#mechsona backstory
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mechtober · 1 year ago
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Welcome one and all to Mechtober 2023, courtesy of @heliophaestus and @therainbowtea !!!
You are not required to finish every prompt, and don't have to start on the first day. Join when you like, finish when you like, and do what you feel comfortable with. Askbox is always open for clarification!
Other guidelines are to please tag appropriately, especially if your work goes beyond canon-typical subject matter. This account will be trying to reblog all contributions, so please make sure to tag work under #mechtober 2023 , #mechtober, or #mechtober 23. Don't hesitate to @ us to guarantee your pieces get seen! If a day has gone by and it still hasn't been reblogged, dm this account with your post and it will be added. [ID: A prompt list for Mechtober, with a background of the inside of a spaceship, with one prompt per day.
The Starship Aurora
Gunfire and explosions
Fav Mech
Makeup and scars
Fav Album
New Texas
Doc Carmella
Unused folklore
Found family and/or relationships
Clothes/role swap
Drunk Space Pirate
Fav quote
(No) Happy Endings
Fav death
Beginnings and ends
/End ID]
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the-suns-a-tube · 1 year ago
hello, mechanisms enjoyer. I don’t know who you are but I got very into the mechs about a week ago and am hunting down mechs blogs. my mechs sideblog is @allthedoorsareopennow . who is your favourite mechanism. what is your favourite album. what is your favourite song. do you have a mechsona.
-Toy Soldier
-Cant decide between HNOC and OUATIS
-Pump Shanty, Tales to be Told, Skin and Bone, Blood and Whiskey
-Not on purpose, but I do have a lot of dreams where I am a mechanism, my legs are my mech and I have black hair, which is different from my normal brown hair. my dreams dont generate a backstory for me or anything and i haven't really thought about it, maybe i should make my dreamself into a mechsona?
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gunpowder-tim · 1 year ago
hello, mechanisms enjoyer. I don’t know who you are but I got very into the mechs about a week ago and am hunting down mechs blogs. my mechs sideblog is @allthedoorsareopennow . I think I can probably guess your favourite mechanism, do you have a favourite picture of him. what is your favourite album. what is your favourite song. do you have a mechsona.
actually my favourite mechanism is the octokittens 😤😤 /j
favourite picture is this one
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which isnt even the original vwrsion of the picture its the version i edited a teeny bit to make the lights more nonbiney coloured
my favourite album. uagh. its very hard to choose but ouatis bc it was the first one i listened to so
favourite song is a very mean question how could u do this to me. its either the ignominious demise of dr pilchard OR gunpowder tim vs the moon kaiser, the reason its not solidly gptvstmk is bc of the toy soilders bit in it which like isnt bad but. this is tims backstory song go away ts jdbdjdjd
and eh sort of. i have 3 mechs ocs that are kind of old (2019 ish) and i dont particulry like all of them that much but eh some of the ideas for them are pretty cool i guess jdhskdbd
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majorshatterandhare · 1 year ago
[ID: three images. The first is a digital drawing of Drumbot Brian of the Mechanisms, the second is a close up of the first, the third is a Mechtober prompt list.
Image One: Brian is a mostly robot man, made of brass, facing almost in profile towards the viewer’s right. The further side of his face is dark. He is holding his hands together like he is praying and is holdjng a rosary. His face has grey lines where sheets of metal come together and is dotted with rivets. Around his eyes are grey as well. The “sclera” portion of his eye is black and the “iris” is glowing yellow. There is a crack in the brass under his eye. He is looking toward the viewer. He has thick eyebrows, a mustache and goatee, and shoulder length, wavy, light brown-red hair. He wears a dark coat and a black top hat with retro welding goggles repacing the band around the crown and a red rose tucked in. Thd background is black with the gold outline of a blocky sun in a spray pain texture. To the right of the image are the words “He’s not for Heaven, nor yet for Hell.” In gold text.
Image Two: A close up on Brians face to better show detail.
Image Three: A Mechtober prompt list. The background image is a photo from a set of a futuristic hallway of a spaceship. The text is in a “folklore-esque” style typeface and highlighted in purple to make is visible against the background image. Day Four, “Fav Mech” is highlighted in yellow. The prompts read:
“1. The Starship Aurora
2. Gunfire and explosions
3. Mechsona
4. Fav Mech
5. Backstory
6. Makeup and scars
7. Airlock
8. Fav Album
9. New Texas
10. Doc Carmella
11. Unused folklore
12. Belief
13. Found family and/or relationships
14. Peacemaker
15. Tarot
16. Photoshoots
17. Clothes/role swap
18. Drunk Space Pirate
19. Narration
20. Redesign
21. Cyberia
22. Headcanons
23. Fav quote
24. Inhuman
25. (No) Happy Endings
26. Liveshows
27. Shenanigans
28. War
29. Crossover
30. Fav death
31. Beginnings and ends”
The bottom is labeled with Mechtober 2023 in the same font.
End ID]
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omg first tumblr post hi mechs fandom!!!
i’m only gunna be doing a handful of @mechtober posts, but i couldn’t pass the opportunity to draw my fav <3 i think brian deserves to be a little scary looking and contain a little religious imagery! as a treat!
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madeintimeland · 1 year ago
1: If you made a mechsona / robotsona what would it be like? (Purpose, appearance, name, whatever you want to come up with.)
2: Any movies or shows you've been meaning to watch for literal years and just haven't gotten around to? What's something you want to see REALLY BAD?
3: If you were given the power to create one (1) thing- a song/album, a book, a drawing, a meal, a game, ANYTHING- exactly to your standards, EXACTLY as you imagine it / hope for it to be, what would it be?
1: If you made a mechsona / robotsona what would it be like? (Purpose, appearance, name, whatever you want to come up with.)
GREAT QUESTION and honestly something i should think more on... i probably would end up being like a roboraptor or an idog type companion animal robot. but like one thats #edgy and glitchy or maybe just really old and dusty
2: Any movies or shows you've been meaning to watch for literal years and just haven't gotten around to? What's something you want to see REALLY BAD?
oh i was thinking abt this recently actually, theres a lot because my autistic ass just rewatches shit instead of trying new media most of the time... adventure time is one, i have no idea why i still havent dipped my toes into it yet. also now that its becoming fall its the time of year where everyone is rewatching over the garden wall and i still havent seen it. also metalocalypse was on my mind recently as something that i want to watch but...somewhere along the line i guess i assumed it was a show you can't just Start Watching like theres some kind of backstory or prequel or smth i need to understand first. i dont even know if thats true or not im just crazy when it comes to new shows
3: If you were given the power to create one (1) thing- a song/album, a book, a drawing, a meal, a game, ANYTHING- exactly to your standards, EXACTLY as you imagine it / hope for it to be, what would it be?
i would make them reboot the looney tunes show and i would lift the age restriction on it so they can say fuck. amd make sex jokes. like they so obviously wished they could do in the original run. i have been praying for this since 2016 and it is the only wish i need to be fulfiled to feel happy for the rest of my fucking life
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crypticalwitch · 4 years ago
Dr. Hide, The Mechanisms, and a New friend.
The story of Dr. Marie Hide, Her small crew, and how they all met. The Story of my Mechsona crew.
Warnings-death, Poison, ask to tag.
Dr. Marie Hide was raised on stories of the Mechanisms. She would sit and listen to her great grandmother telling tales of a Man of copper singing tales of the past, tales of a man with a heart of metal being passed a baby and panicking, of Women with Wings or Minds of metal. 
She fell in love with the tales from the stars,and no matter how many times she was told to stay planetside for her own safely, she would look to the stars, the old warped disks her Great Grandma left her playing. The singers voice haunting as they told their one man audience the tales of Gunpowder Tim and Ashes O’Reilly. 
So, it wasn't much a surprise to herself or her family when she became an Engineer, and a Doctor, and a Pilot. and She headed off to the stars, gathering her own tales to be told. 
And then she found it. A very old file, something that took months upon months to update and break through all the passwords and safeguards to get at whatever was hiding in the file. and boy was it something.
A very old file, full of things written and made by the Mechanisms, Not the ones who her Great Grandma told her about, the ones whose voices filled Dr. Hide’s speakers when she was alone in the engine room, but the real ones. The immortals from all over the stars who played deadly pranks and who held a mini war over something called an Octo Kitten. Whatever the hell that was. All written by Dr. Carmilla and Raphaella La Cognizi.
But the most exciting thing, was the blueprints and instructions for Mechanization, Immortality developed by the Doctor.
It wasn't a hard decision for Her to make. She already couldn't walk, what was the worst thing that could happen. But first, she would need someone to do the procedure, since she really didn't want to be conceness for her legs to be cut off and guts scooped out.
So she built Jekyll. It was programed with hundreds of medical procedures, as well as what they’d need to do the whole mechanization process, if lacking in preprogrammed personality. 
So waking up with the ability to walk was interesting, and the first thing she got to do with her new skill was clumsy run and steal a ship with her unemoting companion.
The pair wandered, gathering more stories of their own, both ones they were involved in, and not always in their little junker ship, nicknamed “Borealis”.
Borealis tended to break down, stutter and never quiet be as safe as it should, but for a new immortal and her Robot companion, whose personality was only just starting to develop. It was home, if barely big enough.
When they landed on Pistil, Dr. Hide had only planned to make a fuel stop, until she heard from one of the local merchants that a warlord was making quick work of the planet, maybe she had extended her stay for a few....years, much to jekyll’s chagrin.
and She really wasn't expecting to find someone with her legs injured beyond belief. She was face down in the dirt, long grey-blue hair splayed out in long loose curls, her legs down to bone and blood.  
so Hide brought her back to the makeshift lab. Patching up the mysterious woman was easy enough, however, waiting for her to return to the waking world was a nightmare.
When she did, she cried, scared and alone. Now, the good Doctor is not really savvy with emotions, so having a panicking, sobbing, stranger on her table, was not her ideal situation. To make everything so much better, Jekyll had just walked in, and stood staring with its lack of eyes.
“Jek, now is not a good time.” She had hissed, rubbing the back of the woman.
“The Police are here.” It had said.
“fucking hell.” Dr. Hide had shoo’d the police away, who simply wanted to know who lived at the house. When she had returned, the woman had calmed down, and was wiping her tears away with a cloth given to her by jekyll.
She had introduced herself as Carcei Wisteria, the teamaid of Emperor Ivalace. Dr. Hide didn’t quite know what that meant, but was happy enough to support her.
Carcie was on her way to get a very specific flower to make tea with. something that would be VERY HARD WITHOUT HER FEET. So Hide offered her help, Pulling out her old wheelchair and offering her help carrying the flowers and seeds back to her home.
Carcie had (Reluctantly) accepted her offer, and the pair took a three month journey to find these flowers, a gorgeous plant nicknamed “Selene's Prayer”.  
For months after meeting and befriending the woman, someone Hide quickly grew to admire for her silver tongue and for her sharp mind, Hide would not know why Carcie wanted Selene’s Prayer, until one night, late in Pistil’s seasonal cycle, when plants dried and what chill that constituted Pistil’s winters was just beginning to set in, gathered over warm tea and surrounded by the smell of drying earth and burning silverwood, Carcie wove her tale.
Carcie Wisteria had been born Carcie Forsythia, and had trained under a noble of Dandil, the once name of the kingdom before it became territory of Peat. She had quickly became a gift to the Empress, Magnola, and even quicker became her High Teamaid, a position of high honour and status.
Magnola was apparently fond of Carcie, and often took her to peace talks and trade negotiations. Which is how she met them, a otherworldly seeming person who chose their name as Odyssey Velium.
Odyssey was tall, dark, freckled, with short dark red hair and smoky violet eyes that shone like a sunset. They was a similarly high ranked dressmaid to the former Emperor of Peat, a kindly older man by the name of Prairifire and one of Dandil’s strongest Allies. Carcie fell in love near instantly, and apparently Odyssey felt the same way, and the pair began a whirlwind relationship over letters. 
The years went on, the pair only seeing each other in person when Empress Magnola and Emperor Prairifire met up for tea, their love affair remained a secret. until one of the more Enterprising Teamaids discovered Carcie’s letters from Odyssey, and outed her relationship to both rulers. 
The pair believed themselves to only had a few hours together before their verdict handed out and they would be separated. 
and they were given their rulers blessings to be wed.
Odyssey was gifted to Magnola as a dressmaid, and they were engaged, choosing their family name to be Wisteria.
A few months passed, the kingdoms Alliship stronger than ever, before Emperor Prairifire died,and his War mongering son took the throne, and a new treaty needed to be written up.
Carcie just happen to be late to the Congress, her maids having made a near unrecoverable mistake with the petals, and she arrived just in time to see her Queen, her court, and her never to be partner slaughtered.
As was customary, she was taken as a prize, and made to serve her loves killer the same tea she would to her queen, as he took over the land she loved.
The petals of Selene’s Prayer, it turns out, were a horrific paralysis agent, as well as a hallucinogen. and a strong one. When mixed with the right Poisons, it would lead to a painful and terrifying death. One Carcie intended to give to the entire court as she watched.
Hide had only one thing to say after that.
“after the revenge, what will you do?“
“Probably be put to death, why?”
“wanna join my semi-immortal band of space pirates exploring the galaxy?” When Carcie said nothing, Hide continued, “i could just replace your feet with a mechanism like my lower body and Bam! Unkillable!”
“your kidding.”
“nope!” To demonstrate, Hide put a knife through her hand, and then showed the skin kniting itself back together.
“holy shit your not kidding?” Carcie puffed up “WHY DIDN'T YOU DO THAT WHEN WE FIRST MET!”
the pair laughed.
“Mari,” Carcie said, 
“Oh wow, using my first name! this is serious.”
“Mari.” Carice narrowed her eyes, “I want you to promise me something if i go through with this.”
“Promise me we’ll steal a bigger ship than Borealis after my revenge.”
“HELL YES!” Hide laughed, “so when is this going down?”
“Tomorrow.” Carice said,carefulling sipping her tea as Hide suddenly choked,
“TOMORROW SHIT I GOTTA GET A GOOD SEAT!” Hide threw a hug around Carcies shoulders, “Can't wait to see your magnum opus of vengeance, if Jekyll asks i'm following my family's footsteps!”  
“see ya Hide!”
 Sunrise came, and Carcie got to work. She dismissed her Teamaids for the day (”you’ve all worked so hard lately, and you deserve a break!”), and set to work brewing her poison. 
When the court downed the tea, the poison took quick. The paralysis only took hold of a few but the hallucinations were strong and maddening and within hours, the branches of the meeting hall were covered in madness and gore and horror. And standing in the middle, survivors would later say, stood Carcie, her mourning veil cloaking hazel eyes that had long hardened to earth and moss.
and dropping from an over head branch, was Hide, casting impressed eyes over her work.
“Were grabbing more of those seeds right?”
“were taking all of your seeds aren't we?” 
“and the dry flowers.”
“sounds good!”
WOO! That was fun! 
If you have any questions about my Crew, please ask! My ask box is open and Id love to gush or expand on the universe. also ask me to tag
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alientoastt · 4 years ago
how did you design your mechsonas? any tips for someone looking to design one?
absolutely none other than belts are good and pinterest is helpful for clothes. do what makes you happy its a self insert for a dead steampunk band
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linafication · 4 years ago
oh & just sayin if y’all ever wanna ask me about any of my ocs PLEASE do I absolutely adore talking about them :D :D
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probablynotadragon · 4 years ago
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Finally got round to drawing my mechsona Alyssa! (fae/faer). Faer mechanism is along faer back and certain parts of faer wings
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anachr0nismm · 2 years ago
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I just realised I never posted this! Here’s my mechsona, lifeboat Jon :3
Some clarification because I made this when I didn’t know a lot about the mechs:
-> is in a qpr with Tim, Jonny and Brian, Ashes and Marius.
-> joins while hnoc events are occurring (while Brian is away)
-> is a cannibal like jonny and they eat people together (how romantic 💖 /s)
-> hair is dyed by ivy and they are quite close!
ID: a digital drawing of my mechsona, Lifeboat Jon. Blood has light pink skin, with dyed red hair. Fang is wearing a cream top with red ribbon throughout, a crimson vest with purple edges and yellow ribbon holding it together, a long violet skirt dirtied with mud at the bottom, and black shoes. Vamps elbows are replaced with metal parts, which connect to elbow crutches, of which vamp is holding. Bat has a red eyes, pointy ears, fangs, a lot of face and ear piercings and lots of beauty spots. Blood also has a monocle. The flags next to Lifeboat Jon’s name are the aro, ace, polyamorous, bear brotherhood, transmasc, autigender, vampgender, and steampunkic. Fangs pronouns are bat/vamp/fang/blood. Blood has hypermobile ehlers-danlos syndrome and is autistic. There is a list of character and backstory notes. 1) is a vampire. 2) literally a fucking prick. 3) is the most recent mech to be mechanised by dr. carmilla. 4) mechanism: joints (elbows, knees, and spine) and crutches (which are permanently connected to fangs elbows). 5) does vocals. 6) very silly (autistic). 7) is kinda hated by jonny because of similar names and just general spite. 8) is in a qpr with Tim and jonny (despite their hatred for each other). 9) helps ivy in the archives, but other than that, just dicks around. 10) comfort item is a bat plushie that Tim got vamp when the crew [was] visiting earth (blood literally has no idea what a bat is but loves it). 11) used to be really nice and happy before the 600 years on the lifeboat (though sometimes that niceness peaks through when bat is with bats qpps and friends). 12) gets very angry at octokittens. 13) loved listening to the mechs past albums from before vamp joined them.
Full backstory:
Jon was once a nice guy, and worked as an archivist and cartographer upon a ship sailing across an endless sea on an unnamed planet. The ship fang was on found another ship, of which housed only one, Dr Carmilla. She stayed on jons ship for a while, sharing stories of her doctoring and medical history. Jon went to her one day about joint pain (of which vamp had had all of vamps life), and instead of usual medical procedures, vamp was mechanised. It was exciting for a while, being immortal, until a year after Carmilla had left the ship. Long story short, it sunk. Everyone else within the ship, Jon’s friends and qpps had died, and Jon was left swimming, and sinking, and drowning alone for a couple months, before making it to the bottom of the ocean and managing to get a lifeboat out of it. Fang was stuck floating on that lifeboat for six hundred years; starving and drowning and falling and dehydrating, but not once dying. Bat grew bitter over this time, losing that sense of wonder bat once had. Blood was eventually found by the mechanisms, who had made a small stop at this water filled planet because some of the mechs wanted to go swimming. Vamp found vamps new home aboard the Aurora, growing close with very few. Blood was closed off, especially for the first few decades, but eventually starts to open up, forming close relationships with Tim, Marius, Ashes, Brian and Jonny, and a few others in different ways. Bat is still rough and spiky and mean, but can occasionally be quite nice, once you spend a couple hundred years with bat.
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raphaellalacognizi · 5 years ago
*”you got games on your phone?” voice* you got a mechsona in your brain?
no joke, i’ve been tossing around mechsona ideas all day, but i think my favorite so far has been a victim of the Dancing Plague of Space France who got her legs cut off and left for dead before Dr. Carmilla found her and mechanized her
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raeofsunshin · 4 years ago
Other Pest mechsonas: led a revolution, loved their families, loving caring people
Leslie: declares herself a god and is a bastard TM
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tornsuits · 4 years ago
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current mood
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steakbones · 4 years ago
smth like what the mechanisms did with folk songs but with abbas music just taking the tune and making it into something Completely Different
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disheveledapathy · 4 years ago
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this WAS gonna have abackground set in the City but I couldn't get the perspective to work with me, so have my mechsona Persephone Echo on their motorcycle instead (theres backstory in the tags vvv)
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fagm77 · 4 years ago
Mechsona but their mechanism is their bones and they just had osteoporosis
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