#media buying services arizona
mindingyourmedia · 3 months
Digital Marketing | Website Development | PPC Lead Generation Experts
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Minding Your Media offers services for lead generation, PPC, website creation, affiliate marketing, digital marketing consultancy, and more. Today call us at 480-442-9499
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mariacallous · 7 months
Forty-one state attorneys general penned a letter to Meta’s top attorney on Wednesday saying complaints are skyrocketing across the United States about Facebook and Instagram user accounts being stolen, and declaring “immediate action” necessary to mitigate the rolling threat.
The coalition of top law enforcement officials, spearheaded by New York attorney general Letitia James, says the “dramatic and persistent spike” in complaints concerning account takeovers amounts to a “substantial drain” on governmental resources, as many stolen accounts are also tied to financial crimes—some of which allegedly profits Meta directly.
“We have received a number of complaints of threat actors fraudulently charging thousands of dollars to stored credit cards,” says the letter addressed to Meta’s chief legal officer, Jennifer Newstead. “Furthermore, we have received reports of threat actors buying advertisements to run on Meta.”
“We refuse to operate as the customer service representatives of your company,” the officials add. “Proper investment in response and mitigation is mandatory.”
In addition to New York, the letter is signed by attorneys general from Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming, and the District of Columbia.
“Scammers use every platform available to them and constantly adapt to evade enforcement. We invest heavily in our trained enforcement and review teams and have specialized detection tools to identify compromised accounts and other fraudulent activity,” Meta says in a statement provided by spokesperson Erin McPike. “We regularly share tips and tools people can use to protect themselves, provide a means to report potential violations, work with law enforcement and take legal action.”
Account takeovers can occur as a result of phishing as well as other more sophisticated and targeted techniques. Once an attacker gains access to an account, the owner can be easily locked out by changing passwords and contact information. Private messages and personal information are left up for grabs for a variety of nefarious purposes, from impersonation and fraud to pushing misinformation.
“It's basically a case of identity theft and Facebook is doing nothing about it,” said one user whose complaint was cited in the letter to Meta's Newstead.
The state officials said the accounts that were stolen to run ads on Facebook often run afoul of its rules while doing so, leading them to be permanently suspended, punishing the victims—often small business owners—twice over.
“Having your social media account taken over by a scammer can feel like having someone sneak into your home and change all of the locks,” New York's James said in a statement. “Social media is how millions of Americans connect with family, friends, and people throughout their communities and the world. To have Meta fail to properly protect users from scammers trying to hijack accounts and lock rightful owners out is unacceptable.”
Other complaints forwarded to Newstead show hacking victims expressing frustration over Meta’s lack of response. In many cases, users report no action being taken by the company. Some say the company encourages users to report such problems but never responds, leaving them unable to salvage their accounts or the businesses they built around them.
After being hacked and defrauded of $500, one user complained that their ability to communicate with their own customer base had been “completely disrupted,” and that Meta had never responded to the report they filed, though the user had followed the instructions the company provided them to obtain help.
“I can't get any help from Meta. There is no one to talk to and meanwhile all my personal pictures are being used. My contacts are receiving false information from the hacker,” one user wrote.
Wrote another: “This is my business account, which is important to me and my life. I have invested my life, time, money and soul in this account. All attempts to contact and get a response from the Meta company, including Instagram and Facebook, were crowned with complete failure, since the company categorically does not respond to letters.”
Figures provided by James’ office in New York show a tenfold increase in complaints between 2019 and 2023—from 73 complaints to more than 780 last year. In January alone, more than 128 complaints were received, James’ office says. Other states saw similar spikes in complaints during that period, according to the letter, with Pennsylvania recording a 270 percent increase, a 330 percent jump in North Carolina, and a 740 percent surge in Vermont.
The letter notes that, while the officials cannot be “certain of any connection,” the drastic increase in complaints occurred “around the same time” as layoffs at Meta affecting roughly 11,000 employees in November 2022, around 13 percent of its staff at the time.
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beardedmrbean · 7 months
The Federal Bureau of Investigation is warning secretaries of state nationwide of "extremely alarming" threats in anticipation of the elections taking place across the country.
Election security has become a significant issue since the 2020 presidential election between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. The close election that took days to officially call in Biden's favor led to a litany of lawsuits and accusations by some conservatives, including Trump, that the results were compromised, eventually leading to the riot at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.
Trump awaits a criminal trial after being indicted on four counts in Washington, D.C., for allegedly working to overturn the results of the 2020 election in the run-up to the Capitol riot. Charges include conspiracy to defraud the U.S. government and conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding.
Last August, Trump and 18 others were indicted by a Georgia grand jury for allegedly attempting to overturn the state's 2020 results. The Republican front-runner for the 2024 nomination has pleaded not guilty to all charges.
"The threat environment, unfortunately, is very high," Timothy Langan, executive assistant director for the Criminal, Cyber, Response, and Services Branch of the FBI, said last week at the winter conference of the National Association of Secretaries of State in Washington, according to Stateline. "It is extremely alarming."
Newsweek reached out to the FBI via email for comment.
Langan reportedly advised caution to gathered secretaries of state and election officials about familiar and new cyberattacks, including an urging of vigilance in the face of violent threats that may affect their safety.
Election officials were also reportedly told that voter databases could be targeted via phishing or ransomware attacks conducted by domestic or foreign individuals or entities who want to sow doubt in the electoral process. That includes spreading misinformation and disinformation and addressing rapid technological changes spurred by artificial intelligence (AI).
"You need to conduct assessments and there are groups out there to assist [the process], whether at state or county levels because unless you understand what your vulnerabilities are, you can't do anything about it," Aaron Thacker, spokesperson for Democratic Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes, told Newsweek on Wednesday.
"We can't just be afraid of these threats; we have to act on them," he added. "And that means to prepare."
Thacker said that Fontes and the state of Arizona, whose election officials were present at last week's conference, have been working in various facets to show the public that its elections are fair.
That has included updating an elections procedure manual approved in December by Governor Katie Hobbs and Attorney General Kris Mayes, correcting misinformation about ballot drop boxes, the successful completion of a "rigorous" certification and recertification training program for election workers, and multi-day "tabletop" exercises educating citizens and stakeholders in over a dozen counties on "deep fakes" and AI-related disruptions.
He said that future outreach will involve educating both the media and members of law enforcement on election-related protocols—saying the American public also needs to be critical thinkers and understand how elections actually work, as those who do not may spread conspiracy theories, which hurts overall confidence in institutions.
"At the end of the day, we have an elections process that works, and it has worked for a long time...Quite frankly, so much of this is less about actual manipulation of actual elections and ballots than themes people are buying into. So, we have to communicate that. We have always had free and fair elections."
Even as recent as last August, a CNN poll showed that 69 percent of Republicans and Republican-leaning independent voters viewed Biden's victory as illegitimate—an increase from 63 percent who thought the same in early 2023.
Dominion Voting Systems is one of the privately-owned voting equipment companies that received financial restitution after suing Fox News for $1.6 billion for defamation due to statements made by Fox News hosts regarding the legitimacy of the 2020 election. They ultimately settled out of court for $787.5 million.
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mallowmaenad · 8 months
19, 26, 34?
19:A fact about your personality
I have multiple.
26:My biggest pet peeves
Being rude to servers, wasting food, people that project their feelings onto the actions of domesticated animals and babies for fun, when an easily recognizable thing in a foreign piece of media gets localized into something stupid, "cute" animal videos where the animal is being mistreated, exotic pet owners, expensive rice, expensive soda, when tv shows' seasons are spread over multiple streaming services vs. all being on one or more, people that find kate upton attractive, people raising their voices, cars that have the bass turned up so loud you hear the chassis rattling like its going to explode more than you hear the actual music, people that tell you to "just google it", ghosting, people making arguments against nobody because they want to look enlightened, christians acting oppressed, people that hate the homestuck and hlvrai fanbase, people that make fandom their whole personalities, conspicuous consumption, people who talk about firebombing walmarts n shit who have never done anything in their lives to help their communities, when I send something to someone for them to read and they never get around to reading it because they don't have the patience to, overconfident men, when someone eggs me on and on to play a video game so we can play together and then when I start playing it they suddenly don't have any time to play it with me anymore, when settings have lore than make whole swaths of species ontologically evil, people who are picky about grammar and spelling, people who say skyrim is the worst elder scrolls game, having to play tabletop RPGs by "official play" guidelines, delivery fees that don't even go to the delivery driver, people who talk about cool weapons "not being practical", hats with poor craftsmanship, the feel of wearing converse shoes, youtube accent, cis white dudes being at the forefront of progressiveness in pop culture, people assuming you understand whatever references they make to a thing adjacent to something you do know about but personally don't care about, farting in my direction, uncreative misappropriation of the word "golem", wanting to fuck league of legends characters, people that think cat girls are more popular than puppy girls in real life, deodorant, people that get pissy about buying pre-minced garlic, when arizona ice tea is more expensive than 1 dollar a can, mr. beast's face, the term "thicc" and its consequences, people who like fat asses and thick thighs who hate it when girls are fat, when people conflate the dnd class list as having actual ramifications in wider fantasy media, people who think weed is bad, asking for criticism and only receiving complaints, people that say chinese-american or texmex cuisine isnt "authentic", formalities, out of character lewd fanart especially if it's of a strong, dominant woman in a submissive position with toned down muscles, when RPGs butch bait me,
blonde girls with no personality, NHentai's tag search system, mid shounen dominating the western anime scene, when someone says something is "so gay" but its just their fandom headcanons, when one take from a post or article gets so popular when you bring up the thing it's related to people can't not bring it up every time the topic appears, people that try to get the attention of zoo animals, people that own over 700 dollars worth of firearms that aren't collectors like actual collectors not fuckin Clint from the suburbs that feels like a man only cause he owns an AR-15 and a Desert Eagle , lack of cool and edgy plus size character designs, when people call transphobic caricatures "GNC AF", gum immediately losing its flavor, the olive oil industry, when people tell me "just emulate it" or "just pirate it" and roll their eyes when I tell them I'm worried about viruses, games that rip off grand theft auto, when charity bundles on itch.io are 80% unfinished PWYW proof of concept demos put there to get good will advertising, people who are concerned with Wario's honor, lack of plus size yuri, people who turn their noses up to foreign foods, RPGs with character customization that won't let you play as a girl, doing my taxes, when people are coy about details, dudes that want to fuck alstolfo, slowed with reverb remixes, the memeification of phonk, the price of video games, waiting on game downloads after putting the disc into the console, people doing me favors and getting passive-aggressive about it later when I didn't ask for it/tried to ease the burden of it as much as possible, when people ask me what I want on my burger when the menu clearly outlines what toppings the burger is meant to come with, trying to find a tf2 classic server without additional weapon mods that break the game, polo shirts
34:What I find attractive in women
Interesting personality, eager to praise, understanding, warm, enjoys eating, weird, decent fashion sense, messy bedroom/car, doesn't wear any strong artificial scents, progressive stances on neurodivergence and psychology, physically affectionate, has incorporated something like a kind of animal or fantastical concept into their identity, caring, vaguely maternal at times, willing to play video games and watch youtube poops, sense of humor, soft, will do drugs with me in a level-headed manner, likes goofy looking cocktails and desserts, not above eating a 5 dollar hamburger on a date, into fat girls, has a broad definition of what sex is, ideally transgender, nice lap to lay head in, endurance to have 300lbs on top of them for some period of time, willing to buy things for me, kinky in a cringe way, a bit ugly (by society's standards), older than me, into obscure animes and music, appreciates a good cup of coffee, lax style, cringe resistant, quiet, into plushies, total nerd, in terms of appearance I like a very diverse range of those to the point where it doesn't factor in as much but I find conventionally attractive people boring and visible ribs make me feel concerned and uncomfortable
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West USA Realty of Prescott Achieves Record Sales in July 2024: A Milestone in Arizona Real Estate
In the dynamic world of real estate, achieving record-breaking sales is no small feat, especially in a competitive market like Prescott, Arizona. West USA Realty of Prescott has done just that, setting a new benchmark in the industry with a historic sales month in July 2024. This accomplishment is a testament to the agency’s unwavering commitment to excellence, innovative marketing strategies, and deep understanding of the local real estate market.
The Rise of West USA Realty of Prescott
Since its inception, West USA Realty of Prescott has consistently demonstrated its prowess in the real estate sector. The agency’s reputation for integrity, market knowledge, and exceptional client service has been the cornerstone of its success. Over the years, West USA Realty of Prescott has not only expanded its footprint in the region but has also played a pivotal role in shaping the real estate landscape in Prescott and its surrounding areas.
Unveiling the Secrets Behind the Record Sales
The record sales in July 2024 were not a stroke of luck but the result of meticulous planning, strategic execution, and an in-depth understanding of market dynamics. Here’s a closer look at the key factors that contributed to this unprecedented achievement:
1. Strategic Market Analysis
West USA Realty of Prescott employs a team of seasoned professionals who excel in market analysis. By continuously monitoring real estate trends, buyer behavior, and economic indicators, the agency was able to anticipate market movements and position itself advantageously. This proactive approach allowed the agency to identify lucrative opportunities and capitalize on them, driving sales to new heights.
2. Client-Centric Approach
At the heart of West USA Realty of Prescott’s success is its unwavering commitment to client satisfaction. The agency places great emphasis on understanding the unique needs and preferences of each client, whether they are buying or selling property. This personalized approach not only fosters strong client relationships but also ensures that every transaction is smooth, transparent, and tailored to the client’s best interests.
3. Innovative Marketing Strategies
In today’s digital age, traditional marketing methods alone are not enough to stay ahead of the competition. West USA Realty of Prescott has embraced innovative marketing strategies that leverage the power of digital media. From targeted online advertising and social media campaigns to search engine optimization (SEO) and email marketing, the agency has effectively expanded its reach and engaged with potential clients across multiple platforms.
4. Strong Local Partnerships
West USA Realty of Prescott understands the importance of building and maintaining strong local partnerships. By collaborating with local businesses, contractors, and service providers, the agency has created a robust network that enhances its service offerings. These partnerships not only streamline the buying and selling process but also add value to clients by providing them with access to trusted resources within the community.
5. Expert Negotiation Skills
Negotiation is an art, and West USA Realty of Prescott has mastered it. The agency’s agents are skilled negotiators who work tirelessly to secure the best possible deals for their clients. Whether it’s negotiating the sale price, closing costs, or contract terms, the agency’s expertise in negotiation has played a significant role in driving record sales.
A Look at the Numbers: What Made July 2024 Stand Out
The numbers speak for themselves. In July 2024, West USA Realty of Prescott closed an impressive number of transactions, with sales volume exceeding previous records by a substantial margin. This remarkable achievement was driven by a combination of high-value property sales, a surge in buyer demand, and an increase in property listings.
One of the key highlights of the month was the sale of several high-end properties in Prescott’s most sought-after neighborhoods. These properties, known for their luxury features and prime locations, attracted affluent buyers from across the state and beyond. The agency’s ability to effectively market these properties and match them with the right buyers was instrumental in achieving record sales.
The Future of West USA Realty of Prescott: Continuing the Momentum
As West USA Realty of Prescott basks in the success of its record-breaking July, the agency is not resting on its laurels. Instead, it is looking ahead with a clear vision and a strategic plan to continue its upward trajectory. Here’s what the future holds for the agency:
1. Expanding Market Reach
West USA Realty of Prescott plans to expand its market reach by tapping into new geographic areas and targeting niche markets. This expansion will be supported by comprehensive market research and a customized marketing approach tailored to the unique characteristics of each new market.
2. Enhancing Digital Presence
Recognizing the growing importance of digital platforms, the agency is investing in enhancing its online presence. This includes optimizing its website for better user experience, implementing advanced SEO techniques to improve search engine rankings, and increasing engagement on social media platforms. By staying ahead in the digital space, West USA Realty of Prescott aims to attract a wider audience and generate more leads.
3. Leveraging Data-Driven Insights
In an industry where data is king, West USA Realty of Prescott is committed to leveraging data-driven insights to inform its decision-making process. The agency is adopting advanced analytics tools to gain deeper insights into market trends, buyer preferences, and sales performance. These insights will enable the agency to make more informed decisions and refine its strategies for even greater success.
4. Fostering Talent Development
The success of West USA Realty of Prescott is built on the expertise and dedication of its team. To maintain its competitive edge, the agency is focusing on talent development through continuous training and professional development programs. By equipping its agents with the latest industry knowledge and skills, the agency ensures that its clients receive top-notch service.
Conclusion: A Legacy of Excellence
West USA Realty of Prescott’s record sales in July 2024 are a testament to the agency’s legacy of excellence in the real estate industry. Through strategic planning, client-centric service, and innovative marketing, the agency has set a new standard for success in Prescott’s real estate market. As it looks to the future, West USA Realty of Prescott is poised to continue its leadership in the industry, delivering exceptional results for its clients and setting new records along the way.
To learn more about the Prescott, Arizona real estate market contact Michael Eastwood CEO of West USA Realty of Prescott at 928-636-1500 or visit us at www.westusaofprescott.com Michael will introduce you to one of his professional real estate agents. (Each office is Independently owned and operated) #RealEstateTips #PrescottAZ #HashtagPower #BoostYourPosts #ViralContent #RealEstateSuccess #RealEstateReel  #InstagramGrowth #ViralVisibility #FollowMe #PrescottRealEstate #ArizonaHomes #RealEstateForSale #PrescottProperties
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thelonesgroup · 5 months
Buyer Brokerage Agreements
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This week's Zebra Report is an important one. With all the laws changing around buyer-brokerage agreements, it is so important to know that soon, before a buyer can even go look at a house with you, that you will need to get them to sign a buyer-brokerage agreement. Even today, I recommend that when you begin providing your buyer with real estate services that you have a buyer services agreement in place.
Now, the challenge with that is that they may not know you very well. Maybe they are calling you because they saw your sign in their neighborhood and are thinking, "Hey, I'll just give this agent a call and maybe they can show me a home." That means that you need to be able to have these kinds of discussions. It also means that many buyers are going to go online, they are going to go to your website, and they are going to want to check you out.
Just this morning, as I was preparing for today's Zebra Report, I looked at twenty-six real estate agent websites. Just random ones that I found in search results for various areas. Some here in Washington, others in California, Florida, Arizona, Texas, and elsewhere. As I visited these websites, I was imagining that I was a potential buyer that was going to buy a house. So as I visited these websites, I looked for a buyer services page for more information.
And you know what? Not a single one of the agent websites I visited today - a big fat ZERO - actually explained anything about what the process really looks like when you go to buy a house.
Now here, in Washington State, it is even more important because of the law regarding buyer brokerage agreements that went into effect at the beginning of the year. Agents here need to be able to explain:
What is the law?
How does it benefit buyers?
Why should buyers want to be committed to an agent?
While you are working on how to answer these questions you need to consider the very first place that buyers are going to find you - at your website. Back in March 2021, NAR's Home Buyer and Seller Generational Trends stated that 97% of home buyers search online first. Today it's likely more and that means that your online presence matters. Your website matters. You need to update your website.
The biggest thing I'm seeing this year is that this incredible, essential piece of information is missing or just not detailed enough on too many agents' websites. Now, more than ever before, you need to get your website evaluated, address these issues, and get a website makeover!
Be objective. Look at your website. Don't do what I did and look at 26 of them, maybe look at five others. Then take the time to ask yourself, "Ok, if I was a buyer what kind of information would I need to find here." Or, "If I was going to meet with a buyer at their home, what kind of information do I need to have prepared to have a discussion about buyer-brokerage agreements." If you are going to discuss it in person, you need to be able to discuss it online, you need to be able to discuss it on social media. Maybe that means posting a short video that explains this to your potential buyers.
If you need help with websites, reach out to us, I'll include a link below. Our Director of Technology, Randy, is our resident expert on real estate websites, online marketing, and anything tech-related - and he understands how the real estate business works and is easy to talk to. He can do an in-depth analysis of your website and propose options to you to get it on track. Be at the front of that line to get the help you need.
Don't wait until a buyer calls you one day and you discover that you aren't ready to have those discussions and you're not ready for them to look at your website.
Book a Demo
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By Denise Lones CSP, CMP, M.I.R.M. The founding partner of The Lones Group, Denise Lones has over three decades of experience in the real estate industry. With agent/broker coaching, expertise in branding, lead generation, strategic marketing, business analysis, new home project planning, product development and more, Denise is nationally recognized as the source for all things real estate. With a passion for improvement, Denise has helped thousands of real estate agents, brokers, and managers build their business to unprecedented levels of success, while helping them maintain balance and quality of life.
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publicschooll · 8 months
Changing a Company's Culture - Brief History of Starbucks
Submitted to CSU
Starbucks has always been a company that goes above and beyond for its employees. In the early 2000s, Starbucks offered employee benefits such as tuition reimbursement and was one of the few hospitality companies that offered line-level employees pay above the minimum wage threshold. Their employee-first approach ideology began well before that, dating back to 1988, when they gave both full-time and part-time employees benefits. Starbucks’ inclusivity did not stop there, throughout the years, the positivity of their environment created ERGs for employees from all walks of life that garnered thousands of participants on a global scale. Starbucks was also active in hiring over 10,000 military veterans and their spouses creating spaces for employees with disabilities to learn and expand their skills. While all of these initiatives seemed to give equity to all of their employees, there was a particular group that seemed to be missed.
In December of 2014, Starbucks held an open forum to address the issue of “Race in America”, then President Howard Schultz hosted an impromptu meeting in the Seattle offices to discuss some of the travesties that were occurring across the United States. Schultz created a safe place in an uncommon setting for people to share their experiences. Noting that “Despite the raw emotion around the events and their underlying racial issues, we at Starbucks should be willing to talk about them internally. Not to point fingers or to place blame, and not because we have answers, but because staying silent is not who we are”(Starbucks, 2014). Shortly after in 2017, Schultz left his position as the President of Starbucks for the second time in the company’s history. In 2018, a firestorm occurred that sent the media into a frenzy. Two African American men were asked to leave a Starbucks after being accused of not buying anything and ultimately were arrested after a manager decided to call the cops on charges of “trespassing”. Historically, Starbucks has always been a gathering place and has not traditionally forced patrons to purchase food or drink to lounge in their seating area. From then on, several reports came out about unfair and biased treatment towards customers of color. One suit alleged, “that Starbucks not only treats its Caucasian customers more favorably than African-American customers but also calls local law enforcement to surveil and intimidate African-American women who are peacefully requesting equal treatment and equal service”(Forthright, 2020). After forcing baristas to wear pride shirts in June of 2020(and firing one for her refusal due to religious reasons), Starbucks also denied baristas to wear BLM shirts to show support at a very sensitive time. Their statement in support of their decisions was that “There are agitators who misconstrue the fundamental principles of the Black Lives Matter movement — and in certain circumstances, intentionally repurpose them to amplify divisiveness.” White privilege is rooted in having the privilege to define what’s divisive by simultaneously gaslighting and dividing another protected class.
After the initial incident in 2017, once the managers involved in the high-profile case were terminated, Starbucks also rushed to administer sensitivity training to its workforce. In 2018, the company took a step back to assess the why behind all the events that were occurring. Starbucks employed the help of Covington and Burling LLP and Eric Holder to administer a civil rights test. This test would accompany a 5-year plan and hold Starbucks accountable for increasing diversity and eliminating implicit bias within the company as well as in their service models at the store level. “As a means of promoting a deeper understanding of implicit bias among employees, Starbucks commissioned Arizona State University, which collaborated with more than 50 subject-matter experts,  to develop a 15-part curriculum. Dubbed “To Be Welcoming,” the training program has a special emphasis on role-playing exercises related to disruptive behaviors faced by partners in cafés”(Dingle, 2020). After over 20 years of being in business, they also hired their first DE&I executive. One aspect that was introduced as a crucial component of this plan was the change in the executive pay bonus structure. “Just a fat package will not keep your employees satisfied. They must feel as a part of the family. Organizational culture is also linked to high employee morale and better retention rates” (Pratap, 2018).  Companies show their employees that people matter, and representation matters by affecting what C-suite executives love most, their pockets. “Starbucks will tie executives’ compensation to the diversity of its workforce with officials announcing that by 2025 the goal is to have 30% of corporate employees and 40% of retail and manufacturing workers who identify as Black, indigenous or people of color.” (Tyko, 2020) While the actual amount was not released, setting the stage for this type of accountability is major. Tying bonus structure to diversity is mostly unheard of in Corporate America as DE&I initiatives are seen as social responsibility.
Creating a culture of accountability is truly the only way to ensure that initiatives aren’t just performative and for the moment. However, I would not have taken the same route Starbucks did. To have an employee call the cops on patrons due to their skin color is not just a training issue it’s a structural issue. From the first incident in 2017, Starbucks should have used some of its resources to sufficiently train people on how to be proper humans specifically to black and brown people. It was unacceptable and irresponsible for them to say that speaking out against police brutality is “divisive”. Racism is insidious and it doesn’t act on its own. Most instances of racism in a work environment occur because the company welcomes racism. It is welcomed and encouraged through jokes, discriminatory hiring practices, progressive discipline, and all aspects of the managerial and HR function. That incident should’ve launched a company-wide investigation starting at the executive level to weed out those who operate with implicit bias. A zero-tolerance initiative and accountability for senior leaders would have accompanied it. From there, Starbucks would have been able to enact diverse hiring without waiting 5 entire years. A well-thought-out and fully flushed plan including training to address gaps, quarterly talent reviews to remove folks from the organization, intentional hiring, and the continuation of the prioritization of the ERGs can certainly help retention but only over time and only if the ones responsible for propelling the culture forward are willing participants. Starbuck's changes are not overnight and the organization still has a lot of change to undergo and tons more work to do in the DE&I space. I recommend any company that has retention issues to assess pay, benefits, and leadership and if those are in place, there’s probably a missed opportunity with equity and diversity. 
Cramer, M. (2020) Baristas at Starbucks Accuse Service Company of Abuse and Pay Gaps, New York Times
Denham, Hammon. (2020) In reversal, Starbucks will allow employees to wear ‘Black Lives Matter’ T-shirts, Washington Post
Forthright Law, P.C. African-American Customer Sues Starbucks For Racially Biased Service
Lee, A. (2020) Lawsuit claims Starbucks employee fired for stance on religion, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Leinward, P. & Davidson, V. (2016) How Starbucks’s Culture Brings Its Strategy to Life, Harvard Business Review
Pratap, Abhijeet. (2018) Organizational Culture at Starbucks: An Analysis, Notesmatic
Starbucks,(2020) Starbucks Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity Timeline, Stories and News https://stories.starbucks.com/press/2019/starbucks-equity-and-inclusion-timeline/
Starbucks,(2020) Civil Rights Assessment Summary, Stories and News https://stories.starbucks.com/uploads/2020/02/Civil-Rights-Assessment-Summary.pdfTyko, Kelly. (2020) Starbucks to tie executive pay to diversity goals as it announces mentorship program, anti-bias training requirements, USA Today
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ailtrahq · 1 year
After days of trading in a range, Dogecoin saw a brief break on Aug. 29 in a rise that propelled it to highs of $0.068. Dogecoin's price had surged in response to favorable developments on the crypto market. The dog-themed crypto asset rallied alongside the rest of the market, buoyed by a major win for asset manager Grayscale in its lawsuit against the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Another factor that may have sparked optimism among DOGE holders was the news that social media platform X obtained a license for payments. According to reports, X (formerly Twitter) obtained a currency transmitter license to provide payment services in Rhode Island. This would allow the platform to offer payment services in seven states: Arizona, Missouri, Georgia, Maryland, Michigan, New Hampshire and Rhode Island. As expected, traders jumped into the market volatility, pushing Dogecoin's 24-hour trading volume up by a whopping 230%. Increased volatility generally leads to higher trading volumes in any market as seasoned traders buy and sell large quantities to capture profits. Likewise, the rise in Dogecoin volumes might have been caused by investors anticipating a major move in price. That said, the total number of units traded between buyers and sellers, or trading volume, is, however, said by some to be an unreliable measure of investor positioning. At the time of writing, DOGE had pared its intraday gains and was marginally down in the last 24 hours to $0.068. On the upside, a break above the daily moving averages of 50 and 200, located at  $0.07 and $0.074, respectively, would be the first sign of strength. Ahead of this big break lies an intermediate barrier at $0.068, which Dogecoin must scale before its big move. On the contrary, in the event of a downward move, Dogecoin will eye the support at the $0.056 and $0.06 levels. Source
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What you need to know before opening your architectural firm
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You may have felt you're ready to take the spotlight after working for another company. You may have just graduated from architecture school and are prepared to face the real world. Check out these 3 Young Architecture Firms That Are Trying To Change The World. You'll need to give your architectural firm the best possible start before you can hand out business cards. Below is our 5-point guide to starting your architectural firm. What is an architectural firm? A firm of architects and licensed professionals who are trained and have scientific knowledge and technical skills to design architectural structures. These professionals may also plan and supervise the construction of the design.
Start your architectural firm: 5 tips for success
- Building the Identity of a Firm Clarity of goals is the first step in any successful business. Your architecture firm's goals may be based on the size of your firm, revenue generated, type of work or where you want to see it in a given time frame. Start by setting 3-5 business goals. These goals may include: How big is your firm? Are you interested in focusing on the design or management of your business? What types of clients/projects would you like to work on? Do you want to sell your company in five years? Want to create a business that will give you a steady income for 20 years?   Embark on your architectural venture in Arizona. Nestled in the southwestern region of the United States, Arizona captivates with its captivating array of landscapes and boasts a vibrant business and economic landscape. The state thrives in crucial industries such as aerospace, manufacturing, healthcare, technology, tourism, and renewable energy, positioning itself as a highly appealing destination for businesses seeking growth and innovation.   As an architect establishing your practice in Arizona, it is crucial to consider acquiring errors and omissions insurance. By proactively familiarizing yourself with suitable insurance options, you can safeguard the longevity of your career and protect your financial interests effectively.   - Marketing, Budget and Development Initially, most businesses require more capital than they need to survive. The amount of money required depends on the resources available and the type of architectural firm that you're starting. It is essential to create a budget before you panic. Consider the following: You can choose between bank or personal loans and using your cash. Equipment/Location - keep it as minimal as possible. Marketing- Spreading the word to family, friends, colleagues, etc. Set up a page on social media. Buy a website for publishing and keeping track of your work. Budgeting for the payment of employees and other services (e.g. photographer, draftsmen, etc.)   - Setting Up Space For creative people to get their creative juices flowing, they need a creative space! It is essential to design an office/studio that expresses your company's personality based on factors such as the firm's size, aesthetic preferences, and location. Working from home is a good idea for a budding architect. Many advantages include personal space, no commuting, and lower costs. If you do not have the space to create a studio, you can still work from home and rent a meeting/co-working space to meet with clients. You may want to consider the following when designing and selecting a location for your studio: A prime location. Pleasant working environment A solid contract and a reasonable price. The basic amenities in a design studio include desktops, furniture, stationery and resource libraries. Your personality and design principles will be reflected in the space you create.   - Workflow Management The management of workflow is a critical component of any successful business. The firm's reputation is enhanced when projects are completed on time. It is essential that you, as the principal architect, keep track of the progress and duration of every project. You can even use software to help you manage your tasks (Workflow Management Software is a good example). Check out this checklist to determine the quality of the office. Before starting new projects, track the time for all pending tasks. Project Management. Create Minutes, Invoices and Final Reports. Collaboration with larger firms Participating in Design Competitions   - Get Published, Get Noticed You'll need to make your firm known to the design community. One of the best methods to do so is to publish your work or submit it to competitions. You can use the following tips to build a successful business: It would be best to use good architectural photography that matches your theme. The crisp article explains design principles and space. We are regularly updating the website to include new work, ideas, design ideologies and the current status of the work.   Lectures and workshops are conducted. It is not easy to start an architectural practice! The tips above are only elements of a cohesive format. The whole process is much more intense! The journey to the beginning of your career is one of the most exciting and rewarding roller coasters you will ever experience! Read the full article
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mensusaonlinestore1 · 2 years
Moissanites are a unique and fascinating type of gemstone that have become increasingly popular in recent years. They were first discovered in the late 1800s by French scientist Henri Moissan, who found tiny fragments of the mineral in a meteorite crater in Arizona. Moissan initially thought that the fragments were diamonds, but upon further analysis, he realized that they were made of silicon carbide, a completely different material. This new discovery was named "moissanite" in his honor.
Moissanites are known for their exceptional brilliance, fire, and luster. They are often compared to diamonds because of their sparkling appearance, but they have several distinct characteristics that set them apart. Moissanites are not only less expensive than diamonds, but they are also more durable, making them an ideal choice for everyday wear. In fact, moissanites are nearly as hard as diamonds, with a hardness rating of 9.25 on the Mohs scale (compared to 10 for diamonds).
One of the biggest advantages of moissanites is that they are completely ethical and sustainable. Unlike diamonds, which are often mined in war-torn regions or obtained through unethical practices, moissanites are lab-grown using advanced technology. This means that they are not only eco-friendly, but they are also free of the negative social and environmental impacts associated with diamond mining.
In terms of appearance, custom made moissanite engagement rings are just as beautiful as diamonds. They have a unique sparkle and fire that is truly mesmerizing. They come in a variety of cuts, including round, cushion, princess, and more, making them versatile enough to suit any style or taste. They are also available in a range of colors, including clear, yellow, green, and even black, so there is a moissanite to match any preference.
Moissanites are also versatile in terms of price, making them an affordable option for those who want the look of a diamond without the high cost. They typically cost a fraction of what a diamond would, making them a great choice for those who are on a budget but still want a stunning piece of jewelry.
In terms of care and maintenance, moissanites are very low-maintenance. They do not require any special cleaning or polishing, and they are resistant to scratches, chips, and other types of damage. They are also durable enough to withstand the wear and tear of everyday life, making them a great choice for those who want a piece of jewelry that they can wear all the time.
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This article is written by I heart moissanites who provides various moissanite based jewelry throughout Australia.
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robertreich · 3 years
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The media's rotten reporting on Biden's social and climate bill (and it's not just Fox News)
Friends, I recently started a newsletter on power, politics, and the economy. I’m still getting the hang of it, but so far I’ve been delighted and encouraged by the responses and the community we've built.  For those who’ve yet to sign up, please consider joining us at https://robertreich.substack.com.
The ambitious social and climate legislation now working its way through Congress will be enacted in some form. But its agonizing journey to date reveals the rotten job done by the media that’s supposed to inform Americans about our democracy.
Last week, the New York Times described the delay in House Democrats’ approval of the infrastructure bill as caused by a “liberal revolt.” On Saturday it reported that Biden had “thrown in” with his party’s “left” rather than its “center,” thereby “leaving his agenda in doubt.” This is pure rubbish. There was no “liberal revolt” and there’s no standoff in the party between a leftwing fringe and a larger center. The vast majority of Democratic lawmakers in both the House and Senate support Biden’s agenda. The only “doubt” comes from two Democratic senators, Arizona’s Kyrsten Sinema and West Virginia’s Joe Manchin. Passage of the infrastructure bill was held up in the House last weekend because Sinema and Manchin wouldn’t negotiate the size of the social and climate bill that was supposed to be attached to it. The media describes Sinema and Manchin as “moderates” but they’re to the right of the rest of the party. If they’re “moderates,” does that make most Democratic lawmakers “extremists?” And why does the media continue to characterize them as “pragmatic” when, as Joan Walsh of The Nation points out, “it’s actually the progressives who have compromised; they are the pragmatists.” You can see the same bias in how Biden’s social and climate bill is being described. The media almost never mentions what’s in it – a slew of extraordinarily popular items including childcare, pre-K, community college, paid family leave, child tax credits, and measures to slow climate change. Instead, almost the sole media focus is on how much it would cost. “Biden’s 3.5 trillion package” is the standard description. Even this is wrong because the $3.5 trillion is spread over 10 years, making it $350 billion per year – about half of what we spend each year on national defense. To make matters worse, the media’s focus on the bill’s cost ignores the larger costs of not passing it. 
Millions of people without childcare, for example, can’t join the labor force – costing the economy tens of billions each year. Young people who can’t afford community college end up costing the economy vast sums in terms of lost productivity and whatever public assistance they may need down the line. If we don’t slow climate change, we’ll be spending hundreds of billions more per year dealing with worsening wildfires, floods, and droughts. If we don’t begin to reverse widening inequality, half of America won’t be able to buy the goods and services the economy produces. Talk about costs. These biases in the mainstream media aren’t the result of intentional decisions among publishers, editors and writers to favor the status quo over progressive change. They simply reflect the dominant views of the American establishment, as seen mainly through the lenses of New York and Washington. The establishment supports the status quo and puts a high burden of proof on those seeking fundamental change because it is the establishment. Yet as a result, the mainstream media is doing a rotten job informing America about one of the most important pieces of legislation to come along in decades, at a time in our nation’s history when fundamental change is badly needed. What do you think?  Tell me in the comments at https://robertreich.substack.com/p/the-medias-rotten-reporting-on-bidens.
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Why Choose West USA Realty of Prescott?
When it comes to buying or selling a home, you need a brokerage that understands the local market and has a proven track record of success. Here’s why West USA Realty of Prescott is a top choice for many in Prescott, Arizona.
Exceptional Local Market Knowledge
West USA Realty of Prescott boasts an in-depth understanding of the Prescott real estate market. Their agents are local experts who know the ins and outs of the area, from the best neighborhoods to current market trends. This knowledge ensures that you get the best advice and insights when buying or selling a home.
Personalized Client Service
At West USA Realty of Prescott, you’re not just another transaction. Their agents take the time to understand your unique needs and preferences, providing personalized service that ensures a smooth and satisfying real estate experience. They are committed to making your goals their priority.
Innovative Marketing Strategies
Selling a home? West USA Realty of Prescott employs cutting-edge marketing strategies to ensure your property gets maximum exposure. From professional photography and virtual tours to targeted social media campaigns, they use every tool available to attract potential buyers.
Experienced and Professional Agents
The agents at West USA Realty of Prescott are experienced professionals who are dedicated to helping you achieve your real estate goals. They bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table, ensuring that you receive the best possible guidance throughout your real estate journey.
Comprehensive Support and Resources
Whether you’re a first-time buyer or an experienced investor, West USA Realty of Prescott offers comprehensive support and resources to help you succeed. From mortgage assistance to home inspection services, they provide everything you need to make informed decisions.
Proven Track Record of Success
With countless successful transactions and satisfied clients, West USA Realty of Prescott has a proven track record of success. Their reputation for excellence is built on their ability to consistently deliver outstanding results for buyers and sellers alike.
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Being deeply rooted in the Prescott community, West USA Realty of Prescott has strong connections that benefit their clients. Their local relationships and networks can open doors and provide opportunities that you won’t find elsewhere.
Access to Exclusive Listings
Looking for something special? West USA Realty of Prescott offers access to exclusive listings that aren’t available on the general market. This gives you a unique advantage whether you’re buying or selling a home.
Client Testimonials and Reviews
Don’t just take our word for it—listen to what our clients have to say. West USA Realty of Prescott has a plethora of positive testimonials and reviews from satisfied clients who have successfully bought or sold homes with their help.
Contact Michael Eastwood for More Information
To learn more about the Prescott, Arizona real estate market and how West USA Realty of Prescott can assist you, contact Michael Eastwood, CEO of West USA Realty of Prescott, at 928-636-1500. Michael will introduce you to one of his professional real estate agents who will guide you through every step of your real estate journey.
Making Your Real Estate Journey Smooth
Transitioning between homes can be a complex process, but West USA Realty of Prescott is here to make it smooth and stress-free. Here are some tips to help you along the way:
Plan Ahead
Start planning your move early to ensure everything is in order. Communicate your needs and timeline with your agent to avoid any last-minute surprises.
Stay Informed
Keep yourself informed about the latest market trends and conditions. Your agent at West USA Realty of Prescott will provide you with the necessary information to make informed decisions.
Leverage Professional Advice
Trust the professional advice of your agent. Their expertise and knowledge are invaluable resources that can help you navigate the real estate market successfully. They have been in Prescott, Arizona for over 23 years.
Choosing the right brokerage is a critical decision that can significantly impact your real estate experience. West USA Realty of Prescott stands out for its exceptional local market knowledge, personalized service, innovative marketing strategies, experienced agents, comprehensive support, proven success, strong community connections, and access to exclusive listings. If you’re looking to buy or sell a home in Prescott, Arizona, take the time to meet with West USA Realty of Prescott. They have the expertise and dedication to help you achieve your real estate goals.www.westusaofprescott.com
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arcticdementor · 4 years
I love NYC. When I first moved to NYC it was a dream come true. Every corner was like a theater production happening right in front of me. So much personality, so many stories.
Every subculture I loved was in NYC. I could play chess all day and night. I could go to comedy clubs. I could start any type of business. I could meet people. I had family, friends, opportunities. No matter what happened to me, NYC was a net I could fall back on and bounce back up.
Now it's completely dead. "But NYC always always bounces back." No. Not this time. "But NYC is the center of the financial universe. Opportunities will flourish here again." Not this time.
"NYC has experienced worse". No it hasn't.
Three of the most important reasons to move to NYC:
- business opportunities
- culture
- food
Midtown Manhattan, the center of business in NYC, is empty. Even though people can go back to work, famous office buildings like the Time Life skyscraper is still 90% empty. Businesses realized that they don't need their employees at the office.
In fact, they realize they are even more productive without everyone back to the office. The Time Life building can handle 8,000 workers. Now it maybe has 500 workers back.
"What do you mean?" a friend of mine said to me when I told him 'Midtown should be called 'Ghost Town', "I'm in my office right now!"
"What are you doing there?"
"Packing up," he said and laughed, "I'm shutting it down." He works in the entertainment business.
Another friend of mine works at a major investment bank as a managing director. Before the pandemic he was at the office every day, sometimes working from 6am to 10pm.
Now he lives in Phoenix, Arizona. "As of June," he told me, "I had never even been to Phoenix." And then he moved there. He does all his meetings on Zoom.
I was talking to a book editor who has been out of the city since early March. "We've been all working fine. I'm not sure why we would need to go back to the office."
One friend of mine, Derek Halpern, was convinced he'd stay. He put up a Facebook post the other day saying he might be changing his mind.
People say, "NYC has been through worse" or "NYC has always come back."
No and no.
First, when has NYC been through worse?
Even in the 1970s, and through the 80s, when NYC was going bankrupt, and even when it was the crime capital of the US or close to it, it was still the capital of the business world (meaning: it was the primary place young people would go to build wealth and find opportunity), it was culturally on top of its game - home to artists, theater, media, advertising, publishing, and it was probably the food capital of the US.
In early March, many people (not me), left NYC when they felt it would provide safety from the virus and they no longer needed to go to work and all the restaurants were closed. People figured, "I'll get out for a month or two and then come back."
They are all still gone.
And then in June, during rioting and looting a second wave of NYC-ers (this time me) left. I have kids. Nothing was wrong with the protests but I was a little nervous when I saw videos of rioters after curfew trying to break into my building.
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Summary: Businesses are remote and they aren't returning to the office. And it's a death spiral: the longer offices remain empty, the longer they will remain empty.
In 2005, a hedge fund manager was visiting my office and said, "In Manhattan you practically trip over opportunities in the street."
Now the streets are empty.
I co-own a comedy club, Standup NY, on 78th and Broadway. I'm very very proud of the club and grateful to my fellow owners Dani Zoldan and Gabe Waldman and our manager Jon Boreamayo. It's a great club. It's been around since 1986 and before that it was a theater.
One time, Henry Winkler stopped by to come on my podcast. He was the one who told me it had been a theater.
He said, "I grew up two doors down from here and used to perform in here as a kid. Then I went out to LA to be the Fonz and now I'm back here, full circle, to be on your podcast. This place has history." Things like that happen in NYC.
I love the club. Before the pandemic I would perform there throughout the week in addition to many other clubs around the city and in the past few months, clubs in: Chicago, Denver, San Jose, LA, Cincinnati, all over the Netherlands, and other places.
I miss it.
That said, we have no idea when we will open. Nobody has any idea. And the longer we close, the less chance we will ever reopen profitably.
Broadway is closed until at least the Spring. Lincoln Center is closed. All the museums are closed.
Forget about the tens of thousands of jobs lost in these cultural centers. Forget even about the millions of dollars of tourist and tourist-generated revenues lost by the closing of these centers.
There are thousands of performers, producers, artists, and the entire ecosystem of art, theater, production, curation, that surrounds these cultural centers. People who have worked all of their lives for the right to be able to perform even once on Broadway whose lives and careers have been put on hold.
I get it. There was a pandemic.
But the question now is: what happens next? And, given the uncertainty (since there is no known answer), and given the fact that people, cities, economies, loathe uncertainty, we simply don't know the answer and that's a bad thing for New York City.
My favorite restaurant is closed for good. Ok, let's go to my second favorite. Closed for good. Third favorite, closed for good.
I thought the PPP was supposed to help. No? What about emergency relief? No. Stimulus checks? Unemployment? No and no. Ok, my fourth favorite, or what about that place I always ordered delivery from? No and no.
Around Late May I took walks and saw that many places were boarded up. Ok, I thought, because the protesting was leading to looting and the restaurants were protecting themselves. They'll be ok.
Looking closer I'd see the signs. For Lease. For Rent. For whatever.
Before the pandemic, the average restaurant had only 16 days of cash on hand. Some had more (McDonalds), and some had less (the local mom-and-pop Greek diner).
Yelp estimates that 60% of restaurants around the United States have closed.
My guess is more than 60% will be closed in New York City but who knows.
Someone said to me, "Well, people will want to come in now and start their own restaurants! There is less competition."
I don't think you understand how restaurants work.
If the restaurants are no longer clustered, fewer people go out to eat (they are on the fence about where so they elect to stay home). Restaurants breed more restaurants.
And again, what happens to all the employees who work at these restaurants? They are gone. They left New York City. Where did they go? I know a lot of people who went to Maine, Vermont, Tennessee, upstate, Indiana, etc - back to live with their parents or live with friends or live cheaper. They are gone and gone for good.
And what person wakes up today and says, "I can't wait to set up a pizza place in the location where 100,000 other pizza places just closed down." People are going to wait awhile and see. They want to make sure the virus is gone, or there's a vaccine, or there's a profitable business model.
Or...even worse.
If building owners and landlords lose their prime tenants (the store fronts on the bottom floor, the offices on the middle floors, the well-to-do on the top floors, etc) then they go out of business.
And what happens when they go out of business?
Nothing actually. And that's the bad news.
People who would have rented or bought say, "Hmmm, everyone is saying NYC is heading back to the 1970s, so even though prices might be 50% lower than they were a year ago, I think I will wait a bit more. Better safe than sorry!"
And then with everyone waiting... prices go down. So people see prices go down and they say, "Good thing I waited. But what happens if I wait even more!" And they wait and then prices go down more.
This is called a deflationary spiral. People wait. Prices go down. Nobody really wins. Because the landlords or owners go broke. Less money gets spent on the city. Nobody moves in so there is no motion in the markets. And people already owning in the area and can afford to hang on, have to wait longer for a return of restaurants, services, etc that they were used to.
Well, will prices go down low enough everyone buys?
Answer: Maybe. Maybe not. Some people can afford to hang on but not afford to sell. So they wait. Other people will go bankrupt and there will be litigation, which creates other problems for real estate in the area. And the big borrowers and lenders may need a bailout of some sort or face mass bankruptcy. Who knows what will happen?
I lived three blocks from Ground Zero on 9/11. Downtown, where I lived, was destroyed, but it came roaring back within two years. Such sadness and hardship and then quickly that area became the most attractive area in New York.
And in 2008/2009, much suffering during the Great Recession, again much hardship, but things came roaring back.
But...this time it's different. You're never supposed to say that but this time it's true. If you believe this time is no different, that NYC is resilient, etc I hope you're right.
I don't benefit from saying any of this. I love NYC. I was born there. I've lived there forever. I STILL live there. I love everything about NYC. I want 2019 back.
But this time it's different.
One reason: bandwidth.
In 2008, average bandwidth speeds were 3 megabits per second. That's not enough for a Zoom meeting with reliable video quality. Now, it's over 20 megabits per second. That's more than enough for high quality video.
There's a before and after. BEFORE: no remote work. AFTER: everyone can remote work.
Everyone has spent the past five months adapting to a new lifestyle. Nobody wants to fly across the country for a two hour meeting when you can do it just as well on Zoom. I can go see "live comedy" on Zoom. I can take classes from the best teachers in the world for almost free online as opposed to paying $70,000 a year for a limited number of teachers who may or may not be good.
Everyone has choices now. You can live in the music capital of Nashville, you can live in the "next Silicon Valley" of Austin. You can live in your hometown in the middle of wherever. And you can be just as productive, make the same salary, have higher quality of life with a cheaper cost to live.
Wait for events and conferences and even meetings and maybe even office spaces to start happening in virtual realities once everyone is spread out from midtown Manhattan to all over the country.
The quality of restaurants will start to go up in all the second and then third tier cities as talent and skill flow to the places that can quickly make use of them.
Ditto for cultural events.
And then people will ask, "wait a second - I was paying over 16% in state and city taxes and these other states and cities have little to no taxes? And I don't have to deal with all the other headaches of NYC?"
Because there are headaches in NYC. Lots of them. It's just we sweep them under the table because so much else has been good there.
NYC has a $9 billion deficit. A billion more than the Mayor thought they were going to have. How does a city pay back its debts? The main way is aid from the state. But the state deficit just went bonkers. Then is taxes. But if 900,000 estimated jobs are lost in NYC and tens of thousands of businesses, then that means less taxes unless taxes are raised.
What reason will people have to go back to NYC? 
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newstfionline · 3 years
Tuesday, July 6, 2021
Canada Battles More Than 180 Wildfires With Hundreds Dead In Heat Wave (NPR) Emergency responders in Canada are currently battling more than 180 wildfires in British Columbia amid an intense heat wave that has left hundreds dead in the Pacific Northwest. About 70% of the active fires were likely caused by lightning strikes, according to the British Columbia Wildfire Service’s dashboard. Chris Vagasky, a meteorologist with the company Vaisala, says a lightning detection network uncovered more than 700,000 lightning strikes in the area between June 30 and July 1. The fires come amid a massive heat wave for the region.
Canada, US are easing pandemic border-crossing restrictions (AP) Pandemic restrictions on travel between Canada and the U.S. began to loosen Monday for some Canadians, and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said plans to totally reopen the border would be announced over the next few weeks. Canadian citizens and permanent residents who have had a full dose of a coronavirus vaccine approved for use in Canada can skip a 14-day quarantine that has been a requirement since March 2020. Eligible air travelers also no longer have to spend their first three days in the country at a government-approved hotel. Restrictions barring all non-essential trips between Canada and the United States, including tourism, will remain in place until at least July 21.
Summer swelter trend: West gets hotter days, East hot nights (AP) As outlandish as the killer heat wave that struck the Pacific Northwest was, it fits into a decades-long pattern of uneven summer warming across the United States. The West is getting roasted by hotter summer days while the East Coast is getting swamped by hotter and stickier summer nights, an analysis of decades of U.S. summer weather data by The Associated Press shows. State-by-state average temperature trends from 1990 to 2020 show America’s summer swelter is increasing more in some of the places that just got baked with extreme heat over the past week: California, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Oregon and Colorado. The West is the fastest-warming region in the country during June, July and August, up 3 degrees on average since 1990. The Northwest has warmed nearly twice as much in the past 30 years as it has in the Southeast.
Collapsed Florida condo demolished ahead of storm (Reuters) The partially collapsed Miami-area condo where 24 people are confirmed dead was demolished on Sunday night, ahead of the possible arrival of Tropical Storm Elsa. Search-and-rescue efforts for 121 people missing have been suspended. Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniella Levine Cava told reporters earlier on Sunday that rescue efforts would resume after the demolition, noting it was 11 days since the collapse.
Loved and decried, El Salvador’s populist leader is defiant (AP) In the narrow, gang-controlled alleys of the Las Palmas neighborhood, struggling Salvadorans are untroubled by actions of their president that so infuriate his critics. They are not bothered by Nayib Bukele’s dictatorial maneuvers—sending armed troops into congress to coerce a vote, or ousting independent judges from the country’s highest court, paving the way to control all branches of government. They praise his relentless attacks on the politicians who governed El Salvador for nearly 30 years before him, and the elites who benefited from their rule. In this neighborhood they are grateful for the boxes of food staples they’ve received from Bukele’s government during the pandemic. Adults proudly pat their shoulders and say they got both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine long before most other people in Central America. For all the observers and critics who condemn a dangerous concentration of power by a charismatic leader who sports down-home blue jeans and leather jackets, Bukele enjoys an approval rating of more than 90% among people who saw three of four previous presidents jailed or exiled for corruption. “They talk about democracy... I don’t know what else,” said Julio César López, 60, a street artist in Las Palmas. “It makes me really happy that they’re kicking out that class of people.”
Fraud Claims, Unproved, Delay Peru’s Election Result and Energize the Right (NYT) They showed up for the rally by the thousands in red and white, the colors of their right-wing movement, swapping conspiracy theories and speaking ominously of civil war. On the stage, their leader, the presidential candidate Keiko Fujimori, let loose on her headline issue: election fraud. Though electoral officials say her opponent, the leftist union leader Pedro Castillo, leads by more than 40,000 votes with all the ballots counted, they have yet to declare a victor a month after the polls closed, as they consider Ms. Fujimori’s demand that tens of thousands of ballots be thrown out. No one has come forward, even weeks later, to corroborate Ms. Fujimori’s claims of fraud; international observers have found no evidence of major irregularities; and both the United States and the European Union have praised the electoral process. But Ms. Fujimori’s claims have not only delayed the certification of a victor, they have also radicalized elements of the Peruvian right in a way that analysts say could threaten the country’s fragile democracy.
Britain plans to end legal mandates for masks and social distancing on July 19, Boris Johnson says (Washington Post) Boris Johnson on Monday announced that Britain was set to soon end virtually all government mandates to control the spread of the coronavirus, telling people that in two weeks it would likely be completely up to them whether to wear a face mask or socially distance. At an evening news conference, the British prime minister said England was ready to move beyond one of longest, most restrictive series of lockdowns on the planet, turning away from legally binding rules to personal responsibility. He cautioned that the pandemic was not over, but it was time for restrictions to end soon. If the current trends hold, and Johnson suggested they would, then he expected the full reopening for July 19.
Lobsters’ feelings loom large as British Parliament debates animal welfare bill (Washington Post) How does a lobster feel when it’s dropped into the boiling pot? The British Parliament wants to know. Is an octopus sad, sometimes? Does the squid learn its lessons? The bee feel joy? The earthworm anxiety? The peers in the House of Lords are currently debating the matter. These questions arise because Prime Minister Boris Johnson is trying to make good on his electoral pledge to enshrine into law the idea that animals are “sentient beings,” meaning the government would be obligated to not only safeguard creatures’ physical well-being but also take into account their feelings—of pleasure, pain and more. The Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill is a potentially sweeping piece of legislation that could require all arms of government—not just the agriculture ministry—to consider animal sentience when forming policy and writing regulations. The implications could be moral and profound, supporters hope—or cumbersome and bureaucratic, critics say, with some seeing a power play by vegan activists and animal rights radicals.
Indian dowries still common despite being illegal (BBC) A new World Bank study has found that dowry payments in India’s villages have not decreased over the past few decades even though the practice was made illegal in 1961. The researchers found that in 95% of the 40,000 marriages that took place in rural India between 1960 and 2008, dowry was still paid. Paying and accepting dowry is a centuries-old tradition in South Asia where the bride’s parents gift cash, clothes and jewellery to the groom’s family.
80 people feared missing in deadly ‘tsunami’ mudslide in central japan (CNN) Japanese rescue workers continued to search for survivors Monday, two days after a devastating “tsunami” of mud swept through a coastal city, killing at least three people and leaving 80 feared missing. Of the people currently unaccounted for, it’s possible that some may not have been in the city at the time of the mudslide, a city official said.
Malaysians suffering amid lockdown fly white flag for help (AP) When Mohamad Nor Abdullah put a white flag outside his window late at night, he didn’t expect the swift outpouring of support. By morning, dozens of strangers knocked on his door, offering food, cash and encouragement. Malaysia’s nationwide lockdown to curb a coronavirus surge was tightened further on Saturday, banning people in certain areas from leaving their homes except to buy food and necessities. It lurched Mohamad Nor into desperation. He ekes out a living by selling packed nasi lemak, a popular dish of coconut milk rice with condiments, at a roadside stall every morning, but that income has vanished and government aid was insufficient. The white flag campaign that emerged on social media last week aims to help people like Mohamad Nor, who is 29 and was born without arms. By chance, he saw the campaign on Facebook and decided to try to seek help. “It was so unexpected. So many people reached out to help, support and also encouraged me,” Mohamad Nor said, sitting in his dingy room amid boxes of biscuits, rice, cooking oil and water that were swiftly donated to him. He said kind Samaritans offered to help pay his room rental and that the assistance should be enough to tide him through the next few months.
New Zealand records warmest-ever June as ski fields struggle (AP) New Zealand has recorded its warmest June since recordkeeping began, as ski fields struggle to open and experts predict shorter southern winters in the future. A range of factors led to the record, including more winds coming from the milder north rather than the Antarctic south, and unusually warm ocean temperatures, said Gregor Macara, a climate scientist at the government-owned National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research. He said the vagaries of weather will change from month to month. “But the underlying trend is of increasing temperatures and overall warming,” Macara said.
Nigerian Baptist Students Kidnapped in Kaduna (CT) More than 100 students at a Christian boarding school in Nigeria’s northern state of Kaduna were kidnapped early Monday morning. Shooting wildly, armed assailants breached the walls of Bethel Baptist High School in Maraban Rido on the outskirts of the state capital, Kaduna, at about 2 a.m. on July 5 and took students in the school hostel away at gunpoint, area residents told Morning Star News (MSN). Efforts were still underway to determine exactly how many students were abducted. A Bethel teacher told Agence France-Presse (AFP) that 140 students were kidnapped while 25 students escaped, but area residents living close to the school told MSN that 179 children were abducted of which only 15 escaped. The attack was the fourth mass school kidnapping in Kaduna state since December, according to AFP.
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