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yourgodlyparent · 29 days
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Mefitis: Goddess of Noxious Vapors
Mefitis kids ☣️Loners ☣️Too cool for school ☣️Super underground, niche interests ☣️Deep thinkers
(Roman God; No Greek Equivalent) Link in bio for more Mefitis info ☣️
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klayzt · 10 months
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haveyouheardmetal · 8 months
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Pictured: Despair, released in 2019
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aroaceleovaldez · 2 months
one of my favorite concepts re: Camp Jupiter Classified is Reyna and Frank just telling the story of what happened to the rest of the Argo II crew, like "Oh yeah so there was this daughter of Mefitis who got exiled like 20 years ago cause she uncontrollably smelt bad due to her powers and nobody could stand her, and so in revenge she tried to destroy camp but we sent the newest legionnaire to go to her trailer in the literal dump (because she is homeless) to beat her up and steal back the thing she stole. yeah they left her there stuck in a net. yeah wild week."
and then its just. Nico standing behind them ominously, eye twitching, looking like he's about to try destroying Camp Jupiter himself on behalf of this rogue he's never met just purely out of "uncontrollable aura that makes people uncomfortable" solidarity
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violetmoondaughter · 2 years
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Water, the flow, the womb, the origin of life, the element that is in constant movement and transformation. Water flows through our bodies and across the earth; we depend on it for life. As far back as we can remember, humans have been intimately connected with water, both physically and spiritually. According to the theory of evolution we emerged from aquatic sources and ancient creation stories from around the globe told us life on earth originated from waters. Ancient Civilizations around the globe built the first cities near water sources. Water is deep, receptive, and purifying, and represent both the life giver and the death bringer.
 Some of the most common water spiritual correspondences are:
Orientation: West
Qualities: Emotion, Intuition, Flexibility, Receptivity
Magical Weapon: Cup, Cauldron, Mirror, Comb
Rituals: Divination, Purification, Healing, Blessings, Transformation
Places: lakes, springs, streams, rivers, beaches, oceans, seas, wells, fountains, waterfalls
Natural elements: rain, thunderstorms, snow, ice, fog, seashells, starfish, pearls, dolphins, seahorses, frogs, toads, fish, turtles.
Tarot: Cups
Rune: Laguz
Zodiac Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Spirits: Naiades, Nereids, Mermaids, Oceanines, Nymphs, Kelphis, Each uisge, Gwragedd Annwn, Morgens, Nixie, Jenny Greenteeth, Peg Powler, Crinaeae, Limnades, Pegaeae, Sirens, Camenae, Asrai, Karkinos, Charybdis, Cetus, Grindylow, Kraken, Pistrice, Selkies.
Deities: Aphrodite, Venus, Mefitis, Diana, Thetis, Leukothea, Ino, Amphitrite, Hapi, Sobek, Neptune, Poseidon, Oceanus, Sabrina, Melusine, Acionna, Boann, Bormana, Dylan Ail Don, Llyr, Sinann, Sequana, Nefti, Khnum, Tefnut, Anuket, Abzu, Enbilulu, Achelous, Anapos, Nereus, Pontus, Scylla, Proteus, Thalassa, Coventina, Fontus, Juturna, Danu, Proteus, Tiamat, Triton.
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belltaleheart · 9 months
I’m reading through the Riordanverse wiki rn and I love Mimi sm. She’s only mentioned in Camp Jupiter Classified: A Probatio's Journal but I’m obsessed with her. She’s the daughter of Mefitis, goddess of foul odors, lives in a landfill, got kicked out of camp Jupiter for smelling too bad, and tried to get them back for this back like 2 decades later only to be defeated by a 12 year old.
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teamsunfluff · 2 years
(@ask-a-staravia) "Do you have any friends here in Cosmos town?" Mukudori asked the pair of Shaymin. "Or, um, at least Pokemon you know? What are they like?" He added hastily at the end.
"Oh yeah, we know a fair amount of residents due to how involved the whole town is with the refugee program here," Kaji said. He gestured towards the bar across the room, where a Tinkaton was cleaning out some glasses. "We already introduced her, but that's Ilva. She's the owner of this café, The Gigaton Brew. She can come off as a bit brash at first, but she's just very passionate about her job and confident in her craft.
"Then there's Prisca. She's a shiny Mightyena Absol crossbread who is a traveling merchant that comes by Cosmos Town every once in a while with rare materials. She really enjoys spelunking, so she finds all sorts of stuff, ranging from evolution stones to maps for other dungeons, the works. Normally she only stays in Cosmos Town for a week before she heads out again, but due to the recent incident at Sky Peak, she's settled in for a time until the guild can ascertain how safe it is to venture out of the town's radius again.
"Speaking of the guild, the Cosmos Town guild is run by a shiny Rapidash named Hrímfaxi. Guildmaster Hrímfaxi is a pretty stern guy, but I think that comes with the territory of being a seasoned explorer. He's seen some things and doesn't want to see those mistakes or tragedies repeated. He's also in charge of investigating what happened at Sky Peak, which is why we're staying at the guild currently. We're key witnesses," Kaji explained.
"He's tried to be gentle with us though, I can tell," Avin cut in. "The incident was... extremely traumatic, so while he definitely wants information from us, I think he's trying to let us adjust to being here first before he does any sort of interrogations."
Kaji nodded. "Much to the chagrin of his vice guildmaster, Mefitis. The two of them were apparently famous explorers once upon a time as Team Midnight? We'd never heard of them but when the Rapidash Scolipede duo opened up a guild, their reputation was enough that they had people in a line out the door and down the road. Or so Ilva says.
"We've also met a fair few of the guild members. Not all of them, since a lot of the teams operate out of their own bases, but the apprentices and staff all stay on site so when we were first given a tour we got to meet all of them.
"Firstly, there's six main staff members: Circe, Otrera, Cluri, Arnold, Roksana, and Kiko. Otrera is the primary doctor on staff, with Circe being her apprentice. The two of them make for a great healing duo since Otrera has natural healing abilities as an Audino, while Circe can handle some patients that Otrera can't, like ghost-types or ones who can only be reached via flying. They usually stay on site but sometimes are sent out during major disasters, like at Sky Peak," Kaji elaborated.
"Cluri is the main chef for the guild. Supposedly her name is short for something but in all candor, she kinda scares me. I can’t decide if it’s just the creepy vibes she gives off as a Morgrem or if it’s because she seems to intimidate the other recruits too, but, she seems like the type you don’t want to mess with, at least in my opinion.
“Arnold and Roksana are the tag team that handles sentry duty. That Boltund Watchog duo can't be beat! They're also an exploration team that graduated a few winters ago, which probably explains why they have such good synergy. Supposedly they caught a couple outlaws who were trying to mascarade as a guild team last year, all because Arnold recognized their scent!
"Then there's Kiko. She's in charge of changing out the job mission and outlaw boards. Apparently she's got a cousin who changes out those requests at a guild in the west too? She often talks about how cool it is that she can go into the ocean when he can't. I'm not really sure what she means by that, but if it makes her little Wiglett-self happy then so be it!" Kaji said with a laugh.
"Oh and then," Avin interjected, "There's the other apprentices. Besides us, there's eight other apprenticing members at the guild that make up three teams. There's Team ZipZop, which primarily focuses on water rescues and missions. Cosmos Town is really close to the ocean so having a team consisting of largely water-types is handy for that. Being a Dreepy, Lich is really fast so they're able to scout out ahead for any danger or people in need of rescue! Then Dre, Rami, and Ju can come in and perform the rescue itself. Between Dre's flotation devices, Rami's schooling ability, and Ju's swift flying and diving, they're able to pretty quickly get people out of the water and to safety!
"Then there's Team RockyShock. Their leader is Fen, an older apprentice at the guild, who took Deli and Vulcan under his wings to form the team. And I do mean that literally, since Fen is an Oricorio. They're currently operating mostly in the Northern Desert region, since Deli and Vulcan are rock and ground-types respectively and still need to get used to the ins and outs of exploring. It's a bit rough on Fen, but he says they're doing pretty well for being newer apprentices.
"Lastly, there's Donahue, a solo explorer and the only member of Team X-Scissor. You wouldn't think a Ninjask would be able to hold his own, but Donahue's a really skilled fighter and rescuer. He's also the apprentice that's been at the guild the longest, so all the others sorta look up to him. I think he's set to graduate soon too? I'll need to ask him more about it."
Kaji lightly smacked his paws on the table in excitement. "Oh! And of course we can't forget-"
"Adam!" Avin said excitedly. The two Shaymin laughed together before turning to Mukudori. "Adam was one of the first non-guild members we met in Cosmos Town. He actually really wants to be part of the guild, but he's failed the entry exam three times already because he gets too scared and runs away. We were thinking of offering to help him train to see if it would calm his nerves down a bit."
Kaji nodded. "He seems like a really nice guy. You wouldn't think a Garchomp would be so easily intimidated by the entry exam, but given we didn't technically take it ourselves... well... we don't actually know what it entails, so best we can do is help him train and hope it works, right?"
"Sorry, I know that was probably more than you were expecting," Avin said with a chuckle, "Did you want to ask about any particular details?"
Ask Hints have been Updated!
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koldnat · 4 years
Despair [2019] | progressive black metal | China
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turmoiltrolls · 4 years
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i am just going to make some talksprites so i can update my comm info now okay? okay.
look at moli she is so cute
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submitted by @thefoyer
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photon-nmo · 7 years
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"Modern Interpretation of Old gods" was the theme for this week's Sketchplease.com. I chose Mephitis/Mefitis the goddess of poisonous gases. This week we were paying homage to the Starz show "American Gods". Photo ref from Alt model Carolinski. #sketchplease #sketchbook #mephitis #mefitis #gods #goddess #gasmask #altmodel #carolinski #americangods
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Aporia Ixaji (imperial agent left)
Mefitis Ixaji (republic trooper right)
Slaves to a nobleman, Aporia and Mefitis spent most of the day doing chores around the estate. When the war broke out and he was sent a draft letter he opted to send Aporia and Mefitis to take his place on the front line. As they fought Aporia agility and aptitude for battle at being taken notice of by her superiors. As her time for required service ran out she was seen as a potential asset that could continue to be used, so instead of being sent back to her previous master to take up her responsibilities as a slave once again she was sent to imperial intelligence for field training. (Though of course her master was compensated properly for the loss of his property). Mefitis shortly before her scheduled return to her Mefitis managed to defect to The Republic eventually joining their military.
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deesdressup · 3 years
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Goddesses of Beauty -Xōchiquetzal (Aztec) -Ọṣun/Oshun (Yoruba/West African) -Clíodhna (Irish) -Aphrodite (Greek) -Kisshōten (Japanese-Buddhist) Night Goddesses -Hine-nui-te-pō (maori) -Nótt (Norse) -Nut  (Egyptian) -Nyx (Greek) Goddesses of the Hearth -Kamuy-huci (Ainu Japanese) -Nëna e Vatrës (Albanian) -Hestia (Greek) -Jowangsin (Korean Shamanism) -Chantico (Aztec) Agricultural Goddesses -Demeter (Mycenaean/Greek) -Pachamama (Incan) -Dewi Sri (Javanese) -Geshtinanna (Sumerian) -Toyoukebime (Shinto Japanese) -Iyatiku (Pueblo Native American) -Mat Zemlya (Slavic) -Mbaba Mwana Waresa (Zulu) Health Godddesses -Shitala (Hindu) -Airmed (Irish) -Ixchel (Mayan) -Sirona (Gaulish Celtic) Earth Goddesses -Gaia (Greek) -Asase Ya (Bono/Ghanian) -Bhumi (Hindu) -Houtu (Chinese) -Ki (Sumerian) -Dʰéǵʰōm (Proto-Indo-European) -Jörð (Norse) -Papahānaumoku (Hawaiian) -Mefitis (Samnite Italian) -Žemyna (Lithuanian) Underworld Goddesses -Ereshkigal (Sumerian) -Kalma (Finnish) -Persephone (Greek) -Hel (Norse) -Mictēcacihuātl (Aztec) Solar Goddesses -Amaterasu (Shinto Japanese) -Gün Ana (Turkish) -Malina (Inuit) -Wuriupranili (Northern Australian Aboriginal)
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On the population of Camp Jupiter and New Rome and the losses they have suffered in the canon timeline
Before we begin, I will first establish that Rick Riordan is terrible at mathematics - if he cannot even keep track of the ages of his characters and even a historical timeline already laid out for him (all he had to do was elementary school-level maths), it’s no wonder that he would mess up on the smaller details of worldbuilding, especially when he is clearly biased towards the Greek demigods. Therefore, about half of the numbers in his timeline as well as ages are to be ignored for the sake of this essay/headcanon.
In this essay, I will prove how Camp Jupiter lost over 90% of their population due to the events of Heroes of Olympus (HoO) and Trials of Apollo (ToA), and by extension, Percy Jackson and the Olympians (PJO).
Camp Jupiter is the Roman equivalent of Camp Half-Blood, designated to train Roman demigods and their descendants. It has five cohorts, each led by two centurions.
When Percy arrived at Camp Jupiter, canon claims that there were about 200 demigods at the time, each of the five cohorts housing four barracks of ten bunk spaces, confirming that there are 40 legionnaires on average per cohort. This by itself is contrary to the traditional Roman army, where each centurion was in charge of leading 80-100 soldiers at a time, implying that the Twelfth Legion should be having 640-1,000 legionnaires if it were a traditional Roman legion, and let’s be honest here, 200 soldiers is oddly small for an army, when the Greek Camp Half-Blood, home to individual warriors rather than soldiers, has a demigod population of ~100 in PJO (in canon). Moreover, Camp Jupiter welcomes legacies - offspring and descendants of demigods - as well as demigods, so assuming that gods make babies with mortals on a regular basis each year, there would certainly be far more legionnaires in the west than campers in the east.
Moreover, according to Son of Magic in The Demigod Diaries, which is treated as canon like those written by the author’s father, there were 1,000 Titan Army demigods that died in the Battle of Manhattan, including defected CHB campers and children of minor deities. Therefore, since Camp Jupiter recognizes the children and descendants of minor deities like Mefitis, Cardea, and the Muses, as seen from Camp Jupiter Classified and The Tyrant’s Tomb, it seems far more likely that Camp Jupiter would have a larger number of legionnaires than one would expect, even if demigods themselves are uncommon and many fail Lupa’s training and are unable to make their way to Camp Jupiter. Legacies also tend to be less powerful than the demigods they are descended from, which allows them to avoid monsters easier than Greek demigods.
Therefore, I will go by a more liberal estimate of 1,000 demigods and legacies serving in the Twelfth Legion on an average year, not accounting for demigods who choose to fly solo to pursue a more ‘Greek’ lifestyle (as mentioned in Son of Neptune).
But no, even under the assumption that the Twelfth Legion was traditionally much smaller than the average Roman legion (which I will not assume to be the case), we must not neglect another factor which makes the matter of the total population of Camp Jupiter complicated: New Rome.
New Rome is a city located within the borders of the Camp, housing veterans of the legion, and presumably, their families as well. Canon claims that it is also home to nature spirits, friendly monsters, and minor deities. To be a resident of New Rome, the restriction goes in canon that the veteran must have served in the Legion for ten years before retiring to the city (unless you are a war hero and subject to some Great Prophecy), but I feel that it sounds like a privilege to live in New Rome, if you have to serve ten years of legion time, presumably from when you were barely in your teenage years until you graduate from university. Very few people would meet that requirement. Instead, I propose that as long as you serve in the legion (not including aforementioned war heroes), you would have a chance to stay in New Rome, though a spot for you would be guaranteed only if you serve ten years, so they tell the newbies this instead of the full truth. Clear-sighted mortals are also allowed to live in New Rome, and Vestal Virgins no longer necessarily have to be from the most elite of families in the city. There, now the Romans sound less elitist and more sympathetic.
Since New Rome is a fully-functioning city with a university, it is unlikely that there were only a few hundred residents of the city, especially when all these residents consist of all the shopkeepers, the teachers and professors, at least some of the politicians, and all other relevant positions in a literal society. A small university like New Rome University seems unlikely to offer university places to only a few hundred people, even when they have a difficult entrance exam - I will proceed to theorize that NRU has about 3,000 students, based on my own local (Hong Kong) Lingnan University having 2,641 students in recent years in four-year undergraduate programmes (the Chinese DSE is known as the ‘Paper of Death’ locally, so it fits into the 'difficult entrance exam' part, though I'll also put it out there that the bigger, more famous universities like the University of Hong Kong, the Chinese University, and the University of Science and Technology tend to take the best of the best, so there might be some differences here).
As of 2020, there are around 60 million ‘young people’ aged 10-24 (legionnaires would be around this age) in the USA, while the total American population is about 330 million, which rounds off to 18% of the American population being preteens, teens, and young adults. We’ll use a more liberal estimate of 20% because this is supposed to be a rough guess and to account for demigods and legacies from places with higher birth rates than the USA.
Assume that 20% of the Twelfth Legion (i.e. 200 legionnaires) are students of NRU, since there is canonical overlap between legionnaire and college student (case in point, Gwen, aka the “Centurion Shish Kebab”). This is based on the assumption that each year, roughly the same number of Roman demigods and legacies that make it to Camp Jupiter are born each year. This would mean 3000 + 1000 - 200 = 3800 ‘young people’ in New Roman society overall. Going by the 20% youth estimate, there would be 19,000 residents of Camp Jupiter/New Rome if we go by American youth ratios. But counting out a rough estimate of residents who leave the city to start families of their own, I would say there are around 15,000 residents in Camp Jupiter/New Rome on average, and leaves 25% of the population being legionnaires.
But the circumstances of a Great Prophecy are not average. The Legion was said to be “badly depleted” in Camp Jupiter Classified, implying there was a significant loss of life in the Demigod Civil War of Heroes of Olympus, presumably many deaths in the battle in Blood of Olympus. I’ll go by a 10% mortality rate (~100 Romans dying), even higher than that of Allied soldiers participating in D-Day (6-point-something percent) and the death rate of COVID-19 in the US (5-point-something percent), which is honestly disturbing, especially when the army mainly consists of minors.
Even if fewer Roman legionnaires died in battle against their Greek counterparts, we know that the attacks of Tarquin (in The Burning Maze and The Tyrant’s Tomb combined) left only a population of the whole city and legion combined, plus guests (the Hunters, Apollo, and Meg). The largest Roman senate was said to be able to house 300+ people, so there are an estimated 300 legionnaires and New Romans who survived the attacks to attend the Senate meeting where Reyna resigned from her praetorship after the battle.
This would amount to a 97.3% fatality rate during the attacks of Tarquin on the Romans in ToA, and 98% of the entire Roman-side population between the bulk of HoO and ToA. And this is not accounting for any casualties from the Storming of Mount Othrys (the Roman counterpart to the Battle of Manhattan) and assuming that the Romans recovered their numbers from that battle in the span of less than a year.
In conclusion, almost the entire population of Camp Jupiter and New Rome was unceremoniously wiped out in the span of a year, and we need to talk to Rick Riordan about his obvious bias against the Romans. Geez, what did they ever do to you to kill them all off like this?
AquaEclipse, 31 Aug - 1 Sept 2020
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forgottenbones · 5 years
Mefite è una divinità italica legata alle acque, invocata per la fertilità dei campi e per la fecondità femminile.
Il nome Mefitis è sicuramente osco, con la caratteristica -f- intervocalica, e deriva forse da "medio-dluitis", donde "mefifitis" e quindi Mefitis, cioè "colei che fuma nel mezzo" oppure da "Medhu-io" cioè "colei che si inebria" o ancora - sembra con maggiore probabilità - "colei che sta nel mezzo", ovvero entità intermedia fra cielo e terra, fra morte e vita. A lei veniva attribuito il potere di fare da tramite e di presiedere al passaggio.
Il culto era diffuso in tutta l'Italia osco-sabellica, in particolare nelle zone abitate o frequentate dalle popolazioni sannitiche. Notizie di scrittori antichi e rinvenimenti archeologici ne documentano l'esistenza in Irpinia a Rocca San Felice e Frigento, nella Valle d'Ansanto e a Casalbore, in Lucania a Rossano di Vaglio e Grumentum, a Casalvieri (in località Pescarola), a Casalattico (in località San Nazario), nella Valle di Canneto a Settefrati, al crocevia fra Molise, Lazio e Abruzzo, in Molise presso il tempio italico di Vastogirardi ed a San Donato Val di Comino.
La presenza di Mefite si riscontra anche fuori dell'area osco-sabellica: a Cremona, a Lodi Vecchio, presso Lodi, a Roma - dove sono attestati un tempio (aedes Mefitis) ed un boschetto sacro (lucus Mefitis) a lei dedicati sull'Esquilino fin dal III secolo a.C. - e a Tivoli.
I luoghi di culto di Mefite sono situati quasi sempre in un ambiente caratterizzato dalla presenza di acque fluviali o lacustri. È stato ipotizzato che, da divinità legata alle acque e alle sorgenti in generale, dopo la romanizzazione dell'Italia sia stata connessa maggiormente e poi esclusivamente alle esalazioni emanate da mofete e da acque sulfuree o corrotte come quelle stagnanti, che essa doveva impedire, o comunque a luoghi contrassegnati da fenomeni vulcanici.
Un aspetto non ancora indagato è l'eventuale rapporto tra questo culto e un rito di transizione quale la transumanza, che costituiva il passaggio delle greggi ai nuovi pascoli stagionali. Questa ipotesi è rafforzata dal fatto che a ridosso dei percorsi tratturali erano presenti antiche aree sacre dedicate alla Mefite.
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