hychlorions · 1 year
apollo doll texture file
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meatgrinder ready
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natalieironside · 1 year
In this world it's meat or be meaten
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jentirely-true · 14 days
do you want the meatened potatoes or the mackened cheese
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broadsiderenegade · 5 months
Planning for release
A little over 4 months left and I have taken stock of where I'm at and what needs to be finished. I believe my commitment to Steam Next Fest is actually well timed for getting me to be realistic on where I can go from here while sticking to my planned release date.
Currently the focus is general polish across everything, UI, menu options, and balance. I'm trying to knock out as much of this as possible before forking the project over to the demo (luckily this will be easy, I can disable content on the backend with a few edits, and players should have (within reason) a portion of the game to play around freely.
On a potentially disappointing note, I'm scaling back how much lore will make it into the initial game. A logbook type page will remain a "stretch goal" assuming people are playing/enjoying the game enough for a possible post launch update. The benefit is that it's allowing me to clean up the menus a bit, and its a ton of work I can put towards meatening up the content and polishing the rest. I've tried to make the art and ship designs evocative enough to imply there's a lived in world, so I hope that its enough for people to be intrigued to know more.
On a more positive note, the combination of me accidentally making an HD game and Gamemakers built in scaling options, video settings is proving to be a lot easier than I feared, so I will sleep a lot better. Today I added in Steam Deck camera settings so players on 16:10 aspect ratio can play the game without black bars or stretching. I've also enabled free resize while in windowed mode and the graphics seem to hold up well at whatever weird size I stretch the window to (though you will get bars if it isn't 16:9 or 16:10).
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October Finds, Pt. 1: Music, Books, Comics, Graphic Novels
As we are getting closer to the holiday season, I thought it might be nice to share links to cartoon merchandise I've seen floating around. I use a lot of the websites listed for gift-giving inspiration or to fill up any wishlists that friends and family ask me for. I've tried to keep most things on this list under $50, and most items are on clearance or discounted heavily.
Please support your local record shops, book stores, and comics stores! It's likely they can ship in some of the items on this list for you instead of you ordering them online. I'm putting this list together for those who may not have access to those resources, or who might be looking for a very specific thing that is out of stock in retail spaces.
You can find Pt. 2 of the list here, where I share links to plushies, clothing, accessories, dinnerware, prints and more.
NOTE: I am not affiliated with any of the stores linked under the read more. I'm just someone who watches a lot of TV and reads a lot of books and likes to celebrate that by buying merch every now and then.
Hey Arnold The Music Vol 1 By Jim Lang (only a few left)
Over The Garden Wall - Original Soundtrack
Over The Garden Wall – Original Soundtrack LP
Over The Garden Wall - Original Soundtrack Cassette
Over The Garden Wall - Original Soundtrack CD 
Gravity Falls Vinyl Soundtrack 
UNDERTALE - Determination CD Double Album
Ryan North Chooseable-Path Adventures
Romeo and/or Juliet (A Chooseable-Path Adventure)
To Be or Not To Be: A Chooseable-Path Adventure
Art Books
The Art of The Mitchells vs. The Machines
The Art of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem (signed pre-order)
The Art of Captain Underpants the First Epic Movie
The Little Prince: The Art of the Movie
Legends & Lattes 
Wayward Son Audiobook (Simon Snow Trilogy, Bk. 2) 
Steven Universe
Welcome to Beach City (Steven Universe)
Field Researching (Steven Universe, Vol. 3)
Just Right (Steven Universe, Volume 4)
Find a Way (Steven Universe, Volume 5)
Ultimate Dough-Down (Steven Universe)
Camp Pining Play (Steven Universe)
Harmony (Steven Universe)
The Amazing World of Gumball
Tunnel Kingdom (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Midsummer Nightmare (The Amazing World of Gumball)
The Storm (The Amazing World of Gumball)
Adventure Time
Adventure Time Comics (Volume 4)
Adventure Time Comics (Volume 6)
Adventure Time Comics (Volume 15)   
Ice King (Adventure Time, Volume 1)
Sugary Shorts (Adventure Time, Volume 4)
Sugary Shorts (Adventure Time, Volume 5)
Beginning of the End (Adventure Time, Volume 10)   
Princess and Princess (Adventure Time, Volume 11) 
Thunder Road (Adventure Time, Volume 12)  
Marceline the Pirate Queen (Adventure Time, Volume 13) 
Jake (Adventure Time) 
Marceline (Adventure Time)
Regular Show
Regular Show (Volume 6)
Regular Show (Volume 9)
Regular Show (Volume 10)
Parks and Wreck (Regular Show)
The Meatening (Regular Show, Volume 5)
Comic Conned (Regular Show, Volume 6)
Rocko’s Modern Life
Rocko's Modern Life (Volume 1)
Rocko's Modern Life (Volume 2)
Rocko's Modern Afterlife (Rocko's Modern Life) 
Bravest Warriors
Bravest Warriors (Volume 1) 
Bravest Warriors (Volume 3)
Bravest Warriors (Volume 4)
Bravest Warriors (Volume 6)
Bravest Warriors (Volume 7)
Bravest Warriors (Volume 8)
Friendship To The Max (Lumberjanes, Volume 2) 
A Terrible Plan (Lumberjanes, Volume 3) 
Out of Time (Lumberjanes, Volume 4)
Band Together (Lumberjanes, Volume 5)
Sink or Swim (Lumberjanes, Volume 6) 
A Bird's-Eye View (Lumberjanes, Volume 7)
Stone Cold (Lumberjanes, Volume 8)
On a Roll (Lumberjanes, Volume 9)   
Parents' Day (Lumberjanes, Volume 10) 
Time After Crime (Lumberjanes, Volume 11) 
Jackalope Springs Eternal (Lumberjanes, Volume 12) 
Indoor Recess (Lumberjanes, Volume 13) 
X Marks the Spot (Lumberjanes, Volume 14) 
Birthday Smarty (Lumberjanes, Volume 15) 
Mind Over Mettle (Lumberjanes, Volume 16) 
Smitten in the Stars (Lumberjanes, Volume 17) 
Horticultural Horizons (Lumberjanes, Volume 18) 
A Summer to Remember (Lumberjanes, Volume 19)
End of Summer (Lumberjanes, Volume 20) 
Bonus Tracks (Lumberjanes) 
Campfire Songs (Lumberjanes) 
Graphic Novels
The Infernal Compass (Lumberjanes) 
The Shape of Friendship (Lumberjanes) 
True Colors (Lumberjanes)
Lumberjanes Graphic Novel Gift Set (The Infernal Compass/The Shape of Friendship/True Colors) 
Hardcover Editions
Lumberjanes To The Max Edition (Volume 1) 
Lumberjanes To the Max Edition (Volume 4) 
Lumberjanes To The Max Edition (Volume 5) 
Lumberjanes To the Max Edition (Volume 6)  
Auxiliary Books
Coloring Book (Lumberjanes) 
Encyclopedia Lumberjanica: An Illustrated Guide to the World of Lumberjanes 
BAGS (Or a Story Thereof)
By Pat McHale, creator of Over The Garden Wall
The Adventure Zone
Here There Be Gerblins (Book 1)
Murder on the Rockport Limited! (Book 2)
The Crystal Kingdom (Book 4)
The Eleventh Hour (Book 5)
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lightnersdream · 6 months
undefined starts with a clearer sharper mind and memory at the start of the story and it slowly declines over time it especially worsens when the meatening occurs but it never really.goes away once it starts it doesn't go back to the way it was. My sona was fucked from the start because my sona was born when i died
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no1-shochu · 5 years
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【若潮酒造の美味しい焼酎が飲めるお店】 ( meat EN (ミートエン) 様 ) ( 美味しいランチ 鹿児島県 鹿児島市 中央町 かごっまふるさと屋台村内 中央駅から徒歩3分 ) 若潮酒造株式会社の焼酎が飲めるお店をご紹介致します♪ 今回ご紹介するお店は、 meat EN (ミートエン) 様です♪ かごっまふるさと屋台村で鹿児島県産の新鮮なお肉(牛肉,豚肉,鶏肉)が1枚から食べられるお店です♪ ( meat EN (ミートエン) 様は、おにくのくにお 様が経営しております。 ) 今回は、美味しいランチ(肉丼)&くろわかパンチ にしました⤴⤴⤴😋 お肉美味しい~~~♪ お昼からくろわかパンチが飲めるなんて、し・あ・わ・せ \(//∇//)\ くろわかパンチのシュワシュワ感と美味しいお肉との相性がバッチリです♪ くろわかパンチ美味しい~~~♪ ※飲み過ぎ注意 meatEN (ミートエン) 染川店長 様、昼間から幸せな時間を過ごす事が出来ました。 有難うございます♪ 美味しいお肉に大満足(σ≧▽≦)σ meat EN (ミートエン) 様 ( 居酒屋、焼肉、飲食、焼酎サワー ) 店長 = 染川 博昭 様(そめかわ ひろあき) 住所 = 〒890-0053 鹿児島市中央町 6-4 かごっまふるさと屋台村内(中央駅から徒歩3分) ℡ = 099-250-2462 営業時間 = 12:00~14:00(月~水曜日) 17:00~24:00 [土日祝 夜15:00~24:00] 定休日 = 第1・第3月曜日 皆さん是非 meat EN (ミートエン) 様で、美味しいお肉と美味しい くろわかパンチ を堪能して下さいね~~~\(^^)/ 皆様のお越しを心よりお待ちしております♪ ✨若潮酒造公式サイト✨ http://wakashio.shop-pro.jp/ ※会員登録お願い致します(๑•̀ㅁ•́ฅ✧ ⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎⭐︎ 【若潮酒造新酒祭り情報】 (第11回) 場所 = 若潮酒造株式会社敷地内 日時 = 2019年10月20日(日) 開演 10:00 ~ 終了 16:00 ( 新焼酎大盤振る舞い ) ※皆さん是非新酒祭りに遊びに来て下さいね(#^.^#) ____________________________ ✨若潮酒造受賞歴✨ 鹿児島県本格焼酎鑑評会 ✨21年連続受賞‼✨ ____________________________ ※若潮酒造の焼酎は、プリン体0・糖質0・甘味料0 、体に優しい芋焼酎です(^^♪ (焼酎飲み方案内) 冷やしてストレート、グラスにいっぱいに氷を入れてロック、グラスにいっぱいに氷を入れて炭酸水を入れてソーダ割り、グラスにお湯を入れてお湯割り、色々な飲み方をして楽しんで下さいね~♪ 日本全土 、 全都道府県 に若潮酒造の焼酎が広がるように頑張ります。 ( 北海道 青森県 岩手県 宮城県 秋田県 山形県 福島県 新潟県 茨城県 群馬県 栃木県 埼玉県 東京都 千葉県 神奈川県 山梨県 長野県 富山県 石川県 福井県 静岡県 愛知県 岐阜県 三重県 大阪府 京都府 滋賀県 兵庫県 奈良県 和歌山県 鳥取県 島根県 岡山県 広島県 山口県 徳島県 香川県 愛媛県 高知県 福岡県 佐賀県 長崎県 熊本県 大分県 宮崎県 鹿児島県 沖縄県 ) ★若潮酒造は見学、ツアーも出来ますので皆さん是非若潮酒造に遊びに来て下さいね♪ ( 会社が休みの場合も有りますので、見学に来られる際は事前に御連絡して下さいね。) 若潮酒造株式会社への 商品、見学、ツアー お問い合わせ 若潮酒造電話番号 = 099-472-1185 若潮酒造住所 = 鹿児島県志布志市志布志町安楽215 お気軽にお電話下さい (^^♪ ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ ✨限定焼酎販売中✨ ※限定焼酎も販売しています\(^^)/ ✨若潮酒造株式会社 公式オンラインネットショップ✨ ★☆★✨ http://wakashio.shop-pro.jp/ ✨★☆★ ※登録方法が解らない方はこちら ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ ✨登録方法✨ 若潮酒造公式オンラインショップ 登録のいろは = https://wakashioshopiroha.wixsite.com/wakashio-shop-iroha ✨会員登録の方法パソコンから✨ = https://wakashioshopiroha.wixsite.com/wakashio-shop-iroha/newmember ✨会員登録の方法スマートフォンから✨ = https://wakashioshopiroha.wixsite.com/wakashio-shop-iroha/blank-10 ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ #meatEN #meat #黒若潮 #お食事所 #ミートエン #鹿児島県鹿児島市中央町 (かごっまふるさと屋台村) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2jLnqYgPp3/?igshid=1vlcm55e6pmzs
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lobocomicsandtoys · 6 years
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When Benson bans Mordecai and Rigby from video games, they turn to a mysterious new card game, only to discover that the game itself gets stronger the long it's played. Soon the whole park is taken over by fictional creatures and it's up to Mordecai and Rigby to save the day-if they can stop trying to outdo each other first.
Available at Lobo Comics & Toys this coming Wednesday, 08/01/2018
visit us on facebook, google+, blogspot, our eBay store, and our website
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regularshowavs · 7 years
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Mordecai and Rigby find themselves looking for a new form of entertainment when Benson bans them from video games. Deciding to try something new, they find themselves at a store purchasing a new card game that they’ve heard of. It’s easy enough, Mordecai and Rigby find they are actually good at it and start bringing more people into the game not realizing that the more people that join...the stronger it gets. Soon the whole park is taken over by fictional creatures and it’s up to Mordecai and Rigby to save the day--if they can stop trying to outdo each other first. 
Just discovered a new OGN for Regular Show on Amazon, Regular Show Original Graphic Novel Vol. 5: The Meatening.  Releasing July 31st, 2018 at $14.99.  Written by Nichole Andelfinger (Munchkin, Adventure Time Comics) and illustrated by Laura Howell (Regular Show). Pre-order it here.
Glad we’re still getting RS comics into 2018.
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joneswibu · 3 years
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JK MCD and creepy man Note: I can’t actually write and my grammar is suck may contain uncomfortable content
It was evening, Sasara and Samatoki promised to meeting up after school because they're from different school. They're going down town to take a walk together. On a quiet street suddenly *GRAB* A man riding in bicycle full speed, grabbed Sasara's butt. Sasara startled, It was quick but can't be unnoticeable.
Creepy man (Mobu) while ride his bike away on full speed: "Tch, i should've touched the white haired one, she's sexy. Well whatev, I'll get a better one tomorrow". Right after he mumbled, he noticed on his right, Samatoki running just as fast as him riding on his bike on full speed. With no time to react, Samatoki's fist already there on Mobu's face, resulting both him and his bicycle fall on to the aspalt.
Being shock from his fall, Mobu losing some of his consciousness. Samatoki And Sasara dragged him to nearest smal alley. They tied his hand, feet and cover up his mouth. And they start their action
Sasara: "Good Evening Sir~! Aren't you lucky having 2 high school girl playing with you?~" Mobu: "Mmmm!!!mmmm??!!?! Samatoki: "You son of a bitch, you really think your action don't have any consequence HUH?!" Sasara: “"Of course It's don't have any qonsequence as long as I CAN get away with it!"~ is it right sir? Here let me se your phone!
Sasara Pull out Mobu's cell phone from his shirt. She open it but they need password to open. Sasara: Sir~ can you open this for me?~ Mobu Looks pissed: Mm!!!!mmmm!! Sasara Came closer to him, and wishper: " You want my number don't you?" Mobu: ...... He Aggree to open up the phone, Samatoki watched the whole thing and said: "You actually fall for that?! Gross" 
Sasara: “Thank you sir~ “ She took quick glance into the cellphone then said: “Samatoki, I have something to do with this phone, could you please take care of Mr.Mobu?” Samatoki: “You know his name?” Sasara: “Written on his phone lol” Samatoki cracking her knuckle: “ahaha cool! i'll take a good care of him”
Sasara Walks out to to the alley corner. For a few minutes Samatoki didn't hold up any punches on Mobu's body, meanwhile Sasara still busy with Mobu's phone. Soon Sasara came back and stop Samatoki from broke another Mobu's bone. Sasara: “Allright! I finished! Let's head out Samatoki~” Samatoki: “Tch, can't you see I haven't fully finish him?” Mobu: *crying* “MMM!!!! MmmMMM!!!: Sasara: “Aww! Come on!~ It's getting dark soon! You don't want those cake for your Lil sis to be sold out, don't you?” Samatoki step away while shout: “Take THAT as a lesson you disgusting bastard!”
Sasara walk closer to meaten up Mobu, She put back his cellphone into his shirt pocket. Sasara: “Here's your phone sir! Now you know what you got when you're being a creep, right sir?~ DON'T DO THAT AGAIN ok?~” Sasara: “Oh yea, be carefull when you get home, I think your wife is veeery mad at you!” Mobu: “Mmmm!??” Sasara: “Also, I don't think you need to go to your office tomorrow, i think you're fired now hahahaha!” Mobu: Mmmm!!???! Mmmmm!!!???? Sasara: “Right! One last thing! This is my revenge from before” Sasara give a final blow full power kick on to Mobu's crotch and then she leave Sasara: “If you try to report it to police, good luck convincing them that you were beaten up by 2 high school girl! Bye!” They walk away, leaving Mobu alone at the Alley.
There was silence for a quite a while. Samatoki: “Sasara, u okay?” Sasara: “It wasn't a good experience, but yea, I'm good. Thanks for your help <3″ Samatoki: “Mhm, anyway what the hell are you doing with his phone?” Sasara: Ooh! I was--
(flashback) Sasara: “Good evening! Is this Mr Mobu's wife? Mhm! Why does a girl using your husband's phone? Well, listen here Mrs Mobu, Your husband  just aggreed to move and marry me. Yea, I don't care of he's having an affair, your husband is mine now lol “ Sasara: “*Hic* h- help... Whoever have this phone is kidjapping me *hic* I'm sorry I'm calling random number... Uh? It's his boss? Yes Mr MObu is kidnapping me *hic* I'm just a  high school girl, and he dragged me-- *hic* please help--”
(flashback end)
Sasara: “Well, something like that!” Samatoki's mouth open wide listening to it  and say: “Whoa there, i have no idea you're THAT sadistic” Sasara: “Shut it! Don't you forget you destroyed his nose lol” Samatoki: “Hahaha Bet I am, but you destroyed his whole life”
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succubused · 3 years
im playing horizon zero dawn come hang
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screwball-jones · 4 years
I’ve never meaten a kiwi. They’re too cute, cannot be done.
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voidwingsprime · 4 years
the ex-meatening
It’s morning. Dial-tone (@dcommunit2529) has been sent back after they turned into a weird boxy mech. TC personally liked the fluffy form better. Much cuter.
Starscream is in the lab working on anti-touch force fields, while Skywarp naps inside of Thundercracker.
It turned out that Skywarp, as a meat dragon, still had a dataport in the back of shi head. Thundercracker looked at it shuddered, set up numerous firewalls and a virtual sandbox and jacked in.
It’s....disturbing. Enlightening but disturbing. In their data dreams, TC had to reassure Meatwarp with yre own memory files of their frame and let Meatwarp experience VR of shi former frame to ease the body dysphoria.
Both of them come slowly online. TC notices instead of the bizarre fleshy structure of organic minds, that ‘Warp’s mind now feels...normal. A network of memory files, battle routines, instinct coding, hunting drive, frame schematics, nanite instructions for framepart growth, the warp computing.
Thank Primus.
The eldritch curse has worn off.
Skywarp screams in joy and Thundercracker groans and turns down the auditory processing.
“Okay, you slagger, get out.”
TC unloafs, stands up on all fours, opens up yre lower compartment and shakes Skywarp out.
The umbra-plated seeker tumbles out.
Buster, yres therapy dog, sniffs at Skywarp and wags her tail.
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gaysonlyocean · 4 years
welcome to meat rat! care to join us in the great meatening
bold of you to assume i am not the meatening
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saturniidaez · 4 years
so meatin lead to the Meatening (adding meat 2 tma characters names) and the WORST was meater lukas
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no1-shochu · 5 years
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【若潮酒造の美味しい焼酎が飲めるお店】 ( meat EN (ミートエン) 様 ) ( 鹿児島県 鹿児島市 中央町 かごっまふるさと屋台村内 中央駅から徒歩3分 ) 若潮酒造株式会社の焼酎が飲めるお店をご紹介致します♪ 今回ご紹介するお店は、 meat EN (ミートエン) 様です♪ かごっまふるさと屋台村で鹿児島県産の新鮮なお肉(牛肉,豚肉,鶏肉)が1枚から食べられるお店です♪ ( meat EN (ミートエン) 様は、おにくのくにお 様が経営しております。 ) 今回は、お肉の盛り合わせ、鹿児島つくね、モツ焼きそば、塩ゆで落花生、ポテトサラダ、くろわかパンチ にしました⤴⤴⤴😋 新鮮な美味しいお肉と、くろわかパンチ最高~~~♪ くろわかパンチのシュワシュワ感と美味しいお肉との相性がバッチリです\(//∇//)\ 日中の気温もだいぶ暖かくなってきました。 くろわかパンチで喉を潤してはいかがでしょうか? ※飲み過ぎ注意 meatEN (ミートエン) 染川店長 様、凄く幸せな時間を過ごす事が出来ました。 有難うございます♪ 美味しいお肉に大満足(σ≧▽≦)σ meat EN (ミートエン) 様 ( 居酒屋、焼肉、飲食、焼酎サワー ) 店長 = 染川 博昭 様(そめかわ ひろあき) 住所 = 〒890-0053 鹿児島市中央町 6-4 かごっまふるさと屋台村内(中央駅から徒歩3分) ℡ = 099-250-2462 営業時間 = 12:00~14:00(月~水曜日) 17:00~24:00 [土日祝 夜15:00~24:00] 定休日 = 第1・第3月曜日 皆さん是非 meat EN (ミートエン) 様で、美味しいお肉と美味しい くろわかパンチ を堪能して下さいね~~~\(^^)/ 皆様のお越しを心よりお待ちしております♪ 若潮酒造株式会社公式サイト http://wakashio.shop-pro.jp/ ____________________________ ✨若潮酒造受賞歴✨ 鹿児島県本格焼酎鑑評会 ✨21年連続受賞‼✨ 熊本国税局酒類鑑評会 ✨16年連続優等賞受賞‼✨ ※16年連続優等賞受賞の記録は、弊社(若潮酒造)のみです !! ____________________________ ※若潮酒造の焼酎は、プリン体0・糖質0・甘味料0 、体に優しい芋焼酎です(^^♪ (焼酎飲み方案内) 冷やしてストレート、グラスにいっぱいに氷を入れてロック、グラスにいっぱいに氷を入れて炭酸水を入れてソーダ割り、グラスにお湯を入れてお湯割り、色々な飲み方をして楽しんで下さいね~♪ 日本全土 、 全都道府県 に若潮酒造の焼酎が広がるように頑張ります。 ( 北海道 青森県 岩手県 宮城県 秋田県 山形県 福島県 新潟県 茨城県 群馬県 栃木県 埼玉県 東京都 千葉県 神奈川県 山梨県 長野県 富山県 石川県 福井県 静岡県 愛知県 岐阜県 三重県 大阪府 京都府 滋賀県 兵庫県 奈良県 和歌山県 鳥取県 島根県 岡山県 広島県 山口県 徳島県 香川県 愛媛県 高知県 福岡県 佐賀県 長崎県 熊本県 大分県 宮崎県 鹿児島県 沖縄県 ) ★若潮酒造は見学、ツアーも出来ますので皆さん是非若潮酒造に遊びに来て下さいね♪ ( 会社が休みの場合も有りますので、見学に来られる際は事前に御連絡して下さいね。 若潮酒造株式会社への 商品、見学、ツアー お問い合わせ 若潮酒造電話番号 = 099-472-1185 若潮酒造住所 = 鹿児島県志布志市志布志町安楽215 お気軽にお電話下さい ♪ ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ ✨限定焼酎販売中✨ ※限定焼酎も販売しています\(^^)/ ✨若潮酒造株式会社 公式オンラインネットショップ✨ ★☆★✨ http://wakashio.shop-pro.jp/ ✨★☆★ ※登録方法が解らない方はこちら ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ ✨登録方法✨ 若潮酒造公式オンラインショップ 登録のいろは = https://wakashioshopiroha.wixsite.com/wakashio-shop-iroha ✨会員登録の方法パソコンから✨ = https://wakashioshopiroha.wixsite.com/wakashio-shop-iroha/newmember ✨会員登録の方法スマートフォンから✨ = https://wakashioshopiroha.wixsite.com/wakashio-shop-iroha/blank-10 ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ #meatEN #meat #黒若潮 #お食事所 #ミートエン #鹿児島県鹿児島市中央町 #屋台村 #新鮮なお肉 #居酒屋 #中央駅 #肉料理 #豚肉 #焼肉 #かごっまふるさと屋台村 #染川博昭 #くろわかパンチ #おにくのくにお #中央町 #焼肉店 #若潮酒造株式会社 #若潮酒造 #鹿児島県 #志布志市 #���児島市 #志布志 # (かごっまふるさと屋台村) https://www.instagram.com/wakashio_hattori/p/BwDRZe_libO/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1lruaydccc33f
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