#mecha raccoon
tenebraevesper · 2 years
Not So Different (Sonic and Shadow’s Interactions With Metal Sonic)
After listening to Sonic_Speed’s podcast regarding Sonic the Hedgehog IDW, in particular Issue #12: The Cost of The Battle For Angel Island, I came to a little realization. Apparently, both Sonic and Shadow tried to convince Metal Sonic to defect from Eggman and live his own life at some point.
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You’ll see what I mean, but first - a recap.
After his defeat as Master Overlord, Metal Sonic is beaten up. Sonic has Tails fix him (weapons deactivated, obviously) and they wake Metal Sonic up.
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Metal Sonic attempts to attack Sonic, but he’s not in any shape to fight. Sonic then tells Metal how the fight is over, and with Eggman gone, Metal can now live his life on his own; be his own person, or robot. He isn’t asking him to be best friends, but he wants to call a truce and co-exist peacefully.
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Metal Sonic is taken aback, stares at Sonic for a moment, then just slaps his hand away and rushes out, his answer being a clear “No”. I had been talking about this, but to keep it short, Sonic sees Metal as a person, not just a weapon of destruction and he really wants Metal to live his life without being Eggman’s enforcer.
This isn’t the first time someone tried to give a chance to Metal Sonic, as Shadow did the same way before:
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This takes place in Sonic Universe Issue #1: Living Weapons, with Shadow referencing the events that took place during Sonic the Hedgehog (Archie) Issue #195: Hedgehog Havoc (Part 1) and Issue #196: Hedgehog Havoc (Part 2), as well as Sonic X, Issue #40: The End.
During their tussle, they end up in the Sol Dimension, Blaze’s world, with Shadow trying to talk to Metal Sonic. He calls him a thinking machine, a living weapon, just like himself, but he believes that there is more to Metal Sonic and that he shouldn’t let Doctor Eggman use him.
Metal Sonic’s response to this is to kick him on the head and hoping he’d drown. Once again, the answer is a clear “No”. Honestly, I really love the parallels here, and this little conversation even continues later on.
In Sonic IDW, Sonic once again addresses Metal Sonic in Issue #26: All Or Nothing (Part 1):
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At this point, the Metal Virus has consumed the whole world, and Sonic and his friends (and Eggman and Metal) are on Angel Island, trying to find a way to save it. Sonic is frustrated at Metal Sonic for not following his advice to abandon Eggman. He saw him as someone similar to Omega and Gemerl, and it irks him that Metal just had to go back to Eggman.
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Eggman overhears this conversation and tells Sonic that, no matter what he did, Metal was programmed to seek battle and conquest, so Metal wouldn’t have taken Sonic’s advice no matter what, even if Eggman wasn’t around to restore Metal Sonic.
Meanwhile, in Sonic Universe, Shadow has met Blaze and Marine, getting himself involved in another battle with Metal Sonic:
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He once again tries to appeal to Metal Sonic, saying how it doesn’t have to be this way and believes that Metal was just being led astray by Eggman. He wants Metal to put behind his past as a weapon and help Shadow save the world.
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Metal responds that, just like Shadow’s function is to protect his world, Metal Sonic’s function is to serve Eggman and nothing is going to change that, which is why he will destroy Shadow.
I think it’s really fascinating that at some point, both Shadow and Sonic tried to take the same approach in convincing Metal Sonic to do good instead of follow Eggman’s orders. Both fail, but it’s the thought that counts.
Also, before you go telling me how I shouldn’t be comparing Archie!Shadow and IDW!Sonic since it’s two different continuities, note that they’re both written by the same writer, Ian Flynn, and Archie!Shadow is basically 06!Shadow before Sega started to get stricter with their mandates.
So, yeah, both have failed in their attempts to redeem Metal Sonic, but amazingly, they actually manage to convince a different Eggman robot to turn their life around:
Shadow with Omega in Sonic Universe Issue #3: Old Soldiers...
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...and Sonic with Mecha Sonic in the Scrapnik Island Miniseries Issue #4: Scrapnik Island (Part 4).
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Honestly, it is quite fascinating. I guess Sonic and Shadow are not so different after all.
#Sonic the Hedgehog Analyzer (Masterlist)
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laventory · 1 year
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Behold, RAC's updated reference sheet. The fucker I use to represent myself has been given a light glow-up compared to previous art I've posted here.
[Ko-Fi] - [Twitter] - [Art]
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It blewd up......
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pandacronic-art · 1 year
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Buy me a coffee?
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thekamelotbard · 13 days
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Since @ladypixelheart has a new model, I decided to revisit the mech I had drawn...and also go with an actual pose for the picture!
And testing new lighting because I can.
Just the Mech;
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Just Pixie!
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Support The Artist!
Patreon! patreon.com/OpenSkiesTKB?utm_m…
Kofi!  ko-fi.com/thekamelotbard0732
For Comic Merch; www.teepublic.com/user/thekamelotbard  |  www.redbubble.com/people/theka…
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guujikaroko · 5 months
I went to read Ratio's messages again and:
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He encourages Stelle to enroll on Veritas Prime, a.k.a his very own alma mater, for REALSIES. Not only that, but:
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He's willing to personally recommend her. P e r s o n a l l y.
And that's kinda surprising, in a good way. Like, I know Ratio isn't a condescending prick that thinks himself above others (or, well... There's a lot more to him than the condescension, is what I mean to say), but he looked at Stelle and saw potential in her. Veritas Ratio, the man who'd rather wear a fucking plaster head in front of his students because he's allergic to dumbassery, looked at Stelle, our resident unhinged raccoon, and saw enough potential to personally encourage and oversee her pursuit of knowledge.
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Look at this! He's genuinely interested in her worldview and her opinions! He doesn't consider a waste of time to discuss topics with her! He spent the entirety of this message batch simulating a debate with her and sharing knowledge on the subject!
Again, it's not like I thought Ratio was incapable of any of this, but I never imagined that he'd be like that with the Trailblazer either. It's surprising, but in a very pleasant way? Like, "wow, I wasn't expecting this dynamic to be so genuine but it is and I like it". Honestly, I'll never not be impressed by Ratio and his particular ways of showcasing kindness to others/seeking companionship. He's such a compelling character.
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Oh, and this is my favorite message batch of his. He feels tired by the monotony of his projects and he decides to relax by... Humoring Stelle? He goes and says "Hey, think of something you want and I'll make up a project" and Stelle, huge dork that she is, goes "Make me a cool weapon!" and "Make the Express move forever!" and he just... Does it? Sends a project of transforming the Express into a mecha?? Says he wants to disassemble the Express to figure it out???
It feels like I'm rambling for nothing but this is truly disarming to me. It's easy to dismiss Stelle as a goofball (and she very much IS a goofball) but Ratio actually takes her seriously and seeks to nurture her progress. Beyond that, he honestly likes to entertain her ideas and thinks that hearing her out is a positive thing.
If I had to describe their relationship, I'd say it's all very cute, in a pure and wholesome way, and I cannot believe I'm using these words to describe Veritas freaking Ratio out of all characters. This gotta be a new kind of brainworm.
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prokopetz · 1 year
I have a pinned post for my games in development, but it doesn't really describe what they're about, and apparently this is something we're doing today, so:
My games in development, in rough order of priority:
(Note: all of these have public playtest drafts behind the links.)
Eat God
A game about weird little anarchist muppets with reality-warping powers themed after classic Looney Tunes gags wandering around a classic sword-and-sorcery fantasy setting stirring up trouble. Roughly 50% character creation rules by volume, with provisions for randomising every part of it; the linked draft, above, includes an online character generator if you want to play with it. The mechanics are a sort of elaborated spiritual successor to Costume Fairy Adventures, a game whose development I headed up about a decade ago.
Current status: actively writing, hopefully zeroing in on a feature-complete playtest draft within the next month or two.
Tiny Frog Wizards
One of my customarily literal titles, this is a game where you play as wizards who are tiny frogs. Features elaborate semi-freeform rules for casting spells, lots of big stupid random tables for when spells go off the rails, and absolutely no mechanics for anything that isn't casting a spell; it's a very focused sort of game. Narratively, it's a game about being an overpowered little twerp sticking your nose into other people's problems and offering solutions no-one asked for. Portions of the rules crib shamelessly from @jennamoran's Nobilis 3rd Edition, for which I offer acknowledgement but no apologies.
Current status: development of the text has been set aside for the moment to work on visual identity, with an eye toward crowdfunding an expanded hardcover edition later in the year.
Space Gerbils
A tactical mecha combat game with a very silly twist: the entirety of the tactical positioning occurs inside the mecha, because the game's premise is basically "what if instead of the Big Reveal at the end of Metroid (1986) being that Samus Aran is secretly a girl, Samus Aran was secretly 3–5 small gerbil-like creatures operating a person-size mech suit?" Players engage in positional jockeying and resource management to determine which stations they're crewing within the suit, which is boiled down to a single roll of the dice to determine what happens outside the suit. Includes papercraft minifigs.
Current status: essentially feature-complete, apart from some character creation options and a planned random mission generator; this will likely be the next game I crowdfund after Tiny Frog Wizards.
Indie RPG Prompt Generator [working title]
Essentially a joke that got out of hand, this is a big set of random tables of common indie RPG tropes that you can roll on to generate a description of a hypothetical game, complete with specific rules toys and setting beats. I probably could have finished this up already, but I decided to include examples of each rolled element, which turned into this big hairy research project I'm not able to give adequate attention to right now. If you've got a game of your own that you think would be a good fit for a presently unfilled example slot, please, let me know!
Current status: plugging away at it in bits and pieces as I'm able.
Three Raccoons in a Trenchcoat
This is an anthology consisting of three minigames: the eponymous Three Raccoons in a Trenchcoat, which is self-explanatory; Unfamiliar, in which you play as uncooperative wizards' familiars; and System Crash, in which you play as malfunctioning robots. More a series of formal experiments in character creation and group composition than proper full-featured games, all share the same core mechanics, with milieu-specific addons of varying practicality; for example, System Crash has specific rules for which senses each player is allowed to use when asking the GM for information, because it's completely possible to have a group in which only one of the robots can see. Large portions of Unfamiliar were later re-used in Eat God, above.
Current status: I have a list of notes as long as your arm on planned changes to integrate into the text, and I'm confident I'll get around to doing so one of these years.
Gone to Hell
Literally a Doom (2016) pastiche as a Belonging Outside Belonging game, which is just as silly an idea as it sounds; grown out of an earlier 24-hour RPG called Doomguy. The central conceit is that there's only a single player character, with players taking turns assuming the role of the Slayer, while everyone else takes ownership of the various hostile factions comprising the game's conspiratorial twelve-car pileup of a plot. Lots of pontificating about the implicit power structures of tabletop RPG groups. This one probably needs a full rewrite in order to lend a bit more formal structure to the "one player character, many GMs" conceit than out-of-the-box BOB offers.
Current status: I have not looked at this game in three years, which is actually a really long time for me.
Rotate Bird
Another of my "is this a formal experiment or a real game" titles, this one revolves around constructing characters out of abstract symbols, which are interpreted during play to retroactively define what your character is actually capable of doing. Even the title seen above is an interpretive approximation; strictly speaking, the game is called 🔄🐦. Possibly the most shitposty game I've ever written, which is saying something, but based on playtest feedback it seems functional.
Current status: the only reason this is listed as lower in priority than Gone to Hell is because I genuinely don't know what to do with it. It's probably publishable, with some cleanup editing and graphic design, but it feels like there's something missing. I'm open to suggestions!
Get in the Fucking Robot
A pamphlet-size, competitive, GMless title that's at least as much a board game as it is a tabletop RPG, this one is about a bunch of dysfunctional candidate mecha pilots competing to be the first to pilot the titular giant robot. The game is played under misère conditions: while each character's IC goal is to pilot the robot, each player's OOC goal is to avoid that fate, with the player whose character actually Gets in the Fucking Robot being accounted the loser.
Current status: playtesting suggests the current framework of play doesn't actually work – like, at all – so this one needs to go all the way back to the drawing board; I don't feel like doing that any time soon, which puts it squarely at the bottom of the list.
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splatoonpolls · 1 year
Imagine learning that the CEO of McDonald’s was actually a massive dinosaur who was planning on making everyone into dinos, and now an underpaid 16 year old had to fight against him with their emotional support raccoon and destiny’s child + black pink. Also Mick Jagger is there but he has a massive mecha. Also someone dried up Clint Eastwood
That’s splatoon for ya
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characcoon · 1 year
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Awwww yeah baby RACCOON (digital) COMMISSIONS are back online!
I don't do backgrounds, but that can be discussed.
Additional characters: +50% of decided project.
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crim50n-r8er · 1 month
Hmm…I guess with myself talking about Sonic from my Fursona. I think I should let you all know about an AU I made for it while I was gone.
The AU is called “Blockbuster,” and no, it has nothing to deal with the Sonic movie, given that term is normally used for such things. No, Blockbuster is a roleswap AU. I’ll write down the premise of it in a new paragraph.
Blockbuster is a roleswap for all the Echidnas being swapped with the Hedgehogs (Sonic and Knuckles, Amy and Tikal, Silver with Shade, and Shadow with Imperator Ix) along with other swaps and some symbolism and inspiration over cults, religions, and mythologies
If you wish to know what I swapped with what. I shall post them under the cut.
Sonic 🔁 Knuckles
Everything’s the same for Knuckles, but he doesn’t have the aspects of his personality that were due to being reclusive all his life, that being a bit shy and socially awkward…at least I think that’s something that would be caused by being a recluse.
Sonic is the same, but due to being the ME Guardian, he can’t leave the island for adventure. So he explores every nook and cranny on Angel island until Towers arrives, meaning anything from the future games such as the Ancients with their cyberspace portals, he has knowledge of that from the get-go.
Eggman role = G.U.N. Commander Towers
G.U.N. Commander Towers Role = Maria Robotnik
Maria Robotnik Role: Dr. Ivo “Eggman” Robotnik
Commsnder Abraham Towers goes by Commander Noah and wants to be dictator of the world as he sees it as too corrupt and sinful.
Maria in this AU no longer has NIDS and is able to live to the age of 62 (yes, going by Sonic X ages, sue me). Maria is very caring for her troops, even with a militaristic discipline, and she would be smart enough not to blame Knuckles in the events of my SA2 adaption.
You see that correctly. Eggman is now the one with NIDS and is the one to hang aboard the ARK with his grandfather to find a cure through “The Chaos Cure Project” (I would acronym this, but I don’t think that would be wise as it could get confused with a…party of sorts.) He would also meet the same fate as Maria in canon, that being shot down by G.U.N. Agents while saving Ix, all at the age of 9 years old.
Tails 🔁 Ray
Ray: Ray is the sidekick to Knuckles, but he’s not a mechanic, so the two would meet by Ray finding Knuckles gliding across West-side Island and admiring his gliding skills.
Tails: Due to Ray going silent after SegaSonic and Knuckles Chaotix, I had to improvise with Tails, so I decided on him being a nurtured and/or brainwashed personal scientist and researcher for Commander Noah, giving him all his mechs, robots, and studies into ancient history.
Vector 🔁 Vanilla
I only swapped the two to have Vanilla simp for Vector like how the latter does to the former in Sonic X lol
Vanilla is a member of the “Chaotix Adventure Group” (the CAG for short) along with her daughter, Cream, and their leader, Mighty.
Vector is just a calm, cottagecore man living out in the wilderness with his found family younger daughter, Marine the Raccoon.
Espio 🔁 Mighty
Mighty: Due to not being trained in stealth like Espio, The Chaotix would now be the an exploration group instead of a detective agency. He would behave like normal as he adopts Knuckles’s hat from the OVA and uses a reusable warp ring that can duplicate itself for great blitzing in his ball form.
Espio: He will just be a normal dude on the sidelines until the events of Heroes where he gets killed by Neo Mecha Knuckles for his camouflage bio-data.
Amy Rose 🔁 Tikal
Tikal: A more mellow fan of Knuckles and his accomplishments as a hero, but still finds her way to Little Planet to be kidnapped by Mecha Knuckles. She has a crush on him as well but is a bit more mellow about it. She also wields a giant Kendama instead of Amy’s Piko-Piko Hammer
Amy is now the daughter of Pachacamac (yes he still exists. I just changed him from an echidna to a hedgehog) and is the one who guides Knuckles and friends through the events of my SA1 adaptation. She still keeps her personality, so things might get a bit hectic between her and her father, probably a fight, even.
Metal Sonic 🔁 Mecha Knuckles
I don’t think I need to explain this 😅
I’m not sure if I want to put ALLL of my swaps into one post, so I’ll split it into parts to make it more…digestible, I guess. So I’ll be back in a bit with a few more. I won’t say that it’ll be the rest of them, but it will be a significant portion.
Anyway. Have a good morning everyone!
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]
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skrooy · 6 months
Sonic Crack Ships
So lately I've been going through a Sonic phase though its mostly a Tails phase if im being honest with myself. I've been trying to watch all the Sonic media and read all the Sonic comics that I can while playing a few Sonic games here and there. So my messed up brain came up with this stupid idea. What if I put every version of every canon Sonic characters from all Sonic media into multiple rounds of the hunger games simulator until only ones left. So I did that and even though I literally did it yesterday I already forgot who won I just remember it was something stupid. I also did it with all the diffrent canon and AU versions of Tails I could find and the winner was actually Tails from Sonic Boom. But anyways im getting off track where im going with this is that today while I was doing nothing lying in bed my brain came up with an even more messed up idea. What if I put all the Sonic characters not including the humans into a random wheel picker on Google to form a bunch of crack ships. So I did it for every character on the wheel. I now have a list. And I have decided to post this list because I find it funny. And I dare people to draw a couple from this list together or make a short cute crack story about one of these ships. And if you do please send a link to me. Ill die laughing if anyone does this. Sorry if I misspelled some names. P.S. I tried to put pictures on here for each character but I couldn't figure out how. I already have a part 2 for this in the works with even more characters.
Rosy the Rascal x Dark Doom
Scourge the Hedgehog x Trip the Sungazer
Mephiles the Dark x Silver Sonic
Ray the flying Squirrel x Rouge the Bat
Espio the Chameleon x Whisper the Wolf
Sage x Metal Amy
Storm Beard x Tumble the Skunk
Tiara Boobowski x Duck Bill Platypus
Cat (from Sonic Freedom Fighters) x Sonar the Fennec Fox
Hangry x Johnny Lightfoot
Gaia (Light, Dark, or both) x Megan Acorn
Tangle the Lemur x Silver the Hedgehog
Thrash the Tasmanian Devil x Sails
Thorn Rose x Vector the Crocodile
Monkey Khan x Fang the Jerboa
Jack x Tikal the Echidna
Prim x Chip
Werehog Sonic x Blaze the Cat
Nicole the Holo Lynx x Catfish
Knuckles the Dread x Sonic the Hedgehog
Zector the Zone Cop x Metal Tails
Wave the Swallow x Morian Blackthorn
Infinite the Jackal x Mighty the Armadillo
Vermin the Cybernik x Super Mecha Sonic
Porker Lewis x Zails the Zone Cop
Geoffrey St. John x Nazo the Hedgehog
Metal Sonic 3.0 x Manic the Hedgehog
Rocket the Sloth x Eclipse the Darkling
Marine the raccoon x Metal Scourge
Sonia the Hedgehog x Red
Black Rose x Dingo
Metal Knuckles x Nine
Charmy Bee x Neo Metal Sonic
Zknuckles the Zone Cop x Knuckles
Vanilla the Rabbit x Ebony the Cat
Rusty Rose x Perci
Mecha Sonic x Jet the Hawk
Bark the Polar Bear x Emperor Metallix
Mangy x Amy Rose
Sally Acorn x Griff
Fleetway Sonic x Tails the Fox
Bean the Dynamite x Zonic the Zone cop
Nasty Hyenas (the whole group) x Sticks the Badger
Metal Sonic x Stripes the Tiger
Batten x Storm the Albatross
Fiona the Fox x Cream the Rabbit
Anti Tails x Shade the Echidna
Bunnie Rabat x Shadow the Hedgehog
Antoine x Zooey the Fox
Sonic.exe x Jules (yes I know this is Sonics dad in the comics)
Ifrit x MinaMongoose
Rocket Metal Sonic x Tekno the Canary
Avatar x Big the Cat
Zantoine the Zone Cop x Gnarly
Chaos x Rotor the Walrus
Bunny Bones x Anti Sally
Zouge the Zone Cop x Zespio the Zone Cop
Denizen 1998 x Tails Doll
Mecha Knuckles x Honey the Cat
Rebel x Sleet
Knucks x Pseudo Sonic
Solaris x Zally
Nack the Weasel x Athair
Ball Hog x Carrotia
Grand Battle Kuku 15th x Lupe the wolf
Roxy the waiter x Lien-Da
Number 16 Speedy x Alicia Acorn
King Max Acorn x Bearenger
Lawrence x Burning Blaze
Elias Acorn x Fiest the Panda
Ari x Roller
Sallybot x Queen Aleena
Da Bearz (both of them) x Fockewulf
Julie-Su x Dr. Finitevus
Ms. Possum x Catty Carlisle
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pigeonagere · 1 year
Hello!!! I’m Jay (he/him)
I'm 19 years old. I'm not entirely sure what age I regress too - pretty young I think! Maybe around 2-5?
I keep my queue busy with agere posts such as moodboards, plushies, and kidcore! I generally make OC posts twice a week :3
Posts that I make will be tagged as #my post. I’ll never reblog or create inappropriate or stress-inducing posts like vents, politics, reblog bait, or internet drama. This is a stress free environment!
I do NOT consent to k!nk interaction, even if it's SFW!
If a k!nk account interacts with my posts or crosstags with agere I will report the account for explicit material
Masterlist under readmore!
Moodboards <3
Fallout 4 Dogmeat agere/petre
Stardew Valley void slime agere
Squishmallow banana agere
Slime Rancher yolky slime agere
Trans/rainbow Bluey agere/petre
Slime Rancher cotton slime babyre/toddlerre/teenre
Bee and shark Squishmallow agere
Zigzagoon agere
Undercover agere
(Omori) Hero agere
Starry agere
Palkia agere
Slime Rancher batty slime agere
Pokemon agere
Landry (Sanrio) agere
Blue dino agere
The day after it rains nostalgia
(Omori) Mari agere moodboard + headcanons
Agere tent
Pink agere
Wolf petre
Green turtle agere
Napstablook agere
(TWDG) Luke agere moodboard + headcanons
Hello Kitty Christmas agere
Bluey agere
Lion cub agere
Jschlatt agere
Cottagecore agere room
Seal agere
Wonder Egg Priority agere
Lamb nursery agere
Disney princess agere
Boba tea agere outfit
Calico Critters nostalgia
Goth agere
Canadian elementary school nostalgia
Hisuian growlithe agere
Fox agere tent
Scorbunny agere
Library books and plushies agere
Space nursery
Blue Colourblocks agere
Stardew Valley agere
Fennekin agere
Duck pond nursery
Pink dog agere/petre
Autumn raccoon nursery
German Shepherd agere/petre
Silly dinosaur
Froggy playdate
Pink and black gothic
Teal hyena
Pink and white board
Soft pastel sleepy
Neon arcade
Pastel baking
Games <3
Gabby's Dollhouse
Fem mecha
Brown agere
Rainbow agere
Spend a day at Build-a-Bear
Nonbinary agere
Slime Rancher "This or That" agere
Pokemon agere
Make your own agere playroom
Pink agere
Sleepy babyre
Halloween agere
Rainy day agere
Slime Rancher agere
Goodie bag agere
Cottagecore agere
Make your own agere tent
Spend an agere day in FNAF
Back to school agere
Valentines agere
Agere picnic
Bedtime agere
Tea party agere
Easter agere
Dino bedtime
Let's go to pride
Transparent pngs <3
Inflatable bouncy balls
Jellycat bunnies
Coloring books
Sanrio beaded keychains
Koosh balls
Fox plushies
Pigeon plushies
Bluey plushies
Edits <3
Slime Rancher agere flag
Stimboards <3
Soft plush books
Other <3
How I make my moodboards
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laventory · 2 years
So fun fact, RAC-BOT is powered by chaos energy, usually using Chaos Drives or one of the Chaos Emeralds as a battery.
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So it was only a matter of time before I actually drew a Super form for it.
[Ko-Fi] - [Twitter] - [Art]
Non-Super alt that I'm using as a pfp on my art Twitter.
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citrine-elephant · 2 months
totally not projection for testosterone hunger headcanon:
post plaga infection, not only does leon crave the weirdest and most disgusting shit (see: raccoon moment in the dumpster, old and rotten roadkill)
he also has to eat so much to account for his funky lil enhanced state that he very easily gets the shakes because well two bowls of cereal and some pancakes wasn't fuckin enough for his meat mecha and now he's sick and shaking as he gets some proper *protein* a mere two hours later. bullshit.
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witchofthesouls · 10 months
(Sighs) Look, I've gone deep into the barbarian aus, so-
Very self-indulgent TFP!fic where some Others (including humans) from Earth found themselves on Cybertron as they pushed back a Quintesson invasion on their home planet. Elsewhere functions as a nexus of liminal spaces; time and space are warped as gateways to other planets (and universes) open and close.
Like TFP Sparkling!AU with the barbian/city-dweller twist. Also, humans-into-Cybertronians and Magic-Exists!AU because it’s my ridiculous, self-indulgent AU. (Ehhh, more like human characters that always been Cybertronians, but whatever; humans found themselves on Cybertron because of Quintesson invasion/expansion in the Milky Way or something, and they mixed into the locals since Cybertronians and humans are very much cousins and there are members in their respective species that will bang a monster for fun and profit.)
So, D-16 is the most “civilized” one. Like no, D-16 is no senator’s son, nor does he hail from a high-caste lineage. He’s the bitlet of miners and a child slave worker, but he has creators that try their best for their unexpected, little one. Little D-16 had been raised in a communal underground cohort and had never even seen the surface since he took his first cries. Of course, the supervisors get a train of newcomers, including a couple of sparklings from the untamed Wilds that were deemed too “much” for the sensibilities of the middle/higher castes. Too old to forget. And too violent to make it worth it an adoption.
Before Optimus was even Orion, there was a sparkling that scavenged in the Wastelands. He’s a goddamn, feral raccoon with the tenacity of a seagull and a crow's love for tasty things. He’s clever enough to avoid the obvious traps, but hunger had driven him to gamble his luck on a caravan. His luck ran dry since-
It was a raiding caravan, specialized in capturing creatures and mecha. And it was successful snatching a few beings, including June.
She came on a rescue mission and had managed to free a few other sparklings but was unfortunately caught when she made the choice between retreat or free a flyer with a teleporting ability to take the youngest ones.
The raiders were prepared for specific tribes that had practitioners and artificers because of the “monsters” that traveled with them, and shoved her into a cage that neutralized such abilities.
For some reason, magic falls under sigma abilities, so the suppression mechanisms work.
Que Alpha Trion wandering in the “wrong” areas and completely missing his protégé-to-be/reincarnated little brother because of other mecha's last second decision change.
June/Juno is no dainty, wee thing that’s defenseless and cute. Oh no, gentle planets make gentle people. Young Earth was not a gentle planet, and its lost inhabitants made their home in the untamed wilds and Wastelands of Cybertron and warred with the natives to keep it as such. After she recovers, she’s a little hellion that confirms all the negative stereotypes that mecha in city-states have of the Wilders/barbarians of the Wastelands.
The only reason why she wasn't bought by another party is because she's a monoformer and seemed to have none of the famed talent. It would have been too much to bring this little ankle biter to yield without the fantastical benefits to offset it.
Same to be said with Orion-to-be. That sparkling had broken a mech's wrist, straight down to the struts with his teeth. It took a couple of shocks from an electro-staff for him to let go because he was trying his damn best to break something off.
No matter her appearance, June is still a descendant of a hybrid coupling, so many things were a learning curve between them and her. Same with a feral, little nameless convoy.
She got terribly sick with a basic Neocybex language installment. Feverish, delirious, and unable to keep down Energon.
A few of the more tenacious miners still alive and kicking had managed to keep her fueled with a slurry mixture of clay, coal, and crushed crystals. Liquid is easy to purge, but the clay and coal will coat the tank and keep it settled.
Downloads from slugs and chips do not agree with her, so she needed to learn and absorb the language on her own.
Orion got his name for the trouble he gets into for every scrap of fuel and for his keen senses. Little thing isn't afraid to rummage into the scrap pile or to claw his way up the shafts to get a tiny cluster of crystal root. In fact, Scraplet was a major contender for his name, especially since he had a habit of biting people.
Orion had a tendency to use proto-language, even with the full access of basic Neocybex and Kaonite. He struggles with using full sentences. Frustration had led to biting, and that isn’t good, especially at his age where he can do damage with his thick denta. Sometimes, he refuses to speak and just flops into the pen with all the younger sparklings, much to the amusement to the Watchers: mecha too old and worn down for the long hours.
The adults were confused by June's adamant refusal to part with her flimsy dressings. (Sigils and runes sewn into the hardy fabric to hide her magical presence.) And then alarmed over her thin armature. More malleable like a newspark rather than an active sparkling. No wonder she gets sick easily!
It's due to her heritage. The mix between Earth and Cybertron meshed well. The inhabitants had gone local, and their descendants had to adapt with every new generation. In June's (and others like her), they have a far more extended development for plating density and growth. It helps limit the strain on their mothers, and some tribes utilize it to carve sigils while soft before hardening.
Eating a large amount of raw minerals and metals. Orion has a similar habit, but due to deprivation.
D-16 manages to strike up a friendship with them due to proximity and that his creators' cohort took them on.
He likes the pictures Juno draws in the dirt between shifts as everyone rests together.
Language is a slow process for different, yet similar reasons. Juno's lexicon isn't compatible with Ilmentite - a Neocybex dialect used by underground Tarnians (fitting as its name comes from a common mining metal), nor does she have the heavy plating and long streaks of biolights to communicate. Orion, however, struggles with verbal communication and has the body language of a wild animal rather than another mech.
Juno is fast and slippery, and if it wasn't for the tracker/inhibition collar, then she would have escaped. She's able to slip between tighter spaces with her lack of bulk. Unfortunately, she has a tight leash, so she can drop to the ground when she passes a certain perimeter.
Orion and Juno get confused over D-16's queasiness over eating a dead animal. It's drained and it isn't sick, what's the matter?!
Someone (D-16 or his parents) needs to stop Orion from rummaging through the garbage.
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strawmariee · 5 months
Oi! Vi que esta tendo um machup event e quis participar, peço alguém de jjba porfavor
Eu tenho cabelo marrom com raccoon stripes (tipo os pelos de um guaxinim, meu cabelo é marrom e tem essas mechas laranjas :p) meus olhos são cor de mel, eu tenho sardas e tenho uma cicatriz na parte de cima do meu lábio esquerdo :p meus dentes são amarelos (uma insegurança minha tbm)
Eu sou bem agitada, tenho hiperatividade e ansiedade, as vezes me controlo por causa de remédio, mas enfim
Sou bisexual!
Gosto muito de jogos, metal, rock, anime, RPG, marvel, dc :D
Eu sou mestre em um RPG, e sou programadora :D
Se não quiser responder tudo bem :D
Oláaa anon, você foi a primeira a contratar meus serviços de cupido! Lendo suas características eu confesso que ao todo pensei em 4 combinações. No entanto, em minha opinião, a melhor escolha foi...
Joseph Joestar!!
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Ele foi a minha segunda escolha para seu par, no entanto, depois de ler suas características eu tinha que escolher ele!
Ele com certeza te chamaria de guaxinim por causa do seu cabelo e, em qualquer momento que pudesse, ele ficaria enrolando sua mecha em seu dedo!
Não estranhe se algum dia você acordar com uma máscara preta em seus olhos e ver Joseph te encarando com um sorrisinho diabólico e segurando uma câmera.
Ele com certeza faz isso pra te provocar, mas essa é apenas a linguagem de amor dele.
Isso é segredo mas ele guardaria essa foto na carteira dele para ele sempre ver seu rostinho quando sentisse sua falta—
Se caso algum dia você falasse pra ele sobre a sua insegurança com seus dentes, ele apenas te responderia com algum elogio, sabe? Esse foi o diálogo que pensei: "Sabe Jojo, eu não gosto dos meus dentes, eles são tão feios e—" "E daí? Você ainda continua sendo uma puta de uma gostosa, minha tchutchuquinha." "...Por que eu ainda conto essas coisas pra você?"
Mas apesar de ele ser um completo idiota de 1,95 cm, ele também pode ser sério quando precisa ser.
Um exemplo é nos momentos em que você se sentir mal ou ansiosa. Eu imagino que ele ficaria preocupado e tentaria fazer alguma palhaçada pra você rir ou se animar um pouco.
Mas caso isso não resolvesse, ele apenas te abraçaria e te aqueceria entre os braços dele, como se os usasse de escudo pra te proteger das crueldades do mundo.
Acho que seria um dos poucos momentos em que ele ficaria quieto, para caso você quisesse desabafar com ele. Mas se você não quisesse, ele só ficaria acariciando seus cabelos enquanto apoia o queixo no topo de sua cabeça.
Em uma modern AU, você dois veriam filmes ou leriam quadrinhos da DC ou Marvel juntos, afinal, ele também tem esse lado nerd e ele adoraria o fato de você ter também!
Pros eventos de animes vocês iriam com fantasias dos seus heróis favoritos, e nada me tira da cabeça que ele iria ou de Super-Homem ou Homem de Ferro!
Ele com certeza também gostaria de ouvir rock com você! (Só cuidado se tocar alguma música da banda ACDC ou The Cars)
Você é uma mestre no RPG? Joseph com certeza burlaria isso! Sabemos que ele tem algumas cartas nas mangas quando luta com inimigos, e isso não é diferente nos jogos!
Ele com certeza esconderia peças, cartas e manipularia o jogo ao favor dele, e com certeza ele teria um sorriso do tipo "Haha, esse jogo já está no papo."
E quando ele descobrisse que você é programadora, ele com certeza se aproveitaria disso. Como? Ele te pediria pra programar alguma coisa no computador do Caesar, algo pra zoar com a cara dele.
Eu não sei se isso é possível pois meu conhecimento pra programação é nulo, mas só imaginei em um belo dia o Caesar indo abrir seu notebook pra fazer algum trabalho e no momento que o computador liga uma voz diz "IH, alá o gay!!".
A cara do Caesar seria impagável, e se Joseph visse ele com certeza já estaria montando o casamento de vocês porque, a partir daquele momento, você já foi considerada sua parceira de crime pelo resto da vida.
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the-arcade-doctor · 4 months
i have made a creative commons oc
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This is Jade The Porcupine, he's an adventurer who loves to collect treasures from his world and beyond! He's connected back to my sona'a verse (check my pinned post) as a video game character, his fictional game series is below: Jade The Porcupine, a simple 2D collect-a-thon platformer that starts in a forest, his main enemy, Dune the Pangolin stole his fortune and is using it to fund his army of mecha-clones and other such robot things. Jade 2: Treasure Team, another 2D game, feat a raccoon from a city, and a runaway possum, they both want to make it big and return to the city, this time, Dune has returned with his OWN villain team.
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Jade 3(D): This one's a 3D explorer game, They return to the city and get into another adventure, their foes this time around are The Shadow Thieves. J4de: Cursed Relics. feat. Jade's evil clone made of ancient energy. The city that was built on top of a ancient temple, the forces of the city have seen Jade as a hero by this point, but the temple underneath has sent out their own twisted version of Jade made out of relics and other cursed artifacts to destroy Jade once and for all
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