#media references and puns of episode 80: raishan
critrolestats · 8 years
Media References and Puns of Episode 80: Raishan
I do not like red eggs and ham; I do not like them, Stats I am.
Media References:
(0:00:40) Matt: Sponsored, instead, by viewers like you. (Public Radio/TV)
(0:01:07) Marisha: Oprah.
(0:04:40) Taliesin and Marisha: Do you believe in life after love? (“Believe” by Cher)
(0:13:33) Liam: Spider!Percy is my favorite Percy.  *Taliesin does Spider-Man web shooting motions*  Marisha: Spider!Percy! Spider!Percy!
(0:13:49) Taliesin: It’s like Doctor Strange.
(0:16:47) Matt: Van Damme style!  Liam: Van Dammed it!
(0:17:56) Travis: So, you’re saying there’s a chance!  Matt: Yeahhhh! (Dumb & Dumber)
(0:18:57) Sam: It just exists there?  Taliesin: Like a Ghostbuster ray.  Sam: Cool!
(0:21:54) Laura: I’m gonna get on my broom.  Taliesin: *sings* Get on up! (“Get Up” by James Brown)
(0:24:29) Liam: Not the mama! (Dinosaurs)
(0:25:18) Marisha: This is turning into a Jerry Springer episode. ‘Is she, or is she not the mom?’
(0:27:05) Marisha: You wanna try and Daenerys it? (Game of Thrones)
(0:33:21) Marisha: Is she Yoda-ing you? [...] Yoda!Travis: The force moves!
(0:37:37) Taliesin: I love Hannibal, too.
(0:45:31) Taliesin: This is like the Westworld villain version of dragons.
(0:47:25) Matt: Pike’s on your shoulders like a little Yoda backpack.
(0:47:54) Taliesin: ¿Donde está la biblioteca? (Community)
(0:54:06) Marisha: They’re in the walls! (Aliens) NSFW
(0:57:13) Travis: Dancin’ on the ceiling!  Travis and Sam: Oh what a feeling! (“Dancing on the Ceiling” by Lionel Ritchie)
(0:58:42) Taliesin: Thankfully, my spider-sense tingled. (Spider-Man)
(0:59:23) Matt: It’s just enough of that Predator-like appearance…
(0:59:31) Taliesin: Shake, shake, shake Senora! (“Jump in the Line (Shake Senora)” by Harry Belefonte)
(0:59:56) Taliesin: It’s going to be like John Carpenter’s The Thing.
(1:01:24) Marisha: Adele Dazeem’s… Matt: Adele Dazeem’s Horrid Wilting?
(1:08:33) Grog: I’m going to get up.  Taliesin: Get on up.  Laura: Get on up! (“Get Up” by James Brown)
(1:10:27) Travis: Like Mentos and Coke!
(1:22:18) Taliesin fake plays a woodwind, humming “Iron Man” by Black Sabbath
(1:24:59) Taliesin: Taking another shot.  Liam: Don’t throw it away. (“My Shot” from Hamilton)
(1:35:45) Sam: George, I hugged the puppy really hard! (Of Mice and Men, Looney Tunes)
(1:38:09) Taliesin: It’s the angriest Captain Planet on Earth.
(1:38:13) Marisha: Like the most f***ed up Care Bear stare.
(1:50:57) Multiple: J’mon-ah! (“Bad” by Michael Jackson)
(1:52:53) Liam: Nobody expects the Marquet Inquisition! (Monty Python’s Flying Circus)
(1:58:07) Taliesin: Level 2 Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!!.
(2:03:24) Taliesin: Care Bear stare!
(2:12:00) Travis: Or it turned them into little Vision dragons.  Marisha: Yeah, or it turned them into little Vision dragons.
(2:24:26) Marisha: C’mon Kaiju battle!
(2:33:12) Travis: *sings* I gotta get through this. (Daniel Bedingfield)
(2:43:41) Travis: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. “Let it go.”
(3:00:05) Laura: Did you let the dog out?  Sam: No.  Travis: Who let the dog out?  Sam: Who?  Travis: Who who? (“Who Let the Dogs Out” by Baha Men)
(3:04:52) Travis: So we couldn’t all Falcor on J’mon… (The NeverEnding Story)
(3:07:49) Sam: My voice is my passport.  Taliesin: Verified. (Sneakers)
(3:10:11) Marisha: Avengers run down the hall!
(3:10:18) Taliesin: It’s clobberin’ time! (The Thing)
(3:14:07) Taliesin: The ‘other plane of dimension’ [ray] is literally the BeetleJuice send you to the sand worms.
(3:14:34) Taliesin: Red Eggs and Ham? (Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss)
(3:14:360 Grog: She just escaped with two iPhone 7s.
(3:14:59) Taliesin: Highlights!
(0:00:50) Matt: Me and Marisha will be running from this episode tonight to pack and leave at a super-early, pre-dawn flight, or at-dawn flight to go to MagFest. [...] Travis: Is it all magazines?  Matt: Just a lot of magazines.
(0:45:35) Sam: How do you want to do this? Sunny-side up.
(0:58:42) Taliesin: Thankfully, my spider-sense tingled.
(2:37:55) Sam: I died as I lived: hard.
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