been avoiding him in ways he didn’t before. The kid can barely make eye contact and while sukuna initially thought maybe he was just hiding bad grades, was it actually something serious?
Theres no way you had a kid and it was sukunas, he refuses to accept that reality because the you that he knows and loves, would tell him. You wouldn’t keep something like that from him, so sukuna decides to convince himself that the idea of you possibly rebounding with gojo hurt less. He also refuses to accept the idea that you’d cheat, in his mind he creates an elaborate reason that maybe you and gojo had a kid for tax benefits or something along those lines.
Even if yujis awkward and terribly distant behavior was an indication that he’s hiding something and even if the way you no longer looked at sukuna with stars in your eyes, none of that was enough to convince him that you had his child, and decided not to tell him. And even worse, his own brother knew of this and didnt say anything. He rules this idea out of his mind as he doesn’t even realize its become painfully obvious how fast he’s spiraling.
Gojo Sr. finally realized sukuna was no longer paying attention to him “Are you okay there? You look awfully pale”
Sukuna abruptly ended the conversation, excusing himself as he ran to the nearest bathroom, he splashed water over his face and stared at his reflection for longer than he realized. He needs answers, and he needs them now. He knows he’d be able to get something out of yuji, the brat couldn’t lie to save his life, and now that sukuna knew what he needed to ask, he was gonna see what exactly yujis been hiding from him.
Sukuna didn't even remember his drive home, his mind was simply not present. He really truly hopes he’s being unreasonable and piecing together a theory that could very possibly be incorrect it was more than likely he was dead wrong and yet he's never felt so anxious in his life. You having a kid is enough of a shock for him— but it possibly being his? He cant even wrap his head around it. He actually finds himself hoping that its actually gojos, because if you knew… if you knew the kid was sukunas and didn’t tell him. He doesnt even stop to allow a logical thought like adoption or something, no he immediately jumped to conclusions, because when it was you all rationality was thrown out the window.
As sukuna slammed his car door, fumbling with the keys in his hand and struggled with the door knob just long enough that yuji swung the door open with an agitated look on his face — frustrated because he had to pause the movie he was watching when it was at the best part.
But the frantic look in sukunas eyes was enough to have yuji quickly making his way back to the couch
“Wait” sukuna said so quietly yuji would’ve missed it had the house not been dead silent
Yuji turned awkwardly to look at his brother. Yuji was never truly afraid of his brother, he’d always considered him all bark no bite, but there was something about the almost crazed state he was in that made yuji doubt that judgement in this moment. What could possibly have him this frantic? Yuji wondered, it was truly out of character for his brother, he was always composed even in the worst situations. Yujis breathing got heavier as he realized theres exactly one thing— one person, who could have him on edge like this. He’s scared to think of what would come out of sukunas mouth next
Sukuna mumbled your name so quietly, it was enough for yujis to hold his breath as he waited for sukuna to continue “does she have a kid?”
Yujis eyes widened and he took a few steps backwards, his heart was beating so fast he swears you’d be able to hear it thudding. How sukuna found this out was still a complete mystery, yuji swallowed slowly trying to think of words to say but this was not his conversation to have. Did sukuna talk to you? Or Gojo? Yuji genuinely had no words, nor was he ready for this.
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lolitakirstein · 7 months
Hey Neighbor
Part one
Part two
Don't be a stranger
Those 4 words rattled in your brain as the days and weeks passed. You kept busy (and subtly avoided toji) by finishing up moving in and picking up a job at the local bookstore. The hours weren’t great but it kept you away from your house and your neighbor. Yes, you felt kinda shitty. He was only trying to be nice. But the look on his face as he purred, “Don’t be a stranger” with a smirk on his face made you ten times more intimidated by him. I can NOT get involved with him…wait he probably didn’t even mean it like that… I’m looking too much into it…still…no not I can’t do it. I don’t know him and he has a child I’m sure he’s not even interested. These thoughts consumed you. 
As much as you tried to avoid confrontation with toji, it was practically impossible seeing as your houses were so near. Luckily, the interactions were in passing, a quick wave. A smile from you…a smug grin from toji. It seems Mewsy wasn’t one to avoid them, you would catch her strolling across the yard between your houses when Megumi and Toji would arrive home in the evenings. Megumi would light up and giggle as she'd once again perform her act of rolling around. 
Although you avoid one one-on-one confrontation with Toji, you don't avoid…looking at him… especially when he is outside with the garage door open, music blaring as he does pull-ups in his make-shift gym. Sweat streams down his rippled abs that contract with each heavy breath. It makes your mouth go dry. God, what it would be like to lick up those chiseled muscles, to cling on to those broad shoulders as he'd thrust— stop no bad bad bad, you scold yourself every time you started fantasizing, shaking your head as if it was an etch-a-sketch and could erase the images. 
You knew you couldn’t avoid him forever, the time would come that you would have to speak to him…and this evening seemed to be just that day. As you sit on your porch reading your book, Mewsy on your lap, you hear that sensuous voice that makes your knees quake. 
“Hey, neighbor.” toji stands at the bottom of your front porch steps. Megumi toddling up the stairs, excitedly, “Y/N!,” he climbs onto the wicker lover seat with you, Mewsy perking up and stretching. 
“Megs,” toji sighs, shaking his head. “You have to wait to be invited onto a girl's porch, son.”
“It's fine,” you say, patting megumi's leg as he settles beside you like. 
“How’ve you been,” toji asks, shoving his hands in his pocket. “Not seen ya much. You avoiding me?”
Shit! Was I that obvious?
“Oh…n–no just been trying to work as much as possible,” you stammer, wringing your hands in your lap. 
“I see, “ toji responds. 
“Yeah…” god, you wanted a hole to swallow you up, he clearly wasn’t convinced. “You can come sit if you want.” you try to change the subject. 
“Nah, we gotta get going I'm about to drop him off at my boss’s house while I run some errands out of town .”
What kind of boss watched their employee’s kids? You didn’t know it you were relieved or bummed that he couldn’t stay. 
“Ohh, dad let’s stay with y/n pleaseeee,” Megumi whined. 
“No bud we gotta go,” Toji replied firmly. 
“But Shiu’s house is so BORING, UGH” he groans.
“Ugh,” toji mocks. “You’re not even a teenager and already giving me such attitude.”
You can’t help but laugh at the back and forth, how similar the two were, how good of a father Toji seems to be….what a dilf.
“Blah blah blah,” Megumi teases, causing you to laugh harder.
“For real, Megs we gotta go. It won’t be for long. I promise.” Toji says. 
Megumi starts groaning, “But I wanna stay with y/n.”
“Im sure y/n has things to do.”
Megumi curls his little arms around yours, clinging to you.
“I don’t mind,” you suggest. “He can stay.”
“YAY!” Megumi cheers. 
“Y/N you don’t have to. I don’t want you to think I came over here just to drop him off on you,” toji stammers, clearly thrown off by your offer. 
You shrug. “I don’t have anything else to do. I’ve babysat before. As long as you trust me with him.”
“Well,” toji sighs, running his hand through his messy hair. “AS long as you ok with it. I won’t be back til after dark.”
“Thats fine,” you assure. 
Toji stalks up the porch steps, squatting in front of Megumi on the seat beside you. “Listen you, little man. Behave for y/n. I mean it. Do what she tells you to do.”
“Ugh ok dad,” megumi rolls his eyes.
“Again with the bratty attitude,” Toji sighs standing up before leaning forward, bracing one hand on the back of the seat by your face to kiss his son’s forehead. “Love you.” 
You swallow at the closeness, his scent dancing around you. Pure male a hint of aftershave. He reaches into his pocket, handing you a set of keys. 
“Here’s the house keys. It’ll be after his dinner before I get back and I doubt you have the right kinda dinosaur chicken nuggets for him to eat.” Toji laughs. “His bedtime is 9, but nothing strict.”
“OK,” you say. “Uhm what’s your number in case I need to contact you.”
“Ha, so this how I get your number, huh? My son. Jeez, he’s got more game than me.” he shakes his head, getting his phone out and swapping numbers with you. 
“I’ll text when I’m on my way back. Thanks for this,” he says as he makes his way off the porch towards his car parked on the side of the street. 
“Bye daddy!” megumi wave. 
You both watch as he speeds away. 
“So what do you wanna do megs,” you ask.
“Let's have fun!!!” he shouts. 
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sadistic-kiss · 4 months
it's lore anon again! 🙆🏻‍♀️ Long time since I barged in the chef's kitchen ehehe
I've been wondering about the initial gentle treatment from Raven's first alpha encounter (Toji and Sukuna) after escaping. I recall you wrote the bards to be Megs (Toji's son, duh) and Yuji (as Sukuna's brother) and they were the first to comment that Raven's like, a different person (mostly Yuji from what I remember). I kinda wonder if one of em ever mentioned Raven was lil off to their dad/bro.
Also now that I think about it, how awkward would that be, being bosses around by a complete bitch the whole time and going "damn I hope pa doesn't bang that one". Like you're work involves you knowing your relative is gonna lay one of your clients 💀 love your writing!!
How can you barge into my kitchen when the door was already open for you 😏
So I’ll give you some background to the situation but it will be explained in more details later.
The ball that is following Raven used to watch all of the omegas for a couple of months. The alphas couldn’t decide together in which omega they wanted so they agreed to just go with dove as a last ditch effort. They didn’t really see an omega they truly wanted. That’s where the game comes in. When we play as dove we are trying to get the alphas to love us but dove in a sense is just a blank slate.
Raven was much too bitchy for their liking, only Sukuna liked her but in a way to be challenged if that makes sense. So she had like the lowest votes.
So the ball ended up following dove around until one interaction occurs between reader and Dove- within this one interaction they were able to see something was suspicious because we didn’t follow ravens mean mo. So they got curious of us and had the ball follow us and watched us do completely DIFFERENT things than they had first witnessed. Of course we as the reader/character don’t know the ball even existed but when we figure it out we are like that kind of makes sense because how would you lose and gain love points in the game when your alphas weren’t even around for it?
Needless to say within the span of us being there they watched and found us truly fascinating. Especially since we knew certain things we most certainly should not have known. Nanami was the only one against us because he felt like we were too good to be true and very suspicious of us since our attitude changed out of the blue. So he was for sure expecting us to give it out all when they arrived that is until… WE FUCKING RAN AWAY!
So then they are like wtf????!
So they watch us more. Becoming increasingly more interested in us and falling in love with our choices without us even realizing it. We were kind to people, we were strong, and we were independent and gave zero fucks, but we were also cute and shy about certain things.
And that’s how we got to where we are now ~
We just continue to blow their minds lol.
So…hmmm did I answer your question lol XD
Oh yes Megumi and Yuuji kind of do their own thing, they aren’t as close to Toji and Sukuna like you think. So it wasn’t that weird for them lol. Toji is still kind of a deadbeat in this and Sukuna isn’t the nicest to his brother but he considers it tough love 😂. But Megumi’s and Yuuji just play and enjoy music while traveling together like the cute couple they are ✨
If there’s something I didn’t answer please ask me haha I try my best to answer without spoiling too much 👌
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lemonlover1110 · 2 years
Toji Fushiguro
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Pairing: Toji Fushiguro x f!Reader
Summary: Ever since Megumi was born, all the attention that Toji received was taken from him. Luckily, he finds a friend's help. A friend that he's willing to help out with her baby fever.
Warnings: Smut, Vaginal Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Infidelity, Public Sex (Sort of), Some Angst (If you want to look at it like that), Breeding Kink, Mentions of pregnancy, Creampie
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Since Megumi was born, Toji’s life has drastically changed. For better or for worse. Toji really can’t tell. He knows he loves his wife and his son, but Toji finds himself bored. He hates what goes through his mind and that he can’t find himself excited, but he’s so bored.
He’s bored out of his mind as everyone gawks at the baby. It’s his first birthday, and while Toji should be up there with his wife, taking pictures, he’s sitting annoyed on a corner. He wanted a small party with his wife’s family and friends. He didn’t know that she had this many family and friends. He’s just bored because he can’t even hold his baby for a simple minute. Someone always wants to hold the baby with their grimy hands.
“Toji, can you start gathering Megumi’s gifts so we can open them soon?” His wife asks him and he has no option but to nod. He stands up and walks to the entrance of the place to get the gifts that are on a table near the front door. He finds you there, putting on your coat.
“Leaving so soon?” He comments, and you turn to look at him and smile.
“Megumi is giving me major baby fever. I can’t handle it anymore.” You share, and he chuckles. He wishes that was his problem at the moment. You pat his arm and smile at him, “Take care of yourself, Toji. Tell your wife that I’m sorry I couldn’t give her a proper goodbye.”
“Why don’t you stay a while longer?” He suggests. You bite your bottom lip, thinking if it’s worth it. You’re just tired and really don’t need the baby fever. He can tell you’re hesitant, and he ends up sighing before saying, “Maybe I shouldn’t be allowed to say this because he is my son but I’m kind of bored…”
“Oh?” You raise an eyebrow before chuckling. You really aren’t surprised, after all, Toji has been sitting on a corner the whole entire time. “What are you supposed to be doing? Getting the gifts?”
“How did you know?” Toji chuckles as if you aren’t seeing him hold the wrapped objects in his hands. He watches as you begin to take off your coat, once again showing the black dress that you were wearing underneath. Toji will say one thing, it fits you right. “Can you wait here? I’ll be back.”
“Uh… Sure.” You respond, unsure as to why Toji wants you to wait by the front door. You’d agree to have a drink with him or something along those lines, but it seems Toji has a different idea in mind. One that you have no clue about.
You wait for Toji to reappear. And when he does, he walks to the door and opens it. You’re not sure why he wants to exit the place. “Come help me.”
“Oh? If all you needed was some help then you could’ve told me.” You laugh before following Toji out the door. You assume it’s something quick which is why you don’t bother grabbing your coat. “Did you buy some extravagant gift for Megumi or something?”
“Hmm… There is a gift in the trunk, but I wouldn’t call it extravagant.” Toji tells you as you walk to the SUV. Maybe it’s a heavy gift that he can’t carry by himself and he’s embarrassed to say. It’s weird that he’d consider you out of all people. But you’re also the only one that wasn’t fawning over the baby.
He opens the trunk, and it’s empty. You look at him confused. You’re even more confused when he smirks. You feel his large hand land on the small of your back, which takes you by surprise.
“Really can’t believe that stinky baby is giving you baby fever.” Toji comments, his face coming closer and closer to yours. You’re close friends with his wife. Yet you can’t seem to push him away as he gets dangerously close to you.
“How does my baby fever concern you?” You question. The harmless comment you made earlier wasn’t meant to initiate anything.
“A woman as beautiful as you is single and with baby fever. Maybe I can help.” Toji says. You’re shivering in the cold as you look into his eyes. You’re not sure what to do. You know what you shouldn’t do, but you also want to do what feels good for you.
“Hmm… I’m kind of cold.” You tell him in hopes that reality will knock into him. Yet it doesn’t. Quite the opposite.
“I can help you warm up… Get you hot, even.” He begins, his lips centimeters away from yours. So close to touching yours. You don’t understand where this sudden careless behavior comes from. Frankly, neither does he. Always a doting and loyal husband to his wife. But today he’s worked up and will run to anyone that gives him attention.
And luckily or unlucky for you, you’re looking stunning while also giving him the slight attention he wants. He’s always wanted to fuck you at least once, but sadly he met you after getting into a longterm relationship. He’s never wanted to cheat on his wife, until this very moment. 
He pecks your lips. That’s already considered cheating so he might as well go all the way. He hopes that you’re willing to go all the way with him. His lips go to your ear and he whispers, “I can give you a baby. One just like Megumi too. Don’t you want that?”
“I–” You can’t seem to find the right response. You should reject him, but that’s the last thing on your mind. “What if someone walks out and sees?”
“That I’m being a good friend and helping you with your baby fever?” He responds, his lips going back to hovering over yours. He pecks your lips once again. “They’re all too focused on the baby anyway.”
“Why are you doing this?” You question, while you also wonder why you’re not doing anything about it. Toji is undeniably attractive, but you’re a good person. You wouldn’t do this to your friend. 
“I just want to help you… and your baby fever.” He replies. This time it’s you that kisses him. It’s not just a peck either as your tongue licks his bottom lip before his parts lips. Your tongue enters his mouth and presses against his tongue.
While you kiss, his hands wander your body and while they’re cold, when they touch your skin they light a fire inside of you. He makes sure to feel up every inch of your body before he pulls away, biting your bottom lip.
“Can’t we do this somewhere else? I’m kind of cold.” You question. He turns you around, doubting that after this you’ll be cold. You’ll be anything but cold when he’s done with you. He bends you over, not even saying anything. He doesn’t care if the neighbors get to peek at what he’s doing, they wouldn’t dare to tell anyone because Toji is simply just terrifying.
“We have to make this quick.” He says lifting your dress. He pushes your panties to the side, two fingers going through your folds before he brings those same fingers up to his lips and gets them wet with his saliva. The same fingers go back down to your cunt, and he pushes them inside you.
He hears your soft moans as he preps you with his thick fingers. His fingers won’t compare to the real thing, but he has to do something to help you. He really doesn’t want to waste too much time on fingering you since every second is valuable. 
Toji really doesn’t care to make you come, he just wants to get his dick wet. He’s just trying to make sure his dick isn’t too much for you. And he does admit that your cunt feels good around his fingers.
Just as your hand moves down to your clit to play with it, he takes his fingers out. You’re disappointed, but you get excited at the thought of the real thing. His wife is always happy and you’ve always wondered if it’s because Toji is gifted. You’re about to find out, and it’s fair to say you’re excited.
You hear his belt unbuckle and you close your eyes, anxiously waiting. Your excitement grows as you feel the tip of his cock run through your folds. Usually you’d use some sort of protection, but since he’s going to give you a baby, that isn’t necessary. 
“Oh-” You gasp as he plunges himself into you. Every inch inside of you in less than a second. And you understand his wife. He’s big. 
He fills just right inside of you. He begins to move, and you can’t help but moan at his every move, not caring if anyone walks by and hears. It’s hard for you not to when his cock hits all the right spots.
“So big-” You mutter. Just as Toji thought; the moment this started, the cold was forgotten. You bite your bottom lip as you feel one of Toji’s large hands on your throat. He pulls you back so you’re on his chest. You look up at him, eyes filled with lust as well as guilt.
You’re doing this to your friend. You feel some sort of guilt but the pleasure quickly overshadows it. 
“You really want a baby?” He questions while ramming into you. The sound of skin slapping is loud, and if everyone inside wasn’t so focused on baby Megumi, then someone would’ve come to check it out. But luckily that’s not the case.
“I want a baby, Toji.” You respond. One hand goes down to your clit to play with it, wanting to at least orgasm one time before this is all over.
“Gonna knock you up.” He says. He loves how your cunt wraps around him. He also loves the soft moans that leave your lips with his every move. He won’t last too long, which is why he was hoping because he really doesn’t want his wife to look for him and find him balls deep inside of her friend. “You want my babies?”
“Fuck–” You moan as you feel your orgasm approach. You shut your eyes, trying to take it all. From the way he’s thrusting into you, you can tell he’s been deprived of this. Poor thing was probably so desperate.
“Gonna fill you up with my cum and make sure you end up pregnant. Just like you wanted, right?” He keeps on saying, and you can’t deny how hot you find it. The thought of him getting you pregnant is so exciting for whatever reason.
“Shit–” You moan, putting your hands on his car as your orgasm takes over you. Your legs nearly give out, and the fact that Toji is pounding into you doesn’t help.
“Beg for it.” He orders, and you’re caught off guard and confused as to what he means. “Beg for my babies. Want you to beg for my cum.”
“Please, Toji. Please please please come inside of me. Get me pregnant.” You do as he orders, and he smirks. He gives a couple more thrusts before he explodes inside of you, your cunt flooded by his seed.
As quickly as he finishes, he fixes himself back up and walks back inside. As if nothing had happened, which you shouldn’t be hurt about but you find that your feelings are affected. You still fix yourself up and walk back inside for your coat.
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“Oh… Hey…” Toji greets you when he notices you sitting in the living room. You awkwardly smile before you give your attention to the toddler that you’re holding.
Three months after your little slip up, you’ve distanced yourself from them. Toji couldn’t care less while his wife has found herself worried sick about you.
“Look who finally came to visit us.” His wife speaks. This is certainly awkward. “And she comes with bad news too.”
“Oh? What?” Toji questions, a little worried. Of course he didn’t mean what he was saying during sex. He just had to keep things exciting. You wanted a baby, what could be more exciting than that?
“I’m moving.” You answer. It takes some weight off his shoulders, that’s for sure. He finds you extremely attractive– Hell, at times he thinks you’re better looking than his wife. He will certainly miss seeing you around, but at the same time not at all.
“She’s also pregnant.” His wife says, and Toji’s glad he isn’t eating or sipping anything because he would’ve been choking. His eyes widen and he tries to not be affected by the news, but he can’t help but be. Mainly because he knows that baby is his.
“That didn’t have to be shared.” You mutter as you look at baby Megumi.
“I told her she should stay so we could help her out and stuff. Won’t you help me, honey?” She asks, and Toji is taking deep breaths to calm himself down. He finally says,
“I think she should do what’s best for herself.”
“Ugh. You’re no help, honey.” She rolls her eyes before her focus completely falls on you, “How did this even happen?”
“I guess that baby fever really took over me.” You chuckle. She chuckles as well. Toji copies.
There’s nothing funny about this situation for any of you.
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🏷 @dearsunaa @mykyoon @tojidilfs @b3ast1706 @crispmarshmallow @levismainbabe @matchabluebeiry-for-nanami @nobody289x @galactict3a @nothisispatrick300 @tojianddabisslut @katsuwhore @septembersums @thisbicc @rumi-rants @chloee0x0 @dakumarauder @lovemarvel16 @lilithlunas
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Lee megumi and ler gojo bc their dynamic is cute and bc i love your writing hehe🫶 ofc you can decline it if you don't wanna do it💅🏻🫶
Ooo, I don't think I've written for these two yet! (Or if I have- not in a full fic) I've gotcha covered, anon! :D This got a little angsty towards the end, but I'm still proud of it :D I hope you like it!
CW: Swearing
Cloud 9 (Taglist Peeps)
@thatbigbisexual29 @duckymcdoorknob @baby-tickles2022 @cupcake-spice13
Gojo’s been around the block enough times in his life to know it when he sees it.
Flushed cheeks, averted gazes, a new softness in the way he speaks.
Megumi was in love.
Or at the very least- he had a big fat crush on someone.
And Gojo was gonna find out who! ~~~
“You’re out of your mind.” Megumi told him flatly.
Okay- directly asking didn’t lead to much. Not that Gojo expected it to.
“Oh come on, I know a crush when I see one.” Gojo grinned over his shades, eyes dancing. “And you, my boy, got a big one. What’s her name? Is she cute? Does she go to the academy?”
Megumi’s face scrunched up irritably, and he turned away. “Forget about it.”
“Nah, you’re right- that’s too safe. What’s his name?”
“Shut up-”
“Do they go to the academy? Are you guys friends?” Gojo gasped suddenly, a name coming to mind. “It’s Itadori, isn’t it?”
Megumi froze mid step, a heated flush creeping up his neck. Gojo beamed.
“Oh my god.”
“I freaking knew it!”
“It’s not like that-”
“Oh is it?” Gojo hopped over, tossing an arm around Megumi’s shoulder, eyes dancing. “You’re crushing on Megumi! That’s so cute! How long? Was it since you two first met? I bet that could make anyone fall in love, the way he swooped in and saved his friends!”
“You’re believing your own lies!”
“Nah, I know when I see it.” Gojo winked, chuckling when Megumi blew air out his nose, face warm. “Wow- does that make Itadori my future son in law?”
“When the hell did I become your kid?” Megumi went to pull the arm off from around his shoulders, but Gojo’s arm was heavy.
“Since I adopted you, silly!” Gojo teased, pinching his cheek. “Oo, should I play the tough dad? I’d have to find a weapon. NO- I’ll play the flutterly mom that’s too attached to her son! Oh, Megumi! Don’t leave mommy alone!” Gojo fake whined, hugging the other closer to him as he spun them around on the mats.
“How about neither, you sicko!” Megumi growled, finally wiggling out of his grasp. “God, you’re so annoying!”
“And YOU are fussy with love!” Gojo laughed, shooting his hands out, jabbing him in the sides. “Okay- no funny parent roles! I’ll be the dashing uncle that gives you great love advice!”
“I don’t neehehehhed that! Ahehahaha, Stahahhap it, you ahahahhass!” Megumi snarled through his laughter, backing away. Gojo-being Gojo, merely followed, still poking and prodding, earning more struggling laughter. “Gohoohoho fuhuuhuhuck yohohohohurself!”
“Oo, swearing! How naughty! How am I gonna punish you?” Gojo laughed, reaching out and properly grabbing the other, squeezing his lower ribs and making Megumi arch with a shriek. “I know! A thousand tickles for that dirty mouth of yours!”
“Gehahahahhahhahaha! Noohoohoohohoho, Gohohohoohjohohohoho plehahahahhahase!” Megumi cackled, doubling over in mirth as he tried prying his hands off. “I hahahhahahhate this!”
“Sure you do. That’s why you’re not fighting back.” Gojo teased with a wink, earning a shaky middle finger. “Oo, that’s two thousand tickles!”
“You’re so cute! I bet Itadori thinks so.” Gojo grinned, eyes twinkling. “I bet he thinks you’re pretty neat! That you’re the bee’s knees and he’s just waiting for you to ask him out!”
“Nohohohohooho he dohohohoohesn’t!” Something changed then, and Gojo felt himself slow down at the sudden shift in tone. Megumi, now free from his tickles, sank to the mats on his knees, arms around his torso and gasping for air.
“Nohohoo..he dohohesn’t.” Megumi said again, his voice grave. Gojo blinked, curious as he kneeled down.
“And what makes you so sure of that?”
“Because he’s straight, Gojo.”
Just like a flick of a switch, all the humor Gojo was riding on suddenly seemed to die. He watched Megumi’s face scrunch in insecurity before he ducked down, hiding his face in his hair. “Did he tell you that?”
“No, but come on. You and I both know he is! He likes tall girls with big asses! He has posters of them all over his walls. He even went on a date with a girl the other day.” There wasn’t any bitter rage in his voice, just…resignation. “He’s straight, Gojo.”
Humor turned to coiling guilt. Gojo felt his insides twist as he watched Megumi sink into himself. Reaching out, he put a hand on Megumi’s hair. “I’m sorry, Megumi.”
“Shu-ut up.” Something shook in his voice as he went to swat Gojo away, but then Megumi found himself yanked into a side hug, his face pressed against Gojo’s side. “Leave me alone, I’m f-fine.”
“You don’t sound fine.” Gojo only squeezed tighter, rubbing a thumb against his shoulder as Megumi blinked back tears. “Listen, I don’t know what to tell you about Itadori. Hell, I can’t even tell you about yourself. It all comes down to us and figuring out who we are. You think he’s straight, but you don’t know. He might be what you are- a unicorn or whatever.”
“Bisexual. Asshole.” Megumi choked on a laugh, punching his chest.
“Yeah yeah, that!” Gojo grinned, the expression softening as he carried on. “Or something familiar to that! The point is, you don’t know unless you ask. You might be surprised by what he says.”
“And if it’s not good?” Megumi sounded scared. Gojo squeezed him tighter.
“You’ll be okay. Believe me, yours truly has been through many a heartbreak. It’s not fun, but you’ll be okay.” Gojo turned to look at him, meeting his eye. “You’ll probably cry a lot. Crank up some old sad songs in your headphones and hide under the sheets for awhile. Take out all your pent up anger and rejection on some curses and monsters and even me when we train together, have a girls talk with Nobara at some point- don’t give me that look, you can’t tell me she’s not in love with Maki- and by the end of it, you’ll stand up and try again and again until you find the person you love.
“Or, it could work out, and you’ll have all the feelings and complicated bullshit that comes with being in love and dating your best friend and teammate. You’re already halfway there. I can’t predict the future, much to popular belief, but I know no matter what happens, you’ll pull through, kiddo.”
Megumi was quiet, sniffing a few times in thought. “Heh…you really do sound like that cool big brother right now.” He laughed, making Gojo snort. “Really…thanks Gojo. I…I don’t know what to do. What if he’s all…”
“He’s not.” Gojo didn’t hesitate.
“He’s not.” Megumi agreed, shaking out his shoulders with a breath. “Okay. I’m not…ready to say anything. I don’t know if I’ll ever be. But…thanks anyway.”
“That's fine, take your time, kid. Just don’t forget.” He reached out, flicking Megumi’s forehead. “Don’t wait forever. Be greedy- the risk might be worth it.”
Megumi rolled his eyes but let Gojo help him back to his feet. “Whatever.”
“Heh. Alright, ready to train?” Gojo smirked, taking a few steps back. “While we do, you can tell me more about this crush on Itadori of yours!”
Thanks for reading!
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runabout-river · 10 months
Where does the Fushiguro name come from?
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As seen in the last episode, Megumi not being named Zenin but Fushiguro is something of great importance to Toji. For Megumi too but unlike his father, he didn't grow up as a Zenin and consequently lacks the bad associations (the curse?) with that name.
There is a bit of a debate though from which mother the name comes from.
Dialogue in Hidden Inventory points to Tsumiki's mother.
We know that Kong Shiu had visited Toji when Megumi was an infant, so that dialogue about marrying and changing his surname could only be about Tsumiki's mother, but
Gege has called Megumi's mother things like "Fushimama" or "Mamaguro", pointing towards her as the originator of the name, and also
Having the name connected to Megumi's own mother instead of his stepmother makes more sense in the narrative as Tsumiki's mother is a non-entity in the story
After thinking about this for a while, I've come to the conclusion that "Fushiguro" really does come from Toji's second wife and Tsumiki's mother. But we need an explanation for this:
Calling Megumi's mother "Mamaguro" isn't so strange when you consider that Gege only refers to Megumi as Fushiguro just like nearly everyone else in the manga.
With that in mind, it makes sense that "Fushimama" and the like is only a portmanteau of "Fushiguro's Mother". It's not meant to infer what her surname was, just what her son's name is.
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Still, it doesn't feel like Tsumiki's mother should have given that name to Megumi because of how unimportant she is in the story. There are 66 works on Ao3 about her and in every single one of those fics including mine she's an OC because there is nothing to her character.
On the other hand, Megumi's mother is extremely important for Toji and for Megumi's past. So how can we reconcile this? What did Gege think when he set these relationships up? Let me tell you, I only came up with that answer while thinking of making this post and it changed my conclusion of it.
The Fushiguro name doesn't have maternal weight in the narrative but a sisterly one.
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The name is not about Tsumiki's mother or Megumi's mother, it's about Tsumiki.
Yes, Tsumiki wasn't much more than a prop for Megumi's story until now and it would be extremely disappointing if that doesn't change in the future but Tsumiki can very well still have an important role to play.
Megumi's story isn't over yet and when the manga goes back to him and his struggles, Tsumiki will be the first person he thinks about. Maybe her presence will only return in Megumi's mind or in flashbacks or the theory that Tsumiki's soul is currently residing in Sukuna's new weapon is true and she will be an active character.
But in the end, Megumi and the narrative will reaffirm that Megumi left the Zenin name and the Zenin clan and their curse behind. When Megumi talked to Toji, he simply answered him with his name without thinking much of it.
But when he'll come back to fight Sukuna, "Fushiguro" will carry the weight of Megumi's and Tsumiki's love for each other and maybe even Toji's if Megumi realizes just who that man was and what kind of role he had played in his childhood.
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rose-riot-johnson · 1 year
I have news my Tumblr Peeps😀 Since I have noticed that this Jujutsu Kaisen fanfic I have written with Gojo, Geto, and Toji, has been pretty successful, I decided that having separate fanfics about all 3 of them will definitely be something to write about, possibly in the near future, which would be my 2nd time writing about them as well. However I have done some recent thinking about this and I just have my reasons to possibly start off with writing about non other than Toji Fushiguro. I just feel like I'm having plans to write about him a little differently with this fanfic, than I did with the first fanfic that I have written, about Toji as a staring character for his ending. Plus I have been feeling that he was (and/or) is a victim of circumstance(s).
*Note: to warn any1 reading this, there will be tons of pronouns in atleast 1 or more paragraphs in this fanfic. This fanfic also contains 1 or more long paragraphs.
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🦋Due To Past Family Reasons, I Just Don't Like The Last Name I Was Born With🦋(Toji Fushiguro (Birthname: Toji Zenin) x Any Gender Reader)
Genres: Angst, Some Jealousy, and Comfort (Warning⚠️: Possible Spoilers, Mentioning of death pertaining spouses, Harassment, Language, Depending on the reader's imagination, Violence, Blood, Mentions of abuse from family, Mentions of Murder, and Language)
Days after Toji Fushiguro was defeated by Gojo Satoru, Toji heard news about Gojo adopting Toji's son Megumi Fushiguro, so Gojo can rescue Megumi from the Zenin Clan, the very clan Toji sold Megumi to. Toji was very happy Gojo adopted Megumi (Toji's son), because after his memories of his son Megumi, his wife, the Zenin Clan, and everything else he remembered, Toji did end up having regrets about selling Megumi to the clan. He just knew he has to turn his life around once more...
While Toji has been having a hard time changing his ways, he still keeps trying to do so. He just doesn't want to remember himself, as the man he was after his wife (which is Megumi's mom) passed away. While he knows he can't take anything that he did back, however he just wishes to, because of the simple fact that he has been regretting alot of bad things he did after his wife passed away.
All those memories, especially of his wife and Megumi, has getting on his mind alot, since the day he was defeated by Gojo Satoru. He was also bothered by his regrets to the point where he gave up working (with and/or for) the Time Vessel Association and even cut ties with the middle of the Time Vessel Association. He just wants to be done with everything that he did in his past, prior to being defeated by Gojo Satoru and his memories that includes his wife and son, Megumi.
One rainy day, Toji decided to take a walk just to try to get away from everything that's been bothering him, including his regrets. As he was walking he notices that you were being harassed by a few muscular men, as a couple of them grabbed both of your arms for the leader of that group (of the few muscular men) to get what he wanted from you. Toji then, out of instinct to run over to stop them from getting anything they could possibly want from you. When Toji ran over to the area you're being harrassed by the group, the next thing he did was punch the leader in the back of the head, then both of the men who grabbed your arms, decided to let go of you. "Hey! What's that for you jerk?! It's between us and this person we're trying to teach a lesson!", the leader shouted in anger at Toji, then the leader continued, "Don't you know it's rude to jump into other people's businesses?!". Toji then replied, "Oh really?! Don't you know that it's rude to harrass other people to get what you want, especially with your gang?! Because that's all I'm seeing, you filthy pricks!".
One of the other gang members pointed out that Toji used to be the sorcerer killer and warned the leader about Toji's strength, which it seems obvious that the leader pretty much didn't give a damn. The rest of the group ran away, then when the reader realized this he called the rest of his group cowards for running away due to the rest of the group members knowing what Toji is capable of. They figured if he is capable of killing sorcerers, he is more than capable of killing some men who don't care about honor and think it's fun to push other people around, which frightens them and they're more frightened of the fact that, what a very angry Toji saw them (including their leader) do to you, and they're even shocked about the fact you're the person he came to protect after witnessing their harassment towards you.
The next thing that happened was that in one punch, Toji not only knocked the leader outcold, however he also busted the leader's head open a little bit. Toji then said, "Sorry you have to see this, (beautiful/handsome). I just can't just keep walking by after I saw these men harrass you like that. Any particular reason they're harassing you? If you don't mind me asking...". You then answered, "Well, these men were gonna assault me, because (up to the reader's imagination what the reason for the harassment).". Toji felt bad for you and felt hate towards those group of men who were harrasing you, as he said, "Well, that's not very nice of them, so shame on them and it's a good thing I came here. Though they're right that I did used to be a sorcerer killer, however I'm willing to change that about myself. Anyways, my name is Toji. Would you like to tell me your name?", as he somehow knew that this could be a start of something new.
He just somehow just from the meeting you, you just somehow reminded him of his wife (when she was alive). Thanks to that walk he took and meeting you, he began to realize he will be able turn his life around once again. It's like you seemed to change his life for the better already.
You then replied, "Nice to meet you, Toji. My name is, (Any Gender Reader Name). Thanks for saving me. It actually doesn't bother me that you used to be a sorcerer killer. You saved me. If it wasn't for you, I would have been, (up to the reader's imagination what would have happened, if Toji wasn't there).". Toji then decided to exchanged phone numbers with you, as he figured it's time to do so, as he knew it would be the beginning of a new relationship, while the start of a new journey of his life. He just knew that he made the right decision to be with you.
Months went by, as both you and Toji have been together in his relationship with you for awhile. Toji knew he found peace, when he felt calmer, since he met you, just like when his wife was alive, she basically calmed him, as well. This is the first time eversince in a long time that he felt like he was at peace with himself. You're also someone he would do anything for, as well.
One day when you asked, Toji about marriage, he agreed with it, then you asked about his last name. He then mentioned, "Well, (Any Gender Reader Name), I was born with the last name Zenin, however when I married a women with the last name Fushiguro, I took her last name and my last name became Fushiguro, instead of my birth last name.". You then asked about what happened to Megumi's mom (Toji's wife). Toji told you that she died soon after his son Megumi was born, then he mentioned about his regrets after her death.
Toji then mentioned, that Gojo defeated Toji when he told him what is happening with Megumi and what he did, then he mentioned, that days afterwards, he heard the news afterwards about Gojo adopting Megumi, which made Toji happy to hear, however eversince he had his memories of his son, his wife, the Zenin Clan and everything else he was remembering, he was having a lot of regrets of what he was doing after she passed away and tried to change, then explained why he felt you made him the man he is right now, and he even mentioned that you're the light of his world. He then criticized himself about selling Megumi in the first place.
Once Toji finished opening up about it, you then comforted him, as you explained, "From what I'm understanding is... I mean I don't want to upset you.. It's just that... To be fair. Maybe true that selling your son Megumi to the Zenin was something that had made you become a bad father, however I feel that after you told your nemesis, Gojo about your last words, especially about what happened with Megumi, when your memories came back to you about him... I just feel thanks to your last words to Gojo when he defeated you, this helped Gojo know about this and wheather you realize or not, you letting him know is the reason why Gojo adopted Megumi. Someone who is brave enough to admit their skeletons, especially to their own nemesis about what was happening to their children, then telling their nemesis, what you told Gojo... To me, I think in the end you did the right thing by telling Gojo what you did, because of this, Gojo adopted Megumi. Still... Maybe you did sold your son in the first place, however in the end your words, helped Gojo know this, then your a good father for telling Gojo what you did in the end. And from what I'm seeing you basically had plans to better yourself and I'm glad you feel the way you did about me, Toji. Plus, I don't care what anyone else thinks of you, because I could tell you're a victim of circumstance(s), anyways. So, I love you, Toji Fushiguro.". Toji felt better about himself after he realized you accepted him for who he is, even when he told you his past, you just understood him. He then said, "I love you too, no matter what, (Any Gender Reader Name)... And thank you for understanding and accepting me... I think if it was anybody else I told this to, they would of reacted much worse, than you did.", he then kissed you on your left side of your facial cheek.
As a few weeks went by, you asked Toji if you could move in with him, which he was perfectly fine with and doesn't see a problem with it. Then a few months after you moved in with Toji, you asked him to help with some chores, and while he was helping you with the chores, he decided to sweep inside the bedroom he shares with you. As Toji was sweeping the floors, underneath the bed that he shares with you in the (now) shared bedroom, he accidentally discovered you had a (plushie of reader's choice) and a photo album, as he swept them up by accident, not knowing there was anything underneath the bed. Toji then, started to wonder that little that he knew that you were hiding something. While Toji, was looking in your photo album, he didn't see anything that may appear suspicious, until the very last page, with the very last photo of the photo album, as he notices in the photo of you hugging another person and kissing that same person on the right side of (his/her/their) facial cheek, as it appears to be another significant other. Toji was feeling furious and jealous, at first when he saw the photo, however he then thought it over, as he decided not to make any rash decisions, because he figured the photo isn't worth jumping to conclusions over.
Despite of Toji, believing that there has to be an explanation about that particular photo of you and the other person were in and not wanting to have his jealousy and furious expressions get him into jumping to conclusions of the thought of being cheated on for the other person, he still has a gut feeling you have been hiding atleast something from him. So, the only thing that Toji could think of was to see about having a talk with you about the photo and what you have been hiding from him. Toji just doesn't want hold his thoughts to the point where he would hurt from this inside and if you were to have any reasons to hide anything from him, he will makesure you don't hold it in and you also don't carry what might be burdening you alone.
Meanwhile, you were doing some dishes and as you were almost done doing some dishes, Toji then came out of the bedroom he shares with you, as he said, "Hey, (Any Gender Reader Name). Can we take a break from doing chores after you finish the dishes, please? There's something important I need to talk to you about, if you don't mind.". You then replied, "Okay, Toji. And a break from chores it is.", before you smiled at him, as he went back inside the shared bedroom. Not too long after that, you got finished washing the rest of the dishes before heading to go inside the bedroom, Toji shares with you.
Right after you went in the shared bedroom, you asked, "So, what do you need to talk about, Toji?", then you continued, "Whatever you need to talk to me about, I will definitely be honest with you about it.". Toji then replied, "Good... Because I will be expecting the truth from you and I may get upset, if you tell me the truth depending on how you tell me, however I rather you be yourself and for me to be upset from your honesty than not knowing what was or is bothering you or what you might be hiding... I wish I could do this without you feeling upset or frightened, however this is the best I can do...", as he was holding on to (plushie of reader's choice) and the last photo of the last page of the photo album, then mentions, "I know you're hiding something... I don't know exactly, however while I was sweeping underneath the bed... And I accidentally swept these up, then I was looking at the photos inside the photo album, because I wanted to know you better and to see, if you're hiding something, especially if it's part of your past... So, this photo of this other person, is what I found... Yes, I was jealous and upset at first, however I madesure not to jump to any conclusions, until I know what was actually going on... So, if you don't mind me asking,... Who's this person in the photo?", as he puts down the (plushie of reader's choice), then points at the person who was in that same photo with you. You then began to shake, as you hugged Toji, tightly, while you began to sob on his shoulders. Toji then, hugged you back, as he said, "You don't have to talk about it, if you don't want to, right now. I just don't want to hold everything in to the point where you end up hurting inside.".
You still sobbed, as you told him truthfully, "I'm crying, because the person who was in the photo with me was my (husband/wife/spouse)... Unfortunately, ((s)he/they) died in the hospital from having (any surgery up to the reader's imagination), a few years before I met you.". Toji was then confused, as he said, "Then why are you hiding these from me then, (Any Gender Reader Name). I think the (plushie of reader's choice) is cute and the photo album is pretty sweet, even if the last pic had gotten me a little jealous, only at first...". You then replied, "I was hiding these, because every partner I had after my (husband/wife/spouse) passed away, either want me to get rid of everything my dead ((s)he/they) got for me or complain from me mentioning even discreetly about (him/her/them), especially the death of my (husband/wife/spouse) or tell me never to talk about it again or dwelling on my dead (husband) from only mentioning about (his/her/their) death or (him/her/them) in general only once just to vent or I'm not entitled to talk about any partners especially dead ones who were (husbands/wives/spouses) before them when they were my partners at the time, then turn around to say what they want to me. I just felt invalidated by them and I feel I couldn't open up to anyone about this since I kept running into that with that partners I had after my (husband/wife/spouse) and before meeting you in person...", as you continued to sob. Toji then hug you tightly with his left arm, while petting your head with his right hand as he gently comfort you, as he said, "Well, they're not the right person then, if they invalidate you like they did. Don't get me wrong, I do apologize for my jealousy when I first saw the photo, however I'm glad I had you vent to me about it, after all. What they don't realize is they don't know a damn difference between dwelling and venting a little bit about past grief. Nothing wrong with treasuring your stuff from your past. Anything else you would like to talk about, my precious kitty?."
You then vented, "Well, Toji... It's not simple... My last name has always been the same, even after my first marriage. My family didn't want me to change my last name to my (husband/wife/spouse), so they forced me to keep my last name different than my (husband/wife/spouse) and when ((s)he/they) offered to changed (his/her/their) last name to the last name my family forced me to keep, they definitely got angry about it. I think my family wanted to makesure both my (husband/wife/spouse) and I, to keep the last names that the both of us were born with, just so they can keep me from getting anything I like, meaning they want me to buy alot of things that I don't like that they like.". "Would you like to tell me what else happened, (Any Gender Reader Name)?", Toji asked trying to encourage without prying you. You were hesitant to talk at first, as you were worried he would shun you, then you decided it has to be told sooner or later.
You then confessed, "Well Toji, the truth is the year before we met eachother, I had skeletons in the closet, as well. I couldn't deal with my family trying to control my life anymore, so one night, I snapped... I'm not sure, if you were aware of this... It's just... I was born as a sorcerer and my family figured I'd be their cash cow, once they knew about it, which I think is why they forced both my (husband/wife/spouse) and I to keep our last names different than eachother, while not letting us take eachother's last name. Anyways, my family kept treating me, as their slave forcing me to do their dirty work for the money, and that one night they tried beating me, once I refused to do their bidding anymore, so I used my cursed technique to kill them out of self defense.". Toji was surprised to hear that your were born as a sorcerer, as he said, "As much as, I'm not a fan of sorcerers, especially Jujutsu Sorcerers, I honestly feel in my heart that you deserved better, than a family who treated you like crap and used you for being born, as a Sorcerer.". You then replied, "Well Toji... After I killed my family, in self defense, I ran away from my hometown to become homeless and decided to keep my cursed technique secret after that fateful night, just incase I do become at risk of going to prison. I trusted no one after that. However after that rainy day that we met eachother, I did began to trust you. I just didn't use my cursed technique, because I don't want to risk going to jail, just incase if my family being killed, and/or my cursed technique, and/or myself would be on the News, or on the radio, or in the newspaper, etc... I just rather not get caught. I'm surprised you saved me. It's not because of you and it's not because of me... I just somehow thought it was a coincidence that someone was to save me and even not even knowing me.", as Toji kept hugging you and petting your head, while you also kept hugging him.
Toji then explained about his past, especially how he was treated by the Zenin Clan, for being born as a non sorcerer due to heavenly restriction, while being raised in the Zenin Clan, which they favor anyone in the Zenin Clan with any cursed techniques, especially strong and powerful cursed techniques and he disliked (or hated sorcerers) due to the fact that how the any sorcerers clan (just as well as the Zenin Clan) felt, which they end up favoring those with cursed techniques, which made him suffer. Toji, also opened up to you about his spiteful actions towards all sorcerers including the Jujutsu Sorcerers and leaving the Zenin Clan, eventually, which is why when he got married, he changed his last name from Zenin to Fushiguro. He also admitted those are the reasons why that it's not just sorcerers in general he didn't care for. Toji also didn't care for the "Zenin" last name he was born with and he could also tell you also had your reasons why you didn't like your last name that you were born with, that your family forced you to keep.
Toji then confessed, "There's something else I should be telling you... Megumi's mom, who I married... Well,... She was the reason why I was calmer and lived an honest life one point. Aside from what you told me,... Otherwise you remind me alot of her, personality wise... Anyways, after her death, I wasn't sure how else to cope with her death so, reverted into doing things I end up regretting and so much worse to the point where I forgot about my wife and my son Megumi. Then after memories came back, I just stopped killing sorcerers and try to prove to atleast myself that I'm willing to turn over a new leaf, however it became easier said or even thought of than done.". He then hugged you tighter, as he looked into your eyes. Toji finally continued, "I could careless, if you were born as a sorcerer or not, now days... In your case, I see you, as a victim of circumstance(s), just like you see me as a victim of circumstance(s)... If it wasn't for that same rainy day, as I met you in and beat the living, fucken, hell out of those bastards, I wouldn't have been able to be that changed man I am today. I truly feel that you brought light to my world, since that rainy day. I love you for who you are (Any Gender Reader Name), my precious kitty.", as he also continued to look into your eyes, while petting your head. You then replied, "Well Toji, I love you for who you are, too.", then you and Toji proceeded to kiss eachother.
Eversince after the conversation both you and Toji had with eachother, both you and Toji have been more open with eachother and gotten to know eachother more, as well. You also began to be yourself with Toji more than ever before. Toji has also proven to turn over a new leaf, more than he expected of himself. From then on, both you and Toji have been happier than ever before. (As for the reader's last name, it's up to the reader's imagination, on what to decide on, pertaining last names)
The End
Don't mind the long fanfic and some long paragraphs for this fanfic, my Tumblr Peeps😅 I really wanted to put alot thought for this fanfic, while I putted more thought into it, than I expected myself to, while adding some extra ideas for this fanfic, as well💡😀 So, I do hope you enjoy this Toji fanfic, as much as, I enjoyed writing about him😃👍And for now, I hope you have a wonderful day or night, my Tumblr Peeps😁👍
Fun Fact: For people who didn't know, I'm a fan of both Toji Fushiguro and Gojo Satoru😃👍Sounds crazy, however I meant what I said🤷‍♀️😁👍And I'm very serious about what I said.
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