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f0xd13-blog · 9 months ago
Idk.whats more mentally deffected being hip hop just cuz u are black or elon musk and his social mediamedia ideas
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fierautami · 1 year ago
Mengapa Denny JA adalah Pendidik yang Membangun Kesadaran Kebersihan dan Kesehatan?
Dalam era modern ini, kesadaran akan kebersihan dan kesehatan menjadi sangat penting dalam menjaga kesejahteraan kita. Salah satu tokoh yang telah berperan besar dalam membangun kesadaran ini adalah Denny JA, seorang pendidik yang telah merintis banyak inisiatif untuk meningkatkan kesadaran kebersihan dan kesehatan di Indonesia. Denny ja dikenal sebagai seorang tokoh pendidikan yang visioner dan kreatif. Ia selalu berusaha mencari caracara baru dalam mengajarkan nilainilai kebersihan dan kesehatan kepada masyarakat, terutama anakanak. Salah satu inisiatif terkenal yang dilakukannya adalah pendirian Taman Bacaan Kebersihan dan Kesehatan di berbagai daerah di Indonesia. Taman Bacaan Kebersihan dan Kesehatan ini didesain sedemikian rupa agar anakanak dapat belajar tentang pentingnya menjaga kebersihan dan kesehatan dengan cara yang menyenangkan dan interaktif. Di taman bacaan ini, anakanak dapat membaca Puisi EsaiPuisi Esai cerita tentang kebersihan dan kesehatan, bermain permainan edukatif, dan mengikuti berbagai kegiatan yang mendukung pembelajaran tersebut. Denny ja juga sering mengundang dokter dan ahli kesehatan untuk memberikan ceramah dan workshop kepada anakanak di taman bacaan tersebut. Selain Taman Bacaan Kebersihan dan Kesehatan, Denny JA juga aktif dalam mengadakan kampanye kebersihan dan kesehatan di sekolahsekolah. Ia sering menjadi narasumber dalam seminar dan workshop untuk guru dan siswa, membahas tentang pentingnya menjaga kebersihan diri dan lingkungan sekitar. Dalam kampanyenya, Denny JA juga mengajak anakanak untuk aktif dalam menjaga kebersihan sekolah dan lingkungan sekitarnya, seperti dengan mengadakan kegiatan bersihbersih dan penanaman pohon. Tidak hanya aktif dalam ranah pendidikan formal, Denny JA juga sering berperan sebagai pendidik informal melalui programprogram televisi dan media sosialnya. Melalui saluransaluran ini, ia menyebarkan informasi dan edukasi tentang kebersihan dan kesehatan kepada masyarakat luas. Ia menggunakan bahasa yang mudah dipahami dan menyajikan konten yang menarik agar pesanpesannya mudah diterima oleh penonton atau pembaca. Keberhasilan Denny JA sebagai pendidik yang membangun kesadaran kebersihan dan kesehatan tak lepas dari kreativitasnya dalam mengemas pesanpesan tersebut. Selain menggunakan mediamedia yang populer, ia juga sering menggunakan metodemetode inovatif dalam menjelaskan konsepkonsep kebersihan dan kesehatan. Misalnya, ia sering menggunakan alat peraga yang menarik seperti model mikroba atau boneka gigi besar untuk memberikan pemahaman yang lebih baik kepada anakanak. Dalam perjalanan karirnya, Denny JA juga telah menerima banyak penghargaan atas kontribusinya dalam membangun kesadaran kebersihan dan kesehatan di Indonesia. Ia dianggap sebagai salah satu tokoh yang telah berhasil menginspirasi banyak orang untuk menjaga kebersihan diri dan lingkungan sekitar. Pemerintah pun telah mengakui peran besar Denny JA dan bekerja sama dengan beliau dalam berbagai programprogram terkait kebersihan dan kesehatan. Dalam menghadapi tantangan masa depan, kesadaran akan kebersihan dan kesehatan akan terus menjadi isu yang penting. Denny JA telah membuktikan dirinya sebagai pendidik yang mampu membangun kesadaran ini dengan cara yang inovatif dan efektif. Melalui inisiatifinisiatifnya seperti Taman Bacaan Kebersihan dan Kesehatan, kampanye di sekolah, dan programprogram di media sosial, Denny JA telah memberikan kontribusi luar biasa dalam meningkatkan kesadaran dan pemahaman tentang pentingnya menjaga kebersihan dan kesehatan bagi masyarakat Indonesia.
Cek Selengkapnya: Mengapa Denny JA adalah Pendidik yang Membangun Kesadaran Kebersihan dan Kesehatan?
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saltandpeppergallery · 4 years ago
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Olive Tree-Wisdom, Peace, Friendship. To weather nature’s forces and develop strong and lasting foundations. #tealeafpaintings #mediamedia #notthesurfcoastartstrail #angleseaartspace #buysurfcoast #inspiredbysurfcoast #australianartists #saltandpeppergalleryvisit #peace #olivetree #strength #treeofwisdom (at Salt and Pepper Gallery - Catherine M. Brennan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEgBg6kDiQ3/?igshid=1wi541z6m1b0a
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ldcu-12stem1g3mil · 3 years ago
On Becoming A Medium: Gen-Z Individuals As Modern Communicators
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Greater Communication Leads To A Greater Generation
Communication establishes relationships that make organized possibilities. Throughout different ages, communication in their unique ways is used to pass down information, both verbal and non-verbal means. Of the cave paintings of the Prehistoric Era, down to Classical arts of the Renaissance. The works of messenger and the impact of gossip of the Medieval Era. The establishment of postal networks and telephones of the Early Modern Era, until now to the Present Modern period of Internet and Online technology, the introduction of the Modernized Communication Era. The generation, also known as digital natives or digitally literate, can grow up and adapt to the internet and portable digital technologies at a young age. The evolution of communication depicts how messages and ideas were undertone or significantly conveyed. Every thought uttered has purposes or objectives to reach. There is always a reason when communicating a message to another. It may be to inform, entertain, or persuade them. Whether your purpose is intended to be good, misunderstandings happen too, so it is wise to deliver the message with utmost clarity and precision.
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The Power Of Communication
Activism is one way to fight for a more equitable social system that can benefit everyone. It gives the voice from the voiceless and amplifies the voice from the suppressed. Activism is a movement that gives the power to communicate the struggles over life and helps overcome feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. Evident reports show substantial and manifest studies on how Gen-Z has changed activism: from political towards environmental. Without the power of communication, none of the calls of people will be heard and addressed. In democratic countries, freedom of expression and speech is inscribed to seek and adhere to the needs of the people in these dynamic societies.
Generations and generations have passed, yet, taboos and social issues are nevertheless at the bottom focus. Philippine culture obliges their children to follow their parents or any elderly advice because they believe voicing out is a form of disrespect and stepping out before them, fearing the youth turning against them. These are one of the reasons why Gen-Zers are more vocal about their opinions and asserting their rights. They seek social justice amidst the repercussions, subjects preventing the youth from voicing them out as they are still young to seek a voice.
While activism requires collective communication, the aspect of leadership requires another greater responsibility. While a good leader holds the vision of the group, a more prominent leader empowers individuals through effective and accurate communication by building together their strongholds to efficiently perform the group's objective. Achieving success and target objectives requires a powerful and convincing communicator. Communication enables leaders and members to share what they have and what they expect from others.
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Social Media: Rethinking Communication Works
While every new generation had its share of technological, economic, political, and social differences, no other period in human history could connect people around the planet, allowing individuals to be fully engaged in various relevant topics. As modern communicators, social media is a commonly used and helpful medium of communication and information library. These are advantageous in functionalities that let everyone be able to connect, learn, and communicate with others globally with limited to no difficulties. However, using Social media weighs huge responsibilities and accountabilities as such expression on a large platform like social media should be assessed first. As defined, communication is a two-way transmission: One speaks, then the other listens, and vice versa. Encountering opposing and similar ideas is part of human difference; thus, it is wise to respect those varieties and learn from each other. Learn how to take and give constructive criticisms. 
However, what is not meant to be harmful will become toxic if used inappropriately. Social media means bridging the gap of ignorance and satisfies what the generation wants and needs. There are tons of web pages that publish misleading information that is intended to be lampoon or satirical. Even if the purpose is comical, false and twisted stories will always produce confusion, misunderstanding, and turmoil between readers. Some people of Gen-Z use social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter to express their emotions, particularly hatred. Crying personal and public opinions and problems are often thought not to be bothered. However, in truth, audiences that engages the hatred sentiments online would impact them subtly or significantly. Although everyone has the right to think and act the way they want, always remember that freedom has limitations. A misguided idea could lead to dangerous ideas. Before putting thoughts and words online, consider the following: Will it have a beneficial outcome? Will it be sensitive and might offend anyone? Is it even appropriate for me to share such thoughts? Is it necessary?
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It is not enough to know and navigate technology; practice awareness and be responsible enough to put it to good use. As modern communicators, effective spotting and dissemination of factual and truthful information is the objective that will help generations to grow and prosper forward. If disinformation can spread in a matter of seconds, then so can the truth, justice, and factual information. Let Gen-Z be the role model of today's medium to a better and truthful society.
Greater communication leads to a greater generation. In the age of Information, ignorance became a choice. Let not history blind the upcoming generation. Practicing self-research and critical thinking is worthwhile and let knowledge be your weapon. While the world is still progressing forward, the present technologies and trained knowledge will evolve and multiply its degree to a more comprehensive cost. Moreover, the transmission of communication may develop into more complexities. Thus, learning to be responsible users must be practiced now for future generations to succeed. The more communication is used in the right way, the better the result reflects its present period; thus, affecting the future positively. The significant goal of communication is to cultivate truth, justice, and facts, and a sense of connections in the medium of communication.
YPulse. (2020). This is how gen Z & millennials have changed activism. Retrieved from https://www.ypulse.com/article/2020/07/14/this-is-how-gen-z-millennials-have-changed-activism/
Biederman, A. et al. (2020). Meet gen Z activists: called to action in an unsettled world. Retrieved from https://apnews.com/article/climate-race-and-ethnicity-shootings-climate-change-school-violence-01673bd21da246ce942d1e98a08fc96f
Koulopoulos, T. Keldsen, D. (2014). Gen Z effect the six forces shaping the future of business. Retrieved from https://www.routledge.com/Gen-Z-Effect-The-Six-Forces-Shaping-the-Future-of-Business/Koulopoulos-Keldsen/p/book/9781629560311
Tyson, A. Kennedy, B. & Funk, C. (2021). Gen Z, millennials stand out for climate change activism, social media engagement with issue. Retrieved from https://www.pewresearch.org/science/2021/05/26/gen-z-millennials-stand-out-for-climate-change-activism-social-media-engagement-with-issue/
Luthra, A. & Dahiya, R. (2015). Effective leadership is all about communicating effectively: Connecting leadership and communication. Retrieved from https://www.mcgill.ca/engage/files/engage/effective_leadership_is_all_about_communicating_effectively_luthra_dahiya_2015.pdf
Kalamtime. (2021). Evolution of communication from ancient to modern times. Retrieved from https://www.kalamtime.com/blog/evolution-of-communication/
Everydaymentor. (N.D.). Social media/media literacy: Responsible use. Retrieved from https://everydaymentor.org/article/social-mediamedia-literacy-responsible-use/
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ranisyahreza · 3 years ago
Menata Wacana Resensi Buku
Karakteristik Resensi Buku: Book criticism, Book synopsis, In-depth Book review, book review, book report Jenis tulisan mengenai buku: Resensi Laporan Ulasan Sinopsis KontenTema, tesis, premis, ringkasan, Pendapat Alur cerita utuh Ringkasan, ilmiah, Penilaian, dan argumentasi ringkasan, plot, konflik, dan karakter MediaMedia sosial, media massa Lembar tugas sekolahJurnal, media massa buku, media…
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alistdaily · 4 years ago
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In early May, media buyers expressed optimism about Q3. A new study shows that this just isn't the case anymore.
Media Buyers Don’t Expect Ad Spend To Rebound This Year
Platforms + MediaMedia Buyers Don’t Expect Ad Spend To Rebound This Year BY Nina AghadjanianJuly 2, 2020, 01:44PM TAGS:MediaPlatforms + Media At the beginning of the pandemic, nearly half of advertisers pumped the brakes on or pulled a campaign mid-flight. During that same time, about half also re...
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gardenwife · 6 years ago
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A trio of seabirds show off while a jealous fish calls them out on it. Mixed mediamedia. #artjournal #artjournaling #originalart #artistsoninstagram #illustratorsoninstagram #mixedmedia #alcoholink #indiaink #penandink #cartoon #comics #emotions #jealousy #ocean #humor https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu6mAkagzSS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=p4grvx56qj4k
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lasteanflpelipait-blog · 5 years ago
Ronaldolla ei ole tarvetta pyytää anteeksi joukkuetta
Raporttien mukaan Ronaldolla oli normaali halaus joukkuetovereidensa kanssa eilen harjoituksen aikana, vitsaillen. Jalkapallo Pelipaidat Juventus-pukuhuone haluaa käsitellä tätä asiaa hillittynä. En halua olla suuri mediamedia.
12 päivää sitten Torinossa, Ronaldo on voinut tehdä huonon liikkeen, Vaihdettuaan hän lähti stadionilta sanomatta heille ketään. Sitten tuli juuri maajoukkueen ottelupäivään, Kun olet tehnyt neljä maalia Portugaliin, Ronaldon tunnelma oli jälleen selkeä.
Joka tapauksessa jännitys Juven sisällä on edelleen olemassa. Mutta joukkue on päättänyt käsitellä asiaa rauhallisesti. Eilen Juventus Ronaldo pelasi pelatessaan Milanoa. Vieraillut uudelleen Paidat Juventus joukkuetovereissa, kuten Bonucci, he halasivat toisiaan ja nauroivat. Kaikki on luonnollista, Aivan kuin mitään ei tapahtunut.
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saltandpeppergallery · 4 years ago
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Celtic Link - Tree of Life. Harmony & Balance. Greater knowledge and new beginnings. #supportsmallbusiness #torquaysmallbusiness #geelongartspace #torquayartistsurfcoast #buysurfcoast #inspiredbysurfcoast #celticlink #celtic #celtictreeoflife #mediamedia #australiansrtist #notthesurfcoastartstrail #tealeafpainting #harmony #balance #angleseaartspace #saltandpeppergalleryvisit (at Salt and Pepper Gallery - Catherine M. Brennan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEf_RQ0D7Eh/?igshid=1i5u0oereimnz
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sorotindonesia-blog · 6 years ago
Polda Jabar Sosialisasi Narkoba Pada Kaum Milenial Di CFD Dago
Polda Jabar Sosialisasi Narkoba Pada Kaum Milenial Di CFD Dago
BANDUNG,- Direktorat Resnarkoba Polda Jabar manfaatkan arena Car Free Day di Jl. Ir. H. Djuanda – Dago, Kota Bandung, untuk menyosialisasikan bahaya penyalahgunaan narkoba kepada kaum milenial.
Hal tersebut disampaikan oleh Kabid Humas Polda Jabar, Kombes Pol Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko, S.IK., pada mediamedia, Minggu ( 3/3/2019 ).
“Kegiatan tersebut dihadiri langsung oleh Dir Narkoba Polda Jabar,…
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hatimtanger · 7 years ago
watch gbc ghana HD live stream online free Now Today with high quality
watch gbc ghana HD live stream online free Now Today with high quality
watch gbc ghana HD live stream online free Now Today with high quality
The Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC) is the public broadcaster in Ghana. It is funded by broadcasting television commercials and the levying of a television licence, costing 3 cedis (about  
The broadcasting service was originally known as the Gold Coast Broadcasting System, introduced on 31 July 1935 by the colonial Governor, Sir Arnold Hodson,[2] before it was renamed to the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation upon the country's independence in 1957. Throughout its history it has been independent of the government's Information Services Department.[3]
Broadcasting began in Ghana on July 31, 1935 from a wired relay station opened in Accra. The brain behind the introduction of broadcasting into the country was the then Governor of the Gold Coast,Sir Arnold Hodson, affectionately known as the "Sunshine Governor".
He was ably assisted by a British radio engineer, Mr. F.A.W. Byron. By 17:00GMT on that historic day, gramophone records of martial and light music were relayed and at exactly 17:45GMT the voice of Sir Arnold Hodson came through to break the tension and the suspense with this explicit message:
“One of the main reasons for introducing the Relay Service is to bring News, Entertainment and Music into the homes of all and sundry. This will bring to an end the barriers of isolation and ignorance in the path of progress and also to enable the people of Gold Coast to improve on their very rich cultural music".[2]
The new broadcasting Service was code-named Radio "ZOY". It was manned by eight technicians and housed in a small bungalow on 9th Road near the Ridge Police Station in Accra. Broadcasting first begun in four Ghanaian languages, namely Fanti, Twi, Ga, Ewe, and later Hausa. Part-time staff were engaged to translate and announce the news in these languages until 1943 when full-time staff were appointed. Between 1946 and 1953, the organisation was administered by the Public Relation Department, now the Information Services Department.[2]
Past to Present Director-Generals of the GBC
Mr. J. B. Millar 1954-60
Mr. W. F. Coleman 1960–70
Mr. S. B. Mfodwo 1970–72
Lt Col. J. Y. Assasie 1975–81
Mr. Kwame Karikari 1982–84
Mr. L.W. FiiFi Hesse 1972–75 & 1984–90
Mr. George Aryee 1991–92
Mr. David Anaglate 1992–95
Dr. Kofi Frimpong 1995–99
Mr. Adanusa 1999–2000
Mr. Seth Ago - Adjetey 2000–02
Madam Eva Lokko 2002–05
Mr. Yaw Owusu Addo 2005–07
Mr. William Ampem-Darko 2007–10
Mr. Kwabena Sarpong-Anane November 2010–October 2011
Mr. Berifi Afari Apenteng November 2011–March 2013
Major Albert Don-Chebe (Rtd) May 2013 - May 2016
Dr. Kwame Akuffo Anoff-Ntow November 2016 -
On the recommendation of a commission set up in 1953, the Gold Coast Broadcasting System (GCBS) was established and from there it became a department in its own right. On attainment of independence in 1957, the Gold Coast was renamed Ghana and the GCBS became Ghana Broadcasting Service (GBS). The legislation that basically set up GBC as an establishment was National Liberation Council Degree number 226(NLCD266) of 1968.[2]
Television and radio stations[edit]
GBC operates GTV (a channel for events that matter most to Ghanaians), which is broadcast nationwide on analogue terrestrial platform. Additionally, GBC runs five (5) digital channels namely, GTV Sports+ (a channel for sports), GBC 24 (a 24-hour news TV channel) and GTV Life (a religion and culture channel), GTV Govern (a governance channel), Obonu TV (a channel for the people of Greater Accra and window for the Ga-Dangbe) and ten (10) Regional radio stations, five (5) District radio stations in Ghana.
Uniiq FM
Volta Star
Twin City Radio
Radio Central
Radio Savannah
Garden City Radio
URA Radio
Radio Upper West
Sunrise FM
Obonu FM
Radio BAR
The Ghana Broadcasting Corporation has a film video library, set up in July 1965, where all programmes—dramas, tv commercials, and ceremonial events—are kept.
See also[edit]
Media of Ghana
Communications in Ghana
External links[edit]
Official Site of Ghana Broadcasting Corporation - GBC
Jump up ^ "MPs Fail To Pay TV license?" Ghana Today, 13 July 2006.
^ Jump up to: a b c d "About Ghana Broadcasting Corporation", official website.
Jump up ^ Wells, Alan (1997), World Broadcasting: A Comparative View, Greenwood Publishing Group, p. 162. ISBN 978-1-56750-246-6.
[hide] v t e
Ghana Television stations in Ghana
Free to Air
TV3 Ghana GTV (Ghana) Viasat 1 UTV NET 2 TV TV AFRICA Metro TV
Districts of Ghana.png
Private stations
Multi TV Metro TV TV3 Ghana Viasat 1 UTV NET 2 TV TV AFRICA
Public stations
GTV (Ghana)
Categories: Broadcasting in GhanaMedia companies of GhanaMedia in AccraPublicly funded broadcastersRadio stations in GhanaState mediaMedia companies established in 19351935 establishments in Gold Coast (British colony)British companies established in 1935
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