#megastar's problem children
Tarnsaurus/DeathTarn (?).
Tarn, who is unaware and suddenly scandalized he had a midlife crisis affair with and has been bossing around Megatron's kid, the heir to the Decepticons. Two wolves of thousands of years of enforced loyalty and pissed off murderous are fighting so much he bluescreens and is too distracted by this reveleation and Deathsaurus interrupting his private meeting with Megatron and Overlord’s arrival to focus on Kaon, telling Nickel she was in charge as he drags Deathsaurus somewhere private to talk.
Which leads to Tarn awkwardly calling Deathsaurus "Lord" only for him to wrinkle his nose at it while Tarn's midlife crisis continues, and they both ignore the arguing and cursing outside. They have an awkward heart-to-heart and Tarn has been semi-knocked out of hellbent revenge by pure confusion as Deathsaurus mentions TWO OTHER HEIRS BOTH OF WHOM HE TRIED TO KILL.
Tarn sits down quietly for awhile and Deathsaurus goes to fetch Nickel because "Tarn broke" only to find Overlord staring at her fascinated from the ground, knees and elbows removed as she curses a bluestreak and threatens him while she has Kaon hearded behind her.
Meanwhile with the Autobots.
"Any other secret kids to tell us about Megs?"
"...I doubt it will ever be relevant but there is one other child Starscream doesn't know about."
"Wait. Starscream is Thunders is the other parent?! I THOUGHT YOU BUDDED?"
Sdfgggyyoh tarn
Oh tarn
Fun fact the word "Lordlet" crossed my mind earlier in reference to a child of Megatron and i just think thats funny
Tarn's having crisis³ at this point
Tarn broke
A good description for it lol
Overlord v Nickel, unexpected victory!
Rodimus and Ratchet are prepared to have one HELL of a loud conversation with Megatron
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camp-mithril-lake · 11 months
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: The Transformers (IDW Generation One) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Rodimus | Rodimus Prime/Thunderclash, Deathsaurus/Tarn (Transformers), Grimlock/Misfire (Transformers), Drift | Deadlock/Ratchet, Megatron & Thunderclash (Transformers), Ratchet & Thunderclash (Transformers), Drift | Deadlock & Misfire, Megatron & Starscream (Transformers) Characters: Megatron (Transformers), Starscream (Transformers), Rodimus | Rodimus Prime, Thunderclash (Transformers), Ultra Magnus (Transformers), Deathsaurus (Transformers), Drift | Deadlock, Ratchet (Transformers), Tarn (Transformers), Misfire (Transformers), Grimlock (Transformers), Bumblebee (Transformers), Soundwave (Transformers), Ravage (Transformers) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Crack Treated Seriously, Crack and Angst, Abusive Relationships, Family Drama, Unhealthy Relationships, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Mech Preg (Transformers), Sticky Sexual Interfacing (Transformers), Parent-Child Relationship, Bad Parenting, Families of Choice, Past Megatron/Starscream (Transformers) Series: Part 1 of MegaStar Problem Children Summary:
Megatron and Starscream had reproduced. It was a rumor that had long existed but few knew the full extent of.
Megatron and Starscream had reproduced three times.
And now their son is dying.
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arunatheplant · 2 years
February 2, 2023
- Megastar -
My headcannons!
(OOC will be involved and two nicer star and megs)
Megatron are having nightmares about his twin brother, but it's not a problem, star is ready to help and support him.
Starscream is working around the ark for too long and megatron finds him always coped up in his lab and drags him to bed.
Wheeljack flirted with Star and when megatron found out via starscream's ranting, it became a cat and mouse game for megatron and Jackie.
Megatron and Optimus are best friends (my au) as for ratchet and starscream they're also friends op and wrench lord helped megs to purpose to screamer.
Starscream was having a bad day but nothing a little cuddles and kisses will fix.
Megatron fell for starscream first and yet star fell harder.
Megatron's pets names given by starscream are, my lover, dearest, love, megatron, sweet spark.
Starscream's pets names given by megatron are, my seeker, sweet spark, lover, my star, star, starlight, and my scientist.
They would kill for each other.
Their children are, knockout (adoptive, his as young as bee in my au soo, yup), hailstorm, mission, and seastrike (Trine mates).
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adventureixx · 2 years
Sky Watcher Star Adventurer 2i Pro Pack: Best Mount Review 2022
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Features of Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer 2i Pro Pack
Portability The superstar Adventurer 2i pro is compact and lightweight. It suits most photographic backpacks and luggage, so you gained’t have any hassle bringing it on an aircraft. The total weight of the mount, which includes the counterweight, wedge, and declination plate, is much less than 3 kg.
Potential for payload The big-name Adventurer seasoned 2i can preserve a surprising quantity for its length. It can support as much as 5kg. That is without thinking of the counterbalance. Whilst photographing the stars, keeping the burden at 60-70 percent of the maximum capacity is high-quality. Assume you have a load this is less than the most capability. It is going to be simpler to the song, balance the payload, and make bigger the mount’s service life in that scenario.
Energy supply The big-name Adventurer 2i pro will need 4 AA batteries or a 5V DC strength source to work. As it consumes little energy, a fixed of batteries will remain for several nights. For example, if the batteries are walking low, the megastar Adventurer 2i pro will blink the indicator brought about and provide you with a warning.
Although popular AA batteries have the ok capability to close a long term, I choose Energizer rechargeables. In truth, I’ve never obtained a low battery warning after the usage of them for seven or extra hours. Many customers have complained about how hard it's far to do away with the batteries. Nonetheless, you could without problems do away with them with a plastic knife (the type that children use).
Learn More: Sky Watcher
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smollestbean-2 · 4 years
Because they so ‘Kindly’ gave me permission; Callout post Kaijugoliopod
They have no problem making a call out post on other people so; just for my own humor and benefit, I’ll do one of them because they think it’s funny. Well I’ll make it fucking hilarious for them so @kaijugoliopod I hope your friends/mutual share this to you and I hope you have a grand old time you little brat.
Sadly they don’t have their age on there so I’m going to go ahead and refer them as a 2 year old because to me that sounds appropriate for them. Since they act like one so much!! and I’ll also be referring them as a Karen cause why the fuck not!! 
By the way Karen, ‘Not a Minor’ doesn’t tell us your age and to me it just screams “hey I’m a minor but I want to be seen as an adult so I’ll put this here instead of a random age!” 
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anyways, I so kindly asked Karen to give me receipts on their so called problem of “receiving Megastar porn without consent” because I wanted both sides of the story and I wanted to see if they actually did get those pictures without consent. Reason why? well I follow a couple Megstar shippers and never before have I ever received any ‘porn’ or pictures of the ship without consent or out of the blue. 
Here’s how that interaction went my guys: 
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A link to their post if you will to show that it only shows what happens after the picture is sent. They have nothing leading up to the picture to show that it was actually sent without consent or not therefore leading into Karen’s narrative that it was in fact sent without consent and out of the blue and people believing them just by word of mouth. https://kaijugolisopod.tumblr.com/post/642248719231795200
and yes they also say just ‘ONE’ example, how are y’all gonna believe only one example with so little evidence that it was sent ‘without’ consent?!
sounds kind of dumb to me don’t you think Karen? 
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will that come back and bit me?? probably, but dudes it literally only contains kissing that could be suggestive. There is no ‘Porn’ anywhere in those pictures at all so why would you even consider it porn??
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And am I gonna get backlash for calling OpStar the same as MegStar? probably but I have red abusive OpStar fics before as well so don’t even try to tell me that OpStar isn’t on the same fucking level Karen. 
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Anyways when I had asked for the full conversations in their so called ‘Proof’ but instead they immediately attacked me and started insulting to me. I don’t know about anyone else but to me it sounds like they didn’t have any proof or that they were lying and had no other way to react other than to attack me and turn it around to where they were the victim themselves. 
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you wanna tell me that this doesn’t bring up ‘ANY’ red flags at all?? if you were happy to show me that ‘proof’ then you would be happy to show me further proof and the whole conversation of it when asked to further prove your so called claim of it being sent without consent. 
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But no, all they did was attack me because I simply stated “there is no proof that it was sent without consent, can you show me the beginning of the conversation so that I know for sure that it was sent with out your consent?” 
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then I accidentally let the 2 year old Karen get to me because yes, my age is a sensitive subject. Fuck off.
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Anyways, yeah I got tired of their bullshit because I’m not gonna believe someone’s claim without enough proof. Would you believe something with so little proof of it happening?? I wouldn’t. 
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and then Karen ends with this, clearly trying to turn it around on me saying that I’m gaslighting them. I don’t think I am but y’all believe in whatever you want to. I’m just over here trying to show people that this Karen has no proof and nothing to back their claim so they want to justify their actions of harrassing people by attacking others who call them out for it. 
This person is just mad that someone likes a ship that they don’t like and when they find out that some of their mutuals like this ship they get all uppity and decide to call them; ‘rapists’ ‘abusers’ ‘you must be just like megatron to like a problematic ship like this!’ ‘transphobic’ ‘MAP’ ‘you say that sending children porn is okay?’ << that last one just proves that they’re in fact a minor my guys. 
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believe in what you want but I wanted to show everyone my side of doing my research on getting both sides of the story. I know what I believe in now and I believe this person is just starting shit to get attention, I also believe their just a bored kid whose got nothing better to do than bully and ‘cancel’ someone just because they don’t meet their criteria. 
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Hey Karen, did I get all that right?? I just want to make sure I didn’t miss anything from my receipts because I don’t know about you but I’m sure I have everything accounted for. Do you? 
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if so, prove it. Are you gonna show the full conversation like I did? Are you gonna show everyone that you’re in fact right about this so called spread of ‘PORN’? because I’m ready for it. I’m ready to see all the bullshit you have lined up for me my dude. 
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Idk how to describe what I’m feeling but I feel like you can hear it without getting offended unlike my friends. I’m not a fan of Harry. Used to be a long time ago, now he doesn’t make music I like and also he annoys me. I am a fan of Louis. And I (this is the part that’s hard to parse) think I’m jealous maybe? Because I love Louis and his amazing personality and his music. But he will never do anything like Harry does that’s out of the box or fun. He does cool things sometimes like the hotspot releases and the mural we got to watch being painted, but none of that stuff showed him. I think Louis is really smart and creative which is a big reason I love him. But the ways in which those traits come through are kind of in behind the scenes/you have to infer ways.
I hate to say it but Louis is kind of…boring? In today’s terms especially. And I kind of think that in order to be a boring artist you have to already be a megastar to keep being a boring artist and still keep your audience. I don’t say that because I’m scared of louis’ audience shrinking. I’m saying it because I’m scared of not being interested in being his fan anymore. Like I will always like his music probably. But……idk. I don’t know if any of this is coming out right. I just want Louis to do something new and/or unexpected. Because I feel like I keep getting sold the same thing over and over in a way. And yeah. I’m definitely jealous that Harry fans get to see their fave engaging with queer culture so often. Just like the other traits I love about Louis, that’s something I just have to guess at or infer. And I actually have much less evidence to infer that Louis is queer than to infer he is smart and creative.
Idk what Louis wants.
Oh anon - I'm sorry you're struggling - I think it's really good that you're thinking about how you're responding and why.
I could tell you how I see Louis and his career differently from you, but that's not really the point. Neither what you want or what Louis is doing is the problem.
This reads to me like you've got a lot of your anxieties tied up with stan logic, and I don't think that's good for your wellbeing.
Stan logic says that who you like is part of who you are. It also says that the people who you follow have to be the best in all the ways. And if there's something you're not into that suggests that either you or the thing you're a fan of needs to change.
I do have two pieces of advice - I don't know if they'll help.
So often when dealing with anxiety accepting that the thing you're afraid of might happen can be a really useful way of loosening rather than tightening the knots you're struggling against. What if you were no longer interested in Louis' music? Would that be so bad? What you feel now and what you experienced as a fan would be still be valid and important.
The other is much more concrete piece of advice - which is if you want artists who engage with queer culture unambiguously - then follow out artists. There are lots of them. Whatever music you like you will find some queer artists to follow.
I am going to give some New Zealand specific recommendations (as well as mentioning Grace Petrie again, because I love her and want her to be successful enough to tour NZ regularly). Anika Moa - especially good if you have children in your life because as well as her song for adults she has amazing songs for children. Or Ladyhawke - who is married to the amazing Madeline Sami who is a co-presenter on the NZ Bakeoff.
Please don't be scared that one day you'll like different things than you do now and that there will be new things that bring you joy - that's one of the amazing and exciting things about life.
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thezodiaczone · 4 years
Virgo Compatibility
VIRGO + ARIES (MARCH 21 - APRIL 19) The razor's edge between love and hate lives in this common but contradictory coupling. Your attraction feels so fated, it's impossible to resist. Fire-sign Aries loves freedom and risk, but helplessly falls for prudent, parental Virgo, an Earth sign landlocked by practicality and protocol. The tips of Virgo's gossamer wings are singed by Aries' flame—yet, into the fire the Virgin flutters. Both signs have a hero complex, and this relationship centers around fixing each other, or exposing the other to new ways of life. For the first six to twelve months, it's exhilarating. Arduous Aries hand-delivers Virgo's sexual awakening with passion that's tender and all-consuming. Cautious Virgo teaches the impetuous Ram how to slow down, prepare and look both ways before crossing. New facets of your personalities unearth themselves—how lovely!
Once the hormone flood is no longer at high tide, however, there are glaring differences to negotiate. Virgo's well-intentioned criticisms feel like a character assault to Aries ("who cares how I fold my T-shirts? I'm still a good person!"). Aries' myopic selfishness makes Virgo feel resentful and unappreciated—especially after hours of listening to the Ram's diatribes with the patience of a paid analyst. At this point, you realize that you've spent way too much time together, and you've lost touch with the outside world. Roll out of bed and reconnect with your individual friends, hobbies and interests. Trust that the other one will be there when you return.
VIRGO + TAURUS (APRIL 20 - MAY 20) ♥♥♥♥ You're a pair of sophisticated Earth signs who blend like cashmere and wool. Taurus adds the touch of luxe and Virgo is the solid standby. You're what could be described as a "lovely couple," with good taste, social graces and old-fashioned values. Although your earthy natures can also make you hippies at heart, you tend toward the traditional, and you both like possessions of quality. You'll set up a lovely, well-appointed home—though Taurus will have to fight neat-freak Virgo to keep the plastic slipcovers off the sofas and doilies off the appliances. Virgo is ruled by intellectual Mercury, and Taurus by pleasure-loving Venus. As a result, Taurus is more feisty, raw and direct, which can offend Virgo's stuffed-shirt sensibilities. However, the Virgin soon looses up and learns to laugh at himself. It's good to have sensible Virgo around to pull the brake when Taurus overspends, heads up to the buffet for a fourth helping or tips his glass for a refill. Responsible Virgo has far more self-control than the Bull. In private, you're both sensual and erotic, and you can spend hours wrapped contentedly in your Egyptian cotton sheets. You share a judgmental streak, and if you're too intent on fancying yourselves superior to the world, you may limit your horizons. Open your minds, and be willing to try something "lowbrow" or off your beaten paths. It keeps life interesting.
VIRGO + GEMINI (MAY 21 - JUNE 20) Gemini and Virgo share a common ruler: speedy Mercury, who zips around the Sun gathering light and information, then disseminating it to the masses. You're both natural communicators with a thousand ideas and opinions. Romance is a cerebral affair for your intelligent signs. Conversations spark into lively debates; asking each other "What do you think?" is akin to foreplay. Although Virgo is a more staid Earth sign and Gemini is a breezy Air sign, you share a "mutable" quality. That means you're flexible, and you can adapt to each other's quirks. Good thing, since you each have a bevy of rigid, borderline obsessive-compulsive habits. (Virgo's can include folding underwear into identical, neat little squares; Gemini's usually involve hoarding, starting new hobbies or impulse shopping.) You both love control, though Gemini is loath to admit this, while Virgo flies the flag. At times, you may wrestle for dominance, a habit you'll need to overcome for this match to work. Virgo's nagging can take the wind out of Gemini's sails; Gemini's sketchily researched half-truths set off Virgo's trust alarm. But combine the depth of Virgo's cautious planning with the breadth of Gemini's boundless curiosity, and you've got the total package. You can make great parents, too, since your styles tend to complement and you'll divide up roles with ease. Gemini can help serious Virgo lighten up, and responsible Virgo can help ground the easily distracted Twin.
VIRGO + CANCER (JUNE 21 - JULY 22) ♥♥♥♥ This is a couple that can outlast the ages, since you're fast friends and seamless companions. Virgo is the zodiac's helper and Cancer is its nurturer. Your emotional connection is instant, and you're thrilled to meet a kindred soul who knows how to give, not just take. It's a refreshing break from the usual energy vampires you both attract! Your relationship is sweet and storybook-innocent: lots of handholding, sentimental cards, and anniversary baubles. Yet, you're practical, too, stowing away college funds for your yet-to-be-born children, earning advanced degrees, taking out a mortgage. Security is something you both cherish. In a way, you're like parents and partners to one another: you both express love by nagging, fussing and feeding. And it works. A pair of self-professed nerds, you love to cook, decorate, read novels and learn. No matter how much money you earn, you both remain thrifty, too. (Scoring a high-end treasure at a tag sale or an eBay auction is orgasmic.) Your signs are both family oriented, and you make sweet but strict parents who live for your children. Generally, you're close to your own relatives, and you enjoy spending time at family events or hosting holiday gatherings. Keeping the sexy charge alive will take a little effort, though, since you both love to stay home rather than dress up or hit the town. Push yourselves to leave the nest, and socialize with other couples more often.
VIRGO + LEO (JULY 23 - AUGUST 22) You're playing with fire here—literally. Passionate Leo is a Fire sign ruled by the Sun, and his solar power can light up a universe. Virgo is a practical, skeptical Earth sign who can throw dirt on Leo's flames before they have a chance to combust into a world-changing wildfire. It's a shame how quiet and subdued the awesome Lion becomes around Virgo. The problem? Leo is addicted to praise, and needs constant encouragement from his mate. Virgo is the zodiac's perfectionist; his critical nature can cause Leo to shrink-wrap himself into diminutive proportions. Think of Leos Madonna and Jennifer Lopez, and their marriages to Virgos Guy Ritchie and Marc Anthony. Yes, they had children with these men, which is important to the family-oriented Lion. However, both megastars toned down their flashy, go-getter images to play wifey. This dynamic must be avoided at all costs. Virgo's earthy nature should be no more than terra firma beneath the Lion's feet. In turn, Leo must shore up confidence, rather than take flaw-finding Virgo's feedback to heart. While Virgo is the helper sign, a codependent vibe can quickly form if he tries to manage Leo's demanding, dramatic life. Your signs are completely different; what's good for the goose is dead-wrong for the gander. Live and let live.
VIRGO + VIRGO (AUGUST 23 - SEPTEMBER 22) Two fussbudget, critical control freaks like you will either suit each other…or deserve each other. For what is a relationship but a magical looking glass into your own dark and twisted Wonderland? You're neurotic neatniks and private pack rats who will either: a) thrive by living in separate wings or residences, b) nitpick each other to death, or c) grow into happily-ever-after hoarders, aging gracefully in a castle of newspaper clippings saved for the ne'er-to-come Someday. Your grounding Earth sign nature can also be your saving grace, as it gifts you with sophisticated, sensual taste. Forget the horn-rimmed glasses and virginal rep that's been cast upon your sign. You love handcrafted cuisine, fecund vineyards, bespoke furniture and majestic interiors. More than that, you both love the STORY behind everything. What would bore other signs fascinates you, and you want to learn about every nook and cranny that went into your captivations. Our advice: pack your perfectly-matched Vuitton luggage and get thee to Tuscany for couples' cooking lessons. Learn the complete history of a region and travel there on an architectural tour. Call it "intellectual intercourse." Bond over your braininess and the passion will follow.
VIRGO + LIBRA (SEPTEMBER 23 - OCTOBER 22) You're next-door-neighbor signs who can learn a thing or two from each other. Virgo is a cautious Earth sign who plans for the worst and prays for the best. Air-sign Libra not only expects the best, he demands it—and thus, he usually gets it. In stressful times, Libra's charm and balanced perspective is a breath of fresh air for anxious Virgo. The Virgin is ruled by mentally-stimulating Mercury, and his mind goes a mile a minute. Libra's ruler is Venus, the goddess of beauty, love and pleasure. Like a gentle lullaby, Libra smoothes the rough spots, helping Virgo relax and trust that everything will be okay. While this may be an illusion, it still has a hypnotic effect on Virgo. Socially, you mix well. You both enjoy arts and culture, and you'll never be at a loss for date ideas: museum openings, concerts, readings. You're also a fastidious pair—you'll have the cleanest house on the block if it's up to Virgo, and the most tastefully decorated home if Libra has a say. The one dynamic to beware: Virgo is the zodiac's helper and Libra is its pampered diva. This can easily turn into a master-and-servant scenario, with Libra feigning helplessness and Virgo scrambling to save him. Like Persephone eating the pomegranate seeds that doomed her to Hades, Virgo must be careful not to swallow Libra's intoxicating tales and sob stories.
VIRGO + SCORPIO (OCTOBER 23 - NOVEMBER 21) ♥♥♥♥ Virgo and Scorpio are two of the zodiac's shrewdest signs. Your collective gaze misses nothing, and your conversations can be as hair-splitting as Freudian analysis. You're both insatiable when it comes to understanding the human soul, and examining your own neuroses can keep you busy for weeks. While your obsessive natures would drive other people mad, it only makes you more fascinated by each other. You're like two scientists in the lab of love, researching, analyzing, and measuring data. Moody and introverted, you both have spells where you crave total privacy, and you'll grant each other that space. You unconsciously absorb so much energy from your environments, and you need to clear yourselves on a regular basis. Nature is soothing—Scorpio is a Water sign, and Virgo is Earth—and you may enjoy a healthy or outdoorsy lifestyle. That can mean renting a private chalet on a pristine European lake, or devoting yourselves to raw food, vegetarianism, and yoga. Virgo is the zodiac's Virgin and Scorpio is the sex sign. In bed, Scorpio can be a bit too intense for earthy Virgo. You're both lusty sensualists, but if Scorpio breaks out the dungeon props and dominatrix gear, Virgo draws the line. The Virgin may indulge a fetish with strangers, but he keeps a strict boundary about how far he'll experiment with a partner. No matter. You're good friends and supportive partners who find beauty in the smallest details—the makings of a quality life commitment.
VIRGO + SAGITTARIUS (NOVEMBER 22 - DECEMBER 21) Virgo is an introverted Earth sign, Sag an extroverted Fire sign, but you can bring out lesser-seen traits in each other. On the outside, you look like an odd couple. Prim, preppy Virgo is a crisply tailored schoolmarm; Sag is a rumpled hippie in wrinkled jeans and weathered shoulder bags, more like a grad student during finals. Still, you're both brainy types who bond through long, intense conversations. Intellectual Virgo has a keen, organized mind; thoughtful Sagittarius is the zodiac's philosopher. Together, you'll ponder the meaning of life and psychoanalyze your mutual friends—behind their backs and to their faces. You can both be preachy and judgmental, and you're fascinated by the foibles of human nature. Beyond the talk, you have different lifestyles, and those require adaptation. Virgo's monkish side can make Sag feel lonely, and the Archer's blunt remarks can hurt the Virgin's feelings. Virgo is great listener, but hesitant to bare his own soul. This frustrates Sagittarius, who craves more intimate sharing. Your habits are different, too. Virgo concerns himself with every niggling detail, irritating the impatient Archer, who thinks in broad strokes. Sagittarius must learn to sweat the small stuff a little more. Thank-you notes, birthday cards, flowers, presents—these gestures don't mean much to Sag, but they mean the world to Virgo. In turn, Sag can teach Virgo how to have fun and take risks instead of playing it safe.
VIRGO + CAPRICORN (DECEMBER 22 - JANUARY 19) ♥♥♥♥ You're pragmatic Earth signs who strike a perfect balance between sensible and sensual. You bring out the best in one another. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the communication planet. A natural psychologist and articulate speaker, this sign likes to talk everything out. Stoic Capricorn is ruled by stern, repressed Saturn, and struggles to voice his feelings. Capricorn benefits from Virgo's ability to draw him out of dark thoughts. When Virgo's anxieties take hold, practical Capricorn brings a helpful dose of perspective. Dutiful souls, you take care of parents, friends and family members, and your cozy home is everyone's favorite crash pad. Holidays and parties are warm, congenial affairs, and nobody wants to leave. Marriage is a sure success, and you laugh often, excellent medicine for your serious signs. The lovely thing about this combination is how natural you can be—a refreshing break from your formal public demeanors. A favorite example: One Virgo friend, a singer-songwriter, was stricken with a creative block. Her Capricorn husband poked his head into her studio, and found her obsessing. She launched into complaining, and he deftly interrupted: "Wanna f---?" A satisfied hour later, she finished the song. Offensive to prim Virgo from any other sign, but Capricorn can go there. You relax into your carnal natures around each other, loosening up in ways that few other signs can elicit.
VIRGO + AQUARIUS (JANUARY 20 - FEBRUARY 18) To say you're an odd couple is an understatement—and there certainly will be odds to beat. Just figuring each other out could take years, and it might not end well. (Remember tabloid train-wrecks Charlie Sheen and Denise Richards, or Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley?) Judgmental Virgo is an introverted Earth sign with a habit of thinking too much. Breezy Aquarius, a carefree Air sign, is the unofficial town mayor, best friend to everyone from the street sweeper to the CEO. While you complement each other in some ways, your lifestyles are very different. Virgo likes time alone with his books and thoughts, while social Aquarius rarely misses a party and can't be bothered to take life as seriously as Virgo does. Where can you come together? You both like to help people in need, and you're passionate about social change, especially through responsible business practices. Saving the planet is a particular passion for your environmentalist signs. You're as likely to meet at a drum circle as you are at a conference on climate control, or volunteering in the Peace Corps. In fact, this relationship is most likely to succeed if you have a larger common vision. Why not funnel your ideals into a successful enterprise? Go start an eco-village, or open a raw juice bar in an up-and-coming neighborhood—Virgo can grow organic produce in a backyard plot. It will stop Virgo from nagging and nosing into Aquarius's affairs, and will keep restless Aquarius from feeling smothered.
VIRGO + PISCES (FEBRUARY 19 - MARCH 20) Virgo and Pisces are two of the most powerful healers in the zodiac. Virgo is an Earth sign, clinical and data-driven, always there with a practical answer and a helping hand. Water-sign Pisces has emotional compassion, the ability to empathize and absorb other people's pain. You're opposite signs: Virgo is the doctor; Pisces is the nurse. You can teach each other a lot, doing much good on the planet along the way. Virgo is the zodiac's giver, performing acts of selfless service (Mother Theresa is a Virgo). However, it's hard for Virgo to receive, since he views "neediness" as a weakness in himself. Enter Pisces, ruler of the zodiac's receptive twelfth house. The Fish knows how to surrender boundaries and allow people's energy to flow in. Pisces teaches Virgo that accepting love is a generous and selfless act. It opens the door for others to be their greatest selves, to discover their power through contributing. At times, Pisces' emotional nature can overwhelm Virgo, leaving him ungrounded. You both need doses of solitude to reconnect with your souls. Writing, playing music (especially classical compositions or Gregorian chants), painting and creativity is healing to you both. This relationship also brings out your spiritual sides. Meditation, yoga and metaphysical study can open up great psychic channels. These practices also prevent unhealthy addictions, which your easily-stressed signs may adopt as a means of self-medicating. Watch out for secretive tendencies, which you both have as a result of perfectionism and insecurity. Communicate openly, or air your "shameful" skeletons to a confidante—otherwise, you'll beat yourselves up unnecessarily, causing distance in the relationship.
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Best Geysers in India 2020 : (Buying Guide)
Best geyser for homeNow-a-days water warmers have turn out to be one of the need to-have home equipment in our domestic, mainly at some stage in bloodless seasons. Because, traditional methods like heating water over gasoline stoves are not most effective risky however additionally uncomfortable.
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Geysers are available in  unique models – garage Geysers and Instant Geysers.
When in comparison to immediate geysers, garage water heaters provide warm water with none pause. However, they're bit expensive and take extra wall mounting space.
While shopping a water heater, you need to bear in mind below important points…
Capacity – Usually garage geysers have capacity variety of 6 to 35 liters. If you need to warm water for cleaning kitchen utensils, then 6 to eight liters potential is enough. But for bucket bathing eight to ten liters is sufficient. And for shower bathing, you will require geyser with more than 15 liters’ capability. Water Tank Material – Most common materials used are copper, thermostatic or chrome steel. Stainless steel cloth comes with anti-corrosive and glass coating which prevents corrosion and electrochemical reactions. And insulation is much better and calls for less renovation. Wattage – Most of the electric water heaters found in Indian market have 1500 – 3000 watts range. The thumb rule is – higher the wattage, water gets heated more fast.
While those are the 3 critical factors, there are lots more which you want to consider. We have supplied special records of them in our “Buying Guide“. Apart from that, we have also picked out the pleasant water heaters in India after carefully reading best, durability and service.
Now allow us to soar proper into the reviews. If you have got any questions or queries regarding geysers or water warmers, experience loose to say them in our Comments Section beneath. Our product group is constantly listening and will get returned to you ASAP.  Do checkout:  Best geyser for home
Top 10 Best Geyser/Water Heaters in India
Storage Geysers Water Tank Capacity Power Conjumption Inner Tank + Warranty Buy Now AO Smith HSE-SDS-15 Water Heater 15 Litre 2000 watts 7+four years Check the Price Bajaj New Shakti GL Water Heater 25 Litre 2000 watts five+ 2 years Check the Price American Micronic AMI WHM3 Water Heater 25 Litre 2000 watts 2 years Check the Price V-Guard Victo Water Heater 15 Litre 2000 watts 2 years Check the Price Havells Monza EC5S Water Heater 15 Litre 2000 watts 6+2 years Check the Price Usha Misty Water Heater 25 Litre 2000 watts 7+2 years Check the Price V-Guard Victo Plus Water Heater 15 Litre 2000 watts 7+2years Check the Price Racold Eterno 2 Water Heater 15 Liters 2000 watts 7+2 years Check the Price Crompton Solarium DLX Water Heater 15 Liters 2000 watts five+2 years Check the Price
Longway Water Heater 25 liters 2000 watts 1+2years Check the Price
Best Water Heater – Geysers Reviews in India 1. AO Smith HSE-SDS-15 Vertical Storage Water HeateraosmithgeyserThe main U.S water heater employer has taken the Indian market by hurricane with this stylish and compact 15 litre water heater. AO Smith is known for its progressive technologies that improve the longevity of the equipment. Available in two models (15 and 25 litre); this water heater comes with five megastar BEE rating making sure its superior best and performance in the direction of power savings. The water heater is satisfactory suitable for Indian water conditions as the municipal water supply in most areas is hard water. And that is it's miles our top pick out on this list.
Its innovative Blue Diamond Glass line technology makes the inner tank stronger and corrosive resistant. The anode rod with a stainless steel center works closer to extending the shelf lifestyles of the tank with the aid of protective it from corrosion by using difficult water. The patented glass covered heating detail prevents limescale buildup inside the tank and guarantees an extended lifestyles for the product. The sublime design of the water heater includes a temperature manage knob at the the front panel. The manipulate knob lets in you to alter the temperature (25-seventy five℃) at which you just like the water to get heated. Auto thermal cut-out works splendidly if and while the water exceeds the highest pre-set temperature. The thermal cut-out shuts off the energy deliver while the water temperature exceeds. Similarly, a protection valve keeps the water pressure in test through routinely relieving water when the strain shoots up a preset restrict.
Notable Features:
15 litre storage tank Blue Diamond Glass line generation Temperature control ( 25-75℃) Auto thermal cutout BEE 5 megastar rating
This small and compact water heater works splendidly with amazing protection features that allow kids to handle it freely. The innovative anti-corrosion technology ensures low protection. It is best proper for our hard water deliver. It comes with an impressive warranty bundle however the after sales provider isn't true. Apart from this small glitch, the water heater scores excessive amongst its opposite numbers. Once heated, the water temperature is maintained for up to 12 hours. Easy dealing with, brief heating function and hassle unfastened protection.
What We Liked:
Comes with a 7-year warranty for the internal tank four-yr extended assurance on the glass lined heating element Energy green (BEE five star) Customizable temperature placing and thermal cutout 15 litre storage capacity Low preservation Super silent What We Didn’t Like:
No unfastened installation Bad after sales carrier Buy Now From Amazon
2. Bajaj New Shakti GL 25-Litre Water HeaterbajajgeyserThis make in India product comes with some marvelous capabilities designed to tackle the hardness of municipal water. The 25-litre garage tank ability works efficiently time and power clever with out causing a good deal subject to you. The features are pretty equal as our topper however this one comes with a commendable 25 litres of capability. It is worth of the second spot at the list.
The vertical water heater comes with a glass lined inner tank that enables in the prevention of limescale buildup inside the tank. The magnesium lined anode rod no longer most effective prevents corrosion however additionally prevents water leakage. The Incoloy heating element ensures a longer shelf lifestyles to the product. The heater is also appropriate for excessive water strain (8Bar) and pressure pump installations. This extremely safe water heater comes with certain safety measures to preserve water from overheating/dry heating. It also can address immoderate water pressures. The cable extension of the heater is likewise fire retardant. The heater has a four star BEE score this means that you may keep numerous money and time. Once heated, the PUF insulation inside the tank captures the heat and maintains the temperature for a longer time frame even when the energy deliver is cut off.
Notable Features:
25-litre storage tank Fire retardant cable extension 4 superstar BEE rating Magnesium covered anode rod Glass coated and PUF insulated inner tank Incoloy heating element
The Bajaj New Shakti water heater is incredibly adaptable to all forms of areas. Whether you want to in shape it within the laundry room or within the toilet, the vertical construct sits perfectly at the wall without taking over lots area. Available for a respectable rate, the water heater has low renovation and excessive protection features. The outer tank is manufactured from metal preventing any external damage to the product and the outer frame is made up of plastic which allows in stopping rust formation. The 3 pin hearth retardant cable extension is an added bonus to this power green heater. Its excessive pressure withstanding function makes it best for high upward thrust flats.
What We Liked:
Large garage capacity four big name BEE score Can face up to high water strain Retains warmth Comes with a 2 year warranty on the general product and five yr guarantee at the internal tank Heats up speedy What We didn’t like:
Pipes and miscellaneous installation add-ons do now not include the package. The temperature display isn't always accurate. Buy Now From Amazon
three. American Micronic AMI WHM3 25-Litre Water HeateramericanmicronicgeyserDesigned with the aid of the American Micronic Instruments, Inc., USA, this water heater is durable, reliable and green. Although it lacks a fashionable design, the water heater comes with a p.C. Of protection and sensible capabilities which are suitable for an Indian surroundings. Its multiple protection systems provide easy handling and carefree surroundings. It comes with functions which includes resistance towards overheating/ dry heating and monstrous water stress. With 25 litres of potential and 5star BEE score, this one rightfully takes the 1/3 spot.
The internal tank is covered with titanium-enamel glass to ensure its durability by stopping corrosion. The 2mm thick metallic inner tank can cope with excessive water pressure (eight Bar) and as a consequence suitable for excessive upward thrust buildings. The inner tank additionally comes with a 42mm PUF insulation which allows in reducing strength consumption and warmth retention. In addition to this, the sus316l heating detail guarantees the lengthy lifestyles of the product The magnesium coated anode rod works toward stopping leakages and metal corrosions. The 3 pin hearth retardant cable also offers a secure environment for the children to be round. Auto cutout, thermostat and stress discharge valve are the opposite few critical features American Micronic offers.
Notable Features:
25-litre garage tank Titanium-enamel glass coated tank PUF insulation Iso 9001:2008 certified Comes with a 2 12 months warranty Verdict:
The water heater without problems tackles the difficult water scale buildup trouble. It has an automatic cut off characteristic that enables in saving strength and cash. The build of the heater is respectable with climate and moisture evidence body. The quality a part of the product is that it comes with a customizable power putting characteristic. Based in your requirement you could set the strength enter (800W/1200W/2000W at 230V).
What We Liked:
Easy set up and handling Impressive protection systems Customizable temperature and energy settings Low maintenance Retains warmth for up to 24 hours Energy green What We Didn’t Like:
Takes a bit longer to warmth up first of all Buy Now From Amazon
4. V-Guard Victo 15 Litre Water Heaterv-guardgeyserThe maximum relied on emblem in India when it comes to electrical home equipment, V-protect brings an stylish and high overall performance water heater to the market. The vertical water heater holds a fifteen-litre large tank made up of high excellent material.
V-defend Victo comes with a 4 layered safety machine that consists of a hello-tech thermostat and thermal reduce off characteristic that guarantees the proper temperature regulation. The multifunctional safety valve presents greatest strain manipulate and protects it from leakages and corrosion. The cylindrical body of the water heater is made up of high satisfactory metallic and is coated with anti-corrosive powder that provides to its toughness. The inner tank is built using thick gauge steel and covered with advanced glass coating via single-line welding era. The tank has a PUF insulation that keeps warmth and minimizes this sort of loss for that reason saving strength. The water heater comes with a BEE five celebrity rating.
Notable Features:
five famous person BEE rating Thermal cutoff characteristic Customizable temperature manage knob Four layered protection system High first-class construct material 15-litre garage ability
The water heater does no longer take an awful lot time to warmth up 15 litres of water. The sleek build of the heater suits into any space without a good deal trouble. The heater weighs about 10 kgs which fits it wall mounting potential. The water heater is electricity green and has low maintenance as soon as hooked up. It is suitable for tough water supply with respectable water stress. The package deal comes at the side of accent gadgets, unlike other brands.
What We Liked:
Energy efficient Comes with a 2 -year guarantee Accessory kit included Low renovation Longer shelf-lifestyles What We Didn’t Like:
Not positive whether or not it withstands excessive pressure. Buy Now From Amazon
five. Havells Monza EC5S 15 Litre Water HeaterhavellsgeyserComing from a first-rate strength distribution equipment manufacturing business enterprise, this 15-litre is the high-quality desire for a visitor bed room. The ergonomic layout makes it not possible for each person to now not notice the water heater. Havells is known for high performance merchandise and this EC 5s water heater lives as much as the expectations.
The inner tank is made from advanced quality cold rolled metallic that is coated with Fero Glass era the use of the single line weld layout. Additionally, the internal tank is PUF insulated allowing water to hold heat even after the power deliver is reduce off. The Incoloy heating element and the heavy responsibility anode rod work correctly in the direction of stopping corrosion inside the tank. The water heater is BEE famous person rated which assures the efficiency of the device as well as its sturdiness. Safety systems are at par with Government requirements. The Havells water heater affords excessive stage safety of electrical parts from water. The water tubes inside the heater paintings with a whirl glide technology offering uninterrupted water deliver with the right pressure. The adjustable temperature knob within the the front panel is accompanied through virtual signs.
Notable Features:
Fero glass era five famous person BEE score Adjustable temperature manipulate unit PUF insulated tank Highly green Incoloy heating detail and anode rod Comes with a 2-year warranty for the product and six-yr guarantee for the inner tank Verdict:
Havells water heater is dependable as a ways as performance is involved. The heater has a steel frame in place of plastic like different water heaters. It is ideal for a nuclear circle of relatives and high upward push buildings. It can resist excessive stress. Installation is simple and customer support is impeccable. Unlike different manufacturers, this product comes with an accent package.
What We Liked:
Shock resistant electrical units Adjustable temperature settings Durable fero glass era Comes with a prolonged warranty duration Auto reduce off function Heats up fast What We Didn’t Like:
Low temperature heating isn't very superb A bit higher priced Buy Now From Amazon
6. Usha Misty 25 Litre Water HeaterushageyserThe Misty variety of water heaters with the aid of USHA combines performance and safety to its beautiful construct to offer you a reliable geyser. The Misty water heater is understood for its safety structures and software.
This conventional bundle of overall performance, safety and electricity saving characteristic makes it an excellent desire for your house. For best safety, USHA water warmers are equipped with functions that work towards stopping overheating and dry heating, temperature and strain manage and prevention of electrical leakages.
The internal tank is made from excessive high-quality steel and coated with sapphire powder and glass lining. Adding to this, the anode rod is lined with excessive magnesium listen to protect the tank towards corrosion and electrochemical reactions. Apart from this, the polyurethane foam insulation allows in keeping warmness inside the tank, therefore saving energy. The Incoloy 800 heating element with teeth coating heats up water quite quickly lowering the wait time.
The unmarried weld lining of the internal tank reduces undesirable leakages ensuring greater protection. The heater is ready to excessive strain (eight bar) making it perfect for multistoried buildings. The whirl go with the flow technology within the water pipes guarantees the warmers efficient overall performance. IPX4 protects the electrical units from water splashes and leakages. High precision thermostat works splendidly in controlling the temperature and beginning the automobile close-off. The multifunctional safety valve controls the water pressure and prevents backflow of water.
Notable Features:
Sapphire powder coated tank High concentrate magnesium lined anode rod Incoloy 800 heating element Superior safety systems Adjustable thermostat 5 big name BEE score
The water heater has a stunning design on its ABS body. The heater is decently priced for the capabilities it promises. Safety takes the middle degree with this water heater. Super clean overall performance and durability are what you possibly can count on from this heater. It takes approximately 10 minutes to warmness up the water in the tank. However, installation and after sales provider is awful!
What We Liked:
Multi safety functions Comes with a 2 year product assurance; 7-yr internal tank warranty Heats up fast Retains warmness for extended hours What We Didn’t Like:
Installation and customer support needs enhancing Low temperature mode is not powerful Buy Now From Amazon
7. V-Guard Victo Plus 15 Litre Water Heaterv-guardgeyserV-defend Victo Plus is an amped up version of the Victo water heater both through design and capabilities. Its ergonomic layout and revised protection, application and overall performance are ideal for a contemporary household. It basically gives you with a problem loose, easy crusing performance.
Moving on from the cylindrical form of the victo water heater, victo plus presents a mild variation in the form. The digital panel with the control dial adds to its design making it one of the maximum state-of-the-art designs among the water heaters. The inner tank is made of excessive excellent steel covered with anti-corrosive powder to extend the product’s longevity. The 4 layered safety structures are also surprising providing you with a secure and wholesome surroundings. The heater has a seven phase virtual display that shows the temperature within the tank. The stylish jog dial makes it less complicated if you want to control the thermostat. Coming back to the internal additives, the inner tank is also lined with superior glass the use of unmarried line weld generation to prevent corrosion. The PUF insulation maintains the high temperature for a longer period of time even when the power deliver is close. The sacrificial magnesium lined anode rod additionally works towards preventing corrosions and different electrochemical reactions inside the tank. The smart thermostat also comes with an car shut off feature. Lastly, the multifunctional protection valve ensures the proper water pressure is maintained.
Notable Features:
Digital show and smart jog dial Four layered protection structures Withstands high stress (8 bar) five superstar BEE score Comes with a 2 -yr warranty 15-litre garage capacity Verdict:
The maximum fashionable and complicated water heater available inside the market! It has all of the vital functions required for a trouble free output. The rate is also pretty first rate. Easy to put in and maintain possibly why the customer support is frequently unresponsive. It takes a piece longer to heat a fifteen-litre tank. Some may discover the frame cumbersome and heavy for a 15-litre water heater.
What We Liked:
Ergonomic layout Digital display Exceptional safety functions Heat retention capability is extraordinary What We Didn’t Like:
Heat indicator is not bright enough. Buy Now From Amazon
8. Racold Eterno 2 15-Liter Water HeaterracoldgeyserComing from a first-rate logo, Racold Eterno 2 claims to be a clever/clever water bathtub common sense. With eye-catchy design, the 15-litre glossy water heater is noticeably power green. Racold claims that this smart water heater saves as much as forty% of electricity whilst offering you with the appropriate hot water of your desired temperature.
It comes with a great polymer coating that evades limescale deposits inside the inner tank. This defensive coating era for that reason helps in preventing corrosion and presenting high performance. The unique titanium lined heating detail additionally protects the heater and will increase its lifestyles span. Smartguard feature of the heater continues the water strain in check while sustaining high strain. Explaining their claim of electricity conservation, Racold exhibits that the clever blend of each hot and bloodless water via a special deflector ensures much less common restart and an extended length of hot water. It is truly a five star BEE rated product. The tank is also lined with polyurethane foam for higher insulation. However, this water heater is available only as vertical mounts.
Notable Features:
Smart tub logic Super polymer high overall performance Smartguard high strain resistance Smark mix deflector Warranty: 2 years on product; 3 at the detail; 7 on internal tank five big name BEE score Verdict:
Ideal for high upward thrust homes as it withstands high pressure. The make of the heater is likewise marvelous. Installation is loose and no maintenance is required. It is meant for a longer provider. Unfortunately, it is to be had only in 15-litre potential and now not higher
What We Liked:
Energy efficient Impressive warranty duration High overall performance Heats up within 7-eight mins Thermostat and auto cut off Retains warmth for an extended period What We Didn’t Like:
Customer service wishes development Buy Now From Amazon
nine. Crompton Solarium DLX 15Liter  Storage Water HeatercromptongeyserCrompton geysers are known for his or her layout and performance. The Solarium is nothing extraordinary. The elegant design of the water heater is appealing but it's far compact enough to carry a 15-litre storage tank. The specific design truly makes it an eye-catcher.
The solarium withstands the eight bar water pressure and is hence great ideal for multistoried homes. The inner tank is lined with anti-corrosive cloth the usage of unmarried weld line that enables in reducing water leakages with the aid of sixty six%. The tank is protected with the first-class rust loose ABS frame for longer shelf lifestyles. The heater also comes with a complicated 3-tier temperature sensing function that includes capillary thermostat, thermal reduce off and fusible plug to make certain a secure working surroundings.
The internal tank includes a unique type heating element- ISI marked nickel covered copper to offer protection towards salt buildup. Additionally, a patented nano polymer coating is carried out to the tank to prevent corrosion. Notable Features:
15-litre storage tank Nano polymer coating era Nickel coated copper heating element 5 celebrity BEE score High pressure resistance Warranty: 2 years on product; 2 years on heating element; five years on tank
Highly efficient water heater for a first rate rate! The vehicle reduce off function together with other superior technology saves quite a few strength. The design is likewise quite exceptional. On the disadvantage, we've got to buy pipes and other set up accessories separately. Water receives heated inside a few minutes. Overall it looks like a reliable and sturdy product.
What We Liked:
Advanced protection structures Easy set up Auto reduce off Retains warmth for six hours Quick heating What We Didn’t like:
The show lighting need improvement Buy Now From Amazon
10. Longway Stainless Steel  Water HeaterlongwaygeyserThe Longway water heater is thought for its brief response to the warmth. It is accordingly great applicable for people who are continually at a race in opposition to time. This superb five big name BEE rated geyser has a 25-litre garage tank capability. It has an anti-vacuum device, automatic thermostat that cuts off the energy whilst not required. The more heavy heating detail is lined with magnesium for longer sturdiness of the product.
Notable Features:
AVS era Warranty: 2 years on product; 1 yr on heating additives; 30 months on tank Heavy coated heating element 25-litre garage tank Verdict:
Although Longway warmers are not recognised in India, they're one of the oldest brands to have synthetic water warmers. The overall performance is quite decent and so is the charge. The installation has to be finished with the aid of you when purchased. However, this one might ultimate some years much less in comparison to the other water warmers.
What We Liked:
Good warranty period AVS generation Good heating response What We Didn’t Like:
Customer carrier is awful Buy Now From Amazon
Factors to Consider While Purchasing Geysers Before purchasing any product, it's far very crucial to apprehend the requirements and feature proper understanding on features – due to the fact with out it, you will end up with mistaken product and waste cash as properly.
The identical implies for geysers as properly. Below, we've got collected all the statistics required to analyse geysers as in line with your necessities.
1. Size or Capacity This element depends on the usage, wide variety of humans inside the house, reason and others. For example, when you have a massive own family, then purchasing a geyser with higher potential or imparting warm water quick for longer length is usually recommended. However, in case you are a small circle of relatives or simply an individual, then it's far higher to spend money on a small sized geyser.
To make things a piece easy for you, we've provided a table underneath representing circle of relatives size, ideal capability, type of geyser and others.
Family Size
Usage Preference
Type of Geyser
Suitable Capacity
2 – three participants
Washing Utensils
1 – three litres
2 – three participants
Bathing – bucket
6 litres
2 – three participants
Bathing – Bucket
10 – 15 liters
2 – three individuals
Bathing – Shower
15 – 25 litres
4 – 8 contributors
Washing Utensils
1 – three litres
4 – eight contributors
Bathing – bucket
25 litres
four – eight participants
Bathing – Shower
25 litres
Now which you have a clear idea on which size suits your requirements, we will further speak of the sorts and different factors within the relaxation of the item.
2. Type of Geysers – Based on Energy Source Based up on the source of power, geysers are labeled into three types – fuel, electric and sun. Below we've got stated an in depth description of each category on your knowledge.
Electric Water Heaters: As the call implies, those geysers consume strength for supplying hot water. Working principle of electric geysers is truly very simple – electric electricity is transformed into warmth thru heating factors to boom the temperature. Some of these appliances inside the marketplace come with smart features like time postpone, requirement temperature and automation.
These water warmers are ideal for humans dwelling in flats and rented homes. When as compared to fuel water warmers, electric powered ones can warmth the water at higher temperature.
Smaller in size
No warm water during energy cuts
Easy to hold and install
Temperature upward push and go with the flow charges are restrained as electricity output is limited due to wiring load functionality
Not highly-priced
But operational cost may be better than other sorts
Most famous for home use
Gas Water Heaters
These water warmers eat herbal gas like LPG (liquid Petroleum Gas) or propane gasoline to function. . They have the functionality of heating water speedy when in comparison to electric powered geysers.
While installing a gas water heater, it's far crucial to fix the device in the back of the LPG fuel cylinder so one can offer thorough gas deliver through pipelines.
Most of the gas water heaters are either instantaneous or tankless. Gas geysers are perfect for installing within the kitchen as it's far in which you'll be setting the gasoline cylinder. However, if you are putting it inside the bathroom, then make sure to area the cylinder outside for protection purposes. As gasoline cylinder emits carbon monoxide fumes, ventilation could be very cruicial.
When as compared to electric powered water warmers, the working and preservation charges of fuel geysers are less expensive. Installation of gasoline geyser is a chunk tough as they occupy large space and require separate gas connection as well. And safety is a chunk subject if they're no longer made from excessive great substances. They don’t closing greater than 6 – 7 years.
Doesn’t get laid low with electricity cuts and voltage fluctuations
Gas leakage and carbon monoxide poisoning may be dangerous
Due to excessive power content, water gets heated faster at higher temperature viable
Much affordable operation and maintenance prices. Up to 66% preservation cost may be stored.
As water isn't saved, no wastage of heat or energy
With simply turn of tap, unlimited supply of instant hot water without any limits
Solar Geysers If you're dwelling in an unbiased house, then solar geysers are the satisfactory preference. These machines work by soaking up warmness from solar rays through roof-established solar panels. The strength from solar rays is transformed into warmth and transferred to water tank wherein heating is carried out.
With this selection, you don’t should waste cash on electricity or gasoline to provide warm water for the complete family. The initial fee is a chunk better than other alternatives. However,it'll repay in the long time. Solar water heaters aren't appropriate for flats and tenants.
Some of the geysers gift within the marketplace additionally paintings on fuel or electricity as backup in emergency purposes. The best disadvantage of solar water warmers is – they are well matched best in case you personal domestic with open area or open terrace. Also these appliances won't be effective in winters and monsoons when sunshine may be very little.
Saves a lot of cash
Much highly-priced than electric powered gasoline heaters
Need more space like terrace to put in the solar panels
Available in large capacities like 100 liters. So appropriate for most effective big families
3. Types of Water Heaters – Based on Storage If based on garage functionality – water heaters are labeled into two sorts – garage geysers and tankless (or immediately) geysers.
Storage Water Heaters As the call shows, storage geysers have a water tank that save the heated water for certain time period. When you switch at the water heater, positive quantity of water (based on water ability) is heated and shop. The temperature of the saved water is maintained through thermostat for positive amount of time.
Most of the water warmers gift in the market have  forms of water tanks – stainless steeland copper. Steel tanks are highly-priced, closing longer and requires less maintenance. Copper tanks are even extra costlier, however work a great deal higher.
Different models come with specific capacities, you could choose primarily based to your requirement. If your circle of relatives is small, then 20-liter potential is good enough. However, if your own family is huge, then 25L – 35L potential is required.
They are least high-priced
Stored water loses warmness after certain time
Operate with minimal preservation
Water needs to be reheated that is waste of strength
Instant or Tankless Geysers Instant Geysers don’t have separate garage tank capability like garage geysers. They will offer instant warm water every time you want. In on the spot geysers, once you switch on, the water is heated fast and added, and as soon as you turn off, it's going to stop heat water at once. If you want warm water once more, then you have to again switch on the device. Though the name states on the spot, getting warm water can take a few minutes depending on the space between heater and faucet.
Occupies small area for mounting
Expensive than different garage type
Maximum 10-liter capacity
Installation is a chunk intricate with preliminary expenses
Hot water is delivered right away from outlet
Best for kitchen application washing and hand wash
Depending at the humans in your own family, you could want a couple of
More energy efficient than different storage types
Suitable for small families
Below table is with a quick contrast among Storage water Heater and Instant Water Heater Factor
Storage Water Heater
Instant Water Heater
Family Size
medium and huge circle of relatives or for shower bathing
small circle of relatives and bachelors who use one or  buckets of water for bathing
Water Tank Capacity
6 to 35 liters
1, 3, 6 and 10 liters
Perfect For
Bathing the use of bucket or bathe
Bathing using bucket, hand wash and kitchen utensils
Occupies big wall-mounting area
Occupies small space for mounting
High as there's no garage
Operation Costs
more as warm water is used after someday
Less as warm water is used without delay
Provides warm water without any breaks
Doesn’t provide hot water without any breaks. Releases 6 liters of water and take a few more time for water
Delay Time
Need 5 to 10 mins to get water heated up
You will get immediate hot water once you turn on
four. Material of the Water Tank Typically, substances used for water tank heaters are either copper, thermoplastic or stainless steel. These substances make sure performance and safe output.
Copper: It is one of the most used substances to build tanks for water heaters. As copper is a good conductor of heat you can get a brief response in heating the water. However, it reasons corrosion, loss of heat and regular renovation. Stainless steel: Commonly used in maximum of the cutting-edge day water warmers, stainless steel tanks are generally covered with anti-corrosive powder and glass lining to preserve the tank loose from corrosion and other electrochemical reactions. The insulation is better and additionally requires little to no maintenance.
Thermoplastic: A lesser known material for a tank. However, thermoplastic tanks have a higher non-corrosive characteristic while compared to copper. On the drawback, they are now not insulated.
5. Anti-Scale And Anti Corrosive While shopping a geyser, it is very crucial to check whether or not the water tank has anti-corrosive and anti-scale lining. However, before that, examine whether or not your water is hard or gentle. In a few elements of India, best of water is extraordinarily terrible. Hard water can easily corrode and construct-up calcium scales inside the water tank – that could damage the heating efficiency. And you can have to update the water heater as soon as in a 12 months.
To remedy the corrosion problem, producer’s coat the inner of the water heater tank with anti-corrosive materials. Some of them include porcelain tooth glass, glass lined, vitreous tooth, blue silicone tooth, titanium and numerous others.
Steel-based totally alloys and glass coatings offer right insulation, less corrosive, maintain authentic floor for longer time. Placing magnesium rods in the middle can hold corrosive salts at bay. For stopping any harm, you can use water softeners – as they convert difficult water to soft water.
6. Insulation In order to lessen energy intake, geysers are wrapped in warmness insulation. Apart from that, insulation additionally hurries up the heating system and maintain working temperature. Thicker the insulation is, lesser the warmth loss might be. Geysers gift in the marketplace have exclusive insulation rankings. However, for more effective effects, you may upload greater layers of greater insulation outdoor the heater as well.
Most normally used geyser insulation is fiber glass wool this is fixed with straps or entice. When the burner is used, the insulation must block combustion gasoline outflow and air go with the flow. Some current geysers come with PUF (polyurethane foam). They are a great deal better than glass wool as it has the capability of retaining water temperature for a long time. This now not handiest saves 40% strength but additionally the shop money as well.
7. Pressure If you own a flat or stay in a multi-storied excessive rise constructing, then these apartments have excessive strain pumps to make certain water reaches each flat. If the water stress inner geyser gets too high, then it is able to result in problems like leakage. The pressure in the geyser depends on pressure of tap supplying the water and water growth interior at the same time as heating. Usually, the pressure is calculated in bars.
An ideal water heater with extra than 6 bars can resist excessive water strain. Any decrease than that, leakages and tank bursts can be expected. Most of the cutting-edge day geysers come with a protection valve to depressurize the water inside the tank by way of releasing a few quantity of water. Glass coated covered internal tank is more suitable as they'll face up to excessive strain.
8. Heating Element Heating element is likewise as vital as the tank cloth. Most brands make copper heating elements with a coating use to save you corrosion.  Some manufacturers use glass coated Incology heating element; they're taken into consideration to be the fine in resting corrosion and the most highly-priced ones. They final for about four years with difficult water source. Another popular heating element is glass covered copper heating detail; they may be now not so steeply-priced but are pretty exact. Copper lined heating element lasts for about 2 years even in tough water source regions.
Nine. Auto-Off Feature Most of the modern-day water tank warmers have a clever characteristic – automatic shut off. Sometimes, human beings forget turning off the water heater. In such conditions, this factor is beneficial. It helps to show off the geyser by preventing unnecessary strength intake.
10. Power Consumption Electrical water heaters upload up to fifteen% of your monthly energy bill depending upon the weather situations and intake. Although maximum of the household home equipment are electricity efficient, it's miles nevertheless critical so that it will recognize the quantity of power your water heater consumes to be able to make a few financial savings.
All the branded water heaters are BEE rated. Look on the BEE label and look at the annual electricity consumption in devices. You can then move test that with this simple system
Units consumed = Water volume X Temperature difference X Cost of power.
Other than this, there are some elements you need to recollect deciding the energy intake of the water heater.
Input water: The price of heating depends of the preliminary water temperature with a view to change with season, additionally the power consumption. Purpose of water: useless to say, the purpose of water utilization performs an critical function in strength intake. Large quantity of water calls for greater strength. Thermostat setting: all the contemporary electric water warmers come with a thermostat that helps you to set a temperature that is similarly continues the use of the car on/shut off feature. Auto-off: a geyser with vehicle off characteristic shuts the device off after accomplishing the desired temperature which prevents unnecessary strength consumption. Heat retention: despite the fact that most of the modern-day warmers do include this option, this is a much less extensive feature identifying the efficiency of the product. The more the heater retains the warmth, the less power it consumes. Eleven. Wattage Usually, electric water warmers excellent perform at 1500-2000 watts. Some branded geysers include expanded strength to 3000 watts which draws greater strength over a short time frame. A geyser with excessive drift rates (100L/hr) will draw greater electricity than water heaters with decrease float quotes
12. Ratings All the water heaters are marked with a BEE big name rating by way of the Government of India. Higher the range of stars (on a scale of five), the greater strength efficient the device is. Star score is some thing one has to take into account in order to store money and time at the longer run. Five-megastar rating geyser is greater energy green and works on a lot lesser strength than a geyser with 4-big name rating. Always remember shopping for any home equipment with four or better celebrity score.
Thirteen. Mount Vertical mount water warmers are the most commonplace form of warmers found in the market. Horizontal heaters called H-wall water heaters are a brand new access to the marketplace which are suitable for areas with low ceilings, false ceilings or attics. Make certain your bathroom/kitchen has about 2 toes of space to healthy a vertical mount water heater.
14. Build and Material Now that we understand the significance of the cloth utilized in constructing the inner tank, let us examine the limitations set in building the outer frame.  The outer body may be built using plastic. However, a sturdy material which includes ABS is favored. The plastic even helps in moulding the heater to the favored shape and design.
15. Additional Features It is constantly accurate to have a few additional capabilities like properly design, adjustable knob and others to make the washing enjoy even greater handy. Our frame can not handle too hot water, so you don’t require warm water that exceeds 50 tiers Celsius. That is why, it is better to have customized warmness temperature adjustment in a geyser. This will save you the conflict of mixing warm and cold water to get ideal hotness. And moreover, it saves  electricity bill as well.
Sixteen. Durability and Maintenance The durability of water heater represents the capacity to face up to and function successfully even in unsightly conditions. The durability of the geyser ensures long-lasting nature without any harm to the product. Moreover, the renovation of the geyser relies upon on geyser type and frequent utilization. To keep geyser in good operating situation, clean the tank once in each week to save you from rusting.
17. After Sales Service Geysers are one of the essential household home equipment. When you buy a brand new one, it's far always recommended to purchase from a reputable emblem which offers brief maintenance and replacements in case any harm happens.
18. Warranty Just like some other household equipment, assurance of a water heater is vital as nicely. Most of the high emblem geysers include four to 5-years guarantee on water tank and a couple of to three years on different elements. During the warranty period, if the product doesn’t paintings, you can get free substitute or repair paintings performed without paying.
19. Expense Though we have stated this thing within the remaining, it's miles similarly crucial to others provided in the buying guide. If you’re on low-budget, go along with the entry-degree fashions that first-class fits together with your heating or storage necessities. Otherwise, go with pinnacle-notch water geysers that come at high-priced fees.
General Tips earlier than shopping for a geyser Electric geysers with copper tank need to no longer be used at domestic with high water deliver pumps as excessive water strain can harm the geyser in conjunction with the tank. When putting in a fuel heater region the LPG gasoline cylinder up, outside of the toilet with a right leakage evidence pipe. The gas heater emits Carbon Monoxide (CO) fuel so there should be right air flow device. Your electric powered warmers must have an car reduce-off characteristic that successfully shuts down the deliver of energy as and while the water reaches 60℃. Any similarly heating can cause internal strain to accumulate and outbursts.
Buy handiest the ones heaters that bring a authentic BIS/ISI certification. This ensures that the product has gone through all of the important trials and assurance assessments.
It is really helpful to hire a professional to put in the appliance as slight negligence may danger the lifestyles of the product and yours. Always test for the manufacturer’s guarantee records on the time of purchasing. Shock proof and rustproof -ABS Plastic body
Fire Retardant Cable: reduces the flammability of the cables to prevent any possibilities quick circuit. A protection valve- to discharge excess water whilst the pressure or temperature exceeds secure limits.
Auto-On/Off- to robotically turn the device on and off when had to save you electricity wastage. BEE celebrity score- better the megastar rating greater the power financial savings.
Safety measures to observe when the use of a geyser Children ought to be live faraway from geyser even as it's far on otherwise they are able to burn their fingers with warm water
Don’t use different electrical tool in the toilet when the use of a geyser Flush out the sediment construct-up often to avoid unnecessary power consumption.
Never preserve geyser on for a long time frame. Operating at better temperature ranges reasons more strength intake. By putting the temperature from 60 diploma C to 50 degree C you could virtually store 18% more power.
Water heater wastes strength whilst you left unused water in the tank. Always transfer the geyser on before using and transfer it off when you are finished. Most of the geysers have with the aid of-default thermostat settings at 60 degree C. Please be cautious even as the use of it as this excessive temperature can reason serve harm and burns to human pores and skin. Always mix bloodless water with the recent water to lower down the temperature.
Some Frequently Asked Questions?
1. What are the excellent Water heater brands? Best logo guarantees satisfactory, performance and suitable after income service. From such a lot of brands right here comes the fine ones- AO smith, Havells, Crompton, Bajaj , Racold, American Microni, V-Guard, and Kenstar.  They provide geysers with capacity from 10L-35 L. They are available in Amazon or Flipkart. Some of them offer loose installation. Even if it's miles paid they're usually higher than a calling local plumber.
2. Can I deploy the Geyser myself? We in no way endorse you to install a geyser yourself till you are not a expert. We will also recommend you to avoid local plumber as they don’t observe protection measures and often no longer very expert. It is higher if you are searching for help for an Authorized Service Center. Some producers offer installation carrier while you purchase a brand new item. For set up you may want some additional things like 2 metal ribbed pipes, 1 brass angle valve, a connection nipple and little different stuffs.
Three. How you may make your geyser a clever geyser? With domestic automations you can control your geyser with a smart cellphone with out getting up early from your mattress. All you need to do is to plug the Oakter like minded geyser to the Oakter smart plug and agenda a time to show on/off automatically. Like if you plan to take a bath at 8 am within the morning you can configure the Oakter App to routinely flip the geyser on at 7:30 am, by so that you will get hot water as quickly as you input the bathroom. It will even turn the geyser off after accomplishing the desired temperature set by you.
4. How wattage is associated with heating time? Wattage of a geyser is directly related to the time taken for heating water. The extra the wattage the faster might be the heating. For example a 4 K.W geyser will heat the water faster than a 2 K.W geyser. It can prevent warm water wastage; however, extra wattage will even growth the month-to-month energy bill.
5.What is the best geyser for hard water? Hard water has salts like calcium, magnesium in dissolved country. They can motive corrosion and shape rust within the walls of the geyser. If you have got difficult water supply at domestic look for a geyser with a corrosive resistant tank and glass lined copper Incoloy heating detail for more sturdiness and longer existence span. You also can deploy a water softener on the way to flip difficult water into smooth water before passing it to the geyser.
6.How long does a water heater ultimate? Depending upon the utilization, logo and capacity, electric water heaters usually final at the least up to 10 years. According to the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors a conventional garage water heater can last up to 10 years depending on the water hardness, day by day utilization, build-fine, set up and preventative maintenance. As it begins getting older it gives guidelines that it needs alternative soon. For instance, rusty water can flip the water heater rusting internal out causing outstanding damage with time. Sedimentation at the bottom of the tank makes growth-bang sounds popping out from the geyser. The sediment build-up forms calcite this is heated and re-heated regularly destroys your water heater in a manner it begins losing its performance sooner than what's predicted. Water leakage can be the ultimate good-bye sign of a geyser- but search for easy repairable unfastened connections and fittings, leaks in pipes.
7. Is it ordinary for the electric water heater to make noise? Yes, a faint noise, as soon as the water within the tank has reached the preferred temperature is ordinary. However, in case you listen banging, hissing, or knocking sounds, call the customer service. This is probably because of the unwanted limescale deposits within the tank. You might even need to check the heating detail.
8. Is it normal for a gas heater to make noise? If you hear appears like popping, hissing and crushing it's far due to the sediment build-up within the tank. Hard water which contains excessive stage of calcium and magnesium salts crates a calcite layer at the bottom of the tank. When the moisture among the sediment layer and the geyser wall starts offevolved to boil it makes such noise. You need the flush the geyser to take away all the sediment construct-up.
Nine. How do I recognize if I need to replace the water heater? You ought to take a look at whether the heater is supplying surplus hot water or is losing out on it each short time. Steady deliver of warm water on the favored temperature indicates that your heater is suit to run for some extra years. However, if the temperature fluctuates or the water output has sediments in it, it’s truely time to alternate your water heater.
10. Why is my heater releasing water? It is common for the cutting-edge water heaters to release a small amount of water now and then. This is to keep the inner water pressure inside the tank. A multifunctional safety valve maintains the water pressure and temperature in test and prevents the tank from leakages and bursts.
Eleven. How to show off a leaking water heater? First and principal factor to do is to shut down the water deliver to the unit. Every water heater comes with an guidance manual when bought. Depending upon the emblem, the steps may additionally range but make certain you examine the manual and observe the commands carefully. In case it doesn’t workout, name the helpline variety.
12. Why is my water heater leaking? One might notice water leaking from the pipes, inlet valve or the lowest tank. Leaking pipes suggest that it is time for its alternative. If the water is leaking from the top/inlet valve, it indicates set up troubles while water leakage from the bottom suggests a crack in the inner tank. This will be the time to both utilize your assurance and replace the tank or replace the water heater.
Thirteen. Why isn’t my water heater generating sufficient warm water like earlier than? If your water heater is walking out of warm water quick or is producing lukewarm water, it may be due to  essential reasons. One- the heating element or the thermostat should have burned out. Two- over the years the inner tank need to be clogged with sediments and scale buildups.
14. Off late my water heater has been giving out stinky water. What have to I do? Smelly water can be due to the sedimentation and limescale buildup in the water tank. With heavy chlorination of the inlet water, you will study unwanted microbial and mineral buildup inside the tank. This may reason the foul smell in the water. Regular flushing of the tank maintains the tank smooth and secure for similarly use.
During winters, it turns into tough to tub with out hot water. Bathing with regular or cold water inside the winters can lead to numerous fitness headaches like bloodless, fever and others. But boiling hot water on range or the use of transportable electric powered heaters take lots time and difficult paintings.
But installing a water heater/geyser may be a awesome method to save you the difficult paintings. With these home equipment, you can store time as properly.
However, while it comes to purchasing them, you need to recall positive factors like capability, sturdiness, type, and others. This facts allows you analyze the alternatives and pick the right one in your necessities.
Every one people has one of a kind preferences – it may be either on the spot or garage geysers. When it involves instantaneous geysers, we propose going with Bajaj Flora. And for storage geysers, we advocate AO Smith HSE SDS product. These two merchandise are the exceptional among their range. Their exquisite capabilities and specs make it definitely well worth your every penny.
If you have got any queries or doubts, then write to us inside the remark segment below. We will share our answers as soon as feasible. For greater such articles, keep.
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sternerstufftoys · 5 years
Ahh, the children of the Nitro
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I didn't watch Cybertron. I was pretty definitively burned out on the Unicron Trilogy by then, and there was a pretty horrible undercurrent of cynicism to its third chapter. Armada had been a mess which admittedly tightened up in its latter half, and Energon had proved to be such a horrific shambles that I had no desire to put myself through that again. And Cybertron was following a well-worn route by re-hashing the same basic plot as Armada had done, only with everyone obsessing over collecting little key things instead of collecting minicons.
So I don't really have much to say about Override / Nitro Convoy as a character I'm afraid. I do like the concept though, and for once I think Japan had a good idea in taking all the leaders of the various planets visited in the show and giving them the 'Convoy' suffix, akin to having them all as different Primes. Sadly Hasbro nixed the idea to not muddy the waters with what a Prime actually was... only to thoroughly embrace the idea some years later with the Thirteen and all that. That said, Hasbro get brownie points for making Override a girl, trying to alleviate the tendency of Transformers to be more of a sausagefest than August in Cologne.
As leader of the Velocitron she managed to get a turn in the IDW comics of course, but was criminally underused, staying at home for the entirety of the run and not bothering to interfere with Cybertronian politics. It's a shame, especially compared to the immense character overhaul that Elita-1 enjoyed. But then, as in 2005, her thing was speed, enough to win leadership of the whole planet, I guess? But that amounts to all the characterisation she got. It's a real shame, as a rival Prime from a different planet with a totally different worldview to stodgy old Optimus is the sort of thing that Transformers could really benefit from having more of.
The toy here is from Mastermind Creations, and a moderate retool of their IDW Rodimus toy. You can kinda tell that underneath the outer shell this was always intended to be someone different, so poor old Override never looks entirely comfortable in her own skin. Still, if MMC's attempt at the Alex Milne design doesn't quite work for you, this is a decent enough way to enjoy the mould without needing to get an almost-but-not-quite rendition of the comic megastar. I mean, if she doesn't look 100% like the original Override is that much of a problem? Nah.
What lets it down a bit is the accessories. While MMC gave Rodimus a natty little bow in homage to his Animated days in addition to his traditional gun, Override gets a rather pitiful peashooter that doesn't look like it could shoot a stain off a public urinal. There's no real reason to lose the bow either, and it would have made for a much more individualistic weapon for Override than it did for Roddy.
Transformation is pretty typical MMC fare. It's challenging, especially in getting everything to line up properly in vehicle mode, but ultimately a rewarding affair. The lanky robot manages to squish down into a compact and boxy racer that might look cute if it wasn't still voyager size. You get the feeling that there's a pretty mighty engine lurking underneath, since it's big and heavy-looking enough to smash through other racers rather than dodge around them. The translucent tires and single-seat cockpit make it clear that this is far from being an earth car. She'd have a hell of a time fitting down your average B road hereabouts. 
I dunno. I really like this toy and I like the idea of Override, and it's a pity that there's been little drive (hah) to revisit her in more modern iterations of the Transformers franchise. Pole position in my heart.
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milliebobbybrownfan · 5 years
New Post has been published on Millie Bobby Brown Fan #MillieBobbyBrown #StrangerThings
New Post has been published on https://milliebobbybrown.org/press-photos-millie-bobby-brown-on-breaking-beauty-rules/
Press/Photos: Millie Bobby Brown on breaking beauty rules
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Millie Bobby Brown is the ultimate teen game-changer: bold, outspoken, and defying gender beauty norms. Ignore her at your peril!
In many ways, Millie Bobby Brown is like every other 15-year-old. Her phone is a constant attachment (it was tucked under her legs during our interview), onesies are her favourite clothing, and she spends free time chilling with her sister, Ava, aged seven, watching Disney’s The Lion King and Matilda. But Millie has quite a few qualities that set her apart from the majority of teens, too. Most strikingly, of course, she’s a Hollywood megastar. Netflix smash Stranger Things made her a household name when she was just 11, and in the next year she’ll star in Godzilla vs. Kong and take the title role in Enola Holmes, playing Sherlock Holmes’ younger sister. She has more than 28 million followers on Instagram… did we mention that she’s only 15?!
And it’s not just on the big screen that she’s making waves. Millie – or Mills, as she’s called by friends and family – wants to use her platform to do good, joining the ranks of teenage activists and disrupters who’ve become a force for positive change in recent years (the mass school walkouts over climate change being a case in point). Having recently been appointed UNICEF’s youngest-ever Goodwill Ambassador, she plans to use her voice to raise awareness of issues that affect young people: lack of education, safe places to play and learn and the impact of violence, bullying and poverty.
So it comes as no surprise that she has a strong work ethic: ‘One job isn’t enough for me. I’m a prime multi-tasker. I’m also proactive. As soon as I have an idea, I’ve got to try and fulfil it as soon as possible,’ she says. Her latest venture? Launching her own skincare and beauty range, florence by mills, exclusively in Boots. Naturally, for this Gen-Z crusader, it’s cruelty-free, inclusive, and gives back. We sat down with Millie in her family home to talk about the range, gender-neutral beauty and the rise of the teenage game-changer.
Millie on… entrepreneurship ‘I came up with the idea for my beauty range when my dad and I were on a plane from Atlanta to Argentina. I was practising applying make-up – I’m a bit of a fanatic – and while I looked great, I didn’t feel great. I told my dad I felt there was a gap in the market for skincare and make-up aimed solely at young people. I knew I could create something that sat in the middle and “spoke” to people like me and my friends. Something that’s healthy and good for your skin, but also fun and still represents youth. As soon as we landed, I phoned everyone and said I had to do something of my own.’ Fast-forward two years and Millie has created a range of 15 products, including skincare and cosmetics. It has chic, matte purple packaging – her favourite colour – and a fragrance that’s a mix of lavender, rose and cucumber, her favourite scents. ‘As a young person and entrepreneur, I wanted to be taken seriously. And it’s been hard, these past six years, working non-stop to prove to myself and to society that young people deserve a seat at the table.’ The range is named after her great-grandmother, who passed away before Millie was born, ‘I’m like her. She was loud, opinionated and didn’t stop talking. She loved people and she loved the world. And that’s me.’
Millie on… ethical beauty Making sure florence by mills was vegan and cruelty-free was essential to Millie’s vision. ‘I love animals: I have two tortoises, three dogs and a cat. My favourite animal is the orca whale, and my little sister and I are always in the garden saving insects. I knew the brand had to be cruelty-free. It was a no-brainer.’ The brand also gives back through their support of the Olivia Hope Foundation*, a US charity to fund childhood cancer research, in memory of her friend Olivia, who died from a rare and aggressive form of the disease.
Millie on… gender stereotypes When it came to shaving her head for her role as Eleven in Stranger Things, Millie didn’t give it a second thought. ‘I wanted to work and had no problem with getting rid of my hair, which was long at the time. I told my mum, “It’s just hair; it doesn’t define me as a girl.” She said, “You’ll be bullied and called names.” And that’s what happened. I was called names in the street. But instead of bringing me down, it gave me the light I needed to be humble and to understand that not everyone’s life is easy. As a society, we’re conditioned to see girls with long hair and boys with short hair, but I’ve always wanted to go against that. In this respect, I’m not very good at following the rules. It was a liberating experience, and I’d do it again.’
Millie on… online bullying Using her fame to speak out about and tackle issues that are close to her, starting with cyber-bullying, is important to Millie. ‘I get bullied online a lot by older people. It can be hurtful. I’m lucky that I’m the type of person who can brush it off. I’ll often respond to a comment with something like: “I’m so sorry you live a life that’s filled with so much hate, because I live my life with so much love.” My parents have taught me to love and not to dislike and hate people.’
Millie on… teenage game-changers ‘The phrase “children should be seen and not heard”: that’s never been who I am. My parents have never said that; they’ve always encouraged and motivated me to speak up and to never stop.’ And now, as a UNICEF ambassador, she has an official capacity to do just that. ‘To have the title is such an honour. It’s an exciting time to be young, because now my voice is being heard and I can try to spark a voice in other young people. It’s amazing to be part of an organisation that gives a voice to every child.’
And she knows she has an army of teens on her side. ‘It’s not just me out there. Malala Yousafzai is one of the most inspirational young women I know. She stands up for something I feel passionate about: that every young person deserves an education. In different cultures and places, young girls don’t get the education they deserve, and I think it’s one of my biggest challenges and missions. Look at Greta Thunberg. I watched her speech to the EU, and it had me smiling all day. We’ve come a long way, but still there are those who believe young people aren’t as important. However, we’re slowly forming a generation that will be heard.’
Millie on… being a role model Take a quick scroll through Millie’s Instagram feed and you find posts that are funny, silly and full of joy. ‘My social media represents positivity. You go there to laugh and see a real human being. I don’t like posting things that don’t feel like me.’ I ask if her mum checks what she’s putting up. ‘She trusts me. She’s not on Instagram, but she’ll take a photo of me and say, “This is who you are – put that up.” She helps me stay true to who I am.’ Her parting advice to fellow teens? ‘It doesn’t matter how young you are, you still have your own voice and your opinion. And you can stand up for yourself.’ If only there were more adults who thought like Millie Bobby Brown. – Source
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Photo Session #018 Photo Session #018 – Behind the Scenes
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I am picturing the story starts during Thunderclash's funeral. Basically, when Megatron hears that their son is dying, he takes Starscream's midnight call and tells him before he can hang up, sending him the coordinates. Starscream doesn't thank him, but he does immediately rush from Cybertron, taking the fastest ship he can find with a deeply suspicious accompaniment with him.
No one on the Lost Light or Vis Vitalis expects him, except Firestar knows Thunderclash had marked a list of Cons allowed to attend and doesn't know-know but understands there is some connection. Megatron and Starscream eventually hover together and start talking about memories. Megatron finds he'd snuck into Thunderclash and finds Starscream talking to him softly, calling him his childhood nickname "Bitty". They have an intimate emotional moment and share their first genuine emotion in years.
Then they get interrupted and chased out and it closes off.
The personality ticks occur, but now with the additional parent-child reunion. Thunderclash is panicking and sick and also strangely comforted to have his parents watching over him like when he was small. Megatron tries to call him his birthname, but he bristles. Then Rodimus interrupts suspicious and leads Thunderclash away, and Thunderclash has a miniature breakdown all over him, saying he can't go into Rodimus's crew under false pretenses.
He tells Rodimus all about his life as MegaStar's first child growing up with the Decepticons and truly believing, watching things fall apart and get steadily darker, and then the final straw for him when he saw Megatron and Starscream's actions in the face of Nyon. Hot Rod helping the Autobots inspired young Thunderclash to leave and he confronted Megatron, leading to a large fight the phrases "no creation of mine" and "if you believe that you aren't my child" and Thunderclash having a heart-to-heart with doubtful uncle Thundercracker who breaks him out of grounding. Thunderclash runs off and changes his name.
He's young, the Cybertronian equivalent of a young teen, Rodimus is older, and runs into Ratchet while there. Ratchet kind of takes him in since he knows basic first aid as a helper and fosters him from there as Thunderclash learns everything and anything and gets a frame change away from a tank.
Rodimus listens to this increasingly upset story and Thunderclash's imposter syndrome feelings and doubts about his place and feelings of guilt and how it felt to have his own Carrier put a hit out on him and finds he likes messy Thunderclash a lot more and that he is very lonely and recognizes some of those feelings.
Plus it turns out Thunderclash is an ugly crier. Which Rodimus thinks is a bonus. He knows that he cries pretty.
He drags Thunderclash to his room for a session of Netflix and Chill which Rodimus does not realize is code for anything but movies and cuddling. They bond and Rodimus feels a little protective of the big guy and fully welcomes him to the Crew when Thunderclash thanks him for his kindness but says he understands that his invitation was no doubt rescinded.
Rodimus tells him "no take backs" and grins and Thunders swoons a little.
Starscream and Megatron meanwhile had a reunion themselves despite Bee telling Starscream this was a terrible idea. It was inspired by the sudden return of positive feelings surrounding saving their kid. Starscream leaves unaware that Megatron is carrying. Again.
Oh right the pre-funeral!!
Makes sense that the one damn thing they agree on rn is they need to see their kid, who is dying (maybe. Probably. He's Thunderclash, you two produced a kid that somehow was always dying but never does die)
Hmm. So Firestar knows ~something~ is up.
People must've had so many thoughts upon seeing that not only is Megatron here, but Starscream too. And they're vaguely near each other. A nice lot of mecha probably thought they were planning decepticon murder shit or something
oh roddie oh thunder
this had to be one hell of an emotional moment between them, especially since it would conflict with what Rodimus thinks about Thunderclash in such a beautiful way. Because yes, I think Rodimus does deserve to see that Thunder isn't just an icon of the Perfect Autobot™️ to envy and resent, but an actual person with his own insecurities and flaws and oh Thunderclash.
Oh Thunderclash
Yes. Thunderclash is exactly an ugly crier, nice to see someone else agrees too.
He knows he cries pretty
Roddie how could you possibly know that, why do I feel like there's a story there
I mean hey sometimes you need to chill with some Netflix in order to Netflix and Chill another day. Aww. Yes.
Aww yes yes welcome to the crew Clashy
Bee tried lol Bee tried.
He failed, but he tried.
Again :)
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nandostateofmind · 5 years
Losing Weight and Losing Sexy
The Journey From Being the Sexiest Fat Man Alive to Being a Regular Chubby Guy....
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At a smooth 6’1, 364 lbs compared only to the big and tall men of the world i was 10 while being judged on the fat guy scale. Women would comment that they weren’t into big guys but that loved me, charisma aside, they felt i had sex appeal. Now in my single days i would sleep with those women but i would never date them because i always said i don’t want someone who i made love me because of charisma or because they felt i was an exception to their normal rules. I wanted someone who saw me and knew they would fuck me right out the gate. I found that in my wife our sexual chemistry was insane. We were like wild animals trying to repopulate a planet without humans but only for practice because we didn’t want children at the time. That’s why i will always appreciate her, we chose each other out of a sea of people and we piped everyday all day. We still have a lot of sex by most people’s standards but i do have children and i work overtime and mostly one or two rounds and we shut it down we don’t have mutual days off so we can’t go for marathons when one of us has to be up in the morning.
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Now though 2019 Nando, he’s 219lbs and i get more appreciation from people who either know i have lost the weight or from people who wouldn’t have paid me attention when i was a bigger man. I don’t really seek that attention anyway it doesn’t move me. I never wanted to be a superstar to women i kind of always wanted to a megastar to one who just truly saw the magic in me as a person and sexually. The compliments i receive from family and friends are empty to me because they are basically saying you were messed up before thank goodness you fixed yourself. The point being i get much more attention now and it’s uncomfortable. Especially because i have actually lost a lot of confidence behind losing weight. Before my imperfections were being judged against other fat men and so they were not bad at all. Now however, I’m being judged against life long skinny and chubby men. The problem being that with all people who have lost tremendous amounts of weight i have physical imperfections that I’m self conscious about. Loose skin, saggy area where my skin’s elasticity wont come back, and just a long way to go to be seen as physically fit. So i feel a million times better physically, emotionally and most importantly mentally. But, i do miss that sexiest fat man alive title i owned in my mind. My loyalty will always be the fat kids of the world. Anything competitive and award available i route for the fat kid because his victory is a true victory he didn’t won because of his looks he won because of his talents society isn’t ready to accept big people as sex symbols yet. They may acknowledge beauty but they underscore by expressing how unhealthy they are. Almost like a homeless person becoming a millionaire through hard work and a billionaire saying that ain’t shit i got billions. The victory of the fat person always has the undertone of their being a fat person in there. I feel God blesses fat people with gifts like charisma, singing voices, makes them funny because we can’t necessarily draw people in with out physical beauty so we have to draw people in by being the best kinds of people kind happy fat kids. So while I’m in the grey area between chubby and skinny, weak and strong, flabby and fit I’m always going to be team fat boy! And i was a mfin 10!
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ts1989fanatic · 6 years
When Taylor Swift came to town
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Taylor Swift loves playing in Massachusetts — at least, playing at Gillette Stadium. Since first headlining there in 2010, Swift has sold out the venue seven times, on four tours. The music video for her song “Sparks Fly” takes footage from her live performance at Gillette in 2011. “Foxborough is the first place that I realized it was a possibility to play”to more than 100,000 fans “in two days,” she reportedlytold the crowd. “My time in Foxborough will be filed under one of the greatest times in my life.”
This week, Swift — who has long made headlines for offstage romances, breakups, and celebrity beefs — is upping the ante with three nights at Gillette, as part of a seven-month, four-continent tour.
Here’s a look back at 10 years of Swift’s performances in Massachusetts.
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When: Sept. 13, 2008
Where: Comcast Center, Mansfield
Onstage: At just 18 years old, Swift opened for country megastars Rascal Flatts on their “Still Feels Good” tour. Her first song was “I’m Only Me When I’m With You,” which Rolling Stone panned as one of Swift’s worst compositions. Just two months later, Swift would drop “Fearless,” an album that would go on to be diamond certified (sales and streaming equivalent sales of at least 10 million units), win album of the year at the Grammys, and launch her career.
Offstage: From July to October 2008, Swift dated teen star Joe Jonas. Their breakup inspired the song “Forever & Always,” a last-minute addition to “Fearless.”
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When: July 31, 2009
Where: TD Garden, Boston
Onstage: Amid her own “Fearless” tour, Swift opened for Keith Urban. In Boston, she performed 11 songs, starting with “You Belong With Me,” one of her biggest hits. Just six weeks later, the song’s music video would win Swift best female video at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards, a ceremony famously interrupted by Kanye West.
Offstage: Only 19, Swift was vaulted to superstardom. That year, she was named Billboard’s artist of the year, appeared in the film “Valentine’s Day” and the “CSI” TV series, hosted “Saturday Night Live,” and dated teen heartthrob Taylor Lautner. Oh, and “Fearless” would be the best-selling album of the year.
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When: June 5, 2010
Where: Gillette Stadium, Foxborough
Onstage: Before Swift took the stage for the first time at Gillette, fans saw three openers: Gloriana, Kellie Pickler, and a 16-year-old from Canada named Justin Bieber. Swift closed her encore with “Should’ve Said No,” a song that has resurfaced on her current tour.
Offstage: In the late spring of 2010, rumors began swirling that Swift was dating “Glee” actor Cory Monteith. Some have guessed that her song “Mine,” released in August 2010, is about him. (Neither Swift nor Monteith, who died in 2013, ever confirmed the rumors.)
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When: June 25-26, 2011
Where: Gillette Stadium, Foxborough
Onstage: Swift’s second round at Gillette came amid her “Speak Now” world tour. She opened with “Sparks Fly,” footage of which formed much of the song’s music video. She closed with “Love Story,” a song she has performed on every headlining tour.
Offstage: Though a crossover artist by 2011, country music wasn’t ready to relinquish its claim on Swift: She won the Country Music Association’s entertainer of the year award, having previously won in 2009. She also won her fourth songwriter/artist of the year award from the Nashville Songwriters Association International, and was named entertainer of the year by the Academy of Country Music.
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When: July 2, 2012
Where: Tanglewood, Lenox
Onstage: Swift, 22 years old, made a guest appearance with James Taylor, and the two Taylors — Swift has said she was named after the Boston-born balladeer — performed a duet of “Fire and Rain,” his 1970 megahit. She also performed her hit songs “Ours” and “Love Story,” and left to a standing ovation.
Offstage: From July through September, Swift dated 18-year-old political legacy Conor Kennedy, grandson of Robert F. Kennedy. The two were seen on a Hyannis Port beach, and in August Swift bought her own Cape Cod home — seven bedrooms, five bathrooms, at $4.9 million — near the Kennedys. She sold it the next spring, at a profit.
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When: July 26-27, 2013
Where: Gillette Stadium, Foxborough
Onstage: Openers included Ed Sheeran, who has become one of the UK’s all-time best-selling artists. Swift closed with “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together,” a pop hit reportedly about ex-boyfriend Jake Gyllenhaal.
Offstage: “The Red Tour” would gross over $150 million, and in 2013 Swift was named artist of the year at the American Music Awards. After breaking up with One Direction singer Harry Styles in January, her high-profile love life took a pause. That year, Swift bought a beach mansion in Watch Hill, R.I.
When: Aug. 3, 2014
Where: Boston Children’s Hospital
Onstage: Swift made a surprise appearance at the hospital to visit Jordan Lee Nickerson, a 6-year-old leukemia patient from Rhode Island. Swift and Nickerson played air hockey, and he asked her to play her favorite song. She serenaded his private hospital room with “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together.”
Offstage: In the spring of 2014, Swift moved to New York City and began work on “1989,” an album of bona-fide pop anthems. Two weeks after the hospital visit, she released “Shake It Off,” which currently has more than 2.6 billion views on YouTube.
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When: July 24-25, 2015
Where: Gillette Stadium, Foxborough
Onstage: On the “1989” world tour, which would reach some 2.2 million fans and earn $250 million in revenue, Swift greeted the Foxborough crowd with the album’s first track: “Welcome to New York.” Openers included Vance Joy, Shawn Mendes, and Haim.
Offstage: In March, Swift began dating Scottish singer, DJ, and record producer Calvin Harris. The two would break up the following year. That same spring, Swift’s mother was diagnosed with cancer. She asked her fans to encourage their parents to get checked for any health problems.
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When: July 26-28, 2018
Where: Gillette Stadium, Foxborough
Onstage: On her “Reputation” stadium tour thus far, Swift has performed songs from her new album (including “. . . Ready for It?,” “I Did Something Bad,” and “Look What You Made Me Do”) and past hits (“Shake It Off,” “Blank Space,” “Sparks Fly”). Openers include Charli XCX and Camila Cabello.
Offstage: With a net worth over $320 million, according to Forbes, Swift remains a leader of pop (“Reputation” was globally the second-best-selling album of 2017, behind only “÷” by her former opener Ed Sheeran). Critics were mixed on “Reputation,” and less-than-stellar ticket sales on this tour have led some to wonder if her star has dimmed. By the end of the weekend, we’ll know where the Foxborough faithful stand.
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epickendall · 6 years
Total drama:Monster madness part 6
The 4 teens walk up to the trailer suddenly the trailer window open and shadowy figure pulled out an M16 the figure aims at the teens. Making the teens scream Geoff jump on Zara arms and Cody jump on Gwen's arms the figure said: " Eat lead zombies". The teens said together "We're not zombies" Cody recognize the voice and sound familiar "Chef is that you" said Cody. Then the shadowy figure comes out of the shadow to reveal to be Chef wearing his military outfit.
"Hey Chris check out," said Chef "Chef swear to god I already saw an undead movie star about twenty times," said Chris voice in the trailer then. Chris still wearing his usual outfit walk into the trailer window to see his former total drama contestant "oh it's you guys small world isn't it." "Chris all person in the whole town we had to run into you," said Gwen "yeah well a little apocalypse doesn't get a megastar like me down". Cody and Geoff get back on their feet "Chris do you know what's going" said Geoff "not really but Chef does".
"See children something or someone cause this Monster madness may notice that monster you killed drop colorful gems. Those are called Monster token with those we may put end to this Madness" "huh is there any other reason you guys went the monster token" said Zera ."Nope we're just looking to save the world that's all" said Chris "hm" "anyway in a fair price for some monster tokens Chef would give you guys all types of weapons and weird stuff for sale". "If you need us we'll be in this suit custom trailer".
"So you guys aren't going with us," said Cody "are kidding we could die but good luck though you'll need it," said Chris. The teens walk away from Chris and Chef trailer. "I swear I get the feeling they're up to something," said Gwen "those two are our least problem now let's get to the police station anything else try to kill us" The walk across the trail the Chris and Chef made with their Trailer.
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laberintos-espinas · 4 years
Port Stanley Charm
A various cluster of settlers poured into Southwestern Ontario by way of a meandering inlet on the Lake Erie shoreline  Custom Made Jewellery early in the 1800's and established a wealthy little community known as Port Stanley. This small but busy harbour became founded in 1804 by John Bostwick, who hooked up and operated both a mill and warehouse. Today, this prosperous creative fishing village is rich in charm and records providing beneficiant inn dwelling hospitality 12 months round.
King George VI Lift Bridge There are numerous very particular sights in Port Stanley. Most drastically, proper in the heart of city, the oldest lift bridge in Ontario - King George VI Lift Bridge. The bridge is the essence of stylish simplicity and engineering magnificence. It is referred to as a bascule bridge - meaning it's so finely counterbalanced that in the occasion of an emergency it is able to be raised and reduced manually(1). A parade of excessive mast sailboats, luxurious cruisers, and industrial craft vessels can be visible passing underneath the bridge at some stage in the navigation season. A brass plaque at the east tower seize traveler interest via revealing a 1937 tragedy wherein at some stage in construction, eight of the13 men running have been killed.
The Port Stanley Terminal Railroad A street linking Port Stanley port to neighbouring cities changed into constructed in 1822 to house the droves of immigrants touchdown on the North Shore of Lake Erie. In 1844, there were as many as 148 boats recorded within the busy little harbour. By this time in records, there has been a substantial rail network spreading across North America and in1856 Port Stanley become related with a new company - The London and Port Stanley railway (L&PS). The L&PS thrived and taken close to a million vacationers a year to the village. Today, traveler can revisit the beyond and journey in an proper completely rebuilt and refurbished L&PS railcar circa 1940. Operated by means of volunteer crews, after overcoming a barrage of hurdles, a group of railway advocates rescued the deserted railway following a 1982 washout of the tracks. Today there are over 400 departures in keeping with 12 months that take region starting in March and operate properly into December with diverse unique rides; along with, Easter Bunny Express, Murder Mystery Train rides, and Santa Workshop Tours.
Port Stanley Festival Theatre For people who wish to take their Port Stanley revel in to an entire other level, the Port Stanley Festival Theatre gives a extensive form of theatrical treats. Rivalling the best theatres in larger cities, Canadian play productions have fun the artistry in drama, comedy, musicals and a selection of different activities at some stage in the year. It is placed on the main street within the vintage Town Hall constructing. The Port Stanley Festival Theatre shares the constructing with the local library and traveler hotspot, interpretive middle. The constructing additionally domestic to many visible artists and craftspeople in addition to the Stork Club Museum. The as soon as well-known Stork Club became a swing dance club boasting the biggest dance floor inside the location and attracted numerous big band names within the early 1950's. For nearly 50 years, the amusement magnet flourished until a fire destroyed the building entirely. The museum is devoted to the history of the Stork Club and the show of big band memorabilia.
Exceptional Main Beach Undoubtedly some of Ontario's finest riches are the seashores of Port Stanley. Main Beach is the actual megastar. Fully skilled lifestyles Guards patrol in the summer months and a treasure trove of pastime is to be had for every body - young and old alike. This seaside has been diagnosed as the only Lake Erie coastline to acquire a 'Blue Flag' fame meaning it meets strict worldwide criteria; which includes water fine, safety and environmental practices. Stroll along the reputedly limitless shores or spend exceptional time engaging in leisure activities. There is an clothing store on the town and on the beach who's in a position to help you experience the spacious freedom of the tepid open waters. The municipality has remodeled the eastern shores of the main seashore with a boat launch,  pier jetties, a big children's play-structure, and benches. Countless humans have witnessed a fantastic sunrise or sundown in the summer time months and frequently live to take inside the star crammed skies on a clean warm summer time night. Whether you are relaxing to the soothing waves lapping upon the finest sandy seashores of this smooth award triumphing "Blue Flag" beach or enjoying a aggressive sport of seaside volleyball you will love your time right here.
Little Beach Tucked away almost entirely out of sight at the east side of metropolis is 'Little Beach'. Well blanketed shallow water with adequate parking and can without problems accommodate masses of solar-seekers. It is quality ideal for families with small youngsters with its shallow water and buoyed swimming place. There are no existence guards right here but a first-resource response region with several lifestyles saving implements for emergencies.
Erie Rest Beach Another hidden treasure that is properly well worth hunting down is 'Erie Rest Beach'. Suited for individuals who want a touch privateness and relaxation, this beach is located several hundred meters west of Main Beach. It's 250 meters huge and has a beautiful sand seashore with a gradual decline into the water. There is a portable washroom and no lifeguards here however the benefit is solitude.
Accommodation and Dining Steeped in History Inns, mattress & breakfasts, and completely ready cottages are some of the tremendous alternatives for over night accommodations to be had in Port Stanley. Imagine a lake breeze kissing your cheek from your room as you soak within the ambience of the colourful nightlife. Top notch carrier, tranquil contemporary surroundings, and a restful sleep.
On the corner of Bridge and Main Streets is the Kettle Creek Inn. It is located on two lots of land that became at the start owned with the aid of Colonel John Bostwick who offered them in 1849 to the Justice of the Peace, Squire Samual Price. In 1918, The Price own family bought their home to the Williamsons, who opened "The Garden Inn". During this time,  frogs had been sculpted and placed at the sidewalk out the front. Kettle Creek Inn turned into hooked up in 1985 and is presently open yr spherical. Guests can loosen up on an outside patio with a smorgasbord of scrumptious menu selections.
The Samuel Shepard House is positioned at 324 Smith Street on the southwest corner of William and Smith streets in Port Stanley. This stunning century home become built in 1854 through Samuel Shepard who changed into an coverage agent and service provider focusing on grain and bring. Samuel Shepard became also a dressmaker of windjammers - they have been taken into consideration to be the finest boats that ever sailed into the harbour. He commenced a tradition, referred to as the "Shepard Hat", awarding a pinnacle hat to the primary captain to reach in Port Stanley, after the spring cut up. The Shepard House stayed within the Shepard family till 1947, nowadays it's far a bed and breakfast called the Windjammer. It also is a exceptional eating place wherein you can dine underneath a defensive porch or internal in which you may find a extremely good deal of character. There are 21 first rate consuming institutions in the village hamlet so one can tantalize your flavor buds. The majority of eating places function their special recipes for Fresh Lake Erie perch.
Shopping Stroll the streets of Port Stanley and you will locate thousands of treasures inside the top notch circle of relatives owned boutiques and vintage shops. Window purchasing, memento searching, chic style looking, or home décor accumulation there's some thing for anybody. Imported items, best garb, jewellery, domestic made goodies and particular inventive designs are watching for you.
One of the oldest structures in Port Stanley, the Livery, changed into a blacksmith keep amongst other matters and is now called the Darbyshire House. It has also served the community as a confectionary keep, and the Village Hall - quickly. Today it's miles a business retail keep on Main Street in which the main degree nevertheless has it's authentic paneled pine doors and large display windows.
Another centric building is The Russell House on Main Street. Built by way of John Sweeney, rapidly after his arrival within the early 1870s, Russell residence changed into constructed with regionally made strawberry bricks. It become one of the first resorts to provider the early day guests who arrived through lake, rail and stagecoach to Port Stanley. Over the years it has served as a butcher shop, a plumbing shop, and places of work for doctors, legal professionals and coverage retailers. It turned into also a financial institution, the Sterling Bank. Several of the body of workers contributors lived in rooms on the second one ground, which includes a young banker named Mitchell Hepburn, who later became Premier of Ontario. Today it's far a retail save.
Other Interesting Landmarks Col. John Bostwick donated one acre of land in 1826 to erect a place of worship. In 1845 Port Stanley's first location of worship, Christ Church, was built the usage of a aggregate of British Classical and American Colonial styles. It's maximum high-quality architectural characteristic is its tower and spire. Almost ten years after it's construction, in 1854, a four hundred pound bell become acquired and harmonized to in which it's miles these days. The church become an vital part of religious and social lifestyles for the early settlers within the younger village. Today, if the church is open, you are welcome to stroll in and examine the lovable commemorative stained glass home windows and walk the grounds. There are headstones of outstanding church members, the grave of Colonel John Bostwick, and a provincial historical plaque detailing his life.
Down Colborne street, heading south, at the proper hand aspect is another church - St. John's Presbyterian Church built in 1852 with the aid of Congregationalists. It is a great instance of pioneer architecture - offering a white classical form, gothic, and Romanesque windows. A Presbyterian congregation become set up in 1854 and rented area within the newly constructed church. By 1871 they have been capable of purchase the building for $420. Today the church nonetheless keeps to worship and provide community services as well as joint ventures with the Port Stanley United Church throughout the road. The Port Stanley United Church was firstly a Methodist Church, erected in 1889 via a congregation that existed as early as 1836. Complete with a rectory at the north aspect, and carriage sheds at the back of, the the front vestibule changed into introduced after the building have become a United Church.
There is a completely well preserved unmarried tale white home on the Corner of Hetty and Colborne Streets that is largely been unaltered because it became constructed in 1840. It is referred to as the Thomson House. Built in a Greek Revival fashion with cornices and pilasters, this one and a half of story white clapboard residing became as soon as the home of Eliza Thomson - appearing librarian. Around the flip of the century, the south extension of her home served because the Port Stanley library for four many years even as the house turned into her house. It later served because the office of Dr. Clinton A. Bell.
Port Stanley was and nevertheless is, the house of a thriving commercial fishing fleet. In 1910 there have been 22 fishing tugs working from the harbour. An interesting bit of specific structure is the Cork Kiln, constructed around 1915 throughout the boom of the fishing industry in Port Stanley. Located near the cease of essential avenue and constructed into the aspect of the hill, this layout provided a natural dry heat to the cork used for floating fish nets. Just north a few steps is a huge gray constructing positioned at 194 Main Street. It become as soon as the home of the East Side Fish Company and built in approximately 1917. The precise layout had some of windows that exposed east, south and west symmetrical facades presenting natural warmth from the sun. It become used as an area in which nets might be mended and saved.
Col. John Bostwick's original residence is also located on Main Street. When catastrophe struck and his home burned down, Manuel Payne purchased the property and used yellow brick to create an early Victorian style domestic at the final original foundation in 1873.
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thezodiaczone · 4 years
Leo Compatibility
LEO + ARIES (MARCH 21 - APRIL 19) ♥♥♥♥ Aries and Leo are Fire signs who love drama, passion and extreme adventure. You're a flashy, outspoken duo that plays by your own bold agenda. Restless souls, you need lots of physical and intellectual stimulation—politics, inspiring conversations, startup businesses—you'll juggle them all, making it look so easy. Of course, your emotional meltdowns require a team of therapists and devoted friends to fix, and you should keep those folks on speed dial. Adrenaline is your favorite drug; no surprise Aries Jennifer Garner and Leo Ben Affleck fell in love while co-starring in the action flick Daredevil. Like this Hollywood pair, who refuses to walk the red carpet together on principle, you respect each other's autonomy. Fire signs are by nature independent. You both need to make your own mark on the world, and you don't like anyone stealing your shine. In fact, trouble starts when one of you eclipses the other's big moment or makes the other look foolish in public. Rule number one: don't compete. With your rash tempers, it won't end well. Instead, be each other's biggest fans and champions. As the relationship progresses, put more effort into dressing up, especially if you become parents. Because you're so comfortable together, you could end up bumming around in burp cloths and track suits, dulling the sexy edge that attracted you in the first place.
LEO + TAURUS (APRIL 20 - MAY 20) This dynamic coupling is as stable as a batch of homemade explosives. Yet, you can't resist mixing those chemicals just to see what happens. The sexual pyrotechnics alone are certainly tempting. You're both proud, fierce and egotistical—two incurable hotheads—and you're attracted to each other's showy flair. When it's good, it's damn good: you get all the affection, doting and hero-worship you crave. You love to glam up like rock star royalty and paint the town together, drawing attention wherever you go. In fact, your shared vanity may keep you together past the relationship's prime. Sex is animalistic and hands-on (keep ointment at the ready for bites and scratches), and best enjoyed in the monogrammed sheets of the finest hotels. With your combined charisma and willpower, you could overthrow a midsized government, or form your own totalitarian regime. Bad days are brutal, though. The Lion assumes he's in charge of everything, but nobody bosses the Bull around. You both dig in your heels and go for the kill. Drama, shouting, and ego showdowns are your favorite weapons of mass destruction, and woe betide the day you turn those on each other. You're both capable of enacting a scene that brings down the house. Security!
LEO + GEMINI (MAY 21 - JUNE 20) ♥♥♥♥ You make great friends, since you both love to gab about everything from the Times to the tabloids, Ferragamo to flea markets. Conversations are fever-pitched and fascinating; you're both well-versed culture hounds. Romantically, the temperature may be tepid, though. Leo is a Fire sign ruled by the blazing Sun—the regal Lion wants to be consumed by passion, heat, devotion, attention. Gemini is an Air sign driven by speedy, information-gathering Mercury. Listening to The Leo Monologues, which span from political diatribes to emotional melodramas, is sheer torture. When Gemini dares to interrupt the King or Queen, suggesting that s/he actually GET TO THE POINT, hell breaks loose. Leo must learn to take Gemini's tough love and unvarnished feedback in stride, not as an ego assault. Unconventional Gem should assent to traditional romantic gestures: red roses, the Tiffany bauble du jour. Learn to adapt. Gemini rules the hands, and will need to put them on affection-hungry Leo more often, since the Lion is greatly reassured by touch. And yes, as an Air sign, Gemini will need to blow a little smoke you-know-where; Leo can be a nightmare without regular doses of praise. Gush and flatter—it won't be the first insincere thing to pass through Gemini's lips. Leo should keep a battery of patient friends on speed dial. Gemini may have multiple personalities, but as a romantic partner, s/he can't be your de facto shrink, psychic hotline, career coach, parent and social director. Spread the demands around.
LEO + CANCER (JUNE 21 - JULY 22) Can you say drama? Between Cancer's moods and Leo's ego, you're a camera crew away from being a reality show—the kind that makes you want to change the channel, only you can't leave the crash scene. Harsh but true. Your signs are both needy and bossy, but in different ways. Cancer is insecure and possessive, and this sign's sensitive Water element can quench Fire-sign Leo's excitement. Leo rules the zodiac's fifth house of drama, and suffers from a terminal case of what relationship expert Alison Armstrong calls "center of the universe disease." Cancer is ruled by the fluctuating moon, Leo by the sun. You literally can be as different as night and day. However, your knee-jerk reactions and hair trigger tempers cause the same amount of destruction. So what works about this match? It's packed with passion and romance, something you both adore. Cancer and Leo are heart-driven signs, and emotional highs are your breath of life. For all the crashes, meltdowns and train wrecks this causes, you remain fiercely, enigmatically loyal. Self-awareness is crucial to this relationship's survival. You both need to take responsibility for the drama you're capable of stirring up. In the best cases, you'll meet after you've learned to temper your emotions, or even better, logged a few dedicated years of therapy.
LEO + LEO (JULY 23 - AUGUST 22) Welcome to the jungle. Two hungry Lions can consume each other with passion, or destroy each other with pride. The relationship begins as a gushing praisefest, and you quickly form a mutual admiration society. Sensing a kindred spirit, your receptors start whirring and purring. You'll spend hours in fiery dialogue about everything under the sun, pouring on the flattery. Lust spawns as the conversation reaches a fever pitch, and soon your hearts eclipse all common sense. Remember "Bennifer"—the Leo-Leo coupling of Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck that spawned the celebrity name-combining trend? Or the Oval Office cigar-caper-that-wasn't-really-sex between Leos Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky? 'Nuff said. Leos love to spoil and indulge your mate—but watch out, or you could create a monster. On the savannah, the lioness is the hunter; the male prowls the territory and sleeps up to 20 hours a day. Leo men can quickly become lazy and indulgent, while Leo women toil tirelessly on their omni-empires (think: Madonna, Martha Stewart). In rare cases, you can become a gruff, curmudgeonly couple—like two disenchanted cats who hiss and scratch, but stay together for nine lives anyway.
LEO + VIRGO (AUGUST 23 - SEPTEMBER 22) You're playing with fire here—literally. Passionate Leo is a Fire sign ruled by the Sun, and his solar power can light up a universe. Virgo is a practical, skeptical Earth sign who can throw dirt on Leo's flames before they have a chance to combust into a world-changing wildfire. It's a shame how quiet and subdued the awesome Lion becomes around Virgo. The problem? Leo is addicted to praise, and needs constant encouragement from his mate. Virgo is the zodiac's perfectionist; his critical nature can cause Leo to shrink-wrap himself into diminutive proportions. Think of Leos Madonna and Jennifer Lopez, and their marriages to Virgos Guy Ritchie and Marc Anthony. Yes, they had children with these men, which is important to the family-oriented Lion. However, both megastars toned down their flashy, go-getter images to play wifey. This dynamic must be avoided at all costs. Virgo's earthy nature should be no more than terra firma beneath the Lion's feet. In turn, Leo must shore up confidence, rather than take flaw-finding Virgo's feedback to heart. While Virgo is the helper sign, a codependent vibe can quickly form if he tries to manage Leo's demanding, dramatic life. Your signs are completely different; what's good for the goose is dead-wrong for the gander. Live and let live.
LEO + LIBRA (SEPTEMBER 23 - OCTOBER 22) ♥♥♥♥ You're a pretty pair, attracted to the other's good looks and charm. The courtship phase has all your favorite trimmings: massive bouquets delivered to your office, iPod mixes of your favorite angsty love songs, sonnets inspired by your affection. Leo and Libra are two of the zodiac's most romantic signs, and you love everything to be pleasant and harmonious on the surface. The challenge comes when it's time to get real. Rather than show your unpleasant humanity, you coat issues in saccharine, avoiding touchy topics to keep the happy vibes flowing. However, the artificial sweetness soon leaves a bitter aftertaste, especially for Leo. The Lion is a Fire sign, with a much more passionate disposition than cooler Air-sign Libra. Leo is pushy, Libra procrastinates, and you can get caught in a dance of anger as a result. When truly upset, the Lion roars. Libra can bellow right back, but he's more likely to withhold attention, the thing that Leo most craves. Leo's demands for affection, praise and validation can drain Libra after a while. Dramatic highs and lows tip Libra's scales off balance, inciting a passive-aggressive backlash. It starts with locked doors and escalates into Internet porn or even affairs if Leo doesn't get the hint. You may be better off as friends if you can't get beyond this impasse.
LEO + SCORPIO (OCTOBER 23 - NOVEMBER 21) This combustible combination drips with power plays, a white-hot dynamic you find infuriating and sexy in equal measure. In many ways, you're complete opposites. Secretive Scorpio is a private soul who rules the night. Leo is an exhibitionist ruled by the sun, and his piercing rays expose Scorpio's hidden shadows. Scorpio hates to feel this vulnerable—especially in public—yet, behind closed doors it can be thrilling. You're both passionate and imaginative in bed, with very little you won't try. As business partners and collaborators, you can make a dream team, too. You're both super intense, outdoing most people with your drive and focus. Leo plays the glamorous showstopper, and Scorpio acts as producer behind the scenes. (It worked for Leo Jennifer Lopez and Scorpio Diddy, who collaborated on her breakout album.) At least you don't compete for the spotlight, which can be a saving grace. But you'll struggle for the upper hand, since Scorpio likes to be in control and Leo is the bossy ruler of the jungle. Flirtatious, charismatic Leo can also spark Scorpio's jealous streak. Remember: darkness absorbs light. Leo must be careful not to get swept into Scorpio's powerful undertow and vengeful obsessions.
LEO + SAGITTARIUS (NOVEMBER 22 - DECEMBER 21) ♥♥♥♥ This is a lively match of two compatible Fire signs, filled with fun and adventure. As lifelong learners, you both juggle many projects and interests, often running on fumes. While neither of you is around to keep the home fires burning, conversation and creativity are far more important to you than starched linens and home-cooked meals. You'd rather enjoy takeout from your favorite ethnic restaurant when the fridge gets empty, or sleep under the stars when you run out of clean sheets. Living on the edge is fun, as long as you don't fall off the cliff, especially with finances. During stressful times, you can exhaust each other, as you both can be emotionally demanding and dramatic. Leo needs more personal attention and praise than Sagittarius, but the truthful Archer doesn't give false compliments. He should learn to sing Leo's praises, if only to prevent time-consuming emotional meltdowns. Consider the benefits: a little acknowledgment keeps Leo purring for days, and gives Sagittarius uninterrupted time to read, start businesses, edit his documentary film. When life gets routine, mix it up with a spur-of-the-moment road trip, a long hike or a night at a decadent boutique hotel.
LEO + CAPRICORN (DECEMBER 22 - JANUARY 19) You're insatiably attracted, but you often end up hurting each other through a series of misunderstandings and ego battles. Leo is ruled by the confident Sun, Capricorn by self-doubting Saturn. That's just the start of your differences. Leo is a starry-eyed Fire sign who believes that anything can be achieved by sheer willpower and the refusal to take "no" for an answer. Capricorn is a traditional Earth sign, equally ambitious, but rarely willing to color outside the lines. He approaches life like a steady Mountain Goat, taking tentative steps toward his ten-year goals. Your different pacing could drive you both mad. Although loyal Capricorn is usually the stalwart partner in relationships, Leo is far more devoted in this match. Lusty Capricorn is mostly interested in sex. While you'll have plenty of hot romps, Leo can mistake Capricorn's physical attraction for love. Oops! The Lion must perform due diligence, and assume nothing. Unlike Leo, Capricorn's love is hard-won, not something he hands out like candy to Trick-or-Treaters. Then, there's the cheerleading that grates on the Goat. Leo urges Cap to believe in himself, which the Goat laughs off as fluff ripped straight from a cheesy self-help tome. Yet, lo!—Leo follows Covey's seven steps and becomes a highly successful person. Instead of congratulating Leo, war is declared: Capricorn scoffs at Leo's dreams, and Leo sets out to prove Capricorn wrong ("I'll show you!"). Before long, you stay together just to spite each other. What's the point?
LEO + AQUARIUS (JANUARY 20 - FEBRUARY 18) These opposite signs can be volatile match. Leo is the sign of the self, a born star and showstopper who commands attention wherever he goes. Aquarius rules the zodiac's eleventh house of groups and society—he's both the class president and its rabble-rousing radical. You're competitive spotlight-grabbers who can fight dirty, especially as you jostle to outdo each other. Case in point: Leo Whitney Houston and Aquarius Bobby Brown. Their destructive, drug-addled marriage brought Whitney's singing career to its knees. Yet, Leo is a hopeless romantic filled with haughty pride, standing loyally by a mate, fiddling while Rome burns. You both spark each other's jealousy, Leo by flirting with everyone in sight, Aquarius by treating his bazillion friends as though they're on equal par with Leo (they are). Leo is needy, demanding constant attention, but cool-headed Aquarius feels smothered by too much affection and togetherness. Aquarius will listen patiently to Leo's dramas, but only to a point. Leo must keep a stable of supportive friends on hand, and not turn the relationship into an exhausting soap opera script. Aquarius will need to show a little more emotion (besides anger) and tenderness, stepping aside to allow Leo's star to shine.
LEO + PISCES (FEBRUARY 19 - MARCH 20) Your signs are very different, but you can eventually gel into a lasting relationship. Pisces is a flowy, sensitive Water sign who needs a decisive mate. Confident Leo, a Fire sign, is a natural leader, eager to rule the relationship. Because Pisces takes longer to articulate his needs, Leo could mistakenly assume he's got the upper hand, and that Pisces is content to follow. Not so fast. In your own ways, you both wear your hearts on your sleeve, but you need to tune into each other's sensitive spots. You're incredibly romantic, and the tender passion between you is great in the beginning. However, you may hit a dry spell when it's time to get truly intimate. Secretive Pisces feels so vulnerable when his soul is exposed, and may lash out at Leo in an unconscious reaction to the Lion's strength—for example, criticizing Leo's appearance, weight or intelligence. These cruel barbs are actually just a projection of Pisces' own self-doubt, but they plunge a thorn in the Lion's paw no less. Pisces must work through the tedious knots of his insecurities, which lay deep in his psyche. Leo is a powerhouse who can run the show with his eyes closed, but he'll do best to step aside and give the Fish his chance to shine. Shy Pisces is a true creative force, but his brilliant imagination and keen intuition can be eclipsed by showy Leo. Work through this. Luxury is a weakness for your signs, and you love to indulge. You may need to take courses on money management together, or team up to make a fortune so you never have to worry about it.
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