#wilford warfstachex
Bubblegum Pink (Part 1) Wilford WarfstachexFem!Reader
“I told you specifically not to do this (y/n)!” Your mom shrieked as you walked into the house. You had just walked into your overly religious house with your hair dyed your a bright bubble gum pink. You rolled your eyes at your mother, she wasn’t too much of a saint, anything she didn’t agree with was a sin- which was religiously incorrect.  
You walked upstairs purposefully flaunting your new hair by tossing over your shoulder as you headed up. When you got to your room, you slung your already packed bookbag over your shoulder and began to walk down the stairs. Your mother looked up from her magazine confused as you traveled down the stairs.
“Where do you think you are going young lady?!” she smacked her magazine down on the couch.
“I’m leaving.” you stormed out the front door not bothering to close it behind you. Your mom began to chase you outside, but you jumped onto your motorcycle and quickly revved it, your mom jumping back at the loud sound.
“Don’t you leave me!” She screamed over the noise. You pulled your helmet on, it was almost a perfect match to your pink hair. You pulled out of the driveway, your mom looked at you exasperated. You gave her a smile.
“Don’t worry too much, I’ll be okay.” Then, you drove away. At the time, it seemed like a crazy idea. But now? It was totally worth it!
~~Time skip of 2 Months~~
You had gotten a one room apartment near the downtown area. You were close enough to your work place to walk there. Everything was going alright. You had decided you wanted to further your education by going to college, but it seemed better to take a year off to just settle into your new surroundings. So that’s what you did, and it was almost luxurious.
“Okay, you got your MP3, you have your phone, and keys…I think you’re ready to go.” You said to yourself cheerfully. You went on a walk every Sunday and Wednesday at about 9:00. Not too early to wake up, not too late enough to affect your work schedule. You walked out of your door and shut it carefully behind you. You had maintained your bright pink hair. It looked especially sharp today, as you had just had it professionally re-dyed a day ago.
You walked around the large downtown area, taking in the now familiar sights. You stopped in front of one of your favorite cafe’s. You pushed the door open and made your way to the back of the line. You were thinking about getting a peach tea when suddenly, the hairs on the back of your neck where standing up. Your heart fluttered a bit. You could literally feel that someone was staring at you.
You looked around, your eyes meeting with a man’s. He had bright pink hair, and a bright pink mustache, the color was similar to your own. It took you a second  to recognize his cheeks had dusted over with a light pink color. You felt your face heat up. You quickly looked away, but not before taking in the rest of his being. He was wearing a red and white pinstriped suit. You began to stare intensely at the woman in front of you. Her shirt became extremely interesting as you noticed the frilly patterns. She suddenly moved out of the way, leaving you to order your drink. You looked up in surprise. Your cheeks were still pink.
“Ah-erm-” You stuttered. The cashier gently smiled,
“That cutie over there with the stache keeps eyeing you~” The cashiers voice immediately screamed ‘Gay’. Your face heated up a bit more, you turned and looked over at him catching his eye again. His face seemed to suddenly light up realizing you were looking back his way. You looked over at the cashier and said
“I’ll have a Peach-tea.” He winked and smiled at you quickly glancing back at the guy at the table. He quickly made the drink and pushed it over to your side of the counter. You paid the appropriate amount and picked up the drink.
“Go get em’ girl!” He whooped as you turned away. Your face had gone from pink to a bright red, and you came to a halt in your tracks. You looked over at the guy with the stache, he gave a big smile. You bit your bottom lip and quickly made your way over to the table. You sat down across from him and took a quick sip from your tea.
“Hi,” You said. It was already an awkward start.
“Why hello there bubblegum~.” He responded his accent odd and his mustache moving with each syllable. He laughed a little and so did you.
“My oh my, what beautiful hair you have!” he complimented you.
“Nice mustache.” You said with a bright smile. You nervously sipped your drink again.
“I prefer to call it a Warfstache,” he exaggerated the last word.
“A warfstache?” you questioned. He nodded.  You smiled.
“That sounds cool.” He smiled at your compliment.
“Oh, Where are my manners? My name is (Y/n).” You stuck out your hand for a handshake. He took your hand into his and laid a kiss on the back of yours.
“My name is Wilford.” His eyes captured yours like no other. You almost seemed entranced.
“Would you like to get out of here?” He asked. You gave a nod still looking into his chocolate brown eyes. He got up and you followed him out of the coffee shop. Meanwhile, the Cashier was staring off into space watching the two of you as you chatted. He had blushed too when Wilford kissed your hand and it took everything he had not to scream out in joy. When the two of you walked out though, he let loose.
“OH MY GOSH THAT WAS SO CUUUUUTE!” He immediately got wacked in the head with a magazine by his manager.
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