#meanwhile my carpool search and quest to earn a learners permit and apartment hunt are all stalling. like i am dealing with this rn so i
pepprs · 2 years
also not to double post it’s theeeeee LITERAL WAY that i had a meltdown in the office 3 years ago today over redacted redacted redacted for a single month.And look at me now. a) i came to the airport this time HA but more importantly b) girl you were crying over one month? try forever LMFAOOOOOO
#i come home every day looking like a raccoon because my stupid eyeliner isn’t waterproof and i either cry or sweat or both until i look like#ive been punched in the eyes and well… quite frankly i have. because i am experiencing a situation! and the next three weeks will be filled#with fucking situations. in THIS economy. in THIS space time continuum. in front of THIS salad. like……. 😭😭😭😭😭😭#purrs#what am i gonna do though like seriously. how do i not go ballistic every day. it’s already happened. what does any of it matter. can’t wait#to tattoo the tassel picture on the inside of my eyelids and sob over it forever and summon eternal misted windows from the universe.#<- literally furious about redacted being an enigma and was just commiserating with redacted about it less than 2 hours ago even but is#bei ng enigmatic in ways that warrant fury. anyways. gonna dr*g myself with ******** and ******** and try to survive this somehow#when i finally just spit out what exactly is going on and stop veiling it in metaphors. then you’ll see. and you’ll think im cheems doge and#you’ll be right. because this is really not that bad of a situation but also i have sobbed every day about it. lawl#meanwhile my carpool search and quest to earn a learners permit and apartment hunt are all stalling. like i am dealing with this rn so i#can’t get myself out of here because i have ***** issues (could be interpreted in a myriad of ways all of which are correct HDHSKDHSKDHD)
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