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toastyrobos · 1 year ago
Never again (Rex X female reader one shot)
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Word count: 2478
((You and Rex met early during the clone wars. Soon things turned romantic between the two of you. You were off world when order 66 happened. Panicking to find Rex, clone force 99 finds you, and having grown close to Echo, you went with them. When Rex unexpectedly shows up at Cid bar you nearly break at seeing him))
   "Twenty cases of those mantell mix things?! How long have those two been doing that?" Echo's loud voice carried as the four of us filed out of Cid's office into the narrow hall way.
   "I have surmised they have been partaking in this recreational activity for several rotations now". Tech configured, eyes never leaving his datapad.
You shrugged. "It's become a thing they do together after every mission".
Echo grumbled. "A costly one". He did have a point. Hunter wasn't too happy about it either from his narrowed brows and slightly clenched jaw. It was bad enough we owed Cid for basic rations, but now we owed her for this? You sighed.
Wrecker was just treating Omega to a harmless and delicious treat, but unfortunately that treat was racking up credits on your tab. That was exactly what you were trying to avoid.
Hunter let out a deep sigh. "I'll talk to them".
You knew how much he didn't enjoy seeing Omega upset, but maybe he could compromise with her. A way for her to still have the after mission snack while owing Cid a bit less. Frankly though, would you ever owe Cid less?
At this rate, it was doubtful.
Sounds of blaster fire and some sort of crash coming from the bar had your immediate attention. Hunter was the first of you to race ahead to the noises. You and Echo were not far behind, riding his heels. Reaching the bar all of you watched as the remaining species fled from the scene. Only individual left was a hooded figure, gripping on tightly to a singular blaster. The source of said blaster shots.
Something about his demeanor and cloaked face felt known to you. But you couldn't place it. Until your scanning gaze fell to his forearm armor.
White and and blue.
Your breathing paused. Unable to register what you were truly seeing.
It couldn't be.
It was not possible.
But it all became real when the hidden figure reached up and pulled back his hood. Revealing his familiar face to you.
You were stunned at the sight before you. At the person standing mere feet from you.
    "Rex". Hunter said surprised. He was just as shocked to see him here as the rest of you were.
You on the other hand forgot how to breath. Your eyes froze on his figure. Eyes roaming him up and down repeatedly to make sure that he was not a hallucination. A well of emotions came rushing into you. Like someone had punched you in the gut.
He was alive.
Rex was actually alive. Tears were beginning to swell in the corners of your eyes as you racked your brain for anything. But nothing.
Everything had left your head at just seeing him standing here. At the way he was looking at you. Surprised was not how he felt. No. If anything he was beyond thrilled to see you.
The second your name and where to find you left the sisters lips he plotted his course. He had to see you. Take you in his arms and never let you go. His chest rose and fell in rapidly succession at your presence.
It was as if everything and everyone around you two had faded into the backyard and you were the only two in existence. Just you and Rex. Your beating heart picked up speed the longer you stared at one another. The way he was looking at you. That smile painted across his lips, maker that smile. If not for the shock, you were certain your knees would buckle and give out from under you.
Even the way his essence was calling out to you. Beckoning you towards him.
You were hesitant, however.
Tech's earlier statements about the inhibitor chips coming to the front of your thoughts. Bracing yourself and taking a deep breath you pushed past Hunter.
Inch by inch you moved closer. Searching his face for proof that he wasn't here to hurt you, any of you. For any indication that he hadn't turned. All the while he continued to stare at you with that look that made your heart flutter and ache so desperately.
Being this close to him, even on edge, force, was he still himself. Still your Rex.
   "Starglow". The unshed tears filling your eyes, broke open. You instantly knew.
This was him.
Your Rex.
He wasn't going to hurt you. Not now. Not ever. Because of this you leapt into his awaiting arms. Crashing your body against his and tightly securing your arms around his neck. His arms found your waist and pulled you close. Orange blossoms. Oh how he had missed that smell of yours. How he had missed the feel of you.
    "Rex". Your voice cracked as you spoke his name for the first time out loud, in several rotations. "Y-your here".
   "I am mesh'la". He choked back his own sob. "And maker I've missed you". So had you. So much that it had ached like a festering wound. Neither of you dared nor wanted to pull away, but you did, reluctantly so.
You grasped his face between your hands, studying it closely. His piercing brown eyes staring into your green ones. How the came alive underneath the dim gray and blue lights of the bar.
The texture of his dirty blonde stubble underneath your fingers. The scratchy nature of how it felt. The barely visuals scars etched into his skin. The way his lips framed his face so beautifully. You had missed him. And you didn't know just how much until he was mere inches from your face. From your lips.
Both of you were aware of it. How you both longed to touch one another. Close the distance the feel the warmth of the others lips. Rex's eyes were the ones to make the first move. Gliding over how lush they appeared. Parted just so. And with the simple action of your tongue running over them in anticipation that's all it took for him to break.
Lips collided with yours in a desperate plea. Fighting to feel, to touch the other after thinking one another dead. The mere sensation of his lips molding into yours sent your body into overdrive. You always lost yourself in his kiss. In his embrace. No one else made you feel as alive as Rex did.
That smile of his, you knew the one, that gave you butterflies. And when it would change into a smirk, may the force have mercy on you. You heart couldn't take it. His infectious laughter that would echo off the walls of whatever environment he was in. Usually caused by one of his fellow 501st members telling a dreadful joke. Who would have thought you'd lose all of that in the blink of an eye. Only for it turn up weeks later. Safe and sound.
Thankful you were that those memories didn't have to become mournful ones. Instead they could continue to exist as they were. Ones that held promises for the future.
It had been a grueling time not knowing. Waiting and waiting for any signs, but now it was over.
You Practically slumped into his chest as he just held you close to his heart. The steady beating of it the only sound that could kept you grounded in this instant. The cold surface of his armored platting on your cheek was a welcomed sensation.
You needed this. To feel his heartbeat. To know that he was real. That he was right here, in this moment. Nearly losing him almost destroyed you.
You let out a shaky breath. "I though I lost you, Rex". Tears slid down your cheeks. "I though my —you—" you couldn't even finish that sentence. Rex knowing the pain you went through, as it was the same pain he experienced. He tightened his arms around you, nestling his head in the crock of your neck.
Feeling his arms around you, like a warm protective blanket you started to relax. The muscles in your body becoming less tense, Knowing that he was safe. That he was right in front of you.
His own muscles started to calm. Like a fleeting flame. He didn't have to worry or fret over searching for you anymore. He had found you.
As crazy as it sounded he would have gotten on his knees and physically thanked the force, to the stars and back again that he had you back.
He let out his own unsteady exhale. "I know".
He did not want to pull away from you, but like you he had the overwhelming urge to see your face. See all the marks and impressions he hadn't seen it what felt like a lifetime.
Needing something to anchor him, he sought out the one thing that could. You.
It was always you.
Bringing you closer, he touched his forehead to yours. Kissing you was so very intimate, but this. This was too. At least between the two of you.
"I'm here now, riduuar and I don't plan on going anywhere". He promised.
You shook your head, confused. "I don't understand. How—wh-what happened?"
Thousands of questions twisted around inside your head. How did this all happen? Why did it happen? Could no one have seen what had transpired? It was encompassing. Paired with Rex bring here. By the maker you were finally feeling the affects of todays mission catching up with you.
"I'll explain everything". He promised, seeing how exhausted you were becoming. "But right now, I just want to hold you". You simple nodded.
You wanted answers and you were certain that he'd tell you everything later, but right now his request, you could and would fulfill-it. As easy as breathing.
"Thank the f-force your safe". You whispered against his chest plate.
He ran his gloved fingers through your hair. Committing every moment he'd done this before to memory.
Kissing you was absolutely his favorite thing, without a doubt. But this. This was a close second. Something about it soothed him. Made any tense or stressful situation better.
Too engrossed in one another aura's, basking in it, you had forgotten that you had an audience. An audience that was rendered speechless by the affections exchanged between you and the now ex captain of the 501st Battalion.
All expect the ex arc trooper standing off to the side. Who had known the full extent and lengths of Rex's and yours relationship. He was present there that day. One of only a few who were witnesses to the pledge you both proclaimed.
It was undeniable, the love you two shared with each other. No doubt in Echo's mind that the both of you were meant to be together.
Wrecker was the first of the group to speak. "W-what...did I miss something?!"
Tech was the next one to speak, offering up an explanation, "Technically no. By my calculations Rex and Y/N have been in a committed romantic relationship for a standard 368 days".
His much larger brother simply stared at him in confusion.
"A standard year, Wrecker". Echo quickly explained. Understanding he formed an 'O' shape with his lips.
You and Rex both shook your heads. "Longer". Tech blinked. "It's actually been 2 standard years since we told one another how we felt". You locked eyes with Rex, your continued smile everything to him in that moment.
The Captain nodded. "It's been one since we said I do". That had their full attention.
Hunter took a step towards you. "Y-your married?"
You nodded. "Yes. Off record though. Only a few were able to know". You gestured to the former arc trooper. "Echo being one of them".
The Sergeant turned his eyes to the newest member of the group. "You were there?"
"Me and a few others were the only ones". He replied to which Hunter nodded. Satisfied. Knowing the full extent of the reprimand the Captain would receive if the Council found out the truth. That he was married to a princess.
The consequences for such an act could have cost him his position. Or worse. His life. Thus a secret their relationship needed to be. Unfortunately.
"Well then uhh congratulations to you both". Hunter replied, rubbing the back of his neck.
You nodded in acknowledgment to Hunter. When you thought you had lost Rex, he was the one to step up and comfort you. Reassuring you that you'd be okay. Even if in that moment you didn't feel as though you would.
All of them really made you feel welcomed. After all they were the ones who stumbled across you. Ushering you to come with them. Saying that they could protect you and guarantee your safety. You accepted. Thank the maker you had. If not, then maybe you would have never seen Rex again. And that left a bitter taste on your tongue.
"Thank you". You said at the same time as Rex slipped his hand into yours.
Love was a concept that Rex never thought was possible for him. He never dreamed of having it because it was instilled in him early on that clones were bred with one singular purpose. To fight for the Galactic Army of the Republic. Never had the thought nor idea of finding someone, in that regard, crossed his mind.
Until you came into his life. Changing everything for the better.
"Your here". You whispered into him. You were still in disbelief. Tears streaming down your cheeks like an endless river. Rex lifted his gloved fingers to swipe away your tears, that affectionate grin warming your body. "Your really here".
He was real, yet you still couldn't wrap your head around it, but that wasn't important. All that mattered was him. What this meant for you. For the life you promised to build together that day overlooking the lake when you swore an oath through vows. When you both said 'I do'.
"I am". He replied again. This time the power in which he uttered it, caused your body to shake. The weight those two words held. What they signified.
"I love you". Was your quick response. Even if Rex knew it deep down in his soul, to hear it again from your lips made him so beyond happy.
Another kiss found it's way to your lips. "I love you too".
Smiling, you pressed in closer to his chest. Wanting to be close to him for as long as physically possible. Rex was your everything. Your best friend. Your lifeline. To him, you were his entire world. All roads led you back to one another.
Determined he was that the force weld it so. And as far as the Captain was certain he wouldn't allow you to be parted from him ever again. Not while there was still blood flowing through his veins.
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toastyrobos · 1 year ago
**Oh what a simple dress can do***
Tech X Female reader
Word count: 4.4 K
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((After seeing you in that stunning dress, Tech admits that he can't deny his feelings anymore nor stay away from you. He wants you and makes his Intentions known))
⚠️Warnings: NSFW, smut, fem receiving, fingering, P in V, sweet talking⚠️
The mission on Canto Bight ended up being a bit more then you originally bargained for. Especially the multiple men that had taken it upon themselves to flirt with you, like it was their right to. Even after you repeatedly told them a firm no. Thankfully a blaster pointed at them fixed the issue pretty quick.
Everything went about as smooth as most missions with clone force 99 usually did. In that it didn't. Fortunately you got what you came for. Meaning you could finally lose the way too reveling dress. Looking at yourself in the mirror one last you couldn't help but admire it. You had forgotten that you even had this one. Not sure where or when you bought or acquired it, but it was beautiful, Stunningly so.
Weirdly enough you had to admit, a deep scarlet red seemed to be your color.
Standing just outside your door, finger hovering over the open and close button, Tech was thinking the exact same thing.
The rich scarlet color was most certainly indeed your color. Your ideal shade in fact. Maker how it brought out the electric blues in your eyes. The way it clung to your figure, hugging every curve of your frame so perfectly.
The very second you stepped into the cockpit his heart nearly jumped out of his chest. His throat immediately drying up.
All coherent thoughts from his mind disappearing the moment he saw you. It was as if time stood still. Everything ceased to exist but you. All he could see or think about in that very instant was you. You had robbed him of all meaning, leaving him completely breathless.
Keeping a calm and clear head, especially during a mission was a factor of his programming. He was modified specifically to be an individual of logic and facts. Data being his constant companion. Yet, when it came to you everything he knew seemed to dissipate. As if it no longer existed the very minute he laid eyes upon you.
It was no secret to him that he had been harboring these...types of feelings towards you for quite some time. Being a man of science he tried to rationalize it. Find a more accurate solution to why he was experiencing such powerful, dominating emotions.
The only conclusion he could decipher was that he had true passionate feelings for you, and that he needed to tell you. The desire to so was very overwhelming. So much so that the second he saw you in that dress, Kriff, he wanted to devour you. Not just connect his lips to yours, but much more.
His imagination ran wild. Wilder than it should've gone. He had not realized that it could even reach such a point.
It both unnerved and excited him.
Never had he experienced such impulsive thoughts like that before. Especially not about you. Yes he wanted to feel your lips against his. But this?
He had been researching it for quite some time. About how one went about initiating such an action. But now he wanted to touch you in ways that went beyond simple affection.
He was somewhat familiar with intimate escapades and how such actions were preformed. Not only had his brothers disclosed details of their said 'adventures', but numerous late night research sessions had also yielded successful results.
Now the only quarrel was telling you. He had no desire to force himself upon you. He was not that kind of man at all. And frankly he despised any man or individual who was.
If you rejected him then so be it. He would continue your friendship as if nothing had changed and cage his feelings away for no one to see again.
But if you did feel the same way, he was not confident he'd be able to leave without putting his new found knowledge to the use.
Knocking at your door startled you. Having no idea who would be outside your room at this hour you pressed the bottom to find out.
    "Tech?" Surprised to find him standing outside your room of all places. It wasn't unusual for him to frequent the cockpit at night, but here?
That was a first.
Again you addressed him. "What are doing here?"
Already aware of his eyes on you the minute the sheet of metal was gone between you two. It wasn't the first time his gaze had followed you around. This evening especially.
Somewhere deep inside you, you had hoped there was a certain reason behind it, an explanation for why they would linger. However you wouldn't get your hopes up. Not today. Not again.
    "I do not mean to disturb you, but may I come in?" He requested. "It is most urgent".
Whatever it was seemed important. Taking this dress off would have to wait. "Yes of course".
You ushered him in, moving yourself out of the way to allow him room to enter. Then shut the door behind him. You'd be lying if a small part of you didn't hope that Tech's sudden visit would be to tell you that he cared for you.
Tucked away deep inside, you too had harbored romantic feelings for him. From the first mission you were assigned to clone force 99, you felt pulled to him. Something about his aura and person drew you in. From that point on every opportunity you got to spend alone with him was invigorating.
Right now in this moment, the two of you alone in your room, was no exception. The way he was looking at you, staring at you, the way his gaze glided across your skin. Maker. It was anything but rational.
To be honest you liked it. Anytime a more impulsive Tech made an appearance, even for the briefest of moments, it excited you. Made your insides tingle.
As luck would have it , a more impulsive Tech was here. And he was ready to play. If given the opportunity. But first he needed to lay everything out in the open. Make his true intentions known, and await for your answer.
But yet again that dress stopped him in his tracks. The power it had over him and his...urges. Desires. Even without it you were a stunning individual. Mind, body and soul. But in it...may the force help him. You were a goddess, and he was bewitched entirely.
Taking a deep breath Tech began, "I do not wish to make you uncomfortable (Y/N). That is never my intention".
You nodded, "I know and you never do, Tech".
Air filled his lungs as he felt his own body heating up from just being in the same room as you, in that dress.
His desires were curling and twisting into every crevice of his body. Such unusual emotions for him to even entertain. Nonetheless have. He wanted to kiss you. Touch you. Show to you all that he'd learned. Give you a passionate escape. All of it. He wanted all of it.
But most of all.
He wanted you.
Maker he wanted you so badly. It was like he was being burned alive from the inside out every second that passed without telling you. He had never experienced such a desperate, demanding feeling before. Some how it did not feel foreign, strangely enough.
In fact he found it to be rather enjoyable. The way you made him feel.
It was now or never.
"I must confess to you that I have come here with an ulterior motive. That is I do not wish to alarm you.."
You could feel the heat radiating off of his body as he moved, step by step closer to you. Closing the distance between your bodies inch by inch. You stood your ground. Not afraid of what was happening.
Until your bare back was pressed up against the edge of your desk. His frame hovering over you, you were starting to realize the gravity of the situation.
"There is an undeniably strong romantic attraction that I feel for you (Y/N)".
His voice was barley a whisper. But it held power. And it had you. Goosebumps spread across your skin, lips parted, your breath caught in your throat. You opened your mouth to speak, but found only silence greeted you.
"It has been excruciatingly difficult to keep my distance from you for the sake of our missions for the Galactic Army of the Republic and your responsibilities as a Senator. However after this very evening....". He stared deep into your eyes. "Seeing you in this breathtaking ensemble, I could deny my feelings towards you no longer".
You remind in shock. You had hoped, even if it was fleeting, but you never had thought he actually would care for you. And so strongly.
He took another breath. "Nor can I deny that I want you (Y/N). In ways that I know I should not want you for it is against everything that I was programmed to be and my duties as a solider". He exclaimed. "As well as your duties as a Senator. I do not mean to overstep my boundaries". Seeing as you had not yet responded, he back pedaled slightly.
"I know this must be overwhelming, the amount of data I have unexpectedly sprung on you at this late hour, but I—I do not mean to unease you nor did I intend to upset you. I do not mean to pressure you into accepting my advances, if they are not reciprocated or if in fact they are unwarranted".
The air surrounding you both was becoming alive. Pulsating. Electrically charged by his forward advances.
You swallowed. "My only intention at this very moment is to disclose to you how you make me feel. Anything beyond that—it is your decision if you wish for me to continue. If you do not I will respect your answer and will simply return our relationship to what it was before this...conversation".
Again your repeated silence concerned him. Had he crossed a line that he could never mend? Had his speech patterns and wording been all wrong?
He wondered, maybe he should have kept this sort of inconvenience to himself, if this was your desired reaction.
"It would seem that I have made things uncomfortable for you. Very well, I will leave you". He started to back away from your close proximity. "I am truly sorry to have incon—"
"Don't go". Before he could move any further from you, you reached out to grip his hand. Stopping him in place. "Please". You spoke.
You couldn't deny that his words had caught you off guard, but oh how they affected you. Your body felt like it was prickling with heat, the skin beneath your, suddenly all too revealing, dress in particular.
Nothing physically had happened, and yet you sensed your body being awakened by his advances. A large degree of it caused by his carefully crafted words. It was undeniable now.
He wanted you.
He really wanted you.
To be with you. To kiss you. To hold you. To...touch you in those ways. It didn't scare you. No. In fact, in some strange way you felt braver. Under his gaze you didn't back away. Instead you embraced it.
You cared for Tech deeply, as deeply as you were now sure he cared for you. There was no reason to be afraid. Not with Tech. No reason to shy away from him now.
Tech would never intentionally hurt you. He had made that clear in the ways he would protect you. Not just on missions you accompanied them, but in his words, in the way he spoke to and about you.
Thus you trusted him fully. Beyond a shred of any doubt.
Tech returned to his previous position, his chest plate nearly touching your tantalizingly exposed skin.
"Are you certain?" He questioned you, so sure you'd come to your senses at once and immediately reject him. You however did not. Instead to his surprise you nodded. Yes you were sure, you wanted this, wanted him.
Maybe it was rash to jump straight into this, but maker the sensations pooling in your lower stomach spoke otherwise. You were now eager for him to reach out and touch you. The anticipation for him to do so building with each passing minute.
"Yes, Tech". You confidently stated. "I want this". He took one last step towards you. "I want you". This time your voice was barely above a whisper. To anyone it sounded like you were scared. To Tech, however it was an open and vulnerable invitation.
The peaks of your breast brushed up against his chest. By the maker. He welded his eyes to not glance down.
He scanned your features for any signs that you had changed your mind. That you no longer wished to engage in such fantasies, but he found none. Nothing that would signal to him a change in your choice, now made.
Unequivocally as he was that he wanted you, you in return had expressed that you wanted him, in that way. Meaning that he could ravish you in the ways both you and he wanted.
You saw the flicker of something hungry flash behind his goggles, making you sit up straighter and grip the edge of the desk firmer.
Wasting not a moment more, Tech latched his hands onto each side of your waist with vigor and hauled you up onto the surface of your desk. Even more heated desires began to seep its way into your skin, pooling especially between your legs.
Maker you wanted more of this feeling, this sensation. You met his burning gaze, and he was absolutely going indulge you, both of you. It would be his greatest pleasure to do so.
Opening your mouth to speak, you found yourself being cut off by the warmth of Tech's lips crashing upon yours.
Upon instinct you wrapped your arms around his neck, gripping at the small tuffs of hair that resided just under his goggles strap.
Heavens, he tasted so sweet. Like freshly squeezed nectar. And cinnamon. You could detect hints of it throughout and was it delicious. But there was also a bitterness flavor. Perhaps the remnants from his coffee consumption. Though you paid it no mind. As delicious as you found him, he equally found kissing you intoxicating.
It was so invigorating with the force that he kissed you. How his lips molded with yours. Like they somehow fit together.
And the way you tasted. He alone was captivated by your flavor. How his neurons lite up like the thousands of lights on Coruscant, stimulated beyond comparison.
Tech trailed one hand down side of your leg and under the dress that sent him into a frenzy. Reaching his intended target, he hooked his gloveless finger around the edge of your panties.
Oh stars above.
But that was not where he intended to stop. Oh no. He had other plans in mind at current. Catching on to his true task your eyes widened before your mouth pulled from his, head immediately falling back.
A cry fell from your lips as two of his fingers attacked your clit. Twirling and twisting around at your entrance, teasing your folds with every touch. Every flicker they inflicted upon your very soul, emitted such sounds from you.
You gasped out his name, your body writhing and shaking the instant he dipped his fingers inside of you. Oh by the force. The way he worked you as soon as he made contact with your walls, touching and feeling every surface he could glide them across. Naturally you bucked against them.
"Tech.." you moaned.
He smirked at the response he alone could elicit from you. "You look absolutely enticing right now, my dear". He purred, joining another finger in his pursuit.
You bit down on your lip, shivers running down your back while your entire body was burning, a raging inferno quickly consuming you, caused by his own hands.
True to his words he knew exactly how to delight you. Take you to new highs and make all coherent thoughts vanish, sending vibration after vibration reverberating throughout your being.
You were positively certain he could bring you to your knees with a simple touch. At this very moment you felt it.
"Oh gods..". You tried to bring a hand up to muffle your cries, but Tech reached for it instead, shaking his head.
"I'm afraid not my dear". He whispered in your ear. "I want to hear you cry out my name. And my name alone". His low, but deep toned demand made a wave of pleasure wash over your trembling body.
You continued to ride his fingers as they took you higher and higher to places you had not thought possible. Euphoric sensations building within you, exploding into every nerve with each pass of his fingers.
He watched as his sudden movements shook your legs, your body trembling simply from his slender fingers alone. If this messily action alone could stir such a reaction from you...stars above what would other ones elicit from you?
He wanted to test out that hypothesis. Exponentially so.
For now, he could sense your sweet release was near its end. Your walls swelling and convulsing around his slender digits, the tremors he felt. It was building.
Wanting to help you along, he quickened his motions and maker the noises it pulled from you. He could feel his own member pulsing, clearly being affected by them too.
Pleasure and ecstasy twisted low in your stomach, reaching its boiling point. Tech doing all he could to push you over the edge with each strike. Fingers still deep inside forced a high pitch moan to escape your lungs.
"That's it". He cooed.
Like a tidal wave, your release hit. Pleasure swarming every inch of you. Stars closing in on your vision while he took one last swipe of your insides, hot and sweet liquid coating his fingers.
Not being able to hold yourself up, you collapsed into him. Your head coming to rest in the crock of his neck. Small tremors of pleasure rocketed inside you still. Your legs feeling the full extent of what had just happened. Your mind slowly catching up to what had just occurred between you and the team's technology support member.
And he was not yet finished with you. You became aware of it when he hiked up your dress to around your waist, exposing your throbbing core for his eyes alone to see. A light shade of pink painted your cheeks. As you were witnessed to what he was doing next, however, they deepened to a shade of red. You swallowed the nerves building inside as you stared at him.
"I-I—maker Tech that..". You needed a moment to catch your breath, your body still feeling the effects of being pushed over the edge.
He nodded in agreement. "I-I concur". You breathed. "Your...exquisite". He placed a piece of your hair behind your ear, while admiring how beautifully a mess you looked from his delightful actions.
"Thank you". You replied with a chuckle, bracing against his body. You could feel his hands grip your hips with a purpose. You knew what was coming next. What he wanted to explore in.
"You wish to continue?"
Tech sighed, a bit abrasive. "You are correct. This evening has become a desirable one that I do not wish to leave without fully satisfying you-"
A light laugh left your mouth. "Tech, you have more then satisfied me tonight". You took in another inhale followed by an exhale.
"But I'll be honest, I won't say no to another...theory that you want to test out". You bit down on your bottom lip. Tech watched this and acted.
Once again you found his lips on yours. You smiled against his mouth as his fumbled with his tool belt. You knew what was coming. It was the next inevitable step, after what just transpired between you two, you were certainly ready for it.
Lining himself up, he slid in slowly, inch by inch. From the sheer size of him you parted your lips, gasping into Tech's mouth. The feel of his member inside you, filling you up made your vision grow fuzzy. Your body was already on the brink of exhaustion from his earlier escapades.
Now however, your body was coming alive, even more so then before. The exploration this time around by him was extraordinarily.
"Your perfection (Y/N)" He gasped into your ear as he glided back inside you. It was strange to blush at such a thing, when considering he was deep inside you at this very moment.
You quaked with every thrust he pushed into you, sending ripples of shook waves throughout your body. You didn't know how long you would last with his powerful movements. And this wasn't even him going all the way.
He was restless in his pursuit to take you. To have you crying out his name and his name alone. The allure of your delectable noises made him quake as he pumped deeper and deeper into you, hitting your sweet spot by how wild the sounds you were making.
Your moans of pure bliss and pleasure were beginning to tip him past his own point of release.
To Tech, he loved how vocal you were to his advances. It was a sound that was like music to his ears. And re-enforced that his research had greatly been worthwhile. For both of you.
The friction between your legs from his insatiable hunger lite your body aflame. Heated the blood in your veins. As it did to him. You craved to have your release. Just as he did mere minutes ago.
"I want to claim you as mine". He panted in your ear. "If you will allow me.."
It was a request. One that you always had a choice when it came to Tech. He never forced anything upon you. Even things you secretly wanted.
And this...you wanted, it was no secret, at least not anymore. You could feel yourself slipping more and more, giving into his ferocious control, losing yourself in him, and you liked it.
"Yes". You panted. "Yes Tech. Make me yours".
That was all the confirmation he needed. Your second release of the night nearing and his own bubbling to the surface, he pounded into you, keeping a steady rhythm.
Your walls convulsed against his member, making his own muscles quake with each thrust he pushed into you. The bucking of your hips into him sent the both of you into a frenzy.
In which caused his motions to pick up in pace. Waves of euphoric bliss and ecstasy washed over your being, making you savor each touch of him, every thrust he gifted you with.
"Oh god...". You braced your back, arching it against the wall. "Tech...please". You begged him.
He licked his lips. "Your appearance is truly ravishing at this moment".
"You taste divine". The deep low rumble in which he spoke made your body tremble.
Cracks in the facade were starting to become more frequent and you could feel yourself losing control. Inch by inch, the glass was becoming more and more unstable. And with one last powerful thrust everything shattered.
A second tidal wave of hot molten liquid poured out of you. Your legs shook at how powerful this release had been. Stars scattered across your visions as your body collapsed once again into Tech's.
Within seconds of yours, you felt Tech's coat the inside of your walls. Something about being his entirety gave you butterflies. Beats of sweat trailing down both of your foreheads as you, again, rested your head in the crock of his neck.
Like you, Tech was left panting. His own release overwhelming his senses. Not that he gave it much attention. He had been stimulated to such a desirable evening that would no doubt occupy every facet of his brilliant mind for the next several rotations.
Perhaps even longer, given how much he thought about you when nothing of the physical nature had occurred.
Now that it had, it suddenly dawned on him that he would not be able to go a substantial amount of time without...taking you in similar ways that he had tonight.
You took up residency in his mind before this delightful entanglement, but now he hypothesized that you and your scent would linger on him. Haunt his entire being.
Tech was not an obsessive individual, or so he had previously concluded. Now...now he couldn't draw that same conclusion. Especially with you in his embrace, clinging to him, your body molded to his.
"I've come to the conclusion that I will not be to stay away from you...from this..for a substantial amount of time". Tech informed you, placing a gentle kiss to your shoulder blade.
You shook your head, fully understanding his words. "Then don't". You breathed.
You met his eyes. "I-I told you Tech, I wanted this. Wanted you. And I meant it".
Reaching forward, holding your gaze and tilting your chin up, he smiled. "Then I am to assume I am allowed to seek you out, so long as both of us are not otherwise engaged?"
"Yes". You answered without hesitation, smiling. "Yes you are".
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toastyrobos · 10 months ago
**Unexpected swim leads to something more**
Hunter x Female reader
Word count: 4.6k
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((Relaxing on Naboo after several back to back stressful missions, the team finally gets a break. Hunter takes you somewhere. One thing leads to another and things start to turn steamy and heated very quickly))
⚠️Warnings: NSFW, smut, fem receiving, eating reader out, P in V, praising⚠️
"Finally!". You breathed out, your shoulders relaxing as you felt all the stress of the last few weeks wash off of you.
"I would agree". Tech said beside you as you stepped off the Marauder. "Some rest and a change of scenery will help to refocus our mind's cognitive function. Not to mention-"
Wrecker shoved past the intelligent clone. "Yeah yeah. Nobody cares. Let's party!"
Tech scowled at his reckless brother as he raced the sharpshooter to the secluded pools on the outskirts of the Naboo.
We had been dragged from one battlefield to another for several weeks and it was starting to take a toll on us. Cody took notice and ordered us to take some time away from the front lines. The boys seemed reluctant to do so. Especially Wrecker.
He lived for the thrill of war and getting to blow up battle droids. Or clankers as most clones referred to them as. Though you were not a clone, you spent enough time around them that you started doing it too.
You on the other hand welcomed some time away. It would do you all some good. Not to mention it would give you and certain Sergeant some time alone.
And speaking of the devil, you felt a pair of strong arms snake themselves around your waist and a loving kiss grace your cheek. You couldn't stop yourself from leaning into him. The moment becoming pure instincts. The smell of his pinewood musk hit your nostrils in such a way that tickled.
Hunter was well aware of what his smell did to you. The same way yours greatly affected him, and his ability to function in any sort of means. To some your smell would be dull, but to him it was the perfect mixture.
   "Finally". Hunter breathed out. His body relaxing, not just from the prospect of a vacation, but from being engulfed by your presence.
You nodded. "It's been too long". You breathed out, settling into him. It most certainly had. All of you had been craving for a break and thank the stars that it was upon you. You had been impatiently waiting for this just as much as Hunter had. You planned on taking full advantage of it.
And it appeared that Hunter already had. Or that he had something in mind. By the looks of it he wore a smile across his lips and had a nervous glint in his eyes. As if he were up to something.
    "Hunter? What's wrong?" You questioned him, twisting your body around in his embrace. Face to face you could see that he indeed had something up his sleeve. You could practically see the gears going around in his head.
He wasted no time in answering your curiosity.
"There's something I want to show you". He said. "May I?"
You simple nodded and slide your hand into his outstretched one. The curious part of you wanting to indulge in what he had to share with you. Besides you knew Hunter would never hurt you nor take you anywhere that wasn't secure.
Hand in hand, he led the two of you away from the ramp of the Marauder and down a trail that ran along the edge of the river bank. Naboo was such a wondrous planet. From the rich lush greenery, to the dazzling turquoise blue waters.
It came as no surprise to you that many came here to get away. It was truly was an actually paradise. And you still were in shock that you were here.
It wasn't long before a system of caves started to creep its way up on the two of you. Quickly becoming the walls of your intended path. The descent down was painstakingly slow, however.
You trusted Hunter fully. However that didn't stop your mind from wandering to the most terrifying of scenarios. Every few minutes Hunter would glance over his shoulder to see if you were alright. And each time you looked back at him, meeting his gaze, letting him know that you were with him.
You would always be fully with him. You loved him and you were positively certain he loved you back. He may have not outrightly said it, but you felt it in the way he kissed you, in the way he cared for you. Somethings didn't need to be exchanged to be true.
To be real.
They just were.
Suddenly he came to a halt. Your stumbled a bit into his armored back. "Where are we?"
    "Close your eyes". Was he response. You raised a brow. A strange request. What was he up to.
     "Are you sure?" You questioned him.
     "Do you trust me?"
You scoffed. Of course you did. You trusted him completely. "Always Hunter".
    "Then please close your eyes, mesh'la and let me guide you". The way he so tenderly, yet forcefully like a commander spoke that term made your heart flutter and you immediately shut your lids.
    "Led on then, I guess". And so he did. Your feet moved a few more feet into the cave before the two of you abruptly stopped again. You no longer felt Hunter's body in front of you. In fact you couldn't him anywhere near you and grew alarmed.
     "Hunter?" Your voice took on a more panic tone as you twisted your head every which way slightly.
    "It's alright". The sound of his voice immediately calmed your racing heartbeat. "Open your eyes".
You obeyed him and the sight before your very eyes was beyond incredible. You audibly gasped at what you were seeing.
Somehow in the deepest reaches of this cave was a hidden oasis. The clearest blue water you had ever laid eyes on reflected back at you. It covered the entirety of the cavern floor and sitting opposite of it was an extraordinary created waterfall.
Complimenting it all was the rich purple stalagmites forming from the ceiling. Dripping down as if they were made from thousands of tiny gemstones forged together. It was a display like nothing you had ever seen before. It was something out of a dream.
You whipped your body to where he voice was coming from. "Oh Hunter its beaut—"
You instantly froze up at the sight of Hunter bare chested. The pieces of his upper armor discarded on the floor beside him. You felt like you couldn't breath as you unintentional raked your eyes over his very well built physique.
You were quite aware of how toned he was. As evident by how his blacks clung to the forms of his muscles. But that was his blacks. This...this was different and you couldn't control how your body was reacting to it. Neither could Hunter as he took a step towards you.
   "Your right". He answered low. Oh by the maker was someone testing you. "Shall we?"
     "Sh-shall we what?" You stuttered over the simple words. To which made Hunter chuckle. The deep rumble of his laugh awakening something in you.
    "Go for a swim". He answered drifting towards the edge of the pool.
Your response was immediate. "O-okay". You were quick to cover your mouth with your hands. There was no hesitation in your voice. Even with the stumbling you knew what you wanted. What going for a swim could mean.
What it could potentially lead to.
However it didn't frighten you. You trusted Hunter with your life. Even more then that, you trusted him to not hurt you nor push you to do anything you weren't comfortable with doing. He could be rough around the edges, in both appearance and stance, but he was nothing less of a gentleman.
Thus he took to finish undressing first. His movements slow, yet with a purpose behind them. As if he was putting on a show just for you. His forearms bending in ways that made you bit your lower lip as he slipped his blacks completely off.
Seeing Hunter completely bare and exposed before you, on full display turned everything on its head. Everything in the cave shifted in that instance. The atmosphere had changed. Morphed into something more lust filled. Passionate in nature.
You were aware of it and as his eyes searched yours, he was aware of it too. The extreme pattering of your heart, the heat painting your cheeks. He witnessed all aspects of how he had affected you.
You wasted no time in undressing. Pealing layer after layer off until a pile of tossed aside clothes gathered at your feet. Nothing left to shield you from Hunter's intensive gaze as it raked over every curve of your body. Hitting places that, upon just a mere glance heated your body wildly.
Having captured his full attention made you feel both shy and brave at the same time. Shy for this was your first time bare before another human, especially one of the opposite sex.
Brave too because you had undressed in front of him and had greatly enjoyed the thrill of it. Of commanding Hunter's full focus. He was a sergeant on the battlefield. He commanded his men. But now, however, he was the submissive. Even if for only for a little moment, but you reveled in it.
You slowly descended into the lukewarm water inch by inch. His irises following the dip of your figure. He was absolutely captivated by your beauty. And once he got ahold of you he would make sure to show you just how much your presence encaged him. If you would allow him the chance.
You waded into the water until it came to rest upon the curve of your collarbone. The feeling of it felt so refreshing and spectacular on the roughness of your skin.
It was Hunter's approach, however that made your body nearly tremble from anticipation, painstakingly so. He reached out and glided his hand along the curve of your neck. Tingles of warmth sprinkled across your skin where he touched.
    "Your so beautiful". He whispered ever so softly.
    "So are you". You uttered before you could even give it a second thought. Realization of what you had just said made you slap a hand over your mouth.
Hunter chuckled at your mirrored compliment. "Thank you. Glad to know you feel that way about me".
You stared up at him. "Of course I do Hunter". You stated. "You are truly beautiful".
His lips parted slightly before he reached his hand up to title your chin up. "Then you must be truly extraordinary cyar'ika". The low rumble was doing things to the lower half of your stomach. Your legs twitched, making you have to squeeze them together.
When your bare back hit the rock wall behind you, that was when the full gravitas of the situation came crashing down on you. However it didn't deter you. Nor stop you from what was unfolding before the two of you.
Hunter's lean chest brushing up against yours. The subtle rise and fall your own chest. The tips of them ever so lightly touching him. Something the both of you, but especially Hunter, we're well aware of.
His tongue ran over his bottom lip. He craved you. Was dying to touch you in such ways, achingly so. Feel you up against every inch of his body. Molding you until you fit perfectly flushed into his.
You now shyly avoided his hungry gaze. Feeling as though you'd completely melt under it. Your heart beating rapidly inside your chest.
Intense make out sessions with Hunter closed up in his room, aboard the Havoc were not uncommon. The opposite was true in fact. Most nights you two found your bodies colliding together in heated kisses. But it was only ever that. Never had it ever crossed that point. Never had the two of you been naked before the other.
If that wasn't enough to make your heart race a million beats per second, it was the very notion that Hunter could hear it. Could feel what his close proximity was doing to you. To your body. But that also meant that your own close proximity was deeply affecting him.
The seductive dance of his roaming eyes, how his hands hovered barely over your lower hips now. Anxious to latch onto them and pull you into him. Feel those sensual parts of yours on his. The urges beginning to become too much for him.
By the maker he was burning up from just looking at you. Under his heated gaze you too were starting to unravel.
    "Hunter...." The heat radiating off your bodies was palpable. Swirling around in the air around you. Waiting to ignite.
    "We don't have to you". As much as he wanted to touch you in that way. Have you in that way. He understood if you weren't ready or if you weren't comfortable with what was happening. "I don't want you to feel pressured to—"
With a sudden burst of courage you wrapped your arms around his neck. The distance between you two was now nonexistent.
     "Hunter". The fall of his name from your lips caused his body to quake. Maker he was so in love with you. "It's okay".
Again Hunter searched your face. "Are you sure? I don't think I'll be able to stop once I've tasted you—"
     "Then don't".
That was all he needed to pounce. The fire between you finally becoming too overwhelming. His hands forcefully took hold of your hips. Pressing them into his. While his rough lips collided with yours in a feverish passion. A light gasp escaped your lips at the feeling of his growing member brushing up against your waist. Allowing him to slip his tongue into your mouth. Tasting the waters to see how far you'd allow him to go. It was a sensation all new to you, but one that you did not shy away from.
Admittedly you wanted him. As much as he had wanted you. You had longed for a time for Hunter to take you in his arms and explore your body.
Though you were unexperienced in that field, unlike Hunter. You had no doubts that he would make the endeavor worth the wait.
Certain you were that there would be pockets of pain and uncomfortableness. That didn't matter. You were ready to give yourself fully over to him. Ready for him to take the last piece of yourself that was meant for him.
Whatever door the two of you had opened wasn't going to shut so easily now. You didn't care though. You wanted this.
Wanted Hunter.
The way his lips drifted along the curve of your jaw, his kisses piercing not just your fragile skin, but also your soul made you body shiver from those simple touches alone. Your body was warming up more and more with each feverish kiss.
You could feel his senses losing more and more control with the roaming of his hands on your back. Especially when his hands traveled lower, cupping your backside. The force with how he gripped it was powerful and it made your body ache. More so when you could fully feel his member poking just barely into your entrance. Making you audibly gasp out loud.
Exposed flesh that vulnerable brushing up against one another was a sensation that enraptured you. And Hunter had witnessed it. And as desperately as he wanted to continue, he wanted your confirmation again. Wanted to be sure that this is what you absolutely wanted. For there was no going back after this deed was done.
Pausing, he looked deep in your eyes. "Are you sure you truly want this—"
You placed a finger over his starting to swell lips. "Yes, Hunter". You answered him. "I want you. I've never been more sure of anything".
Hearing from your lips that you had no second thoughts about this, Hunter flashed a devilish grin. Then he crashed his lips back on yours. 
One of his hands slithered up to cup your chest. His inked fingers twirled around the sensitive part of your nipple, teasing and working you, eliciting grander and grander whimpers from your caged mouth. By the maker he would be your undoing. Fortunately for you, he was just beginning to pleasure you. His next action nearly made your body combust.
After playing around with your exposed chest, he wasted no time in putting his next act into motion. With quick work he pulled you completely flush to him. The minute that happened his flesh sunk deep into you. Crying out immediately in pure bliss, your head fell back from the sensation now inside you. Your body shook and jolted from such extraordinary pressure. The walls of your center pulsing, clenching onto it.
     "That's it". He groaned into your neck as he started a pace. It started out slow and steady, eliciting soft whimpers from you. Allowing time for you to grow comfortable to this new sensation. As well as the size of him. It was painful at first, like you had imagined. A small stinging cut. But soon the tears pricking at the corners of your eyes vanished, replaced by a twisting and numbing feeling beginning to blossom in the deepest parts of your core.
    "Hunter.." you moaned out his name without even realizing it.
Your thoughts were not coherent anymore. For Hunter surging forward again had quickened his pace. Bucking his hips again and again into your sweet spot. Each of his thrust rolling back deeper and deeper. Hitting sweet spot after sweet spot. You could feel your body beginning to engulf into flames. Nearing the spot that you knew would send you over the edge.
The freedom you felt in this moment was nothing like how you dreamt it would be like. No. Not in your wildest fantasy had you imagined it would feel like this. The rush of pleasure racing throughout your veins was electrifying and you craved more. We're literally begging for it as he slammed his hips back into you. Another burst of moans erupted from your mouth. Beats of sweat dripping down the side of your face.
   "That's it". He praised you. "Let everyone know that your mine".
If you didn't know any better, you were certain it was his plan to fuck you until you were past the point of seeing stars. And somehow that delighted you.
     "My girl". He whispered gutturally against your skin. Maker was his voice like pure silk.
If his thrust hadn't started to unravel you then his sensual commands alone would surely do the trick. You raked your hands through his locks as he continued to grind his hips into you. Your lower half riding him with such vigor as the tension was building and building. Moans of his own pleasure were coated out of Hunter as you both kept a rather steady pace. Him, however, still having the upper hand. Bringing the most euphoric pleasure to you.
The fire had started out as a kindling, but as the passions and desires were explored, an inferno raged forth. Spreading throughout your veins and moving down to your aching core. Hunter being the reason for all of it.
He did not leave even an inch of your body untouched. Your fingernails dug into his muscular back as you arched yourself toward him. Your whole being was overwhelmed by his owns passions as he filled you up with them.
That not being the only thing he filled you up with. He took his time worshiping every nook, cranny, and curve of your luscious figure. Claiming your body with his hands. His lips. Leaving no stone unturned. Your cries of emotional ecstasy all the answers he needed. A fever ran over you and the only cure was Hunter.
And he was more then happy to oblige you and that's what he did. The pressure of him inside you was becoming overwhelming and you knew you were at your breaking point. Hunter being able to sense it and his own threatening to blow, he made the quick decision to hasten his pace. Faster then before, he made haste with a raw force. Building the tension even more. The rope near it's breaking point now more then ever. Exciting you so much more however.
Drunk on his dominate fire. The hot steamy aura he exuded from within you thrilled him. Pushed him over the edge as he pushed you near your very own oblivion. You were nearly there. Both of you could feel it. Hunter had you right where he wanted you. A delectable mess. Caused by his own satisfaction. But all his.
Not being able to hold it in any longer, the tension snapped. Your figure jolted into him and a thunderous cry poured out of you.
Your vision turned dizzy and suddenly all you could see were rivers of stars.
Instantly your body relaxed into Hunter's embrace. Beats of sweat trailed down both your naked bodies, but neither of you cared. Too busy still riding the high from your shared passionate expedition. Panting shaky breaths exchanged between the two of you as his hands still gripped onto your waist.
In that moment you realized nothing could compare to Hunter buried deep inside you. The feeling of your walls clenched around him. Painting you with his feverish longing. Oh maker did you want him to take you again. Make you see stars until you passed out from pure bliss. Even if there was a slight pain in the beginning, It was well worth it. Now that you experienced such an intense and wonderful exquisite thing, you weren't ever going back.
Your extracted arousal by his hands, permeated the air and filled his nostrils. Devouring his senses and making him hunger for your taste once again. You saw his eyes darken and licked your lips. The devout passion, piercing euphoric thrusts and fire inducing kisses....maker you burning from the inside for more.
More of him.
The inescapable hunger pooling in his eyes made you positive that he wanted it just as much. No words were exchanged between the two of us as Hunter scooped you up and laid your body onto the cold hard floor of the cave. You wrapped your legs around his backside while he hovered over you. His bulky figure caging you in and stars above did it entice you. The thrill of what heights he could send you to next.
Aiming himself up to your entrance with haste, this time no little tease, he descended into you. Again you cried out. Still on the high from before. Hands snaked around his shoulder blades, dragging down his back as he brought you to life.
Pumping into you this time rougher and oh maker was it incredible. Back arched, fingers teasing. For a moment you swore that before he was holding himself back. Perhaps he was for your benefit. Maybe that was a good thing. Especially for your first time. But now he was a ferocious beast come to life. Devouring his prey with a fury.
But he wouldn't let you be brought to sweet release this time. At least in this position. Oh no. The sergeant had other plans. If he would allow such delicious release from you by his hands a second time, he would taste it on his tongue.
   "Your so breathtaking". He purred dipping his head further and further down your body. Oh maker he was going to unravel you if he kept this rhythm. His very intention.
And when his head found its way between your legs, you were done for. A melted mess on the rock floor. The swipe of his tongue on the walls of your center was all too much. How could such a small thing cause such a reaction? But did it. Oh how it did.
Guttural cry after cry escaped from you as his tongue took you to new heights. Exploring every surface and tasting places you thought not possible. He was a desperate animal on the hunt and you were his own grand personal feast.
And oh how he feasted. Your body quaking with each flick of his tongue over a new surface. Each new sensation he brought you closer and closer to. Waves of ecstasy pouring over you with each taste he took from you. Never had you felt such intoxicating emotions before, but you were dying to feel more. To which Hunter was more then happy to oblige.
He, himself was drunk off the taste of you. Savoring each and every drop of you. Never being able to get enough. Judging by the fever pace he set between your thighs. Wanting to taste you in his tongue sooner rather then later.
    "You feel so good". He cooed. "You taste so good mesh'la". Tension was building more and more in the pit of your stomach. Release was near.
    "Hunter..." you cried out in pure euphoric bliss. "Oh god...". You could feel yourself coming undone.
Taking advantage of it, with one deep forceful strike Hunter pushed you over the edge a second time. Stars exploded across your vision at the same time Hunter starting lapping up his delightful reward.
Maker, did you taste so damn delicious on his tongue. How had he gone this long without this sweetness on it? Simultaneously you were thinking how had you gone this long without letting him ravage you? As shy and reserved as you normally were, this shared experience made you feel electrified.
    "You did good". Hunter praised you, crawling up the front of your exhausted sweat stained figure. The two of you left panting. Out of breath. Your chest raised and fell in unsteady succession as he pressed a kiss to the side of your hair. Visible shaken as Hunter curled you into him.
     "By the maker Hunter". You couldn't think clearly, but you had to tell him just how much you greatly enjoyed that.
By your body language though, he already had a hunch. "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself cyar'ika". He pressed another kiss to your hair.
   "I did". You quickly answered before turning over to face him. "Thank you Hunter. I love you".
He beamed, a small smile curling on the edge. "It was my pleasure love". Leaning in he brushed his lips over yours. "I love you too".
He brushed a single strand of your long hair out of your face. "Are you in any pain?"
You smiled sheepishly. Yes there was, but you figured he already knew that. It was sweet that he cared. Frankly he always would. You were so dearly important to him. As he was to you. You meant so much to him. It was only natural that he would worry.
To simply ease his worry, you snuggled deeper into the curves of him. Molding yourself to fit beneath his shoulder blade.
"A bit, but it's okay. I agreed to this Hunter. I wanted it and I will be forever grateful for this moment the two of us shared". You reassured him, intertwining your hand with his. "Your the only person who I'd want to give myself to in this way".
Hearing that made his heart swell. Stars above he loved you. So much that it hurt. In all the best ways possible.
"Good". He was also a very greedy man when it came to you. To know that you displayed like this would only ever be for his eyes alone, excited him immensely. "Because I'd let no other man have you like this".
"I'd let no other man touch me unless it's you that's for sure". You replied. "We should probably get back though before the others come looking for us".
Hunter nodded. "Good point".
The both of you stood up, untangling from one another, gathered up your clothes and proceeded to dress yourselves again. You adjusted your shoulder plating then slid your hand into Hunter's. Following beside him, hands linked together, as he guided you out of the cave. The cave that would forever be remembered in you eyes. And your bodies.
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toastyrobos · 1 year ago
I’m okay…okay? (Wrecker X Female reader one shot)
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Word count: 2.5k
((After everyone's chips are removed on Bracca you try to talk to Wrecker about what happened, since you care for him, but he again tries to avoid you. What happens when you've had enough and confront him))
If only things had gone down as planned. Then maybe the feeling of dread and helplessness wouldn't be permeating the air around you. Maybe then you wouldn't feel so..so terrified and useless. You couldn't have done much of anything in that split second when theory turned reality. When the reason for those chips showed itself to all of you in that room.
That room you didn't want to step foot into anymore. His face...that dull lifeless appearance it took on the second his chip had activated. How when he uttered those words you wanted to cry out. And you did. Not because you were afraid of him.
You were afraid for him. You saw how Wrecker's eyes...the kindness and childlike essence was still there. Fighting whatever the chip was doing to him. He was actively fighting the programming that was inside his mind...and losing.
And you knew...knew that if or when he would came to he'd never forgive himself for what he had done. It's what the Empire...those bastards wanted. A perfect creation that could be programmed, when needed, to do their dirty work. And it happened right under your noises. They used and turned the clones into nothing more than their own personal attack dogs.
It made you sick to your stomach.
They were used and discarded as if they were a dirty rag. No longer serving its purpose. It enraged you. What they did to their most loyal supporters, it enraged you what they did to him.
To the one person who had made you smile at every given opportunity. Could insight the biggest applause of laughter and fill an entire room with it. The person who would do anything to protect those he cared about at a moments notice. He was fierce, powerful when he needed to be. Especially during the heat of battle. Underneath it all though, he was a gentle giant. Always careful when embracing another person...mostly that is. The way in which he looked out and cared for Omega. Being the big brother that maybe he was always meant to be.
All of those things about him.... His heart of gold, that large grin, how infectious his laugh was.
You loved it all. You loved him.
That's why the minute he woke up from this chip removal you were so relieved. Tears lined your eyes before running down your anxious complexion. But something was different about him. A somber expression painted his face. Guilt too. And you immediately knew. How could you not? He only further confirmed it when after apologizing to Omega, he avoided your gaze.
It was obvious. He was swimming in his own guilt and shame. Like an ocean had swallowed him up. And much more weighing heavily on his heart. You didn't need to be a Jedi to see it. It was clear as day. His knotted brows, the trembling in his hands, how his eyes seemed distance.
You understand why it was easier for him to forgive himself when it came to Omega..or at the very least make amends with her. She had no trouble forgiving him. Like us, she knew there wasn't much to forgive. None of this situation was his fault. Yet here he was. Blaming himself, Silently. Away from you. Allowing it to eat away at him from the inside out. And it broke your heart.
If Rex hadn't pushed you out of the way, then that blaster shot would been buried deep within your chest. Ending your life in the process. It's all and intended purpose. That's why he wouldn't—couldn't look at you. The frightened look in your eyes, that would haunt him forever. If only he knew that it wasn't for your life that scared you. No. It was for another reason entirely. And you wanted to—needed to tell him. You didn't care anymore if he avoided you. You had to talk to him. Staying away was no longer an option.
You wasted no time in locating Hunter and demanding where Wrecker was. Seeing how determined you were and knowing the full situation of both of your unspoken feelings, he told you where to find his brother. Before rushing back off Hunter wished you good luck in your pursuits. As the man in charge and a loyal brother, he wanted what was best for his fellow teammates. You being with Wrecker was just that. Heightened senses or not, he saw the way you two were around each other. How you both were captivated by the other, the hidden glances...he'd never seen two people more suited for each other than his brother and you. The newest member of the team, of his family. Maker, he just hoped that whatever pain and guilt Wrecker felt, you'd find a way to reach him.
Finding him wasn't the problem, getting him to stay was. The moment you located him he started to back away from your presence. You understood why, but it hurt, hurt to see him so afraid. You didn't want him to feel this way. You couldn't bare it. He was..he was your—this loveable, big hearted man who could bring a smile to anyone's face. The fear and anguish he held in his gaze, clouding him...that wasn't him. That wasn't the Wrecker you knew.
   "Wrecker please!" You cried out. "Please..."
You could how you pleas made him stop in his tracks. How his body visible flinched at the way you spoke his name.
    "I want—need to talk to you".
He looked away from you. He wasn't going to meet your gaze. "Stop!" The pleading in his voice. "Don't come any closer".
    "Wrecker...". You choked back the tears that threatened to escape from you while you took a darning footstep towards him. And so in turn, like a dance of deep rooted turmoil, Wrecker took a step backwards. "Please stop!" You shouted at him, your voice cracking in the process. You couldn't take it. You needed him to stay, to not run away from you. From what you needed to get off your chest. What your heart was bursting to confess.
Thankfully he understood. You watched his body freeze and just barely his eyes brushed to yours for the briefest of moments before they returned to his feet. Meaning that some piece of him wanted to talk to you. Or at the very least hear what you had to say. He owed you that much. Though you weren't sure if he'd truly listen. But you had to try. You'd never forgive yourself if you didn't.
Letting out a breath you had been holding in, you reluctantly approached him, slowly but with confidence. A purpose in your step. A song in your heart. Within a few steps, he seemed to hesitate in staying put. But he did as you requested. You thanked the maker for that. However your eyes widened as you approached him. The intense guilt swallowing him up. All across his scarred skin, it was plain as day. Wrecker was drowning in his sorrow completely. Wave by wave it was eating away at him. The way you could feel it radiating off his body. It hurt you. Broke you. You wanted to reach out and pull him so tightly against you. Telling him over and over again that you were okay, you were safe!
To see someone as loud and happy as Wrecker be so swallowed up in that hurt...it wasn't fair. He didn't deserve it. None of them did! The stupid fucking Empire. You were not a violent person, but you swore right there that you'd make them pay. One day they'd get what was coming for them.
The embers of your rising anger immediately cooled as his eyes drifted up to meet yours. Tears lined his eyes, some streams leaking down his rough cheeks. You couldn't bare it anymore. Taking four steps forward you reached out to touch him as he started to do the same, but quickly flinched and pulled his arm away. Your breath hitched in your throat. Heart skipping a beat at the action. You felt your heart shatter like glass.
Oh Wrecker.
He was so afraid to touch you.
Afraid he'd inflict physical pain on you this time.
      "Wrecker, I'm-I'm okay". You had to let him know—let him see that you alright. "I promise you I'm okay. You didn't physical hurt me. I know you'd never—
You saw him tense at those words. "But I did!". You noticed the rumble in his voice. The way in which his voice had raised in tone. How serious he was about what he had done.
You shook your head. "Rex pushed me out of the way!". You matched his tone, clenching your fist in one hand and gripping the fabric of your shirt in the other.
He shook his head furiously, "Don't lie. I did hurt you! I pointed my gun at you. I-I almost shot you!" he gestured to your body. "I could have t ki-killed you!"
     "But you didn't". You reminded him, tears well last pouring down your cheeks, running down your neck by this point "He's okay. I'm okay, Wrecker! Besides it wasn't your fault! The Empire put those invasive chips into your head! And they turned you all into their own personal slaves! They violated you and took away your choices! Made thousands of clones—your brothers commit unspeakable things! They had no right to do that!". Your voice broke at how much pain laid in your heart at what they had done. The anguish in his voice was enough to break you into two.
    "Don't you dare think for a second that you're to blame—that any of you are to blame for what happened. I won't let you! I won't watch you to that to yourself Wrecker. I will not watch the man that I love so dearly torment himself over something that is not his fault! I can't. It's too much. They took advantage of you. All of you. They took away your humanity!"
"No, Wrecker! They treated you like you were nothing and that is unacceptable. They treated all the clones like that. It pained me! None of you asked to be used like that. It-it's not fair. It's unjust, it's—"
His mouth was on you before you could even register what was happening. Catching you off balance momentarily before instinct took over and you proceeded to wrap your arms around his neck. Large hands grasped at your waist, pulling you closer to his armored chest. You willingly let him haul you closer as you too wanted it. One of your hands tugged at the back of his blacks and Wrecker moaned into your mouth. Causing your body to shuddered at such a noise.
Maker, if you didn't pull away he'd surely be the end of you. Not that you wouldn't have minded it. For kissing clone force 99's brute strength member was everything you had pictured and more. Something about the mixture of rich musk and gun powder crept into your senses and coiled around your veins. Sending tingles down your spine as its owners lips heated your body beyond measure.
How could kissing someone be this addicting? You had plenty of kisses before, but not a single one of them felt, tasted like this. None of them made you feel this electric. Bringing you to new heights. You could feel yourself losing touch as Wreckers hands gripped at your hips this time, making you arch into him. Pressing against him, you heard the groan from deep in his throat. That was moment you knew you had to stop. Unfortunately. You needed to tell him how you felt. Truly.
Very reluctantly you pulled back from him, disconnecting your lips from his. Scarlet quickly flooded both of his cheeks as well as yours. Two blushing messes. You couldn't help but giggle lightly.
      "W-woah that was-"
You pursed your lips together and nodded. "Yeah, it was—"
    "You said you loved me!". Wreckers eyes grew at suddenly realizing what you had said in an heated exchange. He was stunned to say the least.
     "I did—I do Wrecker".
His grip on your hips tightened, "I hurt you!".
You shook your head. "Wrecker when will you understand that it was an accident and not your fault. Watching you tear yourself apart...it hurts me. To watch someone I care about—"
     "Love". He cut you off, a small smile blooming across his face. "You love me...".
Again you nodded.
    "You love me".
You couldn't help laugh at how out of nowhere his mood had changed. It was if someone had given him a happy pill or put something in his drink, not that he was drinking anything of course. Maybe his earlier activities with Omega had started to affect him now, or perhaps she had said something to him that was now coming to the forefront of his mind.
     "HAHA YOU LOVE ME!" He cheered like a Wookie on life day. Before you could even respond, he picked you in, raising you up in the air and twirled you around like you were a child.
You vigorously nodded. Fits of laughter erupting from within you. Bringing a hand to rest on his pink dusted cheeks, "Yes, Wrecker". You exclaimed. "I love you. So much". A magnetic storm of love and protection and so much more flowed in you as you remained in his embrace, the place you never wanted to be without. From the person you never wanted to be parted from.
"I'm so sorry". He sniffled, setting you down gently. "I hurt Tech and Rex. I-I didn't mean to! And Omega I-I scared her. I saw how scared you were too".
Lifting yourself up, you took hold of his face between your palms. "Wrecker, Omega is okay. From how she hugged you earlier, I'd say she's more revealed that you're okay. She didn't want to lose any of her brothers. Rex and Tech too. Though Tech probably won't outright admit it".
Wrecker chuckled lightly, "hah yeah..I'm sorry that I avoided you". He apologized, melting under your touch and pressing a light kiss to your palm, causing you to blush.
     "I understand why you did. Just promise me next time that you won't run away. Talk to me, Wrecker. You're important to me. To all of us".
He chuckled. "Y-yeah okay. I promise". He met your eyes fully this time and that wonderful warm smile that you loved so much was back, gracing his features. "I love you, (Y/N)".
You leaned up on your tippy toes to rest your forehead up against his. Wrecker was a gentle giant with a heart of gold. At times he could be more worried about his next bag of mantel mix then when he'd get to blow something up. He had stolen your heart unexpectedly and you'd let him keep it. For as long as he wanted it. Though if said gentle giant could have it his way, then he'd keep it forever. As you were the only person for him. That was crystal clear to him as the day he fell hopelessly in love with you.
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toastyrobos · 1 year ago
When flowers do the talking (Wrecker x female reader one shot)
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Word count: 3116
((You had no idea why wrecker always came by the medical bay or would bring the occasional small batches of flowers. He said he was just being nice. You had no idea why he was doing it. It’s not until Tech let’s it slip that Wrecker likes you, That you realize how much he has occupied your headspace so you rush to find him))
Once again your eyes drifted over to the bouquet of flowers resting in the vase next to the window. Rain pelted the glass as per usual. That was the one thing you didn’t particularly like about Kamino. Torrential rain. On most occasions it didn’t bother you, but on days when it just poured you weren’t too keen about it.
A week ago though your spirits had been lifted. By the same individual who seemed to know just when a heavy rainstorm was brewing. You had no idea how he knew, but giving the vase your full attention, you didn’t mind. In fact you actually enjoyed it.
Anytime the well built member of clone force 99 would come by it put a smile on your face. Most days it was as simple as a hello or how is your day going. He didn’t get to stay for long, as he usually was called away for missions often. No surprise. Given the groups track recorded.
But he would make up for it. The row of flower vases that use to line your windowsill as a tall tel sign.
Every time Kamino was due for heavy rain, Wrecker would bring you another set of flowers. Your first instinct was where was he getting them from? Kamnio was surrounded by multiple bodies of water. Things like flowers were not within the planet’s surface?
The second thought was why was he giving you of all people flowers? Was it because you were one of the main medical staff members and he wanted to show you his appreciation?
That didn’t seem correct. You were simply doing your job is all.
Your next thought seemed even less plausible. Making you shake your head at how ridiculous it sounded.
Whatever his reasoning for gifting them to you was it didn’t really matter anymore. It was sweet and made any stressful rainy day you experienced brighter.
“(Y/N)?” You lifted your attention to the two figures hovering in the doorway.
Your eyes grew at the state both of them were in. Especially their resident brainiac.
“Tech”. Stunned you were at the way he was limping and clinging onto Hunter for support. Instantly you dropped whatever task you were preforming and moved over to him. Wrapping an arm around Tech’s figure you helped Hunter guide him to the empty medical table.
“What happened?” You immediately questioned the two of the them. Or whoever would ever answer you first.
“A training exercise”. Hunter answered, crossing his arms over his board chest. “We decided to test out a new formation and well it did not go to plan”.
“Technically it did”. Tech held up a finger. “By my calculations we had an 80% chance of success”.
You turned your back to them, digging through your medical supplies for a brace and bacta spray.
“Not 100% though”. You merely said.
You heard Tech exhale behind you. “The chances of a 100% success rate are exponentially low to near impossible. Wrecker’s purists in expressing his romantic attraction towards you, by the use of colorful flora and fauna has a higher success rate I’ve determined”.
You stopped what you were doing. Everything pausing around you.
For a few minutes no one uttered a single word. You shook your head. You must have heard him wrong.
Hunter was the first one to break it. “Tech!” He scolded his fellow squad member.
Tech blinked. Not understanding the gravity of his actions he had caused.
“I thought it was obvious”. He simple explained repositioning his slipping goggles.
Obviously it was not. And frankly the very notion of it sounded ridiculous.
You chuckled nervously. “Thats impossible”.
With equipment in hand you twisted back around to attend to your current patient. Who had no idea the affects his statement had on you or your racing mind and heart.
Hunter did, however. The minute Tech had revealed Wrecker’s rather obvious secret he witnessed the way your complexion paled for a brief second before your cheeks shifted to a light shade of pink. The way your heart skipped a beat momentarily then picked up in speed. He was about to say something, but you beat him to the punch.
“Wrecker doesn’t have feelings for me”. You argued, ripping open a bacta patch. Something about the cooling nature of it against your heated skin felt refreshing.
“Your wrong Tech. The flowers are just him being nice”.
Patch in hand you brought it up to the exposed skin of his leg and applied it. Tech hissed slightly from the cold sensation of the patch meeting the warm temperatures of his body.
“Technically you are correct”. He began. “Wrecker is the most accommodating and indulgent one out of the five of us, however it has been visible to each of us, in multiple instants, that he attracted to you. Romantically that is”.
You blinked.
“If I may (Y/N). Wrecker is quite taken by you. Infatuated I believe would be the proper term. On several occasions each one of us has witnessed him speak about you with such significance. From my research it would appear he was, as I’ve read, as though he was ‘floating on air’”.
You opened and closed your mouth. Processing his words. The meanings. The implications in which they held.
This…this couldn’t be true. Could it though?
Again you shook your head. Tech was wrong. Strange as it sounded. Wrecker was just being friendly. Kind. Generous. It’s who he was. Strong and ruthless as he could be in battle, he also had a heart of gold. Wore it on his sleeve.
There was absolutely no way that some like him could harbor romantic affection for you.
And yet. The mere idea of it gave you pause. Was he just being nice? We’re the array of different flowers just a friendly gesture? Or was there more to it?
Racking your brain for anything, you stumbled upon a recent memory. A day when everything that could go wrong, had gone wrong.
Sitting at your desk, body hunched over, you hadn’t noticed him come in. He coughed to get your attention. To which you immediately looked up, eyes meeting his brown ones. Another Bouquet of flowers were in his gloved hands. Red roses this time. Your favorite.
You were beyond exhausted, however the second you eyes landed on him every bad moment from the day vanished like it never had existed.
The way he would stumble over his words every time that he talked to you. How flustered he became in your presence. How he avoided your gaze in certain situations.
It was if everything around you had stopped. Frozen in time.
By the maker.
How had you not noticed it before. It was all right there! Plain as day to see! And you had missed it.
Had missed every single detail.
He had feelings for you. Wrecker had feelings for you.
Heat immediately pooled in your cheeks at the sudden realization. Butterflies fluttering away in your stomach at what ever single arrangement of flowers now meant.
From where he was residing, Hunter could see your poor attempt at concealing your flustered appearance. His brown eyes catching yours only making your blush deepen.
It felt like your entire face—no, your entire body was tingling with warmth. Caused by the same individual who had gifted you such treasures.
It was then you came to a second, more deeper realization.
You reciprocated his feelings. You had feelings for Wrecker.
How his wide grin could light up a room. The way he would take an interest in your day. And above all, the flowers. The flowers….
“(Y/N)”. Hunter called out your name, but you couldn’t hear him.
Millions of thoughts and memories had taken over your mind. You were starting to question the nature of every time Wrecker would say hello to you or was nervous around you.
Was every one of them him taking an opportunity to work up the courage to eventually tell you how he felt?
Looking back on them it had to be. You were absolutely certain of it. The way his gaze would linger on you for far longer then normal.
“(Y/N)!” Hunter’s raised voice snapped you out of your trance.
You blinked. “I-I’m sorry. I just..”.
Your voice drifted off. An overwhelming feeling taking control of your body. Everything suddenly becoming clear. And you knew what you needed to do, before you could rationally think it over.
Before either one of them could utter another word, you dashed out of the medical bay, stumbling as you rounded the corner. Nearly straight into another person.
“Sorry!” Not stopping for even a single minute, you briefly apologized from further down the corridor.
All you could think about was locating Wrecker and telling him exactly how you felt. That you reciprocated his feelings. That you wanted to be with him. Or at the very least give whatever this was a brewing between you two a chance.
However you didn’t know where to start looking. With Hunter and Tech back in the infirmary there was a high probability that their squad was staying put for a bit. As evident by Tech’s minor sprain. Meaning that Wrecker was here. Perhaps near by.
They had just come from the training field. Maybe they had made their way back to their barracks. You rounded another corner. Kriff why did every single hallway have to look the same with its blinding white interior?!
Taking another left you came face to face with the open door to their barracks. You ducked your head inside momentarily to see if he was here. Everything inside laid so still. As if untouched for a while. Kriff. He wasn’t here.
“(Y/N)?” You recognized that voice. You quickly snapped your head in that direction to find Echo walking towards you, a bit confused to find you at his door.
“Echo I need to find Wrecker. Where is he?” You cut off him impatiently, before he could ask what you were doing here of all places.
Puzzled, he pointed down the hall. In the direction he had just come from. “In the hanger, why are—“
Even before the entirety of the sentence could leave his lips you had already dashed off. Running in the opposite direction you had come from. Fully intent on finding Wrecker and letting him know your true feelings. Adrenaline pumped through you veins as you raced down multiple halls. Your destination near.
Finally. Rounding the last corner, you stopped briefly, eyes frantically scanning the surrounding bay to see if you could find him or the Marauder.
Eyes widened the minute you spotted it. Off to the left, housed between a weapon storage vault and another larger vessel. Then you eyes found him.
Nothing stopping you, you quickly darted across the hanger bay. Legs pumping, burning from the excessive running you had done today. But you paid it no mind. No. Reaching Wrecker was all that mattered.
As if he could sense your presence, his frame twisted around to see you coming at him full force.
“(Y/N) what are you—Mmfph”. You flung your body into his, impulsively crashing your lips onto his, cutting him off and rendering him completely speechless.
Realizing what was happening to him, Wrecker reached his arms around your fragile frame securing his hold onto you. The warmth of your body up against his chest mixed with how sweet your lips tasted, maker he thought he was for sure in heaven.
You tasted so delightful on his lips. Like one of those nectar infused cocktails down at the 79. But better. Much better. Richer. More flavorful. Like honey. And he loved honey.
For you, the second your lips touched his it was like fireworks going off. Electrifying and loud, but bright and spectacular. He was so gentle in the way he held you. Careful to not let his strength become too much. Applying just the right amount of pressure.
Maker did you absolutely want to continue kissing him. But you also came here with a purpose. To tell him that you felt the same way about him that he did about you.
Besides you had a good hunch that once you laid everything out in the open, getting to kiss him would become a normal occurrence.
Reluctantly you pulled away. To his disappointment.
But he quickly recovered, staring straight at you. A puzzled look in his eyes. “W-what was that for?”. He questioned you. Vaguely worried that he was dreaming what was happening to him right now. Bracing himself, he had to be sure it was all truly real.
“Tech”. You took in a deep breath, steadying yourself. “He told me everything, Wrecker”. He continued to stare at you, perplexed. What did you know?! There was so much that Tech knew! What had he told you?
“I know about the flowers”. His eyes widened. Tech had told you that secret. Oh dear. “I know that you…you have feelings for me”.
He swallowed slowly, feeling his throat dry at your eyes scanning him. Frantically he opened his mouth to say something. Like Tech was wrong. Or that you had missed heard him or—
“And I wanted you to know that I care about you too”. You admitted out loud finally. To both yourself and him. Having your own confession out in the open felt invigorating. Like a weight off your shoulders.
Even if you had only realized the truth of it all less then twenty minutes ago. It didn’t matter.
Wrecker stood there stunned. Frozen, you wrapped up in his arms. Was he dreaming? He must have been. Because he most definitely misheard you.
“Y-you mean it?”. He responded before he could give it a second thought.
You nodded. “I do. I didn’t realize I did until Tech told me how you felt”.
It was true. You hadn’t really thought about it until Tech put the idea in your head. The the idea of you and Wrecker made perfect sense to you.
He made you laugh, brightened the gray days you would have, and you adored his goof ball energy. And if you were being completely honest, you liked a man who could swallow you up in a single hug. Wrecker checked all the box’s for you.
You lifted your hands up and took his face between them. “I really like you Wrecker”. You confessed wholeheartedly. “I really do”.
The biggest smile you’d ever seen erupted across his face. The pure joy and happiness radiating off of him was contagious. You felt him light up like a thousand stars in the night sky. The browns of his eyes glowing like two embers.
“I love you”. He crushed his rough lips onto yours, catching you off guard. For the briefest of moments you were unable to register what he had said. But then you quickly melted into the kiss, wrapping your arms around his neck, leaning into him.
You couldn’t explain the feelings that coursed through your veins, but somehow you felt whole. Like this is where you were meant to be. Being embraced by an individual who was responsible for much joy in your life.
Breaking apart, both of you were left breathing heavily. Lungs near exasperated from the lack of air flow. But it was worth it.
“Wow! That was…wow”. You giggled at his simple minded description.
“Yeah”. You mumbled, shyly biting your bottom lip.
His smile softened as he studied your flushed cheeks. “Maker your really beautiful”. He complimented you without a second thought.
Instantly your entire face flared up at his very honest observation. Normally you did not get embarrassed, but now with everything coming back to you, including a clear head, you made the discovery of just how emotionally driven you’d been.
Not that it was a bad thing, it just usually wasn’t your style. Yet in this situation you were grateful that you had been a bit…reckless in allowing your heart to guide you. For it had led you down this path. To this.
“And your eyes. But especially your smile. Your smile (Y/N) is incredible”. Wrecker confessed. “It was the first thing I noticed and man oh man did it reel me in! It was like I was seeing the sun for the first time”.
You’d seen Wrecker passionate and enthusiastic numerous times, mostly when talking about being on the battlefield. Destroying ‘clackers’ as he referred to them. But never about you. Let alone your smile. You didn’t even know that he liked it that much. The way he was describing it however made your heart swell.
You were too stunned to speak. So he just kept on going. “When I brought you flowers you would always smile, like I was your favorite person, so I-I kept on bringing you some. Umm…even if nothing happened, I’d at least get to see you smile and that would make any day better then it was”.
He brought you flowers, not just because he cared about you, but because he wanted to see your smile?
Dan Ferrik. You swore your heart would melt at that. You couldn’t believe what you were hearing him confess to you!
“Wrecker, you really like my smile that much?”
Wrecker shook his head. “No. I love it”.
Now you were positive your heart was melting. If not your heart then your eyes. Tears had started welling up in them, only to overflow down your cheeks.
“Y-you do?” You asked to which he nodded, leaning in to lay his forehead against yours. Your heart was beating rapidly at this point. No end to its frantic nature in sight.
“I love everything about you”. Now it was his turn to be flustered, but it did not bother him.
He confessed all that he wanted to. All that he needed to. And never in his wildest dreams would he think that you’d feel the same way. But by golly he was so thrilled that you did.
Placing you back down on the ground, to avoid anymore suspicious stares, he scratched at the back of neck. Nervous ticks finally setting in. But he was grateful for your lingering touch. Your hand Iaced with his. Fingers tangled together. Making him feel slightly less nervous.
“Would you like to umm…go out?”
Leaning up on your tippy toes, you placed a gentle kiss on his cheek. “I would love to, Wrecker”. You both beamed from ear to ear.
“Tomorrow?” His smile as bright as ever.
“Tomorrow”. You echoed, spinning around. But not before you uttered one last thing.
“Oh and I’m looking forward to the Bouquet”.
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toastyrobos · 1 year ago
Tasteful evening surprise (Crosshair x female reader one shot)
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Word count: 2357
((Your a Senator. After a stressful day you go back to your apartment to find Crosshair waiting for you. A surprise, but a welcomed one. He and you enjoy a nice dinner and some much needed alone time. Hadn't seen each other in several rotations))
You were more then ready to rip this dress off your body. Toss it across the room and slip into something more comfortable, less form fitting. Getting dressed up was not the issue. It was the long draining hours you had to spend tied up in it that was the problem. Unfortunately that came with the territory of being a Senator for the Republic.
Most days were fine. Taken up with several meetings and involved delegations, but it was your job and you didn't mind. In fact this is what propelled you forward. Being able to do good for the millions of citizens scattered across the galaxy filled you with pride.
And you were not just one of those talk the talk ones. No. You fought and fought with your voice for the people. Especially for the ones so many in the senate tended to overlook. Every voiced mattered. Exhausted was how you found yourself at the end of the day. On more then one occasion.
Today, however you were nearly spent. Dragging yourself in the direction of your apartment. A rather heated negotiation had ended in shambles and you were just ready to concede.
Before you had even reached the door your heels were pried from your feet, resting at the side of the dress. Exhaustion rolling over you as the code was entered in. The very second the door slid open, heels were thrown aside and you nearly collapsed against the wall from how much your head was throbbing.
How the hell had one meager negotiation turn into such a disaster? Never had you experienced such a tense situation before. Raised voices was one thing, however such aggressive threatening language was not. At least not to you. Different ideologies were as common as a rainstorm, that was a given. But the way these individuals handled discussions...maker.
No. You shook your head. Now was not the time to give them another thought. Unfortunately though another round would be happening tomorrow. Tonight was about you and the cozy couch that was calling your name. Responsibilities of the day, done. Matters taken care of. All that's left to do was settle in for the evening and relax.
"Long day, doll?" You quickly jumped back, almost stumbling and falling over the train of your dress.
That voice.
Sharp brown eyes stared directly at you, taking in your formal appearance. And he liked what he saw. Always did. Especially all those Senator gowns. They only heightened how beautiful you were to the sharpshooter. After all he had a keen eye for true beauty.
"Crosshair.." you were stunned to see him here. "What are you doing here?". Sure you were that he was supposed to still be on a mission.
The corner of his lip lifted. "Not happy to see me?"
You were quick to shake your head. The opposite actually.
"That's utterly ridiculous". You scoffed. "I'm always thrilled to see you. I-I'm just surprised to see you here. I thought you were still on Raxus for several more rotations".
He merely shrugged. Not phased at all by your question. "We finished the mission early". You couldn't help the excitement that twisted in your stomach. It had been so long since you had last seen him.
His lengthy arms draped over the back of the couch, left leg crossed over his right knee. He didn't even have to try to be handsome. He just was. And bless the stars that you were able to call him yours.
Roaming his face, like your always did your eyes focused on the new scar under his eye. It was deeper then you would have liked. But there was nothing you could do about it. He was a solider after all. Bruises, cuts and gashes came with his line of work.
"I hope everything went well". You replied moving in closer to his spread out position.
"Mostly". He answered, reaching in his pocket for a toothpick.
"What happened—no, actually let me guess, Wrecker?"
He nodded, lifting himself off of the couch and came to rest his chest against your back. He slid his arms around your waist and nestled his head in the crook of your neck. Breathing in the floral smells of lavender and rose that he had came to love very much.
"Tech and Hunter were furious". He added, his lips just hovering over your exposed neck. Your insides curled, lips parted slightly.
"I can only imagine. Tech more then likely gave him the usual stern talking to". Crosshair nodded.
"Enough about the mission". He replied changing the subject. "I missed you". You spun yourself around to take in his features close up.
Then a smile broke out on your face. "I missed you too. I had expected to spend the evening alone, but it appears I won't be anymore".
The smirk he gave, that made your toes curl, finally made an appearance and you could feel your heart skip a beat.
"Lucky you".
The distance between you two was becoming increasingly smaller. You could practically feel the heated desires permeating the air as well as your quickened heartbeat.
His eyes dropped to your lips. The longing to kiss you hung in the air. Waiting to see who would close the distance between you two first. You would have certainly done it, but you were never brave enough to make the first move.
Crosshair was the one who made the first move when it came to your relationship. Particularly one day he just had had enough. He couldn't hold himself back any longer so the minute he found you, he pulled you into a small hidden corner, backed you into a wall and kissed you like he was dying of thirst and you were the only drink for miles around.
He seemed to kiss you like that every time he had an opportunity to, or just had the urge to. Now was no different. He took you in his arms and collapsed his lips down on yours. You hooked your arms around the back of neck as he gripped your hips forcefully. It was a whirlwind, kissing the sharpshooter. Every single time he left you in a daze. By the force did he electrify you.
Guess it was fitting. His name. For each time he hit his mark. Making you feel so many different emotions all at once. He really was great at his job.
"You were not kidding". You gasped, pulling away breathless.
Crosshair licked his lips. "What can I say, mesh'la. Your hard to stay away from". He confessed. "Now why don't you let me take care of you tonight".
"Sounds lovely to me". You hummed as his fingers slid up and down your arms. Keeping a rhythm that sent shivers up them. Then he began to pepper light kisses across your skin. Starting at the end of your shoulder, trailing up to your cheek. The familiar sensation warming your body. "It's been a tiring day".
The sharpshooter paused in his affections, picking up on your tone. He was aware of how difficult it was being a Senator. You rarely complained about it or went into too much detail, but he had learned a thing or two from Hunter. Being able to pick up on your exhaustion, your frustrations had become second nature to him.
Right now was no expectation. Small bags under your ears, missing heels, and sleepy tone. It had been one of those days. Though he had no idea what had happened, it mattered not. Anyone that took a shot at you or made an unfortunate comment towards you would answer to him.
Crosshair usually didn't get into fights. When he did however, it was usually in your honor. And mostly it was fighting a reg who had said something unwarranted. He became a different person when it came to you. But he loved the way you made him feel. You were the light in his war stained existence.
"Then let me take care of everything". He whispered.
"Are you staying the night?" You questioned. If he was you absolutely knew where the two of you would end up.
"I couldn't think of anything better". He answered, eye's darkening for where the evening could lead to, and unmistakably would.
Biting your bottom lip you simply nodded. Then wrapped your arms back around his neck, your bodies swaying slowly on the edge of your penthouse apartment balcony. Multi colored lights of Coruascant illuminating the environment and bathing everything in bright rainbows of color. A sight you never got tired of. Maybe never would. It was a light show of color. Golds and blues being the most dominant of all.
The way the electric blues glowed in Crosshair's irises. His eyes lighting up a color all their own.
"Then what do you have planned for this evening?" You inquired, curious to what events were awaiting for you. Hopefully none of it involved going out. However judging by Crosshair's relaxed demeanor that wouldn't be that case.
"A nice dinner prepared by yours truly followed up by just sitting here. Enjoying one another's company—"
"Hold up!" You placed your hands on his armored chest, interjecting. "Since when can you cook?"
He furrowed his brows. "I've been practicing—"
"Since when?" You questioned.
He smiled. "Tech's been showing me how". You didn't know what shocked you more. The fact that Tech knew how to cook or that Crosshair was allowing Tech to teach him...though the former seemed more plausible.
"Why has he been teaching you to cook of all things?"
Exhaling, the sharpshooter turned your hands over in his palms. Feeling the soft delicate untainted skin against his rough scarred ones.
"I wanted to. For you". The truth of his words hit you like blaster fire. And threw you for a loop.
"For me?"
He nodded. "I know we don't get to see each other often, so I wanted to do something special for you". You couldn't fathom this. "Besides I know how much you enjoy a good meal".
"A good meal". You smirked, teasing him.
"I'd be careful what you say, doll". Crosshair warned playfully, amusement rolling off his features, pushing his body forward, forcing your back into the railing, overlooking the sparkling city.
"Or you'll what?" You took the bait.
He lined his lips up with your ear and then whispered in it. "Or will skip right to dessert".
"Tempting, but I want to taste this nice dinner cooked by you".
As much as you were willing to indulge in his suggestion, you now had other plans. Other things could wait. You wanted to taste what he had made. Your curiosity was peaked.
"Then shall we?" Crosshair offered up his arm for you to take. And so you did. Linking your arm with his, you followed him down the steps of the balcony and into the kitchen area.
You watched from your seat as he started to gather up some ingredients from the fridge. Seemingly knowing his way around the floor plan already. Not that it phased you. He knew his way around your place for almost a year now.
Something about how comfortable he was here made your stomach flutter. Maybe it was the implications that it raised. Or that you could picture a future with him. In this very place. In this very room.
You were still wrapping your head around the fact that he had taken this step. You knew Crosshair was series about your relationship, but taking up cooking? That seemed so far out of his element.
That reason alone, butterflies poured into your stomach. Your heart nearly melted. He was willingly to do this for you. Willing to learn something that was out of his area of expertise and that made you happy. Warming your body inside and out.
"You really did this for me?" You just needed to be certain.
Crosshair paused his work across from you and lifted his gaze to meet yours. "Mesh'la I love you. I'd do anything for you".
Hearing those three simple, yet powerful words each time made your heart swell. "I know. It's just—"
He reached across the surface to grip your hand. "Your worth it. Always". And you believed him. You always did.
Finally accepting what he was saying you couldn't contain how giddy you felt. You swore you were acting more like a child then a full grown Senator.
"What would your brothers think if they saw how romantic you were being right now?" You grinned from ear to ear. Immediately his features changed. But hints of love still lingered.
"They won't find out because your not going to tell. Ever". His tone was firm and with it you were one hundred percent positive he meant ever word of it. Rarely did he ever not mean it.
"Of course". The smile still present as ever on your face. "Besides I rather have this side of you all to myself".
He grinned, victorious. "Glad to hear it. Because it's only ever been for you".
When his masterpiece was finally finished, he served the two of you in the comfort of the living room, the glittering view of the city as your backdrop. And maker Crosshair's first mea he cooked for you was excellent. It was savory, yet sweet. It was cooked to perfection and you wondered if that had to do with Tech's precise programming to make sure everything was done just so. Either way you ate every single morsel on the plate. That was more then enough confirmation to him that he'd get the chance to cook for the two of you again. Both of you eager for when that time would be.
In the morning he would be leaving again. Another planet in need of the Republic's help. It was unfortunate, but it was his duty, being a soldier. As being a Senator was yours. The time you two spent together was usually short and there were long stretches of time when you didn't see one another. Thus the moments the two of you had together were precious and you truly treasured dearly.
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toastyrobos · 1 year ago
All of you (Echo x female reader one shot)
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Warning: since it’s Echo: mentions of missing limbs and lack of self esteem, body image issues, etc. plus a bit suggestive towards end.
Word count: 2989
((Reader was a ex Jedi before order 66 and was in love with Echo. She was too afraid to tell him and missed her opportunity. Regretting it every day since the Citadel accident. Now she’s been hiding out, buying her time until things settle down. The last thing she expected to find on Ord Mantell is Echo. Alive. Overcome with grief and fear she’s reluctant to trust him or the team he’s with. And what will he do when he sees the person who has been at the forefront of his mind again after all this?))
Keeping your head down was easy. Staying focused was another story entirely. As a former 'safe keeper' as they once were called was difficult. Especially when you saw innocent people being tossed and shoved around by the troopers you once called friends.
It was a hard pill to swallow at first. Seeing the men you worked so closely with for years, had gotten together with at the 79..turn on their generals so easily. Like it was nothing. It was like a switch had been flipped. And that's exactly what it was.
According to Rex. After he located you and told you everything it was a devastating blow. Not only had the clones had their humanity stripped from them, but they had also had their minds violated. It was so cruel and too horrible to wrap your head around the very notion. But you did.
Eventually you had to move on. Jumping from planet to planet seemed like the most logical option. Staying in one place for too long tended to draw unwanted attention.
The long stretches of silence were the worst parts. Most of the time your thoughts drifted to him.
The ex arc trooper.
His face was always present in your mind. His warm brown eyes, the rough patches of his freshly shaven chin, his smile. You missed him too much it hurt.
Even if you were a Jedi..ex before. Ex now. And attachments were forbidden, you still harbored feelings for him. It was difficult not to. He made you smile, laugh, and just had a wonder about him. He and Fives always managed to make you laugh. But it was Echo that held your heart.
It helped too, that out on the battlefield you two worked well together. To the point where you were able to read each other with a simple glance. You always did have the best time on missions with him. He would shower you with story after story about battles he witnessed. You loved his enthusiasm. You had loved being around him. You had just loved him.
But you never got the chance to tell him. The Citadel was his last mission, during which he was killed. He saved so many that day, but he wasn't able to safe himself.
You were never the same after that. It was like you were a shell of your former self. You felt nearly hollowed. You pushed through it until it was too much and you abandoned the order not long after. It was a hard decision to make, but your mind wasn't in a good place.
Not long after, order 66 happened and you had to take on a new identity. You had no choice. To the Empire you were still alive. You needed to lay low. Your black long hair had to go. Replaced with a short blonde cut. And you needed a job. One that couldn't be tracked.
That's how you ended up on Ord Mantell, working for Cid. An old contact of yours said she'd hire you no questions asked. It was worth a shot. She wasn't that bad. She paid decent and gave you a room in the back. It wasn't much, but you didn't mind. Your regal days as a Jedi we're long over anyway.
Sweat dripped down your brow as you made your day back to Cid's parlor. You had no problem going off world for a mission, but you had hoped she would be more forthcoming with what certain missions entailed. Specifically if you needed to dress lighter for a task that involved stepping foot on a lava planet. It was times like this you were glad that you had cut your hair.
Sometimes you missed it, but today was not one of those times.
      "Next time Cid let me know if—" your voice died in your throat when your eyes saw them. Your breath hitched and you froze for a moment before rapidly whipping out your blasters and aiming it at the bunch of familiar clones. Fear and panic took hold of you while you stared them down. The young girl with them peaked her head out to see what was going to happen.
But your attention was fixed on the thought to be dead now very much alive ex arc trooper. Your hands trembled as your weapons stared them down.
It was not possible. You clutched your blasters tighter.
Your mind must have been playing a trick on you.
You must be hallucinating him.
Echo was dead. You read the reports.
But you...you knew his face. Knew his kind wonder filled eyes.
The very same eyes that stared starstruck back at you.
You were in disbelief over the nature that he was standing before you, very much alive. But you were also trembling. A fear so prominent in your eyes at the notion that they would hurt you. All clones could and would. It had quickly become a constant in your on the run life.
Still trying to find your voice you spoke again. "Stay back!" You ordered the group. You were not taking any chances. Not anymore. You had learned that mistake all too quickly.
    "We're not going to hurt you". Hunter said, easing his hands up as to say we're not going to harm you. You shook your head, tears started to pool in your eyes.
Yes they were.
Echo was speechless. Drinking in your appearance after so long, relief flooded his lungs at seeing that you were still alive. It had been so long. But concern also made itself known. No doubt the blasters pointed at them, meant that you had heard rumors about the inhibiter chips. How could you have not? But you were not in any danger. No.
Both of you were too frozen to talk so it was up to the young blonde girl beside him to shatter the silence.
    "Do you know her, Echo?"
That seemed to snap him out of his trance. "Y-yeah I do".
You nearly broke at hearing his voice. One of your blasters fell to the floor. The hand once holding it, shot up to cover your mouth. Your body was trembling. His voice....It still held patches of that warmth, that could sweep you up. But something about it seemed...off. No doubt from what he went through as your eyes took in his pale appearance.
He could feel your eyes roaming his figure. The cyber enhancements. His pale sunken in face. The dark circles under his eyes. And it made him avert his gaze. That saddened you.
    "I'm Omega". The young girl introduced herself trying to ease the tension. Feeling a dampness on your cheeks, you hastily swiped your tears away. Then you kneeled down to her height, a nervous smile broke out on your face.
Not a single threatening thought or intention reflecting back at you as you met her eyes. Nor were there any in the others as you scanned them over. You slowly lowered your other weapon. Your body still in shock. They weren't going to hurt you. You could sense it. Feel it. He wasn't going to hurt you. He never could. Never did.
Knowing that he wasn't under the chips control anymore you nearly burst into tears.
He was okay
He was alive.
    "It-it's nice to meet you, Omega". You managed to choke out, still in shock and in disbelief that Echo was alive.
    "Mega, let's give them a moment". Hunter said ushering Omega back to them. It was clear to him that these two needed to talk. He had heard the stories from Echo about you. Had met you on several occasions and found you to be a skilled Jedi and someone that Echo cared for deeply. He already felt like he knew you in some way.
The others followed behind him into the back. Leaving just you and Echo standing completely still at the bar. The only sounds coming from the humming slot machines and buzzing lights. You stood up from the ground.
Your eyes fell once again on the ex arc trooper. He looked so different, appearance wise, but his aura was still the same. Brave, loyal, kind, warm...he was still the Echo you had known. Even beneath his now pale, near white skin and sunken cheeks he was still the Echo you loved.
You wanted to ask what happened, but judging by the uncomfortable expression across his face and the missing limbs you weren't sure if you should have. You didn't want to push him to remember it.
    "It's okay". His sudden soft voice startled you.
You hesitated, but eventually you asked and he told you everything. Every gruesome, awful and horrible detail of his capture. It broke your heart to hear what the man you loved went through. What he had to endure for so long. What he lost. And what that had cost him.
The next time you saw Rex you would be sure to thank him a million times. Telling him how grateful you were that he pushed so hard to get Echo back. And when you saw clone force 99 again, you would let them know just how much them going in blindly to rescue Echo meant to you.
You didn't realize you had been crying until Echo's only hand reached out and wiped your tears away with his thumb. The gentle carcasses of his textured glove sent sparks down your spine. Before he realized what he was doing and tried to pull away, you gripped his hand between yours, dragging your fingers over his knuckles. The gesture causing his cheeks to dust a light shade of pink.
"I-I just can't believe your alive". Your voice crumbled as you spoke. "When the others came back and told me what happened I-I was so broken. It was so hard to believe that you were gone. And now..." There were no words to express the happiness you felt that he was here.
He sighed. "I know".
Seeing what his death did to the women he loved pained him greatly. If only he had told her. Confessed that he loved her before he went to the Citadel. Maybe that would have changed things. Or maybe not.
The outcome would have been the same. He was a solider and it was his duty to fight for the Republic. Sacrifice himself if need be. After all clones were replaceable.
He would only ever be that. And now he was a broken one. More machine then man, as Tech had informed him. He was a shell of a man. Not even half of a man. There was no way you'd love him now. Not when he couldn't give you a normal relationship. Not when he couldn't hold you in his arms with both of them.
It did not go unnoticed by you at how he flinched when you attempted to reach for his other arm. His body just reached. A somber expression overshadowed your face. He was intentionally avoiding meeting your eyes now.
"Echo". Your voice was as gentle as a whisper. It hit his heart with such a blow. Oh how he missed your angel like voice. How he missed you!
"Echo". There it was again. Softer. "Look at me".
He couldn't.
"Please". You were pleading with him now. You just wanted to see him. See his new yet familiar face up close. You missed it so much.
He sighed deeply. "I-I can't".
"Why not?". You wanted to know why.
He was sacred to tell you. Scared that you wouldn't feel the same way about him, especially with the way he looked now. How could anyone as beautiful as you want someone like him?! But he needed to get it off his chest. Let it be there out in the open. Even if it ended with his heart shattered.
"Because it's too hard".
That confused you. "What do you mean?"
He shook his head. "It's too hard to look at you knowing that I can't have you. Knowing that I can't give you everything that you want or deserve". He was starting to tremble. "It's too hard knowing that I'll never be able to wrap both of my arms tight around you. I can't—I can't give you that".
If your heart broke before at hearing his story, it now shattered like glass at hearing him feel so ashamed of himself for how he looked.
You quickly cupped his face between your hands, forcing him to face you. Tears fully sliding down your face as you regarded him.
"I love you Echo".
His eyes widened while his breath hitched deep within. He must have misheard you. There was no way you could have....
"I love you". He had heard it right. "And it breaks my heart to know this is how you think of yourself, Echo. It doesn't matter how you look. I fell in love with you because of who you are on the inside".
He blinked. "Y-you love me..?" He stuttered as he tried to wrap his head around what was happening. You nodded your head.
"So much".
His features turned grim. He shook his head. Knocking himself out of the dream, that he so desperately wanted.
How could someone as perfectly Stunning and breathtaking as you, want someone imperfect and broken like him? You deserved better!
"How can you say that when I look like this?! How can you say that knowing what I am?! I can't give you a normal relationship!". He questioned you with a raised tone, gesturing to his mutilated body held together by wires and mechanical parts.
You hated how he was belittling himself. Hated that he thought so little of himself. Hated that he felt so much shame and guilt. When to you he was your world. He always had been. Your heart ached because of it.
     "Echo, your handsome. You always have been. A few cyber enhancements or pale skin isn't going to change how I feel about you. You shouldn't be ashamed by them".
     "It should". He muttered under his breath. But in the silence of the parlor you could hear him as if he was speaking in his normal tone.
Needing to knock some sense back into him, you did the only thing you could think of. And boy was it a bolder move then you usually had in you. But you had to get through to him that you saw all of him and wanted everything.
You crashed your mouth down onto his. Your plump lips on his startled him. That was definitely not what he thought you were going to do. The last thing he expected. But he liked it. Oh maker did he like it.
   So naturally, he leaned, pushing himself against you. Allowing his hand to cup your cheek and bring you closer to him. You brought your hand up to cover his and then you reached down to touch his cybernetic one. Feeling your human skin brush up against his metal replacement he tensed up and tried to pull away. But you stopped him.
     "Are you sure?"
He searched your eyes for any doubt, but he found none. There was no disgust. Not a single hint of it. Nor were you repulsed by them. In fact there were no negative feelings. All that stared back at him was...love. Happiness. And contentment. This is what you really wanted. His breathing turned unsteady.
You really really wanted him.
All of him.
You loved him....
You loved him.
Then there was nothing left to do. Wasting no more time he made his own confession known.
    "I love you". Your eyes welled up at those three powerful words you had waited so long to hear. "By the maker I love you so much. I wasted so much time not telling you. Afraid that you wouldn't want to be with a clone". He chuckled lightly, his own tears beginning to build at the corners of his eyes.
"Fives was right though". His thumb swiped away your own tears. You pressed your cheek into his palm, wanting to take in his long awaited touch.
Before, mentioning Fives name would bring up too many heartbreaking feelings. Now it only held wonderful memories.
You smiled so brightly. "About what?"
"That you'd feel the same way about me that I do about you".
It was your time to chuckle while more tears streamed down your face. This time though, they were ones of joy.
“He always did know more then us".
Echo looked longingly into your eyes. Still in awe that you had chosen him, but was elated that you had.
“Yeah. He did".
Your brought his lips back to yours and he had no complaints about it. He leaned into your touch and pulled you into his lap. Wanting to feel your body near his, feel your skin as his hand roamed along your back. It wouldn't be long before his brothers made their way back into the parlor and found the two of you in a compromising position, but neither of you cared.
You tasted so sweet to him, like a nectar filled cocktail and he wouldn't let anything or anyone stop him from consuming you. Maybe not here, in the open. But oh he would have you. He had waited long enough.
Especially when you had chosen him. Made it clear that you wanted to be with him no matter what he looked like. No matter the cyber enhancements. You saw past that. It didn't digest you or make you think twice about being with him.
The emotions you exuded out of him made him feel whole again. You made him feel like a man again. And he would spend ever single waking minute, for how ever long you wanted to be with him, showing you just how much that meant to him.
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toastyrobos · 2 years ago
I want you (Rex x female reader) one shot
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Never written a Rex one shot before so hopefully it’s not too bad. And yeah I started off kinda angsty😅 sorry
Warning: doubts her worth reader, brief mentions of unwanted flirting, minor hints of suggestive activity towards the end.
Word count: 3388
((Medic for the clones has had a crush on rex for a while now, but doesn't want to tell him for fear of rejection or Rex losing his post. Fives comes in with a minor injury and pushes/ teases her about telling him the truth))
Being a medic for the republic had its ups and downs. But you wouldn't have traded it for anything. You loved your job. Getting to put your endless knowledge of medicine to good use thrilled you, but that usually came with a price. It was difficult to watch so many clones that you had grown friendly with, end up in the med bay or on the operating table. Frankly the latter had been less frequent as of late and that brought you a wave of relief.
   You had a hunch, however that several of the boys, especially from the 501st were purposely injuring themselves just to see you. The idea had crossed your mind before, especially after how many times Fives and Jessie had came to see you. They had become repeat visitors. After a while you paid no mind to. You rather enjoyed their company. That was until on multiple occasions Rex would accompany them.
    You and the captain had grown closer over several rotations and you found a comfort in his presence. He was a good solider and had a kind soul. Would stand up for you when a newbie would question your skill sets or try to flirt with you when you visible uncomfortable. He would always greet you when he returned.
   It had all started when after being deeply wounded on a mission. He blamed himself for what had happened. You being you and seeing what the clones would go through, you eased his pain both physically and emotionally. Telling him that none of it was his fault. That he did everything that he could. He seemed to relax at your words, a genuine smile crossing his lips. One that sent sparks down your body. 
   After that Rex would visit you whenever he could or needed someone to talk to. It would be about anything. Dealing with Fives endless pranks or the struggles of war. You just listened. Letting him vent his frustrations or worries. You always looked forward to seeing him. So much so it started to become the highlight of your week.
Along the way you started to realize it when Fives spotted it out. You had feelings for Rex. It was so gradually that you hadn't realized it until someone made you aware of it. And now it was all you could think about. It made sense. Lately his presence made you nervous. Butterflies would form in your stomach when he came around. And when his hand would brush your shoulder you felt warm. But you knew you couldn't tell him.
    Not when it could mean the stripping of his rank or position. No, you wouldn't do that to him. Not when he worked so hard, sacrificed so much to get where he was.
Besides you weren't worth the risk.
You knew that.
   Fives and Jessie thought otherwise. And they made it a habit to tell you every chance they got. Today was no different. Both he and Echo had managed to get themselves into a fight in the cafeteria over a simple disagreement according to the calmer of the two.
    "It was his fault". Fives grumbled as I looked over his bruised cheek. The purple hue was beginning to set in, but with a bacta patch he'd be healed in no time.
    "Are you sure?" You teased lightly.
Fives scoffed as you gently placed the patch on his cheek. Echo chuckled beside his fellow brother and rolled his eyes, then crossed his arms over his chest plate.
    "You provoked him, Fives".
     "He was asking for it". He voice had a tint of malice to it.
You glanced up at Echo, searching for answers. He shook his head. Whatever had happened in the mess hall had clearly set Fives off.
   "Rex would have let him have it too". He muttered the last part, just loud enough that you could hear it. And it certainly caught your attention. It was rare for the captain to get into fights. Most of them were usually over which clone had made a unwelcome pass at you.
    "Fives". Echo warned him.
     "What happened?" You paid no attention to Echo's warning. You had a hunch what had set the arc trooper off.
    "Newbie couldn't keep his snide comments about you to himself". He growled protectively. You signed.
    "He's not the first one to do so and he's probably not going to be the last".
Out of the corner of your eyes you could see his fist and jaw clench. You hated seeing him upset, just as much as he and the others hated how some of their fellow brothers saw and treated you. Hated that so many of them only saw you as something they wanted to get with. Like you were a personal score for them if they managed to get you back in their barracks.
    It unnerved you at times, but unfortunately you had gotten used to it. Though most of the 501st wished you hadn't. They despised the comments that were made. Fives, Echo, and Jessie, especially Rex were enraged by it.
To them you were a friend. A companion. Someone that would listen when they needed a softer touch and you enjoyed it. And that's all you needed. Their thoughts and opinions of you were the ones that truly mattered to you.
    "If Rex was there he would have put that shiny in his place". He grinned, hitting his fist together.
   "Ow". He groaned at his still very much injured arm.
   "How many times have I told you, take it easy". You reminded him, your hands on your hips.
Fives smirked and before he could answer Echo beat him to it, "Have you met him?"
You smiled and nodded. "I have".
    "Hey I'm right here!" He scoffed, playfully. "I take offense to that". You rolled your eyes. Leave it to Five to play up the dramatics. He moved his arm in his ball socket, adjusting it to see how much movement he would have until it fully healed in several weeks time. It was his next comment that threw you off. "Well either way they and everyone else better watch out. No one messes with Rex's girl".
    "I'm not his girl". You were quick to correct him while your cheeks stained a light pink. Betraying you.
    "But you could be". He suggested. You shook your head, trying to ignore him.
   "No I can't".
His gaze snapped to your figure, a brow raised. "Why not? You clearly like him and all of us can painfully see that the captain likes you back". He was quick to respond.
You could not entertain the notion that Rex might potentially like you back. There was just no way. The idea seemed laughable. For starters he was a clone and they took an oath to forgo all romantic relationships. Or at least some of them had. It was quite well known that dozens of them had minor flings here and there. A few even had long standing partners, but still. Rex didn't seem like the type to do so.
And more importantly he was the captain of the 501st.
Out of your rank.
You sighed. "For starters you all are not allowed to have those kind of relationships".
    "Yet we do". He smirked.
You sat your hands on the counter, gripping it firmly, and faced away from him. "And Rex is a captain.". You turned your head to the side. "I'm just a simple medic. He deserves someone more on his level".
     "That's bullshit!" Fives sudden raised voice startled you as did his figure looming over you.
    "It isn't!" You replied just as confidently.
You startled yourself with your tone. You never usually raised your voice at them. Fives was taken a back by it. You quickly looked away from them both. With your next statement you tried to De-escalate the situation.
    "I will not entertain such a fantasy when I know where it leads". Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes. Your quickly wiped them away. "And I will not risk Rex losing his command nor his position. He's worked too hard for it".
Fives saw the hurt flash in your eyes and sighed. "He has, but I know the captain. We both do". He pointed towards Echo, who was giving me a sympathetic glance.       
"He's right".
      "He cares about you and I-"
     "Fives, Echo". All three of you turned to see Jessie geared up, standing in the doorway. No doubt prepared up for a new mission. After all they had to ready at a moments notice.
    "General Skywalker needs our assistance on Aurora. Let's move it". You gestured to the friendly face.
    "You better go".
Echo reached for his helmet and walked away from the awkwardness that was forming, but not before flashing you a kind smile. Fives just stayed in place. He was so sure he had crossed a line by pushing you, but you placed a hand on his arm.
     "It's okay".
Whether he believed you or not he couldn't linger to find out. He was needed elsewhere and you were not going to hold him back. You were just a simple medic after all.
You weren't sure how long you had been working on the pile of paperwork, but it must have been late. You stretched your body out from the hunched over position it had been in. A yawn escaped your lips and you knew that it was time to turn in for the night.
A knocking sound pulled your attention to the doorway. Your eyes slightly widened at the armored figure of your distress standing at the entrance to your work station. What was he doing here? Especially at this late hour.
You opened your mouth to ask him that exact question but halted when you noticed his somber expression. Something was visibly wrong. He pressed the button, closing the door behind him and slowly strode towards you.
   This was not the first time you had seen the captain like this, however something about the look in his eyes this time spoke to you that this was something else. A thought that had been eating away at him and he wanted to get it off his chest. And like always you would be here to listen.
    "Rex?" You managed to get out. Your voice taking on a softer tone.
You usually only used it when he was overwhelmed. Under pressure. Lately it had been coming out more often as the war raged on. Rex needed a gentle reminder that what he was fighting for mattered. Other times he said he enjoyed the sound of your voice. It helped to relax him. If you could give him slight pockets of peace, that focused his mind out there on the front lines then you would continue to do. Even if his off handed compliments sent your heart aflame.
     "Fives told me what happened".
You felt your breathing hitch. You swallowed nervously. He took in your silence and when you didn't answer him, he called your name gently. When he reached your space his breath hitched in his throat at your watery eyes. He saw you quickly rub them away. He reached out his hand with the intention to touch it to yours and grip it between his. He wanted to know the feeling of your hands tangling together with his. He just wanted to touch you in a way that was more then a mere pat or brush.
   But he was holding back, afraid that you wouldn't feel that way about him. Those fears vanished the minute Fives told him how you felt. How you saw yourself in comparison to him. He was over the moon that you cared for him just as much as he did.
But he hated how you viewed yourself. You were a gorgeous to him. Enchanting even. The way your blue eyes glistened when they caught the light or how your smile lite up a room. To say he was under your spell was an understatement. And it took everything in him not to tell you.
    "Why didn't you tell me?"
You knew he was going to ask that. He had all the answers, but he wanted to hear it straight from your lips.
You bit back another wave of tears that were threatening to slip out. "I-I didn't....I didn't think you'd feel the same way". You choked out.
Didn't think he'd feel the same way? He nearly scoffed at your answer. How could he not care for you?
Yes, you were beautiful. There was no denying that. But it was your kind spirit and heart that he came to love. Your endless compassion to the hardships of war. The way you were able to sooth him after a difficult day. He sought you out not just for someone to talk to but because he liked being in your presence. You were calming to him. And he just wanted you to know all of it as badly as he wanted to crash his lips into yours.
    "Don't feel the same way? How could you think that I wouldn't?"
You froze.
Then you snapped your eyes to met his muscular form.  "What?"
He took a step forward, hoping that he hadn't scared you off with his words. "I care about you".
Startled by his words as you were you shook your head.
Tears streamed down your cheeks. "You can't- we can't. Rex you could lose your status as captain!"
Rex moved closer. "I don't care". He stated firm like it was an order.
And he meant it. Knowing that you felt the same about him, he was not going to let you slip through his fingers. Again you shook your head, hugging yourself and avoiding his intense gaze. He should have cared. He should have walked away. You should have walked away.
     "Rex, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I cost you everything-"
Rex grabbed her chin in the crock of his rough gloved finger and angled it up to face him. You met his brown eyes. He dipped his face lower, stopping mere inches from yours. Your noses nearly touching. Your breath caught in your throat from such close proximity. He too was surprised by his sudden closeness to you, but this is what he wanted. And he now knew you wanted it too.
    "I want you". He whispered so delicately, but with such a force you thought your body would melt. Scarlet painted your cheeks. Seeing the reaction you had to his words made him smirk.
You couldn't believe what he just spoke to you. What he confessed to you.
An impossible fantasy that had lived in your head for many cycles was coming true before your very eyes. But you were weary of it. It seemed too good to be true. And you had to have known that. Had to remind yourself of it.
    "Rex..." your voice trailed off just as Rex touched his hand to your cheek, gently caressing it. Warmth seeped into your whole body at the simple touch. You felt you would come undone from that sensation alone.
    "I know what I'm risking and I don't care. I want this". His lips hovered over yours. "I want you"
     In a fraction of a minute Rex's demeanor had changed from one of frustration to one of needing. Begging. He was pleading with you to chose him and you desperately wanted to. There was an ache in you. A desire to be his. You wanted it so badly. To give yourself over to him. But the risk was so great.
Rex closed his other hand around your lower back, bringing you even closer to him. Your body hitting the chest section of his battle stained armor. His warm eyes stared into you. It was like he had you under a trance. The very same that had him when he stared at you. You couldn't look away from them and you didn't want to. Neither could he.
   The logical side of you was screaming at you to push him away. Tell you that you couldn't do this and that the risk was too great.
But the other side of you. The one that wanted him was stronger. More powerful. A shining thought to contrast the doubt within you.
    "Your worth the risk mesh'la. Believe me".
Again your cheeks turned a deep shade of red. You had heard Mandalorian terms of endearment before, but hearing it directed at you was another story. And seeing how it made you blush intensely caused the caption to smile successfully to himself.
You couldn't deny the magnetic pull you felt towards him. Neither could he. Nor could he ignore how inviting your lips looked as his gaze slid to them. You watched him with such anticipation. The feeling of them on yours was a dream you had thought about many times and now it seemed that it was becoming a reality.
He dipped his head lower, enough for your noses to brush and that simple light graze heated your skin. His lips hovered even closer until they didn't.
When his lips brushed over, then collided onto yours, It was like a moth drawn to a flame. And like a moth you were bewitched by his lips. They felt so good, so right, against your own. Rex knew it too. He pushed deeper, wanting to taste them so feverishly on his. Wanted your taste to coat the very surface.
He snaked his hand down to your hip with the other cupped the back of your head, fingers digging into your hair. Fire swarmed to the places his hands held. The one on the back of your head was so comforting, yet forceful. While the other hand pressed at your hip was electrifying. Just like the kiss.
From the second he touched his lips to yours, both of you experienced such a euphoric high. Like a billon stars shining at once. It felt so good. It felt so right.
You didn't have much experience with kissing someone but he took the lead. Leading the two of you on this exhilarating dance of lips and his hands that roamed across your back, over your curves. And you let him. Let him grip your hips. Let him push you up against the wall. Leaving a burning trail of kisses down your neck, and making you feel disoriented.
He had a taste of you finally and did not want to let it go. But he couldn't indulge himself. Not in the way he wanted too. At least not in this moment. He wanted you, but wanted to ease into things with you. Wanted you to feel comfortable. He truly just wanted to give you the world. Because you deserved it. You always did.
You were the first to pull away, a bit dizzy from that whirlwind experience. But you didn't move away from him, no. You placed your hands on his chest piece, both of you catching your breath.
Your mind was still racing from the high.
    "That was-"
You nodded slowly. "Y-yeah".
It was then that you realized that you didn't care about the risk anymore. Yes, it would still sting if Rex had his rank stripped, but you wanted to give this a try. You wanted to be his. And him yours. He wanted that too. Now more then anything.
    "Say you'll be mine". His voice was as graceful as a whisper.
You did not hesitate to answer him, your mind fully made up.
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toastyrobos · 5 years ago
I don’t talk about my YouTube page on here that much, but I’m doing a Q and A video for the month of July. So if you have any questions you want to ask me or something you’ve been wondering then feel free to ask!
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