#meg and pey
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mil0chan · 2 months ago
Sharing my FengQing Hercules AU🏛🌩 for @tgcf-reverse-big-bang
I was super lucky🍀 to be matched with 2 amazing writers, check out their fic on AO3 it’s a-ma-zing💖💖💖:
Heaven on earth with you by Juyangism | Twitter : @Juyangism Summary : Qi Rong, the miserable God of the Underworld, is fed up with his harsh duties while the other gods revel in glory up in the heavens. Surrounded by so much suffering and lost souls, he yearns for power and revenge against his cousin, the King of Deities, Xie Lian, who condemned him to this miserable existence. But when he seeks answers about his destiny from Shi Wudu, the God of Fates, Qi Rong learns of a prophecy that shows him conquering the heavens and reigning in all three realms, that is, if he can overcome a selfless, slightly awkward around the ladies but very formidable opponent—a new god named Feng Xin.
Anything for the One I Love (Disney Hercules AU) by SilentKeeperOfStories | Linktr.ee : @fatedsoulsgreen Summary : This story is a mash up of Disney’s Hercules and Heaven Official’s Blessing (Tiān Guān Cì Fú). That means some characters will have powers based on the movie (Pei Ming=lighting bolts) while others may have powers closer to their book counterpart (Shi Wudu=control water). The fic will follow along the plot of the movie with some alterations. That being said, it does retain the story inaccuracies from the Disney Hercules movie, just so you know. I thought FengQing fit the dynamic of Hercules and Meg, so I was super excited to write a fanfiction with that idea. :D
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willcodehtmlforfood · 6 months ago
telefonalt az sms-ezo ember, a kovetkezo hetekben megyek Boltonba mert a remote szamitozos embereknek IS kell egy onsite induction day
szerencsere fizetik az utat meg a szallast, ugyhogy 2 het mulva vasarnap Smack Barm Pey Wet nap (az og (wigan) csak 17 perc vonattal, remelem nyitva lesz)
Na szóval lett új melo, viszont most így kora reggel beütött h mivan ha sikerült beleesnem egy kamu álláshirdetésbe (mivel remote, azt akarják h küldjem el nekik az angol útlevelem, vagy alternatíváként elmehetek Boltonba...)
Most így utánanéztem, a (kereszt) nevek stimmelnek linkedinen, megtaláltam az online interjún megjelent arc fényképét is a munkatársak között
Szóval nagyon jól csinálták ha mégis átverés
(a recruiterük 90% sms-ben kommunikál, az online interjú túl egyszerű volt, kicsit.megizzasztott a hazavivős technikai teszt, szóval vannak red flagek, igazából már mindegy, mert elég sok személyes adatom megadtam tegnap jó hír hallatán ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯)
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adventures-of-meg · 6 years ago
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mimi123meg · 2 years ago
The brainrot is real and I can't stop think about them (my blorbos)
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sscrambledmeggss · 3 years ago
Meg my beloved <3
What type of pet would (your favorite) glee characters have (when they were children or/and when they have grown up)?
Hope everything is going well 🧡
Thank you for the ask Myle!! :D
Kurt: I feel like when Kurt’s an adult he would own a hairless cat maybe 🦧 for no other reason than he would love dressing them up. He also has a habit of taking care of every stray cat he sees. So every night he has like 20 random stray cats he feeds buy his apartment. His landlord tried kicking him out over it once </3
Burt also had a golden retriever before Kurt was born (he gives off the dad with golden retriever™️ vibes), so the dog was very old, but Kurt loved him when he was like a baby-6yo
Mercedes: Her fake chihuahua 🦧 but also I feel as though she just isn’t a pet person with how busy she is. Though when she was growing up, she had a Shar Pei dog, which she loved very much. 🥰
Tina: Goth Tina would own a black cat for the aesthetic, but also because of how mistreated they are. She would want to make sure they have a safe home, and spoil them very much. Every Halloween you bEt she has a very well thought out spooky photo shoot with them.
Rachel: She likes the idea of pets, but in all honestly she couldn’t even keep a plant alive. Let alone an animal 🦧 when she’s in high school she has a fish tank with a goldfish named Barbra Streisand 😭😭
Sebastian: This man is a hazard to society, thus he does not have any pets. His parents wanted to buy one once, but realized they don’t need one when their son is already a wild animal himself 🦧
Quinn: Nope, they are messy and a hassle, and she despise people who obsess over their dogs/cats, she refuses to become one of them.
That is...until she’s in her early 20’s and finds a stray cat on her doorstep. She now has to accept that she’s her own worst nightmare </3
Marley: In high school and a bit into college, Marley owned a Budgie. Her mom could always hear her squawking back at it through her walls 😭
Unique: Unique didn’t have any pets growing up, but when she got older (early 20’s probably) she decided to buy two Chinchillas :D she invites Marley over so they can mess when them together 🦧
Sam: He wanted a bearded dragon when he was younger, but his parents did not approve. So that crushed that dream </3
once when he was older though, someone said he looked like Ron from Kim Possible, so he bought a naked mole rat named Rufus that he carries around. Mercedes hates it 🦧
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sztupy · 6 months ago
Igen!!! Elég forgalmas volt a hely, szóval nem sikerült beszélni vele, ő éppen másokat szolgált ki!
Viszont most eltelt egy óra, úgyhogy nézzük milyenek az ízhatások így, hogy hagytuk egy kicsit állni az ízeket, hogy keveredjenek vagymi
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Ez továbbra is szar, de most már érzem miért: túlszódabikarbónázták a mushy pea-r, így nagyon keserű. Nem szoktam kérni ecetet a cuccokra, de szerintem itt kellett volna, hogy semlegesítse egy kicsit a szódabikarbóna keserűségét. Másik gondom, meg hogy NEM EZT HIRDETTÉK! Ez konkrétan sima mushy pea ami rákerült, nem pey wet, szóval átvágva érzem magam!!!!négy
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A Wigan kebab cserébe továbbra is jó, a hagymáskrumplis Cornish Pasty-re emlékeztet az íze, gondolom mert kb. ugyanaz, csak levéltészta helyett itt egy sima zsemlébe csomagolták, amitől kicsit puhább az egész, és szerintem jobb is.
Mondjuk mint mondtam nem szoktam Cornish Pasty-t enni, mert nem igazán tartozik a kedvenceim közé.
De legalább ez is letudva, de azért jövő héten ha hazaértem veszek egy rántott haggist mars szelettel, a helyi ízek kedvéért!
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nkn1 · 3 years ago
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Egy nagyonkönnyű, mosolyogtató sztorival és a hozzá készített illusztrációmmal kívánok boldog karácsonyt!
illusztrációm Roy Chapman Andrews : A sarkoktól az egyenlítőig (1932) c. könyvének XVII. fejezetéhez
“1920-ban, amikor Wu Pei-Fu kiűzte az Anfu sereget, Peking teljesen el volt zárva a külvilágtól, míg egy nemzetközi vonat ki nem indult a városból. Természetes, hogy diplomáciai oka is lehetett, miért kellett Tiencinbe vonatot indítani, de mi csak egyről hallottunk és az volt a legelfogadhatóbb : kifogyott a városban a whiskey és a szódavíz. Hogy lehett volna a körülzárt idegenektől olyat kívánni, hogy nyugodtan megüljenek a szálló tetetjén berendezett kertben és a rekkenő nyári éjszakákon whiskey és szódavíz nélkül nézzék a háborút? Ez már tűrhetetlen volt. A vonat elment és meghozta a szükséges kortyolgatnivalókat. “
Roy Chapman Andrews (1884-1960) amerikai felfedező, őslénykutató, kalandor és természettudós. Igen kalandos életet élt, olyannyira hogy személyével kapcsolatban így fogalmaznak : Állítólag Andrews az a valós személy, akiről Indiana Jones karakterét mintázták. Andrews kiváló minta. Imázst alkotott és kifogástalanul élt — nem volt rés a páncélján. Roy Chapman Andrews: híres felfedező, dinoszaurusz vadász, az angolszász virtus példája, mesterlövész, a mongol banditák ellenfele, a rendkívül távoli helyre utaló 'Külső Mongólia' metafora megalkotója. Chapman nagyon könnyen és szórakoztatóan ír, sajnos itthon csak egyetlen kötete jelent meg, ez.
érdekesség : Ugyanez az Indiana Jones forrás felmerül még egy másik “hősöm” PH Fawcett személyével kapcsoltaban ( tőle 2018-ban fel is dolgoztam Acre című fejezetében írottakat ) aki Andrews kortársa volt és méginkább Indyére hasonlított a valódi élete, a végtelen brazíliai dzsungelben ősi indián népek elveszett aranyvárosait kereste lázasan, itt is vesszett nyoma a harmadik kutatóútján. Nem érte meg a könyve megírását,  az ő könyvét fia a megtalált naplóiból állította össze.
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trenchcas · 4 years ago
episode origins p1
i was watching moriah earlier today and was wondering what the significance of the name moriah was, so i searched it up. i’ll explain it here in this. i wanted to learn which episodes have titles derived from pop culture, literature, etc. so i put together this list. it’s not complete, feel free to reblog with more!
why did i waste hours on my life on this, you ask? i don’t know. 
season 1
pilot: obviously, all the first episodes of shows are called pilots. nothing new here.
wendigo: they’re fighting a wendigo
dead in the water: the phrase means “unable to function, move”.
phantom traveler: the name of the demon they’re fighting
bloody mary: based off the legend
skin: shapeshifters, also there might be a meta about how it’s a metaphor for dean
hook man: they’re fighting a hook man
bugs: bugs
home: they go home
asylum: they go to an asylum
scarecrow: scarecrow
faith: the concept of god first comes into play here, i thought that was pretty interesting. that’s why it’s called faith, duh. dean + faith is explored.
route 666: racist truck yes
nightmare: sam’s visions
the benders: i think it’s based off of the bloody benders, a family of serial killers
shadow: meg’s stalkery?
hell house: it was literally a hell house
something wicked: originally chanted by WITCHES in shakespeare’s macbeth. the full line is “something wicked this way comes, open locks, whoever knocks”. obviously the shtriga is a witch and it refers to that.
provenance: painting provenances, it’s in the episode
dead man’s blood: they use dead man’s blood
salvation: being saved or protected, like the boys and john do with the family
devil’s trap: the devil gets them in a trap. and they built a giant devil’s trap too.
season two
in my time of dying: based off of the led zeppelin song [x]
everybody loves a clown: based off of the gary lewis song [x]
bloodlust: i think it’s for the vampires but they were also a band in the 90′s
children shouldn’t play with dead things: based off of the 1972 movie
simon said: the whole “you do what i say” thing with andy and evil andy
no exit: it’s a song by blondie and in the episode h.h. holmes captures blondes...? am i just clowning
the usual suspects: based off of the 1995 movie
crossroad blues: based off of the robert johnson song (fave!) [x]
croatoan: i like this one. okay, so you guys probably know about the whole roanoke/croatoan thing in the 1600′s. so there’s a theory that the settlers were wiped out by a disease (similar to this town). also, the town would disappear off of the map.
hunted: gordon hunted sam
playthings: dolls, but the little girl was the grandma’s sisters plaything
nightshifter: a shifter in the night
houses of the holy: based off of the led zeppelin song and album [x]
born under a bad sign: based off of this song [x] there are a bunch of others including jimi hendrix but...?
tall tales: yeah i think this one is self explanatory
roadkill: someone got killed on the road
heart: werewolf heart but also how sam gave his heart to madison aww also there’s a band called heart
hollywood babylon: based off of the book by the same name
folsom prison blues: based off of the johnny cash song!! [x]
what is and what should never be: based off of the led zeppelin song [x]
all hell breaks loose: yes it did
season three
the magnificent seven: based off of the pretty famous western go watch
the kids are alright: based off of the who song [x]
bad day at black rock: based off of the 1955 movie
sin city: there’s a bunch of songs but the city was sinning so
bedtime stories: they were bedtime stories
red sky at morning: the full phrase is “red sky at morning, sailors take warning”. with the theme of this ep it fits pretty well.
fresh blood: fresh blood yes
a very supernatural christmas: i’m not sure. i think it’s based off of a christmas album?
malleus maleficarum: a 1400′s book of witches. latin for “hammer of the witches”.
dream a little dream of me: i love this song! based off this: [x]
mystery spot: mystery spot
jus in bello: i can’t really explain it but here [x]
ghostfacers: g h o s t f a c e r s
long-distance call: long distance call
time is on my side: based off of the rolling stones song [x]
no rest for the wicked: a biblical quote that means “evildoers will face eternal punishment”. also, “one’s work never ceases”.
season four
lazarus rising: in the bible, lazarus is the righteous man, which makes dean the righteous man. and he rises. so. 
are you there, god? it’s me, dean winchester: based off of the judy blume book (maybe?), are you there, god? it’s me, margaret.
in the beginning: they go back in time
metamorphosis: with the rugaru but also sammeh
monster movie: monsters and movies
yellow fever: referring to the disease i think, but also there are a few songs
it’s the great pumpkin, sam winchester: based off of it’s the great pumpkin, charlie brown.
wishful thinking: yeah
i know what you did last summer: dean + hell, sam + ruby. is it based off of the shawn mendes song? i don’t think it is because this came out way before the song.
heaven and hell: opposite sides meet, dean’s hell experiences.
family remains: there are remains
criss angel is a douche bag: idk?
after school special: based off of the abc program? i think?
sex and violence: there was a lot of sex. and violence.
death takes a holiday: death took a holiday
on the head of a pin: i’m not sure but this article is interesting, maybe related. probably related. [x]
it’s a terrible life: based off of it’s a wonderful life? i love that movie btw
the monster at the end of this book: ughhh! yes!!! first of all there’s a sesame street book by the same title. also, chuck actually was the monster at the end of the book! that’s crazy. insane. 
jump the shark: “(of a television series or movie) reach a point at which far-fetched events are included merely for the sake of novelty, indicative of a decline in quality.“ probably the whole long lost brother thing.
the rapture: a belief that christians will rise to “meet the lord in the air”. kinda like jimmy does.
when the levee breaks: based off of the led zeppelin song [x]
lucifer rising: lucifer rose
season five
sympathy for the devil: based off of the rolling stones song [x]
good god, y’all!: cas goes to find god
free to be you and me: a marlo thomas album and the brothers split up
the end: yeah it’s the end
fallen idols: i think we get it
i believe the children are our future: a lyric from a whitney houston song
the curious case of dean winchester: based off of the short story, the curious case of benjamin button.
changing channels: channels were changed. the end.
the real ghostbusters: based on the 1985 animation
abandon all hope: the full phrase is “abandon all hope, ye who enter here” and that pretty much sums up this episode.
sam, interrupted: i’m not sure?
swap meat: meats were SWAPPED.
the song remains the same: based off of the led zeppelin song [x]
my bloody valentine: based on jensen’s movie. but also the band?
dead men don’t wear plaid: based on the 1982 movie
dark side of the moon: a pink floyd album
99 problems: that one jayz song whatever
point of no return: a 1993 movie but also the poto song hehe
hammer of the gods: based off of the 1985 book i think? it’s about led zeppelin so probably yeah.
the devil you know: means that it’s better to deal with a situation you understand than one you don’t.
two minutes to midnight: this phrase is commonly used as a countdown to a global catastrophe (i.e. the fucking apocalypse)
swan song: someone’s final performance before retirement (i think this is about both brothers because it’s sam last battle and dean’s last fight before living with lisa)
season six
exile on main st.: based off of the rolling stones album [x]
two and a half men: it was a sitcom? but idk if that’s where it’s from
the third man: based off of the 1949 noir thriller? maybe? but there were also three men so idrk
weekend at bobby’s: it was a weekend at bobbys
live free or twi-hard: based off of twilight and that bruce willis movie that i watched once way back when
you can’t handle the truth: truth goddess. soulless sam gets exposed ig
family matters: based off of the 1989 sitcom? maybe
all dogs go to heaven: based off of the 1989 movie? probably
clap your hands if you believe: i think this is an original title idk
caged heat: based off of the 1974 movie i think
appointment in samarra: probably based off of the 1934 novel of the same name
like a virgin: based off of the madonna song [x]
unforgiven: sam does unforgiven things
mannequin 3: the reckoning: not sure
the french mistake: just... just read this link [x]
and then there were none: based off of the agatha christie novel of the same name
my heart will go on: y’all all know what’s up [x]
frontierland: they went to yeehaw town
mommy dearest: based on the 1981 film? maybe?
the man who would be king: based off of the 1888 novel by rudyard kipling
let it bleed: based off of the rolling stones album/song [x]
the man who knew too much: shares a name with the 1956 film
season seven
meet the new boss: they met the new boss idk
hello, cruel world: sad sam
the girl next door: there’s a 2004 romcom with the same name
defending your life: a 1991 romcom! wow!
shut up, dr. phil: sam and dean became philanthropists idk
slash fiction: hahahahaha i think we know what it means but wHY is it called that?
the mentalists: they met a bunch of magic people wow!
season 7, time for a wedding!: more like season 7, time for a slightly r*pey episode and GARTH!
how to win friends and influence monsters: based off of the 1936 book how to win friends and influence people
death’s door: they were at death’s door idk
adventures in babysitting: based off of the 1987 movie by the same name
time after time after time: based off of the cyndi lauper song? [x]
the slice girls: prolly based off of the spice girls idk
plucky pennywhistle’s magic menagerie: yeah idk
repo man: it’s a 1984 film too
out with the old: they were fucking around with antiques
the born-again identity: obviously based off of the bourne identity which i haven’t seen in forever
party on, garth: hahaha
of grave importance: it was very important
the girl with the dungeons and dragons tattoo: probably based off of the movie/book the girl with the dragon tattoo. 
reading is fundamental: reading is fundamental. go read a book.
there will be blood: there was blood
survival of the fittest: everybody fought idk
okay i’m gonna stop here for this one because i’m tired asf and i’ll do part 2 later 
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mycupofstars · 5 years ago
Rules: answer 20 questions then tag bloggers you want to know better.
Thank you to @cloudedwithblood for tagging me! 💜
Name: Megan
Nickname: Never really had one!  People occasionally try to shorten my name to Meg, but that’s my girlfriend’s name so that gets weird fast
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Height: 5′2
Languages: English and apparently Just Enough French To Be Distracting During Movies Now
Nationality: Americanadian but I’ve only ever lived in the US
Favourite Flower: Lilacs, we had huge bushes of them all over the yard where I grew up and spring smelled like lilacs every day
Favourite Season: Autumn although lately I am equally a spring person
Favourite Scent: Lilacs, fresh baked bread, clean laundry
Favourite Perfume: I am not a perfume person, I wear a lot of lotions that have bergamot or woodsy bases
Favourite Designer: Guo Pei
Favourite Colour: Indigo blue
Favourite Animal: Cats and bunnies, surprising no one who follows me
Favourite Fictional Character: This is super hard to pick.  Probably Meg from A Wrinkle in Time.  I’m going non-fandom here bc I think my blog makes it obvious how multifandom I am
Personality: I believe I have one, generally
Hobbies: Books + podcasts (currently taking all the podcast recs), movies, crafts (cross stitch, embroidery, loom knitting), music, cooking, super casual gaming like Stardew Valley type stuff, RP, walking/hiking, I collect tea and teaware
Coffee, Tea or Hot Cocoa: Coffee on my weekends, tea all the time
Average Sleep: I work nights but flip to a regular schedule on my days off so the best answer to this is Varied And Weird
Dog or Cat: Kittiiiiies
Number of blankets you sleep with: All the blankets + super cold room plz
Dream Trip: France, Wales, Thailand, India, Greece
Blog Established: Uhhhhhhhh 2010? Ish?
Followers: Lots (comparatively) and they should all message me and say hey
Random Fact: I did not get my first haircut until I was 14 years old.  I could sit on my hair and bc it’s naturally curly, washing and brushing it took over an hour
Tagging: @istplittleshit, @stronglyobsessed, @lena221bee, @bookgeekgrrl, @palavapeite, @kittlesandbugs, @ravensknowledge, @amtiyad, @holyromanempress, and anyone else who wants to!
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mulanteljesfilmek · 4 years ago
[MAFAB.HU] Mulan [2020] Online Teljes Film Magyarul
2020}~ Mulan teljes filmek magyarul online videa
Lásd a FILM-et:: [ ▶️▶️▶️ https://is.gd/Md7nr6 ]
Lásd a FILM-et:: [ ▶️▶️▶️ https://is.gd/Md7nr6 ]
Premier (HU): 2020.09.10. | Forum Hungary Kaland | Dráma | Akció | Családi RENDEZŐ: Niki Caro FORGATÓKÖNYVÍRÓ: Rick Jaffa, Amanda Silver, Elizabeth Martin, Lauren Hynek ZENE: Harry Gregson-Williams SZEREPLŐK: Jet Li, Donnie Yen, Jason Scott Lee, Gong Li, Liu Yifei, Nelson Lee, Rosalind Chao, Tzi Ma, Ron Yuan, Cheng Pei-pei
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Definition and definition of Film / film While the players who play a role in the film are referred to as actors (men) or actresses (women). There is also the term extras that are used as minor characters with few roles in the film. This differs from the main actors, who have larger and more roles. As an actor and actress, good acting talent must be required that corresponds to the subject of the film in which he plays the leading role. In certain scenes, the role of the actor can be replaced by a stunt man or a stunt man. The existence of a stuntman is important to replace the actors who play difficult and extreme scenes that are usually found in action-action films. Movies can also be used to deliver certain messages from the filmmaker. Some industries also use film to convey and represent their symbols and culture. Filmmaking is also a form of expression, thoughts, ideas, concepts, feelings and moods of a person that are visualized in the film. The film itself is mostly fictional, though some are based on actual stories or on a true story. There are also documentaries with original and real images or biographical films that tell the story of a character. There are many other popular genre films, from action films, horror films, comedy films, romantic films, fantasy films, thriller films, drama films, science fiction films, crime films, documentaries and others. This is some information about the definition of film or film. The information has been cited from various sources and references. Hope it can be useful.
❍❍❍ TV FILM ❍❍❍ The first television shows were experimental, sporadic programs that from the 1930s could only be seen at a very short distance from the mast. TV events such as the 1936 Summer Olympics in Germany, the crowning of King George VI. In Britain in 19340 and the famous launch of David Sarnoff at the 1939 New York World’s Fair in the United States, the medium grew, but World War II brought development to a halt after the war. The 19440 World MOVIE inspired many Americans to buy their first television, and in 1948 the popular Texaco Star Theater radio moved to become the first weekly television variety show that hosted Milton Berle and earned the name “Mr Television” demonstrated The medium was a stable, modern form of entertainment that could attract advertisers. The first national live television broadcast in the United States took place on September 4, 1951, when President Harry Truman’s speech at the Japanese Peace Treaty Conference in San Francisco on AT & T’s transcontinental cable and microwave relay system was broadcasting to broadcasters in local markets has been. The first national color show (the 1954 Rose Parade tournament) in the United States took place on January 1, 1954. For the next ten years, most network broadcasts and almost all local broadcasts continued to be broadcast in black and white. A color transition was announced for autumn 1965, in which more than half of all network prime time programs were broadcast in color. The first all-color peak season came just a year later. In 19402, the last holdout of daytime network shows was converted to the first full color network season.
❍❍❍ formats and genres ❍❍❍ See also: List of genres § Film and television formats and genres TV shows are more diverse than most other media due to the variety of formats and genres that can be presented. A show can be fictional (as in comedies and dramas) or non-fictional (as in documentary, news, and reality television). It can be current (as in the case of a local news program and some television films) or historical (as in the case of many documentaries and fictional films). They can be educational or educational in the first place, or entertaining, as is the case with situation comedies and game shows. [Citation required] A drama program usually consists of a series of actors who play characters in a historical or contemporary setting. The program follows their lives and adventures. Before the 1980s, shows (with the exception of soap opera series) generally remained static without storylines, and the main characters and premise barely changed. [Citation required] If the characters’ lives changed a bit during the episode, it was usually reversed in the end. For this reason, the episodes can be broadcast in any order. [Citation required] Since the 1980s, many FILMS have had a progressive change in the plot, characters, or both. For example, Hill Street Blues and St. Elsewhere were two of the first American prime time drama television films to have this kind of dramatic structure [4] [better source required], while the later MOVIE Babylon 5 further illustrated such a structure had a predetermined story about the planned five season run. [Citation required] In 2020, it was reported that television became a larger part of the revenue of large media companies than the film. Some also noticed the quality improvement of some television programs. In 2020, Oscar-winning film director Steven Soderbergh declared the ambiguity and complexity of character and narrative: “I think these qualities are now being seen on television and people who want to see stories with such qualities are watching TV. ❍❍❍ Thanks for everything and have fun watching❍❍❍ Here you will find all the films that you can stream online, including the films that were shown this week. If you’re wondering what to see on this website, you should know that it covers genres that include crime, science, fi-fi, action, romance, thriller, comedy, drama, and anime film. Thanks a lot. We inform everyone who is happy to receive news or information about this year’s film program and how to watch your favorite films. Hopefully we can be the best partner for you to find recommendations for your favorite films. That’s all from us, greetings! Thank you for watching The Video Today. I hope you like the videos I share. Give a thumbs up, like or share if you like what we shared so we are more excited. Scatter a happy smile so that the world returns in a variety of colors. ” Mulan teljes film magyarul online filmek Mulan teljes film magyarul
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carruechedaily · 2 years ago
A lot of these men, that are happy about Meg sleeping with Tory and DaBaby, are only happy bc THEY know they wouldn't even get close enough to touch her. They don't like that her songs are about controlling a man in the bedroom, and feel that if it's "proven" that she slept with more than 1 man, that she is worthless and that the men she slept with dominated her instead.
Certain men that I'm referring to tend to have r*pey views towards women, bc what does her body count have to do with you? Especially when they probably fucked triple her body count in all of December, and haven't been tested for an STD since 2016.
I genuinely believe some men go to their mother's basement, and jack off at the idea that their fave artist possibly had sex with a woman they hate. And fix their brain into believing that the woman was finessed into doing so.
🎯🎯🎯 this whole situation exposed just how many women hating incels a lot of these “men” are
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mrholmslearnings · 3 years ago
Det er fort gjort å glemme hvor stor forskjell det er på hjernen til et barn og hjernen til et voksent menneske. Barn og ungdom har hjerner som er under utvikling. De har et vell av sterke følelser, men de kan ikke håndtere dem enda, de har ingen enkel vei opp til andreetasjen i huset. Hvis vi for eksempel ber små barn om å tenke konsekvenser, så ber vi dem ofte om for mye. Vi kan ikke kommandere et barn inn på rommet for å sitte og tenke igjennom hva det har gjort galt, og så forvente at det skal komme tilbake og si: «Unnskyld, det var ikke meningen.»> Barn er dårlige til refleksjon og planlegging, til å forsti hvorfor de gjør som de gjør. Fordi alt dette ligger i hjernens andre etasje. De vil slite med å komme opp dit. Det er sånn vi er skapt. Og det er en av de viktigste grunnene til at barn trenger voksne.
største feilen voksne gjør, er å behandle dette som et moralsk problem. «Han tester meg», kan vi si om et barn, eller: «Hun gjør dette bare for å irritere. Hvis barnet ditt for eksempel går bort til persiennene og drar i dem gang etter gang, er det ikke for å få frem en eller annen reaksjon i deg, men ganske enkelt fordi persiennene ser spennende ut og lager en morsom lyd. Akkurat som en knitrende peis en skinnende vinflaske eller en blank tv-skjerm. Prøver du å irettesette et lite barn som gjør noe slikt ved å kjefte eller ta hardt i det, så lærer barnet bare én ting: At det er du som er skummel, ikke persiennene.
H.Montgomery "Foreldremagi" 2021:42
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adventures-of-meg · 6 years ago
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mimi123meg · 2 years ago
something about Lu Sicheng and Pei Xi just works like they are both in somewhat similar positions in their industries within the shows they are in (new generation genius players who change the playing field when they are there) but more than that, they both show affection in similar ways. They both show their affection by doing things for the other people they care about. Lu Sicheng rescuing biscuit, Pei Xi bringing a cake out for Qiu Ying and Ji Xiangkong, Lu Sicheng buying food for Tong Yao after hearing her talk about it (while on a different date technically), Pei Xi making Ji Xiangkong coffee when he notices that he is going to be up for a while. They are both just such soft boys.
In addition to that, while they both can be emotionally constipated at times (specifically when it comes to blaming themselves) both of them also understand when to push people and when to lay off. Lu Sicheng pushing Tong Yao to fight for her spot on the team when she was on suspension as well as Pei Xi pushing Xia Ling to believe in himself, that he is strong enough to walk even if it might be hard.
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wtfiswrongwithyoupeople · 3 years ago
guessing pei ming as lester/apollo and meg as pei xiu
ban yue is a little hard but listen reyna as ban yue just imagine it. it's somehow a match
Solangelo Heaven Official's Blessing/TGCF AU where Will Solace as Xie Lian and Nico di Angelo as fricking Hua Cheng.
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kathrineharsem · 4 years ago
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Takk for alle fine meldinger på bursdagen min 🤍 • Ble kake, roser, sol, ski, peis, katt og hund. Mus får jeg kle meg ut som igjen til neste år 😌🐭🥂👵🏼 (ved Gålå, Norway) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLB5gPEDUpX/?igshid=s2l1l1qef2mf
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