#mech kong
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Nessie + Mech Kong = Mech Nessie
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dappercritter · 1 year
Never forget that the first robot/mech to appear in Godzilla canon was not the hardcore archemesis Mechagodzilla, but the goofy Ultraman clone infused with Super Robot flavours, Jet Jaguar.
Just remember that the next time you think Mechagodzilla is a must-have for any Godzilla story, official or not.
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sincosinetan · 6 months
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sonicasura · 4 months
King Kong X Transformers Prime Crossover, imagine if Silas became similar to Preston Packard? Basically wanting revenge on Kong for what he did to his troops and supplies and wanting to prove man's superiority by taking Kong down instead of just leaving?
Silas definitely follows the man's path but his motives are closer to Apex. Humans should be at the top of the chain as his organization proven to caused both the Autobots and Decepticons some serious problems. They feel like a force to be reckoned. It is not the same with Kong though.
This... thing had destroyed his forces as if they were nothing but flies. Not even the dinosaurs or other monsters caused that much damage to MECH's machinery. Silas will make a tactical retreat for the moment but he isn't gonna let this go.
MECH shall prove that they are at the top and destroying Kong is one way to certify their might.
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vertilex · 1 year
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obscure-imaginations · 3 months
Starscream Relationship Alphabet. No particular Starscream in mind. Can be Cybertronian or human reader.
Blacklist. | Commissions Open!
Dedicated to @sun-uwu-kong <3
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Affectionate to the Well and back! He may put a halt in front of others, to save his reputation, but he’s affection-starved in private. He’ll be nuzzling and chirping at you for attention, giving you affection and needing it in return. Like a cat.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Starscream is a very chaotic best friend. He’s always ready to get into trouble with you by his side. He can be whiny and demanding of your attention but he's a good support- if you ever need someone to complain at, he’s there. He’ll most likely suggest, ah, *violent* solutions to your problems, but it’s all in good faith.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Sleepy cuddles are the best, so he can rest his wings around the both of you. But he’ll also pull you in for random cuddles throughout the day when the opportunity arises.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Starscream is too good for cooking and cleaning. He has other people to do it for him!
E = Effort (How much energy do they put into the relationship?)
A fair amount. Starscream can be caught up in his work and schemes, and he tends to be forgetful when absorbed in a project, but he always makes it up to you. He’s known for his dramatics so he has no qualms with declaring his proclamations of love whenever you need it. When you get his focus, he’s attentive to your needs.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Ooh… Unfortunately Starscream has some commitment issues due to trauma. It takes at least a decade for him to get comfortable with the idea. You’d be his conjunx much earlier than that, but actual marriage scares him a bit. But once he knows you're not going to leave him and you’re in this mess for life? You’re going to have the most theatrical wedding Cybertron has ever seen!
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Half and half. He can be brash and occasionally rude because he’s not always aware of his surroundings nor other people’s feelings. But he always makes it up to you, panicking if he accidentally hurts you in any manner. He’ll fold his wings and approach you like a dog who’s in trouble.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Starscream is touch starved. Once he’s alone with you, he’s demanding hugs and cuddles. He needs it desperately. His hugs are nice, even if his form seems rough around the edges.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Starscream expresses his love in different ways at first. Proclaiming that he’d kill for you is basically an “I love you”. After a few months he’ll gently scoop your face in his hands and murmur “I love you” softly with a light blue blush.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Everyone knows he’s a drama queen, and he secretly has self esteem issues. So yeah, he’s *very* jealous. It more so manifests in him demanding your attention at inopportune times, such as when Megatron is trying to give orders or Shockwave is giving a report. He will cling his servo to yours and squeeze hard to be subtle. He’s horrible with words when it comes to this but all he needs is a hug, a kiss, and an “I love you”.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
He loves dramatically kissing the back of your hand, to be fancy. He enjoys receiving forehead kisses. “Real” kisses are often passionate in some sense- he puts his entire being into meaningful kisses.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Do not let this walking mech of chaos around children. He is a bad influence.
Same with my OC, Orbit. Megatron is usually getting on Starscream’s case for teaching Orbit bad habits.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Whining about wanting to continue cuddling. When he finally gets up he’s grumbly but he feels better when he gets into his morning routine. Sometimes he lets you help him get ready for the day.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Before recharging, he enjoys preening himself as the proud Seeker he is. He doesn't let you buff his wings unless you're ready to get spicy, but he will let you groom other areas. He’s proud of his visage even when he’s feeling more insecure.
He’ll wind down with you in his arms, rumbling his engines in happiness to have his conjunx to himself.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Starscream likes to think he’s mysterious. However, he tends to spew random bits of information when he thinks out loud to himself. Officially, however, he takes a little bit to give full details- especially about past traumas.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Starscream has the patience of a hungry bitlet. When he wants something, he wants it now!! He can never get truly angry at you, though, even when you mess up. He might pout when his pride is wounded but he always makes it up with plenty of chitters.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Starscream always saves every bit of information he gets. It’s instinct for him- for his plots and schemes. Now he uses that to his advantage to surprise you! If you see something you want in passing, he’ll get it for you… sometimes obtained legally. He remembers everything about you, down to your favorite pair of socks.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
When he realized that you actually love him and you aren't going to leave. Starscream’s ego makes up for his poor self esteem, so he talks big, but secretly, he’s very insecure. Having you to love him, *truly* love him, is a blessing from the AllSpark itself.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Starscream is protective in a subtle way. If anyone upsets you, he digs up the worst blackmail he can find to intimidate them into leaving you alone… permanently. If that doesn't work? He has his ways. Don't worry about the sudden influx of scrap or that weird red stain on the floor.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Ultimate effort. Starscream wants to make sure that you feel loved in every manner possible. Even the smallest gift is wrapped to perfection. Anniversary dates are the most romantic he can muster. Every day affections are always filled with love.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Starscream is vain and sometimes thinks he’s “too good” for some things. If you want to do something he’s snobby about, just go do it without him and he’ll learn his lesson- he always gets pouty when you're separated.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Practically as vain as Knockout, and that’s saying something. Seekers are a proud people. He’s always touching up his paints and buffing himself to pure shine.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
He’ll never admit it out loud, but you’re the other half of his spark. When you're separated for longer periods of time, he gets so whiny and dramatic that even Soundwave gets concerned for his emotional health. (His trine will fall to their knees and praise you when you return /lh /hj)
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He talks about you to his trine constantly. Starscream tends to blabber without thinking much- he just likes to talk, and with a voice like that, who can blame him?- so the trine knows some exclusive details, such as those adorable pajamas you wore to bed three days ago.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Like with “U”, he’s snobby about certain things. He doesn't like cooking, or cleaning unless he’s prepping his own form.
In a partner… he dislikes when you don't pay attention to him. He doesn't demand your full attention at all times, but he demands acknowledgment!!
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Spreads his wings to take up the whole bed. He’s embarrassed because he can’t really control it. His wings also twitch on occasion, but it’s adorable.
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cchr11 · 4 months
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Wu "Kei Lun" (Qilin/Unicorn) aka Wu "No Name".
Only a few know his actual name, including his boss, Yuen Kong. Wu's a member of the Red Arrow triad and is the boss's personal bodyguard, a natural choice since he's known to be stealthy and extremely skilled in hand to hand combat. He went missing along his boss after the whole dispute with the Dragon's Tooth broke out, but unlike Kong, Wu's whereabouts remain a mystery. Some speculate he sold out and betrayed the triad, forcing himself to go into hiding, some others believe he's dead but there's no longer a body as the killers harvested it all fot his mechanical augs. Either way, something shady was going on as he was seen hanging out with a gweilo a couple of times. ---- Paul-centric character, meant for Paul to interact with during his Hong Kong days. Since I headcanon Paul as the best melee nano augmented fighter, I made Wu to be the one who taught him some exclusive-augmented-human combat fundamentals. Cuz having mechanical parts that enhance some habilities but also hinders some others in your body would definitely require a special combat system made for it. Wu taught Paul a "mechanical" combat system made for mechanical bodies, to which Paul, as a smart dude himself, adapted for the special needs a nano augmented body requires, as mechs and nano people are different.
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burningexeter · 7 months
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This isn't yet a pitch but it is still a definite idea:
I now have this full and wholly original idea for an action-horror WWI movie that involves zombies, mechs, dragons and vampires in a swashbuckling action-adventure mashup.
Tonally, it absolutely and most definitely has its dark and scary, straight up horror moments with an intense edge to it but at the same time is a very aforementioned swashbuckling adventure film with a sense of fun and that type of almost light-hearted and witty sense of humor. It will have that old-school type of Hollywood feel to it that will make it stand out as well as a fun, good old-fashioned throwback to 1930s monster movies and serials.
Think of it as a mix between Overlord (2018), The Mummy (1999), Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade and Jason and the Argonauts with a dash of Where Eagles Dare. You could even say it's similar in tone to what Peter Jackson was gonna do with his King Kong remake way back in 1996.
As for who will direct it, that's still up in the air. But what I do know is that I want all of the effects of it to be of high quality from the CGI to the make-up to the practical effects. I want there to be a balance between all of the effects so that it can give the movie its own stand-out style from most modern movies but in a good way that helps.
I'm still working out on who the characters will be but when of thinking of the lead, I have Viggo Mortensen in mind of playing him since the character so far fits him best.
Here's the list of directors who I'm thinking of maybe making this:
• Jordan Vogt-Roberts
• Peter Jackson
• Takashi Yamazaki
• Nimrod Antal
• Gore Verbinski
• Shawn Levy
• Guillermo Del Toro
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Kaiju Week in Review (February 25-March 2, 2024)
Brush of the God is finally out in the world, having premiered at the Osaka Asian Film Festival on March 2. Above is the most recent trailer, looking as impressive as ever. A more complete cast list is out too—Yumiko Shaku, Takumi Saitoh, Shiro Sano, and Shinji Higuchi are all in it. Haven't seen any reviews in English yet, but I suspect it's something special.
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Lots of comic news this week, but I'm giving Godzilla: War for Humanity #4 its own section because it continues to be so stellar. In the penultimate issue, Godzilla finally comes face-to-face with Zoospora—with the odds now thoroughly stacked against him. Ends on a great cliffhanger, with emotional catharsis reached but a world-class kaiju still left to beat.
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Every Monsterverse film has an obligatory graphic novel tie-in, and they've never felt more obligatory than Godzilla x Kong: The Hunted. Kong has the A-plot, taking on the Titan Hunter, a mech piloted by the owner of a construction company who (surprise!) lost his family in 2014. It's pretty amusing watching him get high on his own supply fighting second-rate Titans before an unarmed Kong dismantles him, but the character is just too generic. Godzilla's B-plot is just a protracted setup for the film. (I'm keeping my description vague because the identity of his Titan opponent hasn't been revealed in GxK's marketing yet.) I hope this is Brian Buccellato's last time writing Godzilla, as Fight or Flight and the first five issues of Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong weren't much better, but I probably shouldn't be optimistic. Zid's art is unsurprisingly the highlight, though he's sharing space with Dario Formisani and Drew Johnson. Some stunningly bad scaling and weird-looking Godzillas on those pages. Note that the comic is only (officially) available to backers of the hardcover edition on Kickstarter right now; the paperback edition comes out on March 26, a few days before Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire.
Titanic Creations has released a cover for their Gorgo Legacy graphic novel (amusingly Approved by the Monster Code Authority). It's written by Mac McClintock and Patrick McEvoy, with the latter also illustrating, and will be 60 pages long. Releases summer 2024, with plans for two more.
Volume 7 of Kaiju Girl Caramelise also released last week, and while I was hoping to share my thoughts on it, none of my local libraries have stocked it yet. So here's a simple reminder that it exists.
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Netflix's Ultraman: Rising now has a poster and a June 14 release date. S.H. FigureArts and Movie Monster Series figures for the film have also been revealed.
Gameplay videos for Godzilla x Kong: Titan Chasers are starting to show up on YouTube, courtesy of early-access invites going out. Reminds me of that Avengers Alliance game I played for all of a week. And a new month means new Godzilla Battle Line characters; this time it's GMK King Ghidorah and a Biollante variant. They're also overhauling All-Star Battle Mode later this month, letting you chose 50 units to deploy against the CPU (so less underleveled four-stars and other chaff ruining your runs).
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rlmartian · 1 year
Hc that Nezha is flower boy at Macuaqe and Sun Wukong's wedding. Mk is the ring bearer. And Maq is wearing a dress because Wukong saw a sparkly purple one in a window one day and now he's wearing it. Wukong is wearing a dress because he wanted to do twirls. They playfully shove cake at eachother but it somehow ends up as a brutal fist fight that gets recorded and put on youtube shorts. Wu kong throws the flowers so hard Mk has to catch it with the mech suit. Dj mk is in charge of the porty music. They honeymoon in some remote forest temple.
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Steam + Mech Kong = Steam Kong
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gorillageek27 · 7 months
New preview image from the prequel comic "godzilla x kong: the hunted. "
And yes that is kong suplexing a mech
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Full comic releases march 26th
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redeyesgeatsdragon24 · 2 months
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A new Ninjago Mech being this one made by Dall-e Mini called Cole's Kong Mech a Mech in the form of a Gorilla like in legends of chima and comes with 6 minifigures Subterra Cole, Subterra, Lloyd, Subterra Wu, Formicus, and two Spider Soldiers.
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sonicasura · 5 months
Imagine a King Kong X Transformers Prime Crossover?
Basically, finding readings of an energon desposite on Skull Island the bots decide to Ground Bridge there. But problems are that both the Decepticons and MECH have also discovered this Energon deposit and are trying to take it for themselves. The second problem being that large and dangerous unknown creatures who inhabit the island attack theses new invaders. Especially Kong, ruler of Skull Island.
And third, the kids had tagged along, and as the bots will soon find out thanks to some poor unlucky members of MECH. Many of these islands creatures find the flesh of humans delicious.
My mind came up with a mix between the 2000 Animated Series and Monsterverse for this.
Everyone is regretting their choices to come to Skull Island. They think it's a simple trip to an uncharted island and the only enemies either have deal with were each other. If things go bust, then either Megatron or MECH will blow up the deposit.
First sign something was wrong is the presence of actual dinosaurs, including carnivorous ones like the T-Rex and Pterodactyl. To fly is asking to get divebombed or swooped at by metal shredding claws. Everyone is practically forced on the ground.
Only then do the smaller ground kaiju unfortunately begin to show up. Ratchet stayed behind at base and provide support through surveillance drones supplied by Fowler. Cue his horror when one of his drones catches a juvenile Skullcrawler eating an off guard MECH. It only intensifies as more fall to carnivorous plants or ambush predators.
He ordered everyone to get the kids back to base. A difficult task made harder when the group is forced to split up by Skullcrawlers. MECH decides to firebomb the place as their forces aren't getting anywhere with these monsters.
Their biggest mistake for it is enough to summon Kong. You can say this is the moment that both factions really begin to understand they aren't at the top of the food chain when a massive 107 meter ape shows up. Everyone is forced to hide as Kong begins to dispatch whoever he considers a threat.
Things only ramp up when Raf is suddenly snatched from Bumblebee by a pterodactyl. He's almost a goner until something hits the dinosaur and forced to let the boy go. Raf is caught by Bumblebee as the two stare at the culprit.
A human clearly was once from modern human civilization, looking at them with stern judging eyes while a pendant that resembled the giant ape hung from their neck. The connection made even clearer when Kong stands behind the person in solidarity. Skull Island is sacred ground and their war just trespassed it.
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thezanyarthropleura · 4 months
(Selected and arranged to account for modern tastes, as well as to highlight specific wants for fans of Godzilla: Minus One and/or Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire)
Titles can be confusing, when in doubt differentiate films by year of release
"Showa" generally refers to films made from 1954-1980, while "Heisei" generally refers to films made from 1984-2006, with "Millennium" being a specific series of Godzilla films made from 1999-2004, within the Heisei era (the actual notation refers to the Japanese Emperor, but this is slightly offset with how it's used for kaiju films)
I've tried to list where the films can be watched, for free if possible, but this can change at a moment's notice (for instance, the TokuSHOUTsu Youtube channel currently has a livestream of almost all the Showa Godzilla films and one for the MST3K episodes featuring 6 Showa Gamera films and Gorgo, but I have no idea how long those will stay up)
More context and history about the kaiju film genre can be found at the end of the post
These films are the peers and equals of Minus One and GxK, in only the best respects.
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The Gamera Heisei Trilogy - Gamera: Guardian of the Universe (1995), Gamera 2: Attack/Advent of Legion (1996), and Gamera 3: Revenge/Awakening of Iris (1999)
I would recommend this trilogy to ANYONE - even those hesitant to watch anything that isn't CGI, or that still don't think kaiju films can be good cinema. No matter what you're looking for in a kaiju film - engaging monster action, compelling human drama, deep metaphorical significance, fun action-adventure, hard sci-fi, spiritual eastern fantasy - these three movies are bound to be among the best at it. They're nearly unanimously praised as some of the best kaiju films of all time, and are the ONLY classic films with that honor that can visually compete with modern tastes in special effects.
Among the three: Guardian of the Universe is probably the closest analog to GxK, a fun action-adventure film about a girl who communicates with a giant monster. Revenge of Iris is closer to Minus One, introducing a darker mirror of the first film's story that invokes trauma and loss to great emotional impact. Which all leaves Advent of Legion in the middle, as a fairly formulaic but well-executed sci-fi alien invasion story.
These films are available free and subtitled on Tubi, or free and dubbed on Pluto. In a rarity, the dubs are done with love and care by fans of the genre and while they may not be the best way to watch the films, they're fairly decent.
These films either excellently or acceptably compete with modern visual effects, but in other areas, are ultimately more dependent upon viewer tolerances and niche interests.
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Godzilla vs. Destoroyah (1995)
If you want to cry about Godzilla, this is it, this is the movie. Possibly the classic film that delves the deepest into the idea of kaiju as sympathetic, tragic beings, this film leans heavily into hard sci-fi and features a kaiju opponent inspired by the titular creature from the Alien franchise. It's the seventh film in the Godzilla Heisei series, but as most of the previous films are currently stuck behind rights issues and difficult to find, I'd recommend jumping into this one as a standalone (or, if anything, watch the original 1954 Godzilla film first, but if that doesn't interest you it's not necessary). This movie is readily available for free, subtitled on Pluto or dubbed on Youtube.
The Kiryu Duology - Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla (2002) and Godzilla: Tokyo S.O.S. (2003)
These two films face a number of pacing and production issues, and due to scheduling conflicts, the main heroine, mech pilot Akane from the first film (arguably one of the most compelling human characters in the entire Godzilla series), was unable to return for the sequel beyond a brief cameo. But despite feeling unfinished, not all the emotional weight of this duology is lost. The ethics-focused, techno-spiritual story being told still packs a punch, and visually, out of the entire suitmation era this is the best Godzilla, Mothra, and Mechagodzilla have ever looked on-screen. If first checking out the original 1954 Godzilla and the 1961 Mothra interests you at all, it may enhance the viewing experience, but if not, dive right in! Both these films are free on Pluto TV, but do keep in mind Against Mechagodzilla is the dubbed version.
Gamera the Brave (2006)
I've said it before, but this is the movie that most closely reminds me of Minus One, with its modern filmmaking style, deep emotional themes, and in particular, having a bright and hopeful appeal to humanity in a genre where many of the more serious films are tragedies. Personally I rank this one right up there with the 90s Gamera trilogy, if not even higher, but to appreciate it, you really do have to be here for a children's fantasy film with more charm and heart than fast-paced kaiju action. This film is free on Tubi, subtitled.
These films require a tolerance for the special effects of the 1950s through 1970s, which I realize some modern audiences may find difficult to appreciate, but are otherwise highly recommended.
All four of these films are available free and subtitled on Pluto through Criterion, and are additionally part of SHOUT! Factory's catalogue and playing on the livestream.
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Godzilla (1954)
If you've seem Minus One or Shin Godzilla, the obvious route is, of course, to go back to 1954 and experience the original cinematic masterpiece of Godzilla as a nuclear horror. The one caveat I'll mention is that a lot of Minus One's effectiveness is in subverting one theme present in the original, so this will, in a way, feel like a step backward thematically.
Ebirah, Horror of the Deep (1966)
The outright most comparable classic film to GxK - a fun island adventure film wherein various entertaining personalities are shipwrecked and must work together to thwart human baddies and even recruit the help of Godzilla! This is one of my personal favorites, and while Mothra only appears briefly in the film, it expands on her lore quite a bit.
Godzilla vs. Hedorah (1971)
This film is wacky, resembling an abstract art house film at times, but in many ways is a revisitation upon the dark, deep metaphors of the original, this time warning of the dangers of pollution through a truly terrifying monstrosity that gives Godzilla one of the most brutal fights of his career.
Terror of Mechagodzilla (1975)
Along with the original and Hedorah, this completes a trio of more dark and serious Showa era Godzilla films. It's the only Godzilla movie of its era to be written entirely (not co-written) by a woman, tells a dark and tragic tale, and yet is the height of 1970s superhero Godzilla as he takes on two powerful opponents at once.
I'll throw in four more: these are just some of my personal recommendations and favorites that don't fit neatly into the other categories.
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Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster (1964)
The original and archetypical "multiple monsters team up to fight a greater threat" movie. This one is consistently on the edge of being called an objectively good film, but can be considered too cheesy and campy to make the cut. Nonetheless, it's a fun time, and it's also pretty much the only classic film where Godzilla and Mothra interact positively, if that's appealing to you. Like the other Showa Godzilla films, it's free through Pluto and SHOUT! Factory.
Gamera vs. Zigra (1971)
I really just wanted to put a Showa Gamera here, and this is one of my favorites. Just the campy, wacky, good time that is Showa Gamera, with a side of ocean theming - this extremely cheap film was partly funded through Kamogawa Sea World, which is the primary location featured in the film. It's free on Tubi along with the other Gamera films, and also makes a great MST3K episode, even if the version of the film used there is very low-resolution and the underwater scenes in particular suffer a little.
Godzilla 2000: Millennium (1999)
Somewhat unique among its contemporaries for being a 2000s era film that features Godzilla as more-or-less the protagonist, with human characters that advocate for understanding and respecting him. It's an incredibly cinematic film - I would describe its special effects as ambitious, not always effective, but regardless it would be a great intro for new fans if it were more accessible. Currently, it's tough to track down, but another rare case where the heavily-edited US dubbed version is perfectly acceptable, and even sometimes considered superior to the original.
Rebirth of Mothra 3 (1998) and to an extent, the whole trilogy.
I unashamedly love these oft-maligned films that are actually very comparable to the Heisei Gamera trilogy... in all respects but objective quality. Fun fantasy kaiju films featuring tiny women who fight each other with swords and flying mounts, while a superpowered giant moth beats up two space dragons and takes a break in the middle to beat up a genetically-engineered dragon. Lots of rainbows and lasers, and a vague, underlying exploration of the conflict between those with peaceful methods and those with violent methods without completely villainizing either side. If any of that sounds interesting, check these films out, they're currently readily available free on Pluto after a long history of the third and most serious/mature film being extremely rare and seldom-seen.
Inspired by western giant monster films like King Kong and The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms, and the summation of Japan's nuclear fear and trauma, the original Godzilla film in 1954 was a runaway success, beginning the kaiju genre as production company Toho ordered not only a direct sequel, but a broad scope of special effects films that ultimately gave us other classic kaiju like Mothra and Rodan.
In the 1950s and 1960s, the concept of a "Godzilla series" did not yet exist - Toho just made science fiction films, wherein some of them featured kaiju, and some of those, but not all, featured Godzilla. Many of these films were very loosely, and sometimes only retroactively, considered to be in the same universe or cinematic canon, creating situations where kaiju like Manda and Baragon would wander into Godzilla films after getting their start in non-Godzilla adventures like Atragon (1963) and Frankenstein vs. Baragon (1965). (An example of a non-kaiju Toho film I would highly recommend is 1958's H-Man)
The 1960s also saw a "Kaiju Boom," where the genre was expanded beyond Toho to other studios in Japan and even to other countries. This brought about a number of new kaiju projects like Gorgo (1961), Reptilicus (1961), and Yongary, Monster from the Deep (1967). The only of these films to be successful enough to spawn a series was Gamera (1965), from Daiei studios in Japan, and there were 7 Gamera films made from the mid-60s to early 70s. (Daiei has their own catalogue of Toku effects films, and also produced the kaiju-adjacent Daimajin trilogy (1966), period pieces set in ancient Japan about a giant warrior statue that comes to life)
Interest in kaiju films began to wane in the 1970s, and Toho largely narrowed its focus to a yearly Godzilla series with lower and lower budgeting. Godzilla vs. Megalon (1973) was the most cheeply-made of these, but several factors made it the most widely-known film in the US and solidified the genre's "rubber suits and cardboard buildings" reputation among the general public for the next 50 years. Also in 1973, Toho produced the giant hero television series Zone Fighter, where Godzilla, King Ghidorah, and Gigan appear in several episodes. The series was made to compete with Ultraman and other television-based Tokusatsu, which was swaying audiences away from films at the time. (I personally know very little about Ultraman and other costumed hero Toku, but I know there are many experts on here who could answer questions about those)
Toho continued to make science fiction and effects films throughout the late 70s and 1980s, such as The War in Space (1977), but kaiju films were out of fashion. Gamera had a brief pseudo-revival in 1980, but otherwise it was a long drought from 1975 to 1984, when Toho began the Godzilla Heisei series: a series of seven films that continued in 1989 and picked up to a film per yer from 1991 to 1995. These films featured more strict continuity and the recurring character of Miki Saegusa, marking one of the first steps away from the previous practice of switching out the human cast entirely from film to film.
In the late 90s, Godzilla was absent yet again, as Toho made the rights handoff to Sony for the 1998 American film. In his place were the competing late 90s Gamera and Mothra trilogies, both relatively unique in featuring multiple recurring cast members and worlds that blended sci-fi and fantasy elements. In America, the poorly-received GODZILLA (1998) spawned a more warmly-recieved animated continuation in Godzilla: the Series (1998-2000).
In response to the critical failure of the 1998 film, Toho craved redemption and launched the Millennium Series: six Godzilla films that, with the exception of the Kiryu Duology, were all standalone in hopes of attaining theatrical releases in the US (only Godzilla 2000 succeeded at this). With a general failure of the 50th anniversary film Godzilla: Final Wars (2004), Toho put Godzilla to rest, seemingly for good. Gamera the Brave in 2006 was the last true suitmation kaiju film, critically acclaimed but also a financial failure.
In the intervening decade, CGI took over, and was the name of the game by the time Pacific Rim (2013), Godzilla (2014), and Shin Godzilla (2016) kicked off the new "Kaiju Renaissance," the present era that includes Reiwa Godzilla and the Monsterverse.
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hrodvitnon · 6 months
Some Ideas/Headcanons for Abraxasverse GxK!
So, after having seen The New Empire, I already already have quite a few ideas for how it could fit into the Abraxasverse! I’ll write up a more thorough breakdown of how I’d do it sometime soon, but I figured I might as well start with some of the basic ideas. So, here goes!
- Just for a bit of context, I’m going by @zerm2v0hg’s awesome “Clash of Silver” fic as how the Abraxasverse’s version of GvK would’ve played out.
- Since GxK takes place in 2027, I’d have Ladon be officially introduced in 2025 and Shin in 2026 (both as Godzilla clones created by Apex), so they would both play a role in this version. Kiryu’s new body might still be under construction (since it took 5-10 years to build Mechagodzilla in canon, so I don’t know if 3 years would be enough time to finish building his second body after the first one sadly got destroyed in Clash of Silver), so I don’t know if I’d have him play a major role here, but either way his new body’s construction would be overseen by Project Powerhouse, the same division of Monarch that creates Kong’s new gauntlet in the movie. Maybe Ren Serizawa would be in charge of that project in this timeline, now that he’s not working for Apex anymore?
- For the events of The Hunted, I’d probably have it go pretty much the same way as canon, but I do love the idea of having Monster X be the one to go up against the Hunter mech rather than Kong, just because that way they’d be able to give Raymond Martin (aka Dickhead Tech-Bro) a Reasons You Suck speech while beating the crap out of his second-rate Jaeger ripoff.
- Scylla & Tiamat would probably still end up getting into fights with Godzilla or one of his sons, but while Scylla might still end up dying if the events of The Hunted play out similarly here, Tiamat probably wouldn’t, assuming that the potential backstory of her having a connection to Ozymandias is actually Abraxasverse canon.
- To give Godzilla & his allies more to do in the Abraxasverse version of GxK, I feel like it would make sense to incorporate the Xenilla arc into this portion of the timeline. So I’d have him land on the surface and start causing trouble for Team Godzilla at around the same time that Kong discovers Skar King’s hidden empire in the Hollow Earth, which would eventually lead to the final battle being a three-way battle royale between the Scarred Apes’ army (led by Skar King & Shimo), the heroic Titans (particularly Godzilla’s family, Monster X & Kong), and Xenilla.
- In this timeline, instead of Mothra being the guardian Titan of the Hollow-Earth Iwi civilization, it would be Leo. To me, that seems like a perfect way for him to be introduced into the Abraxasverse: as Godzilla & Mothra’s offspring who was born thousands of years ago, took up residence in the Hollow Earth during the Ice Age, and essentially “adopted” the surviving Iwi tribe after Skar King presumably abandoned them at some point. I’d also ditch the “prophecy” angle from the canon movie for Jia and just focus on her other connections with Kong & the Iwi, as Mothra already has a human link in the form of the Chen family.
- Godzilla’s transformation wouldn’t just be a random evolution/powerup; instead, it would be a side effect of his being badly wounded & infected by Xenilla during their first fight. Mothra would narrowly manage to cure & heal him (after taking him to Tiamat’s Arctic lair so he could absorb a bunch of extra radiation to fuel the healing process), but his appearance would still be permanently altered as a result. That’s where the elbow & tail spikes and the new color of his energy would come from, as he’d end up assimilating some of the crystal’s power for himself. As a beneficial side effect, his new form would also be immune to any further infection attempts by the Crystal Cordyceps.
- In keeping with that idea, Abraxasverse Xenilla would basically look like a fusion of the classic SpaceGodzilla and a more advanced version of Godzilla’s Evolved form, with white crystal spikes & plates, longer spikes on his elbows & tail, and red bioluminescence (to fit with the idea that the pink color of Goji’s Evolved form is a side effect of his partially undergoing that process but stopping it halfway through). I think it could also look really cool if he has crystal wings that unfold from his body when he needs to fly, and reform into a layer of extra armor around his torso when he’s on the ground. For how they’d look, I’m thinking maybe something like an all-white version of Tabuu’s crystal wings from the Super Smash Bros video games.
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- Shimo would actually be the key to taking down Xenilla once she’s freed from Skar King’s control, as the heroes eventually discover that while Xenilla’s crystal armor has adapted to resist Godzilla’s atomic breath, it’s highly vulnerable to Shimo’s ice-breath. As a result, it ends up being a tag-team effort from her, Godzilla & Mothra (plus Ozzy managing to fight back from within) that ultimately brings the parasite down for good. It’s tragic, of course, given their past relationships with him, but they’re able to take some comfort in the fact that their victory also allows Ozzy’s spirit to finally rest in peace.
A longer, more in-depth breakdown of what I’ve got in mind will be coming soon, but I figured I’d see what you thought of the main bullet-points first. 😄
Oooh, here we go!
I've actually reached a point where I'm willing to call The Clash of Silver a part of AbraxasVerse canon. Hey, @zerm2v0hg! Have some canonization, as a treat!
Yeah, Kiryu being out of commission for a while makes sense, and it feels fitting that he'd be handled by Project Powerhouse. Ren could definitely use a job at Powerhouse after how his gig at Apex ended... and hopefully a therapist, depending on how he's been handling the whole "nearly got electrocuted to death and something happened to his brain but he doesn't know what".
AbraxasVerse Raymond Martin I feel can definitely stand to be less cartoonishly evil than his comic counterpart; maybe instead of gleefully trying to kill a pair of cubs after slaughtering their mother, his trauma from 2014 has reached the point where he simply can't stand seeing a happy family, human or monster, because it gets into his head that that ought to be him and his family. He's still a douchebag tech-bro who hates the Titans and would probably consider Monster X a traitor of sorts for embracing their new monster existence, he's just more clearly a broken man futilely raging against forces of nature because that's all he knows what to do now.
Scylla in MonsterVerse canon is a real nasty piece of work and while AbraxasVerse Scylla is comparatively better, I won't feel bad if she still ends up dying as a result of Martin's nonsense causing her nuclear feeding frenzy; this would be a good way for Ladon and Shin to make an impression on the world, that they're willing to fight to maintain the worldly balance just like their dad. Tiamat however has potential thanks to the Ozymandias backstory and I feel she can be better utilized in AbraxasVerse, especially in light of @tosho89's ritual idea...
Xenilla showing up here would be cool... maybe he was sent out to scout the planet in case a Titan of comparable power to Ozymandias has shown up in the time since that abduction? Leo being the Hollow Earth Iwi guardian could be a neat way to tie in MV!Mothra's reworking Phosphora/Phosphera's (how is that supposed to be spelled?) placeholder role without being too jarring.
Huh, Goji nearly getting infected is a GREAT idea for the sake of tension and sheer "oh SHIT" factor! He goes out of commission for a bit while Mothra heals him and Tiamat does her ritual, and he returns to the fore more powerful than ever... at the cost of becoming a beacon for the nefarious forces behind Xenilla's existence to home in on. And I am ALL FOR Shimo having more to do!
Cool ideas all around! I'm looking forward to seeing what else you've got!
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