#meanwhile lilia: pulls herself up so she can think
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diviningtime · 10 days ago
"I haven't been missing you," Lilia told her, emotion filling her voice as she looked at Vivienne warmly. "You've been with me this whole time, throughout the centuries, my coven, all of you, I just didn't See it." Perhaps if she hadn't been so determined to put her powers away, she would have seen that a life out of sequence was a gift just as her maestra had told her; it meant the people in her life were by her side always. In another time but always present.
Taking a deep breath as she felt the pain running down her arm, urging her to let go, Lilia looked at Vivienne mid-exhale. "You can't just refuse to go forward without-- ah minchia," she cursed, straining. Taking all the strength she had left, she forced herself to pull up a little, dragging her body weight a little further up so she could get her other hand on the table. Using the grip of both palms, she lifted herself until the flat of her arms were on the stone. A little better, even if she was now out of breath.
Lilia tried to rethink things, of what could be done. This wasn't how she had planned this, it wasn't what she'd Seen. She'd been falling. Falling alone. She'd Seen nothing else; only darkness.
"My task is not to control, but to see..." she recalled under her breath, trying to determine what that meant here. How she could use it. Vivienne was right when she'd said this trial was tied to her magic; everything here was for her powers, her expertise.
"No, absolutely not!" She exclaimed loudly, as if arguing with someone in front of her. Blinking in confusion, Lilia turned to see who was hanging beside her. "Vivienne!" She exclaimed as though partly surprised to see her there. "We have to fall."
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“ No! ” Vivi opposed with a frown, not sure if she was more scared for Lilia or angry at the fact that the witch even considered letting go. “ You have a coven now, you have all of us. This is what you've been missing for centuries and you want to leave us? We need you— I need you. ” Her voice trembled at the confession. Vivi couldn't be speaking for the rest of their coven, even when she had a feeling all of them would agree with her words, but she was speaking for herself, from her heart, stubbornly holding Lilia's gaze and refusing to close her eyes like Lilia told her to.
She hasn't come back just to watch her fall. The Road was only taking, they've lost two already, but the trials kept coming. Vivi wasn't going to let The Road take Lilia too. “ Lilia, this isn't a trial anymore. It ended when the exit opened, when we could leave. You've beaten the trial. ” Her mind was made up. “ I refuse to go forward without you. You're indispensable and irreplaceable. ” Vivi wouldn't look away even when her fingers were getting slippery and had to adjust her grip.
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“ We'll find a way out, there must be a way. ” And if there wasn't, they'll just have to make one, but it required group effort. Maybe she could try pulling herself up to the downside of the table and pull Lilia up? “ Lilia, you gotta work with me. This was your trial, it's tied to your magic the most. ” One quick glance down, nope, the swords were still there. And so were the bodies.
Lilia's magic got them into this and Lilia's magic will have to get them out.
“ I wish your Sight could show you right now how much future there is for all of us together. With you. ”
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spiderling-space · 4 years ago
For Malleyuu Week 2021
Day 3: Hurt or Comfort 
This short fic is between my MC, Natalie Croft, and Malleus. Written in 3rd perspective from Malleus' POV.
This is slightly inspired by this idea
Italics indicate thoughts
Malleus Draconia & Natalie Croft
"Malleus," Natalie greeted him, smiling and waving "oh, you addressed me by my name which means this is gonna be a serious talk." She shook her head and adorned a faux serious expression.
After spending a long time together, Malleus started to pick up when Natalie was being playful, sarcastic or stern. While she was trying to humour him, she made a correct statement. What he intended to say was crucial for him.
"It is," He affirmed the gravity of the situation serenely. "I would be elated if you agree to meet my grandmother." 
She tilted her head, furrowing her eyebrows. "I uh... What?"
"I told my grandmother everything about you. She requested to see you in person in order to get to know my special friend." Malleus clarified her confusion. That was right. He wrote about his special friend in his letter to his grandmother. All those moments they spent together, all the activities they did together and all the emotions she made him feel. She was truly a special friend as Lilia explained the type of relation he had with Natalie.
Her expression softened "Aww," she patted his arm, beaming at him, "thank you!" To his contempt, she withdrew her hand. "I'd love to meet her! When can I meet her?" Her excitement to meet his only relative was fluttering his heart gleefully. 
"I will be going back to Valley of Thorns during spring break. It would be magnificent if you choose to accompany me."
"Of course!" Malleus was overjoyed to hear her response. "Oh wait!" She touched his shoulder before he apparated away, making eye contact. Her beautiful green eyes were glinting with mischief. "So you think I'm special?" She flipped her hair with her hand, a bright smile adorning her face before winking at him, making his heart skip a beat.
Malleus became accustomed to her teasing, in fact, he sometimes yearned for it since he knew she was that way only with the people she deemed close. However, right now he just needed to send a letter to his grandmother, notifying her that his special friend agreed to meet her during the break. Getting away from her question was just another perk. "Farewell, Natalie." He chuckled before apparating to his room.
The first day of spring break arrived in the blink of an eye for Malleus. Lilia and Silver were first going to go to Lilia's house in the forest, taking a break from knight duty while Malleus was already surrounded by multiple Royal Guards. Meanwhile, Sebek was going to stay with his parents even though he insisted to continue being his knight. Malleus knew that boy needed a break but was too proud to admit so he ordered him to spend time with his family. 
Then there were just him, Natalie and Grim who would go to his palace. He had ordered a special room to be prepared for her and Grim, filling the room with her aesthetics and ordered the cooks to prepare her favourite meals. He wanted to impress her and show her a  glimpse of the life she could have in Valley of Thorns. He also took Grim's preference into account as he knew Grim was holding a significant place in her heart.
"Nice," As Natalie's melodic voice filled the Magic Mirror room, Malleus started to get excited, yet showing a stoic expression on the outside. "Last time, students were going back to their homes, this place was like a circus."
"The others don't want to accidentally bump into me. Headmaster Crowley doesn't want the students to experience fear as they return home so he arranges my return home earlier than others." He explained casually.
"That's so cool! You won't get squashed between people and move freely!" Natalie added as she was pulling her 2 large baggage, clearly having a hard time with it. "Grim! Stop sitting on the case and help me push!" It was an amusing scene for Malleus but he didn't want her to force herself so he flicked his hand and her baggage started to float towards the Mirror. "Gosh, I wish I was able to do that!" He was always delighted to see her impressed by something he did or said. She looked around the room as if she was searching for something. "Where is your baggage?"
He chuckled, such a silly question, "I do not have any need to bring any of my stuff as I have everything I need in the palace." He then took a note of her baggages, it looked heavy in human standards as she was having a hard time moving it, knowing that she wasn't a weakling. "Do you plan to move in completely?" He had an opportunity to tease her so he had to take it.
"Oh my! You figured out my secret! How did you know?" She answered with the most exaggerated shocked expression he had ever seen. He knew she was only joking but a part of him wanted this to be the reality. He let out a small laugh to let her know that he understood her joke. "Okay, okay, I'll tell you. I have hidden a body there and I was planning to dump it in Valley of Thorns." So she wished to continue with her silly jester. "Fine, I'll tell ya. As you see, my clothing is different than usual." he nodded in agreement, he had noticed everything about her the moment she walked in. "I noticed that you cover your skin and I thought that it might be something cultural so as you see, I am covering more of my body. In my luggage, I have clothes in different styles that I'll wear if it is okay by Valley of Thorn's culture. I didn't want to be disrespectful towards you or your culture." His heart melted at that moment. She was sensitive towards his homeland and it was further proving that he chose the correct person. "Other than that I have my shoes, personal hygiene, feminine hygiene, ibuprofen, Grim's stuff, makeup, hair care products, hairdryer, hair curler, sunglasses, slippers, pyjamas and so on." He didn't expect a literal answer and was impressed by her dedication to her needs on vacation. Though, he didn't understand some of the items she listed.
"Since you have arrived, we can finally go." Malleus extended his hand towards Natalie, waiting for her to hold it as they went through the mirror. The second her hand touched his, grabbing it, Malleus felt a jolt run through his hand. He searched Natalie's face to see any reaction that would indicate she felt the same way but she was busy with holding Grim's paw and one of her luggages. He didn't want to wait any longer as he grabbed her other luggage and imagined his home before going through the mirror.
"Not gonna lie here, I'm nervous about meeting your grandma. I feel like I'll mess up and leave a bad image of me." Malleus somewhat understands her worry, his grandmother was the one who would give her blessing to their relationship and she was known as the fae with the highest standard.
"Do not worry, Natalie, my grandmother knows how dear you are to me." He tucked in a strand of her red hair behind her ear. He wanted to hold her face there and then but now was not the time. He placed her hand interwoven with his arm and signalled the guards to open the door.
"You didn't even tell me how I should address her!" She whispered hurriedly as two Royal Guards opened the door of the throne room with their magic. There were no usual guards inside the room. He assumed she wanted to meet his special friend privately. As they walked inside the room, the door was closed.
Malleus' grandmother was nowhere to be seen as they neared the Dragon Throne. Then suddenly, he felt a shift in the magic behind them, indicating that his grandmother had arrived. "Malleus, my dearest!" His grandmother opened his arms waiting for a hug. He didn't make her wait, he let go of Natalie and walked towards his grandmother, hugging her tightly.
"Good afternoon," He greeted her before turning towards Natalie, extending his hand toward her direction. "This is the one I talked about, Natalie Emilia Croft." He spoke proudly, the moment he had been waiting for had arrived.
However, something didn't go as he imagined. Natalie, the person who always had something to say was standing there like a statue, eyes wide and not moving. He could hear how fast her heart was beating and thought it must be the sheer excitement. "Natalie," She didn't give any reaction again so he took quick steps to near her. "Natalie," he tried once again, touching her shoulder and shaking delicately.
"Huh?" Natalie got out of her trance. "Oh..." She shook her head as if it would clear her thought. Then she giggled, putting her hand on his bicep lightly. A cute smile formed on her face as she looked up at him. "Malleus, you told me we would meet your grandmother," she then withdrew her hand and turned towards the other fae in the room, "You didn't tell me you had a sister!"
Malleus was confused, trying to understanding the situation. He could sense that his grandmother was as confused as him but she was the one that recovered first. "Sweet little human, your flattery will not work on me."
Natalie took a few steps towards his grandmother. "I was only telling what I see, a goddess on Earth-ah-Twisted Wonderland." Something was off with the way she spoke. Her voice tone and expressions were way different from the way she spoke with him. "I am so sorry. I was enthralled by your beauty that our introduction was cut short. I am Natalie Croft, a friend of Malleus from Night Raven Collage. Lovely to meet you!" Natalie extended her hand toward his grandmother for a handshake. He didn't even pay attention to what Natalie said about their relationship. All of his attention was focused on his grandmother, waiting for her reaction.
His grandmother didn't shake Natalie's hand. Instead, she lifted her eyebrow, scrutinizing her as if she was trying to decide if Natalie was lying. "I am Maleficent Draconia, the Queen of Valley of Thorns and Malleus' grandmother."
"I am sorry, I have no idea how I shall address you properly. Where I am from, we only used Queen Elizabeth or the Queen, I have never had a chance to speak directly! Oh boy, I'm speaking quickly but it's because I cannot contain my excitement to meet you." Maleficent was known as a strict person so he was worried that she would disapprove of Natalie now.
Luckily his worries were farse. Maleficent chuckled, "Is this how you charmed my grandson's heart, little human?" She asked, lifting an eyebrow.
"I'm 170 cm so I am not really little," Natalie let out a little laugh, "I wouldn't say I charmed his heart per se. He is my friend and I behaved the same way I behave towards my other friends. He and some other people mentioned that people are afraid of him but, to be honest, I've never seen Malleus do something that would make me fear him. Also..." Natalie was talking about him but he lost his focus the moment she said that he wasn't treated special. He could see the same confusion on his grandmother's face.
"Little girl!" Maleficent's voice boomed, he could feel her magic in the air. "Did you admit you treat the others the same way you treat my grandson?"
Natalie gulped, "Y-Yes..." 
"So you admit you cheated on the person you are courting?" If things accelerated, he would step in between them. However, a part of him wondered the same question.
"Courting?" Natalie was confused. "I have read medieval setting books, I know that word." In all honesty, Malleus was impressed that she could form a coherent sentence in front of an angry Maleficent. "There is a misunderstanding. I am not courting Malleus or anyone. We are simply friends."
His grandmother calmed down as he heard Natalie sighing in relief. "Well then, we will converse again but first, Malleus," Maleficent looked at him, "Escort Natalie somewhere where you can have a private conversation. There is something you have to resolve." She apparated on her throne.
Malleus nodded, walked to Natalie's side, offered his hand. She held his hand once again and he ignored the sparks he was feeling this time. He apparated them to his rose garden before they sat on the bench. "Natalie," he started, "What did you mean back in the throne room?"
"Can you answer my question first?" She asked in the most sincere voice he had ever heard. He nodded in agreement. "Did you... tell your grandma that we are dating, I mean courting?"
"I could not contain my happiness and she loves to hear the changes in my life. I did write her letters mentioning all the activities we did for our courtship, you inviting me to places where only two of us are, us taking nightly strolls, you hugging me and kissing me."
"I- I only kissed your cheek as a thank you!" She answered apprehensively. Then took a deep breath. "You and I from different worlds and cultures that caused a misunderstanding to happen between us." She wasn't making any sense. Lilia told him all of them meant they were courting. "Everything we did together, me hugging you and giving you a kiss to a cheek are all friendly gestures. I-" She gulped, lowering her eyes momentarily before taking his hands into hers and making eye contact. "I don't see you that way."
"What way is that?" Words left his mouth before he could stop himself.
"I don't have any romantic feelings for you. I only see you as a friend." Natalie said only two sentences but it felt like she tore his heart from his chest and stabbed it. "You have been nothing but kind to me. You are the only person who was not mean to me ever. You have no idea how much that means to me."
If I mean so much to you, then why do you not want to be with me? Mean thought plagued his mind.
"You are one of the closest friends I have ever and I appreciate it truly." 
You do not seem to appreciate me as you break my heart.
"But I have never ever seen or thought of you anything more than a close friend." 
Malleus looked at her face to see if she was joking. As much as he wanted this to be a cruel joke, he saw that she was serious. But he wanted to try one last time. "Is there a chance of you to change your mind?"
She bit her lips, before plastering a smile on her face. "I cannot command how my heart feels, Malleus. I am sure you can understand that."
I understand it very well, Child of Man. A part of him was angry that she rejected him while the other part of him was upset that he assumed how she felt about him and their relationship were completely wrong. He wished he could tell his heart to stop loving her as more than friends and to seize aching but even with all the magic he had, it was impossible. He just needed some time alone to process all of these.
"You are free to explore the palace." Malleus had said as he retreated his hands from Natalie and stood up. Anyone would understand that he was upset as a lightning storm started over the palace even though he had stoic expression. "I have a matter to take care of, until then Croft." He bid her farewell before apparating to the mountains of Valley of Thorns.
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themonotonysyndrome · 4 years ago
something that came into mind... during alchemy class an incident happened to some of the twist guys. It ends up that a potion that translate their feelings into song when their in near proximity with the object of their affection aka. deuce sings treat you better to sayaka, riddle sings i do adore to madoka or alternatively malleus sings monster (adventure time) to madoka, trey sings she will be loved or lover to mami... that's all i got
Coffee! That’s so cute!! Cue a singing montage from the boys~ 
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Sayaka is gonna flustered so badly (though internally, she’s gonna be happy that a boy is serenading her), completely oblivious to Deuce panicked expression yet he just can’t stop singing! Surprisingly, he’s not embarrassed. He’s panicking because he thinks that this is a permanent thing. What would his mother say!? Catch Ace in the background, laughing himself sick and Cater is too busy taking pics of Deuce and Sayaka. His Magicam fans need to see this! 
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Madoka is both a blushing mess and sweetly concern about Riddle’s increasing red face. From embarrassment? Anger? Honestly, no one can really tell except for the Dorm Leader himself. Madoka would need to quickly hide him in his bedroom before his reputation is ruined or he starts collaring everyone while doing his musical cues. 
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If it was Malleus though, I think he would be deeply confused on what’s going on but seeing that Madoka is not offended and having fun with him, he just takes it in stride (probably dancing with her even). Lilia will record them though, finally, he has something fun to show to Malleus’ parents & grandmother when they went back to the castle (no, Lilia will insist, it’s not blackmailing material). Poor Sebek is already trying to brew an antidote for his Young Master in the background, forcing Silver to not nap and help him for once! Must he do everything in this house!? 
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Trey would utter his apologies in between the lyrics, expression so abashed. The last thing he wanted to do to Mami is make her feel uncomfortable, but Mami just shakes her head sweetly and assured him that it’s fine and to hang in there! She’s going to help Sebek and Silver brew the antidote for all of them. Well, that’s on the outside anyway. Internally? Mami’s heart can’t stop racing. She totally didn’t expect Trey to have such an amazing voice at singing! Trey, why do you hide this talent of yours!? Meanwhile, Rook is screaming 100% beauté and Vil looks so done with everything. Like the Mom friend he is. Epel is just wondering maybe the accidental potion could be a good enough distraction when he needs to run away from Vil and Rook. Just throw it at Rook and BOOM! Instant escape route! (Yes, I ship Vil with Rook. They’re such a power couple!) 
I’m having a lot of fun with this! Let’s add Kyouko and Homura too! (we don’t have to focus on the romantic aspect. I just really want the guys serenading to the girls)
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Why one when we can have all 3 of the Savanaclaw bois singing to Kyouko! Like Ace, Kyouko is too busy laughing herself sick at Leona furious expression, Jack’s pitiful whimpers and Ruggie’s resigned body language as they sang ‘Can’t help falling in love’ around her. Leona did try to swipe his claws at Kyouko (not enough to bleed her, don’t worry) to make her stop laughing but she just dances away. She’s going to milk this moment for all its worth! Jack has opted to follow Ruggie and just give up and wait until Mami and her gang over there at the cauldron can give them the antidote. 
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Someone, please save Homura and Jamil from dying of embarrassment. Listen, Homura would love to escape now, but Kalim is being too clingy on her, singing to his heart’s content! Living his best life! Jamil is absolutely mortified right now, someone please come and bury him alive. His hoodie is not enough to hide his very reddish face and angry scowl but he just can’t stop singing! So here are the Scarabia trio - Homura squish in between them looking like a disgruntled cat, Kalim still belting out love song on her left side while pulling Jamil close to her right side. They paint such a strange sight that the rest of the Scarabia students wisely steer clear from them. 
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twisted-nox-sidus · 5 years ago
Hello there, I’ve just read your headcannon of Strix trolling the Octavinelle trio. LOL. Thank you for the laughs. Since April fool’s day is coming. If you have the time, can you do a scenario where Strix trolls the other dorms with the help of her dream eaters. If you can include Malleus, it’s okay. If not, I understand. Thank you and stay safe.
Anon continued: Hi there, during my previous post, I was asking whether or not Malleus would join Strix’s trolling in trolling the other dorms since April Fools is coming. Oh! I almost forgot, can Grim and Lilia join with Strix in trolling. Thank you and have a good day or night.
Oof, doing six other dorms is a lot in one post, so I’ll keep things condensed, hence the headcanon format (sorry if you really wanted a scenario version!). I see Malleus and Lilia as types to watch for entertainment than directly take part in it. Strix left Grim out of her plans since he himself is chaotic already. It was time for her to assume the lead and let it out, at least for the day.
It’s come to my attention that I like doing headcanons of Strix and her dream eaters, so I plan on doing more headcanons/scenarios involving the pesky but cute spirits. They don’t stop here so look forward to it! Happy April Fool’s~
Heartslabyul could handle strange things more so than any other dorms. Just not anything against the crimson tyrant’s 810 rules.
Riddle’s face fumes as red as his hair. Not a single trace of red is found! There was only blue as far as the eye can see.
Deuce, Trey, and Cater were rendered speechless by the sight. Just...wow. They’re not even dreading the culprit’s fate at Riddle’s mercy; instead they’re impressed with the feat. Such commitment!
Meanwhile Ace was resisting from bursting in a fit of laughter. That madwoman actually did it! She even casually remarked about doing such a feat but no one had paid her words seriously. Bravo! Bra-freaking-vo!
Ah, speaking of...
“You have a lot of nerve showing your face, Strix! You must be begging for your head to roll! This is defying the Queen of Hearts herself! Repaint every single rose -by yourself- until all is red!”
“Sheesh, let’s not get a rage stroke. You’re still so young...” Strix nonchalantly yawns. “I wanted to surprise you so I spent the whole night painting every rose blue. Of course, I had a helping hand with me.”
She vaguely gestured to the dream spirit hiding behind her leg. Me Me Bunny’s ears act as another pair of hands, and this cutie is quite dextrous; it also knows “bun fu”.
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“Oh you surprised me all right. [Surprise] is only an understatement!”
A sigh. “You don’t get it, Riddle. Think of it this way. Blue makes the red stand out. Then the only red rose we’ll see...is you, my queen.”
She leans forward to slip a strand of Riddle’s velvet red locks between her fingers and graze her lips on them. Her half-lidded bright blue eyes gaze into his steel gray pair. Perhaps she was still under the drowsy spell to comprehend what she was doing, though a part of her was knowingly teasing.
Riddle stared wide-eyed. His cheeks flushed in a different meaning this time.
She pulls back to give space and turns the other way.
“Plus, contrary to your words, I think you actually like my surprise. It’s certainly not boring. And it’ll only be for today.”
Strix flashed a lazy grin his way.
“Happy April Fool’s~”
Strix’s dream eaters are quirky, adorable, and colorful spirits. Jack often questions their capabilities. What can little prey do to the brawny hotheads of Savanaclaw?
A lot.
One day Strix was on patrol. Jack had been keeping an eye as she works part-time as the “cleaner” of Savanaclaw. Just how much power can she draw from these familiars? It was a test for Strix to see if she can meet the standards of a respectable magician in this academy.
Meanwhile Ruggie anticipates something interesting will happen. Strix’s dream eaters are an enigmatic force to reckon with. He himself certainly doesn’t plan on confronting them since that’s not what he signed up for as vice dorm leader.
The hyena snickered his trademark laugh. What mayhem will the prefect student do?
Strix had to break up a fight for the nth time this week. Things happened, and one of the students said something that forced Strix to deal her hand.
Instead of commanding her eagle and hawk to attack, she summoned a single chubby cat/dog hybrid with stubby legs. It doesn’t look like a clever beast.
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Aww, look at it roll around and paw at air for affection while its pink tongue stuck out. They’re going to die of cuteness.
Strix blankly stared ahead. “Meow Wow... Balloon.”
Said spirit stood on all four legs and stopped wagging. Every onlooker watched as it inflated in size. It continued to grow and grow until no one could see the light of day. It was then everyone thought it’d be wise to run from immediate vicinity.
However it was too late when Meow Wow deflated in puffy smoke and sparkles, drowning its victims along with the plume of clouds.
Jack and Ruggie watched from a platform above where they could see the area in action.
“Magic familiar tamers have unique strengths...” Was what Jack concluded. A hawk and eagle’s cries pierce the sky.
Ruggie rubbed the back of his head. “Let’s be real; in this world, birds are a real hassle. As long as you don’t make an enemy of them...”
Strix was already gone by the time Meow Wow inflated. Her eagle dream spirit now willingly massive in size acted as her glider and transporter. Strix’s body dangled as she clung tightly to her Eaglider’s talons until it settled her on the balcony of a dorm room. Eaglider flew to patrol elsewhere alongside Halbird, the hawk dream eater.
Sitting on a chair was Leona playing with a chess piece in his hand. A chessboard was already set up on the table, the black side facing him.
“Enjoying your job, aren’t you.”
Strix allowed a sheepish smirk. She’s not exactly proud to engage in cleaning up people’s messes, but there’s the thrill she finds in it. “To be honest, yeah. I think I might be a sadist at this point...” She mumbled under her breath and continued, “Sorry for the wait. Let’s start.”
“Jamil, a rainbow fish is swimming through the skies!”
“Nonsense. There are no aquatic animals in Scarabia. You probably just saw a magic carpet.”
“Then how come no one told me magic carpets can shoot lasers??”
Before Jamil can decipher whatever the hell Kalim meant by that, the sapphire blue skies turned murky. No, that wasn’t the work of clouds.
To everyone’s bewilderment, they bared witness to a school of colorful fish roaming freely through the air and above the whole dormitory aimlessly.
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Lasers shoot from their mouths and make contact with the other to cause sparks to erupt in colorful fireworks. So that’s the laser part...
Kalim’s eyes sparkled. “It’s like the aquariums at Octavinelle, but airborne! *gasp* I just got a great idea for the next party!”
“For the nth time Kalim no more parties this month!”
*whistle* “Fin Fatale’s actually enjoying this. Who’d knew?”
The two boys turn to see Strix approaching them causally.
Strix grinned. “Bet you don’t see this in Scarabia often.”
Pomefiore students have a tendency to look into a mirror at almost any given opportunity. They recognize every detail of their their highly bestowed beauty, lest they would fail to maintain perfection.
Imagine their surprise when a carbon copy of themselves suddenly replaces their reflection, except in a horrendous eye-burning color palette that screams “clown”
Turns out the copy really is a clown creature with a large tongue. Jestabocky simply loves to prank people at the expense of their reactions, and it took a liking to Pomefiore students.
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Strix giggled in amusement, much to Vil’s chagrin. Standing next to the man was a Vil duplicate, except in that hideous orange carrot and lemon yellow palette that made his eyes want to bleed. Of course no one could ever compare to the original, especially a circus mimic at that.
Rook was examining his blood red and ice blue carbon copy. What a refreshing change of pace! “Your dream eaters never cease to amaze, little owl.” “Don’t hunt them for sport though!”
Epel was staring at his clone awkwardly. Cotton candy hair and yellow eyes are an odd combination. And would it stop grinning uncharacteristically like that? It’s freaky.
Strix looks beside her. Teal green hair, violet eyes, and an orange to yellow uniform color scheme. It’s horrendous, but that’s where the fun lies. Her dream eaters don’t know the meaning of color coordination.
Strix thinks a surprise here and there in the shut-in dorm leader’s life ought to keep him on his toes. She knows how much Ortho wants him to come out his room, and so she’ll deliver just that.
Idia recieved an alert message as he was browsing the net. A window pops up displaying the security camera footage across the entire Ignihyde dorm.
To his horror, rainbows invaded the cameras everywhere he looked. In each one there was a massive bipedal colorful panda doing something to the students behind the screen. One was lifting a student to the air, another swinging and cradling, and others generally giving bear hugs to any soul -dead or living- that enter their vision.
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Though the pandas are harmless and students are unharmed (some seem to enjoy it while others are bewildered in shock), Idia was quaking in his chair. If he walks out the room he’ll be crushed by the pandas’ mercy! (And by rainbows and cuteness!)
He zoomed in one of the footages. A Kooma Panda held a sign directly to the camera.
This is nightmare fuel! Nightmares, he tells you!
Just as he spun around to hide and cower in the safety of his blankets, he had failed to notice the looming shadow over his flaming head prior to this very moment.
There was the same panda. In his bedroom. Staring right into his soul.
It smiled. (I reread this part and lowkey I realized I was writing a FNaF fanfic for a moment wut)
Idia wheezed. How did it get here?! Was it capable of teleporting?!
The shut-in had never ran for the door to the outside world with such eagerness in his life up to now. He slammed the door open and was about to hit the breeze when suddenly he recognized Strix standing right in front of him.
He practically tackled the poor girl (oof). Just when he dreads the contact with the floor, he felt something bouncy push them off. And then the same bouncing source came from behind. Now he’s squeezed between something.
The world spun in his eyes. Light-hearted laughter snapped him out of his trance. His soul actually came close to leaving him the moment Strix’s face registered in his vision. So close!
Two Kooma Pandas were hugging and nuzzling the two in a human-dream eater sandwich. Awww.
From the sidelines, Ortho watched in awe. That’s one way to bring his big bro out of the room. He eagerly joins in the hug fest with Strix and an all-too drained Idia.
Strix giggled and wrapped her arms around Idia and the panda behind him. She was clearly enjoying this. “Happy April Fools~”
First things first: Strix can’t fool two all mighty and powerful faeries. Instead, she’ll entertain them like she and her dream eaters have always done. After all, boredom is their kind’s biggest enemy.
One day, Diasomnia students were walking down the halls when they notice a colorful bat creature hanging upside down from the ceiling, innocently watching people pass by.
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There was one Komory Bat. The next door over there are two. The door after that door appeared three. In front of the dorm gate there may or may not be a bat perched to greet students in and out.
In the library, students are surprised when they’re greeted by the librarian aid...who was working upside down and levitating with gravity magic.
Strix casually acts as though it was natural. When she had to move away from the counter she continued walking upside down on the ceiling. If the ceiling was too high she’d float over just above people’s heads, and address when needed.
Strix likes to mess with Sebek by doing a “handstand” on his broad shoulders while talking to Silver. Sebek would shoo her off and when he does, Strix still pesters him by floating with a mocking haughtiness behind the way she rocks back and forth while grinning mischievously. The sight is hilarious, much to Sebek’s chagrin.
She can see why Lilia likes doing this. By the end of the day though, that’s enough walking on ceilings for the year.
Strix greets Malleus at eye level. “How’d you like it? Not boring, right?”
The horned fae chuckled. The glimmer of accomplishment in her stunning blue eyes amuses him the most. Like a child who proudly boasts their little achievements to appeal to their parents. It was adorable. “Certainly.”
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voidmadison · 6 years ago
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Summary: Y/n and Grayson welcome their new baby girl into the world and begin their journey into parenthood, but will Y/n be able to handle her new role as a mother?
Warnings: Kinda angsty?? Anxiety briefly mentioned
A/n: I’ve had this account for ages and I never thought I’d actually post on it but this is the first fic I’ve written that I actually wanted to post so here we go. I was super inspired by @wordsonearth @dolandrabbles @rockstardolan and @castledolan . They’re pretty much the reason why I started writing.This is also lowkey trash so i’ll probs delete it .
This was never her plan. She wasn’t one of those girls who played with baby dolls when she was of five, she never wanted to play moms and dads with her friends, she didn’t even hold a baby until she was seventeen. This was the last thing she thought she’d be doing on the day she turned twenty. She had assumed she’d be getting drunk with her friends or having a nice dinner with her family and loving boyfriend, yet here she was at 4 am on her birthday pushing a human out of her. Her pregnancy had been a shock to everyone of course, but no one was more shocked then y/n herself. Despite her parents being supportive and her boyfriend being thrilled (even though he threw up a bit when she first told him through her sobs), y/n had yet to come to terms with the fact that she was going to be a mom. It just didn’t feel real, the whole nine months felt like a dream.
But the pain she was feeling right now was definitely real. As the midwives were encouraging her to continue pushing, all she was listening to was Grayson’s encouraging words. Grayson was a natural born father and that made y/n feel even more insecure. Y/n believed Grayson deserved to raise his child with someone who was just as good at parenting as him. Even during the pregnancy Grayson always seemed to know everything. Every question she had, he seemed to know the answer. He never worried about being a dad, even at the young age of twenty one. He didn’t even freak out when y/n went into labour a week early because he trusted that the universe had a plan, when y/n just added this to her list of worries. Y/n was consumed by thoughts and worries that she almost forgot where she was and what she was doing, almost.
But then suddenly the pain was over and cries filled the room. The next thing she knew a tiny little human, cleared of the blood and goop (that she really didn’t care to know what is was), was placed on her chest and all she could think to do was sob. It had finally hit her that she had to protect this little person for the rest of their lives.
“Hi sweet girl” she whispered through her sobs “I’m your momma, I love you so much”.
Y/n was so entranced by the big, hazel eyes staring up at her in wonder that she forgot that there was other people around her. One person in particular, whose eyes matched those of the tiny girl in the love of his life's arms, felt like his whole world was spinning. Grayson had never seen something so pure and angelic in his life and he knew he would protect this girl and her mother until the day he died.
When y/n broke out of her trance she looked up to find Grayson with tears rolling down his cheeks and staring at the baby just like he stares at her, his look was full of love.
“Hey” her voice cracking as she spoke, “d’you wanna hold her?”
Grayson nodded his head slowly, but still not looking away from the little girl. Y/n scooted in the bed to make room for Grayson to sit down. Grayson sat cautiously and once he was comfortable, he took the baby in his arms. It was Graysons turn to feel like he was dreaming, it all felt so surreal. He’s a sophomore in college, his biggest worry should be his finals or the football game he has on Saturday but here he was worrying about supporting his new, little family and keeping his girls safe.
When he met y/n in his junior year of highschool he knew that he was going to love her forever. From the beginning of their relationship, Grayson was constantly talking about their future together and kids were always a part of that future. Sure, it might have happened a bit earlier than planned, but it still happened and that’s what was important to Grayson. The little girl is smaller than he expected, weighing only around five and a half pounds. She has a head full of dark and big, doe eyes that very much resemble his own, but there was something about her that reminded him so much of her mother. He wasn’t quite sure what it was but he knew she would be her mother's twin.
This was their life now, whether they were ready or not.
“God, we’re such idiots”, Y/n spoke, chuckling softly, ”how’re we gonna do this, huh?”
She tried to sound relaxed, but deep down she couldn’t help but feel like this wouldn’t work out.
“We’ll be okay”
Two weeks later…
It definitely felt real for y/n now. She hasn’t slept since they left the hospital, to return to their tiny apartment and really begin their new life as parents. It was safe to say that Grayson was handling the change better than y/n. The constant crying and screaming rattling through the cramped apartment made y/n feel like she was sophicating. She hasn’t spoken to anyone other than Grayson since their family and friends had visited them in the hospital. She has a constant headache and has felt unbelievable anxious 24/7.
Grayson was trying his best to help her. He could see she was almost at a breaking point and it hurt him to see her in such an anxious and distressed state. But there was only so much he could do. He hates having to wake her during the night whenever Lilia was hungry, but unfortunately feeding her was the one thing he couldn’t do. He knew she was trying to stay strong but one day she just couldn’t take it anymore.
Grayson came home from his last class of the day, tired and dreaming of cuddling up with his two girls in bed and watching old friends reruns on tv. He opened the door expecting to see his love sitting on the couch or tidying the kitchen, however, he was surprised to find that she wasn’t there.
“Babe?” He called as he placed his keys on the table, looking around the kitchen and tv area, “baby, you there?”
As he walked towards their shared room, he could hear sniffling and y/n’s quiet whispers along with Lilia’s cries. When he opened the door he was met with a sight that broke his heart. There was y/n, a screaming Lilia tucked against her chest, as she sobbed quietly whispering to Lilia.
“Y/n, honey, are you okay?”, Grayson asked quietly as he entered their room, where all this began a little over nine months ago. Her eyes snapped up to meet his and the tears began flowing at a more rapid pace.
“I don’t know what to do Gray”, she blubbered,” I don’t know how to make her stop, why won’t she stop?”
Grayson rushed over to her and took Lilia in his arms. He held her tightly against his chest and softly shushed her as he rocked slightly. Her wails immediately quieten and soon she was fast asleep on his chest. Y/n watched in awe at how easy it was for Grayson in comparison to her. Grayson slipped out of the room to place Lili in her crib and he returned to find y/n crying silently with her knees tucked into her chest. Grayson sat down next to her and pulled her onto his lap, holding her securely. They sat there for a long time until he heard y/n begin to talk.
“I don’t think I can do this Gray”, she sniffled, ”I don’t know what she needs when she cries, I can’t even calm her down on my own. You're so good at this, meanwhile I’m slowly drowning. I don’t think I was meant to be a mother, Gray”
“Hey hey hey, don’t say that”, Grayson felt his heart shatter into a million pieces hearing y/n talk like this, ”No new parent knows what they’re doing, everyone is just making it up as they go along. It’s gonna be fine. We’ll do this together, hand in hand, okay?”
Y/n looked up at him, in disbelief that she had such an angel in her life. She was forever grateful that he had run smack into her on her first day of junior year. She smiled softly as he wiped away her tears. She took his face in her hands and kissed him delicately, still feeling the fireworks that she felt the first time he had kissed her, as they sat on the roof of his jersey home.
Six months later…
The last six months had been tough but they have been the best six months of y/n’s life. She finally felt like a mother and baby Lilia was her entire world. Y/n and Grayson are more in love than ever and it finally felt real. Neither of them felt like they were dreaming because thèy knew this was their reality and they couldn’t be happier.
Grayson came home from a quick trip to the grocery store to the sweet sound of baby giggles coming from the bathroom. He peeked his head in the door and the sight before him made him feel like his heart was going to explode. Y/n was sitting next to the tub, where a shrieking Lilia was sat covered in suds. Y/n was chuckling along with Lilia and Grayson could see the love that she had for the young girl. He was so proud of y/n for overcoming her worries and being the best mother to his little girl. He knew that this was the perfect time to ask y/n the question he’d been dying to ask her for years. When y/n beckoned him to come sit next to her, he happily obliged.
“Hey babe?” he asked, as he watched Lilia play with his fingers, “d’you wanna get married?”
He had said the words so casually that it took a minute for them to register in her head but when they did Y/n felt as if she had been hit by a wrecking ball. Her eyes welled up with tears and she felt like she couldn’t breathe.
“Grayson, are you serious”, she spoke as loudly as her choked up throat would allow her. She watched in disbelief as Grayson pulled a velvet box out of his pocket and popped it open to reveal a sparkling diamond ring.
“We’re already a family, let’s just make it official” he breathed. He didn’t know why he was nervous, he knew she was going to say yes. But everything y/n did made him nervous, it’s just the effect  she has on him
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twisted-nox-sidus · 5 years ago
Hello! I read you latest update of your fanfiction and I loved it! After reading it, a question popped up: How is Strix during Satan's waterfall days? Is she moody or the same? does she have weird cravings? How would the boys react? If you can make a scenario or headcannon it would be awesome. Have a nice day!
Never have I thought the cycle would be referred to as “Satan’s waterfall days” lmao 🤣 I’m gonna use that here 😆
Strix on her period
Once Strix is at that time of the month, her sleeping habits suddenly vanished. There was never a day where she doesn’t doze off at least once when the sun is above and glaring. Now she actually sleeps decently. That ain’t right.
The boys knew something was off when Strix was wide awake during first period of magic alchemy. Divus had even remarked on it and hoped to see her pay as much attentiveness as she did. He would lose all hope once those 5-7 days pass, though.
Grim was kicked out of the bedroom and had to sleep in the lounge room instead. Makes no difference honestly, though he’s a scaredy-cat who didn’t want to sleep alone when the ghosts are out there and could try pulling pranks on him.
Speaking of, Strix threatened the trio of ghosts with a vacuum tube if they don’t cooperate with her demands for peace and privacy. Maybe she’ll get to experience it like the Ghostbusters.
Strix used to behave the same in her world, but after being surrounded by boys with zero brain cells and inability to cooperate and having only female paintings as girlfriends, it starts rubbing off on her twice as worse during the cycle. So yes, she has gotten cranky. Her cravings tend to lean for any coffee-based sweets and desserts (gotta feed that bitterness into your system to uphold your spite against the world, amirite). Man, she wants some dark chocolate now... (Dark chocolate (+60% cacao) actually helps temper your mood swings, did you know?)
She would deviate from her group of friends to her circle of female paintings during the week to rant of the woes of being a woman. If pre-Strix was there to see her now, the whole thing would be surreal.
Strix nearly prostrated -I repeat, PROSTRATED- before Ashton to let her pass on PE for the next 5-7 days. It sucks when you’re surrounded by sausages who can’t truly sympathize with the excruciating pain. It almost makes you want to ugly sob, doesn’t it? Ashton relented, though she would have to make up for it with written work. Never had he seen a student so overjoyed in his PE class over written assignments.
Sam is her best friend when it comes to woman’s necessities. And her cravings whenever she wants to buy a snack. 
Meanwhile in the office, Crowley could almost tremble at the image of being at the girl’s mercy. He’s been singing his own praises of “how kind he is” less before Strix. Thankfully she hasn’t kicked down his door to demand a week off (yet).
Strix made it a point to avoid Savanaclaw (and anyone with sharp sense of smell cuz yeah. You know. The real question everyone is afraid to address. You know what I mean.) Leona wondered why she had her dream eater send a letter simply stating she’s taking a week off with no reason whatsoever. Then came the “ohh” moment. Okay, carry on.
Leona even had the whole dorm gather in an assembly to address this. If you dare lay a hair on the girl, it’s not Leona that will maul their asses. It’ll be Strix herself. She can and will throw hands if the hotheads think about provoking her during the phase.
And so, Jack and Ruggie barely make contact with Strix. After Strix is free from the cycle, she’ll go to them and ask to touch their ears and/or tail to be soothed from “Satan’s waterfall days”. They never refused even if they wanted to. It’s tough being the only female in the school with no one to relate to, so they might as well help her as much as they could.
The same statement letter goes to the rest of the dorms. Savanaclaw was the first to realize why within three seconds. Heartslabyul soon came second.
Why? Strix suddenly kicked down the door to the common room and ordered Trey to make some cakes (after adding a stiff please in the end). The whole gang was playing cards at the time. Trey and Cater connect two and two together and made eye contact with the other, mouths shaped into perfect circles. Cater knows, too, since he has an older sister to suck up to.
Deuce realized it a few seconds later, being the only boy in his family. Riddle was gauging their reactions and came to the same conclusion as well. A tea party will relieve her cravings, he had decided. Ace however, the same ass who can’t read the damn mood, dared to utter:
“What? Are you PM-” Remember when Strix swore to deck Ace and his unruly hair across the floor as a mop substitute on the first day they had to wipe 100 windows as punishment? She did just that. Never had she felt so accomplished since arriving to NRC.
The rest of the boys huddled by a safe corner. What a beautiful straight punch! Are we sure she’s not compatible with Savanaclaw?
Fortunately, Ace was the only victim to receive this punishment out of the whole cast. Most understood while some select few were confused until they had to spell it out for them.
Azul, being the gracious man he is, treats her to her cravings at Mostro Lounge in exchange for her outstanding piano performance (no contracts were made on that). Jade would serve her tea to relieve the stress while Floyd...has to stay a good five meter radius away from her, lest she’ll be the one to “squeeze him first”.
Kalim would buzz around Strix asking if she wants anything and he’ll have it delivered ASAP. Be it heat packs, snacks, or even the whole selection of period pads. He would have Jamil whip up something for her but by Strix’s insistence that the vice head wouldn’t mind doing more work for her troubles.
Vil immediately pampers Strix and gives her all the care and treatment a lady needs (tbh I don’t know what they are). Poor confused Epel doesn’t know how to help aside from providing her the best quality of apples sent from his village. Meanwhile Rook is lurking somewhere in the shadows taking research notes on the owl’s behavior, diets, and etc. He does pitch in once in a while to help Vil help Strix.
Ortho, the sweet cyborg angel he is, helps Strix by being a cyborg heating pack with a function Idia (who has never been seen during the week) temporarily included to assist Strix. Strix was going to spoil Idia rotten after this with all the dream eater cats she has in her arsenal.
Lilia is the first to immediately understand, being the wise ancient fairy he is. He had to relay the details to Silver since his head is in the clouds too often to understand. While Sebek is rather indifferent (like, okay, should he give her pity?? Is that what she wants? Not really) he doesn’t start bickering with her as much and holds his tongue. The banter will resume once Strix feels better.
Malleus also understood why Strix is suffering through her pain. However, he’s sort of indifferent like Sebek, since he’s lived longer and doesn’t really sympathize (not in a cruel way). It’s more of a reminder for the fae how humans are born the way their bodies are structured.
Strix almost instilled fear into NRC within the span of 5-7 days. Everyone parts like the red sea whenever she passes by in the hallways or makes a beeline for the canteen ordering a single cup of black coffee before leaving. It’s actually embarrassing when the entire school knows when you’re on your period, but whatever gives them a heads-up.
This monthly reminder to all the boys that women are frightening will haunt NRC until Strix graduates or returns home. Whenever that will be.
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