#meanwhile hes explaining stuff to me in detail; going up to the teacher n asking questions for me; getting up out of his seat n
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bangcakes · 11 months ago
#god i was so giddy today (or well i guess yesterday. its almost 2am JDJFJFJF)#i was waitin all day for him to finish work so i could message him n he messaged me in seconds... triple texted NDNDJDJDNDNDMDMDN#god hes so cute. im so !@@@@@ i like him so much. like ..... !!!!!!!!!!!!#he makes me so happy idk how to explain. i just !!!!!!@@ like him so !!!!@@ much !!!!#why do i deprive myself of him 😭😭😭😭😭#but i mean we did talk for 2 hours straight in person a few weeks ago. not much you can like. converse about after that JDJDJDJDJDJDJ#:')))))))))#maybe i'll let myself be a lil hopeful.... 🥺🥺🥺#personal#also omg i think i figured out why he was so combative??? when i saw him last#i think it was bc of our mutual friend...........#n e way HDNDNDNDNDN#so maybe thats why he was like that. bc with me.... sure we tease each other but hes not like....... out for the kill idk JDJDJDNDNNDNDND#hes so sweet.... like not in an obvious way but like NDNNDMDDMD IDK.#we'll put it this way....#when ppl ask him for help... he tells them to google it#meanwhile hes explaining stuff to me in detail; going up to the teacher n asking questions for me; getting up out of his seat n#looking for a plug for me JFJDJDJDD LIKE ?????#hes also so polite... thanks ppl... holds the door for ppl. god hes so......#if he's like....... the guy im gonna be with for the rest of my life... o i'll be so happy BDJZNZNNZNZNZNZNZ#THIS IS SO SAPPY GOD.#if u saw the messages you'd be like literally what are you giddy over HFJDJDJJDJDJDJD AND THATS OKAY#hes just some guy.... love that about him the most.....
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tellatennie · 4 years ago
Bakugou x Soulmate!Reader
Hi! This is my first Tumblr post! Not my first time writing but it wont be as awesome as everyone else on Tumblr but I hope you like it! Im still figuring some mechanics of Tumblr out first so let me know if I mess any technical stuff up :)
SOULMATE AU: Reflecting in the mirrors is the appearance of your soulmate 
(Y/N): age thirteen
”mommmm can you come here for a minute?” I call out of the open bathroom door. I’m freaking out. I looked in the mirror one second and it was fine then the next moment it’s reflecting a boy with spiky ash colored hair and not me. 
“Yes sweetheart?” My mom said walking next to me. “Who's....that” I say; pointing at the mirror. She smiles at me.
”Is it not you?” I shake my head. “Then that’s your soulmate” I look up at her. “My... soul..mate?”  She crouches down to meet my very short height. 
“You see, everyone has someone that’s perfect for them. Someone that you can be best friends with and hopefully marry” She stands up and looks in the mirror. “Everyone that has a soulmate sees that person in the mirror instead of themselves. I see your father, and your father sees me.” I make an o shaped mouth and nod. 
“So my soulmate sees me in their mirror?” I ask. She nods. I glance back to the mirror and leave the bathroom. 
Meanwhile, about a 30 minute drive away (No POV) 
”What the HELL” A young boy yells. 
“Language!” His mom screams. “WHY THE HELL IS THERE A PERSON IN MY MIRROR” He heard his mom stomp up the stairs. “What are you blabbering about?” She glared at him from the doorway. 
“There’s a fucking person in the mirror” He deadpans to his mother. She squeals and runs over and hugs him. “Wha- GET OFF ME YOU OLD HAG” She smiles at him and smacks him upside the head. “That’s your soulmate!”
”..my whAT?” She explains to him the details of having a soulmate without yelling more than 3 times. (Sorry, I'm lazy) The boy somewhat glares at the mirror as his mom leaves.
”Stupid fuckin system makin that extra my “soulmate”” he mumbles to himself while walking away.
I groan and hit my alarm clock. Today was the first day of school at U.A and I did not want to get out of bed. I slumped the top of my body and slowly slid off my bed onto the floor (we have all done that) I get dressed into my uniform and walk into my bathroom. I stare at the ‘reflection’ of the once young boy that turned into a handsome young man that you call your soulmate. I figured he was about the same age as me but I could always be wrong. My mom has to do my hair every morning due to me not being able to see myself anymore other than pictures. 
After she did my hair I bid her farewell and walk out the door, excited for what the first day of school will bring.
I stare at the somewhat H shaped building. My jacket hood pulled over my head, I walk into the school and search for my classroom. I made a few friends during the entrance exam, like Kirishima, Mina, and Ochaco. So at least I knew I would have friends.
I walk into my designated classroom and immediately get tackled by Mina. 
“(Y/N)!” I let out a laugh and pat her back to get off me.
”Hey Mina, can’t breathe” She got off of me and backed up whilst I stood up. I eye around the room and spot the people I saw at the exams. My gaze falls on a blonde guy sitting with Kirishima and a yellow haired boy. I remove my gaze and look for my seat but Im FrEaKiN oUt DuDeS. 
Oh right next to him that’s great 
Why am I freaking out? You probably guessed (*cough* since this is a cheesy oneshot*) . It’s the same exact boy I have seen in my mirror for the past 2 and a half years. I sit down at my seat and try not to look too much in that direction. Hoping the crimson eyes I constantly had stared into, didn’t land on me. 
“Oh! Hey (Y/N)! Nice to see you got in this class too!” 
God damn it Kirishima
I turn my head to him and smile “Hey Eijiro! Nice to see you too” He stands from his sitting position off the desk. 
“This is Denki Kaminari” He pointed at the yellow haired boy “And this is Katsuki Bakugou” He leaned in slightly and whispered “Be careful around him, he’s a hot head” The blonde boy shot up. 
“WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU SAY SHITTY HAIR?” The boy glanced at me and then back to Kirishima. I see him do a double-take at me and blink slightly. He quickly regains his *terrible* posture and crosses his arms and glares daggers at Kirishima.
"This is (Y/N) (L/N) by the way" He added, acting like he didn't just get screamed at. I smile slightly and wave. I feel someone hug me from behind and put their hands over my eyes. "Guess who" a very high and obviously fake voice came from behind me. I think for a second; the only person I know that would need to make their voice higher other than Kirishima would be....
"zuku!" He huffs and removes his hands and I turn around to stand up and hug him. Me and Izuku have known each other for a while, my dad is his moms brother, making us cousins. So him and I would hang out often. Just as I was about to start a conversation with him our teacher Aizawa appeared from practically nowhere and told us to take our seats.
I got a weird feeling that someone was watching me about halfway through the lesson, figuring it to be Izuku I glance at him only to find his head stuck in his notebook writing down what Aizawa said. I looked around the classroom before giving up and looking down at my desk. I still feel watched and out of the corner of my eye I see Katsuki Bakugou staring directly at me. I make eye contact with him and hold it for about 3 seconds before snapping my eyes to my notes. I see him move his head to his notebook to start writing his notes.
When class lets out for the day I organize and pack all my things together in my bag and stand up to leave when I notice a note on my desk; neatly folded into quarters. I look around the classroom and just now notice I'm the only person left in the room. I pick up the note and open it, reading it out loud. 
"Meet me at the (Random Park Name: R/P/N) at five" I glanced at the clock that reads 3:45. Giving me plenty of time to go home, have a snack, get dressed and go. I don't know why I'm going, I just feel like I need to. 
I walk out of my house holding the note in my hand. I walk to (R/P/N) and stand outside the entrance. I walk in and sit on one of the benches and scroll on my phone. I feel someone sit next to me but I pay them no attention. I could tell it was a guy but I didn't want to seem weird or something. He cleared his throat expectantly. I look up at him to meet the gaze of Bakugou. I feel my cheeks heat up slightly and look down at my hand holding the note. 
"Um. Hi. I'm assuming you gave me the note then? Is there something you need?" I raise my head to look at him. He scoffs, "We both know we're soulmates so don't act fuckin stupid like those other idiots." He snaps. 
"Alright fine. Yes we're soulmates. Why did you want to talk to me" I said, trying to act super chill about it. "Because I wanted to get to know you dumbass"
For someone as hot as you, you seem really dumb 
"I could say the same thing to you gorgeous" I snap my head to him to see his eyebrows raised and him smirking. My face flushed, did I say that out loud?
Me and Bakugou walked together for about 3 hours after that, just telling each other about ourselves. I learned that he is really sweet-hearted but he doesn't want people to know that so he made me swear not to say anything about it. Somehow our hands got linked together and we were sitting in a patch of dandelions on a large hill looking down at the city. 
"You know I've dreamed about meeting someone as pretty as you the day you appeared in my mirror" He commented, glancing over at me. He was really good at complimenting, I've lost count of how many times he's made me blush tonight.
I leaned my head on his shoulder and asked "does this mean we're a thing now?" He let out a soft laugh and put his hand under my chin and lifting me head up. He closed the gap between us. I couldn't help but notice how soft his lips were. I leaned into the kiss, deepening it as he cupped my face. When we broke apart he rested his forehead onto mine and smiled softly at me. 
"Of course we're a thing dumbass"
AHhh I'm bad at writing romantic scenes I'm sorry xD
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the-dumb-smart-friend · 4 years ago
I spent way too long on this so please give it attention
So my one friend and I have been working on the same rp for ~2 1/2 years, and right now we’ve been on a big break because of the whole quarantine thing, and inconsistent scheduling.
So many characters have changed so much in my mind over the break that I’m going to need to look through my logs of the characters before the break. I have plans for the story that can have it continue for multiple years into the future.
I have so much planned character development and minor conflict planned, not to mention the scandalous temptation of corruption arcs. My friend’s main character has literally murdered/hurt/threatened one of my characters on many occasions, and now they’re going to have to work together in order to save both their friends, family, lovers, and the entire concept of a continuous timeline before the winter solstice.
Meanwhile, the main villain has gone from pretty much an unstoppable god mary sue character to a touch starved twink with bad intentions and an attack dog evil scientist.
Every single character believes that what they’re doing is good, even if they know deep down that what they’re doing will have awful consequences.
And I’m not even done. I finally made a concrete reason to the timelines constantly looping, and the whole revival problem, as before I just had a loose idea. The two main gods that have been hinted at to be evil and really powerful and awful and stuff (despite one helping out the protagonists and the other being neutral/evil leaning) actually worked together thousands of years ago to do this really powerful spell thing so that every time this select group of really powerful people died (along with everyone that knew them, it was often one big catastrophic event), they would all be revived in the most recent year, over and over again until they found out how to break the “curse”.
The timelines will loop over and over again until the characters all find out how to stop it, which is to somehow keep magic (one of the key building blocks that’s holding life and the world as we know it together) from completely disappearing and dying out.
So the god of magic power was like “Dudes I’m gonna die if we don’t do something to keep magic from dying out.” and all the other high ranking gods were like “Bro no, last time we intervened with something on the mortal plane, we killed all the dinosaurs.” so then the magic god was all like “Fine, but you guys are all pricks.”.
So the he asked his sister (the goddess of time, memory, and significant events/holidays) to help out, and so they created the time loop idea. They cast a really old, really forbidden, semi-DIY’d spell with all their power, but because of the great crime they committed, the more powerful gods cast them out, and took all of their memories, condemning them to the surface for the rest of time.
oooh, looks like you’re interested, nice.
Also I’m on new meds, so sorry if this is confusing.
(TW for death, mentions of gore w/o graphic descriptions, mentions of kidnapping, hints at abuse, dissociation, cursing/verbal aggression, grief)
So the two ex-gods gave themselves new names, and decided to wander around, trying to find out who they were. The two had some moral conflicts and decided to part ways. Time Goddess, who now gave herself the name Raestress (pronounced Rye-stress) eventually stumbled upon one of the mortals that she and her brother cursed for the rest of time, and decided to stick with said mortal for a while, and by that, I mean kinda stalking said mortal.
Because Raestress wasn’t the one to come up with the time loop idea, and was the one that told the other gods, she was allowed to keep some of her powers, however she had absolutely no clue how to use them.
This next pert gets a little fuzzy, and I still need to iron out the details of it, but it ends with Raestress sacrificing both her life and all her power to the mortal, but because of her punishment from the other gods, was cursed to stay as a sort of ghost or spirit that follows the mortal (Remi) she just helped, only able to talk though/to her.
The sacrifice of Raestress’ powers to Remi led to Remi being able to remember all the past timelines she’s lived through, and all the other people that were chosen to live and die over and over again, and decides that she needs to be the one to bring them all together.
Back to modern day, Remi has amnesia for unknown reasons, and makes a bunch of new friends in this little north island town she lives in. One day, a random new math teacher shows up at her highschool, then one of her friends goes missing, then her friend’s sister goes missing and is later found dead, completely torn to pieces. Then she and some friends are about to take a little walk through the forest, when one of her friends is shot with a crossbow, and dies. Sure, they’ve gotten plenty of threats before, but they all just thought it was just some kids trying to pull a prank, but now Alice is dead.
The group try to compose themselves as they wait for the police to arrive, looking up through the trees as to where the crossbow could’ve been fired from, but everything is completely obscured by a swishing sea of branches and leaves. Remi looks up through the leaves, watching them spin and swirl, growing darker as her body seems to float back and fourth in an invisible ocean.
Her vision goes completely black for a moment, but she then sees herself, standing still and looking down at her friends, who have gone from hysterics to almost silent. The world seemed to have washed itself in a shade of periwinkle, swaying like the ocean, any sounds coming out as muffled and distant. Remi watched as her body began to shudder, shoulders bouncing up and down. She watched as her body laughed completely out of her control, quickly pushed against a tree and drowned out by muffled yelling and screaming from one of her friends, Aqua.
The others tried to hold Aqua back, but despite her small frame, she could fight like a 6′ brickhouse. Remi couldn’t do anything. She couldn’t move, couldn’t breathe, couldn’t explain, or shout “That isn’t me! I’m right here!”. All she could do is watch as her body’s eyes shifted from bottle green to a sharp, brassy yellow, somehow untouched by the blueish haze that blanketed the rest of the world.
Still, her body laughed, going on and on about something that Remi couldn’t hear, no matter how much she strained to.
The rest of the day seemed to continue in a blur. the police arrived, taking all the standard procedures, but it was hard to pay attention to anything but Alice’s body being carried away in a bag. Nobody really knew what happened.
Remi was still trapped outside of her body by the time they got home that night. Whatever or whoever was controlling her was managing to get under everyone’s skin without completely shattering the illusion of Remi still being in complete control. Guess those are the consequences of being known as the one who laughs at horror movies.
As soon as they both stepped inside, Aqua had thrown Remi against a wall, holding her by the collar of her shirt.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” she screamed, voice breaking before she could finish her sentence.
Remi’s body chuckled with squinted eyes, playfully glaring down at Aqua, boring into her skull.
“I should be asking you the same thing, sweetheart.”
Finally at that moment did the rest of the group realize that whoever was piloting Remi’s body definitely wasn’t her, because whatever spoke was using a voice that didn’t match in the slightest.
It’s voice sounded like it could’ve been either a young man or an older woman, familiar and welcoming yet cold and sharp as ice, sharp enough to cut through whatever was muffling the voices from wherever Remi was stuck.
Aqua dropped whoever this person was, taking shaky steps backward, clearly trying to say something, but no sound came out.
This strange person took a step forward, bowing and swishing their arm with a flourish.
“Though I can’t explain everything now, I’m sure that your dear friend Remi will.” They purred, staring through the veil and directly into Remi’s eyes.
“Who are you?” Aqua shuddered, invisible hands trailing cold fingers up her spine.
“A nobody, a somebody. A friend, an enemy. Nobody really knows when or where I’ll come or go, but if you were to call me anything, feel free to call me Crow.”
Something about that name just didn’t sit right, it seemed to send an imaginary bullet through Remi’s head, swimming through her thoughts and flipping every switch in her brain. Something, somewhere, was screaming at her, remember, remember. The already strange world started to get stranger, dark figures appearing all around Remi, reaching out and covering her eyes, ears, mouth, nose, everything until all she could sense was a dark void.
Crow smiled, kneeling down to meet Aqua’s new level on the floor.
“Right now, I’m serving as nothing more than a distraction, and maybe just a little something to get this story going” they said,
Aqua again tried to respond, but her voice had seemed to just disappear at the most crucial moments.
“I do hope we meet again.” Crow ruffled Aqua’s hair just as all the lights flickered out, leaving complete silence and confusion, after all, what was there to say?
Minutes passed, though nobody was keeping count. Nobody moved, and instead just stood wherever they were, trying desperately to process all of today.
When the lights finally flickered back on, Remi was passed out on the floor, but after everything that just happened, it took everyone a while to notice. Nobody said anything.
Will had carried Remi upstairs to her room, hoping that maybe staying by her side could make a nice distraction. Aqua had stayed sitting on the floor, back to back with the couch, head in her hands. Everyone decided to keep to themselves for the rest of the night.
By the next morning, Remi still hadn’t woken up. Sure, not quite unusual, but right now what everyone needed was an explanation, or one of her sarcastic jokes at the very least. It was at noon when everyone had started to worry. 
It had reached 5PM when she finally jolted awake, catching her breath and running her hands through her hair.
“I remember...” She whispered,
“I remember everything.” She said again, quickly standing up and rummaging through her desk, despite Will telling her to take it easy.
“My notebooks, they’re all gone!”
“Remi, please,” Will tried to step forward and calm her down, but she pressed on.
“Don’t call me that.” She demanded, mumbling something afterward, “Just call me Rei.”
Alrighty so I might finish this at some point, idk, but the explanation/TL;DR is pretty much that BBEG had tried to kill Aqua, the main thing holding him back from achieving his goal, but Alice had jumped in the way and sacrificed herself.
Rei was then pushed out of her own body by a mysterious deity known only as Crow, who by the way is not Raestress, I just didn’t know how to quickly explain everything. Both Crow and Raestress had somehow managed to together give Rei back all her memories of the past timelines, but because of Crow’s distraction, the BBEG was able to steal all of Rei’s logs of strange dreams and little songs, all of which can be pieced together into an encrypted spell that has the ability to bring back the dead, a spell that has long since been completely banned and erased from the world.
When Rei was trapped outside of her body, she was actually pushed out into limbo/the spirit world, and all the dark figures were different versions of her from her past, though that was never really specified in the original story either, I just left it up to debate.
There is still very little known about Crow, but we know that they’re a sort of grim reaper character, have a past with Rei, and that they’re working for the BBEG for some unspecified reason.
The reason Rei doesn’t like being called Remi is because the letter M is considered evil and bad luck to her and others that are enemies of/know the atrocities or the BBEG and his family. Also because she prefers to distance herself from her past with Crow as much as possible.
Will, who was mentioned at the end, is actually Rei’s girlfriend.
Aqua is my friend’s main character, who is kinda really hotheaded, and is later tricked into killing one of my characters.
BBEG and his siblings are all children of the god of magic that was mentioned earlier.
If anything is confusing, or if you want more of the story, let me know, and I’ll try to add more.
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iya5rt · 5 years ago
Kalopsia Project [Bakugo Katsuki x Reader – Tokyo Ghoul AU]
Chapter 3 – The Rookie Always Has It Tough
Chapter Summary: Now that you’ve been welcomed into Yuuei, it’s time for you to make good of your promise and begin with your new job. Though the first day’s already bringing you a new surprise or two…
Kalopsia Project Masterpost
Making coffee was an art form.
It was a long process, consisting of many steps, each varying in difficulty or skills required. Sure, you could just get some from a coffee machine beside the school, but it was only after being made aware of all the steps that got you your small cup of bitter goodness that you could truly appreciate coffee for what it was.
Sadly, it was an art form few got to experience in their lifetime. There weren’t many coffee enthusiasts out there, after all. But you see, preparing to begin work at a cafe really opened your eyes about all this.
And about one more thing.
That you really sucked at brewing coffee.
“You really can’t do the simplest of things properly, can you?” Bakugo sighed from where he was leaning on the counter beside you. He looked tired (who could blame him – he must have slept maybe 4 hours total, what with everything that had happened the previous night), as he was carefully eyeing your pitiful attempts at making coffee. Two cups were discarded to the side. Those had been the products of your first two tries, though Bakugo had given each a single sip, before declaring it a fail.
You had to give it to him – he was a lot nicer than he could have been. After all, the first one had nearly made you gag.
Having finished preparing your third cup for the day (and it was only early morning too), you also sighed and stepped back, silently praying to the heavens this one would be passable. Crossing your arms, you turned to look at Bakugo.
“Well, excuse me, Mr. I’ve-been-doing-this-for-years, but may I remind you that I’ve never had to brew coffee until today?” You pouted. Bakugo pushed himself off the counter and moved to pour the two cups of “poisonous” (as he had called it) coffee in the sink. Your heart sank at the sight of your hard work disappearing down the drain.
There go two hours of my life, I guess.
“And I’ve never had to train an ungrateful human girl, so I guess we’re even.”
“Aw, come on, Bakugo-kun, don’t be so harsh on her. She’s still a novice at this whole thing,” a cheerful voice interrupted, before you could retort anything back yourself. The two of you turned to see a girl with short brown hair and very rosy cheeks smiling back at you, as she was tying her apron behind her back. You gave a grateful sigh.
“Thank you, Uraraka. Glad someone here’s got my back.” The girl waved her hand dismissively.
“Don’t mention it. We’ve been needing the help anyway. I will admit – the circumstances are… unexpected. But you’re a nice girl, after all.”
You’d met a few more of Yuuei’s employees shortly after waking up in the morning and going through a short check-up with Midoriya. You were surprised to find that most of them were students like yourself, and, most of all, had welcomed you with open arms (or at the very least – understanding nods).
Uraraka was one of them. She was the only other girl you had met so far and worked here as a waitress. Since she was two years younger than you, she was still a high-school student and as such, was a bit more lacking when it came to free-time. Though from what Midoriya had told you, she was always working here on the weekends. You found her to be very pleasant. The easiest to get along with too. You wouldn’t have minded if it had been her showing you the ropes.
“Alright, enough wasting of perfectly good coffee beans. I hope you’re better at the table waiting thing,” Bakugo sighed again, pushing you aside to take your place in brewing coffee. His push ended up a little careless, as your shoulders rubbed.
You know – his perfectly good shoulder and your very much still injured shoulder.
You flinched a little, not quite muffling the small sound that escaped your lips. For a moment, Bakugo cocked a brow at you, but when his eyes darted to the bandages peeking beneath the t-shirt you wore, he seemed to remember.
“Uh, my bad...” he mumbled awkwardly, choosing to train his eyes somewhere on the counter instead. You giggled.
“Oh, don’t worry, it’s fine.” Bakugo didn’t seem convinced but motioned to the other side of the counter with his head anyway.
“Go to half-’n-half. He’ll put some cups on a tray and you try to carry those. See if… your shoulder’s gonna bother you...” You nodded and thanked him. Instead of leaving though, you got distracted watching the blond as he worked away. Despite the way he spoke and acted, his touch and movements as he poured the water seemed so gentle and precise. Only now did you realize how much you still had to learn. Your distraction was interrupted when he noticed your eyes were still on him and looked up from his handiwork. “What’re you waiting for? You know we’re opening soon, right?”
You jumped and furiously waved your hands.
“O-oops, my bad, haha. I’m going!”
Finally tearing your eyes away from him, you found the “half-’n-half” in question quietly washing some cups and glasses at the sink. You weren’t sure why Bakugo insisted on calling him that though. Was it his hair that was dyed half-red and half-white? Perhaps. Quite the rebellious stage he must have had, you’d give him that.
There was also this painful-looking scar on his left eye, though you doubted even Bakugo would sink this low. He didn’t seem to care much about appearances anyway.
You’d learned his name was Todoroki – he had been one of the people who’d peacefully acknowledged you with an expressionless nod. Then again, he seemed to be a little stone-faced in general, so perhaps this was to be expected. He’d made no hostile comments or given you a reason to suspect he disagreed, so you decided this was probably his way of welcoming you to Yuuei.
You wondered what had happened to him to leave him as he was (though you’d heard he went to a prestigious university despite it all), not to mention the unpleasant scar, but you decided not to question it or ask around – everybody had their circumstances, and you could only assume ghouls’ were more complicated than the rest. Hell – you were a human working in a cafe full of ghouls. And you… surprisingly didn’t see any of them complaining left and right. At least not yet.
When you approached him, Todoroki gave a silent nod, and pulled a tray up on the counter, filling cups and glasses with all sorts of different drinks.
“What do you plan to do with school now, [L/N]-kun?” a voice asked from somewhere behind you. You turned to find a boy with neatly trimmed dark hair and a pair of glasses cleaning all the tables. Even if Bakugo hadn’t made fun of the fact earlier, you would have probably still managed to deduce that he attended a private college, just by how he looked.
“Just [F/N]’s fine, Ida-kun,” you brushed off his polite tone. “Midoriya-kun said my shoulder should heal soon, so I guess I’ll just call in sick in the meanwhile. Don’t want some of the more nasty professors marking me absent for no reason...” You could almost hear Bakugo grit his teeth behind you – you shared a class with a certain very uptight teacher with him, and you knew he hated his guts.
“Won’t it be suspicious if you and the person you were out on a date with disappear all of a sudden?” Todoroki asked, making you hum in thought for a second.
“Well, you’re not wrong. I guess there will be some rumors. I’ll just have to… brush them off, I guess?” you shrugged. “I’ve always had particularly thick skin so I’ll be fine!!”
You smiled, though that smile fell a little when you remembered how last time you just ‘brushed things off’ you were almost killed on a first date. You really had to take note of that stuff more.
“Alright everyone,” Aizawa called upon emerging from one of the back rooms. You’d heard something about him and Midoriya talking with somebody over the phone, though you assumed you weren’t supposed to know of any further details, so you refrained from asking. “We’re opening now, so stop wasting time and being irrational. [F/N],” he looked at you. “You’re to sit back and observe for today. You should get the hang of this by tomorrow.”
You nodded and moved to sit on one of the bar stools, noting how everyone went back to business. Ida turned the sign to say ‘open’ and went to adjust the tables on the outside. Todoroki disappeared to fetch more coffee from one of the back rooms. Uraraka and Bakugo sat back and waited for the first customers to start coming in.
You noted that Midoriya was still nowhere in sight, but you assumed he was finally getting some rest, after staying up all night because of you. You’d have to thank him and apologize when he woke up. Aizawa seemingly stayed up with him as well, thought he didn’t have the luxury of resting during the day. That explained the bags under his eyes. Good thing they were serving coffee.
The cafe was soon filled with people of all kinds – from children with their parents, students with their books and laptops, even through to an elderly couple or two. Although you wondered – how many of them really were people? You’d never felt such uncertainty before.
But you smiled at the scene unfolding before your eyes.
This had been one of the warmest welcomes of your life. Despite having been at Yuuei for only a handful of hours (a majority of which you’d spend unconscious or simply asleep), you felt like this was just the place for you.
And honestly? You could not believe it.
Like Aizawa had promised, the following day was your first day on the field. It was Sunday morning anyway, so there weren’t many people up and about quite yet.
Of course, Aizawa had no plans of busying himself any further. Despite having presumably slept all night for once, like a normal human being, he still looked like he hadn’t gotten even a blink of rest. You were beginning to suspect he just looked like this all the time.
“I’m suddenly regretting everything,” Bakugo muttered, rubbing at his temple. You had been appointed to him. Again. It wasn’t like he even had to teach you anything. ‘Just make sure she doesn’t screw up, because then you’re both responsible,’ Aizawa had said.
Truth be told, you were a little scared of your new manager, so you had no intention of making him mad. And there was this whole thing that you felt like you had a debt to repay so you couldn’t let yourself be a burden too. But the fear was greater…
It had been about half an hour since opening, and Bakugo had instructed you to just sit back and watch everybody else for now. He had taken to pointing out which customers were human, and which were ghouls. The weirdest part? He wasn’t even looking up from whatever he was doing, be it brewing coffee, washing cups, or making sandwiches. As soon as the bell chimed to signal someone had walked in, he’d quietly tell you. You racked your brain a little, but soon remembered why this could be.
“Say, Bakugo-kun?” He hummed to acknowledge that you have been heard. “My parents had told me that some ghouls have an especially developed sense of smell, which can easily tell a human apart from a ghoul.” He tensed, though you weren’t sure why. Had you been speaking too loudly? Was he afraid someone might hear you? He shook this behavior off though, and answered.
“Yeah. That’s right. It’s not very common but there are those of us who have it.” You nodded along.
“So you knew Monoma-kun was a ghoul right away then?” Bakugo stopped suddenly, and finally looked up at you.
“Yeah. What – you’re gonna get mad I didn’t warn you? I hope you realize how stupid that would have been.”
“Oh no, no. I’m just curious is all.” You smiled, while Bakugo returned to cutting a small tomato. Soon enough, he was back to pointing out what every new customer was. You were surprised to say the least – you’d expected there to not be many clueless humans, but you noted that it was in fact the ghouls that were few and far between.
“Well, someone’s being awfully quiet.”
You jumped at the sudden call-out. When you turned to look at Bakugo, you noticed a small smirk on his lips.
“You surprised they look so similar?” he asked. You looked away, a little ashamed to admit he was right. He was a ghoul so he had probably been looked down upon time and time again by other humans. You didn’t have the heart to tell him you expected the difference between your two kinds to be greater, more easily noticed, but he’d seen through your silence regardless.
“I… I guess… Everyone here looks so… so normal,” you muttered, though you quickly caught yourself. “N-not that you aren’t normal but- but… I… Oh, forget it, I can’t make this not sound bad...” You pouted. Bakugo hummed, as he once again tore his eyes away from you.
“You act as if everyone else doesn’t make it sound worse. I can’t really relate a lot to what you’re feeling right now since I’ve always been able to tell the two apart. But if you asked anyone else here, you’d be surprised to hear your experiences are a little more universal than you think.” He suddenly stopped mid-movement and lowered his voice, eyebrows furrowing. “If you really think about it, humans and ghouls are practically indistinguishable from one another. Not until they show their true colors...”
Both of you went silent. You stared at Bakugo intently, wondering if he had even meant to tell you this in the first place. He looked troubled, as if this was something that bothered him personally. And everyone knew there weren’t many things that bothered him personally.
I guess everyone’s general mistreatment of ghouls does get to him every once in a while…
“Bakugo-kun…?” you quietly called out. This seemed to snap him out of his daze and he shook his head, returning to his duty.
“Anyway, most of the ghouls here are regulars. Though you don’t have to rack your brain to remember all of them – they come often enough, so you’ll have them memorized in no time.” The door chimed once again, and this time Bakugo looked up. “See the old lady that just walked in?” Your eyes followed a short old woman with gray hair pulled up in a tight bun. She found a small table beside the window and sat down. You turned to look at Bakugo.
“Her name’s Shuzenji Chiyo. She’s a ghoul too. And she also has a keen sense of smell. She’ll be able to tell you’re human.”
“Okay. So?”
“So!? Go take her order, dumbass.”
“That’s what you’re supposed to be doing, remember?”
“I, well… yeah, that’s right! Alright then!” You stood up and took a few deep breaths. “Yeah – I’m going!” Bakugo looked at you oddly, though you didn’t notice. He must have thought you were going crazy.
You took the notepad and pen on the counter beside you and headed to the old woman’s table, Uraraka giving you a big grin and a wink, as she passed you by on the way to relay an order of her own.
“Good morning, ma’am – may I take your order?” you smiled at the woman. Your heart briefly sank when her eyes widened and she looked back to the counter. Following her line of sight, you noticed she was looking at Bakugo, who nodded back at her. The lady finally relaxed and smiled at you too.
“I’m sorry, dear – you seem to be new here and I didn’t quite recognize your face.”
“Please don’t be concerned – I haven’t gotten used to this place yet either. And I understand why you would be alarmed.” The woman looked at you for a quiet moment, probably wondering if you knew about her and the other ghouls here, though she couldn’t exactly ask you that. She must have been satisfied with your confident smile though.
“A short black coffee, please,” she ordered and took to looking out the window. You quickly noted in your notepad (not that you needed to – it was pretty simple to remember, after all) and thanked her, returning to the counter.
Upon returning however, You found that Bakugo had abandoned his duty and was instead glaring daggers at Midoriya, who had come beside him and was giving you a big thumbs-up.
“A short black coffee...” you relayed as soon as you approached the two.
“Coming right away!” Midoriya exclaimed. “Congratulations on your first client, [F/N]-san!” he said, as he turned around to prepare the order. You blushed a little.
“Th-thank you… Not that it was a difficult job, haha...”
From that point on, Bakugo would point out a friendly ghoul or clueless human for you to wait on every once in a while. You were getting the hang of things, not that there was much to get the hang of, especially with how supportive and friendly everyone was being. You noticed the occasional customers shooting you some surprised looks, likely not having expected a newcomer. Those must have been the regulars that Bakugo had mentioned.
There were a handful that looked… a little less nice. You noticed their eyes trailing you, and you didn’t like their stares one bit. They felt almost like those of a creepy stalker or a cat caller, except somehow more malicious. You didn’t need a keen sense of smell to tell they were not human, though you were grateful to Bakugo, who didn’t send you out for any orders while they were in the cafe. Or a few minutes after, for that matter.
He really seemed to care more than he let out.
Before you knew it, it was closing time for Yuuei.
Though it seemed like Aizawa had other plans for you. Yeah, sure, you could have been resting, letting your wounds heal quicker, even studying for when you would eventually have to begin attending classes once again.
Instead, you were stuck taking out the trash.
‘Don’t mind the manager – he always makes the rookie take out the trash,’ Uraraka had told you. She looked strangely relieved though. You couldn’t help but assume she had been said ‘rookie’ until you came around.
Well, I did say I would do anything to repay them… I guess I only have myself to blame…
Fortunately, it wasn’t a very difficult task. All you had to do was take out the trash bags and bring them outside through the back door, where the dumpsters were.
How convenient.
The bags smelled mostly of coffee which, considering the nature of your new workplace, was to be expected. You briefly wondered if they kept any… food (the kind that wasn’t exactly meant for humans) somewhere in the back rooms, but you decided it’d be better just to ask. Bakugo probably wouldn’t have hesitated to tell you anyway.
Throwing away the final black bag, you wiped the sweat off your forehead (those things were heavier than they looked), and turned to open the door and get away from the unpleasant smell of the dumpsters.
Unfortunately, your luck seemed to be non-existent these days.
An arm slammed against the door from behind you, preventing you from opening it. Suddenly you were very aware of the shadows looming over you.
Turning around slowly, you found two men keeping you trapped between themselves and the door. One had chin-length blond hair and big eyes that looked a little less than sane to you. The other sported long black hair and seemed drunk off his mind. This wasn’t looking good.
You wondered if anyone inside would hear you if you were to scream.
Creepy ghouls wanting to eat me, and now some drunk guys trapping me in an alley. This can’t be good. How do I keep getting myself in these situations!?
You were suddenly thankful for the self-defense skills your parents had taught you. Sure, it wasn’t much, but they made sure that if you were ever cornered by creeps like these, you’d be capable enough to escape them and run off to the nearest place with other people buzzing about.
“Hmm, who knew Yuuei had such a little gem hidden away,” the blond man grinned, leaning in closer. The other only nodded along – he seemed too out of it to even speak. You, on the other hand, inched back.  “If the taste matches the scent, you’ll be quite the exotic treat.”
Before you could remark why everything seemed to revolve around smell today, you sucked in a breath as it dawned on you.
No way. Not again.
A mere second later, the man’s eyes turned black and red, as his grin widened.
“Let’s test that out, shall we?”
Protocol K78152112
Subject #17
Real Name: N/A
Background: Taken from a CCG-funded orphanage.
Results: Mutations; change of skin color to an unnatural and sickly hue.
Signs of success were present; subject survived for multiple days, though had to be restrained; died due to complications stemming from the increased Rc count.
(scribbled in pen) Huh, seems to work better with younger subjects…
Author’s Note: Bam – cliffhanger! I would like to say I’m generally not one to leave you hanging every week, but this story’s doing weird things to me, it seems like.
Thank you guys so, so much for all the support on last week’s launch of this story by the way! It makes me incredibly happy to know you’re all enjoying it and I’m so excited to continue with it too! Here’s a quick recap of some easter eggs from this chapter – the old woman Bakugo sent Reader-chan to was actually Recovery Girl (I just used her real name instead); the two guys that have her trapped in that alleyway are actually two of Overhaul’s men – Setsuno Toya and Sakaki Deidoro (though the concept of the Eight Precepts of Death/Shie Hassaikai probably doesn’t exist here)! Just a fun little nod to canon!
Anyway, I had tonnes of fun writing the peaceful bonding time with Bakugo, and I hope you enjoyed it too! Thank you so much for reading, please drop a comment to let me know what you thought, and I’ll see you again next Wednesday! Bye~
(Psst, @afuckingunicornn  @creativedogs  @chims-kookies  - thank you for the support and here is the next part!)
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the-elemental-sides · 6 years ago
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The Elemental Sides: Chapter 8
Urban fantasy AU: The Sides are four spirits trapped in an amulet. When Thomas finds it and puts it on, he gains the powers of the four elements…or that’s what should have happened, but mistakes were made. Now the Sides have to coach him in their respective elements while Thomas deals with both his new powers and his ability to see into the magical realm. Not only is magic real, but there’s some pretty intimidating stuff out there, and only Thomas and the Sides have the power to stop it.
A/N: It is here! Chapter 8, my favorite number! It’s been about a year since the creation of this blog + the very first chapter of TES. Thanks so much for sticking with me. May this story be finished by 2020!
Taglist: @shinylyni, @hissesssss, @vexation-virgil, @madd-catter, @rptheturk, @nienna14, @ryuity, @asofterfan, @robanilla, @k9cat, @ab-artist, @absoluteamethyst, @a-box-o-jills, @captain-loki-xavier, @lynisnotamused, @literally-just-for-fanfics, @alix-the-skeleton, @generalfandomfabulousness, @lunareclipse-524
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
*** Thomas and Roman, spirits, faced off in the middle of his living room.
“No hitting,” warned Patton. He paused. “Okay, that’s the only rule. Go wild, kids!”
They moved at the same time. Thomas’ hand burst into flame, but it was literally sucked out of his grasp by Roman and thrown back into his face. Since it was translucent, the fire passed through him harmlessly and splashed against the far wall.
“Point to Roman,” Logan said to the book in his hands. He marked a tally on Roman’s side of the chalkboard, but it ended up sideways because he wasn’t looking at what he was doing.
“Three weeks and I haven’t gotten a single point,” groaned Thomas. “Against any of you!”
“It’s about more than just who can fire the first shot, cowboy,” said Roman. “It’s about willpower! You have to really control your powers, not just summon them.”
“Okay.” Thomas swept his hair out of his face, vaguely wondering how Virgil could stand having bangs in his eyes all the time. “Can I try again?”
“More like you can try, again. Patton, count us off!”
This time, Thomas was a little more prepared. He waited for Roman to pitch the first fireball before catching it from midair and chucking it back. The fire flew back and forth between them before Roman caught it and extinguished the flame.
“That’s cheating!” Thomas protested.
“I think not! I was just getting bored.”
“Boo, lame.”
“I agree, point to Thomas,” said Logan, marking the board.
Thomas fist-pumped while Roman protested. “I was just playing around. Look! More fire! I can keep going.”
“Actually, you should be done for the day,” Virgil interrupted. “I don’t want Thomas to run out of energy. He promised he’d practice water today, too.”
“Aw, but we’re on a roll!”
“No, he’s right,” Thomas agreed. “I’m kind of falling behind with water.”
“No such problems with earth, because I am the best teacher,” Logan muttered into his book.
Roman turned on him. “Are not!”
“Completely am.”
“I don’t mean to brag, but Thomas is pretty darn good with my air powers, considering he’s an Earthbender,” Patton remarked. (He’d finally caught up with Avatar and had completely bought into how they handled elemental powers in the series.) “So maybe he’s just natur-air-ly talented?”
“You’re impossible.”
In the weeks since he’d fought his first shadow monster, Thomas had had a lot of adjusting to do. While he was capable of destroying the smaller shadows when he came across them on busy streets, in buildings, and even in his own apartment, the Sides continued to coach him. They didn’t want another close call like they’d had with that big one in the grocery store.
It didn’t feel like he was making much of a difference, but the Sides applauded him every time he destroyed one of the little bad-vibe blobs. They were even thrilled every time he showed that he was improving with their powers. He couldn’t see any tangible difference in the world around him, but through their encouragement Thomas did start to feel a little like he was becoming a hero.
Meanwhile, besides the Sides, life continued as usual. Thomas was working just as hard on his videos. He was hard at work on his second episode of Cartoon Therapy–which was, of course, based off Avatar.
The first time he showed up to the space they’d rented, already in his Picani garb, Joan gave him a weird look when they met him at the door. “You’re still wearing that necklace?”
Thomas looked down at the crystal. Being huge and sparkly, it was difficult not to notice and impossible to hide under a shirt. “Oh, yeah, guess I am.”
“I mean, wear whatever, dude. But I don’t get what it has to do with Picani.”
“No, you’re right, I’ll take it off.” Thomas reached for the chain. Of course he had to take the crystal off sometimes, for showering and stuff, but the Sides always hated it when they were forced back in the crystal for a while. When he wasn’t in direct contact with it, they couldn’t keep up their mind palace and all the other cool amenities they’d built inside. They had to go back to the dreamless state that Logan explained they’d existed in for the last fifteen years.
He waited a beat just to make sure he had their permission. Roman, acting emissary, appeared. He simultaneously gave Thomas a thumbs down, shrugged, and stuck his tongue out: we don’t like it, but you do what you need. Thomas tugged the crystal off and felt a little lonely when their presences disappeared from the back of his head. After that, the filming session went fine.
Between managing his YouTube career, finding time for his friends, and practicing his steadily improving magic powers on unsuspecting shadow blobs, Thomas was busier than ever. So it surprised him when Patton started egging him to take a vacation.
“Now? Really?”
“Sure, kiddo! Don’t you deserve a mental health day?”
“I’m fine,” Thomas said with a frown. “I mean, I’m holding up okay…”
“He’s right, actually,” Logan said, popping into view in Thomas’ chair (Thomas and Patton were currently in the kitchen trying to cook up some Indian food, and it was going poorly). “We’ve been discussing this. While I agree it’s important to keep your mental state functioning properly, the purpose of this vacation would also be to allow your to exercise your powers in ways you might be less familiar wi–Patton, watch out!”
“Oops!” Patton had thrown a handful of curry leaves into a pan on the stove, which was filled with oil sizzling at max heat. It immediately burst into flames.
On instinct, Patton dodged in front of Thomas and shot a blast of air at the smoking pan. It did nothing but spatter oil droplets all over the table and Logan, who was unamused. Thomas put out the fire by scooping it up in his hands and extinguishing it.
“Patton, honestly. How did you ever feed yourself?”
“I get the feeling it involved a lot of ice cream for dinner!”
“Whew.” Thomas exhaled. Fire was actually a lot less scary when you could just kind of...erase it.
“As I was saying,” Logan said in a clipped voice, “by ‘vacation,’ we’re not telling you to hang around at home in your pajamas for three days. No, what we’re suggesting is that you go learn some history....about the origin of your powers.”
“Wow! I could do that?”
“Well, of course. Where do you think we got the crystal?”
“I have no idea! Where?”
Logan paused. “...We don’t know either. Our time in the crystal left our memories, ah, spotty. Some vital details such as this have been lost. However, Virgil, who tends to remember these things best, has an inkling of where exactly he obtained it.”
“That’s right,” Virgil said, appearing–and sitting on the table, but luckily his butt was a ghost at the moment anyway. He glared at Patton. “And jeez, Pat, were you trying to give me a heart attack?”
“Oi’l be more careful next time!”
“Pretending I didn’t hear that. Thomas, here’s what I remember. When we, uh. When we decided to test the whole crystal thing, we knew we needed a good one, obviously. We got our powers and then we started searching around for something, some kind of gem, that matched the parameters Logan laid out.”
“Robust. Undamaged. Prismatic. Sensitive to magic—by that, we mean whether it reacted when placed in certain stress simulations involving the shadows.”
“Uh, yeah. So I found a good one in this one super goth back-alley jewelry store–”
Thomas gasped. “Borgin and Burkes?!”
“No? I don’t know what that is? Look, anyway, I found a good one,  s–uhh, I stole it–”
“–and brought it back to everyone else.”
“You STOLE it?” Patton cried. “But that’s totally against why we wanted it in the first place! Fighting evil! Remember?”
“I know. But the alternative worried me more.”
“Well, I’m not really happy about that, sport, but it’s too late to do anything about it now. Maybe they won the lottery in the last fifteen years and got their money back…?”
“Virgil, do you recall the name and location of this place?” Logan asked.
“Can’t say I do. Well–I think it was near Florida. I remember driving for a while during the night. There was a lot of fog….I could sort of tune into it with my powers, so I could sense the surrounding area. Something was near me, like a big, dark cold spot. It might’ve been a shadow, but bigger than one I’ve ever seen.” He shuddered. “I had to get away from it, so I turned off the highway, drove for a while, stopped at a gas station, and...there it was.”
“Well, that’s vague,” Thomas mused.
“Do you think that we’d be able to recreate your path if Thomas were to search for it?”
“Uh….maybe? It’s possible?”
“That’s sufficient enough for me,” Logan declared. “All right, Thomas, the parameters of your vacation are this. You are to find the location and source of this crystal and interrogate the owners of the establishment for information.”
“Information like….”
“Well, whether there’s a way to expedite your learning process. Whether we can get out of this crystal. Perhaps we can find a way for all four of us to assume solid form without damaging you.”
“And this involves a lot of driving…” Thomas said to himself. “So, if this is really important to you guys, it sounds like we’re going on a–”
“ROAD TRIP!” Patton hollered, throwing up his arms and upturning the pan on the stove, which had been steadily burning their dinner to a crisp the entire time. Oil, curry, chicken, and the whole mess slopped onto the stove and promptly exploded in a shower of hot oil.
“...road trip.”
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seashellrosekitty · 6 years ago
Crestfallen | Part Three
Pairing: Scott McCall x Female Reader (eventually), Stiles Stilinski x Reader (platonic)
Wordcount: 2k 
Plot: You’re new to Beacon Hills, grieving your parents’ death. Scott befriends you in Biology class.
Chapter Characters: Natalie Martin, Lydia Martin, Stiles Stilinski, Coach Bobby Finstock, and Noah Stilinski; mentions of Isaac Lahey, Erica Reyes, and Vernon Boyd
Warning: Deep Angst. The reader’s character might come off as depressing to you. Real world AU - our beloved Alpha and Banshee are merely humans in this story.
A/N: First GIF isn’t mine. Got it from Google.
Part Two
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It was almost November, roughly two months since I moved in with the Martins. Each day was getting colder. Gloomier. Lots of times I had thought about home. I thought about my friends Erica, Isaac, and Boyd. We weren’t the cool kids. And we certainly didn’t dream of being the cool kids. We were what you would consider invisible and happy with it. There weren’t defining cliques in our school. The four of us had our own world. And the one thing we all loved was Coldplay. 
Isaac and Boyd worked at the local mechanic shop after school. Their thing was cars and motorcycles, but just like Stiles and Scott, they also had lacrosse to fill their afternoons and weekends. Erica loved going Star Trek conventions and more often than she should, to the hair salon. I, on the other hand, loved the movies. From the classics like Casablanca to pop culture ones like Pitch Perfect, I watched them all. I adore them all. 
Sure, we had a common denominator. But we talked about lots of things. You know that kind of friendship that doesn’t need a reason to be together? That’s how we were. How we used to be. I missed them so much. But at this point in my life, I was not ready to face them. Is that weird? I missed them, but I didn’t wanna see them?
On the first week of the month, I didn’t know much about what was going on with me, but it sure got me to trouble. It was a dreading week in gym class and Coach Finstock was being a lot more annoying than usual. Such a loudmouth. He kept calling whoever was not as peppy as he was.
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Unfortunately, I was one of those kids. Sometimes I mentally told him off, asking him what kind of teacher he is when he clearly lacks empathy or anything remotely close it. I mean, if a kid is less than energetic than other kids, what does that tell you?
I was getting annoyed by the way he kept snapping at me with his loud, phlegm-induced voice whenever he caught me just standing or sitting in a corner. No matter how loud he yelled me, he didn’t intimidate me at all. We had rock climbing and I didn’t want to participate. I was afraid of being up that wall, no matter how strong the harness was. There was no way I was going up.
“Y/L/N, everybody climbs! Now! Up you go!” He demanded. His voice was rough and loud, as always. I kept a straight face and didn’t move a foot. I already told him I didn’t want to go. I even explained how terrified I was of being up there. For some reason, his hostile temperament kept me calm no matter how I tried to explain and be firm with him.
I guess there was no way to reason with this guy. He turned his back on me when I thought I was still thinking, still trying to brace myself for that impossible climb, when I heard myself utter in my most sarcastic voice, “Up you go my ass.”
He turned around. He heard it. He heard me. Fuck.
“What was that young lady?” he threatened. My lips were sealed. But my eyes were screaming murder. “What? You’re mute all of a sudden?” He was chuckling now, enjoying this very moment of my embarrassment. Everybody was looking at us now. At me. I glared at everyone around us, looking at me. “Look, Y/L/N, I haven’t got all day. Detention. NOW.” I inhaled deeply and turned around. I could still feel my eyes murdering him. But somehow I was relieved for not having to climb that wall, but also just a tad bit worried about what Natalie would say. For sure, it was gonna be something I don’t wanna listen to.
I spent an hour in detention scribbling all sorts of profanity that I was screaming in my head. I drew trees. Lots of it. And they were all terrible ones. I’m no artist, that’s for sure. That whole hour, I realized how good Lydia and her friends were as students. They always had things coming and going. I think they were never in detention. I thought of them as my hand drew lines in my notebook.
Scott was getting mostly A’s in AP Biology. Two weeks ago, he started using big words like “ephemeral” in normal conversations. Everyday, he had a new word. I found it pretty funny, actually.
Meanwhile, Lydia got busy with her Math and Science clubs. There was an inter-school math olympiad competition coming up, and a science fair for middle schoolers that the high school Science club had organized. Stiles wasn’t academically competitive compared to the other two, but he devoted some of his free time helping out his dad at the police station. He’s so smart about detective stuff, I think he might join the police force in the future.
They’re such good kids. Sometimes I felt ashamed hanging out with them. Especially that Lydia is family. There’s always that thing. The chance to be compared to her. Anyway, I enjoyed detention. I was away from everybody. But as soon as the bell rang, my fun ended as well.
When Lydia and I got home, I rushed up to my room and buried my face to the bed. I felt like time was passing so fast that I could already picture Natalie’s face frowning at me. Judging me. The next thing I knew, Lydia was waking me up for dinner. I basically slept for two hours trying to escape this shithole I seem to have dug myself into.
I wasn’t wrong. I was bound to be confronted about my recent behaviors in school.
“I heard you were giving Coach Finstock a hard time today, Y/N,” Natalie began. I knew it. They pick up on trouble like fucking hound dogs. She didn’t even just call me to her office and waited ‘til all of us got home before she decided to do this talk. In front of the food. In front of my perfect cousin. I just looked at her as I picked on my food with my fork.
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“He’s the one who gave me a hard time. I didn’t wanna climb.”
“How do you expect to be graded if you don’t participate in class? And speaking of which, Principal Thomas told me you’ve been skipping classes, too.” I didn’t say anything back. I’m surprised she hasn’t noticed when she herself was in school every day as well.
I also didn’t look at her. But I could already feel my face heating up. Lydia’s wide eyes were on me too, of course. She didn’t know I was in detention. If people’s bodies appeared literally the way they felt, then my head must be burning now.
“You better fix that attitude, Y/N,” Natalie commanded.
“OR WHAT? What are you gonna do, huh? Tell my parents?!” I don’t know why I said that but it just came out. My heartbeat was picking up and I wanted to scream at her. Instead, I stood up quickly before she could say anything back and rushed to my room and locked myself in there.
I badly wanted to run away. No. I wanted to disappear.
That night, Natalie tried to talk to me. She knocked a few times but my lights were already off and of course, I pretended to be asleep. The next morning on the ride to school, Lydia and I were silent as dead people in a graveyard. I was still cranky from the night before. I probably looked like I could kill someone with just a look in the eye.
Stiles and I agreed to meet after school for another History project. I asked him if we could go to his house this time. I didn’t want to come home early. I told Lydia I would be with Stiles. I guess she hated my guts so much that she didn’t even bother hanging out with her boyfriend for a while.
Our History project involved a lot of research and analysis for a thorough report and debate due the following week. Talk about making things complicated. Our discussion started at 5 PM and ended at around 8:30, when his dad had just arrived from the station, bringing us dinner. We were so into our discussion that we totally forgot about dinner.
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An hour later, Sheriff Stilinski was already drowsy from drinking half a bottle of Jack while he studied cases from the station. He was talking to himself, trying to understand them. I watched Stiles get stressed over his dad. They would bicker just about anything, especially about food. At times, they forget I was around that they would exchange roles of being the parent and son in the room. Sometimes I found them amusing and sometimes I found things between them sad. A better term would be ‘bittersweet’. I never got to know this side of Stiles. I thought he was all sarcasm and jokes and the daily avoidance to face life’s shit. But here he was. Facing life’s shit daily.
He and his dad take care of each other. His mom passed away when he was young. Stiles had always made sure his dad ate well. Even though he allowed him to drink at night sometimes - just to soften a hard day’s work. Anticipating the day to come for another hardball to play was another thing, I guess. A drink, indeed, was necessary.
That night, Stiles caught his dad finishing a whole bag of fries from the takeouts. Of course, it was too late for anything except him scolding his dad about hypertension. After putting him to bed, he went downstairs mumbling, “People say it’s difficult to raise kids. But did they ever think of kids who try to raise their parents?” It was almost 9 PM and we just wanted to patch up a few details before calling it a night.
He offered to drive me home in exchange for finishing later than agreed. If I were to decide, I would say he needed the drive too. We were mostly quiet during the ride home. But I was comfortable with it. I wasn’t pressured to talk about anything. Stiles became someone so easy to be with. Perhaps that’s why, when he pulled over at the Martins’, I blurted out something that’s been in my head for a while.
“You’re lucky you still have your dad, Stiles,” I quietly said. He looked at me with the expression he’s never showed me before. I believe the word for it is ‘concern’. If not pity.
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“I’m sorry, Y/N/N,” he muttered. I guess it was ‘pity’ then. “I shouldn’t have complained. It just...gets really difficult sometimes.” It turns out, I judged him for pitying me. When did I become so snobby and judgmental?
“No. I’m sorry,” I insisted. “I didn’t mean for you to compare your life to mine. I’m just...I know I’d do the same if I were in your shoes. It’s not like we have a choice, right?”
He looked at me in the eyes almost without blinking. I could tell he was thinking of what he wanted to say to me. But instead, he gave me that sad smile I’ve been seeing everywhere - from almost everyone I spoke to. I didn’t resent him for that. His mom died too. I can’t imagine growing up without my mom. And he did. And he became this really strong person he probably doesn’t even know he is. Since then, I never looked at Stiles the same way. He was a responsible kid, no matter how strongly he wore that clown facade. He has earned my respect that night.
If one of my parents were still alive, I would do what Stiles does. I’ll make sure they live longer than they expect themselves to.
Part Four
@bojabee @jurrasicpork @thejourneyofabrokenheart @sav625 @kim-hunter5 @seninjakitey
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buttercreamblog · 6 years ago
Feeling Lucky
Also, I'm like dying for some really cute Seamus Finnigan stuff. I was wondering if you could write one where they're in sixth year, and Seamus manages to blow up their potion, and the reader was told by Slughorn to help clean Seamus up. While she's doing that, she fails to notice him staring at her, until he kisses her. I love your stuff, btw ❤❤
A/N: I was originally going to put the reader in Slytherin because ya girl loves Slytherin/Gryffindor pairings but decided to just not mention the readers house as I don’t know the house of the girl who requested it and it makes it easier for the audience to picture themselves you feel me?. Also I got locked out of this account for ages and forgot about it but I’m back and better than ever 
Seamus Finnigan. Y/N’s crush since he tried to turn water to rum in their first year. And now the partner assigned to y/n in potions for the remainder of the year, since their best friend used a product from Weasley’s Wizarding Wheezes to feign ailment in the first and most important class of the year. Whilst y/n was usually a fairly confident and outgoing person around friends, it seemed they had lost their voice upon being paired up with Seamus, despite his best efforts to crack jokes and make light hearted conversation.
“Did you see Snape’s hair today Y/N? Maybe in celebration of becoming the DADA teacher he had himself a bath!”
Y/N laughed along a little, trying to focus on brewing the Draught of Living Death Potion, chopping the Valerian root carefully. Perhaps if they were the most successful pair, Y/n could take the Felix Felicis and have enough luck to ask Seamus out successfully.
Seamus tried to continue, “I can imagine Snape acting scary while teaching but secretly having a rubber duck and a bubble bath in his own time. The prince of self care” he laughed to himself. Staring at y/n as they smirked at him yet still avoided eye contact.
Seamus groaned internally, his jokes were weak and y/n probably hated that they were paired together.
“Hey, even Snape deserves to indulge in himself every once in a while. You’re probably jealous because if you tried to take a bubble bath, you’d somehow blow up the whole bathroom” Y/n joked, feeling slightly more at ease now that they had something to laugh at.
Yet just like the potion before them, Y/N’s nerves still brewed just beneath the surface.
The small talk and occasional jokes continued until y/n somehow spilt the entire beaker of water onto them, the beaker shattering, and shattering the quiet of the classroom with it. Causing a few peers around them to look over. Whilst this was something y/n could usually laugh off, the event happening right next to Seamus made their stomach drop and heat rise to their cheeks.
“It’s no big deal y/n, just grab another one and we can fix the broken beaker with a simple spell later”! Seamus tried to comfort y/n noticing the growing agitation in his partner.
Y/N nodded at Seamus, approaching Professor Slughorn to grab a new beaker, and certain that they now had a very little chance of winning the potion of luck.
Meanwhile, Seamus who had done very little to help with brewing up the sleeping potion decided to add in a few more ingredients whilst Y/N was gone. He may not be very good at potions but surely he could do one thing. The potion had currently resembled a smooth blackcurrant-coloured liquid, meaning Y/N must have just placed in the Valerian roots. The liquid slowly turned into a deep purple as he poured in the entire bowl of Sopophorous bean juice into the cauldron. A smile broke out onto Seamus' face and his confidence grew as he realised he must have done it right. He was sure now that within no time at all Slughorn will give them the Felix Felicis and he will have enough luck to ask Y/N out.
Continuing, as to speed up the process, he poured all seventeen drops of Valerian root into the cauldron as Y/N approached with the new beaker in hand… Wait seventeen? That couldn’t be right. The potion which had turned from its most recent deep purple to a tar back started to steam, and he looked back to the instructions. Seven.
The state of the potion and the look of panic on Seamus’ face caught Y/Ns attention, “What did you-”
An explosion sounded before y/n could finish. Seamus, along with their lab desk and belongings, was lilac from head to toe
“Seamus, the potion was meant to be lilac, not you” Y/n laughed upon assessing that no one was hurt and no serious damage was done.
“WHAT HAPPENED?!” A shocked Slughorn sounded alarmed as he ran to where the two sixth years were standing.
“Too much, um…” Seamus blinked slowly, drowsiness taking over him. “Too much valerian root” he managed to expel from his mouth.
Slughorn peered into the cauldron, eyeing the last remnants of the Draught of Living Death. “Whilst the potion seems to be in excellent form, Mr. Potter achieved the same results without nearly blowing up my classroom,” he began, pointing at Harry, who was trying to hold off laughter directed towards his friends purple face, and nodding seriously as Slughorn looked at him.
“Finnigan. Y/L/N. You can both stay back after class to clean both yourselves and my classroom up. Harry, as you are the only one who has successfully gotten to the half-way point in the potion, you will be rewarded the Felix Felicis. And as for the rest of the class, you are all dismissed”.
The class piled out of the potions room slowly, Harry being the last one as Slughorn had to explain to him the risks of taking Felix Felicis. Finally Slughorn turned to Seamus and y/n who stood staring at their mess. “He will be fine once all of it is cleaned off of his body, but until then do not let him fall asleep.” Slughorn addressed Y/N before leaving. Y/N grabbed some cleaning supplies and with that Seamus began to clean the table in a lethargic nature.
“Hold still.” Y/n whispered, as they began to wipe away the remnants of the potion that lingered on Seamus’ skin.
Y/N’s stomach was doing somersaults, being so close to their long term crush. And noticing every little detail. The pairs faces mere inches apart; Seamus’ exhales became y/n’s inhales as they shared a single breath. Y/N could not make eye contact out of fear that their love for Seamus would become utterly obvious.
However, unbeknownst to y/n who had taken extreme interest in wiping Seamus’ face with a cloth, he looked at them with stars in his eyes. Overwhelmed and heart beating like a car alarm.
Slowly he took his hands to their face, wiping away the single drop that had landed on Y/N’s cheek. Seamus didn’t know what was coming over him, perhaps his Gryffindor nature was shining through because suddenly he felt an overwhelming sense of bravery. Y/n  looked up at him and simultaneously the pair leaned in, closing the space between them. Y/N was seeing stars, ecstatic that this was actually happening. The kiss lasted what seemed like an eternity as their lips intertwined, but every moment was pure bliss. Seamus certainly wasn’t going to fall asleep after this. When they pulled apart, both parties were gasping for air and grinning from ear to ear.
“Well I guess I didn’t need the Felix Felicis for luck after all” Y/n giggled.
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