#medical stuff ment
nevarroes · 6 months
What if Gortash got gout? (Goutash?) I mean, it has been known as the "disease of kings" due to over consumption. Would Cas feel more power over him, now that it manifested in such a form, tease him how well he's doing as the archduke to "afford such a luxurious sign of wealth"? Or would he be concerned it's not "haha you can't put your socks on yourself" anymore but a painful disease? To see him immobilized? I just wonder how would he react to less than pleasant effects of him stuffing Gortash. Would he care about the pain?
Also do you think Gortash would run over people's feet on his scooter on purpose bc he knows they can't do anything about it and laugh?
goutash… okay. whatever. yes sure why not atp😭😭😭
Cas to me he… well it‘s obviously not deniable that he enjoys inflicting pain even onto Gortash to some extent (stuffing him to the brim yeag but he‘s also often still pretty rough when being on top and stuff like that) however I don‘t think he‘d even see this type of disease/pain as a direct result of his actions to get much out of it tbh. Saying he‘d be concerned or worried also is a bit… too generous for Cas but he‘s accommodating if nothing else🙏 I think they‘d both treat it too lightly tbh, Gortash wouldn‘t take it that seriously either considering how much physical pain he already endured in his life and make no actual attempt to change anything. But also yeah Cas would run his mouth and tease him like that about it for sure🤒
anywqys the thing with Cas is that he clearly lacks empathy but also kinda just erm. takes his own physical state as the default until he‘s reminded that that‘s not the case so it‘d definitely lead to some moments where Gortash just needs to be like “Cas. I’m in pain” for him to snap back to it. aside from that though again I don't see Cas reveling in his pain or anything in general, i mean he already eases his discomfort as best as possible when it comes to stomach pain nd stuff so.... yeag Gortash asking him 4 a massage or to take over business during a flare up, Cas would complain and tease him a bit for fun but he'd do it any day and do a decent job, just saying💜
a bit further off topic but I don't see Gortash as someone that likes to have other people touch him or get close to him even nurses/doctors/servants whatever so it makes sense that he'd only ask Cas for things like that and just pretend it's fine otherwise
the second question. sigh.... I told my friend once that I can see Gortash letting himself be carried around by Steel Watchers that'd just step on everyone in the way so on that same note . yeah I suppose he would .
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i-eat-worlds · 5 months
🔪👨‍⚕️🧽🪣🔫🧤 for the ask game
thanks for the ask, nonny!
set during Alex’s time undercover with Zorland
cw: medical whump, pain, gun shot injuries, medical abuse/neglect, nausea, needles, narcotic mention, graphic depiction of surgery w/o anesthesia, probable medical inaccuracies
Alex watched the lights of Zorland’s back room as she was unceremoniously dumped onto the cold metal exam table. Her leg was throbbing, icy-hot pain emanating from the bullet burrowed in her thigh. It must’ve been bad, since they’d taken her straight to medical instead of Zorland. The room cleared out, and she waited for the unforgiving touch of the healer’s hands as he strapped her down to the table.
It didn’t come. Instead, someone else she didn’t recognize stepped into the room.
Was this some new test? Zorland poking and prodding further to see if she would break? Only time would tell.
“Did they just fucking leave you here?” They asked incredulously, eyebrows furrowing. There was a tired sigh, and then the sound of a stretching latex.
A face appeared in her vision. “Can you tell me what happened, sweetheart?”
She laid there in silence for a moment, words caught in her throat. Normally, the healer didn’t ask questions.
“Shot. Left thigh,” she said, trying to keep the emotion out of her voice.
“Anywhere else hurt?” They patted their hands down her body, feeling around for other injuries.
She shook her head, resisting the urge to flinch at all the little touches. It would be over soon.
“Great. I’m going to take a look at your leg now, hun.” There was a firm hand on her ankle, and then her pants started to be cut away.
It took everything she had in her to not rip her leg away from the healer’s hands. Just because they weren’t the usual guy didn’t mean they wouldn’t report every whimper and wail back to Zorland.
“Bleeding’s stopped,” they noted in a tone that was almost upbeat. “I’m going to look for an exit wound now.”
Alex grit her teeth as the healer’s hands slid closer to her inner thigh, trying to ignore the deep feeling of wrong that rolled through her gut. They quickly inspected her leg, and she did her best to not inch away.
“I’m gonna start an IV, and then I’ll sort your leg.” The smell of alcohol wipes burned the air. “Any allergies, sweetheart?”
“No.” Not that she knew off, anyway. Still, it was odd that she was even asking. The normal guy rarely gave her anything, with the occasional exception of saline.
“I’ve no controlled, but I’ll do what I can for the pain.” They sunk the needle into the top of her hand.
Pain medication. What a fantasy that was. Zorland, apparently, drew the line at illegally acquiring narcotics.
“I’m also going to give you an antiemetic. My powers tend to make people feel nauseated, so it’ll help.” After the explanation, the healer quickly pushed the meds and moved on.
A blanket was spread across the upper half of Alex’s body. It wasn’t thick, nor was it very soft, but it was something. The back room was always freezing, so it was still appreciated. They let Alex down four ibuprofen, and they also set a bucket by her head, “just in case.”
How nauseous did her powers make people?
There was an awkward lull of activity while the healer prepared for the procedure ahead, setting out their tools, scrubbing their hands, and sliding on a new pair of sterile gloves.
Alex did her best to keep still while the healer worked. For some reason, the lack of restraints was jarring. It wasn’t that she liked them, it just felt wrong for them to not be there. Her wrists felt too light, and the lack of pressure across her hips made it feel like she was going to float away.
The ibuprofen started to kick in, though it barely made a dent. “This is going to hurt, there’s no way around it,” the healer said, almost apologetically. “It’s alright if you scream. If you need a break, just let me know, yeah?” As they spoke, they gently used a sponge to wash the dried blood away, then swiped betadine around the wound.
Alex wasn’t stupid enough to fall for that particular trick. At least the guy was nice enough to give her the rod, but she’d probably be able to pull through without biting her tongue off. Probably.
“I’m going to have to remove the bullet before I can heal you.” They spread a drape over her leg. “It’s going to suck but you’re going to be okay.”
In preparation, she wrapped her hands around the sides of the table, trying to steady her breathing. She’d had worse. She’d had so much worse.
The healer made the first incision, dragging the scalpel along the edges of the wound to widen it. Alex grunted, face twisting in pain as she dug her fingernails into the metal. Two fingers plunged into the wound, scissoring it open.
She just wanted it to stop.
Cold metal forceps dug into the wound, searching for the bullet. Her leg twitched on the table, a useless attempt to throw the healer’s hands o of her. “We’re nearly done,” they said, but Alex couldn’t really hear them.
They pushed further, until they finally stopped. “Got it.” They said, yanking the bullet out of the wound and dropping it on the floor. “All that’s left is to heal it.”
Darkness glimmered in the corners of her vision. It would be all too easy to just let go.
Fire ared in her leg as the healer started to work. “You’re doing great, sweetheart,” they said as Alex’s flesh slowly started to knit itself back together. Bile burned the back of her throat, and she reached for the bucket.
“I gotcha, just a little bit longer,” they said, voice soft. The sentiment was nice, but it was overshadowed by the absolute agony that was tearing through her. Her vision was lled with stars and spots, and she didn’t ght them as they clouded over and pulled her under.
The emptiness was home.
Taglist: @pigeonwhumps @rainydaywhump @painful-pooch @rainbowsandwhumperflies
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going to urgent care so might work on the song analyses there :3
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binary5tar · 2 years
uuuggghhh I think I need to get off twitter. I always do honestly. But it's making me question and stress over my selfies with ox. I don't want them to hate me or group me with problematic fans :/
#First I'm stressing over not wearing a mask both for the concert itself but mostly the selfies#Covid where I am is kinda a non thing... like even my kids super liberal school isn't requiring masks inside#the only place they are expected around here is in a medical setting#so for the concert its self I didn't want to wear it because I was already suffocating of heat#and I wasn't barricade so I wasn't near the members#But I kinda forgot it was Orlando? which isn't middle of no where maine#I don't know what the stats are like there but the venue should probably have been requiring masks#especially because I have since seen stuff of the members themselves saying they wanted people to wear masks#but the venue staff wasn't even and the people around me were kind meh about it#but again it's nasty Florida! I should have known better#I did somewhat which is why I made sure to for the fansign and group photo and I really meant to for the selfies!#but I was so excited and tired and hyped and exhausted... I forgot#so now if the members remember me which unfortunately other people have said they have really good memory#it'll be as an antimasker from a really obnoxious crowd#because reading about other audiences I think Orlando was rude and obnoxious#people were yelling other members names during ments and they kept doing with weird barking thing and a yipping thing#I think it's from txt at least that's what I was told? but......... this is an ox concert.....??#I also am stressing remembering how hyuk had no one taking photos with him#and externally because again I was nervous and tired... I feel like it probably looked like I just took my selfie with yechan and moved on#where as inside I was like.... should I go steal one? I wanna tell him how great he was in bad girlfriend#I was half watching him and considering it the entire time I was in the room with them when I wasn't with another member....#I hate fan favoritism like that so much.... like so so so so soooooo much and I'm so mad at myself for not doing something about it#I could have at least talked to him#but then I remember I wasn't wearing a mask and think how it was probably for the better.........#uuuuggghhh I just can't help but feel like if I'd been able to go to boston it all would have been better.....
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luveline · 1 year
Hi I am obsessed with your writing! I was wondering, could I request Steve taking care of fem!reader after getting her wisdom teeth out? I recently got mine out and am absolutely miserable but I feel like he would be so kind and gentle (even if he’s trying not to laugh at you). You are the best! <3
Hi! Thank you, and thank you so much for requesting angel, I hope this is okay! fem!reader tw anasthesia after effects, wisdom teeth surgery ment, medical ment
Getting you into the car is easier than he thinks. You've been a hundred times less chatty than he'd assumed considering you're hopped up on drugs, but he assumes it to be pain, and so he's extra sweet. 
He doesn't laugh at the drool collected in the corner of your mouth, for one. For two, he has a hand warming your knee cap. 
You'd dressed comfortably in preparation for your surgery, and you say, "Steve, do I look okay?" 
You look funny with bandages wrapped around your head and gaze sticking out of your mouth. You sound funnier. 
"You look great, babe," he says, giving your leg a pat. 
"Are you sure?"
He aims a smile at you. "'Course I am. Do I lie to you?" 
"You told me you liked cats when we first met." 
"You had a cat. And I don't not like cats," — you start laughing— "it's that cats don't like me. Laugh it up! They really don't." 
"They really don't," you say, giggling, hands sliding down your front to hang onto his fingers. 
"How's your gums? Are they hurting yet? They gave you the strong stuff." He pulls around the bend that leads into his road, to his house, where you've decided to stay so he can take care of you. "Baby?" 
"Nothing hurts. What's s'posed to hurt?" 
"You had mouth surgery. They pulled three teeth," he informs carefully. 
"I did?" 
Your genuine shock is hilarious. Steve laughs like a fool and steals his hand back to put the car in park, but then quickly thrusts it back at you when you try poking around in your mouth. 
"Don't!" he yelps, panicked. "You'll get an infection. We have to keep your mouth clean." 
You drop your hands and stare at him. Slowly, so slowly, your eyes shimmer. He stammers to save you, and he's much too late. "Oh- Oh, sweetheart, don't, don't cry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for yelling." 
"You're mad at me?" you ask, face crumpling. 
"No! I'm not mad at all," he says, words all hitting together in his rush, "not mad, just worried about you! I really want you to get better, and crying is gonna make you hurt worse." He squeezes your limp hand. "Okay? I'm sorry. Not mad." 
You sniffle. "Okay… You're sure?"
He laughs in relief. "I'm sure! When do I ever get mad at you?" 
"Well, when we went to the hockey game and I cheered for the wrong team?" 
"That wasn't yelling, that was encouragement–"
"And when we went to the lake and Eddie let me ride his shoulders for chicken–" 
"That was at Eddie, and being the one underneath you in chicken is literally my duty as a boyfriend." 
"As my boyfriend," you say, and all traces of upset are gone, you're giving him the squishy eyes, cheeks appled up. 
He gets out of the car, skirts to your side, and begins helping you out of your seat. You get the wrong idea and seem to think he's leaning down for a hug, so you wrap your arms around his neck and shoulders and sigh. "This is nice," you mumble. 
"This is really nice." He can feel your drool on his cheek.
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transingthoseformers · 6 months
Poor Deadlock with the Ambulance Sparkling looking at Fusion Cannon Wedding!Megatron expecting something horrible. Instead he's confined to quarters on maternity leave and Ratchet's being aquired for the wedding. Pharma bursts in at speak now or forever hold your peace and nearly dies. He was trying to rescue his beloved and win him back. Instead he got shot, let down bluntly because "gently didn't work," discovered as much as he might have wished to he cannot of embarrassment, and ended up in the brig with seekers droping by to hit on him via consolation that grounders dont know how to treat a jet right. The air force went seduce the mean pretty medical jet to the cause. Pharma wishes neither to be seduced or consoled. His bitcheyness is not driving away mechs that deal with Starscream on a daily basis. Pharma, instead of the Delphi mess, has to deal with the fact most of the 'Con Air Force are into him for the whole war. They will get injured and captured to just hit on him. It is infuriating and charming.
Tarn knows what's expected of him. It's only right and proper. He won't fail. His team wont let him worm out of it. Even if it's Starscream. And the twins, his little stealth bombers? He's terribly afraid he will fail them. When they started Wailing and only calmed down pressed to his spark? They have their little chubby servos wrapped around his spark. Also the fact the Twins have the same Outlier suprised Tarn. Untill he discovered Starscream's outlier is spark immortality because he overheard Skywarp kvetching to Thundercracker about how Starscream's sigma allergy to death ment even his frame was destroyed he'd be haunting shit and making chaos.
And KOBD definitely "accidentally" had both of their baffels fail. Breakdown was the one to get sparked up though. Definitely tried to mutually baby trap each other. Each trying to smuggle fertility stuff in. They both find it hilarious with the braincell sharing going on when they catch each other pouring fertility boosters into each others energon.
Megatron's backing him up on it this time
... in his own Megatron-ey way
Vhsdhk oh pharma my poor little meow meow, your crush does not want you even though all the hot Decepticons in the air force do
No one makes decisions quite like decepticons do don't they
Sdf Tarn's doing it for the Cause and for his Children and all that is Right in his opinion, and he's making such a fuss of it too.
my god that's so sweet yes
MMN YES, ACCIDENTALLY. Kobd our beloved, they're trying their best to invoke the wedding-maker, and they've always wanted sparklings but war was threatening to get in the way of that. "Mutually baby trap" yes. They had the same goddamn idea.
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leorawright · 1 year
Hello! Huge fan here. This would be for TF2 -How about the reader drunkenly confessing their feelings to their crush. And then the next day the merc confronts the reader to discreetly, find out if it’s true, or if the reader even remembers it.
Thanks for constantly bringing it each week!!
Oooooo yay! Only doing a couple mercs I've had a lot of stuff going on today
Mercs with s/o who confesses while drunk
He was most likely a little drunk as well so his already light blush got a lot darker
He was so wasted he didn't remember anything and he's glad because he's dying to know if you ment it or not
He can't seem to ask you discreetly though so he just comes out and asks you directly if you meant it
When you confirm that you did like him, his blush returned and a big smile spread his face
They came to check on you when you were drunk and that's when you confessed
They were shocked by the suddenness of it but were obviously super happy
The next day they sit next to you and ask if you remember what you said
After they tell you what you said they ask if you meant it
When you confirm you do mean it they get super happy and wrap you in a hug
Does not know how to handle this
Right after you told him you passed out and Medic is panicking
The next day it's obvious you don't remember anything but Medic doesn't know how to bring it up
So Heavy brings it up for him before leaving you two alone in the room
Once you two both confirm that you have feelings for each other Medic can't help the smile on his face
Right after you confess, predictably, Sniper's face blooms into a blush
The next day he keeps trying to bring it up but keeps chickening out at the last second
Eventually he gets the words out and waits nervously for your answer
When you confirm that you do like him he quietly express his own feelings with a smile spwly growing on his face
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insomniaticvoids · 2 months
Sighs okay so bloodborne. Yes.
The joyous comfort game of mine. So. The whole thing around blood always makes me pause and think. Think what? Well simple medical treatment cures and the sort. I'll elaborate but it will be long soooo under cut
In a way bloodborne has many aspects and thematics but my brain is thinking time Era and medicine particularly miracle cures.
I as a result of this thought will most probably be making some gags later about 1920s Era snake oil ads and bloodborne jokes later.
But besides my point. As a fan of Victorian history toxins and well all the jazz of life in the regards of that nonsense I think about the medicinal aspects and cure of the old blood at a price.
Reminds me of old fashioned cough syrup (cociane) it may seem to fix it but not really sort of matter. The blood itself isn't a miracle we the player only observe the nightmare itself not the actual effects of treatment and the sort just the beginning and end stages. The blood helps but at a cost. It never fixes only delays the inevitable at a arguably worst cost.
Sounds a lot like a miracle cure.
Or well certain forms of "medicines" (posions) i think of the handling of mercury or leeches in medicine. The nightmare frontier really makes me think of those two. The pools of poison remind me of such and the literal leeches. Eerie and Graves makes one think of poisoning from medicine in a loose way if thinking on this train.
I think about when idly in thought often oh this I'd around this Era of time meaning they definitely took awareness of the issue with certain medical practices. The weapons reflect the sort but I do think many locations and enemies remind me a lot of poisoning and the way it effects the human body in its stages before death.
Well in particular the way it makes a person act and well the pale ment and way the bones move and warp. Many things are lanky and stuff lungey and gangerous. Sunken and delirious reminds me of the way people act while slowly being poisoned. There's a major repetition of poisoning in this game to which makes me think.
Is there an inspiration around medical practices often being posioness in this Era?
Most things were posioness in a way.
Formula. Water. Makeup. Wallpaper. Bread. Milk. Clothing. Medicine. Etc
So many common things were laced with toxic chemicals. And well if you make a game around the Victorian Era in particular around medicine gone wrong a cure gone wrong it would make sense to drag in a aspect of poisoning issues of that Era.
Makes a lot of sense then that it would distort the bodies of those you fight after all the blood is still toxic even if it may quell some matters it is not fit to fix all yet alone with the issue of the fact it sends one into the madness of a beast.
Certain forms of poisoning does send one into insanity. And what would be the "gift" of the old ones if not insanity through slow poisoning of their blood. The closer to death the more beastly some people often get.
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your-local-pybro · 2 months
How do you use this thing?
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Hello folks! I'm Jett!
Im the R.E.D's Pyro. Im from good old Boston and the middle child of 8
im sadly related to our Scout...yes im sadly related to our spy too. No Scout still don't know he's our dad still.
Uhh..I don't really have a gender. It's weird I know but it/it's and he are those pronoun things I'm confrible with
What elce?...oh I love sharks! Other than fire, sharks are one of my three favorite things in this world! I could talk about them all day!
Freinds would be nice. It would be cool meeting other people outside my team. As long as your not from Blu or that fuckin Wizard
So send me some mail. I have a mail box that totally is mine and I didn't steal off someone's front yard.
(Important OOC Notes below the cut!)
Hello folks! I'm the owner of this account! Idk how active il be on this(il try to be active as I can) but My main is @dani-fox (i use He/It) if anyone is wondering and if anyone wants to see my semi-non tf2 account/artwork.
Any artwork posted on this blog is mine unless stated otherwise. Might try and draw some for some asks/Rps
any OOC or Out of character things will be in Red to make things easy but il still use /OOC. I just want to make ooc stuff red to different from things Jett is saying from what im saying.
Here's some basic information about Jett
-Jett is in his mid 30s
-It is intersex, Agender, and Gay
-Jett is 10 years older than Scout (Scout in this world is currently in his early to mid 20s)
-Jett's main pick of wepons are the: Degreaser, Panic Attack, and Powerjack/Neon Annihilator
-Jett's Voice Cannon is Jschlatt(but raspy)
-it has undiagnosed Autism, PTSD, and Psychopathy but has diagnosed Pyromania
-It's vision Isint the worst but it has a hard time reading tiny print. It refuses to wear or get glasses.
-Jett has romantical feelings twords Red Engi (I like ocxcannon and TexanToast so why not make a oc into both those things)
-Jett makes his own wepons and uses whatever it can find as a wepon.
-Jett owns a pocket partner but is suspicious about if it's haunted. (PocketPartner is haunted)
-Jett is terrified of Blu Medic and Blu Soldier (I have headcannon/Oc version of them that I may use on this blog. Also other tf2 ocs may make an appearance)
Here's Jett's ref for a idea on what It looks like
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Now for boundaries
-like the first one questions being asked are also encourage. This is ment to be a ask blog after all.
-Rps from Anons, Tf2 CC blogs and other Tf2 ocs are allowed and encouraged
-magic Anons are welcome as well! Just don't let the magic last for to many posts
-please no NSFW asks or stuff you wouldn't say to your parents. The owner is a adult but isn't okay with weird asks being sent by random ppl I don't know.
-this isn't 100% cannon. It's slightly based on my headcannons/interpretations on some things like personal interpretations of Blu team and Spy having more than one kid with Ma, but I will try to stay cannon as I humanly can so please don't get mad if I say something that isn't 100 cannon
-Don't be a power player,write for Jett,or change its story in rps or asks. That's just mean.
That's really it. Hope.you guys enjoy this silly random RP blog!
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systemquirks · 1 month
Traumagenic quirk - We have alters who are permanently high. Most are high on weed, but we have one alter who's always high on coke and one alter who... Idk, flip a coin and he's high on lean. And then there's the alter on a fictional hallucinogenic substance.
More of what's funky here:
-Our first weed alter can only front when we're stoned. The other weed alters are copies of this alter, but can front when we're sober. This alter is an honorary host because we medicate using THC and CBD for most of our issues (disclaimer: doesn't work for everybody, but it works for us). In-system, he actually has this whole calming aura that immediately defuses anxiety, panic and even some symptoms of depression! We don't know if this is one of the Big Official Alter Roles, but we call him an Emotional Regulator!
-Our coke alter is on coke because of Source Reasons. That's all I'll say. As far as we know, the body's never done coke though, so don't worry about that. (/gen)
-Our lean alter is just an exhausted fast food worker who does a lot of our menial stuff like chores and errand-running, especially when our chronic condition flareups are bad. Our best guess is that his weird concoction of Monster Energy and cough syrup just keeps him going, especially since he tends to call it 25 Hour Energy.
-Our fictional hallucinogenic substance alter deals a lot with our hallucinations, so I guess headspace parsed it as this poor guy constantly trippin. He's also the in-sys BFF of our emotional regulator.
-Sega Genesys
Hey there Genesys! I can’t say I personally relate to this one… but is it bad to say it made me giggle when I first saw it? But the calming aura I can definitely relate to!! That’s something I can do as well, as an emotional regulator myself (I just do it through magic rather than weed). I’m so glad that your system has worked out coping methods for your situations -- even if they’re a bit quirky!! I hope things are still going well for you out there.
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i-eat-worlds · 3 months
Wow Birthday Whump Day 11: Alt. Forced to Hurt a Loved One
this one is kind of a stretch but I couldn’t get my brain to work for the most of the alts or the originals so I hope you enjoy more medwhump.
Content: temporary character death, resuscitation, angst, medical whump, caffeine od ment.
Sil paused on stairs, taking a moment to catch his breath. His head was still throbbing from where he’d hit the ground after Electraz had hit him with an electrical blast.
It’d been stupid, really, leaving cover like he had to get to the car a couple seconds sooner. It was an unnecessary risk, and he’d paid for it.
At least the drive back had been short, just a couple miles to the hotel. Of course, when they’d arrived, the elevator had been out of service, and so he’d had to take the stairs. Not that he minded the stairs, but the blast must’ve taken a lot out of him. It was only another flight. He could make it.
Pressing a hand against his chest, he continued up the stairs. It felt like that one time he’d downed twelve espressos consecutively on a dare, all weird and fluttery. Afterwards, his hands had been shaking so much that he hadn’t been able to hold a pencil still. Between the dressing down he’d gotten from the medical officer and the time he’d spent camped out on the toilet, he’d learned his lesson.
Below him, he heard the sound of the door closing as Joseph entered the stairwell. He groaned internally at that, trying to pick up the pace. The lecture was coming, he was well aware of that, but it’d be great if he’d gotten to lay down first and rest a little bit before then.
He fumbled with the door key, clumsily sliding the card into the door several times until it finally beeped. His room was pretty cramped, but he found himself not minding, since it made the bed that much closer. The pain in his chest was building, and Sil found himself easily falling into the mattress.
His clothes were definitely still dirty, and between the mission and the walk of stairs, he was soaked in sweat, but it didn't matter. There was a feeling of doom building his chest, disturbing enough that he considered yelling out for Joseph. As much as he hated his protective, mother bear attitude and cross looks, he would come, and he would help. He needed help, he should…
Darkness came before he could get any further than that.
Joseph huffed as he entered the stairwell, letting the door slam shut behind him. The mission had gone on far longer than it should’ve, and now he had to drag his tired ass up the stairs because the elevator was down. To make things worse, the newbie had left his gear in a disgusting pile, meaning Joseph had to go up to his room and tell him to tidy his shit up. It was as if the universe was playing some cruel joke to delay his return to bed for as long as possible.
He was halfway up the stairs when he realized that the odd weight on his left thigh were his shears. For a brief second, he contemplated just keeping them on him, but he wasn’t that stupid. If he didn’t put them away, he’d never see them again. Grumbling, he continued up the stairs, electing to go get Sil and then go back down to the garage. That way, he’d be able to make sure that Sil put his stuff away properly.
Quietly, he padded down the hall, careful not to wake any of the other guests. The carpet was a bland, vaguely green beige color that Joseph thought looked like vomit. Excellent design choice. He knocked on the door, waited a second to let Sil scramble around and get decent, and then entered.
The first thing that he noticed was that the lights were off. Had Sil already gone to bed?
“Wakey, wakey,” he called, flipping the lights on as he walked towards the bed.
Sil was splayed out on the covers, head tilted to the side, feet hanging off the bed. “Sil?” He tried again, tone more urgent. There was no response.
“Sil, you with me?” He said again, one hand digging for his phone while the other squeezed his shoulder tightly. “Sil!”
Automatically, his thumb tapped out INSUPA’s emergency number. His eyes flickered to Sil’s chest while he slid two fingers under his jaw.
No pulse. Not breathing.
The phone rang on speaker while he scooped Sil up and laid him down on the oor. At least Sil had the decency to be small.
“INSUPA Emergency Line. Please state your identication code,” a robotic voice chirped.
“One-four-eight. Bravo-Zulu. Codename: Exhale,” he yelled at the phone while he cut off Sil’s shirt, shears quickly tearing through the fabric. There was a thin, red, angry mark across his upper chest, a telltale power entry burn. Great.
Not wasting any more time, he interlocked his fingers and started pressing hard and fast in the center of his chest, counting to thirty. “Record your message after the beep,” the voice prompted.
“Exhale speaking, room 318, Holiday Inn. Racer is down, suspected powered impact,” he rattled off, doing his best to keep count. The moment he was done speaking, he moved up to Sil’s head.
“Message sent,” the voice said while Joseph pinched Sil’s nose shut, tilted his head back and forced air into his lungs. Two breaths later, he switched back to compressions, willing a teammate to walk through the door already. “State additional queries.”
“EMS to current location,” he said, trying to keep his voice at a semi-reasonable volume.
“Request sent: EMS to 247 Merchant’s Lane, room 318,” the voice echoed. He switched back to breaths, ignoring the dread that flared in his chest at the blue tinge of Sil’s lips and the far-gone look in his eyes.
Like before, he went back over to compressions. He could feel Sil’s ribs breaking under the pressure, but he kept going. Two more cycles passed before, finally, the sound of the door flew open, footsteps storming into the room. It was Eric, followed by Avia. He stopped dead in his tracks, taking in the scene for a moment before jumping into action.
“Help’s on the way?” Eric asked, and Josephed nodded. “Avia, AED.”
Joseph cut her off mid sentence. “Elevator lobby, by the ice machine.” “On it!” They bolted out the door.
Eric dropped to his knees across from Joseph, Sil’s lifeless body between them.
“Switch.” Joseph called, queuing Eric. There were several seconds of quiet while he leaned over and exhaled into Sil’s mouth, watching his chest rise. Eric took over, leaning over his chest and taking over from Joseph. “I was four cycles in. Been about two minutes. Didn’t see him go down. EMS is en route.”
Eric’s brow creased, but before he could respond, Avia returned, Teri and Aarav hot on her heels. They both stepped to the side to let her through, Aarav’s jaw dropping open in shock.
She quickly powered it on, handed the included mask to Joseph, and started sticking the pads to Sil’s chest. Eric kept working compressing while they nimbly worked around to get the pads on, then connected them to the machine.
“Analyzing rhythm, do not touch the victim,” it said, in a voice that somehow sounded far kinder than INSUPA’s answering machine. The word “clear” echoed around the room as the three of them lifted their hands up. A beat passed while the machine worked. “Shock advised. Charging.”
Eric fit several more compressions in while it charged. “Press flashing button to deliver shock. Do not touch the victim.”
“Clear,” everyone said again, pulling their hands back and away. As soon as Avia was sure everyone was out of the way, they pushed the button. Sil’s body jerked as the current passed through him.
“Resume compressions,” it instructed.
Joseph watched Eric’s hands carefully, making sure they were deep enough, ignoring the sinking feeling in his gut. He should’ve caught this. He should’ve noticed that Sil had been hit, noticed that he wasn’t feeling well, and asked him about it. It was inexcusable.
They switched out again, Eric scooting down by Sil’s head after Joseph had taken over. He could feel Sil’s ribs under his hands, broken from his actions. Even though he knew it was necessary, it didn’t feel good. Five more sets, another shock, and another switch later, a knock came at the door. “EMS! Did somebody call for a person who collapsed?”
Teri opened it as fast as she could, letting the medics inside. There was a fourry of motion, Joseph explaining what had happened and what he’d done in response while they attached him to their debrillator and took over compressions. The energy in the room was tense, Eric and Avia backing away to give them room to work.
Joseph’s brow furrowed, unhappy with the sudden resistance he felt while bagging Sil. He tugged on his jaw, trying to position it better, when he saw Sil’s eyelids briey open and then fall closed. “I saw an eye utter, rhythm check.”
The medic paused compressions, and they all looked towards the monitor. His Ps, Qs, Rs, Ss, and Ts were all in order, a beautiful sinus rhythm. The other medic reached for his neck. “I’ve got a pulse,” they announced. That made Joseph briefly hopeful, and he quickly beat it away with a stick. He was too well acquainted with Murphy’s Law for that. His eyes flicked to Sil’s chest to check.
Please be breathing. Please be breathing.
It rose and fell under its power. Far too slowly, but it moved. Sil was alive.
But Sil was alive.
Taglist: @pigeonwhumps@rainydaywhump@painful-pooch@rainbowsandwhumperflies@snaillamp @whumperofworlds
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medicaltechnician · 6 months
planning >:3c
Okay I've come up with basic outlines for my sf's, I don't even know if I can call them short films lmao. I always like to come up with what it's ment to explore as well: Freemind one will be a sequal to my memories vid. It explores how trauma can affect an individual, as well as substance abuse and having no outside support (whether imagined or true. <Too stubborn or in too deep to realize you have supports, or straight up don't have any which can be a reality for people and is.>) HLVRAI one would be exploring the idea of the dissonance between ones reality to others. As well as exploring missing memories that still affect and seep into your every day life. My only worry with exploring this one is that I don't want it to come off as I'm cosplaying Wayne. I want to play with the idea that yes HLVRAI was just a video game, that Gorodn doesn't remember playing (Supernatural stuff, he was sucked into the game, it's cliche idc) But I also don't want to cross that line from Gordon as an everyday streamer and Wayne who brought this story to us. I think I can get it to work by keeping Gordon's characteristics the same <From the cut and edited version>. But then you can get itno the arguement that there's no difference even though imo there is. For the cut version at least. LOOK! It's complicated and stresses me out cause I over think. Once I have the outline written out, I'll probably post it here or on main for feedback to make sure I'm not doing that.
Medic one would be exploring my feelings on romance and possible sex if I can add it in tastefully and at a 13+ rating. Or I just put a mature id on it. Or have two episodes of it, one to deal with the mature side of it. And just to explore my feelings on both my and others emotions in general. (And to explore my romantic feelings towards Heavy.)
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cupidsdescendant · 1 year
。 ⋆˚⋆୨♡୧⋆。Welcome to my blog!⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆
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Hi loves! I'd like to quickly link all of my official accounts if you'd like to see my other works/know it's me VVV (Rules about submissions at the bottom of the post) ***MATERLIST IN PROGRESS***
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Art Account: @aphroditecouture💋🍓
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Okay, back to my about me! Hiya! Like I said my is Maraschino but I also go by Nic (or Nicki). I am a pansexual demigirl ⋅₊˚. ଓ(she/it) I enjoy writing oneshots or chaptered stories about fandoms I enjoy!
I am biracial (wasian) and I'm obsessed with Pink, sanrio, RE-MENTS, Bratz, Monster High, Bimbos, Gyarus, Dirty Y2k, Playboy, fashion dolls, nu metal, goth, punk, emo, and scene culture!! ૮₍ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ₎ა
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Team Fortress 2:
currently my biggest most down bad fixation, I love, love, L💗VE tf2. My favorite characters are..well..all of them! But I count Scout, Medic, Heavy, and Sniper as my Husband's <33 I write mostly TF2 fanfiction and that is my general audience.
Bioshock (1, 2, and Infinite):
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One of my favorite games of all time,,, I have an intense love for Bioshock <3 My favorite characters are Sander Cohen and the Lutece Twins! Favorite game has to be Bioshock 1 but Infinite most nostalgic.
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Things I WILL write:
Things I WILL NOT write:
please be patient, as I'm battling some mental stuff and things get very draining. I appreciate all of the submissions I get, I'll be making a master list soon ^____^ Thank you for the patients my little cupids! Mwah!
-Love, Maraschino XOXO
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atypi-cals · 2 years
Pinned Post Time
Click here for commission info
Formerly the Calendar Collective, now the Atypical Collective. We like the nickname Cal.
Polyfragmented DID System. 23 body age. Unknown alter count in the 200 range and many subsystems. White, trans, queer. It/Its pronouns are always OK to use for us, He/Him pronouns are OK to use unless otherwise indicated. We use both we/us and I/me personal pronouns. Sometimes we forego personal pronouns altogether.
Tonetags: In general we don't usually mind using them in message we send, but sometimes will ask them not to be used in messages to us, as they can cause us confusion and distress. We are also able to use the full word forms of tonetags as a compromise sometimes when otherwise incapable of using them.
We tag our posts with some sort of identifier like (Name).exe. This is mostly for personal/archival purposes.
Everything that you physically can reblog is OK to reblog.
We're also autistic, have ADHD, OCD, schizoaffective, and several PDs (Prism has a blog for PD stuff @prismposting )
We are physically disabled from multiple conditions and use forearm crutches.
I'm not bothered to make a DNI list and no one will probably care to DNI if they're on it so instead, know this: I curate my online experience to my personal enjoyment and safety. This means any blogs that threaten our safety or the safety of marginalized others, spread misinformation, or make us feel uncomfortable will be either removed as a follower or blocked, as we see fit.
This will always include bigotry, such as racism, homophobia & transphobia, and ableism.
I prefer not to participate in syscourse, for my mental health. My disorder doesn't need to be a debate. I'm just living here. I'm a guy talking about my experience with DID, doesn't mean I'm here to police peoples identities or exclude systems from my page.
Please keep in mind that our posts are not necessarily meant to be broadly relatable and may be specific to our own experience with C-DID. I tend to view my system through a very medical lense as it has helped me with recovery from my trauma. Do not assume I am forcing this choice on you or come at me with ill intent for voicing my own experience.
Do not feel entitled for more information than I have given. This post is so long because I, lightheartedly, like to overshare on the internet, on my own terms. Really want to find out more and you have to sift through the endless sea of meme reblogs to find my untagged 3 am ramblings.
Anyone using the term "narc/narcisstic abuse" will be blocked on sight.
Tags we use if you need to block something (with the exception of flashing gifs or explicit talk about these subjects we only tag original posts): #alcohol ment, #weed cw, #drugs cw, #flashing gifs
OC tags: #oc.exe (catchall), #cal.oc, #poison.oc, #city.oc, #sol.oc, #von.oc, #oriel.oc, #os.oc, #chase.oc, #cora.oc, #aura.oc, #sonia.oc, #johann marie.oc, #cal.ico
Art blog @art-ofatypical
You can find our ClanGen Warrior Cats OC Webcomic at @frogclangen
The tag for our actual cat is #naomi
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lupine-d-joestar · 1 year
Prologue / Next Chapter
Welcome Home Kids!
Y/n had found out what the kids had liked and disliked so she prepared for it. For example, she put a giant bookshelf of history books in robins room and a giant bookshelf of medical books in laws room.
Her house was huge and when I say huge I mean gigantic. And at about 7 am all of her children arrived.
(Luffy POV)
I woke up in a car with ace and sabo next to me. I said “oi ace, sabo why are we in a car and where are we going?” Ace didn’t answer but sabo did and he said “so the orphanage was closing down and we were going to be thrown on the streets. But some lady found out and adopted us, and now she is are new Mom and we’re going to live with her now.” WE WERE GETTING ADOPTED!!?! This shocked me at first but then I was happy. “Yay!” I thought “finally we get to have a Mom!” “Oh and Luffy” sabo said to get my attention “yea sabo?” I said back “we’re not the only ones she adopted. There are going to be more kids from different orphanages from the one we’re from.” WHAT!?! Ok now that shocked me but then I was happy again cus that meant new siblings! Yay!
Then the car stopped. And we got out and we’re met with a lot of other kids coming out of cars and a gigantic house, with a pretty and friendly looking lady.
(Laws POV)
I knew the orphanage was shutting down witch ment I had to go back to living on the streets. But when they told me to get in a car I was . . . confused. Apparently some lady found out and adopted me and a bunch of other kids from a bunch of different orphanages. When we arrived I saw a lot of kids and a giant house with a pretty young lady standing there. . . was she supposed to be my new Mom?
(Y/n POV)
I saw all of the children get out of the cars. Well I should say the rest because chopper and carrot had arrived an hour earlier. Then the people who were with the kids told them that I was the one who adopted them. They all looked at, me some with fear, some with nervousness, and a small portion with happiness. “Hello kids!” I said “my name is y/n, it’s nice to meet all of you” there luggage had arrived the same time as chopper and carrot. “Why don’t I show you all your rooms?” They all nodded in return. They followed me inside where there faces of fear and nervousness were replaced with wonder. We walked a bit more and then went up the stairs and reached the hallway that had all of there rooms. I then showed them there rooms and with the first room I showed was sabo’s. Then a kid with a straw hat asked me where the barroom was and I said “you all have your own bathroom that is attached to your bedroom same with your closet.” I then told them that there stuff were still In there suitcases and that if they needed me I’ll be in one of the two rooms at the end of the hall. Then I left to check on carrot and chopper.
(Nami POV)
What. The. HECK. This y/n lady was loaded. She had velvet covering her stairs and the rooms were just. WOW. She then showed us are rooms and some kid with a straw hat asked where the bathrooms was at. And honestly I wanted to know to. But then she said it was attached to our bedrooms just like are closets were. I thought it was Gunna be small but I was wrong. Dead wrong. She showed me my room and it was filled to the brim with books of navigation and most of them said first edition. The walls were covered in clouds and tangerine trees. And my bed was huge and cloud like exterior and dark blue sheets,blankets, and pillows with tangerine designs on them. It was also a soft as a cloud. I went into the bathroom and it was big. I had a big vanity, tub, and shower, of course a toilet two. Then I saw another pair of doors on the other end of my bedroom and the doors led to a huge walk in closet. I only had 3 dresses and two pairs of t-shirts, jeans, and shorts also one pair of pjs. But it was nice anyway. Then I went to unpacking the rest of my stuff.
(Robin POV)
This place was really fancy. Like really fancy. I heard what she said about our bedrooms, bathrooms, and closets. She then showed me my room. And I wasn’t ready. It was huge and my bed looked like a big book and there was a light purple flowing canopy that had books coming down the sides of the canopy. Then there was a big bookshelf. It was full of history books. Most of them said first edition. I only had this dress and a pair a pjs nothing else.
(Y/n POV)
I had just finished feeding chopper his bottle when a kid came in. He had black hair and a long nose. “ do you need something sweetie?” I asked he nodded “your name is usopp right?” he nodded again as we walked to his room. He had a sniper themed room.
(3 p POV)
After she had helped him she had found that all of the kids were done. So she asked them if they wanted something to eat. She was answered with all of the kids grumbling tummies. She giggled a little and brought them to the living room and asked what they wanted. They all answered and then she left to go make breakfast for them. Then the kid with the straw hat went up to usopp and said. “Hi my name is Luffy want to be friends?” “Sure we can be friends. By the way my name is usopp.””shishishi nice to meet you usopp!” The two boys started chatting a little bit and laughing at jokes the other would tell. The rest of the kids distanced them selves away from the others except for the ones that came there with others.
“Kids! Breakfast is ready!” Y/n said from the dinning room. So the kids ran in and sat down and ate. Luffy sat next to usopp and ace. Ace sat next to sabo. Sabo sat next to koala. Koala sat next to robin. Robin sat next to franky. Franky sat next to
Kid. Kid sat next to killer. Killer sat next to law. Law sat next to penguin. Penguin sat next to Shachi. Shatchi sat next to Bartolemaeo. Bartolemaeo sat next to Cavidesh. Cavidesh sat next to Rebecca . Rebecca sat next to Viola. Viola sat next to sanji. Sanji sat next to zoro. Zoro sat next to vivi. Vivi sat next to nami. Nami sat next to carrot. Carrot sat next to y/n. Y/n sat next to chopper. Chopper sat next to usopp. After everyone was done eating they headed back to the living room. “So how about we all sit in a circle and say three things about ourselves?” The kids just nodded in return and sat in a circle. “All right I’ll start. Hi my name is y/n. I’m not going to say my age because I don’t feel comfortable saying it. My favorite color is f/c and f/c/2.” “Hi my name is Luffy. I’m 5. My favorite color is red.” “ my name is nami. I am 6 years old, and my fariote colors are gold and orange.” “I’m zoro. I’m 6. My favorite color is green.” “Hello my name is usopp. I’m 5. My favorite color is brown.” “My name is Sanji. I’m 6 and my favorite color is blue.” “Hi. My name is Robin. I’m 8 years old. My favorite colors are pink and purple.” “Hello! My name is franky. I’m 8 years old. And blue and red are my SUPER favorite colors!” “My name is Law. I’m 7. White and black are my fav route colors.” “Hi my name is Ace. I’m 7 and red and orange are my favorite colors.” “Hello. My name is Sabo. I’m 7. My favorite color is red and dark blue.” “I’m kidd. I’m 7. Red is my favorite color.” “Hello my name is killer. I’m 7 years old, and blue is my favorite color.” “Hi my name is Shachi. I’m 6. And light green is my favorite color.” “Hi my name is Penguin. I’m 6. My favorite color is light blue.” “Hi my name is vivi. I’m 6 years old and blue is my favorite color.” “Hi my name is koala. I’m 7 years old. Pink is my favorite color.” “Hello my name is Cavidesh. I’m 6 years old. Blue is my favorite color.” “ hi I’m Bartolemaeo. I’m 5 years old. Green is my favorite color.” “Hi I’m Rebecca. I’m 5 years old, and pink and gold are my favorite colors.” “Hi my name is Viola. I’m 7 years old. Purple is my favorite color.” And with that they were done. “Well that was fun. How about we all get in my car and go shopping for clothes. You can also get toys, games, and anything else you want there is no budget!” Y/n said. “Wait really no budget?!” Nami yelled excitedly. “Does that mean history books too?!” Robin asked with pure excitement. “So I can get building kits?!” Franky asked. “So I can get pretend doctors equipment?!” Law said. “So I can get toy cooking utensils?!” Sanji practically yelled. All of the other kids also started asking questions. “When I said anything and no budget. I meant anything and no budget. So come on we need to get in the car.” Y/n said while laughing a little to herself at their excitement. Then they got in the car and went to go shopping.
(Franky POV)
This lady is really nice! She said we could get anything that has any price! I am sooo going to buy some building kits. We then started following her and to her garage. She had a so many cars! She even had a freaking Lamborghini and limousine!! She then guided us to the car we were going to take and it was a bus! A BUS! The interior was amazing. I really couldn’t wait to go shopping for once.
(Sanji POV)
Her food was incredibly delicious! After breakfast we had to play some game where we said three things. After that she announced we were going shopping. We could not only buy anything we wanted but there was also no budget! I’m so going to buy some toy kitchen stuff. We then went to her garage and there were a lot of cars. But we got to ride in a bus! It was so nice inside. Can’t wait to go shopping now.
(3rd person POV)
“Alright kids I have some rules before we go shopping.” Y/n announced, there were aww’s and aw mans here and there. “So who ever you sit with on the way there you will sit with them on the way back. If your sitting next to the window on the way there the other person will sit next to the window on the way back. We will be going clothes shopping first. We will al stick together so no one stray away. If you see something you want to look at tell me and we can go over there.” The rules went that bad so the kids were happy again. “Um miss y/n why are there black screens on the seat in front of us?” Vivi asked while nami who sat next to her just nodded. “Well there for watching movies. There are also head phones in the pocket underneath the TVs.” Y/n replied witch brought an uproar of yays and yes’. Luffy and usopp watched chicken little. Ace and sabo coco. Nami and vivi watched Robin Hood. Viola and Rebecca watched Alice in wonderland. Kidd and Killer watched Cars. Shachi and Penguin watched phineas and ferb the movie: across the 2nd dimension. Cavidesh and Bartolemaeo watched the peanuts movie. Franky and Sanji watched the muppets. Robin and Koala watched Leroy and Stitch. The Sword in the stone. Who knows what adventures awaits them.
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sasster · 1 year
Aelium where did you get your medical training? When did you know you wanted to become a doctor?
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~) Hm? |
~) I've kn)x(wn practically my wh)x(le life |
~) Persep used t)x(. Hm.|
~) He was really int)x( l)x()x(king up stuff ab)x(ut )x(ur ancest)x(r when we were y)x(unger. I th)x(ught Thanats medical career was much m)x(re interesting than the uhh. Everything else |
~) D)x( y)x(u kn)x(w what it takes t)x( be a d)x( ct)x(r that helps mutants in his time? That takes resilience |
~) Unf)x(rtunately, m)x(st )x(f my training was d)x(ne at a fleet training center |
~) Th)x(ugh because my intenti)x(n was t)x( bec)x(me a civilian d)x(c)t)x(r, I was n)x(t treated very kindly |
~) I did als)x( have a ment)x(r that let me w)x(rk )x(ut )x(f her clinic while I g)x(t my feet wet |
>Don't ask me about her, I literally just made her up.
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