#megane x mendo
the-bar-sinister · 3 months
A Struggle Between Men (761 words) by thesavagesabretooth
The captain of Lum's stormtroopers stood in front of its prince and bowed.
"You're looking to beg a favor," Mendou observed, glancing up at him.
Megane nodded deeply before he came up from the bow. "I'm that obvious."
"You are," Mendou agreed, smirking. "Go on and ask, then."
Megane wasn't sure why he was embarrassed– of course it would be obvious that he wanted to ask something if he began this way. Stil, he rubbed the back of his neck. He and Mendou were friends, even if Mendou's dignity and grace wouldn't let him state it outright. He shouldn't be this embarrassed to be a favor, even considering the distance in station between them.
"Well," he began, "You know I have an interest in military tactics and weapons."
Mendou nodded.
"But I think I've gotten as far as I can only learning from books, and I don't have any real space to train at my parents house."
Megane wasn't sure exactly what solution he expected Mendou to offer, if any. Use of the training grounds at the Mendou estate? A personal trainer?
Mendou smiled the dazzling smile that made all the girls in class swoon.
"Say no more," he said, holding up a hand. "Report to the Mendou estate after school, and I'll help you with your training. If that's to your liking."
Megane felt himself caught up short by the offer. He certainly hadn't expected it. On the one hand. Mendou was an exceptional martial artist and had been receiving military training since he was young. He'd be a great tutor. 
On the other hand, there was something faintly humiliating about being trained by his own classmate.
Still, he'd swallowed his pride enough to ask, hadn't he? And this had been this answer.
He pushed up his glasses, and nodded quietly.
The shocking clack-snap of wooden practice blades knocking together filled the air, along with the sound of the Mendou private army drilling in the distance. Megane had been training officially for a week now, and despite being pleased with how far he'd already come, it was still irritating how obviously superior Mendou's skill was.
"I'm still surprised how much you were able to learn just from books," Mendou said, as he forced Megane back with a flurry of blows.
Megane gave ground reluctantly backing up, as he kept pace. "I told you, I'm a good learner. Fast, too."
"I've noticed. And you're not in bad shape." Mendou's smirk was distracting. Megane couldn't tell if he was complimenting him sincerely, or just trying to get under his skin and throw him off. He was getting under his skin, but maybe not for the reason Mendou would assume.
It worked anyway. Megane felt his bare back press up against the bark of a tree Mendou had been pressing him towards, and he had to acknowledge that he was flustered. 
Megane put his hands up and dropped the bo-ken as Mendou pressed the wooden blade of his to Megane's throat.
"I yield," he admitted, taking a breath. Mendou's– Shutaro's– bare, sweaty chest was inches away from his own. The scion was shorter than Megane, and less broad, but there was something intimidating and intense in him nonetheless, with his dark eyes fiery, and his black hair askew with their efforts.
"Good, you know when you're beaten," Shutaro grinned.
Megane grinned back, feeling his glasses slide down his nose. "I'll surpass you one day."
"Will you now?" 
Shutaro moved quick as a jungle cat, and grabbed Megane's waistband, pulling him closer. He had just enough time to realize that Shutaro absolutely had meant his flustering words as flirtation before he pressed his lips roughly to Megane's.
It was a tough, sweaty kiss, all breath and biting and tongue. It was a kiss that didn't have anything to do with softness of women, or the idolatry of Lum. It was rude, and masculine and aggressive, and still Megane flushed furiously as he scrambled to find some place on Shutaro to put his hands. He settled for around his waist, nails digging in.
Like their swordplay training it was a struggle between men, and Megane refused to back down, attempting to give as good as he got.
When they parted, breathless, Megane stared at him, heart beating in his chest as powerful as when their swords clashed. He rubbed his jaw, unsure of what to say.
Shutaro wiped his mouth off with the back of his arm and grinned at him, one hand still lingering on Megane's chest. "Consider that an incentive to keep trying."
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doctorcorby · 1 year
Send me a kiss prompt from this linked list and any ship on the list below the cut and I'll write something for it!
ETA: I turned on anon for this
note: these are all pairings I can write without calling on my writing partner XD
Ken x Daisuke
TK x Ken
TK x Daisuke
Matt x TK
Koushiro x Mimi
Koushiro x Ken
Trevor x Tracey
Lester x Trevor
Franklin x Trevor
Ace Attorney
Kavier x Apollo
Phoenix x Miles
Phoenix x Apollo
Phoenix x Mia
Peter Pan
Hook x Smee
Jane x Tinkerbell
Tinkerbell x Hook
Zelgadis x Xelloss
Rezo x Kappii
Zelgadis x Kappii
Lina x Zelgadis
Metal Gear Solid
Ocelot x Otacon
Acid Snake x Ocelot
Ocelot x Mantis
Mantis x Otacon
Eric Raymond x Raya
Eric Raymond x Pizzazz
Eric Raymond x Kimber
Techrat x Riot
Kimber x Riot
Pizzaz x Riot
Rapture x Riot
Kimber x Pizzazz
Craig x Pizzazz
Craig x Jetta
Craig x Riot
Kazuma x Ryuunosuke
Yuujin x Kazuma
Yuujin x Ryuunosuke
Barok x Ryuunosuke
Barok x Kazuma
hosonaga x mikotoba
hosonaga x ryuunosuke
barok x hosonaga
drebber x tuspells
drebber x yuujin
drebber x barok
Courtney x drebber
Urusei Yatsura
Mendo x Megane
mendo x ryoko
mendo x shingo
rei x mendo
ataru x mendo
ataru x megane
ataru x rei
Resident Evil
Chris x Wesker
Chris x Tyler
Leon x Tyler
karl x ethan
nikolai x george hamilton
chris x ethan
annette x wesker
heisenberg x chris
heisenberg x wesker
Fire Emblem
Manuela x Hanneman
linhardt x caspar
manuela x dorothea
claude x lorenz
jeritza x mercedes
jeritza x ingrid
jeritza x seteth
jeritza x hanneman
jeritza x yuri
balthus x yuri
bathus x jeritza
seteth x mByleth
byleth x anyone
Claude x Linhardt
Toko x Nagito
Toko x Syo
Toko x Kirigiri
toko x Hifumi
nekomaru x gundam
nekomaru x teruteru
teruteru x kotoko
kaziuchi x hiyoko
hiyoko x kotoko
asahina x sakura
Sabretooth x Otto
Sabretooth x Forge
Sabretooth x Cypher
Sabretooth x Kitty Pryde
Kitty Pryde x Cypher
Kitty Pryde x Otto
Cypher x Otto
Sabretooth x Tabitha
Sabretooth x Banshee
Sabretooth x Toad
Banshee x Northstar
Banshee x Doug
Sabretooth x Logan
Kitty Pryde x Logan
Peter x Harry
Peter x Otto
Peter x Adrian
Adrian x Otto
Harry x Otto
Harry x Adrian
sabretooth x daken
daken x logan
steve x logan
steve x sabretooth
peter x Ben
Ben x Otto
Ben x Harry
magneto x northstar
northstar x sabretooth
Vriska x Aranea
Vriska x Dave
Vriska x Eridan
Vriska x Sollux
Vriska x Equius
Vriska x Cronus
Cronus x Aranea
Aranea x Eridan
Dave x Karkat
bro x dave
dirk x dave
hal x dirk 
hal x dave
dirk x vriska
dave x sollux
dave x eridan
sollux x eridan
cronus x equius
Kurlox x equius
Persona series
Naoya x Kei
Katsuya x Baofu
Baofu x Dojima
Dojima x Naoto
Yukari x Junpei
Kei x Reiji
kandori x reiji
kandori x kei
chie x yukiko
yu x dojima
yu x chie
yu x yukiko
akira x akechi
akira x ryuji
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