#medical lab scientist
vidyajyotieduversity · 2 months
Thinking about a career in the medical field? Curious about what it's like to be a BMLS (Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science) student?
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Unhinged “trust me, I’m a doctor” scientist & their partner whom they perform questionable experiments on is my favorite dynamic
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whumpinthepot · 12 days
Mad(ly in love) Scientist
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thelastspeecher · 10 months
my food diary to keep track of what particular foods cause me distress is more scientific than Stanford Pines' Journals
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redd956 · 1 year
Whump Prompt List: NMA Edition
Based off of my NMA worldbuilding line
AKA Whump that @demondamage would like. AKA: nonhuman whumpees, experiment whump, medical whump, lab whump
CW: Violence, Hospital Whump, Experiment Whump, Nonhuman whumpees, Death Mention, Needles
Draining whumpee's blood in order to centrifuge a special resource from it
Hooking whumpee up to an IV that contains some form of sedative, paralytic, or similar formula inside of it
A physically powerful whumpee needing to be held down by a group, as a sedative is forcefully entered into their system
Whumpee watching their blood exit their veins through a tube, knowing theirs nothing they can do, slowly realizing that they're taking too much
Whumpee getting their blood drained, not knowing if their captors are going to stop before it's too late, or if they plan to get rid of whumpee this way after all
Filing down whumpee's sharp teeth, their pointed claws, sawing off their horns, tying down their tail. Whatever needs to be done to keep the nonhuman whumpee from having an advantage.
Whumpee being kept sedated or out of it, until they are needed for their magic
Muzzled and/or restrained whumpee lashing out at the doctors analyzing
Whumpee's every nonhuman aspect being analyzed, their privacy completely invaded, as doctors poke and prod, crooning over their find
A group of whumpees are captures, and they all fear the worse. However after one is found to be more rare than the others, they quickly discover that for one of them, it's going to be much much worse.
Multiple whumpees getting separated based off of the research that needs to be conducted on them
A limp whumpee, kept down for research, needing to be moved or treated as a comatose patient since the doctors dealing with them are too scared of their abilities
Testing to see what whumpee reacts painfully too, how they heal from the different things tested on them, watching them slowly grow terrified of the scientist opening their door
Taking a marker to whumpee's skin and going to town, preparing for the next set of plans
Forcing whumpee to use their magic or nonhuman abilities far past their limit
Whumpee growing more and more tired as they loose their magic/blood, watching the world darken and the noise of life muffle
Doctors taunting and teasing a heavily restrained whumpee. Whumpee, who is normally such a dangerous creature, can do nothing as they pull on their tail or forcibly spread out their wings
Hands latching onto whumpee's face, moving their head into the position they need to
Whumpee waking to the feeling of fingers prodding for the perfect injection spot
Strapping whumpee down to a table, the doctor admiring their work, thinking they'd never see a nonhuman of this type to work on
Whumpee being returned to a cell full of other nonhuman whumpees after a finish experiment, being plopped down unceremoniously in front of the others, before the doctor looks up to pick the next one
Tattooing whumpee to know what experiment group they belong to
Holding an oxygen mask to whumpee's face, watching as the mist of a sedative kicks in
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fallensapphires · 1 year
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Places: Laboratories
A scientist in his laboratory is not a mere technician: he is also a child confronting natural phenomena that impress him as though they were fairy tales.
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cutwhipburn · 1 month
Mistake (Chapter One)
WARNINGS: Mental Fuckery, Dehumanization, WRU/Box-Boy Universe Themes, Medical Torture, Mental Torture, Human Expirementation, Dissociation, Alluding to Food Withholding, Fake News and the Spread of False Information, Illiteracy/Illiterate Whumpee
Mistake’s legs burned. It felt like millions of fire ants were biting into their legs-no, like a million fire ants were burrowing into their legs, biting and crawling through their skin and deep into their muscles. Into their bones, even. The latest of their mother’s inventions was proving to be a success, unfortunately for Mistake. 
It was a shot, one that Shannon planned to have used on boxies who failed escape attempts. Mistake could confirm that it would undoubtedly be very effective. Just two needles, one in each leg, and that boxie would likely never want to run again. Mistake didn’t think it would even be able to stand for at least a few hours afterwards, let alone walking or god forbid running.
Mistake winced, crying out in pain as her mother prodded them, writing notes in her inventions notebook. They wished it’s mother would let them be finished for the day, preferably sending them to their father so they could curl up in a ball and let him hug it until the pain passed. But they knew that was wishful thinking. They had been in pain for so long they’d cried out all the tears they had, had screamed themself near hoarse. 
Shannon would keep them through to the very end of the pain, and probably still have critiques on their reactions after. But Mistake didn’t know what else to do. They were hurting so much.
Time dragged on like molasses, until eventually the throbbing pain died down enough for them to stop silently crying, and they were able to curl up into a ball on the floor.
“Can I see papa now?” Mistake mumbled into their legs, their body shaking in exhausted pain. Their legs still occasionally jolted with aftershocks.
“If you can get up and walk there on your own.” Shannon allowed with a nod, turning to her assistant. “Lets get this to the lab. I need to test the effects on a few of the boxies, see if it differs based on age, weight, and gender. Pick out some troublemakers for me.” The assistant nodded, turning quickly on their heel and speeding from the room.
Mistake started to slowly drag their body across the floor, it’s body aching too much to even try standing. They supposed they would maybe feel embarrassed, if they weren’t so used to the humiliating feeling of needing to get out of the lab, now.
They found its father Norman, predictably as ever, standing in Shannon’s enormous kitchen, spaced out and distant. Mistake felt cold sweat down their back, leaning against the cool cabinet and tiles.
“Papa, I’m here,” Mistake said, childishly quiet. “Mama let me be done now.” They tuck their head behind their curls. “I'm tired.”
“Missy?” Norman snapped out of his daze, hurriedly bending down to lift them off the floor. “You’re shaking.”
“Mama tested a new shot,” Mistake mumbled, curling into their father’s chest. “Supposed to punish bad runaways.” They were careful with their words, softly methodical and clear. “Made my legs hurt for a while.”
He carried them into the living room, laying them down on the couch. “Want to watch cartoons, love? Do you want something to eat? I-I can make something as soon as I ask your mother if you’re allowed.”
“Not hungry,” Mistake said quietly, curling up in a ball and shaking their head. “Just wanted to be with you.” They latched onto him again like a small koala bear. “I feel better when I’m with you.”
Norman looked like he was about to be sick. “Oh-Okay, but I have to sit on the floor, remember. I’ll just sit by you, okay?”
Norman wasn’t allowed on the couch. 
Mistake whined softly, sliding themself onto the floor next to him and nestling into his side. “Wanna be with you,” they mumbled stubbornly. The carpet was plush at least. Mistake was used to sitting on it with their father, though even the plushest carpet starts to hurt when you’re ordered to kneel on it in complete stillness for half a day.
“Missy, please, the couch.” Norman begged, but his voice wavered, already used to loosing any argument he dared have. “I’m sure it feels a lot more comfortable, and you’re in pain.”
“I want you, not couch,” it insisted quietly.
Norman was silent for a moment. “Cartoons?” He asked again, his voice dulled. The only cartoons Shannon allowed them to watch were the ones with a silly little box-boy constantly getting into trouble, usually with the reminder at the end that staying indoors and with your owner was the only safe places to be. Or there would be the episodes where the box-boy’s owner would randomly shout out a command for the boxies watching, just to make sure that even when relaxing a boxie should be ready to obey their owner and listen to their authority.
“No thank you,” Mistake mumbled. “Too tired. Just wanna rest.” Norman wrapped his arms around them, gently playing with their hair. Mistake drifted asleep in his comforting arms, only awaking to the sound of Shannon’s return. It was not quiet or pleasant, but it rarely ever was.
“Norman, get dinner started!” Shannon called from the front door as she took off her coat. “We have company coming. Get Mistake upstairs and into a nice outfit when you’re done.” Mistake rubbed its’ eyes as Norman gently removed them from his lap, placing them back on the couch and hurriedly going to do as he was ordered.
Mistake could feel the pain subsiding more from their legs, lightly dangling them over the edge of the couch. It wasn’t so painless they could walk yet, pressure still sent an electric pain running up its’ legs, but they could tell it almost was the case. They fidgeted with its  hands, waiting patiently for their father to return and hoping their mother left it be for now.
Shannon, thankfully, didn’t even seem to notice them as she breezed past the living room, going upstairs to change herself, most likely. It was after a long time of silence before their father joined Mistake again, carefully lifting it back up and going upstairs to the attic.
Mistake had exactly two nice dresses. A black one and a dark blue one. Still, Norman rifled through the two in its’ small closet, pulling them out and holding them up as if it was a big decision. “Which one do you want tonight Missy?”
“Black, please,” Maddie said, reaching out to grab the dress themself. In truth, they rather wished they had more colors of clothes, and maybe even some nice outfit to wear that wasn’t a dress. But they couldn’t be ungrateful. These dresses were nice, a great privilege. “Thank you papa.”
“Remember not to talk at dinner unless anyone sitting at the table speaks directly to you. Ask if you want to speak otherwise. Eat what’s on your plate but don’t ask for seconds if you want them. If you do, find me afterwards and I can get them to you when no one's paying attention.” Norman prattled off, all the rules long memorized. Mistake nodded their head carefully to each one as they slipped the dress over their head, wriggling out of their dirty lab clothes. Norman gently finished it off with a bow in their hair, slightly shabby but not too noticeable,
“I understand, papa,” Mistake said softly and clearly. “I’ll do what you said, promise. I’ll be good.”
“And if Shannon tells you to go to bed, you have to come right up, brush your teeth and change, and go to sleep.” This one Norman seemed nervous, almost on edge about. He always did. He said it was the most important rule Mistake had to worry about. “I mean it Missy, right to sleep. No book. No window.”
Mistake pouted softly. They rather liked their book, staring at the pictures and the stories they’d made up to go along with them. Ignoring the black squiggles on the page that it would never be able to read. That they’d never be allowed to learn. They liked the window just as much. It was nice, a way to imagine a world where Mistake wasn’t a mistake, but a normal child with a normal life and two whole parents who loved them very much. But they knew how important this was to their father, so they still nodded.
“Okay, papa.” They folded its’ hands on their lap. “I will.”
“When whoever she’s expecting gets here, remember to say hello ma’am or sir and then-” Norman mimed zipping his lips. “I have to get the food out of the oven. Can you please set the table? Remember to ask your mother how many plates you need to set out.”
Mistake pushed off the bed, standing on unsteady, wobbling legs and nodded its  head. “Yes papa,” They brushed off the dust from their dress, walking unsteadily down the stairs and hesitantly hovering outside their mother’s office. “Mother? How many plates should I set out on the table?”
“Three on the table set out nicely, four in the center.” Shannon said, not even looking up to acknowledge Mistake’s presence. Mistake tried not to wilt at the lack of attention, nodding their head.
“Alright, mother. Thank you.” Mistake ducked their head and hurried down to the kitchen to grab the appropriate table settings.
They set the table with a clean precision their father had taught them well, not a thing angled or out of place, before sitting down.
On the floor.
The dining room floor was wood. It hurt their knees more, but Mistake had a little pillow to sit on while they ate. That helped a little bit, even if it was only for a little while.
Their father didn’t take long in the kitchen, carefully bringing out the food so none would drop on the floor, and arranging it nicely on the table. Mistake watched him closely, taking care to mind his actions. They were to learn from their father as much as possible, their mother had insisted.
They noticed him pause briefly, eyes moving over the table. He was counting the plates. His face fell at the number, uncomfortable and tense.
“What’s wrong, papa?” Mistake asked softly, careful not to speak too loudly and have their mother overhear.
“It’s just…I think it’s Evelyn coming over.” Norman admitted. “If there’s three plates out on the table and four that will go to the floor.”
Mistake felt themself cringe inward. They didn’t like Evelyn much. Her daughter, yes. Her daughter seemed kind, and curious, and interesting and Mistake  longed to speak with her as though they were equals. But Evelyn, Mistake hated.
Anytime Evelyn came over, Mistake got into extra trouble and was punished. And besides, Cyrus frightened them. He was rather big, rather scary, and not quite nice. Papa said that was his job, since he was a designated Guarddog boxie. He was the only one Mistake had ever met.
The doorbell rang, echoing throughout the house. Norman hurriedly helped Mistake to their feet, muttering his own rules under his breath as the two walked towards the door.
The idea behind a Box-Boy cartoon was inspired by: @ashintheairlikesnow Post here:
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I am so glad you made that medic post because if there's one thing that I'm absolutely certain of if Knock Out showed up in Animated it's that he would clash with Ratchet like there's no tomorrow (and that he would flirt with Optimus but that's beside the point). Medics will be medics and I would LOVE a spinoff about them and their antics.
YES especially with how jarring the size difference between Autobots and Decepticons is. Like I can imagine Ratchet being horrified at the sight of pools of energon all over the floor, the walls, the hallway, yet his Decepticon patient is still conscious and coherent since they only lost like 10% of their total volume. Meanwhile Knock Out is freaking out because his Autobot patient only lost a few units of energon and they're going into shock and crashing.
Ratchet and Knock Out butting heads about everything from surgical techniques to IV placement to medication dosages to proper sterilization techniques. Red Alert just watching from the sidelines, waiting for them to stop arguing and come help her put someone's detached limb back on.
Another huge issue would be the difference in how much medication has to be administered. After all, Strika or Lugnut need a ton of a medication for it to have an effect whereas someone Bumblebee's size only needs a little. Alongside this, in the metric system, drugs can be administered either in micro or milli units, like micrograms or milligrams. One milligram is equivalent to 1000 micrograms and, although rare, medical professionals can fuck up and administer the wrong amount, either too much or too little. So like another issue would be them trying to be absolutely clear on the exact dosage for a patient and then someone realizing they've given an Autobot way too much and now have to call a code blue when it hits them all at once. (Not really an issue for Decepticons since you can always give more of a medication but you can't pull extra medication out of a patient.)
There's just so much to be explored there and I think it would be a fun warm up for me to write the medics yelling at each other and also maybe throwing medical equipment when they get really mad!
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ashersbraincell · 25 days
Hey Asher here with yet another VN reccomendation!
This one here I'm really suprised to have been able to play for free! Truly, among the voice acting, art, music, and just the general narrative writing and production it is up to professional standard.
Won't rant too much about it here to let you experience it for yourself but, definitely not for the faint of heart(sure, with the triggers listed on the page, but also generally in terms of how purely emotionally impactful it was); had to take a moment post-play to recollect my thoughts.
Really, a good pick if you're one to enjoy lab/scientist/scp like themed games or the dystopian genre. It is also a story of empowerment, I feel. Though I'm myself not experienced with these myself, there are themes resonant to neurodivergent experiences too
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Shockwave after surprising everyone with a fucking Predacon or accidentally making the ship evil: "Is it me? Am I the problem?"
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Bachelor of Medical Lab Science (BMLS)
Duration of Course: 3 years ( 6 semester)
Eligibility: 12th/Intermediate with Medical/Non-Medical or 10th + 3 year DMLT
Lateral Entry: 12 with DMLT get admission in 2nd year
Training/Project: Two Projects minor & major during the course. Also there is Mentoring and Professional Development in every semester.
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i-love-love · 14 days
I would love to get just. The most comprehensive medical work up of all time. Run every test it’s possible to run on every conceivable part/system/function of the human body. Full psych battery. I want to know e v e r y t h i n g going on in here. I wanna know which of these things are related. Wanna find out what secrets my meatsack is hiding. I just think it would be so cool to have a 100% complete picture of how my own body works yknow
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whumpinthepot · 2 years
2023 year of whump: February (week two)
Whump prompt: Involuntary implant
Whumpee is forced to get surgery on their lower back. Its an experimental implant that will fuse into whumpees bones and grow up the spine until it reaches the skull, fingertips, and toes of the whumpee. The process is slow and painful, and whumpee can feel it intertwining further up their body each passing day.
The idea of the implant is to find a way to mend broken bones quickly on their own without having to set them into a cast for long periods of time. Meaning once the implant has taken over the body, the whumpee will then have to move on to stage two.
Already exhausted from the trial run of the implant, whumpee is strapped down and has their arm put into a vice to have their bones broken. Only for the whumpers to leave it untreated to see if their experiment would work or not.
The only question is how many trial runs would it take before the whumpers were satisfied with the product? What side affects would it lead to? How many broken bones was whumpee going to have by the end of this?
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luvrbones · 1 year
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ok i feel like this is only going to apply to a very small amount of people but
happy lab week from everyone’s fav mad scientist wylan van eck!!!!
feel free to add your fav scenes of wy being a mad scientist <3
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whatamicrobiallife · 2 years
I need recommendations for shoes for standing on your feet all day. My feet hurt :(
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biotechstudentlife · 2 years
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Carbohydrates MCQ 25 Link in bio ☝️ for more mcqs recommendations #biotechnology #biology #science #microbiology #biotech #biochemistry #molecularbiology #research #genetics #scientist #dna #medicine #laboratory #biotechnologist #cellbiology #lab #microbiologist #medical #chemistry #biotechnologystudent #biologystudent #bio #biologymemes #lifescience #neet #bioinformatics #covid #zoology #microscope #bacteria (at Royal City Nanded) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp4AbWivdeN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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