#meanwhile in his head he’s like CUUUUUTE
shibasparklez · 1 year
Werewolf spider: *howls*
Me: stop you’re gonna make me howl!!! My howl hasn’t grown in yet it’s embarrassing!!!!
Werewolf spider: … *howls more*
Me: shut up you’re gonna make me- AROOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! *covers mouth*
Miguel: *trying not to laugh* hello la woowoo
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boundlesshart · 2 years
the billy o’ tea
soon may @allegreta @vaida​ come to bring us sugar and tea and rum
The wind blows strong this evening, and the True North’s sails swell as the ship carries on through the waters. Claude sets his sights on the waves below him, the rolling clouds above him, anything that proves actual movement and progress. If only they could travel by wyvern... the excitement he held for sea travel as a kid dried up when he sailed from Tadmur to Derdriu, stuck under the decks ‘for his protection’. The brisk, salty air calms him somewhat, but he wishes for the skies all the same.
Dinner is bland but Claude chokes it down anyways, taking small sips of water in between bites of salty cod and hardtack. The Egg, nestled in linen, sits securely in his lap. Leanne told Claude that it was hungry before they set sail, but through all of his experimentation with different food and surroundings, he hasn’t seen anything yet...
It’s just an egg. And yet...
Conversation with Kai-Marik and Cameron doesn’t go anywhere fast. His question regarding the captain receives an unsatisfactory reply—that they would meet her in the New World, whatever that means to those two. Kai-Marik’s distrust is met with a bit of his own, but Cameron thankfully turns the conversation back to the Egg.
Cameron hops up to Claude, smiling. "Don't worry 'bout party pooper o'er there! He'll warm up eventually. Maybe. Near death experience or two and we'll all be the tightest o' buds, prommy!" That is how it usually works, right? They lean in for a closer look at the egg. "Mmm... Wotcha got there?~"
“Just an egg,” Claude answers. Actually, considering Cameron is a native here... “Since I'm not from here, I have no clue who laid it... Any wisdom to share?”
Cameron giggles, looking at the egg closer, humming to themselves in thought.
"Maybe Kai-Marik did. It'd explain his sourpuss attitude, don't you think?" 
Kai-Marik about chokes on the drink he'd just taken from a small flask. Wipes his mouth before turning over with a faint glare. "Where'd you get the thing anyhow?" he questions, brow quirked.
Claude would never turn his nose up at a joke at Kai-Marik’s expense, and he laughs along with Cameron as the other man splutters. "Oh, I just found it lying around. Not in a nest or anything. I have some fond memories of hatching eggs, so..."
Kai-Marik squints, quite clearly suspicious, but doesn't say anything more at present. Cameron, meanwhile, stoops and coos at the egg. "Lying around... how lucky! I bet it hatches into a cute lil snuggly critter." They reach a hand out, but look up for permission. "Can I touch it?"
“Sure!” Claude pulls away at some of the cloth, revealing more of the Egg. This would be a good experience, right? Meeting new people... but what is he saying, this is just an egg, right? "Sure! Actually, back home, when eggs were close to hatching, we would rub against the shells to encourage them to hatch. Hatchlings making their way out of the nest would brush their scales against nearby eggs, and that would signal that it's ok to come out."
Cameron lights up, absolutely delighted with the information. "How cuuuuute! That would be so fun to see..." 
 They slowly, carefully stroke the egg until-- "Ow!" (Kai-Marik's head whips around to see.) 
 Cameron frowns. Looks at their hand. Nothing there. "It felt like it bit me... Weird." But it's just an egg.
...”Like it bit you,” Claude repeats. Alarm makes his heart race, but he has no idea what to make of it. The shell isn’t sharp, right? He runs his hand against the shell again, feeling subtle movement but no ‘bite.’ How can it bite outside of its shell? Wait, but was it even the creature in the egg?
Claude sighs, patting it one last time before he pulls the cloth over the egg again, focusing on Cameron. "I can heal your hand, if you'd like?" Not like he really knows what the hell happened, but they seemed genuinely hurt. "If nothing else, it'd help with the pain."
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bad-blood-animal · 3 years
Lawlessness of The Night Summary [JP New Year event]
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So this event starts out with the puppets wanting to celebrate New Years, but because so many crimes happen on New Years, they summon Rapunzel & Matchie in furisodes to helP. Rapunzel doesn't want to do it because she made a promise to herself she'd visit the shrines with a prince. Matchie doesn't want to sacrifice her holiday either Rapunzel and her finally budge and off they go to fight crime and be coppers. With Matchie cheering Raps on. Meanwhile they leave Hameln to man the police station. He's upset, saying nothing about this whole thing is beautiful. The puppets say he can't be on police duty because he's too dangerous. He'll see the two girls in their beautiful furisodes and he'd need to be the one being arrested because of wanting their beautiful parts. Ham is just like 'whatever'. The puppets tell him if he's that upset about his duty and being a replacement, to call the girls, but he's like 'Nah I'm not gonna bother.' and starts drinking hot tea.
Matchie and Rapunzel wound up in a really bad city. There were gunshots everywhere that never ended, screaming and shouting, explosions, never ending sirens. Ect. Rapunzel is very scared and Matchie reassures her once again. Then they see a group of men fighting and shoving each other and go to them. Of course the guys see them, Rapunzel especially, and is like 'haaa, cuuuuute'. So the guy asks Rapunzel if she wants to go with him to the hotel and of course Raps is like 'Sure' She's so happy a guy asked her out. They try to ask Matchie and one guy says she's underaged. Matchie winds up not going.
So Matchie is left all alone because Raps took off of course, and she tells herself it's fine because she wants to do her best and get holiday pay. Then she notices an old lady at an ATM withdrawing money in a panic. It's as if she was being forced to do it. She was taking orders through a call, and matchie realizes she's being scammed. So Matchie steps in to confront the caller. Meanwhile Hameln's chilling out at the police station when older woman comes in asking for directions. The woman is old and ugly so he really doesn't want to deal with it but abandoning his post is an ugly thing to do. Hamlen tries anyway while internally cringing and offers to go with her. She says no, it's fine, he was easy to understand and in thanks gives him a strange looking candy. It's golden and beautiful so Hameln puts it on his tongue and is blown away by how good it is.
Matchie realizes she's in over her head, and starts to get sad and hangs her head in front of the puppets. All she wanted to do is keep the city safe for everyone. But she doesn't think she is good enough. She realizes Raps is in danger going with those men, and the puppets are like 'Well, if she doesn't get along with them, it'll be fun anyway so what's the issue?'
That triggers Angry Matchie to come out and she's about to rampage. Meanwhile, Hamlen is still like damn I really don't wanna do this. Then a young man comes in, Hameln checks him out, not beautiful, can't abandon post because it's an ugly thing to do once again. He committed a crime, a misdemeanor to be exact and wants to turn himself in. Hameln, bored out of his mind, listens to his story. So Hameln was like 'nothing about that story and your thought process is beautiful, you know'. And that encourages the man instead. He's like 'you're right, I'll do better' and immediately leaves the station after giving him a handshake.
Meanwhile Rapunzel walks out the hotel she went into with the men and sees an angry Matchie glaring her down. 'Don't you have better things to do before you go into hotels with men?' 'Huh.... Match Girl... ?' 'Put a -san with it, blondie.' 'Let's round up these morons.' Rapunzel is like WAIT but she grabs Raps arm and brings her downtown. 'HAHAHA! I'll burn it all!' Matchie's sudden violent ways of arresting people have criminals trembling.
Somehow because of Matchie's rough way of speaking and violent tendencies from her other personality has Raps thinking Matchie is a man. 'Match-san, let's be friends, okay?'
Raps grabs her hand and Matchie's just even more confused. 'Raps, Go buy me a cup of coffee!' 'Yes, yes of course! Would you like sugar?' So she sends orders to her, like get me some food, let's go get this criminal' They agree to meet at the hotel, and work as a team to take down the criminals. Meanwhile at the station, Hameln is watching a livestream. It was the man who walked in and tried to turn himself in. the video was about how the man in the video was trying to interfere with the police and their duties Hameln tells him 'You can't say something is beautiful if you sacrificed your humanity to make it so, you know.' 'Can you really proudly call it beautiful  in that case?' The guy begins to cry and is obsessed with Hameln, and thanks him for everything, including his crimes, all while this is still being streamed to viewers.
Suddenly a Molotov is thrown into the air and there's an explosion. Matchie and Raps storm the smoke filled office. Matchie is giving her orders, 'I'll deal with that and you deal with this' and Raps immediately obeys. A yakuza points a gun at them but Rapunzel quickly knocks it out his hand. 'Sorry. You're a man, but right now my prince is... Match-san' And she immediately ties him up with rope. It seems they made a fanbase in the yakuza seeing them on SNS/stream. After the smoke settled and the rest of the yakuza saw them, they went crazy and got excited. 'It's the beautiful girls dressed in furisodes!' 'We were wanting you to come after us!' They wanted autographs, and held out their hands so they can capture them. Caught off by their sudden behavior, they could only look amused. The puppets tell them to check social media. They read comments like 'Those furisode girls can arrest my heart' 'Step on me' 'Catch me if you can' Matchie is like 'Gross. is there only perverts here?' Meanwhile crime is soaring at alarming rates. Rapunzel is clueless, like 'perverts, aren't they trash? Let's go get them' and all Matchie can do is shake her head and put her hand over her face. Two people walk up to them and declare they wanna be caught by them, so they said they're gonna start committing crimes. One after another people come up to be arrested. They begin destroying signs and stuff in the city and rioting. They all have different reasoning for wanting to be captured by the furisode girls. They're so confused, but crime is crime so they need to be stopped. The puppets see everything and agree this isn't good. Real police rush up to the girls and say they're being arrested for criminal abetment.
The girls aren't going down without a fight. Rapunzel is nervous. Match says to grab her hand. All the sudden all their fans gather with them and they all go after the real police force. It's turned into a bloody war and they destroy everything.
Meanwhile Hameln is still on streams messing around. People are fascinated and a line forms before him to watch him berate the annoying streamer. He wound up going viral and everyone wanted to see him. 'That's right... always think about what's beautiful... there's simply too many problems that spread ugliness in this world...  ' he pops more candy into his mouth in a very beautiful way. After all, he's not interested in ugly things. And it continues
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moonraccoon-exe · 7 years
HC: There was a time when Ignis was taller than Gladio when they where growing up, at 9 and 8. At thirteen, Gladio hit a growth spurt and didn't stop.
Smol Gladio! Imagine kid Gladio being stuck in his height and having a veeeery slow grow-up progress. And he’s constantly upset because people are always saying “Isn’t he too small for his age?”, and he thinks Clarus is GIANT and he wants to be like him, but he just won’t grow up!
Kid Gladio, throwing a tantrum because “I’m a big kid and I’m small! >:’(”
Imagine how upset he must have been when Ignis grew taller than him, the poor thing.
Iggy, his buddy for only a few years, who he had been growing so fond of, and suddenly he become Gladio’s enemy number #1 because he’s grown taller.  。゚(TヮT)゚。
Imagine poor kid Gladio, how he must have felt. Skinny, little, puny, nerdy Iggy...taller than him.
Ahahah, the poor thing. He’s expecting too much of himself. It doesn’t help that Cor is teasing him. “See the bright side, you’ll be the smallest Shield that has ever existed.” 
Cor doesn’t mean to upset him; he only does this because he’s aware that Gladio will grow up one day, one needs to only look at his dad, and his mom wasn’t particularly short either, so he knows it’ll happen. But he enjoys of the meanwhile, the way smol, kid Gladio rages at him and tries to fight him.
Imagine when Gladio’s hanging with Iggy and people start saying “Oh, look, he’s taller than you now! But aren’t you a year younger, darling? :)”
“Yes, my lady-”
“NO! He’s not taller, I AM!” And Gladio proceeds to stand at Iggy’s side and very subtly (”very subtly”) stand on tiptoes thinking nobody notices, just to prove he’s taller because how can nerdy Iggy be taller than him, an Amicitia, a future Shield!?!
This hits in his pride. Ohmygod, poor little Gladio curled up in a corner feeling like a disgrace because he wants to be tol >:’(
Imagine smol Gladio constantly glaring at Iggy and half-yelling at him “Stop growing!”,, ahahaha
There was this once when kid Gladio was so upset he didn’t want to talk to Iggy for a day, but kid Iggy got very sad because he felt it was his fault. Gladio ended up apologizing because he didn’t mean to make kid Iggy feel bad, and Iggy apologized “I don’t mean to grow up :’(”
These kids are too adorable. 
Imagine kid Iggy takes as usual the gesture of patting kid Gladio on the head. Not like he’s an entire head taller, but the height difference is notorious. So Ignis feels super proud because Omg, this must mean I’ll be GIANT when I grow up, hfngdhfgm, I’m taller than Gladiolus, THE Gladio, he’s a year older and he’s stronger and I admire him so much and now I’m taller than him! :3
So he’s so proud and happy and he finds Gladio’s constant rages to be adorable, so he starts patting him in the head. 
He continues when times goes and they’re the same height.
He stops when suddenly Gladio’s height rocketed up and now Ignis can’t reach his head without having to stand on tiptoes.
...so now it’s Gladio giving a devilish smug grin at him and stealing the “pat on the head” gesture from him.
Sweet revenge.
“You know, Gladio, there was a moment of our lives when I thought I’d be taller than you.”
“How does it feel like now....midget?”
“I’m 180 cm tall, Gladio. I’m pretty positive that’s still rather ta-”
“I’m positive a midget would be like 90 cm tall, not-”
“Mid. Get.”
“...*pats Ignis on the head*”
“-sigh- You’re never going to stop that, are you?”
“I’m stopping when you grow taller than me again. I dare you. I dare you, Ignis. See, this is a warning. You don’t grow taller than me, ever. It’s offensive.”
And  basically you don’t dare an Amicitia to something because they can make it better. Or in this case...well, taller. 
Hngfnhgfhgfdhgnfg, short-sized kid Gladio and a taller Iggy. See, this is the content I’m here for I LOVE THIS SCENARIO AND THE MENTAL IMAGES I’M HAVING, it’s all so cuuuuute!!! ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡
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Bubblegum Pink (Part 1) Wilford WarfstachexFem!Reader
“I told you specifically not to do this (y/n)!” Your mom shrieked as you walked into the house. You had just walked into your overly religious house with your hair dyed your a bright bubble gum pink. You rolled your eyes at your mother, she wasn’t too much of a saint, anything she didn’t agree with was a sin- which was religiously incorrect.  
You walked upstairs purposefully flaunting your new hair by tossing over your shoulder as you headed up. When you got to your room, you slung your already packed bookbag over your shoulder and began to walk down the stairs. Your mother looked up from her magazine confused as you traveled down the stairs.
“Where do you think you are going young lady?!” she smacked her magazine down on the couch.
“I’m leaving.” you stormed out the front door not bothering to close it behind you. Your mom began to chase you outside, but you jumped onto your motorcycle and quickly revved it, your mom jumping back at the loud sound.
“Don’t you leave me!” She screamed over the noise. You pulled your helmet on, it was almost a perfect match to your pink hair. You pulled out of the driveway, your mom looked at you exasperated. You gave her a smile.
“Don’t worry too much, I’ll be okay.” Then, you drove away. At the time, it seemed like a crazy idea. But now? It was totally worth it!
~~Time skip of 2 Months~~
You had gotten a one room apartment near the downtown area. You were close enough to your work place to walk there. Everything was going alright. You had decided you wanted to further your education by going to college, but it seemed better to take a year off to just settle into your new surroundings. So that’s what you did, and it was almost luxurious.
“Okay, you got your MP3, you have your phone, and keys…I think you’re ready to go.” You said to yourself cheerfully. You went on a walk every Sunday and Wednesday at about 9:00. Not too early to wake up, not too late enough to affect your work schedule. You walked out of your door and shut it carefully behind you. You had maintained your bright pink hair. It looked especially sharp today, as you had just had it professionally re-dyed a day ago.
You walked around the large downtown area, taking in the now familiar sights. You stopped in front of one of your favorite cafe’s. You pushed the door open and made your way to the back of the line. You were thinking about getting a peach tea when suddenly, the hairs on the back of your neck where standing up. Your heart fluttered a bit. You could literally feel that someone was staring at you.
You looked around, your eyes meeting with a man’s. He had bright pink hair, and a bright pink mustache, the color was similar to your own. It took you a second  to recognize his cheeks had dusted over with a light pink color. You felt your face heat up. You quickly looked away, but not before taking in the rest of his being. He was wearing a red and white pinstriped suit. You began to stare intensely at the woman in front of you. Her shirt became extremely interesting as you noticed the frilly patterns. She suddenly moved out of the way, leaving you to order your drink. You looked up in surprise. Your cheeks were still pink.
“Ah-erm-” You stuttered. The cashier gently smiled,
“That cutie over there with the stache keeps eyeing you~” The cashiers voice immediately screamed ‘Gay’. Your face heated up a bit more, you turned and looked over at him catching his eye again. His face seemed to suddenly light up realizing you were looking back his way. You looked over at the cashier and said
“I’ll have a Peach-tea.” He winked and smiled at you quickly glancing back at the guy at the table. He quickly made the drink and pushed it over to your side of the counter. You paid the appropriate amount and picked up the drink.
“Go get em’ girl!” He whooped as you turned away. Your face had gone from pink to a bright red, and you came to a halt in your tracks. You looked over at the guy with the stache, he gave a big smile. You bit your bottom lip and quickly made your way over to the table. You sat down across from him and took a quick sip from your tea.
“Hi,” You said. It was already an awkward start.
“Why hello there bubblegum~.” He responded his accent odd and his mustache moving with each syllable. He laughed a little and so did you.
“My oh my, what beautiful hair you have!” he complimented you.
“Nice mustache.” You said with a bright smile. You nervously sipped your drink again.
“I prefer to call it a Warfstache,” he exaggerated the last word.
“A warfstache?” you questioned. He nodded.  You smiled.
“That sounds cool.” He smiled at your compliment.
“Oh, Where are my manners? My name is (Y/n).” You stuck out your hand for a handshake. He took your hand into his and laid a kiss on the back of yours.
“My name is Wilford.” His eyes captured yours like no other. You almost seemed entranced.
“Would you like to get out of here?” He asked. You gave a nod still looking into his chocolate brown eyes. He got up and you followed him out of the coffee shop. Meanwhile, the Cashier was staring off into space watching the two of you as you chatted. He had blushed too when Wilford kissed your hand and it took everything he had not to scream out in joy. When the two of you walked out though, he let loose.
“OH MY GOSH THAT WAS SO CUUUUUTE!” He immediately got wacked in the head with a magazine by his manager.
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asheewrites · 7 years
His aura was palpable for miles. It was the strangest feeling. An old, actually old Kitsune, claiming the land as his own, with so little opposing him. The ghosts around here were mostly human. And they were obsessed with their own. They claim ownership of the land, but they aren't of the land, they aren't one with it, so now... he was the only thing that inhabited the area. Properly. As a spirit. It made my fur stand. He didn't even make it a show, a display of the claim. I wasn't obvious, just a... deep-rooted connection between him and the land. There was no hostile feeling when I stepped on shore. Nothing hostile, only an inability to claim myself. The land did not wish to feed me. Protection was an option, but not... sustenance. When I tried a little harder, it gave. A little. But I felt pushing for more would be met with rigid objection and... I couldn't afford that. 
I was tired. Tired and hungry. And while these slivers of energy helped, there were beings lesser than a Kitsune that would feed me good and well. ... I simply had to... gain permission. A blow to anyone's pride, but if that was how it was... The land reacted with avoidance when I ordered it to tell me where it's master was. But responded almost immediately to friendliness. Annoyed, I followed the positive flow and already guessed he was one of those that had figured that true strength was in community. There were just... some of us that thought getting along with lower species was... the way to go. Which... no. No, it was not. I huffed and made my way through the forest. At least the wildlife was already accustomed to a presence like mine. They stayed away and let me pass, as it should be. It was irritating how much area he could cover with this kind of attitude.
At least he did not live in the 'town' that was there. The most bustling area was not emitting his energy, so I happily went around. The water in the river was at the very least drinkable, so that was an improvement towards my home country. A quick bath and preening was in order as well. And then, having done all that, I was still frustrated. I could not even bring a gift. It was a disgrace, all over. And all because of the humans. Growling, I walked the last few hundred meters to the clearing I suspected and saw... ... a house. In a clearing. With humans. Two humans were walking around. And I was growling, already. Did... did he govern this area in captivity?! Did he... did he get himself caught and- "You are SO CUTE!," I jump to the side, fur standing on every end, and I hiss. Hiss and make myself big and project myself and- ... It was a child. A child was standing next to me. Hands clasped in front of her and a happy expression on her face. I hissed once again and then resorted to growling. Every human knew not to touch growling animals. Since that was what she saw right now, so. Tail swishing from side to side, aggressive stance in place, she should back off. Instead... she was still... was still smiling. "Mazin! There's another fluffy one!," she called over to the house. And, to my shock, to my absolute horror, this immense aura shifted to draw attention. To the girl. And subsequently to me. And it was humiliating. This was not a first impression I wanted to make, this was undignified. "Look, look!," she said, and pointed at me, and I wanted to sink into the floor, but I could not back down now, not because of a lowly human and- There was a tongue on my face. There was a tongue on my face that dragged from my nose up to my eyes and then over my forehead, licking between my ears. And then a head knocked into mine. I was stunned. Completely stunned. My growling had stopped. There was a fox in front of me. A grey fox. Not even golden. Grey and calm and not at all bothered by the child and... and... 'Relax, you're a guest here. And you still have a lot to learn, little exiled Kitsune' Telepathy. Alright. Alright. So. So, at least he did not talk to the humans. That was good. At least that. 'I am NOT exiled, I-' 'Am on a journey to find a master. Sure. You are here. You are exiled.' He nudged my side and I fell over. Then he proceeded to plant himself over my upper half and started licking my fur. And I... I could do nothing but lay there. And stare. Stare at the world in general. And be licked. "Awwww, mommyyyy, they are so cuuuuute," the child exclaimed. His aura was meanwhile almost suffocating me. This... was not my day.
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kaiyeti · 7 years
Kali embarrassing Blake by showing Yang her baby pictures
Oh poor Blake.Ghira: It is so nice to have you and girlfriend here to join us for this festival this year, sweetie. *Ghira said happily as he helped his daughter pick out a kimono to wear for the event, picking a very layered pink one out.* How about this one? It would look very nice on you. And keep you warm. Blake: *Blake took one glance at the kimono and laughed while shaking her head.* Hahaha, nice try dad. But not only have I haven’t wore pink since I was three, it going to be 76 tonight. So I think I’ll go with a simple and light. Beside, if it was going to be cold I would just stay close to Yang. *She informed him, giggling when seeing her father roll his eyes and put the pink kimono back in defeat while she pulled out purple kimono with a flower design on the lower half.* Hmm, this one looks nice.Ghira: If it’s going to be so warm tonight I don’t see why the both of you are sharing your room when we have a perfectly good guest room for Yang to stay in. *Ghira mumbled to himself.*Blake: Dad. We have been dating for nearly three years. Ghira: I know. I’m just saying me and your mother spent a lot of time making it all nice for her staying with us. Plus, it’s a bit soon for you two to be sharing a bed. *Ghira shrugged making Blake shake her head.*Blake: Oh dad. Do we need to have the talk?Ghira: What?Blake: You see dad. When a woman and a woman love each other very much-Ghira: Enough! You made your point! I don’t need the image of my bday girl doing…. That! In my head. *Ghira groan, holding up his hands in defeat before muttering.* Now I know how you must have felt when your mother gave you to talk.Blake: Hehe, believe me. I probably had it worse. *Blake laughed as she and her father proceed to cashier when Blake twitch her cat ear with a thought.* Speaking of mom, I’m surprise she wasn’t the one the to come with me. I would have thought she would want me to pick something more…Ghira: Revealing? *Ghira said narrowing his eyes.*Blake: I was going to go with Flashy.Ghira: Oh. Yes well. Kali wanted to spend time with Yang. To get to know her better.Blake: Sigh, I see. I just hope she doesn’t do anything that will embarrass me like show Yang any photo albums. Ghira: …Blake: She’s not doing that right, dad!Ghira: … *Sweating bullets.*Blake: Dad!?Ghira: It’s just one album, sweetie. *Ghira nervously smiled.*Blake: oh god no.~Meanwhile~Yang: Oh. My. God… *Yang whisper with wide eyes as she covered her mouth before squealing with delight.* ~She is SOOOO CUTE!~Kali: I know isn’t she! She would always play and tackle the ball of yawn whenever I was kitting. *Kali smiled with glee as she show Yang a picture of baby Blake playfully bouncing a ball of yarn in the air with her hand and feet as she laid on her back before turning the page.* Oh and here is Blake playing with you favorite stuff doll, Luna Tuna.Yang: Aaaaaaaaw.~Kali: Hehe, yes. There were quite a number of times we had to stitch Luna tuna back together.Yang: Hehe, I bet. *Yang chuckled, remembering every time Blake bit her during sex, deciding her lover’s mother didn’t need to know that detail. The brawler then looked at the picture below that warmed her heart as she awed again, the photo being of Blake falling asleep and napping on a rocking horse.* Aw. Look at her! She looks so cuuuuute in this one. Gasp! She is even in kitty pajamas!~Kali: Oh she would ride that for hours. Me and Ghira actually used it to know when it was nap time for our baby girl. *Kali smiled running her fingers over the photo.* We would just listen to the rocking slow down before speeding up again and slow down again.Yang: Did she ever fall off? Kali: Yes but always on the pillows we had around her and on her feet.Yang: Hehe, nice. Whoa, haha, what’s going on here? *Yang giggled a she pointed to the next page at a photo of a naked baby Blake hissing towards a sink as she clings onto a younger Ghira’s beard who is tiring to pry her off.*Kali: Ah. Hahahaha. *Kali laughed.* That was Blake first bath. Hahahaha. Back then she hated the water. We would chase her naked butt all of the house before getting into the sink or tub. It actually started her little phase of not wanting to wear clothes. See? *Kali smiled as she show Yang photos of Blake giggling as ran from Ghira or Kali trying to put clothes on her, some of which showed them catching a Blake clone.*Yang: Oooooh!Kali: *Kali looked at the photo and immediately covered her mouth while trying hold back her laughter, unfortunately telling miserably at it.* Ooooooooohehehehe. I nearly forget this one was in here. Hehehehe. *Kali said as she pointed to the sheet of the photo behind Blake.* You see this is the first time Blake wet the bed. Hahaha, and, hehe, and she was so scared that she would get in trouble she tried, ahhahahaha, she tried to blame it on our neighbor’s dog! Hahahahaha!Yang: Hahahahahaha! Oh my god that is hilarious! Hahahaha! *Yang and Kali laughed together wiping tears from their eyes.* Oh man. Hahahaha! Oh you have to send me copies of these.Kali: Sure thing Yang. Hahaha. *Kali nodded when suddenly the doors burst open revealing a out of breath Blake quickly scanning the room before spotting her mom an girlfriend.* Hello honey. I was just showing Yang some of your old baby photos. Would you li- *Kali began to greet her daughter before, the younger cat Faunus snatched the photo album from her and throw it to the ground while drawing her sword chopping it to confetti.* … To join us?Blake: *Blake continue to pant, sheathing he sword, before taking a deep breath and turning to Yang and Kali who are staring at her blushing face with raised surprised eyebrows.She then points to Yang and says with a slight threatening tone.* You saw nothing.Yang: Oh-ho.~ But I saw MAAAAAAANY things Blakey-poo. I just wish I had my own copy of how adorable you were as a baby and kid. *Yang could smirked as Kali reaches behind.*Kali: It’s okay, Yang. I had a feel Blake would pull something like this. Sooo, *Kali smiled as she pulled out multiple photo albums, Blake’s jaw dropping while she blushed even more as Yang grinned ear to ear.* I had a few copies made.Blake: MOM!! NO!! *Blake shouted diving towards the albums only for Kali to hold them out of reach as well as holding her daughter at bay.*Kali: But sweetie! You looked to cute when you were a baby!Blake: That’s not the point, Mom!! Now give them here!!Kali: No! Besides, it’s not look Yang hasn’t seen your butt already.Yang: She’s got a point.Blake: NOT HELPING!! * Blake shouted at her girlfriend only for her eyes to widen in horror upon seeing Yang looking through one of the copies of the photo album.* YANG NO!! *Blake screamed as Now Kali held back her daughter.*Kali: Now now. Blake. I’m should Yang’s father will show you embarrassing baby photos of her when you visit her father. *Kali told her daughter.*Yang: Yeah Blakey. You’ll have your chance to embarrass me. Beside, Looking through these I hope when we have our own daughter she is like you in these photo. *Yang smiled as she looked through the album, taking picture of certain photos, mutter.* Aw that is my knew background.Blake: *Meanwhile, after what Yang said, Blake stopped struggling and frozen as she whole face turned pink as Kali smile grow ten times it sized and let out a eep of joy.* … Aw Babe.~meanwhile~Ghira: I deeply apologize again for your window. Please send me the bill for the repairs and I will pay for them. *Ghira bowed to the shop owner in front of the broken window with the perfect outline of Blake’s silhouette.*Fun fact, that rocking horse one was of me when I was like three of four years old. Though it took a few falls before my parents thought of the pillows in case I fell off.
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