#medic's gay boyfriend is a herbert west fictive btw cuz of course he is
ebstf2 · 2 years
alright i know plenty of people talk about their music, fictives especially, n youve probably already seen this kinda thing with at least one other tf2 fictive, but we’re cooler and also i got a few suggestions that dont really have anything to do with source, so for any other scout fictives/kinnies/whatever or really just anyone interested, here’s some music for other mercs who aren’t still living in the 70s, kinda just gonna be listing off the stuff our different fictives listen to, only a few of us have our own music cuz only a few of us front often enough for it
starting off with the most important, me scout, i probably have the most music that i listen to since im host rn - big one for me is Will Wood’s Normal Album, favorite song in there is ‘...well, better than the alternative.’ also this one’s not at all gonna seem like me, but i frickin love some of the songs in Jekyll & Hyde the musical. most of the songs there suck cuz it’s a pretty slow paced musical, but the good songs are *really good.* i have a playlist that just has the 5 good songs in the musical, you don’t need to know the plot, they just sound good and some of em kinda sound like being a system- the good songs are ‘Facade,’  ‘alive,’  ‘alive reprise,’  ‘murder,’  and ‘confrontation.’ and aside from will wood n jekyll & hyde, obviously tom jones is awesome, but youre gonna hear that from pretty much any scout fictive
the other two dont have as much as me, but they’re still worth putting here- Medic has two songs i know he likes, ‘The dismemberment song’ by blue kid, n ‘weird science’ by oingo boingo. but im pretty sure he only likes that one cuz his boyfriend (who is gay) likes that too
n Veronica, whose a fictive of miss pauling, pretty much exclusively listens to Heathers. that’s where she got the name.
pretty sure that’s all the music stuff we have, pretty much all of us are super open to music suggestions also, from other fictives or not
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