#meet in tunis
occasionallyprosie · 6 months
So I'm trying to incorporate more nicknames for the boys, so here's what I got so far, any additions or ones I've missed?
Little One (by Time)
Little Guy (by Triple Threat)
Healer (post Life Spell reveal)
Calatian (country of origin)
Hoarder (by Warriors and Twilight, derogatory, becomes affectionate)
Apple (by Twilight and Wind)
Kid (by Wind)
Kit (by Twilight and Sky)
Skyloftian (shortens to Sky)
Sky Knight (shortens to Sky)
Lover boy (affectionate, by Downfall Duo)
Old Man
Sprite (by Warriors)
Ancestor (by Twilight)
Fairy Boy (post meeting Malon, by Downfall Duo and Wind)
Goat Herd
Ordonian (town of origin)
Pup (by Time)
Country Boy (by Warriors, derogatory)
Forest (by Legend and Wind)
Captain (or any other military form of address)
Pretty Boy (by Legend, derogatory, becomes affectionate)
Soldier Boy (by Twilight, derogatory, becomes affectionate)
Wild Child (affectionate)
Cub (by Twilight and Time)
Ocean (by Legend and Twilight)
Kid (by Twilight and Warriors)
Conductor (by Legend)
Tune/Tunie (by Time and Warriors)
Whys for some:
Rulie and Chosen (Hyrule and Sky) -> Both make the mistake of telling the group their hero titles, Hyrule is eventually nicknamed Rulie by Legend and Wild as a result (nobody else calls him that), and Sky gets Chosen from everybody.
Apple, Forest, and Ocean (Legend, Twilight, and Wind) -> Nicknames from Triforce Heroes (from my hc of them being the Triforce Heroes)
Kid (Legend) -> Another nickname from Triforce Heroes, Wind is the only one who calls him that in LU though (Twilight takes too long to realize Apple and the Veteran are the same person)
Kit (Legend) -> Sky and Twi start calling him that after the bunny incident, Twi does it first and Sky joins in after because he's a gremlin and both know Legend hates (eventually likes) it
Conductor (Wind) -> Caused by music night when Wind leads the music with the Wind Waker and just sticks
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george-the-good · 2 days
GEORGE VI meets actress/singer/comedic performer BEATRICE LILLIE:
In Tunis [in 1943] Bea was downed by dysentery and confined to her bed, forcing her to miss a party given in honor of King George VI. Then His Majesty was laid low by the same malady. Later, during a garden party at Buckingham Palace, Bea was presented to His Majesty. She voiced her disappointment at missing the Tunis party and gave the reason for her absence. H.M. commiserated with her stating his problems with the same disease. The King excused himself and Bea was surrounded by her friends eager to know what she and the monarch talked about. ‘Diarrhea!’ cooed Bea.
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emperornero · 1 year
good news everyone ! i gave up on doing homework and im looking for insects named after ancient romans and other ancient historical figures related to roman history. turns out theres a species of weevil named after hannibal!
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and its glorious wikipedia description: "A species from Tunisia, named after the daring Punic general Hannibal. Hannibal was best known for his spectacular, but also costly campaign with 40 war elephants in 218 BC from Spain, France across the Alps to Italy. In 202 BC, the Roman Empire was finally victorious over Hannibal at Carthage (Carthage, today part of the Tunisian capital Tunis). It was only with the victory over Hannibal that Rome gained supremacy in the western Mediterranean. The city of Carthage was finally razed to the ground in the Third Punic War (146 BC), the inhabitants expelled or taken into slavery by Rome. Let us hope that the last Ceratonia forests on Jebel Zaghouan, and with them the new species Onyxacalles hannibali, will not meet a similar fate in the progressive destruction of the last intact biotopes in central Tunisia!""
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wendylianmartin · 1 year
I love Fizz', he seems like a better *antagonist* in this little arc than King Tuny in Queen Nee's castle arc, I would have liked him to get along with Kappa, he seemed very excited to meet him
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basalamander-corner · 8 months
❦ - They Feast Tonight
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I will give you the wings you so desire. Now FLY.
❝ I was given orders by our gods. To slay every paladin I came across. I will obey their orders. ❞
Tuni was born into the Kingdom of Osirian, a city floating above the clouds. Years ago, the Osirians had eliminated the wild and savage beasts that once terrorized the land, being blessed by the gods and given wings. It is said that one day, the gods would descend from the heavens and give the gift of immortality next.
Tuni knows this to be a lie.
The gods have spoken, ordering Tuni to execute every paladin that claims to speak for them, unwilling to let their names be taken in vain any longer. Tuni will not fail them. But while carrying out the duty given, Tuni comes to find the land below is not a savage place, meeting the fae people. They were the “beasts” in the stories, and Tuni realizes they need help.
Bonding together with the fae prince, Tuni vows to keep her promise to the gods, and restore the fae to their rightful place.
More info below the cut.
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❧General Information
I’ve had this idea in my mind for most of 2023, although it’s been changed a lot as to what it would focus on. I started drafting this in January of 2024, when it reached its final idea. It hasn’t really taken any inspiration from any books, although the underground city the fae live in is inspired by Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia. The design of the Osirians themself are similar to Eliatrope from Wakfu and Dofus.
The tropes of hidden faery kingdoms, ancient secrets, and righteous judgment.
Themes of revenge, found family, illusion of power, overcoming fear, dangers of propaganda, and the will to survive.
A transgender main character and a bi-ace love interest. An entirely black cast, and multiple queer side characters.
❧Trigger warnings
Nuclear disaster
Referenced genocide
Queerphobia (heavy misgendering)
Arranged marriage (forced/coerced)
❧Tag list
Ask to be added or removed!
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cottoncandychallah · 2 months
Holy crap, the instructor for my Intro to Judaism course was born in Tunisia and went to France as a refugee... I can only imagine her experiences when she was young, she must have been through a lot and saw so many things.
I really wish I could have some time outside of the class to just talk to her and hear about her experiences (that she feels comfortable sharing, obviously).
She's clearly proud of her heritage, she talked about her family drying peppers on a line for harissa, life in Tunis on the Mediterranean, and took the chance to talk about food when Jewish cultural diversity came up.
Man, I keep meeting so many storied people just being involved, I'm so glad to be learning man
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thattunisiandude · 2 years
Introduction into Tunisian Cinema
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As I Open My Eyes (2015)
Tunis, summer 2010, a few months before the Revolution: Farah, 18 years-old, has just graduated and her family already sees her as a future doctor. But she doesn’t think the same way. She sings in a political rock band. She has a passion for life, gets drunk, discovers love and her city by night against the will of her mother Hayet, who knows Tunisia and its dangers too well.
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Millefeuille (2012)
This is the story of a whole country told by Nouri Bouzid through the fate of two girls, Zaineb and Aisha, symbols of the Revolution and the future of Tunisia. Both are fighting for their independence, to win their freedom. Both fight against the religious and cultural shackles established by an archaic society. A society that, while the country is in turmoil, still hesitates between modernity and traditionalism.
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Hedi, a wind of Freedom (2016)
Hedi is a wise and reserved young man. Passionate about drawing, he works without enthusiasm like commercial. Although his country is changing, he remains subject to social conventions and lets his family make the decisions for him. While his mother is actively preparing for his wedding, his boss sends him to Mahdia looking for new clients.
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A Summer in La Goulette (1996)
During the summer of 1966, on the eve of the Six Day War, Youssef the Muslim, controller on the TGM, Jojo the Jew, king of brik with the egg, and Giuseppe the Catholic, Sicilian fisherman, live with their family in the same building that is the property of the Beji Hajj. The three men are inseparable outside of work, their families live in good neighborhood and share a nonchalant happiness in the small port village of La Goulette in the suburbs of Tunis. Until the day each of their daughters, Meriem the Muslim, Gigi the Jewish and Tina the Catholic, inseparable as their fathers, decide to lose their virginity before August 15 with a boy of another religion than theirs. The first attempt, the wedding day of Jojo's eldest daughter, comes to a halt as a result of the intervention of the alert fathers. When the film ends, the Six Day War begins and breaks this harmony between the communities.
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Dachra (2019)
Yasmine, a journalism student, and her two friends, Walid and Bilel, are trying to unravel the mystery of an old crime committed more than 25 years ago. In the middle of nowhere, a woman had been found mutilated and almost dead. Once their investigation is over, they will find themselves in a forest where they will discover a small isolated village called "Dachra". Stuck in this unknown territory, the trio will try to escape the horror. Will they have managed to escape?
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Júnún (2006)
Jùnùn deals with the schizophrenic condition prevailing in Arab societies. The film takes deep into a punishing excursion, showing us the underworld of the poor and the discarded, and how easily they can be made to embrace extremist and fundamentalist thoughts. The film forces us to confront a bipolar reality, once dark, once light, a reality too often repressed. Jùnùn explores the human beings by their feelings of love and hatred while challenging the viewers by its approach to violence, exclusion, the thirst for freedom and the patriarchal, religious and institutional power on the individual.
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Redeyef 54 (1997)
In 1954, two young intellectuals, the ethnologist François and Ibrahim the lawyer, return to Tunisia after their studies in Paris. Brahim is engaged in the national independence movement. He is charged by the party to find his brother Beda, the resistants' leader, and to convince him to lay down his arms, a prerequisite for peaceful negotiations.
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Wrangling (2010)
While Zeineb is very religious and wears the hijab, her sister Lilia likes to party and enjoy life to the fullest. Despite their contradictory lifestyles, the two sisters have a real complicity and Zeineb takes a tender and protective look at Lilia's love affair with their neighbor Skander. When the young couple's families meet to decide to marry, the two sisters suddenly find themselves on the same ground: defending their freedom as women in the face of conservative hypocrisy. The film explores with humor and finesse the tug-of-war that women experience in today's Tunisian society.
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The Art of Mezoued (2010)
"The Art of Mezoued" tells the story of the life and work of the leading figures of the Tunisian Mezoued (popular song based on the bagpipes). It portrays its pioneers and its living actors, between consecrated stars, fallen stars and rising celebrities: Salah Farzit, Mostapha Gattel Essid, Hédi Donia, Abdelkarim Benzarti and Achraf.The film relates through interviews, testimonies and live concerts in wedding parties and in various places (cafes, cabarets, party room ... ), the dense, eventful and controversial history of the Tunisian popular music Mezoued, its rise and its crises, its musical components and its themes, its territories of deprivation and popular plebiscite, its official exclusion (until 1990) and its phenomenal success carried by popular musicians, with the appearance of "bad boys" and singular talent and by cult songs, sometimes deviant, sometimes protesting or simply funny, saucy and festive.
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Eclipses (2015)
Between the passion of Hind, a young journalist, for Lassâad the police commissioner, the murder of an entrepreneur by his daughter-in-law, and the discovery of a network of jihadist smugglers that will have to be dismantled, Eclipses retorts the strings of an infernal spiral in thriller mode.
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askisaacforgemaster · 2 years
Greetings Isaac!
Do you ever get the urge to travel and return to meet some of the folks you met on your journey north? Not the rude ones of course, but people like Miranda, or The Captain.
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May I call you ‘Violet’?
There are moments that come to mind,to imagine having conversations with Miranda,The Captain, and The Merchant of Tunis. So yes, I do get tempted to travel to see those people.”
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mariacallous · 2 years
A four-year-old girl who was separated from her parents as they tried to board a migrant boat from Tunisia to Italy was forced to make the journey across the Mediterranean without them.
The girl, referred to as Linda by Italian authorities, disembarked on the island of Lampedusa on 17 October after 26 hours at sea on a crowded wooden boat carrying a further 70 asylum seekers from Tunisia.
Authorities in Tunisia are attempting to repatriate her. Her parents have been given a travel ban and are accused of abandoning a minor.
“Linda is doing well, and she is in a community centre for children in Palermo, after having been transferred from Lampedusa to a community in the province of Agrigento,” said Majdi Karbai, who is one of three Tunisian MPs who represent Tunisians living in Italy. “She’s constantly asking about her parents and when she will be able to see them again.”
He added: “Her parents are in Tunisia and Tunisian authorities [on 26 October] imposed a travel ban on them. They would prefer to repatriate Linda, but the procedures are not so easy as the girl is under the legal protection of a local guardian.”
Karbai said Linda did not understand what was happening and had suffered an emotional shock.
The international NGO Save the Children has provided support to Linda. “She’s playing with other children and a psycho-social support team is helping her release her fears and pressure,” said Giovanna De Benedetto, a spokesperson for Save the Children. “We are taking care of her wellbeing.”
Linda and her family are originally from Sayada, a coastal city near Monastir, in the Sahel area, 20km (12 miles) south of Sousse and 162km south of Tunis.
Due to the current political crisis and food shortages in Tunisia, her father, a street food vendor selling chapati and mlawi sandwiches in Sayada, has not been able to make a living and decided to leave Tunisia with his family. Linda’s sister, who is seven, has a heart condition and needs constant health assistance. Her parents hoped in Europe the child could receive necessary care and before leaving had prepared a dossier containing her clinical records.
Migrant boats must be reached by sea and passengers must walk or swim in order to reach the vessels. On 16 October, as Linda’s father held her in his arms, he suddenly heard his wife scream. The woman, who was accompanying their other daughter, had entered the water carrying some luggage and was afraid of drowning before reaching the vessel.
“At some point Linda’s father had to step back to support the rest of the family and so temporarily sat Linda on the boat,” says Karbai, who worked as a cultural mediator on Lampedusa in 2011 and learned the details from one of Linda’s family members after the boat left Tunisia. “Meanwhile, the boat driver saw the big headlights of a truck and thought it was the police, so he started the engine and set off, leaving Linda’s family behind.”
Linda’s parents have refused to talk to the media. They are accused of abandoning a minor and could be charged with human trafficking. They were released from jail after the news of the girl’s arrival on Lampedusa.
Tunisia’s ministry of family, women, children and the elderly said in a statement that discussions were under way with the Tunisian consular services in Palermo to repatriate the child, and that a Tunisian diplomatic delegation is expected to meet the judge of the juvenile court in Palermo.
On Friday, a Sicilian judge blocked the girl’s repatriation. Before making a final decision, the magistrate asked that a report be sent to Palermo on the causes of the accident and Linda’s departure without her parents.
The newly elected government in Italy led by the far-right prime minister, Giorgia Meloni, the leader of Brothers of Italy, a party with neo-fascist origins, has promised the introduction of hardline measures to block the arrival of asylum seekers from north Africa.
North Africans are often considered “economic migrants” and are repatriated by European authorities who, despite the political instability and poverty in their countries, do not consider them deserving candidates for international protection. EU immigration policies are pushing thousands of people to risk their lives to take more dangerous routes to reach Europe.
The bodies of two men and two women were recovered off Lampedusa on Monday. The four people had been missing since Sunday when a boat carrying about 30 people sank 24 nautical miles south of Sicily. The body of a newborn girl was found the day before after another boat capsized off Lampione, an uninhabited islet.
Meanwhile, two NGO rescue boats carrying hundreds of asylum seekers in the central Mediterranean are expected to face the first test of migration policy under Italy’s new far-right government after Rome threatened to prevent them from entering Italian waters.
The Norwegian-flagged Ocean Viking, operated by the NGO SOS Mediterranée, has more than 200 people onboard. The other vessel, Humanity One, flying the German flag and run by the German charity SOS Humanity, is carrying about 180 people. Most of them left Libya on small boats. The ships have asked the Italian authorities for permission to disembark their passengers in a safe port in Sicily, but so far have received no response.
The decision on whether to allow those onboard the two NGO vessels to disembark will rest with the new interior minister. The post that Matteo Salvini, who made high-profile moves to block such arrivals at Italian ports, had wanted to reassume, was given to Matteo Piantedosi, a technocrat backed by all parties. Piantedosi, who has said “governing migration is a priority”, sent a note to police departments and port authorities on Tuesday in which he wrote that the two ships were failing to “follow the rules in matters of security, border control and combating illegal immigration” and that the government could ban the vessels from entering Italian territorial waters.
Almost 20,000 people have died or gone missing since 2014 in the central Mediterranean, the most unsafe passage to Europe and one of the deadliest borders in the world.
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simelune · 2 years
42 for etoile, tuni and azari!! <3
aaaaaa ty for sending one hehe <3 im not sure if tuni was meant to be toni or luni, so i answered for both of them lol
42. what’s the typical first impression after meeting this person?
étoile: most people think she's reserved, since she's usually very quiet around new people. or if they happen to meet her on a bad day, that she has a bad attitude lol
toni: airhead. BUT TO BE FAIR, they are still trying to adjust to being human, well "human", again. also people definitely want to take care of him <3
luni: WARM, FRIENDLY, SOMEONE YOU WANT TO BE HELD BY. people definitely want to talk to her a second time.
azari: charming, extremely so to the point of being disarming... women want her, men fear her... gotta make her a hat now LMAO
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drytechengi · 9 days
Exporter of Flash Dryer in Tunisia
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Drytech Engineering Systems is a leading Exporter of Flash Dryer in Tunisia. We are based in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. Drytech Engineering Systems is a Manufacturer, Supplier, and Exporter of Spray Dryers, Flash Dryers, Spin Flash Dryers, and Multi Effect Evaporators. Flash Dryer Manufacturer specializes in designing and producing flash dryers, which are industrial machines used for rapidly drying materials. These manufacturers focus on creating equipment that utilizes high-velocity hot air to evaporate moisture from various substances, including powders, granules, and slurries. Why Choose Our Flash Dryer? Reliability: Built with high-quality materials for durability and longevity. Customization: Tailored solutions to meet specific production needs. Expert Support: Our team provides comprehensive support from installation to maintenance. Features: Fast Drying Process: Utilizes high-velocity hot air to quickly evaporate moisture, significantly reducing drying time. Versatility: Suitable for a wide range of materials, including powders, granules, and slurries. Energy Efficiency: Optimized design minimizes energy consumption, lowering operational costs. Compact Design: Space-saving structure allows for easy integration into existing production lines. Control Systems: Advanced automation and monitoring ensure precise temperature and airflow control, enhancing product quality. Applications: Food Industry Chemical Processing Pharmaceuticals Drytech Engineering Systems is an Exporter of Flash Dryer in Tunisia locations in Tunis, Sfax, Sousse, Bizerte, Aryanah, Gafsa, and El Mourouj. Contact Us For detailed information and inquiries, please feel free to contact us. View Product: Click Here Read the full article
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marioclubart · 1 month
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ABBATE, Niccolò dell' Italian painter (b. 1509, Modena, d. 1571, Fontainebleau) Meeting of Charles V and the Bey of Tunis 1545-50 Oil on canvas, 176 x 211 cm Courtauld Gallery, London Niccolò dell'Abbate was one of the most important artists of the first Fontainebleau school, which was developed at the French court by Rosso Fiorentino and Francesco Primaticcio, and he introduced the Italian Mannerist landscape into France.
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worldtouradvicetravel · 2 months
 Egypt Christmas Tour Packages
Egypt Christmas Tour Packages
Immerse yourself in the magic of the holiday season with our Egypt Christmas Tour Packages, designed to blend festive cheer with the awe-inspiring splendor of ancient Egypt. Your journey begins in Cairo, where you’ll explore the iconic Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx, as well as the treasures of the Egyptian Museum. During your stay, enjoy a special Christmas Eve dinner at a local restaurant, featuring traditional Egyptian cuisine and festive decorations that set a joyful tone for your holiday experience.
From Cairo, embark on a Nile River cruise that offers a luxurious way to experience Egypt's rich history. Sail between Luxor and Aswan, with stops at some of Egypt’s most renowned archaeological sites, including the Valley of the Kings and Karnak Temple. During the Christmas season, the cruise ship will host festive events and themed activities, allowing you to celebrate the holidays while taking in breathtaking views of the Nile and its ancient wonders.
Complete your Egypt Christmas Tour with a visit to the vibrant city of Luxor, where you can further explore the grandeur of ancient temples and tombs. Enjoy a memorable Christmas Day with unique experiences and festive activities, creating lasting memories in the heart of Egypt’s historical treasures. This tour package combines cultural exploration with holiday spirit, offering a truly exceptional and enchanting way to celebrate the season.
Discover Egypt Christmas tour packages and enjoy our travel packages in Egypt during the Christmas holidays, Our Egypt Christmas Tour Package includes tours to Cairo, Luxor, and Sharm, Egypt Know with Oldest Civilization starting from Giza Pyramids to The Value of The Nile River of Upper Egypt
Day 1: Christmas Tour in Egypt Relax, World Tour Advice responsible tourism will follow your flight status, he will carry a personalized sign with your name, You are VIP tourist for us so, Sit back and relax; personal chauffeur and private coach, All what the discerning tourist would wish, sit back and relax with drink in hand while our tour manager look after your all requirement, Now Enjoy a fabulously Sharm El Sheikh city scenery in comfort from sharm airport to your hotel in Sharm . 
Day 2: Christmas Holidays in Egypt - Cairo tours Relish a tasty Breakfast at your hotel in Cairo followed by meeting your private professional English speaking tour guide to start a tour to visit Giza Pyramids, The Egyptian Museum in Cairo, lunch meal, proceed tour to visit Saladin Citadel, Mohamed Ali mosque,back to hotel
Day 3: Christmas vacation  in Egypt - El Fayoum Tours Relish a tasty Breakfast, meet your tour guide,  drive from Cairo to El Fayoum Oasis, walking tour in Tunis village, visit Evelin pottery school, proceed tour to visit Wadi El Rayan, where you will enjoy sand board, festival color, felluca ride, camp fire, safari tour to visit the wales valley,  Overnight in Cairo. Day 4: Christmas Holiday in Egypt , Luxor Tours Relish a tasty Breakfast at Cairo hotel, Check out,  transfer to Cairo airport , fly to Luxor, meet your tour guide to start a tour to visit Luxor East Bank, the temples of Luxor and Karnak , Lunch meal, at night optional tour to attend Sound and light show at Karnak temple, overnight in Luxor. 
Day 5: Christmas Deals  in Egypt Relish a tasty Breakfast in Luxor hotel, meet your professional private tour guide, start a tour to visit Luxor West Bank, Hatshepsut temple, Valley of kings, Memnon colossi , lunch meal transfer to Luxor airport, Fly to  Sharm El Sheikh, upon arrival to Sharm, meet our representative of New year and Christmas tour packages , transfer to your hotel in Sharm & overnight. Day 6: Christmas Offers  in Egypt Relish a tasty Breakfast,  free time for leisure or for Sharm activities such as snorkeling, scuba diving, swimming, at night optional tours ( Safari or Alf Leila we Leila ) overnight in Sharm.
Day 7: Christmas Tours  in Egypt - Super Safari Enjoy your Breakfast, meet our Christmas and New year tour representative , drive to St. Catherine monastery to visit it, then safari tour to the colored Canyon, lunch meal , back to Sharm, overnight in Sharm.
Day 8: Sharm - Cairo Relish a tasty Breakfast , Free day for leisure,at the time transfer to Sharm Airport fly back to Cairo, arrive Cairo and transfer to your hotel and overnight in Cairo 
Day 9:Christmas  in Egypt Departure Relish a tasty Breakfast, transfer to Sharm airport for final departure final departure.
Meet and assist in Cairo international Airport
Transfers by air conditioned car 
English Tour guide during the tours in Cairo, Luxor, El Fayoum and Sharm 
Entrance fees for mentioned sightseeing in itinerary 
4 nights in Cairo including breakfast 
1 Night in Luxor including breakfast 
3 nights in Sharm El Sheikh including breakfast, lunch and dinner
services and charges 
Anything not mentioned in tour itinerary
International flights
Optional tours
Tipping recommended but not obligatory
 For more info
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·         http://www.worldtouradvice.com
·         Mobile and what’s App:
·         002 01090023837
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areejdf · 4 months
Afrodesia - Meet In Tunis
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revev2 · 4 months
Discover the Tunis Book Club and Silent Book Club Tunis: Join the Literary Community!
Are you passionate about books and looking to connect with fellow book lovers in Tunis? The Tunis Book Club and the Silent Book Club Tunis offer wonderful opportunities to immerse yourself in the world of literature, meet new people, and share your love for reading. The Origins and Evolution of the Tunis Book Club The Tunis Book Club was founded in 2019 as a simple monthly meetup for discussing…
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swldx · 5 months
BBC 0435 23 Apr 2024
12095Khz 0358 23 APR 2024 - BBC (UNITED KINGDOM) in ENGLISH from TALATA VOLONONDRY. SINPO = 55445. English, dead carrier s/on @0358z with ID@0359z pips and Newsday preview. @0401z World News anchored by Fiona Macdonald. Rishi Sunak's flagship Rwanda bill is finally set to become law after months of wrangling ended in a parliamentary showdown shortly before midnight. It designates Rwanda a safe country and is a key part of the government's plans to send some asylum seekers there. The bill has been fiercely criticised by opposition parties but the Lords ended their objections late on Monday. The top UN envoy for Haiti on Monday stressed the need for improved security in the country to allow for further political progress. In her briefing to the Security Council, Maria Isabel Salvador, the UN secretary-general's special representative for Haiti, welcomed the recent political progress in Haiti, especially the establishment of the Transitional Presidential Council (TPC). A hush-money payment was "election fraud, pure and simple", the prosecution alleges in Donald Trump's historic New York trial. But the former president's lawyer says his client did not commit any crimes, adding "he is cloaked in innocence". Trump is accused of trying to cover up a $130,000 (£104,500) payment to porn star Stormy Daniels before he won the 2016 election. A father has started legal action against UK oil giant BP over the death of his 21-year-old son. Hussein Julood alleges the burning off of gas at a BP-run oil field in Iraq, a practise known as flaring, caused his son Ali's leukaemia. A BBC investigation in 2022 found Ali's village, which lies within the field, had high levels of cancer-causing pollutants known to come from flaring. First responders were battling several wildfires in western Canada Monday, in an area facing extreme drought which last year saw its worst-ever fire season. After a long legal battle in Peru for the right of an assisted death, Ana Estrada said she now feels free to avoid suffering from an incurable and debilitating illness that has plagued her for three decades. The Peruvian Supreme Court this week confirmed a prior ruling that allows Estrada, a 44-year-old psychologist, to end her life after a five-year legal battle and years of illness. Federal police in Brazil arrest several 1st Capital Bank executives on money laundering charges. Tunisia held a "first advisory meeting" Monday in its capital Tunis with Algerian and Libyan leaders in the hope of establishing a new Maghreb regional coalition. No leaders from Morocco or Mauritania were present at the meeting, set to take place every three months. The coalition is aimed at furthering "security, stability and development throughout the region", Tunisian foreign minister Nabil Ammar read from a statement. @0406z "Newsday" begins. 250ft unterminated BoG antenna pointed E/W w/MFJ-1020C active antenna (used as a preamplifier/preselector), Etón e1XM. 250kW, beamAz 315°, bearing 63° . Received at Plymouth, MN, United States, 15359KM from transmitter at Talata Volonondry. Local time: 2258.
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